Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part One

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Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Part One

Post by bunniefuu »

Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 [HD] on Amazon Instant Video Here
These are dark time there is no denying.

Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today.

But I say this to our citizens.

We, ever your servants ... Will continue to defend you liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you.

Your ministry remains strong.

Dark Mark






Hermione, tea is ready, Darling

I'm coming, Mom!

C'Mon Dudley hurry up

I still don't understand

why we have to leave?.

Because its

not safe around here anymore


evening is finished.




Severus, I was beginning to worry

you'd lost your way...

...Come, we have saved you a seat

You bring news, I trust

It will happen next Saturday.

At nightfall

I've heard differently

my lord.

Dawlish, the auror has let slip

that the Potter boy will not be moved

until the 30th of this month.

The day before he turns 17

This is a false trail

The auror office no longer plays any part

in the protection of Harry Potter.

Those closest to him think

that we have infiltrated the Ministry.

Well, they got that right., didn't they ?

What say you , Pius?

One hears many things

my lord.

But whether the truth is

among them, is not clear.

Spoken like a true politican.

you will I think

prove most useful, Pius.

Where will he be taken the boy?

To a safe house.

Most likely the home

of someone in the Order.

I'm told its been given protection

of every manner possible

Once there it will be

impractical to attack him

My lord, I'd like to

volunteer myself for this task.

I want to k*ll the boy


Have i not spoken to you

about keeping our guest quiet ?

Yes, my lord.

Right away, my lord.

As inspiring as I find

your bloodlust, Bellatrix ...

... I must be the one

to k*ll Harry Potter.

But I face an

unfortunate complication.

My wand and the Potters

share the same core.

They are, someways, twins.

We can wound but not

fatally harm one another.

If I am to k*ll him ...

... must do it with

anothers wand

Well, surely one of you

would like the honor

What about you, Lucius?

My lord?

"My Lord"?

I require your wand.

Do I detect elm?

Yes, my Lord.

And the core?

Dragon heartstring my lord

Dragon heartstringt?

To those of you who do not know ...

...we are joined here tonight

by Miss Charity Burbage ...

... who until recently taught

at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry

Her speciality was muggle studies

It is Miss Burbage's belief that

Muggles are not so different. than us

She would given her way ...

... have us mate with them.

To her the mixture of magical and

Muggle blood is not an abomination ...

... but something,

to be encouraged.


Severus, please.

We're friends.



Hello Harry!



You're looking fit.

Yeah, he is absolutely gorgeous...

Lets say we get undercover,

before someone blows you..

Do you?

Kingsley, weren't you looking

after the PrimeMinister?

You are more important.

Hello Harry. Bill Weasley.

Pleasure to meet you.

He wasn't always so handsome


True enough

Happened while fighting a werewolf called Greyback

I Would like to return the favour one day

You're still beautiful to me, Billy.

Just remember, Fleur

Bill takes his steak on the raw side now

My husband the joker.

By the way,

Wait till you hear the news...

Can't wait no time for cozy catch up.

We have to get the hell out of here.

Potter, you are underage, which means

you've still got the trace on you.

What is the trace?

If you sneezed, the Ministry

will know who wiped your nose.

The point is that we have to use those modes,

of transport which the trace can't detect

Brooms, thestrals and like

We'll go in pairs.

That way if anything is out there waiting

for us...I reckon there will be

... they won't know which

Harry Potter is the real one.

The real one ?

I do believe you are fully

aware of this particular brew

No, absolutely not.

I told you he won't take it well.

No, if you think that I'll let,

everyone risk their lives for me ...

Have done if before, haven't we.

No, no, this is different.

Taking that becoming me.


Well none of us really

fancy it mate

Yes, imagine if something went wrong,

and we be stuck as scrawny specky gits forever

Everyone here is of age, Potter.

They all agreed to take the risk.

Technically I'd been coerced

Mundungus Fletcher, Mr. Potter. Aways been a huge admirer.

Nip it, Mundungus.

Alright Granger its discussed

Blimey, Hermione!

Put it in there, please.

For those of you who haven't taken

polyjuice potion before, fair warning.

Tastes like goblin piss

Have enough of that

experience do you Mad-eye?

Just trying to defuse the


Wow! we are identical!

Not yet you are not.

Haven't you got something a bit more sporting?

Yeah I don't really fancy this color.

Well fancy this , you are not you

so shove it up and strip

Alright, Alright

You too, Potter.

Bill, look away, I'm hideous.

Ginny did lie about that tattoo.

Harry, your eyesight really is aweful.

Well,we will be pairing off.

Everyone will have a protector.

Mundungus, stick tight to me.

I want to keep an eye on you

As for Harry ...


The real Harry.

Where the devil are you anyway?


You ride with Hagrid.

I brough you here 16 years ago,

when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle.

Seems only right that

I should be the one that takes you away.

Yes this is all very touching.

Lets go !

Head for the Burrow.

We rendezvous you there.

On the count of three!

Hold tight, Harry!





Hagrid, we have to help the others!

We can't do that, Harry

Mad-Eye's orders.

Hang on!


Hang on, Harry!


No! No!


Hagrid! Hagrid!

What happened?

Where are the others?

Is noone else back?

They were on to us

way from the start, Molly.

We didn't stand a chance.

Well, thank goodness

you two are allright

Death Eaters were waiting

for us. att*cked us.

George and Ron

should have been back.

A dad with Fred too.



Into the house.

Oh My boy ...

Come here!

What are you doing?

What creature sat in the corner the first time when

Harry Potter visited of my office in Hogwarts.

Are you mad?

What creature?

A Grindylow.

We have been betrayed .

Voldemort knew

you were being moved tonight.

I had to make sure,

you were not an imposter.


The last words Albus Dumbledore,

spoke to the pair of us.

"Harry is the best hope we have."

"Trust him."

What gave you away?

Hedwig i think.

She was trying to protect me.


He deserves that. Brilliant he was.

I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for him.


Why is it always so suprising?

We are the last back?.

Where's George?

How are you feeling, Georgie?


Come again?


Im holey. I'm holey fred

Get it?

A whole wide world of ear related

humour and you go for holey.


I'm still better looking than you.

Mad-Eye is dead.

Mundungus took one look at Voldemort

and disapparated.

head for the burrow

Seven. Seven.

This is more than I ever imagined.

Horcruxes ...

They could be hidden anywhere, couldn't they.

to tear the soul

into seven pieces ...

If we destroy each Horcruxes ...

One destroys Voldemort.

Harry ...

Trust me.

Do not lie to me. Do not lie to me.


Going somewhere?

Nobody else is going to die.

Not for me.

Because of you?

You think Mad-Eye died

for you?

Think George

took that curse for you?

You maybe the chosen one, mate ...

... but this is a whole lot bigger than that.

Its always been bigger than that.

Come with me.

And leave Hermione?

Are you mad.

We won't last two days.

without her

Do not tell her

I said that.

Besides you still have the trace on you,

you still got the wedding ...

... the wedding ...

I don't care about a wedding.

I'm Sorry, no matter whose it is.

I have to start finding these Horcruxes?.

They are our only chance,

to beat him.

And the longer we stay here,

the stronger he gets.

Try and understand me

You will only be doing him a favor.

Do you think he knows?

I mean they are bits of his soul,

the Horcruxes.

Pieces of him.

When Dumbledore destroyed the Ring ...

... and you destroyed

Tom Riddle's Diary.

He must have felt something?.

To k*ll thei other Horcruxes,

we have to find them?.

Where are they?

Where do we start?





Zip me up, will you ?

It seems silly doesn't it

the wedding

considering whats

going on

Maybe thats the best reason to have it.

inspite of whats going on


All together now!

One! Two! Three!

How it it going?


Well, hell.

What is the Minister of Magic doing here?

To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?

I think we both know the answer

to that question, Mr. Potter.

Herein is is said forth


the last will and testament of ...

... Albus Percival Wulfric

Brian Dumbledore.

First, to

Ronald Billius Weasley ... "

"... I leave my delumin�tor."

"A device, of my own making ..."

"... In hope when things

seem most dark ... "

"... it will show you the light."

Dumbledore left this for me?



What is it?


" To Hermione Jean Granger ..."

"... I leave my copy of

Tales of Beedle the Bard ..."

"... In the hope that she finds it

entertaining and instructive "

Mom used to tell me those.

The wizard and the hopping pot,

Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump ...

Come on.

Babbity Rabbity...


"To Harry James Potter ..."

"... I leave the snitch he caught

in his first match at Hogwarts... "

"... As a reminder of

rewards of perseverance ... "

"... And skill."

Is that it then?

Not quite.

Dumbledore left you ...

... a second bequest

The sword of

Godric Gryffindor.

Unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor

was not Dumbledore's to give away.

As an important

historical artifact it belongs ...

to Harry.

It belongs to Harry.

It came to him when he most

needed it in the Chamber of Secrets.

The sword may present itself to

any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger ...

... but that does not make it

that wizards property

Unfortunately the current

whereabout of the sword are unknown.

Excuse me?

The Sword is Missing.

I don't know what you are up,

to, Mr. Potter ...

... but you can't fight

this w*r on your own

He is too strong.

Hello, Harry.

i've interrupted

deep thoughts, haven't I?

I see a growing

in your eyes

Of course not.

How are you, Luna?

Very well, The garden

gnome has bitten my finger...

Gnome saliva is s very benificial.

Xenophilius Lovegood.

We live just over the hill.

Pleasure to meet you, sir.

I trust you know

Mr. Potter ...

... we at the Quibbler, disagree with Daily Prophet,

and have always fully supported Dumbledore ...

... during his lifetime and after his death,

and we also support you.

Thank you.

Come Daddy.

Harry does not want to talk to us right now?.

He is just too polite

to point it out.

Harry Potter ...

Excuse me, sir.

May I sit down?

Mr. Potter.

By all means...here

I found what you wrote

in the Daily Prophet.

really moving.

You obviously knew

Dumbledore well.

Well, I certainly

knew him the longest.

Unless we count his brother Aberforth,

and somehow people never do seem to count Aberforth.

I didn't even know

he had a brother.

Ah Well, Dumbledore was always

very private, even as a boy.

Do not despair, Elphias.

I'm told he has been thoroughly

unrevealed by Rita Skeeter.

in 800 pages.

Word has it

that someone talked to her.

Someone who knew the

Dumbledore family well.

Both you and I know

who that is , Elphias.

Monstrous betrayal.

Who are we talking about?

Bathilda Bagshot.


Oh, boy ...

... she's only the most celebrated

magical historian of the last century.

She was as close to Dumbledore

as anyone

Sure Rita Skeeter thought it well

worth a trip to Godric's Hollow ...

... to take a peek into

that old birds records.

Godris Hollow?

Bathilda Bagshot lives in Godric's Hollow?

Thats where she first met Dumbledore.

You don't say thar he lived there too.

His family moved

there ...

... after his father k*lled

those three Muggles.

It was a quite the scandal.

Honestly my boy ...

... are you sure

that you knew him at all?

Ministry has fallen.

Minister of Magic is dead.

They are coming.

They are coming.

Nice meeting you,

Mr. Potter.


Go! Go!

Where are we?

Shaftesbury Avenue.

I used to come up here to theaters

with mom and dad.

I do not know why I though of it. It was

the first thing to come to my head

This way.

Have you ever seen this before?


It is Master Regulus's locket!

There were two, weren't there?

Where is the other one?

Kreacher deosn't know

about the other locket.

Yes, but did you ever see it?

It was in this house.

Flithy mudblood...bloodtraitor Weasley!

Answer her.

Yes It was here, in this house.

Most evil object.

What do you mean?

Before Master. Regulus died ...

... he ordered Kreacher to destroy the locket,

but no matter how hard Kreacher tried,

he could not do it.

Well, where is it now?

Did someone take it?

He came in the night.

He took many things

including the locket.


Who was it, Kreacher?


Mundungus Fletcher.

Find him.

My father will hear about this.

Hey loosers.

He isn't here.



As your new Minister of Magic ...

... I promise to restore this temple

of tolerance to its former glory.


Therefore beginning today ...

... each employee will submit

themselves... to evaluation


But know this, that you

have nothing to fear...

... if you have nothing to hide.

They have flesh memories.

When Scrimgeour first gave it to you,

I thought, that it might open at to your touch.

Dumbledore could have

hidden something inside it.

Harry Potter!

Zlezte of me!


What are you playing at?

Setting a pair of bleeding

elf on me?

Dobby was only trying to help.

Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley ...

... which Dobby thought was curious and then

Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name.

And then Dobby saw Kreacher

talking with the thief.

Me a thief ?

You foul little ...

You're a thief, Dung, everyone knows it.

Mr. Weasley.

So good to see you.

Nice shoes.


I panicked, alright?

He was right on me and

Mad-Eye fell off his broom

You ...

Tell the truth.

When you turned this place over, don't deny it

You found a locket am I right?

Boy, was it valuable?

Bleeding gave it away, didn't I ?

There I was selling my goods ...

... when some Ministry hag comes up

and asks to see my license.

she says

she would lock me up?.

Would have done too if she

didn't take a fancy to that locket.

Who was it?

The witch, do you know her?

No ...

Oh ! She's there.


Its that old hag




Remember what we said.

Don't speak to anybody,

Unless it is absolutely necessary.

Just ...

Try and act normal.

Do what everybody

else is doing.

Do that and with a bit of luck

we'll get inside.

And then ...

It gets really tricky.


This is completely mental.

"Completely ?"

The world is mental.

Come on.

We have a Horcrux to find.

We have to flush

ourselves in.

Its bloody Disgusting.

Are those ...?


In there ... rightful place.

Let me tell you

stop to freak out a bit.

How long did you say

this polyjuice potion will last, Hermione?

I didn't.


Its still raining inside my

office. Its been two days now.

Have you tried an umbrella?

You realize i'm going downstairs

don't you, Cattermole?


To interrogate your wife.

Now if my wife's

blood status were in doubt ...

... and the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement

needed a job doing ...

... I think I might just

make that a priority

You have one hour.

Oh my god,

what am I gonna do?

My wife is all alone


Ron, you don't have a wife.

Oh right.

Level 2

How do I stop it raining

Try Finite Incantatem.

This is you, Ron.

Finite Incantatem.


And if it doesn't work?

I say if don't locate Umbridge within the hour,

we find Ron and come back another day.



Ah, Mafalda

Trevor sent you, did he?


We'll go straight down.

Albert, weren't you getting out?







Accio locket.

Take it easy,

Calm down.

Lets get back to work, please.

Calm down.



Ron, it's me.



I forgot what you look like.

Where is Hermione?

She's gone down to the court rooms, with Umbridge.

I am half blood.

My father was a wizard.

He worked there 30 years.

Perhaps you know him.

He Always wore a jacket or vice versa.

Mary Elizabeth Cattermole,


It's here.

Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred;

Wife to Reginald?


Thank you, Albert.

Mary Elizabeth Cattermole.


A wand was taken from you

upon your arrival at the Ministry Mrs Cattermole

Is this that wand?

Would you please tell the court,

from witch or wizard you took this wand ?

No one.

I bought it in Diagon Alley,

by Ollivanders, when I was 11.

It chose me.

You are lying. Wands choose only witches,

and you're not a witch.

But I am.

Tell them, Reg, tell them I am.

What on Earth are you doing, Albert?

You are lying, Dolores.

One must not tell lies.


It's Harry Potter!

It is him. Its okay to tell the kids.

Expecto patronum!


Go on home.

Take the kids

I'll meet you there.

We have to leave the country, do you understand?

Mary, do as I say.

Who is that?

Long story...

Nice meeting you.

Harry Potter.

It's Harry. Harry Potter.


Harry, quickly, in my bag.

There is a bottle labeled

Essence of Dittany.


Accio Dittany!


Unstopper it.

Hermione, his arm.

I know just do it!

Its gonna...

This is gonna Sting a little bit

What happened? I thought we

were going to go back to Grimmauld Place.

We were.

Alright, One more, One more

We were there we were there but,

Yaxley got a hold of me ...

... and he saw

where we went ...

... We couldn't stay there,

so I brought us here, but ...

... Ron splinched.

It's good.

Protego Totalum.

Salvia Hexi.

What are you doing?

Protective enchantments.

I do not want a repeat of what happened at

Shaftesbury Avenue, do you?

-Get going with a tent


Protego Totalum.

Where am I supposed to find a tent?

Repello Mukletum.


You first.






What are you doing?

We have to keep it safe,

until we find out how to destroy it.

Seems strange, mate.

Dumbledore sent you out to find those Horcruxes

but doesn't tell you how to destroy them

Doesn't it bother you?

You know the spell, Harry.

Tell me, Gregorovitch.

He stole it from me.

Who was it?

The thief?

The boy.

It was he who took it.

I never saw it again

I swear on my life.

I believe you.

Avada Kedavra!

I thought

it stopped.

You can't keep

, Harry.

You-Know- Who found Gregorovitch.

This Wand Maker?

He wants something that Gregorovitch used to have.

I do not know what.

But he wants it desperately.

As if his life depended on it


Don't, its his comfort zone.


It sets my teeth on edge,,

Whats he expecting to hear? Good news?

One can only hope

not to hear bad news.

How long before he can travel?

I'm doing everyting I can.

-You are not doing enough?

Take it off!

I said,

Take it off, now!


Right .

We will take in turns, okay?

What is that?


Good to know,

that your enchantments work.

He could smell it.

my perfume.

I told you

Ron is not strong enough to apparate.

So we will go on foot then.

Only next time, even when I like

your perfume, do not use it.

The names of missing...


These are confirmed.

Oh, thank you.

He doesn't know what he is doing? does he?

None of us do.

Oh My God !


I'll tell you in a minute.

You can tell me now?

Sword of Gryffindor .

Its goblin made


No, you don't understand.

Dirt and dust

have no effect on the blade.

It only takes in that

which makes it stronger.

Okay ...

we are looking for a way to destroy horcrux , right ?

Tom Riddle's diary in the Chamber of Secrets.

With a basilisk.fang

If you tell me you got ,

one of those in that bloody beeded bag of yours ...

Don't you see? In The Chamber of Secrets

you stabbed the Basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor

Its blade is impregnated with

basilisk venom.

It only takes in that

which makes it stronger

Exactly, which is why

It can destroy Horcruxes.

Thats why Dumbledore

left it to you in his will.

You're brilliant, Hermione.


Actually, I just highly logical thinking,

which allows to me see past and irrelevant details ...

... and perceived cleary which

others overlook

Yeah, there is only one problem.

Someone stole the sword.

Hey, I'm still here.

You two carry on.

Don't let me spoil the fun.

I told you everything

that Dumbledore told me!

Incase you haven't noticed

We have found one Horcrux already.

Yes, and we are as close to getting rid

of it as we are to finding the rest, aren't we?

Ron, Please, take off the Horcrux ...

you wouldn't have spoken like this

if you hadn't wore it all day

You know, why I listen to the radio every night?

To make sure that i don't hear Ginny's name,

or Fred, or George or moms ...

You think i don't know that ?

You think i don't know how it feels?

You don't know how it feels!

Your parents are dead!

You have no family!

Stop! Stop!

Let me Go!

Go Then

Ron ...

And you?

Are you coming or

are you staying?

Fine. I get it.

I saw you two the other night.

Ron's ...

There is nothing.


Ron, where are you going?

Come back, now!

Salvia Hexi

I opens at the close



You were right.

Snithced have flesh memory ...

... but I did not catch the first snitch with my hand.

I almost swallowed it.

"I open at the close."

What do you think that means?

I don't know.

I found something as well

At first I thought it was an eye

it's eye, but now I don't think it is.

And it's no rune,

it is anywhere in Spellmans syllabury.

Someone wrote it there.

Somebody inked it in

it isn't part of the book

Luna's dad was wearing that at

the wedding of Bill and Fleur.

Why would someone draw

it in a childrens book?

Hermione, I've been thinking

I want to go to Godric's Hollow

Its where I was born ,

Its where my parents died.

Thats exactly why they'll expect you to go

it means something to you

But it means something to

him too, Hermione.

You-Know-Who almost died there.

Isn't that exactly the type of place

he'd be likely to hide a Horcrux?

It is dangerous, Harry.

But I admit it recently I've been thinking

we have to go there

I think its is possible that

something else is hidden there.


The Sword.

If Dumbledore wanted you to find it,

and to not let it fall into the hands of the Ministry ...

... what better place to hide it

than the birthplace of founder of Gryffindor

Hermione ...

Don't tell me I have to give

you a haircut again

I still think that we

should use Polyjuice Potion.


This is where I was born.

I don't want to return?,

as someone else.

Harry, I think it is Christmas eve.


Do you think they are here, Hermione?

My mom and dad.

I think so.

Ignotus Peverell.

Hey, Harry?

Merry Christmas, Hermione.

Merry Christmas, Harry.

Harry, someone is watching us.

Near the church.

I think I know who it is.

I don't know this, Harry.

Hermione, Dumbledore knew.

She might have the sword.

This is where they died, Hermione.

This is where he m*rder*d them.

Bathilda, aren't you ?

Leave it, let me do that.

Miss Bagshot,

Who is this man?


Are you feeling better?

This time can be overcome,


Forest of Dean.

I came here once with my mother and father.

Years ago.

Its just

how I remember it.

Trees, the river, everything.

Like nothings changed.

This of course is true,

everything has changed.

If there were my parents,

they would have nothing nepam�tali.

Or trees.

Or river.

Not even me.

Perhaps we should

stay here, Harry.

Grow old?.

You wanted to know

Who was the boy in the photograph was.

I know.

Gellert Grindelwald.

He's the thief I saw

in Gregorovitch's wandshop.

Speaking of which

where's my wand?

Where's my wand, Hermione?

As we were leaving Godrics Hollow I cast a curse.

and it rebounded

I'm sorry.

I tried to mend it,

But wands are different.

Its nothing.

Lend me yours.

Go inside and get warm.

I'll take the locket as well.


Accio sword!



Are you mental?

Ron, is that you?


Didn't hurt yourself did you ?

You cast the doe as well did you?

No, I thought that was you.

No, my Patronus is a stag.


Okay, Ron.

Do it.

I can not. The thing affect me more

as you and Hermione.

All the more reason

I can not.

then why are you here?

Why did you come back?

I'll have to speak to it to open it

When it does, don't hesitate.

I don't know whats in there, but it will put up a fight?.

The bit of Riddle in the diary was trying to k*ll me?.




and I see your heart and it is mine.

I see your dreams,

Ronald Weasley.

I see your fear.

hated her mother,

who longed for a daughter.

Not My Favorites girl? om,

wishing your friend a.


we were better without you.

happy without you ? astnej��.

Who would choose you ...

... compared to Harry Potter?

What are you compared to the chosen one?

Ron, its lying!

Your mother confessed,

she would prefer as a son.

What woman would take you?

you are .


Nothing compared to him.

Just think

There are only three to go.



Is everything alright?


Actually its more than fine.


You ...

... a complete arse of,

a Weasley!

You show up here after weeks

and you say 'hey'?

Where's my wand, Harry?

Where is my wand?

I don't know.

Harry Potter

You give me my wand!

-What happened to your wand?

Nevermind he's got my wand.

What is that?

You destroyed it.

And how is it that you just happened to have the

sword of Gryffindor ?

It's a long story.

Don't think

it changes anything.

Of course not. I only destroyed a

bloody Horcrux, why will that change anything.

I wanted to come back

as soon as I left.

-just didn't know how to find you

how did you found us ?

With this. Doesn't just

Turn out lights

I don't know how it works

but christmas morning I sleping in this little pub ...

... keeping away from some snatchers.

When I heard it.



Your voice, Hermione.

comin out of it.

And what exactly did I say

if I may ask?

My name.

Just my name.

like a Whisper

So I took it, clicked it ...

... this tiny ball of light appeared

And I knew.

sure enough.

Flew towards me,

ball of light.

Right into my chest.

Straight through me.

Right here

I knew that it was gonna take me

where I needed to go

so I disapparated

came to this hillside

It was dark, I had

no idea where I was.

I just hoped

One of you will show yourself

you did

I have always liked these flames

Hermione makes.

How long do you think

she will stay mad at me?

i don't know ...

just keep talking about that little ball,

and it might touch her in the heart ...

... and she will come around.

It's true. Every word.

This is gonna sound crazy.

But I think,thats why Dubledore left it to me

The delumin�tor.

I think somehow he knew

I'll need to find my way back

Hey, I just realized

you need a wand, don't yout?

I got one here.

Blackthorn 10 inches ,

nothing special.

But be uploaded with just. - I took off

a snatcher few weeks ago

Don't tell hermione this

Definitely was a troll,

by the smell of it.



We need to talk.

Yeah, alright

I want to go see

Xenophilius Lovegood.


See this ? It is a letter

Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald.

Look at the signature.

It's the mark again

It keeps cropping up.

in The tales of Beedle the Bard,

in the graveyard in Godric's Hollow ...

it was there too.


Outside Gregorvitch's wandshop.

What dors it mean?


You have no idea where the next Horcrux is

, and neither I do

But this,

this means something.

I am sure of it.

Yeah. Hermione's right.

We ought to see Lovegood

Lets vote.

Those in favor.

are you still mad at him?

I am always mad at him



Do not touch

Dirigible Plums.

What is it?

Who are you?

What do you want?

Hello, Mr. Lovegood.

I'm Harry Potter,

we met a few months ago.

Can we come in?

Where is Luna?

I don't know.

She will be along.

So...how can I

help you, Mr Potter ?

Well, actually ...

... it was about something that you were wearing

around your neck at the wedding. A symbol.

You mean this?


That's it exactly

What I wonder is ...

what is it?

What is it?

Well.. its the sign of

the deathly hallows ofcourse .

The What?

The What?

The Deathly Hallows. I assume you are all

familiar with the tale of the three brothers?



I have it in here.

There were once three brothers,

who were travelling along a lonely

winding road ...

... at twilight


Mom always said midnight.

Twilight is fine.

better actually.

There were once three brothers,

who were travelling along a lonely

winding road ...

... at twilight.

In time the brothers reached a

river too treacherous to pass

But they were learned in the magical arts

the three brothers simply waved their wands..

... and made a bridge.

Before they could cross however they

found their path blocked by a hooded figure.

It was Death

And he felt cheated

Cheated, because travelers

usually drowned in the river.

But Death was cunning.

he pretended to congratulate

the three brothers .on their magic..

... and said,

that each had earned a prize ...

... for being clever enough

to evade him

the oldest asked for a wand,

more powerful than any in existence

so death fashioned him a wand

from the elder tree that stood nearby

The second brother he decided

he wanted to humiliate death

even further..

... and asked for the power

to recall loved ones from

their graves

So Death picked a stone from the river

and offered it to him.

Finally, Death turned to

the third brother.

A humble man, asked for something

that allowed him to go from that place...

...without being followed

by death

And so it was that death reluctantly

handed over his own cloak of


The first brother travelled

to a distant village...

... with the elder wand in his hand

he k*lled a wizard with whom he once had quarrels..

Drunk with the power that

the elder wand had given him..

... he bragged about it

You shall not prevail against his nose? ou.

But that night ...

...another wizard stole the wand

and slit the brothers throat for good measure.

And so the death took the first brother.

for his own

The second brother journeyed home,

where he took the stone and

turned it thrice in his hand

To his delight the girl he once

wanted to marry before her untimely death...

... appeared before him.

But soon she turned sad and cold

because she did not belong to the mortal world

Driven mad with hopeless longing

the second brother k*lled himself

so as to join her

And so death took the second brother

As for the third brother Death

searched for many years

but was never able to find him

only when he had attained a great age the

youngest brother shed the cloak of invisibilty

and gave it to his son ...

.. he then greeted death

as a old friend

and went with him gladly

departing this life as equals

so there we are

Those are the Deathly Hallows.

I'm sorry sir,

I still don't quite understand.

The Elder wand ...

... the most powerful wand

ever made.

The resurrection stone

The cloak of invisibility

Together, they make the Deathly Hallows.

Together they make one

master of death.

That mark was on the grave in

Godrics Hollow.

Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell

family have something to do with

the deathly hallows

Yes, Ignotus, and his brothers

Cadmus and Antioch were the original owner of the hallows ...

... and therefore inspiration for the story.

Your tea has gone cold

Don't go

I'll be right back?.

Let's get out of here .

I have more of this �brndy pi? I will not.

Thank you for ...

You forgot the water.

Water ?

In the tea.

How silly of me.

You do not have to,

we should be going any way.

No, you do not!


You are my only hope.

They were angry, you see,

because of what I've been writing.

so they took ...

... took my children.

my children


Who took her, sir?


I got it!

treacherous little bleeder!

is there no one we can trust?

they kidnapped her

because he supported me.

He was just desperate.

I'll do the enchantments.

Hello beautiful.

Don;t just hang back

Snatch them


Tell me. what to do Tell me, where it is.





I knew

that one day you come.

But surely as you know.

i no longer have what you seek.

I believe you Grindelwald,

tell me where it is

Tell me who posseses it.

The elder wand lies with him


Buried in the earth.

with Dumbledore.

The hallows exist

He is only after one... the last one

He knows where it is.

he's gonna have it by the end of the night?.

you know who's had the elder wand.

Do not touch her!

Your boyfriend will get much worse for that

if he doesn't learn to behave himself

And what happened to you, ugly?

No, not you.

What is your name?

Dudley. Vernon Dudley.

Check it.

And you him and ugly, lovely?

What do they call you?

Penelope Clearwater

Half blood

There is no Vernon Dudley on here.

You hear that ugly?

This means you're lying to us.

Why did not you tell us? Who you are?

Do you have a mistake, I already told you who I am.

Change of plan.

We are not taking this lot to the Ministry.

Get Draco.


I can't be sure.

Look closely, son.

If we are the ones who

hand Potter to the Dark Lord...

... everything would be forgiven,

it would all be as it was understood ?

Now we won't be forgetting

who really caught him ...

...I hope Mr Malfoy.

Don't dare to talk to me like that in my own house


Do not be shy, come closer!

If this isn't who you

think it is Draco ...

... and we will call Him,

He'll k*ll us all. We need to be absolutely sure!

Whats wrong with his face?

Yes, what it wrong with his face?

We captured him like that.

Something he captured in the forrest I reckom

That happens during a stinging jinx

Was it you

Give me your wand, let's see

what your last spell was

And I? A.

Whats that?

Where did you get that from?

It was in her bag when we searched her

I reckon its mine now.

Are you mad?

Get out!...Get out!

Cissy ...

... hold those boys in the basement!

I'd like a conversation with this one...

... girl to girl!

What are we gonna do?

We can't leave Hermione alone with her!




The Sword is meant to be in my vault

How did you get it?

Did you and your friend STEAL FROM MY VAULT?


I didn't take anything.

I do not believe you.

We have to do something?!

There is no way out of here.

We tried everything.

It's enchanted

You are Bleeding Harry, its a curious thing to

keep on yourself

Help us!

Let her go

Get Back!

You Goblin, come with me.


What are you doing here?

Dobby has come to rescue

Harry Potter!

Dobby will alwyas be

there for Harry Potter.

You say that you can apparate

out of this room ?

Can you take us with you

Of course, I'm a elf

No clear.

Well, Dobby, take Luna

and Mr. Ollivander, please.

Take them to shell cottage

its near the sea.

Trust me.

When you're ready, sir.


I like her very much!

Meet me at top of the

stairs in ten seconds.

Who gets his wand?

So once again, goblin

Think it very very carefully.

How to get there?

I do not know!

You don't know?

Please try again.

Who got into my vault?

Who stole it?

Who stole it?

Impossible to break into Gringotts

the sword is there.


How did it get here then?

Nowhere is safer,

than in Gringotts bank.

Consider yourself lucky goblin

This does not apply to her.

You only think!




Drop your wands.

I said, drop them!

Pick em up, Draco, now!

Well well well ...

Look who we have here.

Its Harry Potter.

Whole bright shiny and new

Just in time for the Dark Lord.

Call him.

Call him


Stupid elf!

You could have k*ll me?!

Dobby never meant to k*ll .

Dobby only meant to maim or

seriously injure

How dare you take a

witch's wand?

How dare you

defy your masters?

Dobby has no master!

Dobby is a free elf...

... and Dobby has come to save

Harry Potter and his friends


Are you alright?

We are safe.

We are all safe.

Harry Potter ...


That would be fine ...

Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on, yes?

We are going to fix it.

Hermione, the dittany ...

... in your purse!



Help me!

It's so beautiful than alone...

... with you here as friends.

Dobby is Happy ...

... that may be

with his friend ...

... Harry Potter.

We should close his eyes ...

... don't you think


Now he could be sleeping.

I want to bury him...

...Properly, without magic.
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