01x06 - The Girlfriend

All episode transcripts for the TV show "The O.C.". Aired August 2003 - April 2007.*
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A troubled youth becomes embroiled in the lives of a close-knit group of people in the wealthy, upper-class neighborhood of Newport Beach, Orange County, California.
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01x06 - The Girlfriend

Post by bunniefuu »

pens at the front of the Cohen's house, Sandy, Kirsten, Seth & Ryan are unpacking the car of groceries

Sandy: (to Kirsten) are we worried your dad wont love us if we don't feed him enough?

Kirsten: alright starting now, no more digs at my dad

Sandy: oh honey, that wasn't a dig. Seth?

Seth: no...but when you called him a heartless bastard, that was a dig

Sandy: (to Seth) you sold me out!

Seth: (to Ryan) see they're like puppets and I'm puppet master

Ryan: world domination to follow

CUT TO: Kirsten & Sandy now in the house

Kirsten: (to Sandy) maybe you guys can make peace this weekend

Sandy: ok...oh-oh-oh no...wait we can't

Kirsten: why?

Sandy: I'm still Jewish! (Kirsten silently pretend laughs) just gettin it outta my system, I promise

Kirsten: wonder what his new girlfriends like

Sandy: I am sure she is very well paid (Kirsten gives him a look) I am on fire! look at you your wired, seein your parents should make you feel guilt not terror

Caleb: don't forget I'm also her boss

Kirsten: (shuts the fridge door and Caleb is standing there) Dad!

Caleb: speak of the devil and the devil he doth appear (kisses Kirsten) shalom Sandy

Kirsten: how long have you ben here?

Caleb: not long! the leer jet got here quicker then I expected, I used my key to get in

Sandy: so Caleb, where's your new girlfriend?

Caleb: she's taking a swim. where's my grandson?

CUT TO: Ryan & Seth still unpacking the car

Ryan: (to Seth) so your grandpa he-he basically owns Newport right

Seth: yes an... much like yourself he comes from humble beginnings, you guys'll probably hit it off

Ryan: I burnt down one of his homes

Seth: yeah but it was an accident he owns like a million of em its probably not even on his radar (Ryan looks worried) hey seriously do not worry about it ok look he lets my mom run the company now he's got a brand new girlfriend, he's very mellow

Caleb: (walking out the front door) Seth!

Seth: hey!

Caleb: hey! (hugs Seth)

Seth: how you doin?

Caleb: (looking at Seth's build) you're still not a football player

Seth: ah yes, no but thankyou, uh grandpa meet my friend Ryan

Caleb: (slightly cold) you're the kid that burnt down my house

(Ryan holds his hand out to shake it, Caleb doesn't reciprocate)

Seth: come on (nudges Caleb)

(Caleb shakes Ryan's hand)

Caleb: (to Seth) so you've gotta see my pictures from Spain an you gotta promise me to go to Barcelona while your still young

Seth: alright

Caleb: (to Ryan) you wanna take those an put em round by the grill

Seth: (to Ryan) hey (mouths something like it's fine, or don't worry)

(Caleb & Seth go inside, Ryan picks up the bag and carries it round to the grill then goes to go into the pool house - he stops when he sees a gorgeous blonde getting out of the pool. she stands there and wrings her hair out)

Gabriel: hi

Ryan: (smiles) hey

Gabriel: I'm Gabriel...I'm with Caleb

(Seth comes and stands with Ryan)

Seth: oh my god that could be my grandma (Ryan just stares without saying anything)

Theme Song - California by Phantom Planet

Seth & Ryan are in the spa & Gabriel is floating on a mat thing in the pool

Seth: (to Ryan) is it twisted to find my potential grandma really hot?

Ryan: not when she looks like that!

Caleb: Gabriel

Gabriel: yeah?

Caleb: we're gonna sit, drink some wine, catch up

Gabriel: ok, do you want me to uh

Caleb: lie out in the sun, get some colour. try to stay out of trouble (leaves)

Gabriel: (swimming over to the spa) can I join you guys?

(Seth & Ryan look at each other like 'this is to good to be true')

Ryan: yeah, yeah come on and uh

Seth: yeah, no yeah

(Gabriel sits on the side of the pool then slides over into the spa)

Gabriel: whoo, its warm (Seth & Ryan make room for her between them) ahhhh. so what's up?

Ryan: we were uh

Seth: we-we

Ryan: we were talkin about the uh

Seth: you were telling -he was telling me about-he was telling me about the thing

Gabriel: so this birthday party for Caleb it's like a who's who of Newport (Seth nods) should be wild huh

(Seth & Ryan look at each other)

Gabriel: I'm being sarcastic

Seth: ahh

Gabriel: mhmm

Seth: yes, we don't get alotta that around here

Gabriel: so who're you guys bringing?

Seth: I would say no one really

Ryan: yeah, same

Gabriel: your kidding right...there are no girls you wanna bring? two young hot guys like yourselves

Seth: (confused) are you still being sarcastic?

Gabriel: (smiles) no

Seth: her name is Summer

Gabriel: and, did you invite her yet?

Seth: I-its not that simple I mean

Gabriel: she can't say yes if you don't ask her

Seth: that is very wise Gabby

Gabriel: (to Ryan) what about you?

Seth: (to Ryan) did you ask Marissa

Ryan: I haven't talked to her in a while, I don't think she's gonna wanna go

Gabriel: and why not

Ryan: uh her family's kinda fallin apart, ah she's got this boyfriend she may be back with him, it's a long story

Seth: they've been goin out since like the 5th grade

Gabriel: (suprised) 5th grade, ok she needs to change it up, she's known that guy since he was eating paste

Seth: I think he still does

CUT TO: Marissa in her room, Luke knocks on the door

Luke: (knock) hey babe (Marissa sees him) you decent

Marissa: (smiles) hey, what are you doing here?

Luke: oh I was just uh came from the doctors, got my stitches out. thought we could celebrate by hittin the beach

Marissa: don't you think it's too soon? you should probably go home an rest

Luke: ugh, no-no that's all I've ben doing

Marissa: Luke! you got shot

Luke: yeah I know... (seriously) I know how lucky I am to have a second chance, that's why I don't wanna waste anymore time

Marissa: (confused) w-what'd you mean

(Luke gives Marissa a stuffed toy, she takes it and smiles)

Luke: I've ben an idiot. I never shoulda broken up with you in the first place, and now with everything that's goin on with your dad. the thing is you were there for me when I was in the hospital and now, I wanna be here for you (he goes to kiss her) its all just ben so crazy, I just wish we could be together, like it was

Marissa: I-I don't know

Luke: you don't have to I mean we can take it slow (Marissa smiles) tell you what lets just hang out here today, we'll sit by the pool or uh we'll watch a movie or somethin, whatever you want

Marissa: ok (half smiles)

CUT TO: Cohen's back yard. Seth, Ryan & Gabriel are now out of the spa. pans to Sandy, Kirsten & Caleb watching them through the window

Kirsten: Gabriel she seems...

Caleb: she's 24

Kirsten: I'm sorry

Sandy: oh she seems so...mature for her age (Kirsten looks at him and half smiles)

Caleb: these birthday festivities, we keeping them small right

Kirsten: it depends what you mean by small

Caleb: well, just the family the four of us, Gabriel

Kirsten: right, the four of us...Gabriel, Ryan and a hundred and fifty of your closest friends

Sandy: Cal she's ben workin over time on this thing, the menus, the invitations, on top of the mountain of work she's ben buried under

Caleb: is it to much?

Kirsten: no work is great, we're back on track with the new development

Caleb: yeah after your boy out there nearly burned it to the ground

Kirsten: we've had a few set-backs but the accident insurance more then covered the damages

Caleb: and then I hear that you've commissioned an architect that I've never approved to do the redesign

Kirsten: I commissioned a design but I would never build without consulting you

Caleb: honey you don't need my approval...after all you adopted the boy without consulting me

(Kirsten & Sandy both look at each other, shocked)

Kirsten: I would've uh called you about Ryan dad but there wasn't enough time

Caleb: I get it, I'm pushing you to hard, things are slipping through the cracks...which is why I've decided to scale back your responsibilities

Kirsten: you're demoting me?

Caleb: I wanna get more involved, give you a chance to spend a bit more time your new family, your new son (Kirsten is speechless) now then tell me all about Jimmy Cooper, son of a bitch lost four million dollars (laughs)

CUT TO: Jimmy in his home office, Julie comes in

Julie: I took Caitlyn by the stables to say goodbye to china, guess she won't be needing these anymore (puts the horse riding stuff on Jimmy's desk) you know I think China was her best friend

Jimmy: China's a horse (sighs)

Julie: maybe to you

Jimmy: hey y'know...I don't feel good about this

Julie: well you shouldn't

Jimmy: what'd you (sigh) what'd you want from me?

Julie: (sighs) I think I want a divorce (goes to leave then turns back) I'm sorry honey, I just don't see any other way (leaves)

CUT TO: Marissa's door, Ryan is there

Marissa: hey!

Ryan: I was on my way to work um y'know we hadn't talked in a while

Marissa: I was gonna call you

Ryan: nah its cool...so Kirsten's dads in town they're havin this uh

Luke: hey

Ryan: hi

Luke: (shaking Ryan's hand) hey how're you doin man?

Ryan: uh fine (Marissa looks uncomfortable)

Luke: yeah um I never got a chance to thank you for takin me to the hospital an uh givin Marissa a call

Ryan: yeah, no problem

Luke: yeah (to Marissa) uh hey do you have some aspirin or somethin, my arms killin me from the stitches

Marissa: yeah check in my parents bathroom

Luke: alright thanks (to Ryan) hey, take it easy guy

Marissa: so...what's going on?

Ryan: uh...I was gonna see if you wanted...to-I was gonna see how you were doin, you seem to be doin good. so...I'm gonna get to work, later (leaves)

(Marissa watches him go, she looks disappointed)

CUT TO: Ryan at the crab shack bussing tables. Gabriel comes in

Gabriel: hey

Ryan: hey

Gabriel: Seth and Caleb are sailing...I've never seen two people more excited about boats. Seth said you work here and I could use a cocktail

Ryan: uh...I can't serve you

Gabriel: right, your not legal (laughs) ah, how bout a cranberry juice

Ryan: that I can do (smiles)

Gabriel: alright (pulls out a mini bottle of alcohol from her bag) from the flight, I hate flying, you?

Ryan: I've... never ben on a plane

Gabriel: my first time I was fifteen, my mother sent me to Japan all by myself to do some modelling (Ryan looks at her) I guess she figured it was easier then her having to get a job

Ryan: I can relate

Gabriel: I've heard

Ryan: so uh, how'd the modelling thing turn out?

Gabriel: well when your a teenager and your living in a house with a bunch of girls...no parents, things can get a little insane (Ryan nods, listening) by the time I got clean I was 22...retirement age (off Ryan's look) you must think its weird, me with an older guy

Ryan: I live in a pool house (smiles)

Gabriel: mm (smiles) uh-hm so how'd it work out with your girl?

Ryan: whoo

Gabriel: paste eater

Ryan: they have a past

(in the background someone wants a refill, Ryan goes and serves her leaving Gabriel at the counter, smiling)

CUT TO: Kirsten & Sandy in the kitchen. Kirsten pours herself a coffee then throws the kettle down in the sink. she is clearly upset

Sandy: oh Kirsten...come on honey (holds her from behind) you could not have done more or done better

Kirsten: I just don't understand I've-I've worked so hard for him, I've k*lled myself for him

Sandy: well the man is a bottomless pit of need you think you can fill it, you can't. oooh (Kirsten turns to face him) you're amazing...if he can't appreciate you screw him...quit! (whispers) quit

Kirsten: you've never supported me working for him, you've never liked him

Sandy: your right I haven't, not since our wedding day when I watched you walk yourself down the aisle

Kirsten: he was in Singapore, there was a monsoon

Sandy: oh baby we changed the date three times for his schedule, he makes the world revolve around him including you!

Kirsten: Sandy...he's my dad

Sandy: and he's ruining your life...quit!

Kirsten: ...I can't

CUT TO: Ryan & Gabriel at the crab shack. They are sharing a plate of food, and talking

Gabriel: so you're living in a pool house and then...so what's next for you?

Ryan: what's next for you? the leer jet to London, Paris in the fall?

(Marissa walks in and sees Ryan with Gabriel)

Gabriel: (smiling) perhaps

Ryan: (sees Marissa) I'll be right back (walks over to Marissa) hey

Marissa: hey, got a minute?

(cut to them outside)

Ryan: what's up?

Marissa: I wanted to talk to you before but-

Ryan: Luke was there

Marissa: right (they look at each other) um...he wants to get back together

Ryan: (disappointed) what'd you tell him?

Marissa: I told him I needed to think about it

Ryan: ah huh

Marissa: (she clearly wants him to give her a sign, but he doesn't) (desperate) I don't know what I should do

Ryan: I don't know either (shrugs)

Marissa: I know I jus-

Ryan: look if you came here for me to help you choose

Marissa: of course not

Ryan: good (Marissa looks hurt) why don't you just let me know when you've made up your mind ok

Marissa: (almost crying) ok (walks away)

CUT TO: Ryan riding his bike & Seth on his skateboard

CUT TO: Marissa & Summer at some food place

Marissa: if he just said something, I mean I just wanted him to say anything

Summer: well you can't expect him to choose Coop, he comes from a place where they have like knife fights and drag racing and like sex on the hood of a car

Marissa: that's from fast and the furious

Summer: well that movie was based on a true story

Marissa: (laughs) no it wasn't

Summer: whatevs, all I'm saying is you have to do the choosing, not him or Luke (Marissa sighs)

CUT TO: Ryan on his bike & Seth on his skate board, they stop at the same place Marissa & Summer are. Marissa & Summer are now sitting at a table with food

Seth: its fate its-its destiny look we both like burritos

Ryan: you wanna eat somewhere else

Seth: (ignoring what Ryan said) who's winning right now me or my hair?

(Ryan looks at him, looks at his hair, then back over to the girls)

CUT TO: Marissa & Summer at the table

Summer: I'm gonna get us some (?)

(Summer gets up from the table and just as she turns around Seth & Ryan walk up)

Seth: hi Summer...Seth Cohen

Summer: could you give me a hand... (points) over here

(they both walk off leaving Ryan & Marissa alone)

Ryan: ok (sits down) I-I know you gotta figure some stuff out I get that but... in the mean time there's this party that uh well its for Seth's grandfather

Marissa: I know...I'm going...Luke asked me this morning

Ryan: (disappointed) cool well um... ill see you and Luke tomorrow night

Marissa: (nodding) yeah, see ya (Ryan leaves)

CUT TO: Seth & Summer

Seth: (?) aggressive (?) that's classic, holy jalapeno somebody came to play

Summer: ewww, are there any napkins

Seth: (looks then shakes his head) no

Summer: (holds her pinky out to him) lick it

Seth: (suprised) what

Summer: I just got my nails done, it'll ruin the polish

Seth: (making a face) you lick it!

Summer: I don't like picante, it's for Marissa (still holding her pinky out)

Seth: (hesitates then quickly licks it) uh-hm

Summer: thanks

Seth: it's good

Summer: now aren't you gonna invite me to your grandpas party

Seth: (speechless)...I'm sorry Summer could you please repeat that

Summer: your grandpas having this awesome party...it's-it's at your house and I thought we were friends

Seth: wait a second, do you want me to ask you cause you wanna go with me or just cause...you wanna go (Summer gives him a look) fair enough I'll see you at 8

CUT TO: Kirsten & Sandy in their bedroom

Sandy: hey

Kirsten: hey, how was court (kisses him)

Sandy: (excited) I was distracted all day and I couldn't help but think that if you quit d'you know what we could do

Kirsten: I'm not quitting

Sandy: no hear me out, we could find out who's living in our old house in Berkley, we could buy it back, you loved that house Seth loved that house

Kirsten: that house had bad plumbing an termites

Sandy: oh it was a fixer upper that we never got to fix up

Kirsten: (laughs) I know

Sandy: we moved here cause your mom got sick, we never planned to stay if you quit we could do anything we want we could go anywhere

Kirsten: no we-cant

Sandy: why not? Seth has been planning his exodus from this place since he was six Ryan wouldn't care, you-you could get that little gallery in Sorselido you've always dream of or the mission you could put your art history degree to good use

Kirsten: (smiling) I haven't thought about that gallery in years

Sandy: so (pulls her to him) think about it (kisses her) (holds her hands) think about it

CUT TO: Marissa & Summer in Marissa's room

Summer: (holding a dress) is this to slutty to wear to an old guy's birthday party, I don't want the dude to have a coronary

Marissa: I can't believe your actually going with Seth

Summer: aloha Caleb Nichol is like the Donald Trump of the west (Marissa half smiles) do you know how many hot rich 20 something banker brokers are gonna be there (Marissa looks at her and raises her eyebrows) alot and now I have someone to introduce me to them

Marissa: isn't that a little mean to Seth

Summer: to who? (Marissa looks at her) kidding!

CUT TO: Cohen house, everyone is seated around the table. Caleb is at one end & Sandy at the other. Kirsten & Ryan are on one side & Seth & Gabriel are on the other.

Gabriel: (to Kirsten) that was delicious Kirsten

Kirsten: well thankyou I order from them all the time (smiles)

Caleb: (laughs) less time at work more time for cooking

Sandy: yeah because there is just no place Kirsten feels more comfortable than in the kitchen

Seth: (looks at Sandy) what're you talkin about, mom can't even make cereal

Kirsten: (looks at Seth) thanks Seth!

Seth: I love you mom (makes a cutesy face)

Kirsten: I love you too (imitates Seth's face) (clears the table)

Caleb: you have a quick wit Seth, amazing you're not better at skirt chasing

Seth: oh... well if by skirts you mean girls in your outdated cowboy speak I have a little news for you it turns out that somebody has a date to your party (Caleb raises his eyebrows, Sandy looks impressed) and its not a big deal or anything but if you must know Summer asked me

Sandy: (suprised) oh Summer, wow, Summer's hot (Gabriel laughs)

Seth: you did not just say that

Sandy: (getting up) say what?

Seth: (mortified) jus go...please

Sandy: (suggestively) you go

Gabriel: (laughs) what about you Ryan

Ryan: (raises his eyebrows) nope, going by myself

(Gabriel is looking at Ryan, Ryan is looking at her & Seth notices them both. Caleb is oblivious)

CUT TO: The kitchen. Kirsten is rinsing plates and Sandy walks in

Sandy: Caleb seems to be in good spirits he just polished off his second bottle of merlot, now would be a very good time to talk to him

Kirsten: I don't know if I'm ready to have that conversation

Caleb: (walking in) have what conversation...got any grappa (holds up his empty glass)

Kirsten: yeah

Caleb: are you adopting another kid

Kirsten: it's nothing

Sandy: uh actually it it's something

Caleb: I've never known my daughter to need someone to speak for her

Sandy: maybe you've never really gotten to know your daughter (heatedly) if you did you'd know she is the best thing to ever happen to that company, you'd support her not demote her to the point where she wants to quit

Kirsten: Sandy!

Caleb: is that true you wanna quit?

Kirsten: no! I-

Sandy: Kirsten

Kirsten: (softly) we were talking!

Sandy: about selling this house and moving back to Berkley like we'd always planned

Caleb: you're not serious... (to Sandy) your still smoking the weed aren't you

Kirsten: dad!

Seth: (walking in and over hearing) dad you smoked weed

Kirsten: (to Seth) out-now! private conversation

Seth: (walking out) Ryan guess who's a stoner!

Sandy: honey don't be afraid of him

Caleb: (to Sandy) (heatedly) you keep your mouth shut, no one here cares what you think!

Sandy: don't talk to me like that in my own house!

Caleb: whose house is this? who built it-who paid for it?

Kirsten: dad!

Caleb: this is between you and me Kiki (o.s) your gonna get what you want anyway you always have

(Ryan, Seth & Gabriel are over hearing everything)

Ryan: should we...maybe go (Seth waves him off, listening)

Caleb: (o.s) adopting juvenile delinquents

Seth: maybe...lets jus

Gabriel: yeah lets (they all leave the table)

Kirsten: (o.s) your making a much bigger deal of this (on screen) it was nothing

Caleb: ehh it didn't sound like nothing...infact...thanks Sandy for letting me know how she feels, she would never tell me that she never tells me anything (Kirsten looks frustrated) if you wanna quit that's fine, ill expect your resignation in the morning (Kirsten looks upset) now then the grappa

CUT TO: the pool house - Ryan is reading, Seth is reading & Gabriel is playing a handheld game

Seth: so Gabriel I hear grandpas taking you on the helicopter tour tomorrow

Gabriel: yep...he wants to show me his Orange County empire (referring to the hand held game) (laughs) this game sucks!

Seth: let me see it (Gabriel gives it to him) Ryan, you've ben playing the pirate game...that's a little bit minty (throws it on the bed)

Gabriel: what else do you have?

Seth: (getting up) ill go get you pro skater 3, its good (turns at the door) hey we gotta go searching for my dads bong later alright

Ryan: (nods) mm

(Seth leaves, making Gabriel & Ryan in there alone)

Ryan: so, he always yell like that

Gabriel: pretty much...he's the boss and (getting closer to Ryan, she crawls over and sits closer to him) every relationship is a business relationship to him

Ryan: even yours

Gabriel: he'll only ever really love one woman and she passed away years ago...now he's just looking to stay entertained...keep from being bored...but aren't we all

(Ryan looks up at her, she runs her hand up the top of his leg)

Gabriel: (softly) I am so bored (getting closer to him)

Ryan: do you think-

Gabriel: shh don't think (kisses him, the second time Ryan kisses back)

Caleb: (o.s) Gabriel (they stop kissing) we're leaving-now

(Gabriel gets off the bed and fixes her clothes/hair)

Gabriel: back to the office

(Gabriel leaves, and Ryan is sitting there looking stunned and not quite sure about what happened)

CUT TO: Ryan & Seth in the pool. they are both on lounge things next to each other. Ryan is facing one way and Seth the other

Seth: how's Gabriel

Ryan: I dunno

Seth: oh really...ok Ryan let me present exhibit A to you she opted to forgo sailing to go to the crab shack

Ryan: soo, not everyone likes sailing

Seth: ok lets take it to exhibit B here...intense some would even say smoldering eye contact at the dining room table, she was mad dogging you and finally the clincher (Ryan looks at him) last night in the pool house she chose to sit on your bed even though there was an empty chair available

Kirsten: (coming outside) come on boys outta the pool, the caterers are here its time to get ready

Seth: ok (to Ryan) I would like some answers

Ryan: (completely straight faced) yeah ok we hooked up

Seth: (shocked) what?

Ryan: isn't that what you were asking with the whole exhibit A

Seth: (mouth open) I-noticed some heavy flirting yes... (softer) you hooked up with my grandma (Ryan moves his head to signal yes) (excited) actually that's kinda hot, how was it?

Ryan: no one can know about this, your grandpa can not find out

Seth: yeah I agree completely, how was it?

Ryan: it was good...weird...but good

Seth: (mouth open, lays back in shock) whoa...well what about Marissa

Ryan: what about her

CUT TO: Caleb's party

Kirsten: (to waiter) ah 73 don, yes that's his favourite, thankyou (to another waiter) is there cilantro in that ( waiter shakes her head) good he hates it (she re arranges a flower arrangement)

Sandy: (walks over) I can't believe you still went through with this whole thing

Kirsten: well I had no choice, even though you tried to sabotage the entire weekend (door bell, Kirsten and Sandy both go to answer it)

Sandy: oh honey I'm sorry I jumped the g*n last night. ready? (Kirsten nods and Sandy opens the door)

Gabriel: hello

Kirsten: hi, dad you made it (hugs & kisses him)

Caleb: you're not disappointed

Kirsten: no

Gabriel: (to Sandy) how're you doin (kisses him on the cheek) nice to see you

Caleb: (to Sandy) Sandy (shakes his hand)

Sandy: hey happy birthday Caleb

Caleb: thankyou

Sandy: (to Gabriel) can I get you a drink?

Gabriel: (nods) absolutely (they walk off)

Kirsten: (shutting the door) dad happy birthday!

Caleb: thanks

Kirsten: ah look...about the other night

Caleb: oh, just forget about it just ah make sure that you let me know when you plan to give notice so that I can hire your replacement (laughs) hey quite a party

(Caleb leaves and Kirsten is left standing there upset that he doesn't care)
CUT TO: the backyard - Ryan has just come out of his pool house to join the party. Gabriel walks over to him

Ryan: (sighs) you look uh... (swallows) wow

(Gabriel licks a cherry then goes to put it in Ryan's mouth. Ryan takes it off her and eats it)

Gabriel: you clean up good

Ryan: uh (half smile) are you tryin'a get caught

Gabriel: find me later (walks off, Ryan doesn't know what to make of it)

CUT TO: Summer, Marissa, Julie & Luke inside, they have just got there

Marissa: I wish dad would come

Julie: why, so you could break up another brawl (off the faint Julie) oh hi, how are you (walks off)

Seth: (walking up behind them) hey Summer... ah you-look yeah... uh-uh hey Marissa (she hugs him on the side) hi Luke

Luke: Cohen (shakes his hand) how you doin, its good to see you

Seth: (disbelievingly) it is

Luke: so this is your place, it's beautiful

Seth: oh, thankyou

Luke: hey Mariss somethin to drink?

Marissa: sure (they walk off)

Seth: ok he got shot in the arm not the head

Summer: ugh, come on don't you wanna show me off (they walk off)

(pan to Ryan coming into the room, he looks over and sees Luke holding Marissa's face and they are both smiling/laughing. Ryan turns away hurt, he walks out going past where Seth & Summer are)

banker guy: (heard faintly as the camera is on Ryan) I'm in private equity and portfolio management

Summer: (to banker guy) really private equity and portfolio management sounds fascinating (Summer looks at Seth as if to say doesn't it, Seth just looks bored)

CUT TO: Sandy outside, he sees Kirsten sitting down through the window and goes to see her

Sandy: it's a great party (walks over) everybody seems to be havin a good time (rubs her arm from behind)

Kirsten: almost everybody (takes a sip of her wine)

Sandy: oh look-look I-I...I wish I could tell you I'm sorry but I'm not

Kirsten: ok worst apology ever

Sandy: (sitting) you know I'm no good at those, look the important thing is it's out there, you spoke your mind

Kirsten: (turning round to face him) NO! you spoke my mind

Sandy: I thought we had an understanding I-I thought this was what we both wanted

Kirsten: it is...it was

Sandy: I knew it you're backin down, he's ben doing this to you for twenty years

Kirsten: my dad isn't the reason we stayed here...we are we chose this (Sandy looks at her) if your telling me that all this time you've ben unhappy that this isn't what you want...then this is a much bigger conversation

CUT TO: Julie is talking with a group of ladies, Jimmy comes in behind them

woman: (to Julie) it's Jimmy!

Julie: (to women) excuse me (walks over to Jimmy) I told you not to come, what the hell are you doing here!

Jimmy: hey hey I-I've got a plan ok just take it easy, a chance for everything to go back to the way it was

Julie: you built a time machine

Jimmy: Caleb Nichol employs thousands of people, none of whom are more experienced or qualified as I am. how big a leap can it be from investing in stocks to investing in real estate?

Julie: you are not seriously considering asking him for a job

Jimmy: why not

Julie: this whole community thinks you're a criminal Jimmy! Caleb Nichol owns the community what makes you think he feels differently

Jimmy: the guy loves me, he has since I was a kid he taught me how to sail, when I was in junior high school he tried to convince me to propose to Kirsten

Julie: (sincerely) please...don't even think of talking to him

Jimmy: look I'm sorry but if there's a chance that I can save this family (shrugs) I'm gonna take it (walks off)

CUT TO: Summer & Marissa walking around inside

Summer: this party rocks, I cannot believe David Manpearls here

Marissa: who?

Summer: (walking in the bathroom) the senior vice president of the wealth management division at McKenna, y'know the venture capitalist firm. he manages wealth AS A JOB! (Marissa looks at her) I've ben reading Forbes

(we see them in the view of the mirror from this point)

Marissa: (laughs) uh I see

Summer: so you chose Luke huh Chino didn't stand a chance I told you Luke was the one (touches up her lipstick)

Marissa: no you didn't (touches up hers)

Summer: well I meant to...you guys are all over each other (excited) did you? did it happen?

Marissa: no!

Summer: well his will power is amazing the fact that you two haven't had sex

Marissa: Summer!

Summer: Coop! what more do you want? he's beautiful, sweet, totally-crazy about you (Marissa half smiles) what are you waiting for?

Marissa: ...I...dunno

Summer: well you better figure it out because he is not gonna be able to wait forever (leaves)

CUT TO: Ryan in the pool house listening to music, Gabriel comes in. back to Marissa thinking in the bathroom, she looks like she's made a decision and leaves. back to the pool house

Gabriel: what're you doing

Ryan: nothin

Gabriel: somebody's hiding

Ryan: nah I'm just uh-

Gabriel: bored (walks over to him) me to

Ryan: I've heard

Gabriel: she's just a girl

Ryan: (standing up) I know

Gabriel: so why are you hiding from her

Ryan: I'm not

Gabriel: (softly) I don't believe you

(she pushes Ryan back on the bed and gets on top of him, she kisses him and he kisses back)

Ryan: still bored?

Gabriel: not so much (kisses him)

(you see Ryan running his hand up her leg which lifts her dress a little exposing her thigh, then up her back. she is rocking back and forth on him, and its getting more heated . he undoes her top around her neck and lets it fall so you can only see her bra on her top half. (hear the sound of the door handle being pushed down) they both look towards the door to see a shocked/stunned Marissa standing in the door way)

Marissa: oh sorry I-I thought (Ryan sits up and looks at her) (hurt & confused) sorry (leaves and slams the door)

CUT TO: Marissa running away from the pool house almost crying, she goes into the kitchen and is clearly looking for someone. she sees Luke goes up to him and kisses him

Marissa: (grabbing his hand) lets go

Luke: (follows) yeah ok

(Ryan is running after Marissa. you see Marissa sitting in Luke's car and Luke getting in)

Luke: we could go to my place, my parents went to Palm Springs

Marissa: yeah sure, great

(Luke drives off just as Ryan comes out the front door)

CUT TO: Jimmy walking with Caleb, they go passed Seth, Summer & another guy

(Seth has his head back, and mouth open clearly not wanting to be there)

Summer: pharmaceuticals isn't that the largest growing industry in North America

(pan to Julie seeing Jimmy & Caleb together, she looks worried)

Caleb: (o.s) remember the old days Jimmy, where has the time gone

Jimmy: (shakes his hand) great to see you again as always

(Caleb walks off and Julie walks over smiling)

Julie: hey, congratulations looks like you got yourself a job huh

Jimmy: oh yeah Caleb couldn't a ben nicer when he said...there was no way he could hire me

Julie: (smile gone) well, hate to say I told you so

Jimmy: no you don't (Julie goes to walk away) where're you goin

Julie: (turning back) to finish what you started (walks over to Caleb who is with a guy) happy birthday Cal

Caleb: Julie, thankyou (to guy) I'll call you next week (to Julie) how are you

Julie: uh well I'm sure you've heard, Kirsten's brought you up to speed

Caleb: I'm really sorry, about everything, I really liked your husband

Julie: soon to be ex-husband...can't expect me to stay with him not after he's lied to me, left us with nothing

Caleb: nothing

Julie: yeah, I mean I spose I'm gonna have to get a job now doing god knows what, its not like I have any marketable skills

Caleb: I'm sure that's not true, you know if there's anything that I can do for you or the girls

Julie: oh you're very very sweet and very busy (kisses his cheek) I just wanted to say happy birthday

Caleb: I'm never to busy for you, we'll have dinner figure something out

Julie: I'd like that, thankyou (smiles) (walks off)

CUT TO: the backyard, Summer is walking up to Seth who is sitting on a chair backwards and looking completely bored/fed up.

Summer: hey, what're you doing I need you to introduce me t-

Seth: ok you know what Summer ah no

Summer: what

Seth: this whole night all you've done is use me to meet rich older guys

Summer: (offended) that's-not true (Seth gives her a look) ok... maybe a little

Seth: do you have any idea how pathetic it is to sit there an listen to you babble about mergers and acquisitions while some guy just stares at your boobs

Summer: which guy was starting at my boobs (looks around)

Seth: who cares (stands up) listen to me the point is that that guy doesn't you, he doesn't care about who you really are. infact he has no idea that every day of 3rd grade you shared your lunch with that little skinny squirrel that kept getting his nuts stolen by that fat squirrel

Summer: I hated that mean squirrel

Seth: and-none of those guys were there when you had to read your poem aloud in class and your hand was shaking because you were nervous and you cared what the other kids thought

Summer: poem...what poem?

Seth: ...I--wish I was a mermaid

Summer: (smiling) you remember that? that was like sixth grade

Seth: I--wish I was a mermaid and...was friends with all the fish, a shiny tail an sea shells I (Summer kisses him) I w-wish

Summer: (smiling) oh I gotta go there's that investment banker from Woodward & McDunoff...its ok I'll introduce myself (walks off still smiling)

Seth: (rubs his hands together) this is the greatest party ever

CUT TO: Caleb looking at a bottle of win, Sandy walks up

Sandy: she has no intention of quitting

Caleb: didn't sound that way to me

Sandy: oh I wish she would so-so we could-we could get the hell away from you

Caleb: if you're looking for a fight

Sandy: no save it, you an I both know the only reason your punishing her is cause she is doing so well without you, your afraid she's not gonna need you to tell her how to run the company or her family and I got news for ya she's better then you at both...if you don't wanna lose her then just let her keep doin what she's ben doing, you'll stay rich she'll be happy an I'll-ill figure out a way to make it work

Caleb: I need a corkscrew (walks off)

CUT TO: Kirsten talking to some guests

Kirsten: have a nice time

(guests walk off & Kirsten looks lost, Caleb walks over to her)

Caleb: big party Kiki...your mom woulda loved it...birthday's holidays she always loved a good party

Kirsten: (starting to smile) she did (smile goes)

Caleb: I miss her

Kirsten: (sadness in her voice)I know...me too

Caleb: your sister...you ever hear from her

Kirsten: I wanted to invite her but I didn't know where to reach her, the number I have is no longer in service

Caleb: (sigh) and then there were two

Kirsten: yeah you could... look at it like that

Caleb: you're all I got Kiki and if I'm running you so ragged you haven't got time to talk to me anymore

Kirsten: that's not true and you know it...I love working for you...I just want you to be prouda me

Caleb: ...taking in a stray kid, that's the sorta thing your mom woulda done

Kirsten: yeah except she woulda done it just to piss you off

(they both laugh)

Caleb: (kisses her head) don't be late Monday (Kirsten smiles)

CUT TO: Ryan sitting on the stairs, Gabriel sees him and goes up

Gabriel: hi

Ryan: hi

Gabriel: so I guess she likes you, hmm

Ryan: I guess...she did

Gabriel: oh, you look so sad I...I'd give anything to be that miserable...cause if I remember correctly that's what it feels like to be in love

(she runs her fingers through his hair, touches his arm then leaves. Ryan just sits there, almost crying)

CUT TO: Marissa & Luke in Luke's bedroom. they are making out on his bed. you see Luke's hand over Marissa's thigh which shows she's only wearing her underwear and nothing on top. goes between close ups of their bodies, and them kissing. It's very steamy

Luke: I love you so much

(Marissa rolls him over and gets on top of him)

Luke: do you...are you... (makes a face to signal 'going further')

Marissa: (her nose is on his) ok

Luke: yeah, you sure?

Marissa: yeah, I wan' to

Luke: well should I grab a...

Marissa: yeah, ok

(He rolls her over so she's now under him, kisses her then moves to the other side of the bed. Marissa rolls over to face the camera, she puts her finger to her lip and looks unsure about if she really wants it, she sucks in her bottom lip and looks almost sad)

CUT TO: Ryan sitting on the front steps of the Cohen's, he hears a car pull up and walks over to the railing. he looks down and sees Luke's car)

CUT TO: Inside Luke's car

Luke: do you want me to walk you in?

Marissa: no, thanks

Luke: (leaning to her) I love you (kisses her)

Marissa: love you too (gets out and waves bye to him)

(Marissa rummages through her bag trying to find the key, she looks up and Ryan is walking over)

Marissa: (sigh) huh... you're too late (almost crying)

(she turns around and goes inside, leaving Ryan standing there hurt and shocked)
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