01x02 - American Gothic

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x02 - American Gothic

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

You took home someone else's baby and another family took home yours.

Does anybody know where this other child might be?

I'm so glad you found it.

Nice to meet you.

Daphne is comfortable being deaf.

No one likes being deaf.

I don't need you to protect me.

Your mother and I are just trying to make this thing right.

Right for who?

We intend to get an attorney and get Daphne back.

Don't even think about that.

Mom, you know that guest house that we hardly ever use?

All this space.

You said no rules.

Anything in the house is yours.

Look, I am sure you're about as thrilled to have me in your backyard as I am to be here.

♪ I'm gonna take you on a ride ♪
♪ on a ride ♪
♪ I'm gonna take you on a ride ♪
♪ I'm gonna race you ♪
♪ to the sky, to the sky ♪
♪ I'm gonna race you to the sky ♪
♪ come on, jump out the door ♪
♪ you can't hold it down no more ♪
♪ I'll show you how the birds learned how to fly ♪
♪ don't mind leaving your nest... ♪

Hi. So whenever we have my parents' biological daughter and my biological mother and grandmother living in the guest house, my mom likes to make some big, fancy breakfast item to make her feel like this is totally normal.

Anyway, she made popovers and, like, five jams and three juices.

I'm supposed to invite you over.

You get to eat sugar rice pops?


I love popovers!

I'd love to, but I have to go to work.



You all go ahead.

I'll bring you one.

Yeah, I think I noticed a couple.

Children: A couple?

When Toby was little, he had this bushel of red hair Can I get you anything... Some juice or some milk or some tea?

How is it going over there? It's not too hot, is it?

Those windows are opening okay?

You fixed them, right?

Oh my god, guys, hover much?

Everything's great. Thank you.

Here you go.

These are so cute.

Oh yeah, we have kind of a squirrel thing in this family.

Yeah, I think I noticed a couple.

Children: A couple?

When Toby was little, he had this bushel of red hair on the top of his head, so I called him...

( Inaudible )

Daphne, you want to make something?

Cook something?

Yeah, I make these great butterscotch brownies.


Bay: Oh, she's pretty. She's smart.

She bakes. What doesn't she do?

You do lots of things too, honey.

So it's set, right? Thursday barbecue... You, Regina and your grandma?

Here's some rhubarb jam. Some people don't like it, but I love it.

I make all kinds of rhubarb things.

I make rhubarb syrup, rhubarb pies.

You make the most amazing rhubarb flan.

Mm, is this rhubarb?

I mean, it's really good.

Thank you.

It's kind of like hanging out with grandpa.

My ride's here, so...

Oh honey.


Emmett, this is my...

I mean, the people who...

Hi. John Kennish. Nice to meet you.


He says he traded a rookie Mark McGuire for you.

( Chuckles ) Why?

'Cause he was nine.

'Cause he read that you were cut from your high school team and you didn't give up. And he really liked that.

You get an autographed picture, my friend.

I happen to have one in my wallet right now.

Right here.

Toby you've met.

And this is Bay.

How long have you two been together?

Oh, no no. We're not together. We're just friends.

Well, I'm happy to meet you anyway.

Hey, sweetie.

Um, I didn't know you could be so young and still drive a motorcycle.

You just need to be 16.

Oh wow. I didn't know that.


Kathryn: 16?

You'd better get going.

John: Nice to meet you.


Okay, what just happened?

I think she just left on a '66 Triumph Bonneville T.T.

Oh, so I drink half a beer and get grounded for a week, but she gets to whizz around the city on the back of the-friend-who-you-just-met's motorcycle?

Don't worry. We're gonna fix that.

You're gonna unground me?

No, but nice try.

Then why does she get to do whatever she wants?

Okay, you're grounded because you were arrested.

And you two, off to school. Bye-Bye.

We are gonna do something about that.

Oh, we are definitely gonna fix that.

♪ And I am not really sure ♪
♪ But I'm starting to think that I've been here before ♪
♪ Who knows? ♪
♪ How amusing ♪
♪ But my blue eyes cannot see... ♪

Oh hey, sweetie. Don't forget, tomorrow at 10:00 A.M. we've got a meeting with that malpractice attorney.

Do we have to?

Sweetie, every time I see Daphne, every time I think about all we've missed out on, I get crazy.

But suing the hospital... is that really gonna fix anything?

I think we have a responsability to other parents to make sure never happens again.

Come on, just admit it. You're angry.

Yes, I'm angry.

Can you please just come with me? Please?

I just want her off that damn motorcycle.

The woman who can make that happen is 50 yards that way.

So why don't you go ask her?

Can you do it for me?

Huh-Uh. You want it so bad, you do it.

Hey, so what are you doing later?

I'm grounded, but I can hang out for a little bit before I'm locked up at casa de Kennish.

Bay, we're broken up.

What are you talking about?

"I think we need a break"... remember that?

Well, I said "break," not "break up."

And now we had one, so...


I'm tired of being jerked around.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I've had a lot going on lately and I've been a little bit bipolar.

Okay, more than normal.

You keep saying that...

"I have a lot going on."

What? What's the big mystery?

( School bell rings )

There's nothing, is there?

It's just more Bay drama.

Yeah, you're right. Just more Bay drama.

( Knocks on door )

Hi. I just wanted to check in...

Oh. Oh.

It's fine. It's completely fine.

Yeah, come on in.

Thank you.

Wow. Wow.

So Emmett seems sweet.

Yeah, Emmet's the best.

And you don't worry about them...?

( Phone rings ) Sorry, a client.

So I wanted to tell you that we barbecue every thursday.

It's a little tradition we have since we redid the patio.

And, um, I was just wondering if you and Adriana wanted to join us.

Daphne's gonna bake her butterscotch brownies.

And it's right out there.

I mean, if you're just home anyway.

It'd be impossible for me not to go.


I'm gonna take this.

Please do.

( Door closes )


What's going on?

She's tearing that place apart... I mean literally.

Ripping the wallpaper off the walls.

Are you having second thoughts?


We asked this woman we barely know to move in.

Maybe we should have tried some other way to get to know each other before sharing patio furniture.

So what do you want to do... undo it?

Hey, do you speak english?

I'm sorry. Duh.

What I mean is, I'm looking for Daphne with a D.


Hi. I'm Liam.

We met at Buckner. And I think you were on a tour.

And I thought I might see you around school.

Yeah, I decided to stay here.

Oh, I swear I'm not a stalker.

I just thought, you know, you seemed really cool.

And, you know, there's only one deaf high school in Kansas city, So I figured, you know...

I'm glad you did.

Your bodyguard?

Pretty much.

I love that place.

I'm obsessed with their fried zucchini.

That's my dad's restaurant.


I'm serious. Forno di Lupo. Liam Lupo.

Swear to god.

No way. I can't believe that.

Uh-huh, and in fact my fried zucchini... even better than my dad's.

Wait, that sounded really bad.

( Both laugh )

Do you seriously cook?

Do I cook? Oh, I will take you down in the kitchen.

Wait, that also sounded really bad.

What's wrong with me today?

How about this? Do you want to hang out sometime?

Nice. Nice style...

Clear, concise...

( Laughs )

To the point. You've done this before.

One hour, mom. What is one hour going to matter?

You're grounded, which means no leaving the house except to go to school, and you know that.

I just wanna go to the art store.

Maybe you should think about that next time you break the law.

Don't roll your eyes at me.

Really, what's the big deal?

Oh, I know.

You don't want to go to the art store. You want to see Liam.

Oh no, definitely not.

It's four more days. I think you can handle it.

( Knocks on door )

Hi. So do you remember the whole it's-her-body thing you were telling my mom down at the police station?


So my parents grounded me for a week for the whole fake I.D. situation, and I knew you'd have a much cooler attitude.


I mean, kids have to make their own mistakes and be treated like adults and, you know, be trusted.

And I have a court date, so it's not like I'm just gonna get off.

What's being stuck here gonna teach me, you know?

Wait wait wait. Are you telling me that you are stuck here in that house for a whole week...


With nothing but your pool, your tennis courts, your computer and your art studio?

This is a trick question, isn't it?

Tell you a secret: if it was me, I'd have grounded you for a month, and no screens.



You're welcome.

Now there's a girl who looks like she's dying to do some serious manual labor.

You actually want me to help you?

Well, I'm gonna have to live with this color a long time.

I could really use a second opinion.


Hello? I was just hoping to borrow a mixer.

Ours is in a box somewhere.

Hey. Argh! Help!

Oh, I'm so sorry! Please don't tell anyone. I shouldn't have been...

I'm kidding. I'm kidding. It's fine.

Go ahead, poke around, drool.

Just let me know if there's some weird cleaver fetish you have or something.

No, it's just This is, like, my dream kitchen... this whole house.

Yeah, I guess. Mm.



Don't. That's so gross.

Oh gross? ( Gargles )

No, don't you dare, Toby. No no no.

Daphne, Daphne, is he bothering you?



Good. He has years of torturing to make up for.

That's it? You're not gonna help?

It's what big brothers do. See ya.

This is really good.

Toby, you give that back to me right now.

Damn, some of this stuff is better than the permanent collection at The Kemper.

Yeah, I've got three clients who pay me in trade.

It's great for the decor, not so great for the pocketbook.

Though this one I did...

My mexican folk art phase.

I went through one of those.

I can't help it. I'm still totally obsessed with Frida Kahlo.

Please, what self-respecting latina artist isn't?

"There have been two accidents in my life..."

"Diego and the trolley."

Together: "Diego was by far the worst."

It's so sad.

I know.

I guess I'm a latina artist.

You most certainly are.

What are those?

My A.A. chips.

You earn them...

24 hours sober, 30 days, six months, and every year after that.

Could I...?


Ask me anything you want.

So you were an alcoholic?


I am an alcoholic, always will be.

That's why I put them there, so I can see them and remember how freakin' hard they were to earn, because I'm not going back.

And that's why I would have been harder on you for that fake I.D. than your parents were.

I don't get it.

You don't have the luxury of a couple of beers now and then, because if you're anything like me, pretty quickly that couple of beers can become a six-pack, and then that six-pack is all you think about.

It happened to my dad. It happened to me.

And I'm gonna do everything in my power to make damn sure it doesn't happen to you.

( Knocks on door )



I thought I'd just come by and drop this stuff off.

Ty, that is so sweet... especially considering it's coupons and a bunch of junk mail.


Hi again.

You know, I'm gonna run out to the car and get the rest of the, um, stuff.

So what do you think?

Uh, yeah, it's not my deal, but, hey, if I ran around telling guys I just met that I was an eggplant, that's the color I'd want my walls painted too.

I'm never gonna live that down, am I?

So how much are Daphne and Regina paying for this place anyway?

Nada. Again with the...

Mysterious long story?

Kind of.

Well, you know, if there is another three-bedroom guest house here on the property that you guys are just handing out to random strangers, go ahead and put my name on the list.

Will do.

Hey, quick question: are you gonna be stopping by daily to drop off Regina's mail or just popping by to, I don't know, hang up pictures?

I was... I was passing by.

Oh, you were passing by Mission Hills? Really?

Yeah, and I thought they could use...

Their 20c off coupon for jell-O.

It's 75c off.


All right? It all adds up.

Not that you would know anything about that.

Oh no, wait.

What if they need you to move some furniture?

Bye, eggplant.

Or k*ll a spider? You're so helpful.

So it's like an open-and-shut case, right?

Well, there's no question they were negligent.

And you're entitled to recovery for the emotional distress of being denied the opportunity to raise your real daughter.

I think they say "biological."

Right. The hospital wants this to go away quietly.

Great. That's exactly what we want.

We wanna put this behind us and focus on the girls.

Good, because the cases I've seen where the different sides pursue separate lawsuits, pointing the finger at how the other kid was raised... it always turns into a bloodbath.

And then you hit the igniter.

But do not lean over to see if the igniter is working, because poof! You'll singe off all your facial hair.

I've done it. It's not pretty.

I have a big secret for you here.

I know you're vegetarian, but someday you might be cooking for some guy. You never know.

You know.


I... I'd like to get this whole motorcycle thing, you know, figured out before dinner.

So what do you think? Should we talk to her now?

Hey, Regina. Can I help you with that?

Oh no, I'm good.

Hey, listen, you have a second?

Is there a problem?

No no no, we just wanted you to know that we spoke with an attorney about that lawsuit against the hospital.

And we didn't know what you were planning on doing, but she said that if we all go in together, we have a much stronger case.

Okay, thanks. I'll think about it.

Oh, and another thing I wanted to mention: Daphne's school is right near my pilates class, so I'd be happy to drop her off every morning.

Oh, that's okay. She rides with Emmett...

Which you know.

Regina, a motorcycle?

Come on.

Come on?

You bought your son a $30,000 car even though teenage boys are notoriously reckless.

We are talking about Daphne.

You're questioning my judgment as a parent.

I think I can comment on yours.

Nobody's attacking anybody.

Plus, I guarantee you Emmett is a more careful driver on that motorcycle than half the idiots out there texting and putting on lipstick.

He's deaf.


What if an ambulance goes by?

What if someone honks at him?

Maybe he should just be locked up at home like all deaf people.

Regina, come on. It's a valid question.

We are offering to drive her.

We are not asking you to.

And the reason I don't drive her is because I work for a living.

What is that supposed to mean?

Hey, guys, Dinner's ready.

( Clears throat )

Well, let's get this started.

Don't you say grace?

No, we're atheists.

You're atheist. I'm agnostic.

Whatever. We don't thank God For our salmon and asparagus.

But you all go right ahead.


Can I do it?

Please. That'd be great.

Kathryn: Oh.

John: Of course.

Do we hold hands or something?

Any way you'd like would be great.


I want to give thanks for the food, for our new house and for the circumstances, however crazy, that brought us all together.


Others: Amen.

Daphne, I was thinking it would be nice for us to spend some time together and I was wondering if I could drive you

to school every morning.


You don't have to sugarcoat it for her.

She thinks I'm a terrible mother for letting you ride with Emmett.

Wait a second. We never said that.

Oh please, that's exactly what you said.

There have to be some things that are open to discussion between the three of us.

Why? You didn't discuss Bay's punishment with me.

Is there something you want to say about it?

No, I'll take the week grounding.

And what are the things that are open for discussion?

Their allowance? Their curfew?

I bet you don't even have a curfew, do you?

Who their friends are? What they're allowed to wear?

I mean, where does it end?

And I'm betting you two get to pick which subject it is we'll decide by committee. Am I right?

Regina, ya!

Is there something in particular that is bothering you?

Well, there's a lot actually...

The way you two throw money around, for one; the sheer number of toys these kids have.

This is not gonna end well for us.

I'm not throwing any money around. I earned that money.

But they didn't.

( Pounds )

What is she saying? What is she saying?

I don't know what she's saying.

I'm saying she likes riding with Emmett.

Of course she does. But you happen to be the parent.


And now all three of us are parenting together.

All of this over a bike. It's not like I'm handing her a shotgun.

It'd be a hell of a lot safer.

Don't you tell me there are g*ns in this house.

It's the second amendment to the constitution.

Oh my god.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.


You're ruining everything!


This is hard for everyone. Why can't you just make the best of it?

Those people are not who you think they are.

What does that mean?

You want to know what they said to me?

They don't think deaf people should be able to drive.

I don't believe you.

Go ask them. Go.

Why do you hate them so much? Is it because they have more money?

Is it because she's always so chipper? What's so terrible about them?

They're arrogant and entitled.

We're leaving?

That's it? I have no say in this?

Are you gonna stand there and tell me that you think that this is working?

I'm going out. Don't wait up.

That woman has a lot of nerve to sit out there in our backyard in judgment of us when we have done nothing but welcome her.

Oh, mom, please.

True. Talk about ungrateful.

Yeah, 'cause having her move into the guest house that we never use was such a huge sacrifice.

I do not like the way she talked to us. I do not like her temper.

You just don't like her.

No, I do not.

Okay, what did I do?

She's my blood.

I'm linked to her in a million different ways that I don't even understand yet, so if you hate her, maybe you kind of hate me too.

Honey, that's not what I meant.

( Electric guitar playing )

Hey, I'm going out.

Could you cover for me?

Are you okay?

I just need some air.


Daphne already yelled at me.

What if I can't do this?

You taught your deaf daughter to believe she can be president, but you can't handle living next to the Kennishes?

Daphne is mine. I've done a damn good job with her.

You certainly have.

I don't want to share her.

I have never had to ask anyone's permission on how to raise her, and I don't like it.

And let's face it, they have so much more to offer her... a dad, a brother, that house.

That's not true.

It is true.

I feel like I have to defend my territory, as stupid as that sounds.

It's not stupid.

( Knocks on door )

I need a lookout.

A what?

I'm putting a poster up.

I need someone to keep an eye out, make sure no cops are coming.

A lookout?


You know, that's even worse than "I stopped by to drop off the mail."

( Chuckles ) Come on.

( Pop song playing )

Except that you like fried zucchini and you have a personal bodyguard, I don't know anything about you.

You know that I like Nicki Minaj and Rye Rye.

Come on, I want to know everything... where you live, how many brothers and sisters you have.

You know what would be really awesome?

If we could just talk about music, nothing serious, nothing personal.

Okay. What do you think of the Neon Trees?

You want my knees on cheese?

No, the Neon Trees.

The Neon Trees.


( Laughs )

So lip-reading... not an exact science?

Hardly. But it gets easier when I know someone.

I learn the mouth, the way the lips form certain words.

So you're an expert on my lips?

Not yet. ( Laughs )

Do you ever spy on people like across the room and eavesdrop on what they're saying?

Oh, you're so not getting this.

I have an idea.


Okay, so this has to go up there.

You're allowed to cover them up?

Not the mural. There's sort of an unspoken rule about those.

Posters can be covered up if they're coming apart already.

Ideally if you work on a space someone's already tagged, you answer it.

Here, hold this.

It's kind of like these two.

See, it looks like this guy is sh**ting him.

But clearly they're done by two different artists.

I love that guy's work. I've never met him, but he always uses a lot of masks and helmets.

Stuff about conformity... it's totally inspiring.

Anyways, let's stir some goop.

All right.

You know, this is the strangest first date I've ever been on.

( Chuckles )

So what's with the axe girl anyway?

What do you mean?

What's she so angry about?

You really want to know?


( Pop song playing ) Ready?

Bring it on.

♪ it lasts all day ♪

-♪ it's so much fun... ♪

I eat toenails?

♪ we get so high... ♪


I like ***.

Yes! Totally.



I said, "I like donuts."


Dude, this is hard. I have no idea how you do it.

See, that's why I never hang out with hearing guys... Too much headache.

You know why I don't hang out with deaf girls?

Because you've never met one before.

That's exactly right.

( Game playing on tv )

What if we were wrong?

Wrong about what?

About having a say over Daphne.

Sure, she's our blood. What does that count for?

We're not royalty.

We raised Bay. She's our child, but Daphne...

Wait, sweetie, hold on.

( Turns off tv ) Did I miss something?

Did something just happen?

Bay started defending Regina and it got me to thinking.

I get why she's so pissed.

Suddenly she has to defend her parenting choices to complete strangers.

Yeah. I mean, we have to set some kind of precedent here.

I just don't think this is the right way.

Well, look, obviously this arrangement is not working, so my suggestion is that we get a family attorney to draw up documents giving us the legal authority to make decisions on Daphne's behalf...

You know how this is gonna end up?

Some horrible custody battle like my parents had.

I'm not doing that to those two girls.

So what do we do? Just let Regina do whatever the hell she wants to do?

She's done a really good job, especially considering everything that she's had to deal with.

If you had had to raise a deaf child the way that Regina has, you would have done just as good a job.

Thank you.

But we're not gonna give up.

No way.

Who buys those things?



Nobody I know.

Daphne: I don't know anybody either.

Yo, what up?

What's up, guys?

What's happening, man?

Guys, guys, guys, this is Daphne.

Daphne, this is Cheves and burf.


Oh, you got something in your ear.

It's a hearing aid. I'm deaf.

( Shouts ) You're what?

Wow, this guy is hilarious.

Hey, man, nice going... taking a deaf girl to a music store.

Genius, yeah.

Hey, so do you do that stuff, you know?

Yep, I do.

You know, you talk really good, 'cause there was this deaf kid in our school when we were little, yeah, and he used to talk like, "hello, my name is..."

Dude, seriously. Seriously, huh-uh, don't.

Both: What?

Come on, man, We're just playing. She's cool. She knows that.

So show us how to say something. Like how do you say "doing the nasty"?

Dude, really.

What? I want to learn how to love up a deaf chick too.

Is it like... something like this, right?

Actually it's like this.

Oh, like that?


So just...?

Liam: No, dude.

Keep doing that.

I'm doing that.

I'ma do that to a girl when I go to the club.

Liam: How about y'all just cut it out?

It's my friend. I gotta run. See you later, Liam.

Where are you going?

Don't go.


She can't even hear me right now. (Laughs )

We rock.

Yeah, we do.

All right, I gotta work in the morning and you should probably get home.

Bleh, home.

"Oh, I'm so bummed I have to go back to my mansion."

Oh, shut up.

No, look, you don't get to complain.

Did I or did I not just spend the last 45 minutes telling you the insanity that is my life?

Come here.

You have three parents fighting over you.

That's three more than I have.

Yeah, I know. I...

Why did this have to happen?

Why couldn't I just be like everyone else?

Well, then what would you have to paint about?

You really do listen to me.

Yeah, I really listen.

And you know what? If this whole thing hadn't happened, we never would have met.

♪ So I think you should pick up your phone ♪
♪ You know I'm all about picking up your call ♪
♪ 'Cause without you ♪
♪ without you ♪
♪ Then there wouldn't be me. ♪
♪ I'm trying ♪
♪ I'm trying not to lose my load ♪
♪ I'm wondering ♪
♪ I'm wondering which is the best way ♪
♪ To go ♪
♪ 'Cause we still don't know ♪
♪ We still don't know ♪
♪ My boss ♪
♪ She's always at my back ♪
♪ 'Cause she don't understand you ♪
♪ And why you call ♪
♪ And she tries to attack ♪
♪ She still don't know ♪
♪ Which way to go... ♪

I thought you were grounded.

I am.

So that was a fun dinner.

Yeah, I don't really think our parents dig each other.

Maybe this whole thing was just a bad idea.

I really thought we'd be this big, happy family.

Wow, you really are that girl.

Uh, I didn't think it was going to be easy, but I definitely didn't think it would blow up this fast.

Yeah, that's my mom...

Our mom.

This is never gonna stop being weird.

Good night.



Big oops.

The front door beeps. The window doesn't.

And I was kind of thinking you would be asleep by now.


I wasn't doing anything amoral or illegal or dangerous.

I just needed to get out of this house. That whole dinner was...

Was a complete disaster. I know.

I know this whole thing is my fault.

Excuse me? How could this be your fault?

You were, like, nine hours old when all this happened.

But I made you take the D.N.A. tests and I made you let them move in.

I keep pushing for everybody to do all these things, Daphne too, and maybe it's just not in the cards.

We both really wanted this to work.

But if you and mom and Regina can't, we're just gonna have to live with that.

Every single thing they say about daughters having their fathers wrapped around their little fingers... absolutely true.

Do not tell your mother I caught you. Get upstairs.

Come here.

I'm okay.

Well, I'm not. Come.

We never used to fight.

I know.

This is harder than I thought it would be.

I'm sorry.

I'll stop being so difficult.

I promise.

It's not just you, but thank you.

You are being difficult.

Did they really say that about deaf people driving?

( Sighs ) You know what, honey?

Before I was educated about all this, I might have said the same thing.

We just have to teach them.

You have to teach them, not just tell them what they want to hear.


Come here.

( Knocks on door ) Hey, come in.


Please please, come in.

It's so funny. I was gonna come over myself this morning.


I caught Bay sneaking in at midnight last night.

You know, so I'm thinking if I can't control one teenage girl, how the hell am I supposed to control two?





Um, sorry for just barging in.

I wanted to tell you something.

I resisted letting her get on that thing for months too, but she begged me.

And, well, finally... they're just such good kids.

And I still secretly followed them for a week.

He's a really good driver, I swear.

The funny thing is for years I wished that there was someone around to bounce this stuff off of.

And now there is.


It's hard.

It's gonna be so crowded... Oh.

Toby, back away slowly.

( Knocks on door ) Is it safe?

No one's k*lled each other yet.

Come on in.

I need to tell you guys something.

I speak really well, so sometimes hearing people forget or don't really understand...


So I need you to speak slower, look at me when you talk and be patient.

Absolutely. We can... Yeah.

Sure, why not?

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

And this is a sign for "squirrel."


Cute. I like it.

Oh, the... your friend is...

So everyone's okay with this?

Don't ask. Just go.

Actually, I'm not okay with it.

I... I'm sorry.

I wanted to be okay with it. I'm trying.

But I'm just not.

I wouldn't let my other kids go on a motorcycle and I can't...

But she's not your kid.

She's mine.

And I don't have a say in how Bay is raised.

We agreed to move in together so we could get to know each other's girls, not co-parent them.

Well, Regina, that's not how we saw it.

But okay.



It's okay.


We should go too.


Have fun.

One more thing: I'm not interested in pursuing that lawsuit.

I don't think you understand.

The lawyer works on a contingency, which means that we don't have to pay any money.

I understand perfectly. I'm just not one of those people that sues someone when they spill hot coffee on themselves.

But we're not talking about hot coffee.

We're talking about kids.

We have to protect other parents, make sure that the hospital doesn't...

I don't think that's my job.

But the money could be so helpful...

I'm not interested.



I'll see you all later.

Yeah, see you.

She needs that money.

I mean, she deserves that money.

She's hiding something.

I can feel it.
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