01x02 - The Crossing

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x02 - The Crossing

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Tomorrow? I thought your mom was coming Friday.

Yeah. I just got off the phone with her.

She's all excited
'cause she gets to come a day earlier.

First parental visit. Wow. I'm so excited.

Yeah. I just wish we were farther along on the house.

Hey. Sometimes it's fun to see a work in progress.

See it? Yeah.

Live it? No.

You got the sawdust out of the living room.

At least that's something.

We should take before and after sh*ts so...



A little situation here on the railroad tracks.

I'll call you later.


All right, you two! Off the tracks!

Now! Move it!

Dylan, what's the matter with you?

Do you know what your mother would do if she saw you on these tracks?

Kenny said it was safe.

And if Kenny said it was safe to jump in front of a moving truck, would you do that, too?

How did you get all the way out here?

We walked.






How'd you do that?

That was not funny.

Dylan, go get in the car, and I'll take you back to your mom.

But the coins.


What are you doing here, Kenny?

Waiting for my mommy.

She said when I get lost, I should stay where I am and she'll find me.

Oh, sweetie.

Okay, Kenny. We're going to get you all straightened out.

Can you see us?

Oops. Sorry.


Dylan, where've you been?

I found him down by the tracks.

By the tracks?

Dylan, I've told you not to leave the square.

Kenny told me to come with him.

For the last time, there's no Kenny.

Yes, there is!

She talked to him, too!

Don't you talk back to me.

Tell her, Melinda.

She never believes me.

Sure. We all had a nice conversation.

Why would you encourage him?

You think it's healthy for a boy his age to have a make-believe friend?

Why not?

Besides, I think I read somewhere that Michael Jordan has one.

Come on, Dylan.

And you're welcome.

I knew it. Listen to this.

It's an article from last October.

"Tragedy struck Saturday when a freight train

"collided with an SUV at the Grandview rail crossing.

"Candace Dale and her 10-month-old daughter narrowly escaped, "but her 6-year-old son Kenny perished in the accident."

That's the kid I met yesterday.

So sad.

Why is he still here?

Ghosts have no real sense of time.

He's waiting for his mother to come and find him.

Can you help him?

He disappeared on me.


Didn't you say that kid Dylan was playing with him?

Well, how could he see him?

Kids can almost always see spirits.

Where do you think imaginary friends come from?


That could explain a lot about my childhood.

It says here that his mother works at a bookstore in Brookside.

That's not too far. I should go talk to her.

Wait. With Kenny?

Well, I'll have him close by, but I should get her alone first, don't you think?

Explain to her? I mean, this kid could wait for all eternity if I don't help.

Eternity's a long time.

I'm just asking for an extra couple days till my mom leaves.

This is gonna be an easy one.

I know where the child is. I know where the mother is.

In and out. Nobody gets hurt.

Famous last words.

Look. Please. While my mom's here...

I know. I know. You don't want her to think I'm weird.

No, no, I never said that.

I just want her to know you as you first.

I want her to see what I see.

You know, the adorable, wonderful girl with the big heart and the great sense of humour.

Then she can find out you're weird.

Do you remember me?

I want my mommy.

I think I know where your mommy is.

Want me to take you to her?

She told me to wait if I ever got lost.

But maybe she doesn't know where to look.

Maybe it's time to find her.


We have a spider like that.


I got it at the fair.

Cool. So did I.

Mommy was mad at me when I wanted it.

Why was she mad at you?

Because I didn't do what she wanted.

Hi, Andrea.

Hey, Dylan.

Does your mom know you're here?

Yeah. I got something for you.

You shouldn't have.

It's igneous. If you get it wet, it looks really cool.

Want to get it wet now?


Okay. Do you know the three different types of rocks?

Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.

Some people think minerals are rocks, but they're not. Minerals...


Don't you think your mom's probably wondering where you are?

Maybe you should go back to the salon.

I hate it there. It smells weird.

Well, why don't you, like, run over to the park or something?

She won't let me.

Well, don't you have, like, a friend or someone you could play with?

Yeah, I did.

He went away.

Look. I'm sorry, honey.

I'm just really busy right now, okay?

I'll tell you what. On my lunch break, I'll check out the rock.

Okay. Thank you.


Kenny, you stay in the car for a few minutes, okay?

I'm gonna go talk to your mom and make sure she's not mad anymore.

Then you can come in.

I know this place. Mommy works here.

Kenny, I told you to stay.

I like the bookstore.

Mommy said that next year I could read chapter books.

Do you know what happened when you and your mommy were separated?

Do you remember that night?

Do you remember the train?

Kind of, yes.

Kind of, no.

You don't really understand, do you?

Understand what?

Hi. I'm looking for Candace Dale.

Sorry. Candace isn't here today.

Oh, but it's really important that I speak to her.

Do you know if she's home, or...

Are you a friend of hers?

More like a friend of her son, Kenny.

I'm sorry. She's at the courthouse.

Today's the day.

Yes. Right. Thanks.

Hey, Mom.

Let's have a look.

Oh, marriage seems to agree with you fairly well.

Although I thought new husbands are supposed to put on a few pounds eating their wives' wonderful food.

Melinda doesn't cook that much.

Which is fine with me.

You know that always was my skill.

Let me get that.

No, no, no.

I'm still young enough to carry my own bags, thank God.

Let's go.

Lovely little place.

If I'd had a little notice, we could've really put together a showcase wedding here.

You know, Mom, we're not really into the showcase thing.

That was a beautiful wedding.

It's just that with your brother gone, yours was the only wedding I had to look forward to.

And now I get a chance to really get to know my daughter-in-law.

Well, you know, Melinda's got this antique store...

Although, I don't understand.

Why is she still Melinda Gordon?

Why won't she take Clancy?

She got something against the Irish?

No. I'm sure she loves the Irish. It's just that, you know, she wanted to keep her own identity, and...

Well, if a simple name is the thing that defines her...

Well, the thing is she's got this antique shop now...

I know. It sounds so cute.

It is cute. It's...

But it's a new business, and she spends a lot of time there, and...

Relax, Jim. I'm not gonna haunt the girl.

I just want to get to know her.


There's Mommy and Daddy!

I don't want you to give up hope.

What's the matter?

Is she mad at me?

No, I don't think so, honey. I really don't.

I'll go talk to your mommy a little bit later.

Find out why she's sad, okay?

Then maybe we can both talk to her.


Hey. We are knee-deep in hatpins.

Did you know we had 189?

I need to talk to you in private.

In private? We're the only people in the store.

No. We're not.

Damn. That always gives me goose bumps.

Okay. Who's here?

A 6-year-old boy. He was in a train crash last October.

Oh, poor baby.

Yeah, the thing is, he doesn't know he's dead.

Okay. Five minutes ago, my day was all about hatpins.

I have to go see his mother.

I need her to tell him, make him realise what happened.

Then maybe he'll cross over.

So you need me to mind the store.

I need you to mind the kid.

How do you mind a ghost?

Well, just pretend like you can see him.

He's right there by the table.

Am I freaking you out?


Hey, there, little guy.

I'm Andrea, and welcome to our store.

We got some really cool antique toys in the back of the store.

You want to go see them?

You can look, but don't touch.

Is something wrong with her?

She's blind.

Can I go look at those toys?


We can also look at some books.


We got some really awesome stereopticon slides we can look at later.

Andrea. Time out.

He's over it.

How'd I do?


After you.

Oh, my goodness!

Mrs Clancy, I'm so glad that you're here.

Melinda. Oh, you look wonderful.

You're absolutely glowing.

Thanks. Well, yeah. You can...

You can work up quite a glow when you're hauling boxes up from the basement.

Andrea, this is Jim's mom, Mrs. Clancy.



Now, we have to find a better name for me than that.

Faith. Mother.

Mother Faith.

Maybe Nana?

What do you think?

Do you have any Creepy Freaks?


No? No to which one?

You should get some.

You're never gonna sell this old stuff.

I'll have to think about that.

Okay. Take your time.

Will you excuse me for a minute?

I need to go get a box and, you know, count stuff.

Kenny, you can't do that.

Do what?


Interrupt grownups while they're talking.

My mommy says that, too.

Your mommy is right, and I'm betting your mom is home now, so I'm gonna go talk to her, and I want you to stay here with Andrea until I get back. Okay?

The blind lady? She's weird.

Just promise me, okay?

Okay, I guess.

So, where are you taking me to lunch?

Lunch. Right!

The thing is, I have to run off and do an errand.

But the two of you just go ahead without me.

Well, what do you have to do?

It's hard to explain.

Oh, no.

I'm so sorry. The thing is, I really, really want to spend time with you, Mrs...

Faith. Mother Faith.

It's just... I have to go.


Well, you know, she's...

She's on the go.



Mrs Dale, I'm sorry to bother you.

My name is Melinda Gordon.

I was a friend of Kenny's.

So I guess you heard about the verdict.

Who is it?

This woman says she knew Kenny.

Are you from school?

No. No, I work in town. I have a store.

Anyway, the reason I'm here...

Could I come in for a minute?

What's on your mind?

Well, I know that this is gonna sound strange, but I have...

I can...

I'm asking you to consider the possibility that when people die they don't always leave.

Well, we can't see them, but their spirit stays...

What the hell kind of garbage is this?

Who are you?

Hank, please.

What are you trying to say?

I'm not listening to this crap, and neither should you.

I'm sorry about Hank.

It's been a tough day.

Tough year.

It's like I've just been marking time.

I love my daughter. I love Hank.

But when I look ahead, I just see all these years without Kenny.

For the first time in my life, I hate being young.

Candace, I saw Kenny.

What do you mean?

Sometimes, when a person dies, their spirit's left behind.

They have things to finish, messages to get across, or they don't know that they've died.

They don't know how to take the next step.

I've spoken to Kenny, and he doesn't understand what's happened to him, and he's waiting for you to find him.

You want me to believe you saw my son?

I know how hard this is.

I do.

Kenny said that you told him to wait.

Wherever he was, if he got lost and you would come to him.

Oh, my God.

He was also attracted to this little spider ornament that I have on my rear-view mirror.

He said that you got him the same thing at the fair.

Kenny. My boy.

I can help you.

I can help you talk to him if you like.

It might be really good for you.


No. I can't. Please go.

Candace, he needs you.

No. I can't.

Not after... Please leave.

You okay?


Hey, where's the little...

Front room.

Can I just say again that I am so sorry about lunch?

I thought you said this was gonna be an easy one.

Yeah, well, it should've been. I saw Kenny's mother today.

Whoa. How'd that go?

Oh, she's tough.

Very tough. She doesn't want to talk to him.

There's something else going on. I just don't know what.

Hey. Sleep on it, okay?

Come on. My mother likes her food hot.

She's weird that way.

The wedding album could've been so lovely.

It's a shame about your photographer.

What do you mean, Mom?

Well, he ruined some of the best family sh*ts.

I mean, look at that white glare.





What about Dan?

We were just thinking how much Dan would've enjoyed being at the wedding.

Yes. Dan would've loved seeing his little brother tie the knot.

So, Melinda, I hear you're a wonderful businesswoman.

Tell me about this shop of yours.

Well, it's something I've always wanted to do.

I've always been fascinated with antiques and the old stories behind them, so when my grandmother died...

Oh. Wow.

That's surprising.

It's the TV. It's...

On the fritz.

Let's fix it.

Okay. Yeah.

Kenny. Honey, did you touch the remote?

Nope. Who's that?

Oh, this is my husband.

Jim, say hello to Kenny on the couch.

Hi, Kenny.


What's going on?

Well, I think it's the electromagnetic field messing with the TV.

You just had me talk to a ghost.

How'd it feel?


Is everything all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's fine.

It was an electrical surge.

You know these old houses.

I think the TV may still be on.

Ruggles likes it.

The cat? How odd.

Keeps him company.

Odd little tabby.


That's one talented cat.

It was a disaster. I was up and down like a yo-yo.

I'm sure she thinks I'm a lunatic.

Oh, don't sweat it.

She'll fall in love with you eventually.

I mean, what's not to like?

A great deal, apparently.
Where's Kenny?

Having a SpongeBob marathon at home, which isn't to say that he won't get bored and pop up any minute.

Look, I don't know who you are and I don't know what you want, but you stay away from my wife, understand?

And stay away from my home.

Mr Dale, please, I know that you're upset, but...

She's been crying since you left.

Now, I'm sure you make a pretty good living from your little scam.

Hey, I don't make any money.

It's true, sir. She doesn't.

Let me be clear. I'm not buying what you're selling.

And neither is my wife.

Mr Dale.

I am sick of people getting away with their lies!

But you know what? Every once in a while, somebody pays for it, so you better think twice before you pull your crap on me, little girl.


It's a word of advice.

Maybe this explains it. Court calendar says, "Candace and Hank Dale v. Steven Pinkus.

"Civil law suit charging Mr Pinkus

"with negligence and reckless endangerment."

Uh, and they lost the case?

So, who's Pinkus, the train conductor?

Hi, Andrea.

What am I, wood?

Hi, Melinda.

Andrea, did you get the rock I gave you wet?

Did I what?

No, Dylan. Not yet.

You should. It looks really cool.

Wow! Limoges demitasse cups and sterling silver holders.

Kenny says there's a whole bunch more down by the railroad tracks.

Demitasse cups?

You're a scream, Andrea. I meant rocks.

Kenny said what?

But I'm not going down to the tracks again. No way.

So Kenny's here?

Yeah, but I'm not listening to him

'cause my mom says he's not real.

I am too real!

You are not!

Mom says it's just in my head.

You never listen to your mom.

Yes, I do.

No, you don't! You're mean, and you yell at her!

So what? She still says you're not real, and I believe her!

You're a fibber.

Andrea can't even see you.

So what? She's blind.

She is not. Are you blind, Andrea?



So, see? You're not really here.

You're, like, a ghost or something.

I am not! Melinda, tell Dylan I'm not a ghost.


I am not a ghost!



Kenny, I was hoping your mom could talk to you about this.

About what?

Do you know what it means to die?

My turtle died.

I woke up, and he wasn't there anymore.

I was looking for him, and my dadda told me he died.

He threw him away.

I never got to say goodbye.

Is that what's going to happen with me?


Honey, it isn't.

I hardly remember that turtle.

Everyone will remember you, Kenny.

I promise.

No one who knows you, who loves you, will ever forget you.

You can't be with them anymore, not the way you used to be, but...

There's a part of you in your mom and dad and sister, just like there's a...

There's a part of them in you.

Nothing will ever change that.

So I won't get to see them again?

Mommy and Daddy and my sister?

You'll get a chance to say goodbye.

They'll know that you love them.

But I don't want to say goodbye.

Then I'll be alone.

No, you won't be.

I promise you that.

I can help you go where you need to go.

And there'll be people there, people who will know you, people who'll take care of you.

And they'll remember?

Mommy and Daddy?

For the rest of their lives.

There you are!

What are you doing here?

I was...


I picked up some fun little gifts for my friends.

That's great.

Just silly little things. You know.

We always do that when one of us goes away.

I mean, look at these. I got them at the flea market.

Aren't they cute?


Melinda, are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah. I...

I just thought this was adorable!

I think I understand what's going on here.

You do?

Sweetheart, your behaviour is fairly transparent.

Is there something you'd like to tell me?

Oh, Faith, there is a lot I would like to tell you.

It's just now is not the right time.

I hope you understand.

Of course.


Are you mad, Mommy?


Are you waiting for me?

I'm here. I'm home.

Daddy, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to leave you.

Don't cry, Daddy.

We didn't find him.

I did. He ran off again, though.

Dylan, where've you been?

I told you not to cross the square.

I was on a hunt with Andrea!

Go back to the store.

You took him without asking my permissión?

You know, we were on the square the entire time.

You don't get it. I'm trying to teach him rules.

And I don't want him in your shop anymore, either.

Hey. Wait. Wait.

Look, okay, I didn't mean any harm.

I hope you won't punish Dylan for my bad judgement.


He's here. I felt him.

I felt his cheek up against mine. It was...

I've got to talk to him.

He was around here.

Well, he's not anymore, so give me a minute.


Kenny, you surprised me.

Honey, are you all right?


Daddy's gonna do something bad.

Where's Hank?

He left about 10 minutes ago.

Where did he go?

I don't know. Why?

What's happening?

Candace, I need you to tell me about the accident.

I know that it's very painful, but I need to know what happened.

I was in the car with the children.

We were driving home from the fair a few towns over.

Kenny, he Kept asking for this little toy...

I want my spider!

... that he'd gotten at the fair.

Mommy, can I have my spider?

I was on the phone with Hank.

No! I'm gonna take the car back to his house!

Hank was furious. He'd been promised the car was in perfect condition.

The car had already stalled twice, and I was afraid it was gonna happen again.

I want my spider.

Kenny I want you to run across the street as fast as you can.

Run, Kenny! Go!

I turned to find Kenny and he was gone.

He had gotten back into the car to get his spider.

Kenny! Get out!

Kenny! Kenny!

I'm so, so sorry.

I was preoccupied.

Candace, when Hank said that he was told the car was in perfect condition, who told him that?

The man that sold it to us.

He was a horrible, arrogant man.

This was the dealer?

No. We got it from the newspaper.

A private owner.

We sued him for negligence, but we lost the case yesterday.

So he lied to you.

Of course he lied.

And every once in a while, someone pays for it.

Daddy. Don't be mad, Daddy.

Let's go home. Okay?

What are you doing here?

I want to know how it feels to get away with m*rder.

Get off my property.

Is your family proud of you, Pinkus?

Proud that you k*lled a 6-year-old child?

You leave my family out of this, Dale.

Now, I'm gonna tell you one more time, get off...

There he is.

Stop the car.

Hey, hey.

Make him stop, Melinda.

Break it up.

It's okay.

He k*lled him! He k*lled my boy!

This isn't the way, all right? Not now.

Come on, not now.


I'm sorry.

Daddy, no!

Mr Dale, don't!

Mr Dale, Kenny's here.

He's watching you, and he doesn't want you to do this.

Shut up with your crap! I'm warning you!

Kenny wants you to remember what you used to tell him when he was mad.

Take my mad feelings...

That he should take all of his mad feelings and roll them into a big ball, and then take that big ball and...

Kick it hard. Kick it to the moon.

And kick it as hard as he can until he hits the moon.

That's what he wants you to do right now.

And then it'll get rid of all your mad feelings, and you'll feel better.

It's okay, Daddy.

It's gonna be okay, Daddy.

It's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Hank's resting.

Thank you for what you did.

Don't thank me.

Thank Kenny.

Is he here?

He's right beside me.

I think he's almost ready to go.


To cross over.

A person's spirit needs to be calm.

He's not upset anymore.

He was angry with me, wasn't he?

No. No, he thought that you were mad at him for getting back in the car.

Kenny, it wasn't your fault.

Mommy should've...

Mommy should've made sure you weren't in the car.

I should...

I should've...

Tell Mommy I love her.

Kenny wants you to know that he loves you, and he doesn't blame you for anything.

He's at peace now.

Do you want to say goodbye to him?

I can't.

It'll help him so much.

Tell him that he doesn't have to be afraid.

I love you so much, Kenny.

And I don't want you to be scared, because it is so beautiful.

And grandma will be waiting.



He wants to know about someone named Stubby?


Stubby the turtle will be there, too.

I see something really cool.

Is it a light?

He's ready now.

It's okay to go into that light, Kenny.

I love you, Mommy.

He's gone, isn't he?

Yes. He's gone.

See you, Dylan.

Be nice to your mommy.

Mommy, I love you.

I'm never going to yell at you anymore.


I'm back. I just had to go back into town for a little shopping spree.

Another one.

This one is special.

For us?

Yes, indeed.

Open them.

Gee! It's a baby dress.

And you two thought you could keep a secret.

I could see through you from the start.

The whirlwind wedding, the hurry to get settled, the mystery trips out of the room during dinner.

Darling, I know what it's like when you're pregnant and nature calls.

I remember.


Mrs Clancy, Faith, I hate to tell you this, but I'm not pregnant.

You're not?

No. I... It's something we'd like to do down the line, a bit but, there's no plans for children at the moment.

I'm really sorry.

Well, then, what has been going on this whole time?

Why have you two been acting so bizarrely?

I'm sorry, but it's starting to look like extremely bad manners.

Mom, I know this weekend's been kind of strange.

Although actually all our weekends tend to be strange, but...

Faith, I've been a little jumpy because...

Well, because an acquaintance of mine lost her child.


Some people think that I have this ability to help people during the grieving process, and so that's what I've been doing.

I've been helping this woman and other people involved in this death, and I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you because, well...

It's complicated.

I see.

Well, that couldn't have gone worse.



Are you warm enough?

Just fine. Thank you.

I'm really sorry.

For all the craziness the last few days. It must...

Must seem so strange to you.

My son loves you very much.

I can see it every time he looks at you.

I know.

And you love him very much.

I can see that clearly.

I really do.

I just wish you had told me about...

About your friend.

When you lose like that...

When I lost Dan and my husband, you just have to go on.

There are other people depending on you, and you just have to keep doing the things that have to be done.

You can come off as brusque or judgemental or just as a big pain in the ass.

But at night, just when I think I'm gonna cry, I feel Dan with me.

I feel Jim's father is with me.

I really believe that they're out there, watching over me.

I don't think I could go on if I didn't believe that.

Do you understand?

I do.

You may want to share that with your friend.

It may give her some comfort.
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