05x16 - An Honest Mistake

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grey's Anatomy". Aired: March 2005 to present.*
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A drama centered on the personal and professional lives of five surgical interns and their supervisors.
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05x16 - An Honest Mistake

Post by bunniefuu »

There's this thing that happens when people find out you're a doctor.

Good morning.

Did ... you ... patter?


No, not yet.

You'll be the first to know.

They stop seeing you as a person and begin to see you as something bigger than you are.

How's she doing?

She's, uh ... okay.

She's okay.

They have to see us that way, as gods.

Otherwise we're just like everyone else ... unsure ... flawed ... normal.

How's she doing?

There's no change. Is this the M. C. A. Doppler?


Can I get you anything, coffee?

I'm fine. I'm fine. Thanks.

So we act strong, we remain stoic.

We hide the fact that we're all too human.

He still beating himself up?

Addison thinks he's still beating himself up.

Alex ... the head of neuro hasn't left his patient's bedside for three days.

He's fine. And I thought

Addison was leaving.

She put her brother on a plane last night.

Admit it.

Her hanging around your guy ... it bugs.

It doesn't bug. You bug.

Karev. Page Addison. Tell her I need her to stay.

Okay. It bugs a little.

The lack of blood flow through the vessel is causing the mini-strokes and aphasia.

We can't put surgery off any longer, so what I'm gonna do is a repair that's called an E. C. /I. C. Bypass.

And ... and that will fix the strokes? She'll be better after this?

I'm hoping it will work, yes.

but ... the ... I'm sure they wouldn't operate unless it were safe for the baby, right, Dr. Montgomery?

Oh, your ... your blood pressure is still high, but that's why I'll be there, to monitor both you and the baby.

Get some rest. We'll see you soon.

Thank you for staying.

It's the least I could do for saving Archie.

I know we said before, about the baby, but if something should happen, if it comes down to a choice, save my wife.

We can make another baby. We can't make another her.

52-year-old male, fell down a flight of stairs.

He's five days post-op from a cholecystectomy, which looks to have caused the fall.

Why would having your gall bladder removed cause a fall?

Well ... a non-laparoscopic choli?

Sir, what hospital did you have your operation at?


Uh, my surgeon was Dr. Campbell.

That explains it.

Excuse us for a moment.


All right, what?

Campbell was Seattle grace's first female surgeon, as pioneer as it gets.

Mostly she just sits in her office and spreads prestige around.

She ... still does routine surgery now and then.

You mean botches routine surgery.

I'll page the chief.

No, page Campbell. It's her patient.

And let her maim the guy again?

How about we page someone who actually knows how to operate instead of some dinosaur who refuses to retire her scalpel and go join her friends in Boca?

The dinosaur is here.

No need to page me.

So, did you scope her out yet?



Oh, right, that. No, I haven't had a chance to swing by peds and ask the nurse to point out the attending who kissed my friend in a dirty bar bathroom.

Well, at least you're still good for coffee.

Oh, that's not for you.

Coffee? Why, thank you, Mark.

Well, it's, uh, that's not for you, either.

Morning, Dr. Grey.

Yeah, y ou can keep your secret coffee.

Until you tell Derek, our relationship is gonna continue to consist of you hiding in the attic and me smuggling snacks past mer's bedroom.

Do you know what that makes you?

Your boyfriend?

Yeah. Anne frank.

I am dating anne frank.

And I'm tired of it.

I-I want to go downstairs with you.

I want to tell the

Germans to kiss my ass.

I'm gonna tell him soon.

And when I do, you'll be my date to the wedding.

Derek proposed?

Well, not yet, but when he does.

This application is the first step in the start of a new life.

How are we feelin'?

Positive? Confident?

I am good. Great.

Uh, you take care of your own feelings.

Peds surgery is super competitive.

That's why I've come armed with letters of recommendation that'll put the competition to shame.

Look, Shepherd says I'm talented and resourceful, Sloan finds it an honor to work with me every day, and I ... what about the chief? What'd the chief think?

I'm still working on that.

Bailey, the chief's is the only recommendation that matters.

Everyone on the selection committee works for him.

I know. You calm down.

I've got it under control.

Good, 'cause speaking on behalf of me, we couldn't be more excited to have you.


Ch ... uh, chief. Just a friendly nudge.

Your letter of recommendation is due by the end of the day.

I'll remind patricia.

You have written it?

You'll get your letter of recommendation.

I need more time.


Don't get me wrong, I am honored that you asked me over all the other residents, But, you know, it's not easy distilling a doctor of your stature down to 500 words or less.

I chose you, O'Malley, because you were the only one I

could trust to do this without screwing it up, so don't.

Make he sure he planes the patio.

Plates the ... We'll get him piano lessons, yes.

Only puddle shell ... uh ... only public sc ... public school, so he doesn't become a snob, I know.

But I don't have to, because you're gonna be there to make sure I don't turn him into a jerk.

We're here.

I love just ... I know. You love me.

and I love you.

I'll see you in a few.

Thank you.

Hey, her blood pressure's up a little higher than it was yesterday.

We can't wait.

Well, I know, but I just ... you want me to be aware. I understand.

You're a good doctor. So am I.

Let's just be good together.

Your guy and my guy work well together.

Well, my guy works well with everyone.

Dr. Stevens.


Do you think we'll get to scrub in on a surgery today?

You losers really think you're capable of holding someone's life in your hands

When you could barely finish the intern bowl?

Really? Come on.

Sr. Stevens.


Remember me?

I was here a couple of days ago, and you told me I might have cancer.

Yeah, and you sent me to an oncologist who sent me to an immunologist who then sent me to some other kind of "ologist" that I had never even heard of before I set foot in this death trap.

And $80, 000 in medical tests later, the only thing wrong with me is that I'm anemic.

my lawyer seems to think that someone here mislabel the blood, switched it with someone else's.

And I was told not to come here, but my conscience wanted to make sure that you went through those files of everybody who was here at the clinic that day.

Of course.

Of course we will. I'm so sorry.

Well, don't apologize to me.

I'm just anemic.

You apologize to that dying person.

Is that the middle cerebral artery?

Yes, after I connect the

S. T. A. , We will be able to close.

The baby's having spontaneous decels.

Mom's hypotensive.

Derek, I don't know how much more they can handle.

The M. C. A. Is bleeding a bit.

It shouldn't be contributing. Sutures please.

Pressure's dropping.

Derek, the baby's gonna need to come out.

I'm almost done, Addison. Just wait.

It's not me that can't wait.

The decels are getting more frequent.

A 24-week-old fetus can't handle this ... three surgeries in four days.

We have to get the baby out, Derek.

The baby is too young to come out.

Last decel lasted a full 30 seconds.

Allright, that's it. Karev, let's go.

I'm taking him out.

Cut the suture. - 10-blade.

Leave the baby in.

Done. I'm done.

I'm done.

You've got a minor fracture, so you won't need surgery.

You should be on your feet within a few weeks.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I knew the wound wasn't healing as fast as I had hoped, but ... Next time, you call me, John.

Dr. Yang ... explain to my patient what you feel I should've done differently in order to avoid this complication.

Now don't be shy, Dr. Yang.


Well, patient's status post minimally invasive procedures have been shown to have decreased post-surgical discomfort and recovery times.

In human, please, Dr. Yang.

This surgery should've been done laparscopically.

Dr. Hunt ... perhaps you can explain to Dr.

Yang why I chose to do the surgery this way?

Although some doctors prefer to the new technology, there are others who believe it's actually more risky since we can't see or move around as much during the surgery.

It's half a dozen either way.

Bravo, Dr. Hunt.

Do you understand, John?


I have no doubt you did the right thing by me, Dr. Campbell.


Now, Dr. Yang ... please take our patient to C.T. ... Maybe you'll learn something in the process ... while I confer with Dr. Hunt about, uh, our course of treatment.

I'm on a deadline, Stevens.

Sadie harris mislabeled a patient's blood sample, and now the clinic is probably getting sued.

It's a good thing sadie harris no longer works here then.

No, it's not. It's not a good thing because it isn't just her.

The interns, all of them, they are capable of the same mistake.

They are dangerous and they are bad. - Stevens ... Don't tell me I am overly emotional and that it isn't personal, because it is personal.

I have worked so hard to teach them, and ... and it is personal.

Stevens, you don't think I thought the same thing about you people every day for the first year you worked here?

You know what the chief told me when I did?

Get out.

You don't get much rest, do you, Ddr. Shephard?

Did you hear yourself just then?

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

I can ... I

can talk.

I know! Listen to you.

And the baby?

How is the baby?

The, uh, baby's stable, however, um, your new labs show that you're preeclamptic.

Now we had hoped to keep it from progressing to this stage, but the stress of the surgery, it was a lot on your body.

So do we ... do we need to be worried?

Come on, Dr. Shephard.

Please tell me we're done being worried.

That is the first moment of hope they've had in a week.

Preeclampsia is serious. They needed to know.

You are too close to this patient.

Stop fighting me on this. We had a victory in there. Let's stay focused on that.

We give the family all of the information.

That's our job, Derek.

Looks like my guy won that round.

Meredith ... uh, Karev, can you go get, uh, Jen's, uh, blood test results?

Give me one reason why I

shouldn't go to the chief.

Why? The surgery was a success.

He made a mistake in her first surgery, he caused a series of complications, he feels responsible.

So tell me why I should worry less.

Tell me why I shouldn't go to the chief.

During the clinical trial, he lost a lot of patients, and it affected him, for the better I think.

He cares more, if that's possible.

You just have to trust him.



I haven't seen you around.

Yeah, well, I've been avoiding you.

I know. It's ... it's so weird.

You share a kiss with a woman you've never seen before ... honestly, this is a new adventure.

One I'm so ready to take for the second time and ... anyway ... do you want to go on a date with me?

Wait. Uh, Erica and you ... she was your first?


Okay, so then I guess my answer is ... no.

I'm sorry.

Wait. Wait, wait.

What? Uh ... um ... you kissed me ... out of nowhere, in a bathroom.

Okay, see, this is what I try to avoid.

You're all exploring and experimenting and ... Yay!

This is a really exciting time for you.

But I work in peds.

I spend my entire day around newborns.

So i-I try not to in my personal life.

Thanks for asking, though.

I'm super flattered.


His ... and his.

I ... as discussed.

Thank you.


I'm not a newborn.

I'm a ... I'm a senior resident.

I'm a great surgeon.

I'm a ... I'm a divorc for god sake, right?

I'm ... I'm, uh, looking for you to agree with me here, Bailey.


The chief, he ... he wrote me a form letter of recommendation.

What? That's insane. He's the chief and you're Bailey.

"Pleasant in the O.R.

And enjoyed by the nurses.

"She has completed a serviceable amount of research.

... A fine addition to any program." Fine.

He used the word

"fine." Well ... A blank page would mean more.

I pulled off a 12-person domino surgery.

I took out and put back six of a dying girl's organs.

I am Dr. Bailey.

I am better than fine.

Well, at least he didn't call you a baby.

Just a minute more, Mr. Terzian.

Oh, done tending to her highness?

You know, you're tough on people.

It's good to hold such high standards, but this is medicine.

No one's perfect.

She's stubborn and out of touch.

So her 40 years of experience means nothing?

Well, no, uh, not if you don't use them correctly.

Now she wants to be old and keepperating?

Fine. Just keep up with the medicine.

Cristina, this is one case.

You can't judge someone based on one case.

That patient deserves to know who his doctor is, no matter whose feelings it happens to hurt.

Paparoscopic or open, none of us should've made that mistake.

Yang, you realizethat you're charging one of o hospital's most respected surgeons with negligence?

Yes, sir.

Dr. Hunt, do you agree with Dr. Yang's assessment?

This is Dr. Yang's call.

I'm asking you, Dr. Hunt.

Campbell outranks me, sir.

Uh, I think it would be best for you to discuss it with her directly.

Very well. Dr. Yang, page Dr. Campbell.

Tell her I want to speak to that patient before the surgery.

Yes, sir.

Way to take a stand.

There he is ... the legend himself.

How are you, legend?

Are you drunk? Should

I be worried about you?

And he's got his sense of humor back.


How's your patient?

She's good.

You know, today's the first day in a long time that

I remember what it feels like to be good at my job.

You? Come on.

You're like the Dalai Lama of surgery.

People from all over the world come here to let you cut into 'em, and you know what else?

You look good doing it.

I like the facial hair, by the way.

Keep it that length ... no more, no less.

Okay, okay, all right, stop.

Derek, there's something that we need to discuss.

Go ahead and have sex with Addison.

Addison? What? No.

Go for it.

I don't want to have sex with Addison.


Well, what did you want to discuss?



How's my mother?

Bitter, angry.


Know what's so wrong?

Is how much the chief and your mother fought ... the sex must've been great.

Okay, you saying that ... that's wrong.

What's wrong?

Our entire health care system?

'Cause I agree.

Wait, here it is.

Okay,"March 3rd, 1979 ..."assisted margaret campbell on a splenectomy.

Impressive rum?

adequate technique."

See? Hack. Even then.

You're working with Margaret Campbell?

Yeah. The oldie timey thinks she's still sane enough to keep doing surgeries.

See, that's what I like about your mom.

She wasn't all alzheimer-y and still operating.

Do me a favor and sh**t me if I start making mistakes on patients and still think it's kosher to keep cutting.

Sounds like Shephard.

Alex ... please.

My guy is right. Your guy nicked an aneurysm, and now he's trying like hell to cover his ass.

Your guy needs to shut up.

What happened?

The patch must have blown.

Page Addison. Tell her to meet me in the O.R. Let's ... I just called her parents.

I told 'em everything was okay.

Hey, Dr. Shephard ... look, I don't understand.

He said that the surgery was a success.

Okay, I'm gonna come out and give you an update as soon as we can, okay?

The swelling's not going down.

Maybe the ventriculostomy is plugged.


Damn it.


I have to take out the temporal lobe.

Won't that k*ll her?

No, um, but she could lose some of her speech, uh ... voice, memory.

The brain can rewire.

I've done it before to stop seizures.

have you done it before for this?

I'm doing it now.

Baby's got decels again.

What are we doing here, Derek?

Bayonet Forceps.

What are we supposed to say to this guy?

"Dr. Shephard's cutting out parts of your wife's brain, but we're hopeful she'll pull through"?

No, we're gonna tell him the truth.

We're gonna say that Dr. Shepherd is doing everything he can to save your wife and child.

Yeah, well, this guy's life ended as he knew it. Let's tell him that.

Alex, just be ... the baby's having some heart fluctuations but, uh, Dr. Ontgomery is taking every precaution to avoid an early delivery.

And my wife?

Dr. Shepherd is trying to get the bleeding under control, But we really won't know more until the surgery is finished.

But she won't die?

Please tell me she won't die.

Dr. Shephard is doing everything he can to make sure your wife lives.

She'll live?

Dr. Shephard is doing absolutely everything he can.

We should get back.

Right. Of course.

Yeah. Uh, thanks.

Thank you.

Your guy sucks.

Mr. Terzian. Your skin's showed a change from Dr. Campbell's original assessment

There was a complication from the surgery, a lacerated bile duct and artery.

You'll need another surgery to repair it.

Is that all?

Yes, that's all.

Oh, thank god.

I-I thought when they told me the ch ... the chief of surgery was coming in, I was a goner for sure.

We simply wanted to make you aware that it's within your rights to request a change of surgeon.

Uh, Dr. Campbell's not available?

She's available.

Oh, then no, thank you.

I-I-I choose

Dr. Campbell.

Very well.

Dr. Campbell.


Sir? Sir, with all due respect, I don't think the patient's entirely clear on what happened.

You heard the patient, Dr. Yang.

He wants his doctor. - But, sir, she ... Back down, Yang.

Come on. I just need you to tell me if it's worthy of d Bailey.

Dr. Bailey is an ass. Say that.

Say that she doesn't listen to the residents when they have important information about the interns.

I think you're missing the point of the exercise, which is to say nice and impressive things.

You still hang out here?

George, just ... say she's dependable, say she's selfless.

Everything she was until she wasn't.

Just ... you should probably go.

Dependably selfless.

Thank you.

Isabel Stevens?

It's been years since I've had you in my O.R. , Chief.

I seem to remember an incident with a clamp being dropped into an open body cavity.

You're never gonna let me live that one down, huh?

A good teacher never lets up on her students.

Although I've often wondered how the upcoming classes learn anything with the way we teach these days.

Attendings seem more concerned with inspiring their students, using encouragement and validation and so forth, instead of instilling them with the fear and shame that actually causes one to remember anything in the first place.

Dr. Hunt, you come from the military.

Wouldn't you say the more rigid aspects of your training helped you become the doctor you are today?

Yes, ma'am.

Very much so.

Dr. Yang, on the other hand, well, something tells me fear is not something you've often faced in the O.R.

I'd appreciate any opportunity to learn.


Let us begin then. Tell me how you do a pulmonary emboleomy.

I'd insert a steerable catheter into the femoral vein, then position the fluoroscope adjacent to the embolus.

What would you do if the power should suddenly go out?

Or if you had to operate in a hospital that couldn't afford a fluoroscope?

Look, it's like a calculator. Do you think just because there's a machine to do it for them, children shouldn't have to learn simple arithmetic?

I mean ... If it will help them avoid mistakes like this one.

Out ... of my O.R. I said get out. Out!

This is still my O.R. !

She's bleeding into the frontal lobe.

Now if I can just stop the bleed, save the rest of the brain, she'd have a chance.

Decels are getting longer.

Derek, I have to deliver the baby.

No, she ... just ... she's lost too much blood.

If you cut her now, she'll bleed out. I can save her.


I have to cut out the frontal lobe.


D-Derek, no. Stop, Derek.

You've done enough.

Her frontal lobe? Can she live without her frontal lobe and her temporal lobe?


No, Derek, she can't.

Listen to me. This baby is not getting any oxygen now.

I know that you want to save Jen. I know you feel like you have to, but not this way.

I can do this. I can save them both. She will live.

Not as the person that her husband and child need her to be.

She'll lose everything about her that makes her human.


Are you sure you can do this?

I have no choice. Bipolars.

The baby's heart rate is bottoming out.

Damn it, Derek.

Okay, damn it. We've gone ... this has gone too far.

Taking the frontal lobe out, even if she does live, you are creating a monster.

You don't get to play god here, Derek.

Jen is gone, but this baby has a chance to live.

You need to let her go. Let it go.

Please let ... I'm taking the baby out.

Put down the scalpel, Addison!

You put down the scalpel.

Addison, put the scalpel down.

You put the scalpel down! You have to let her go.

Take your hand off the scalpel, Addison! You take your ... take it off!

Meredith, go get the chief.

Do not go anywhere.

Karev, go!

Derek, don't do this.

Do not touch my patient, Addison.

Meredith ... Derek, look at me.

You don't have to do this.

Jen's gone. It's too late.

You can't save her.

She's gone.

We can save the baby.

Derek ... look at me.

Certain surgeries get the best of all of us.

I made a mistake, a careless mistake ... and for that, I am sorry.

But I am only human ... as human as any of us ... and for that ... I do not apologize.

Margaret, you don't ha to ... no need to discuss it further, Richard.

No need at all.

Chief, we need you in O.R. One.

Karev ... right now, sir!

I was fired ... from the army.

They call it an honorable discharge, but ... they knew it was my time even though I didn't.

I'm grateful to them for that.

The baby's still in distress. I need to take it out.

Wait. Just wait.

The bleeding could stop.

The baby could stabilize.

If you do a c-section now, she'll lose too much blood and she'll die.

She is dead, Derek

Please just wait.

Most of her brain is gone. For all intents and purposes, she's dead.

Karev, page Dr. Freedman's team.

Tell them we have a preemie on the way.

Stop cutting!

Why are you cuing? !

Meredith, get some more blood.

She needs more blood.

Get some more blood.

We need more blood.

No more blood, Derek.

No more blood.

You're smart to get it looked at, but it doesn't look too suspicious to me.

Even combined with high L. D. H. Levels?

Oh ... that could be caused by anything ... mono, exercise even.

coupled with neurological

Episode s, hallucinations?

There we go.

All done.

You and I both see patients do this every day.

They find something suspicious and convince themselves they're sick.

But as doctors, you and I both know that it's our job to remain worry free

Until we have actual medical proof that says otherwise.

So that's what you should do ... relax.

By this time tomorrow, you'll be laughing at the fact you thought there was anything wrong in the first place.

Okay. Ready.

He looks strong.

Okay. He definitely has a chance.

All right, let's get him intubated. Let's get the placenta.

The steroids we gave your wife allowed your baby's lungs to mature.

That combined with the three extra days that Dr. Shephard took to do the surgery makes us very hopeful that he'll survive.

I don't understand.

She just died?

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I know. You said that.

Um ... I'm asking how she died.

We believe your wife's high blood pressure is what caused the bypass to fail.

That caused the bleeding and the swelling in the brain.

Dr. Shephard did everything he could to save her.

There was too much damage to her brain.

That's when Dr. Montgomery stepped in to deliver the baby.

You said it was a routine procedure but that she would be fine.

Then there was a complication ... and you said you fixed that.

but then the baby got sick, and that made jen sick, but then you said that you fixed that, too.

And now she's dead?

I'm sorry.

Stop saying you're sorry.

You k*lled her.

You're a m*rder*r ... a m*rder*r.

Where's my wife?

I want my wife. I want my wife.

I want my ... I-I want ... I know it's bad ... but ... I tried.

You're just ... very complex.

Hard to wordify.


That is a letter of recomendation.

O'Malley? You want me to take pointers from O'Malley?

You'd be hard-pressed to find a better person to take pointers from.

C-chief. Chief.


I am the chief of surgery.

And I don't have time to write letters to pump your ego.

My head of neuro is being called a m*rder*r.

I have to fire my longest-standing general surgeon because she won't retire.

Interns are mixing up blood samples in your clinic.

And you want me to spend my time writing a recommendation so you can leave me?

Leave you?

Sir, I'm ... applying for a fellowship in pediatric surgery.

Which is not what we had discussed.

Do you know how much of my time you wasted?

Do you know the amount of work it takes to groom someone?

You were supposed to become the next me.

You wanted me to become the next you.

Now I'm not your son or your daughter.

You don't get to pin all your hopes and dreams on me, sir.

I'm seeing Lexie.

Well, I'm sleeping with her, too, but it's more than that.

We're happy.

I'm happy.

Okay , that's ... maybe I deserve that.

No, you know what? I didn't deserve that.

You have no right to tell me who I can sleep with ... oh!

You're worried about your legacy.

But I am not your legacy, and me applying peds is not ... you are not listening to me, sir.

What the ... Come on. Come on.


Come on, stop.

What in the world?

Come on.

Thank you.

That's her guy.

I would do a pulmonary arteriotomy ... directly visualize the clot and use atraumatic forceps to extract it.

That's how I would do a pulmonary embolectomy without a fluoroscope.

The fact that you felt the need to come and tell me that tellme that you're a much better surgeon than I first thought.

I've decided today's surgery was my last.

You look at me like you won't wake up one day not that far from now ... so much faster than you can imagine ... and find that you are me.

When you can't cut anymore, what will you have?

I was a god ... in this O.R. Holding a scalpel ... I was a god.

And now ... What will you have?

I don't see anyone burning the place down.

That's how they do it ... do everything right, and as soon as you look away, they screw it all up.

Hey, uh, I'm sorry I was busy earlier with myself.

I was busy, so I'm sorry.

Don't be.

I called you an ass, so ... and you were right.

I think I just needed to vent.

I ... I'm sick of this place.

Hell, I just watched dek Shepherd beat up a man 'cause he's sick of it.

That's the way it works.

The patients we lose, the mistakes we make ... that's how we learn.

That's the only way it's ever been done.

Figure out a better way, and you, Izzie Stevens, will be a better doctor than the rest of us.

Patients see us as gods ...


Or they see us as monsters.

But the fact is, we're just people.

Okay, well, it's not broken, but you should ice it.

Lots and lots of ice, okay?


I'm so sorry.

It was worth it.

No. It ... it ... it wasn't.

Maybe a little.

Thank you.

We screw up ...

We lose our way.

I have experience to give ... Calliope.

Life experience, like the fact that I was married.

Did you know that?

Or that I was in the peace corps?


That's what convinced me to go to Med school.

And most recently, I've, uh, experienced the joy of cooking.

Yeah. I make an excellent chicken piccata in addition to many other delicious meals that you'd be very lucky to experience yourself.

And the fact that you can't open your eyes to see that makes you inexperienced.

Calliope, this is Julie ... My date.

Even the best of us have our off days.

Letter of Recommendation.

Callie told me about the chief's letter.

I figured it's the least I can do before I get on a plane back to L. A.

Addison Montgomery, thank you.

No need to thank me. Just, you know, kick ass.

Don't make me regret writing that you're the most promising young peds surgeon

I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

Still, we move forward.

Today you were ... you were a teacher to someone who needed to learn, but you were also a bully to someone who needed compassion.

You were both.

Well ... I wasn't a bully and ... I was right.


You know, you're a lot like her ... stubborn, opinionated ... smart.

40 years from now, I'm gonna have to pry that scalpel out of your hand, too.

From my cold, dead hands.

you're missing the point.

I want to be around 40 years from now.

We don't rest on our laurels or celebrate the lives we've saved in the past.

Oh ... oh, god.

Because there's always some other patient that needs our help.

So we force ourselves to keep trying, to keep learning ...

You're unmotivated, you're careless, selfish, distracted and pretty much the people in this hospital I would least trust with my life.

But that's the way it's supposed to be.

You're interns.

You're babies.

And you're all lucky to work here.

We're all lucky because we get to save lives.

Every day, we get to save lives.

That's what we do.

That's our job, and ... it's not something a lot of people get to do, so ... In the hope that ...

Let's begin.


New game.

- Someday ...

This is patient "X".

She's a 29-year-old female we misdiagnosed with anemia the first time she came to us.

Let's not make the same mistake again.

We'll come just a little bit closer to the gods our patients need us to be.
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