04x10 - Crash Into Me Pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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04x10 - Crash Into Me Pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Credit & Thanks to ~ Vibrant Fields ~

Previously on "Grey's Anatomy" ...

View of Bailey running into the Ambulance Bay with the overturned ambulance

View of Callie in Exam Room: this is mary daltry. She lost consciousness behind the wheel.

Mary: How's shane ... my partner?

View of Shane in the Exam Room: I just didn't want her to see. I thought she might take offense.

View of Stan pinned under the ambulance: Can you get my wife?

Stan's Wife Sara (crouches down beside him): Baby?

View of Mary in her Exam Room: You're gonna drill into my skull?

View of Derek operating on Mary: Are you kidding me? The navigational system is dead?

View of Ray in the ambulance hanging over Stan: Damn it, stan. Stan. Stan.

View of Ava talking to Alex: Can I watch the surgery? Can I ... can you sneak me in?

View of Izzie seeing Lexie sit next to Ava in the Gallery: (to Alex) you're busted.

View of Meredith and Derek getting dressed in a supply closet: Meredith V.O. I'm going to tell him. I don't want him seeing other people.

Then in Scene: Derek: What?

IN Sceene: Meredith: Nothing. I'm ... gonna be late.

View of Bailey's Kitchen, Tucker Sr to Bailey: We need to talk.

View of patient Jacob, Shot of wife, with Jacob's V.O.: My wife gets panicky if she doesn't know what's going on.

View of Izzie speaking to Jacob: I will keep her updated.

View of patient Nick talking to Lexie: You seeing anyone?

View of patient Nick with his artery blowing out.


View of skyline, ambulance flipping, computer screen, then Meredith and Christina dancing in slow motion blurry as in a dream

MVO: At the end of the day, the experience of practicing medicine bears little resemblance to the dream.

Scene of Alex and Ava Kissing

Ava: Are you ... are you ... are you really okay?

Alex: Yeah. (he kisses her again)

Ava: Alex, come on.

Ava: That was intense ... intense and crazy and just awful. H-how can you be okay after a day like that?

Alex just pulls her back to him and kisses him again.

MVO: We go into medicine because we want to save lives.

View of O.R. Christina and Lexie

Christina: You did a good job today, and it was not easy. What you did was not easy. It was brave.

MVO: We go into medicine because we want to do good.

View of Sloan and Callie in lounge. Sloan is standing looking wiped out. Callie is sitting on the couch staring at him.

MVO: We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride. But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses.

Shot of George and Izzie lying on their couch at home. Izzie is silent. George is staring at her not knowing what to say.

MVO: What we lie awake at night replaying is the pain we caused ... the ills we couldn't cure ...

Shot of Derek at the nurses station. Meredith walks up to him.

MVO: the ills we couldn't cure

Meredith: I don't want you to date other people. It may not be enough for you, but I'm trying here. I don't want you to date anybody but me.

Shot of Webber at night in the ambulance bay, the last damaged ambulance is on a truck bed and hauled away.

MVO: The lives we ruined ... or failed to save. At the end of the day, the reality is nothing like we hope.

The scene has turned into day and the ambulances reappear, chaos is surrounding him.

MVO: The reality is, at the end of the day, more often than not, turned inside out and upside down.

Webber (to nurses coming out of the doors): Over here! (to Meredith in the ambulance) Meredith, get in there. We don't have time to lose.

Meredith: Okay. I got the shirt open. I'm almost there.


Nick's Room; Nick's artery is still bleeding and he is freaked out. Lexie is attempting to apply pressure to his neck.

Lexie: Stop! Stop! Stop! Just hold still!

Nick tries to calm down.

Lexie: Okay. Okay, that's it. I got ... I got it. It stopped. I got it. (She is covered in blood and can't remove her hands from his neck.)

Nick: Holy crap. My artery blew.

Lexie: Your artery blew.

Nick: I didn't think that would really happen. I mean, I thought it was something that the doctors say might happen because they have to, but I didn't think that it would really happen.

Lexie: Me neither.


OR with Derek can't remove the probe he is holding from Mary's brain.

Rose: Their local tech's in spokane.

Derek: That's five hours away. Did you tell them I was in the middle of somebody's brain?

Rose: Yes. The tech is still in spokane. (beat) You can't just pull the probes out and go to a full craniotomy?

Derek: No. (turns to intern beside him)Why not?

Steve: Uh, the probe is in the tumors. Pulling out without the navigation system could damage the brain tissue. And you can't leave the probe in very long without risking swelling.

Derek: That's good. What's your name?

Steve: Two. Steve. Steve Mostow. Dr. Steve Mostow, intern.

Derek: All right, steve, I need you to run to the nurses' station. Tell them to make an announcement. Tell them we need computer technicians in O.R. Three. Go fast, and scrub in on your way back.

Steve: Yes, sir.

Rose: Dr. Shepherd.

Derek: Yes.

Rose: I did three semesters in computer science before I switched to nursing. I don't know what's wrong, but if it's something reasonably basic, I.

Derek: I'd feel a lot better about this if your voice wasn't shaking.

Rose: My voice shakes when I'm nervous. I'm an imperfect person, but it doesn't mean I can't fix the computer.

Derek: All right, rose has three semesters of computer science at ... what school did you go to?

Rose: Santa Cruz.

Derek: That's a party school.

Rose: You want to insult my education, or do you want me to try and help you save your patient?

Derek: Ay, who can beat three semesters of computer science at santa cruz? Anybody? Okay, give it a shot.

Rose: I appreciate the vote of confidence. (She turns and goes behind the machine.)


Ambulance Bay; Meredith is doing a sonogram on Ray's chest inside the ambulance.

Meredith: Can you see anything yet?

Webber: Uh, I see the diaphragm moving. Move it up a little more. Meredith?

Meredith: I'm working on it.

Ray: You're not doing a very good job.

Meredith: I am doing a damn fine job. Don't you worry.

Ray: Can you ... can you ... can you close his eyes?

Meredith: What?

Ray: Stan ... can you ... can you close his eyes?

Meredith (to Stan): I'm sorry ... so sorry.

Webber: Meredith, um, uh, stop. Stop right there. I want to freeze that frame. Yeah, his pericardium's full of blood.

Ray: That's not good. That's not good at all.

Webber: Oxygen, I. V. Start kits. Arnie, monitor. Uh, you, pericardiocentesis kit. His anaty's all screwed up because he's hanging upside down. Get someone from cardio. Go.


Scrub Room; Bailey and Christina enter after finishing with patient Shane.

Bailey: I got tucker waiting for me in the lobby, and I'm already late. Do me a favor and take the patient through the post-op?

(Christina stares at her)

Bailey: What?

Christina: Okay, I wanted to say that when you took me off of Hahn's service today. ...

George: Dr. Bailey, there's something wrong with him. His blood pressure's bottomed out. Dr. Bailey?

Bailey: O'Malley ... okay, I need you to talk to tucker. I need you to ask him to wait. And he's not going to be inclined to wait, so I need you to ask him nicely. Can you please go and ask him nicely to wait?

George: Yes, ma'am.

Bailey: I won't be long.


OR; surgery on patient Jacob

Hahn: You see this, Stevens? The sternum's cleaned out, which means we're almost outta here.

Sloan: You don't want to stay and watch me work?

Hahn: You know, it's offensive, Dr. Sloan, flat-out.

Sloan: I asked you if you wanted to stay and watch me work. How's that offensive?

Hahn: Oh, and now you play dumb? Does that work for you because of the way you look?

Sloan: What the hell are you talking about?

Hahn: I'm saying, if you were homely, you would've lost your job a long time ago. (Phone rings and is answered by a nurse)

Nurse: Dr. Hahn, the chief needs you in the ambulance bay. We have a paramedic with cardiac tamponade.

Hahn: All righty, then. Let's go, Stevens.


Nick's Room; Lexie is still holding Nick's neck and she is starting to panic

Lexie: Okay. Nick, can, uh, can you reach your call button?

Nick: I think so. (he reaches for it, but her fingers slip and blood starts to spurt)

Lexie: No, no, no, no. Don't move that much. Okay, um, uh ... just ... can ... can you reach your phone ... without moving very much?

Nick: I think so. I think so. (he slow reaches without look to the phone on the desk.) I got it.

Lexie: Okay, good. Good, good, good. Okay, um, dial ... al 8, okay?

Nick: okay. (he finds the button without looking) Is that ... is that 8?

Lexie: Okay, okay. Put it to my ear, okay?

(Nurse on the other end): hello, nurses' station.

Lexie: Hi. Hi, uh, this is Dr. Grey. Um, yeah, Mr. Hanscomb's carotid just blew. Uh, c-c-can you page Dr. Sloan for me, please? A-and also Dr. Yang? And ... ah! (the artery starts to spurt some more) I'm gonna go ahead and call this a code blue. Yes, code blue. Can you announce that, please?

(Nurse on the other end):Right away.

Lexie: Thank you. Okay, you can put it down now.

Nick: Code blue. That means I'm dead, right? I mean that's what they call when people go, like, flatline?

Lexie: No. I figure we can use all the help we can get.

(a team of nurses come in and start to set up in the room)


OR; Christina and Bailey are back in the surgery on patient Shane. A pager on a table goes off.

Bailey: I don't care who it is. I don't care who it is, Jolene. I am leaving this hospital when I am finished here. I don't care if the patient is on fire. I'm not scrubbing in anywhere else.

Nurse: It's Dr. Yang's. Lexie Grey is paging you 9-1-1. Dr. Yang, your intern called a code blue on a patient who apparently is not code blue.

Christina: What do you mean? Why would she call a code if- -

Bailey: Go find out.

Christina: Well, I thought you needed me here. You said you needed me here, and that's why you pulled me off of cardio.

Bailey: No, I'm fine. Go kick some intern butt.

(Christina leaves)


Nick: How you doing, Dr. Grey?

Lexie. I'm okay. You okay?

Nick: Well, I'm a little freaked out if I'm being honest. Mostly 'cause you look like carrie at the prom. Seriously, you're wearing, like, half my blood.

Lexie: Which is why we're hanging some more right now.

Tyler: I'm having trouble getting a vein.

Lexie: Why?

Tyler: He's hypovolemic. His veins are flaccid.

Nick: That's not a nice thing to say. That ... that's not a nice thing to say at all. Ow! okay! (He clearly was hurt with the IV line and starts to move around in pain) Son of a bitch! (Lexie is having a hard time keeping her fingers in place on his neck)

Lexie: It's okay!

(Christina enters)

Christina : Grey, stop that bleeding.

Lexie: It's okay. I ... my hand slipped. I-I got it.

Nick: That ... that can't happen anymore. That can't happen anymore, okay?

Christina (quietly to Lexie): Just apply steady, firm pressure.

Lexie: I-I called for Sloan. Should we just take him to an O.R.? Or ...

Christina; No, there's no O.R. I was just down there.

Lexie: Oh. Tyler, uh, you should run and get some more blood. Just in case, okay?

Christina: Keep applying pressure. I'm gonna go get Sloan.

Lexie: Wait, you're leaving?

Christina: I'll be right back. You can do this. You're doing this.


Sloan: Are you seeing this, Karev? How I'm tightening the cable by hand?

Alex: Yeah.

(They continue working. Sloan looks around. Sees Ava in the gallery.)

Sloan: That's my face.

Alex: What?

Sloan: Up there in the gallery, I built that face. That's jane doe. The one with amnesia. Is she a surgeon?

Alex: I don't, uh ...

Sloan: Oh, you are ... you are so busted.

Christina enters the OR doorway: Dr. Sloan, it's nick hanscomb. His carotid blew.

Sloan: Karev, I need you to irrigate thoroughly, finish up and pack the wound.

Alex: Wait, you're leaving?

Sloan: He can survive without me. My other guy can't.

Christina: Oh, there's no O.R. Available.

Sloan: This one will be. (to Alex) I need you to get this room turned around asap. I'm bringing down my carotid bleed.


Waiting room; George (still in scrubs) runs in

George: Tucker.

Tucker: She's busy, right? She can't make lunch?

George: No, she can. She can make lunch. Just a slightly later lunch. She's in surgery.

Tucker: Always is.

George: Yeah, it's just taking a little longer than she ex-

Tucker: Always does.

George: she's having a really bad day. She's saving the life of a white supremacist. This is not a good day. So she asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind just waiting just a little while longer, please. She did say please ... which, as you may know, is not a word she uses that frequently, so ... she really is sorry. It ... this shouldn't be much longer.

Tucker: Fine. But tell Miranda I said don't keep me waiting long. (beat) Please.

George: Okay. (and he leaves)


Waiting Room; Lucy (Jacob's daughter) is looking over the shoulder of her sister

Mrs. Nolston: Lucy. (Lucy moves to her mother and sits down beside her)

(Izzie and Hahn enter in the background. Izzie sees Jacob Nolston's family)

Izzie: Uh, if it's all right with you, I'd like to update Mr. Nolston's family and meet you in the ambulance bay. (Hahn looks at her and walks away testily. Izzie follows her.) He's your patient. Don't you want me to keep the family informed?

Hahn: I want you to think like a surgeon. You're thinking like a social worker, and if you want to be a social worker, you can save yourself a lot of effort, because the training is 2 years, not 12. But if you want to be a surgeon, you ca update the family when the crisis has passed.

Izzie: You're right. Absolutely. I'm sorry. I, uh... ( she takes a breath and follows Hahn into the ambulance bay)


Mary's OR. Everyone is still waiting. Steve returns and a nurse helps him into a gown.

Derek: Steve.

Steve: Uh, yes, sir?

Derek: Did you bring anybody with you?

Steve: Uh, no. The nurses made an announcement, and I waited, but no one came.

Derek: Rose?

Rose: Damn. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

Derek: Rose?

Rose: I don't have the steadiest hand. I need to reconnect some wires, and I don't have the steadiest hand, and when you talk to me, it is less steady.

Derek: So it's about the wires?

Rose: I think so. I'm pretty sure.

Derek: All right. I'll do it.

Rose: What?

Derek: I'll do it. You said yourself you don't have steady hands.

Rose: Because I'm nervous.

Derek: Yeah, no, I got that. Let me take care of the wires. I'm a neurosurgeon. I have steady hands.

Rose: You're holding the leads in the patient's brain.

Derek: Okay. Steve, how's your hand? Is it steady?

Steve: Uh, yes, sir.

Derek: Good. It better be or you'll k*ll my patient. Hold this very, very still.

Steve: Yes, sir. (Steve is now holding the wires)

Derek: Very still. Good. (he moves away to a nurse) Sterile sleeves, gloves, please. (to Rose) Tell me what I've got to do.


OR; Bailey is operating, George returns.

Bailey: You talked to tucker?

George: Yes. He says as long as you're out soon, he'll wait.

Bailey: (looking at the patient) Oh, mother of ... the hepatic vein was injured. (to nurse) Uh, can you check for a new murmur?

Nurse: Yeah, checking now.

Bailey: O'Malley, I need you to go talk to tucker. Just ask him to wait a little longer.

George: But I just scrubbed in.

Bailey: O'Malley! Ask him.

George: Yes, ma'am. (He leaves)

(Bailey is unhappy about the situation. She looks at her patient and leans towards him.)

Bailey: A person can only rise so high. Now I'm rising above, but there's a ceiling, and I'm about to hit it. (a monitor starts beeping in the background.) (to the nurse) Let me guess. Air embolus? (Nurse nods solomnly) (Bailey gives a heavy sigh and looks at her patient.)


Ambulance Bay. Still alot of activity. Webber is preparing an IV while talking to Hahn and Izzie.

Webber: We're about to start the pericardiocentesis. But with the position of his body, the blood won't be pooled to the base of the heart, so I...

Hahn: I'd still use the subxiphoid rather than the parasternal.

Webber: Right. Okay. Meredith, did you hear that?

Meredith: Yeah. Is the kit ready yet?

Webber: Yeah, I'm getting it ready for you now.

Meredith: How you doing, Ray? (Ray doesn't look so good)

Hahn (from a distance): Grey, you've got to be careful with this technique. If you aim the needle incorrectly, you could nick the very-thin-walled right atrium.

Izzie (to Hahn): Which could cause a cardiac rupture.

Hahn: A cardiac rupture, a tension pneumothorax basically there's about six different ways she could k*ll him.

Ray (to Meredith): Are they talking about me?

Meredith: No, don't listen to them, Ray. (to Hahn in a whisper) Dr. Hahn ... shut up.

Hahn (to Ray): Sir, you're gonna be fine. (quietly to Izzie) Stevens, go get me an 18 gauge needle before this man's heart explodes in his chest.

Izzie: Got it. (She leaves)


OR; Alex is trying to finish up on patient Jacob. He looks at the gallery and sees Ava and then back to his work.

Callie: How you doing, Karev?

Alex: Yeah, good. I'm fine. (beat) My nose itches. It itches like crazy.

Callie: Yeah, that's the anxiety. You know you can't scratch it, so it itches.

He squirts some water. Monitors start beeping.

Callie: Whoa. What did you do?

Everyone starts moving in a flurry of hands.

Alex: Nothing. I was irrigating.

Callie: All right, I need more suction. (to a nurse)Let's get some exposure here.

Alex: It's coming from inside his chest. I think his heart's starting to bleed. (to a nurse) Hang a unit of blood. (to a nurse at the back of the room) Page Hahn and Sloan, now!

Nurse: Right away (and she leaves)

View of Ava in the gallery. View of the surgery from her point of view as they quickly try to control the bleeding.


Nick's Room; Lexie is still holding his neck. Two nurses and Tyler are setting out bandages. Christina is also there.

Lexie: Tyler, could you get me more gauze, please?

Yeah, sure.

Nick: Why do you need more gauze? Because I'm bleeding? I'm ... I'm still bleeding?

Lexie: Well, we have blood going in, too, Nick.

Nick: Is it going in as fast as it's going out? I'm asking because I'm starting to feel, like, queasy ... and weak, maybe like a ... a person who's losing a lot of blood.

Lexie: Okay, I'm transferring now, nick. You ready?

Nick: Yeah.

(Lexie picks up a pile of fresh bandages and puts it on top of his neck.)

Nick: Lexie ... should I be calling people? Should I be calling my family or somebody?

Lexie: I think ... I think the bleeding stopped.

(in walks Sloan)

Sloan: How you doing, Nick?

Nick: Oh, Dr. Sloan. It's Dr. Sloan.

Lexie: (obviously relieved that Sloan is here) I think the bleeding stopped.

Sloan: (to Nick) You okay? -

Nick: Do I ... do I look okay?

Sloan: Actually, you do. Dr. Grey, looks like you got the bleeding under control.

Lexie: Why would it stop?

Christina: It could have been the herald bleed, which means, um, there's a possibility of it bleeding again.

Sloan: But it won't, 'cause I'm gonna get it closed up before it does.

Nick and Lexie: There's no O.R.

Sloan: There will be in ten minutes. Dr. Grey, get a pressure dressing on this wound. Dr. Yang, get him prepped for transfer, and straight to O.R. Three. I'm gonna make sure it's cleared out. You did good work, Grey.

Lexie (to Sloan as he leaves): Thank you.

Nick (to Lexie): Hey. I'm in love with you now. I've forgotten entirely about my ex. (She smiles)


Ambulance Bay. Nurse is rushing out the doors as you hear a beeper going off. Pan to Hahn checking her pager.

Hahn: Oh, come on. Are you kidding me?

Webber: What?

Hahn: Oh, I have a patient on the table who's . (she starts to rush off).. I gotta go.

Webber: Erica ...

Hahn: Uh, Stevens, page the cardio fellow, then book an O.R. Have it waiting when they get him free. (She rushes back inside.)

(Izzie turns to Webber who motions her to do what Hahn asked.)


Hall way outside waiting area. Tucker is in a chair reading. George stops about 15 feet away, not wanting to talk to him. Then walks up and stands in front of him. Tucker looks up.

Tucker: Why am I not surprised?

George: Dr. Bailey is very sorry. She's very, very sorry.

Tucker: I'm outta here.

George: She just asked me to ask you if you could wait just a ... a little while longer. She's almost done with the surgery. It took a ... it's just more complicated than she expected, but she is almost done.

Tucker: Fine, I'll wait. But you tell her I am tired, tired of her choosing everything over me and our marriage. You tell her this is the last time. I'm finished. And you tell her the only reason I'm staying here is to tell her that myself.


OR 3; Monitors are beeping, Sloan walks back in.

Sloan: What the hell did you do, Karev?

Alex: Nothing. Uh, I cut the cable. The bleeding-

Sloan: You cut the cable? What, you were showing off for your girlfriend? Do you have any idea how screwed you are?

Callie: It's not his fault. One of the heart graft's blew. I'm holding this guy's left coronary with a clamp.

Sloan: Did somebody page Hahn?

Hahn: I'm here. What the hell happened?

Callie: His heart graft blew.

Hahn: Oh, damn it.

Alex: I think..

Sloan: The only thing I need you to do, Karev, is to stay quiet and get more suction in here.

Hahn: Just hold on to that.

View of all the concerned people in the gallery.


OR. George returns to Bailey's surgery reluctantly.

Bailey: O'Malley?

George: Your husband is waiting.

Bailey: Good.

George: He's waiting and-

Bailey: - I heard you. Why aren't you scrubbed in? I could use a hand.

George (in a whisper): He, uh, he said something about you choosing ... everything over your marriage.

Bailey: He said that? What else did he say?

George: I think that was about it.

Bailey: You think or you know?

George: He ... he said that this was the last time and that he was finished.

Bailey: I'm in surgery, O'Malley. Did you tell him that I'm trying to save a man's life here?

George: Yes.

Bailey: (her voice is starting to quaver) That I want to be there with him right now, but if I were to leave, this man would die, did you tell him that?

George: Yeah, yes.

Bailey: You need to go back out there and tell him that I took a vow ... a vow to save lives. And he might want to member that he also took a vow ... for better or for worse. You tell him that it's his job as a husband to understand that. You tell him that I'm standing by my vow, for better or for worse. You tell him I'm holding him to his vow. You tell him if he's thinking about leaving right now, that he might find himself hurt and wounded and needing an operation, and he may not get a surgeon who is as married to her vows as I am. You tell him that.


George: Can't I just do some charts?

Bailey: Go. (He leaves)


OR; Derek and Rose are working on the monitor.

Derek: It's in.

Rose: It's in?

Derek: Wire's in. (to Steve) Steve, are you still?

Rose: Yes, sir. Very still.

(Derek turns back to Rose and waits.)

Rose: Stop looking at me like I k*lled your patient. I am not a computer technician. I did my best. I gave it a shot.

Derek: You didn't do your best.

Rose: Yes, I did do my best. It was my best, damn it.

Derek: Shh. Calm down. Take a deep breath and think. What did you miss? What are you forgetting?

(she takes a deep breath and slowly leans over the machine to his side of the console and pushes a button. It beeps and starts whirring.)

Derek: You forgot the restart button?

Rose (she nods): I forgot to press the restart button.

View of Mary's brain on the monitor:

Derek: It's working.

Rose: It's working. It's working (relieved)

(everyone in the room claps)

Derek: Santa cruz is not just a party school. (he turns to go back to Steve)

Rose: Uh, Dr. Shepherd.

Derek: Yes.

Rose: Uh, sleeves. (she starts to adjust them for him)


Nick's Room; everyone is still there bandaging Nick

Nick: This was never my plan, to ... to die this way.

Lexie: You're not dying, nick.

Christina: You're going to the O.R.

Nick: No, I know. That's what I'm saying. I mean, I think we kind of have some say, or at least a feeling. But I never had that feeling, so I can't die, right? I don't feel good. I feel ...

(monitor starts beeping as he passes out)

Lexie: Nick Nick...

Christina: Nick, can you squeeze my hand?

Lexie: Oh, my god. What happened?

Christina: The blood to the right side of his brain is ... he had a stroke. It looks like he had a stroke. Okay, let's go. Let's move him carefully. Let's go.

(Lexie just stands there, in disbelief, tearing up.)

Christina: You can't cry, lexie. This isn't over. You can't cry.

(Lexie tries to hold back her tears as Nick is wheeled out leaving a large blood stain on the floor.)


Ambulance Bay; Webber is on his hands and knees out side the overturned ambulance.

Webber: You need to find the xiphoid process. Can you feel it?

Meredith: Got it.

Webber: Okay, now go two finger breadths to the left of the xiphoid.

Meredith: I'm there.

Webber: Here. (He hands a very large needle over to Meredith)

Ray: 18 gauge.

Meredith: Yeah

Ray: That is a very big needle.

Meredith: I know. I'm sorry.

Webber: You're going to angle the needle toward the left shoulder. Don't s*ab. You don't want to hit the ventricle, and you don't want to drop the lung. That wouldn't help matters either.

Ray: I changed my mind. I want out.

Meredith: This is gonna help you, Ray. I'm gonna go on three, okay? One, two-

Ray: Wait. Tell ... tell stan's wife I'm sorry. T-tell sara I'm sorry about Stan. .

Meredith: Tell her yourself. One, two ...

Ray: wait. Wait.

Meredith: We're running out of time.

Ray: Just wait.. a minute.

Meredith: Okay.

Webber: What's taking so long?

Meredith: He's not ready.

Ray: I'm trying not to be scared. I don't wanna die scared. I wanna not be scared.

Webber: Ray, listen to me. It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.

Ray: Yeah? (to Meredith)Are you scared?

Meredith: All the time.

Ray: Okay. That's good. Okay. I'm ready. But don't ... don't count. Just do it. Just do it so I don't know it's ... (she stabs him and he gasps in pain)



Hahn: The infection went to his heart. His hack of a surgeon didn't check the grafts. I should've caught it. I should've checked. I missed it. Damn it. How did I miss it? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Sloan: That's fascinating, Dr. Hahn.

Hahn: What?

Sloan: You're as unkind to yourself as you are to everyone else.

Callie: Sloan.

(Christina comes in)

Christina: Dr. Sloan, his artery blew again, and he appears to be having a left-sided C. V. A.

Sloan: Where is he? - I ...

Christina: Here. You told me to bring him here. (nurses and Lexie wheel Nick to the door but don't come in.)

Sloan: Hahn, are you close?

Hahn: No.

Sloan: Yang, get him to a sterile procedure room. Run!

Christina: Let's go. This way.

Callie: Okay, I'm done. I can help. What do you want me to do?

Sloan: I need an anesthesiologist, i need a nurse, I need equipment.

Callie: I'm on it. (she starts out of the room) Uh, Karev, stay with Hahn.

Hahn: This man has four children. He has four children.

Ambulance Bay; Meredith has the needle in Ray's chest.

Meredith: I feel like I'm going in too far.

Webber: Uh, pull back, pull back.

Ray: Pull back, pull back.

Meredith: Chief, what am I doing?

Webber: You're too far in. There's some S. T. Elevation. Try angling more forward.

Meredith: I got it. I got it. Ray?

Ray: That feels good. I can almost breathe.

Webber: Okay, he's almost stable. Get ready to cut him out.

Meredith: All right. All right we're gonna get you outta here. We're getting you outta here right now.

(Meredith moves out of the ambulance to let the firemen get into cut Ray loose. Webber looks at her and starts to guide her off to one side)

Webber: oh, you're bleeding.

Meredith: That's ray's blood.

(the firemen are using equipment to get into the ambulance)

Webber: Let me see that. You could use a couple of stitches. (He holds her arm while getting bandages) Now you stayed calm and focused and efficient in a very stressful situation. That's impressive.

Meredith: I was scared.

You did it anyway. Like I said ... impressive.

(She looks at him gratefully as he finishes repositioning her glove. She leaves. Webber watches as Ray is pulled out of the ambulance.)


Nurses station.

Izzie: Do not tell me that there isn't an O.R. Available. This is for the chief of surgery. There is a paramedic's life on the line. You need to find one now.

Nurse: I'll see where we are.

Mrs Nolston: Dr. Stevens? Thank god. How is he?

Izzie: Um, I-I believe he's still in surgery, but I don't know.

Mrs. Nolston: You don't know? Why ... w don't you ... you ... well, you said that you were gonna keep me informed and

Izzie: ... I know. I'm sorry. I'm ... I'm on another case now. But I was gonna check back and ...

Mrs. Nolston: You're on another case?

Izzie: I'm sorry.

Mrs. Nolston: Well, I-I-I have four kids here. I have four terrified children who think that their dad's gonna die any minute.

Izzie: I, uh ...

Mrs. Nolston: Did you have lousy instructors who didn't teach you how to be a good doctor, or just really bad parents who didn't teach you how to be a decent human being?

(Izzie is dissappointed and at a loss for words.)

Nurse: Stevens, O.R. Two is clearing out now.

Izzie: Thank you. (she walks past Mrs. Nolston, sad)

Mrs. Nolston (to the nurse at the station): Uh, my husband is Jacob Nolston, and he went into surgery hours ago. Could you please just find someone who can tell me whether he is dead or alive?


Waiting Room; Tucker and George

Tucker: She said that?

George: Look, if you could just wait a few more minutes, you guys could talk to each other because, you know, things get lost in translation, because, you know, this is clearly not a way to have what is obviously a very, very important conversation.

Tucker: It is clearly not very important. Our marriage is falling apart, and she sends you to save it.

(Tucker starts to walk out.)

George: Tucker. (Tucker stops and turns.) She's in surgery. She's saving a life. She's literally saving a life, and she's gonna be here soon.

Tucker: She's always saving a person's life. She'll always be here soon. You go ask her, when exactly is "soon" gonna come? (He walks away)


Hallway. A nurse walks by and we follow her to see Stan's wife Sara waiting. Meredith walks past her, exhausted.

Sara: Excuse me. You're, um ... you're the one who came to get me, who told me about stan?

Meredith: Yes.

Sara: Is Ray, um ...

Meredith: He's in surgery.

Sara: Okay. I have to go. I have to get ... I have to get outta here, so ... look, can you tell him that, um ... that I'm sorry that I ... that I can't stay here? But I just ... I just can't come back here right now.

Meredith: Ray wanted me to tell you that he's sorry, too. He's sorry he couldn't save stan. He wanted me to tell you that in case he didn't make it.

Sara: You think he's not gonna make it?

Meredith: I hope he makes it. But you won't be here, so ...

Sara: My husband is dead. He's dead ... somewhere in this hospital. How am I supposed to ... to stay here?

Meredith: I don't know. I don't know. But I know that if Ray makes it, he's gonna wake up, and he's gonna have no one. And you're gonna go home, and ... and you're gonna have ...

Sara: no one.

Meredith: I think it's better to have someone. Even if it hurts, even if it's the most painful thing you have to do, even if it's the most painful thing you've ever had to do, I think it's better to have someone.



Bailey: See this skin, O'Malley? It looks a little ... jagged. Does it look jagged to you? 'Cause if it is jagged, I'm going to have to reposition the incision so that it approximates more correctly. If I do that, this man's swastika tattoo might be unrecognizable.

George: Yeah, it's a little jagged.

Bailey: (quietly) I thought so, too. (pause) He left, right?

George: Yes, he left.

Bailey: 10-blade.


OR Monitor beeping. Izzie and Webber work on Ray.

Webber: More lap pads, Stevens. Pack them all around the heart. suction. Come on, Ray. Fight.


OR. monitors beeping

Hahn: (quietly to herself) You will not die. You will not die. You will not die. You will not die. You will not die.


OR Monitor beeping. Rose is looking at Mary's brain on the machine monitor.

Derek: don't do this, mary. Come on. Don't do this. I need more light. Can I get more light?


OR Monitor flatlining. Lexie and Christina watch Sloan.

Sloan. Come on. Come on. He's coding. Come on.

Lexie (to herself): Live. Please live. Please. Please.

Flatline monitor.


City skyline at night. Ray is in post-op with Webber checking him. Sara and Meredith come to the door.

Sara: He looks bad. He ... he looks really bad.

Webber: Well, his heart was severely damaged and his lungs were compromised. But he's young and strong, and our hope is that he'll be just fine.

(Sara goes to Ray's beside)

Sara (in a whisper): Ray. Ray. I'm here.

(Ray's eyes open. Webber looks at Meredith)


post-op, Shane's Room. Shane is looking at his abdomen. His swastick is now an "S". George is taking off his gloves after having checked the stitches.

George: Well, your liver had more damage than we saw on the C.T. And then we found a perforation in your bowel. But we took care of it all, and you should have a full recovery.

Shane: Well,(looking at his tatoo) not a FULL recovery. Dr. Bai ...(sigh) she did this on purpose, right? (he looks at George. pause.)

George: I don't understand. Uh, you have a black partner, right? -

Shane: Yeah?

George: Mary?

Shane: Yeah? (pause.) Do you know how she is?

George (surprised): Oh, you ... are you two friends?

Shane: Oh, look, I'm not the devil, okay? I'm just a guy with a belief system. Mary's a nice girl. We save lives together. That's a good time. Now if she wanted to marry my brother, I'd have a problem with that, but so would a lot of people. I'm not that much different than most of the people that you know.

George (while applying bandaging to his incision): Well, Dr. Bailey did save your life today. A black woman saved your life at great personal cost. So maybe next time you're looking at your tattoo, and you're thinking how much better all us white guys are than everyone else, you think about that. Because between you and me, if i had been alone in that O.R. You'd probably be dead right now. (Shane looks at him surprised.) And, uh, since we're sharing belief systems, I believe, if you were dead, the world would be a better place. (he leaves.)


Nolston's Room. Nolston kids are asleep in chairs, beds. Alex is check his chart. Izzie walks in.

Izzie: How's he doing?

Oh, he's okay. The surgery was pretty hairy. He blew a graft when we were closing. But he's starting to rally.

Izzie: Good. That's good.

Hahn: What are you doing here?

Izzie: I was just checking ...

Hahn: We did just fine without your help. You mind?

(Izzie leaves. Alex watches her go and then sees Ava in the hallway, waiting for him.)


Hallway. Bailey is looking at the board hands to her lips. Christina comes around the corner and stops.

Christina: You're not heading home?

Just easier at this point to stay here till tucker's asleep.

Christina: You know, I rose above, too, today.

Yes, you did.

Christina: You were having a hard day, you were busy rising above, but so was I, which is why I haven't said anything. But now the day is over, and I'm done.

Bailey: (surprised) Excuse me?

Christina: You know, what you did, pulling me off of Hahn's surgery, was an abuse of power. You know, you needed help? Okay. But you used me because of the color of my skin. I mean, you compromised the quality of my education because of my color. I resent it.

(she walks off. Bailey is looks up at the ceiling like she is trying to handle one more thing.)


Scrub Room. Derek and Rose watch Mary being wheeled out of OR as the scrub out.

Rose: You saved her life.

No, I fixed her brain, restored her motor skills and did a highly stressful, extremely difficult procedure. But, no, no, you saved her life.

(He turns to her. She smiles. They kiss several times. )

Rose: Okay. Thanks. That was ... okay.

Your voice is shaking.

Rose: I'm an imperfect person.

(She walks away. Derek looks after her, then turns back. Then leaves.)


Nick's OR. Someone is mopping the blood from the floor. Tyler is covering Nick's head with a sheet. Lexie is sitting in a chair next to him.

Lexie: Are his parents coming?

Tyler: They're on a plane from california. You gonna wait?

Lexie: Yeah, I'm gonna wait.


City skyline at night. Meredith in the hallway walks up to Derek.

Meredith: I don't want you to date other people. It may not be enough for you, but I'm trying here. So I don't want you to date anybody but me. That's it. (He looks at her.) Except ... I'm scared as hell to want you. But here I am, wanting you anyway. And fear means I have something to lose, right? And I don't want to lose you.


Derek: Meredith ...

Meredith: Don't. Don't say anything. I'm gonna leave, and you can say something tomorrow. That's progress, right?

(Derek nods. She backs away from him and leaves.)


Alex's bedroom. Alex throws his shirt on the bed and turns to Ava, pulls her in for a kiss.

Ava: Are you ... are you ... are you really okay?

Alex: Yeah. (he kisses her again)

Ava: Alex, come on.

Ava: That was intense ... intense and crazy and just awful. H-how can you be okay after a day like that?

Alex just pulls her back to him and kisses him again.

Ava: (pushing him away.) Alex. Alex. Why won't you talk to me?

Alex: What do you want me to talk about, rebecca? How a guy almost bled out while I watched, or how I got suspended for a week 'cause you were there?

Ava: Ava. It's Ava, not Rebecca.

Alex: Right. You're playing dress up.You're here playing dress up. You have a husband, rebecca. You have a baby, and I have a life. That girl you were talking to earlier today when you were playing med student? I'm screwing her. And she might be a bigger wreck than I am, but at least she's not married, at least she's not gonna get me suspended, at least she's she's not trying to pretend to be somebody she's not.

Ava: Alex ...

Alex: No, you gotta ask yourself what you're doing here. 'Cause I think if you could get honest, if you could just tell the damn truth for one minute, I think you have to admit you're not here to talk.

(They start kissing again.)


OR where Lexie is stilling with Nick's body. Christina walks in.

Christina: You did a good job today, and it was not easy. What you did was not easy. It was brave.

Lexie: We k*lled him. The hospital ... Sloan, us ... we were not prepared.

Christina: Yeah, that happens sometimes.

Lexie: That's ... do you have any idea how backwards that is?

Christina: We help more than we hurt.

(Lexie doesn't take comfort in this. pause.)

Lexie (looking at Nick): I have no one.

(Christina looks at her. View of them through the OR window.)


Lounge. Sloan is standing staring into space. Callie is on the couch looking at him. They both are still in scrubs, looking beat. She sits on the couch next to Callie and folds her arms. pause.)

Hahn: This is gonna sound bizarre. I realize at this point that this is gonna sound bizarre, but ... any chance you people want to get a drink with me?

Sloan: Why would we want to do that?

Callie: She's saying she needs a friend.

Sloan: Okay. Fine. Let's drink.

Hahn: You won't hit on me?

Sloan: I can't promise that.

Hahn: If I say please?

Callie: He still can't promise that.

(Hahn looks at Sloan. Sloan stares back. Hahn thinks.)

Hahn: Fine.

(She leaves. Sloan and Callie follow her.)


Meredith's living room. Meredith is sitting on the couch. Christina walks in and puts a bag on a chair.

Christina: hey, I brought supplies.

(Meredith doesn't say anything. Christina turns and sees she is not talking. Lexie then walks in. Meredith stares at her.)

MVO: Some days, the whole world seems upside down.

Christina: She's got no one.

(Meredith looks at her. Lexie awkardly offers up her bag of apples. Christina takes off her jacket and then looks at Meredith for approval. Meredith thinks, and then sighs, and sits up.)

Meredith: I'm drinking. Are you drinking, Lexie?

Lexie (relieved): Yeah, a drink would be good.

(Meredith looks at her, then at Christina.)


Izzie's room. She is lying on the bed in her scrubs. There is a knock at the door. She looks as George walks in. He lies down next to her.

George: Hey.

Izzie: I was Hahn's right hand today.

George: That's ... that's good, right? That's great.

Izzie: I think a patient feels better if they know their kids aren't terrified. I think they're more likely to pull through surgery if they know that their wives are not panicked. I think those things matter.

George: Well, they do matter.

Izzie: I'm never gonna be Cristina. It's just not gonna happen. And I am never gonna be Erica Hahn. I am not ... kick-ass.

George: Thank god for that.

(She looks at him, thankful. Then away. pause.)

Izzie: I love you.

George: I love you.

Izzie: We're not gonna make this work, are we?

George (is a bit taken aback): Marriage is hard. I mean, even when it's right ... it's hard, and ... next time I do it, I just want it to be forever. And I don't ... I don't think it's our chemistry. I think it's our timing. But I don't think it's our chemistry.

Izzie: So we're saying maybe someday?

George (he kisses her sholder): Yeah, yeah, we're saying maybe someday.


View fades in to Meredith and Christina dancing in slow motion in the living room. Which extends to show Lexie dancing too. Izzie and George enter the living room. They turn to go when Meredith sees them.

Meredith: Come on, Izzie. Dance party.

Izzie: (to George) You want to dance?

George: I will if, uh, you want me to.

They join in the dancing, which turns slow motion again.

MVO And then somehow, improbably and when you least expect it, the world rights itself again.
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