05x08 - Stroll on The Wild Side, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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05x08 - Stroll on The Wild Side, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

You found what you were looking for, Mr. Faber?

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, Miss Messing.

Anna, what the devil are you doing here?

Hello, William.

What if the Black Hand finds you?

I'm investigating the disappearance of Lucille Messing.

You should talk to her fiancé, Geoffrey Coville.

He was so superior.

You enjoy wallowing in filth, don't you?

I don't know much about her, but the man she took off with, name of Carling.

I would suggest that there is more to your librarian than meets the eye.

Both notes were written in the same hand.

Perhaps someone was directing Lucille to the book.

Devil... Drum.

If contraception we're not illegal, families could make those decisions for themselves.

You mean women could.

I suppose I do.

Your wife is a very spirited woman.

Yes, Julia is wonderful and not shy about expressing her opinions.

William, what if the Black Hand has found me and k*lled Lucille by mistake?

Hello, Miss Fulford.


Please, no.


Are you all right?

William, is everything...

Yes, I'm-

I'm just glad you're all right.

The shot was clean and effective.

Doctor, if I may.

I'm sorry, sir.

I've never...

If you could please return this to the armory.

I thought the library was empty.

He just came out of nowhere.

First strangulation and now a g*n.

Our library k*ller was becoming bolder.

This isn't the man that threatened me.

Just a moment, Doctor.

This isn't the man I spotted in the tavern.

Are you quite sure?

I swear.

That means there were at least two of them watching you.

Anna, you are no longer safe in this city.

This is a brilliant invention.

Well, it used to be a series of likenesses, but this seems somewhat more efficient.

William, this is him.

This is the man that I saw in The Devil's Drum, the same one that I talked to in the library.

I thought it was the colic, but he's not getting better.

Let's see what's bothering you, young Arthur.

How are you feeling, Mrs. Blackwood?

You look tired.

To tell you the truth, Doctor, I think I'm with child again.

Mrs. Blackwood.

I thought it couldn't happen while an infant's still suckling.

Unfortunately, breastfeeding is not a completely reliable form of contraception.

Tell that to my husband.

I wish I could.

Doctor, I'm worn to the bone.

How much can a body take?

Mrs. Blackwood, you're strong.

Constable Crabtree, hello.

Dr. Grace.

I'm afraid Detective Murdoch has gone home for the day.

Then I will leave this report with you.


As you may have heard, we are to play Station 5 in a game of baseball this Saturday.

Uh, if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to come by and watch or cheer us on, as it were.

It's sure to be a good match-up, and they've made me pitcher.

The pitcher?

That's quite the responsibility.

Inspector Brackenreid seems to think I'm something of a natural talent.

Well, perhaps I will come along and see this talent for myself.

Mr. Sato.


Have you changed your mind about engaging my services?

Thank you, no.

But I wondered if perhaps you had ever seen this man before.

A hot gin, please.

Are you awaiting an escort?

I'll find one.

I don't know him.

I see.

Thank you.

Perhaps you'd care to join me, sir.

I'd be delighted, madam.

And for you, sir?

I'll have a spruce beer.

A spruce beer?

Uh, yes.

Something I developed a taste for growing up in Nova Scotia.

Oh, I'm pleased to have the company of such a worldly gentleman.

It would appear we may be well-matched.

Not many unaccompanied ladies frequent this establishment.


What brings you here?

A friend is something of a regular.

He tells me he's met interesting people here.

I see he's not mistaken.

It's a bit of a rough neighborhood.

That doesn't worry you?

Not in the company of courteous gentlemen.

Do you find my conduct improper?

Not at all.

Unfortunately, I have to leave for a prior engagement.

May I have the honor of escorting you?

Thank you, no.

I don't have far to go.

Perhaps we will see each other again.

Until then.

Same red ink, and it's the same handwriting.

Same red ink, and it's the same handwriting as the note Lucille Messing gave to Mr. Carling.

Whatever Lucille was up to, another woman has taken her place.

Or maybe they were working together.

But at what?

Clearly, the young woman reveled in creating a spectacle at the tavern.

With no shyness or concern for her behavior.

Perhaps they were a couple of amateur dolly mops after all.

But then, why the notes?


So are you going to be following up on your mystery woman's invitation?

As part of my investigation.

And exactly how far will this investigation of yours go?

Miss Fulford, I believe you are exhibiting signs of jealousy.

Well, where will I be when you're visiting these strange women in hotel rooms at this late hour?

You'll be sleeping right here in the cells.

Oh, lovely.

A constable will be keeping watch until I return.

So is this my life now, is it?

I'm not a criminal, but I'm gonna have to live like one.

No, no.

You don't have to.

You just have to trust me.

As I was saying, I'm in need of a new desk sergeant, Jackson.

You might want to consider working here.

It's a good bunch of lads.

I'm doing fine with Inspector O'Kelly, sir.

But not on a desk sergeant's wage.

Come in. Come in. Sit down.

Thank you, sir.

Fancy a drink?

I wouldn't say no.

Thank you, sir.

That's a fine drop of scotch, Inspector.

It goes down easy.

Like a where's drawers.

We watch the salty language here at Station 4, Slugger.

Then I'll be staying with the boys in Number 5.

I keep telling you, it's money down the drain on old Pop Smith.

He's over-the-hill and far beyond.

You're just scared of having your pants beaten off you in front of your missus.

Leave my missus out of this.


I hear you leave her out of a lot of things.

What's that mean?

Oh, it's all right, Jackson.

I won't tell a soul.

We can't all bat a thousand, now, can we?

If you get my meaning, right, Slugger?

You lumbering pile of...

as*ault a fellow officer, would you?

You're under arrest, Jackson.

You won't be seeing any homeruns from behind bars, sunshine.

Undress me.





Oh, no.

Any thoughts, Dr. Grace?

Similar ligature marks as we found on Lucille Messing.

No apparent sign of a struggle, also like Miss Messing.


Nothing to identify the victim with.


Her shawl is missing.


Yes, when I saw her several hours ago, she was wearing a shawl, a silk shawl.

I'm finished here, Detective.

The attendants may take her to the morgue.

Thank you for coming out at such a late hour.

It's horrible.

To think you were just talking to her just a few hours before...


Don't you ever want to just leave all this ugliness behind?

I do, but I've made my life here, Anna.

But aren't you curious about the world, about what's out there?

Well, of course, but...

We're on the cusp of a new century, William.

Where do you want to be when the clock strikes midnight?

Easter Island, the Roman ruins of Pompeii?

The Tibetan Steppe, maybe?

I don't think they have clocks in Tibet.

Well, we could take one with us.

What do you mean?

Then we could run away, travel the Silk Road.

As tempting as your dreams sound, our first priority must be the Black Hand.

Well, all the more reason to consider what I'm talking about.

At the moment, lam considering sleep.

So should you.

Strangulation occurred shortly before you discovered the body, Detective.

As you speculated.

I found this in one part of the wound: Silk.

The missing shawl.

Could she have been strangled by her own silk shawl?

I would need to match the shawl to this sample.

All of her clothes were made of fine silk, some of them quite exotically detailed.

She also wore this.

A winged man, ancient Persian motif.

It's most unusual.

There's more.

She was bound sometime prior to her death.

But the marks are quite superficial.

She doesn't appear to have struggled.

I see.

Take a look at this, Detective.

It's recent.

Similar to the mark on Lucille Messings neck.


I looked into that room at The Devil's Drum.

It seems it was rented by a Mr. R. Stori by the month.

By the month, eh?

Sir, I find no trace of such a person.

I suspect it's an alias.

Hmm, look into that, would you, George?

Has Mr. Carling come in yet?

Sir, he's in the interview room.

Thank you.

What were you doing last night?

I was with my loving wife.

That is a barefaced lie.

I saw you myself last night near The Devil's Drum, where, moments later, that young woman was found dead in the same establishment, and there was no loving wife anywhere to be seen.

Room four.

She told me her name was Doris.

She'll vouch for me.

Do you recognize this woman?

I saw her at The Devil's Drum, but she was very much alive.

When was this?

A week ago.

I walked by her table, but she took no notice of me.

You were hoping she would?

I would not have refused the young lady.

Mr. Carling, I can now connect you to two young women who have both been m*rder*d.

Your cavalier attitude isn't doing anything to persuade me of your innocence.

I followed Lucille Messing to a hotel room, where she instructed me to undress her.

I followed her to the library, where she denied knowing me, but I didn't k*ll her.

As for your latest victim, I have no idea who she is.

May I go now?


But you remain under suspicion.

Mr. Carling.

What were you looking for at The Devil's Drum?

The unpredictable, Detective.

Excuse me.

Have you seen this woman before?

Looking for a different girl now?

Ah, Jake.

You may recall I pay very well for information.

Have you seen this woman before?

I wish I could say I did.

Actually, Jake, I might need your assistance on another matter.

"Relations not for procreation"?

I don't want this sinful rubbish.

What in the bloody blazes are you doing with this filth?

Looking after myself for once.

Know your place, woman. Get home.

When I'm good and ready. - When I tell you-

You'll not raise your hand to this woman.

You, you keep your perverted ideas to yourself.

Another attempt to as*ault your wife, and I will call the constable.

You'll regret this.

Mark my words.

You're absolutely right.

Detective Murdoch has to be one of the most accomplished detectives in the modern world.

His talents would be in demand anywhere: London, San Francisco, Paris, Rome.

He certainly has an aptitude for languages.

Yes, that he does.

So what or who keeps him in Toronto?

Well, Detective Murdoch is not the peripatetic type.

I think he finds comfort being in one place.

I think he thinks of this as being his home and all of us being something of a family.

Well, maybe a change would do him good.

I recognize this woman.

You do?

Yes, she used to come into the library regularly.

She used to like books on Persia.

Her name was, uh, Minnie Duggan.


Though I never knew her name.

Miss Messing, you say?

Stanley Faber, our ornithologist.

George, escort Mr. Faber to the station house, please.

"Slowly he undid each tiny pearl button.

"His hands fumbled at the sheer delight of the task.

"As my robe fell open to reveal my bodice, his hand brushed against the swell of my bosom."

They're silly stories.

What's the harm in reading such nonsense?

Mr. Faber, these stories are connected to not one but two murders.

Ll don't know anything about m*rder.

I don't even know who the other woman is.

But you knew the whereabouts of the booklets.

How is that?

I'm not the only man who-who knew about them.

I ask you again, sir: How did you know where to find the booklets?

Mr. Faber, do I need to remind you again of the seriousness of this crime?

It-it was the girl.

What girl?

The dead librarian.

She-she told me where to look.

Lucille Messing.


Miss Messing.

One of the booklets is a firsthand account of Leonard Carling's encounter with Lucille Messing.

Yes, right down to the removal of the last garment, I might add.

Thank you, Crabtree.

And you, put that down. It's evidence.

If I may.

Yes, Anna.

The words used, the details in the description, I believe this is written in a female voice.

Anna is of the opinion that Lucille Messing, and now possibly Minnie, we're willing participants.


Whoever devised this scheme sent the girls instructions.

After their assignations were completed, perhaps they recounted their adventures to the mastermind.

Who then printed and published the titillating literature.

But then the shenanigans went off the rails, and the women ended up dead.

Lucille Messing, by all accounts, was a very timid girl- not an obvious candidate.

How did he know which women would be willing?

Women send out signals.

Men who know how to read them will find them.

How do they read the signals?

I wonder if a man could learn to read the signals.

The man you're looking for, Mr. Falcone, he's inside.

Always sits in the back.

Important sort.

Type of man I'd like to be in with.

What's your business with him?

That's no matter to you.

Thank you, Jake.

Oh, and I trust our dealings will stay between the two of us.

Oh, you can count on my word, Mr. Murdoch.

Miss Fulford has not wronged your organization.

It was her fiancée©.

Nevertheless, I have a reputation to maintain.

Maintaining this reputation has already cost you one man, Mr. Falcone.

This Miss Fulford means something to you.

That's no business of yours.

I see.

We will leave her alone.


One day, when the time is right, you can return the favor.

What do you say?

As long as Miss Fulford lives, you have my word.

I will return the favor.

Then we have a deal.

Is it really over?

It is.

I feel a lightness in my step I haven't felt in months.

I can't quite believe it.

I'm free.

Well, you are. Enjoy it.

I can't thank you enough, William.

So now that I'm back at the library, surely there's a way I can help you with your investigation.

Yes. Yes, you can.

Try winning the game with your ringer sitting in my jail cell, O'Kelly.

' MY ringer?

What's so funny?

Oh, knock yourself out, Brackenreid.

You can keep him locked up as long as you like.

What do you mean?

You think Slugger Jackson is my ringer?

That lad couldn't hit a baseball to save his life.

I saw his homerun with my own eyes.

It sailed out of the park.

It was a fluke, Brackenreid.

A fluke.

So if he's not your ringer, who is?

You didn't see my pitcher.

Put that down, George.

Sir, it's important police work.

Have you found the printer of Miss Rose Petal's booklets yet?

Uh, no, sir.

I still have to compare the watermarks to some of the various samples I've collected.

Sir, I think you should listen to this.

"My breath quickened. 'I would never hurt you, my beauty, 'he whispered softly as his nimble brown fingers tied the soft silk ropes around my wrists."

Silk ropes.

Yes, sir.

"The sultan gave a soft sigh of excitement. The door to his tent fell closed behind him. I felt of jolt of excitement as he tied the final knot."

What do you think?

Silk ropes, no struggle: The story matches the evidence on Minnie Duggan's body.

Well observed, Constable.

You obviously read the booklets very carefully.
I thought this matter was settled, Julia.

I didn't intend for this to be public, Darcy.

We had an agreement that you'd stop this.

Now you're threatening my career and your own with this cavalier disregard for the law.

I'm not breaking the law, Darcy.

Section 207 of the criminal code clearly states that there's a public good defense, which I can justify-

Don't quote legalities at me, Julia.

You're the talk of the hospital.

My promotion's now in jeopardy.

Did you even consider that at all?

Someone has to challenge this law.

But why you?

I can't give a useless iron tincture to another woman worn out by continual childbearing.

It's that important to you?

' Yes!

More important than a promise to your husband?

Yes, officer, initially Lucille Messing and then Miss Minnie Duggan.

Andrew Trevor.

Do you have any idea what could've happened to her?

They're both-

Mr. Trevor, can I help you?

Oh, Detective Murdoch, thank the Lord you're here.

I was just explaining to the constable that another of my choir members is missing.

Another one?

Are you quite sure?

Quite sure.

First Miss Messing, and now this?

I now fear that my choir had some connection to these dreadful events.

Who's your missing choir member?

Miss Duggan.

Minnie Duggan.

Mr. Trevor, when is your next choir practice?

All right, everyone, from the beginning.

I Prensa Mm, praise 'mm I.

Minnie Duggan's missing silk shawl, found in your coat pocket.

I have no idea how that got there.

Why didn't you tell me you sang in the choir with your fiancée, Lucille?

I didn't think it was relevant.


When was the last time you saw Minnie Duggan?

At choir practice last Monday.

She was very consoling about Lucille.

Oh, that's when you realized.

Minnie suspected you had k*lled your fiancée.

How dare you suggest such a thing?

You discovered your fiancée, Lucille, had been living a double life, so you k*lled her.

And when Minnie Duggan discovered what you had done, you had to k*ll her as well.

I did not k*ll Lucille, and I didn't k*ll Minnie Duggan.

Geoffrey Coville, you are under arrest for m*rder.

The shawl isn't the m*rder w*apon.

The weave of the silk is too coarse.

I see.

I'm sorry, Detective.

Thank you.

Coville knew both women and had the silk shawl in his possession.

But you don't have the evidence to hold him?


Sirs, madam, in tracing the watermark, I found the printer for Miss Rose Petal's books, a Mr. Ramston.

And the customer?

A Mr. R. Stori, an alias you may remember from the room rental at The Devil's Drum.

All payments were in cash delivered anonymously.

So no further leads.

Well, not exactly, sir.

In talking with the printer about his previous clients, I discovered something of coincidence.

He also produces sheet music for Mr. Trevor.

Trevor the choirmaster?

Very good, George.

Murdoch, look at this.

Oh, have a look at this, sir.

What the devil is going on here?

I demand an explanation, Detective Murdoch.

Explanations are indeed in order, Mr. Trevor.

Now, if you would kindly accompany us to the station.

So you got the job, despite your spirited wife?

Yes, there was no one more surprised than I when Lamonte announced I was the new administrator.

It's such good news, Darcy.

When do you start?


Beginning with the installation of a plaque to Lamonte's father in the front lobby.


And after the foofaraw, what then?

I don't know.

I'll just be getting my feet wet.

I'd very much like you to endorse the women's clinic.

Julia, there will be no official support for the advocacy of contraception.

That was made very plain to me.

I see.

Maybe in time.

Of course.

I'll be busy tomorrow.

There's a fundraising garden party at the Lamontes.


Well, I'll admire the flowers.

I'm sure Mrs. Lamonte's roses are splendid.

I don't expect you to come, Julia.

Darcy, I'm more than happy to.

It's just an obligatory attendance on my part.

What a shame.

I was planning to distribute prophylactics to the gentlemen present.

Julia, that's not what I was saying.

There's no need to explain.

I'm perfectly happy with the arrangement, Darcy.

I think it's best for both of us.

I couldn't agree more.

Inspector, carry on.

I need a moment.

This way.

Detective Murdoch.

' Yes?

A colleague of mine, a Mr. Leone, is going to be taken into custody.

I need to meet you this Saturday to discuss some options.

That's not possible.

I'm playing in a police baseball game on Saturday.

My absence will be noted.

Perhaps I'll stroll by.

We can have our conversation afterwards.

It would be amusing to watch policemen running around like little children.

My office, George?

I'm in your office, sir.

Why, yes, I know.

Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I had to use your table.

I've cut together some photographs.

I'm trying to analyze this newfangled throw that the pitcher at Station 5 has developed.

The ball drops, George, fooling the batter.

Yes, but how?

I believe they call it a "spit ball."

The application of moisture changes the weight on one side of the ball.

Well, if I'm to play the sport, George, I took some time to learn about it.


You see, as the ball reaches velocity here, it then drops here.

Excuse me.

That was quite an elaborate game you devised, Mr. Trevor, including planting Minnie Duggan's silk scarf in Geoffrey Coville's coat.

I don't know what you're talking about, Detective.

You knew that two of your choir members, Lucille Messing and Minnie Duggan, were very impressionable young women, and you lured them into your world of perversion.

They confided in you the stories of their encounters, and you printed and published them for yours and other men's amusement.

But when you realized the police were on to what you were doing, you had to k*ll Minnie Duggan to silence her.

I did no such thing.

You recognize this tie, Mr. Trevor?

. I ma)'-

This was the tie used to strangle Minnie Duggan.


Well, the tie matches fibers found on Minnie Duggan's body.

That tie is readily available at the Eaton's department store.

There must be a hundred men walking the streets wearing the identical one.

There very well may be a hundred ties, Mr. Trevor, but there is only one tie pin, one that matches the wounds on your victim's necks.

Yours, M r. Trevor.

These young women trusted you, and you took advantage of them.


Lucille took little persuasion to venture out and try something new.

She was a romantic, fascinated by the pain and beauty of love and obsession.

You no doubt saw her tattoo.

Your idea?

Not at all.

She wanted it.

Lucille Messing wasn't enough.

You then courted Minnie Duggan.

Neither woman was coerced, Detective.

I read the accounts of Minnie Duggan's encounters.

You preyed on her desire for adventure.

At first, it was small things: Drinking in public, smoking a cigarette.

And Miss Messing?

When Lucille suggested the tattoo, I knew I had her.

But you were the master of the game, a game that escalated from tattoos to propositioning strangers, and then escalated again to m*rder.

That's not what happened.

I didn't k*ll for pleasure.

The idea repulses me.

Then why did you k*ll Lucille Messing?

Lucille was the first woman I approached.

When you devised the idea for the books.

Yes, she was a willing accomplice.

She even told other men where to find the books in the library.

That's when I made my mistake.


I invited Minnie to join.

When Lucille found out, she was angry.

Our special relationship had been sullied in her eyes.

She felt betrayed.

She threatened to expose me.

So you k*lled her to protect yourself?

And you also k*lled Minnie Duggan for the same reason.

What kind of man are you?

I had no choice, Detective.

I had no choice.

So when Lucille talked of betrayal, it wasn't of her fiancée©, but of sharing Trevor's games with Minnie Duggan.


Do you think she was in love with Trevor?

No, I don't think so.

Trevor thought he had power over her, but Miss Messing felt like she was very much in control and didn't want to share that with anyone.

To think Lucille buried that welter of emotion behind such a timid exterior...


' Yes?

What do you want to say, William?

Hello, Emily.

Hello, Emily.

Good to see you, Julia.


Come on, Crabtree!

William in knickerbockers.

Maybe he's coming out of his shell.

Well, look at our pitcher.

Constable Crabtree is looking positively striking.

Indeed he is.

All right, George, all right.

Chucks it like a tart.

Right in the middle.


That's it.


That was good, eh?



Trust the science, George.

Remember the drop of the ball.

Hit six inches below where you think the ball is going to be.

Imagine the ball to be in a different place than it actually is, and then swing where it isn't.


Away you go-

Come on, George.


Oh, good shot, Crabtree!

Very well done, George!

Ho, ho, ho!

Well done, George!

Very good!

What the bloody hell just happened, Murdoch?

Well, sir, the ball appears to be coming straight at the batter, but the physics would suggest-

I don't care how.

Just makes sure it happens again.

Right. Gentlemen, gentlemen, huddle up.

All right, Henry, have an eye.

That's in!

' Yes!


It's all me!

Watch it, sir!

Oh, well done, gentlemen!

Well done!

Crabtree, you're up first.

Come on, Higgins!

Bring me home, buddy.

Bring me home!

Excellent hit, sir!

Well done.

Come on, sir.

And it's out!

Here, here, sir!

Let's go! Let's go!

Jolly good, sir!


To the untrained eye, the ball looks like it's coming in a certain height, but actually it's way down...

Such a perfect summer's day.

You think so?

Oh, come on, William.

You won the ball game.

The sun's shining.

You and I are together.

What would you change?

It's perfect.

Well, I suppose you're right.

Let's stroll back.





I see him, sir!



Julia, help me!



I'm so sorry.

" No! "


You murdering coward!

This wasn't us.

You hired the boy!

We had nothing to do with this.

We couldn't charge the bastard.

There was nothing to connect him to Miss Fulford's m*rder.

What about the boy?

He got away.

I'm sorry, Murdoch.

Thank you, sir.

Falcone said something curious before he left.

"Tell Murdoch the debt has been paid."

What was he talking about?

I wouldn't know, sir.

She's ready.

We must hurry.

Thank you for your help, Julia.

We're all set, Miss Fulford.

So you're my traveling companion, Jake?

I'll take her out as far as Kingston, but then-

Then I'm on my own.

Thank you, William.

For midnight on the Tibetan Steppe.

Well, I hope it keeps good time.

That it does.

Thank you for my freedom.

"I never thought it could happen to me.

"Just last Sunday I was in the park to feed the ducks..."



"When a young lady approached me.

"I found her most beguiling, and she was indeed entranced with me."
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