01x04 - Dance Amongst Daggers

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x04 - Dance Amongst Daggers

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Oh, I'm not just anybody. I'm...

You're John Kennish.

Nice to see you.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

The Kennishes aren't taking in boarders, are they?

I mean, they're not having any financial problems?

She's a little insincere.

I get you a job and it's just another excuse for you to judge me and my friends.

Excellent tongue control, Liam.

What's going on?

We need a break.

Daphne: How about this?

Do you wanna hang out sometime?


Bay, this is Ty. He's like my big brother.

Nice to meet you, Bay.

See you around, Ty.

( hip-hop music playing )


Okay, so zombies have taken over the world.

What's the first thing you do?

Gather up food and water.

Pfft, wrong. Go for g*ns.

What are you gonna do for food?

I have a g*n, remember? I'll just take yours.

( laughs )

You like zombie movies, food, sports.

If I even mentioned Derrick Rose to my last girlfriend, all I'd get... eye rolls and big snorts.

Wait wait wait wait. Back up.

What did you say?

Oh, it always had to be about her and her latest drama.

No no, I mean, you said last girlfriend.

Does that make me your current girlfriend?

Uh, yeah.

I mean, I was kind of hoping so.

( chuckles )

Me too.

But in a zombie apocalypse, you would still take my food?

Oh absolutely.

Honey, just a heads up... I may have to store a few things for the fundraiser in your garage.

What's wrong with Toby's garage?

Well, his band is playing for the party and they're gonna need that space to rehearse.

How big of a donation do I have to make to get out of going?

And Toby's band is real.

How big of a donation do I have to make to get out of going?

Honey, this is the first time everyone will see our family since everything and I would like to present a united front, show that we are a functioning, happy...

So we're a theme park now?

( Kathryn sighs )

( footsteps approaching )

Um, Regina?

Oh hey.

You know we're hosting the benefit for Bay and Toby's school here this weekend, right?


It's a bunch of rich people getting dressed up and forcing other rich people to give money to a school that's already rich.

It's for scholarships.

Well, don't worry. I won't be in your way.

No no. I want you to come.


You and Daphne and Adriana.

Um, well, my mom's away visiting her sister. and you know, maybe if you gave us your social calendar, we could coordinate better.

I know it's last minute, but it would mean a lot to me if you could come.

Just give her the united front speech, mom.

Oh, Daphne, I was just inviting you and your mother to the big fundraiser we're having on Saturday night.


Yeah, it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Toby's band is gonna play.

We'd love to.


Oh good.

Can I invite my boyfriend?

Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend.

Neither did I.

We just made it official tonight.

Well, give me his name and I'll put it on the guest list.

Liam... Liam Lupo.

( theme music plays )

Wait. My Liam?

Wait I don't understand. How could she be dating Liam?

I met him when I visited Bay's school.

Who is Liam?

Bay's boyfriend.

Bay's boyfriend.

Bay's boyfriend?


He never said he was going out with you.

We're not anymore.


You broke up with Liam and you don't even tell me?

That is not the point, mom. You're dating someone from my school and you didn't think that it's worth mentioning before now?

But I didn't wanna mention it until I knew it was something serious.

And I didn't realize that I needed your permission.

If I was dating someone from your school, I'd probably think to tell you about it.

So Liam's never even brought up my name?

No, he just said he had an ex-girlfriend.

What did he say about me?

That bad, huh?

No. Us ladies can work this all out, right?

No, mom. It's cool, it's fine.

It doesn't matter. Liam and I have broken up.

And besides, I'm dating someone new now.


His name's Ty.

My Ty?

No. My Ty.

Oh god.

You have to come.

Ty: A bunch of rich people,
me in a suit, meeting your parents?

You've already met them.

I was.. It was when I was moving furniture.

This is me dating their daughter.

They're gonna love you, especially when you're all handsome in your suit.

Look, I like you, okay?

And I really like spending time with you, but that's just really not my scene, all right?

Fine. ( beeps )

For the record, I had no idea who Daphne was when I asked her out.

Really? You're sticking with that?

You didn't hear how Bay was switched at birth with a deaf girl?

Obviously if I had heard, I would have figured out that Daphne was that girl.

I'm not an idiot. How many deaf girls in Kansas citygirls do you think have toured Buckner hall?

Oh, you tell me.

You've apparently dated them all.


If I talk any lower, you won't be able to listen in.


Look, I'm sorry if I'm not up to date on the latest Mission hills gossip.

Well, now you are.

What do you want me to do, Bay?

Break up with her?


That's crazy. I'm not breaking up with her just because you have a problem with her.

Then why did you ask?

Not even dating and we're still fighting.

I need you to be my plus one for Kathryn's fundraiser.

That was easy.

( sighs )

Oh, I'm sorry.



Dinner smells great.

I haven't met him yet.

You'll meet him at the fundraiser.

He's my date. And he very cute.

Regina: Maybe it's not such a good idea...

Going with him.

He's gonna be there anyway. His dad's catering.

I understand, but maybe give it some space till things cool down.

All right, fine. We won't go together.

( sighs )

So what are we, crazy?

We're inviting everyone we know to our house, knowing full well they're gonna be staring at us.

And meanwhile our girls are fighting over some boys.

( sighs )

Could you pour me one of those?

This is for you.

Sweetie, we're gonna be fine.

We just gotta keep our game faces on.

And if people start asking questions, we just tell them we're trying to move forward, taking things one day at a time.

Coraline Brightman just called.

Apparently her mother invited a reporter from the "Kansas city herald" to the party...

The "lifestyle" section.




'Cause all we need now is more pressure to look like the perfect happy family.

( vibrating )

( sighs ) ( beeps )

Nothing can save this dress.

I thought you loved this dress.

I did, when I wore it to the last five quinceaneras.

I wish I had something more elegant.

You mean expensive.

You never cared about labels before.

I've never been invited to something like this before.

Other kids might need expensive clothes to look beautiful... but you don't.

( rock music playing )

They're bringing up another case of champagne.

Yes, ma'am.

Toby, your band is all set up, right?

Ready to rock and roll, mom.

Oh, Bay, you look beautiful.

Not that anyone but you will notice.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry your friend couldn't come.

But considering he's 19, I'm not that sorry.

I still hope you have a good time.

How are things going with...

Things are fine with me and Daphne.


Daphne! You look beautiful.

And... and so do you.

Thank you. So do you.

Ladies, photo opportunity.


I'm sorry, I...

Let's get some water.

Girls: No.

( doorbell rings )

( sighs )

Game face.

♪ it's been a while since I've seen your face ♪
♪ got a little lost in a serious race ♪
♪ took me to the top... ♪

Hello, Sue, Allen! Come in.


You look beautiful.

Thank you.

And so brave.

Oh hi!

♪ no one else around, was the race still on? ♪
♪ waves break ♪
♪ and crash because ♪
♪ I can't erase ♪
♪ what never was... ♪

Um, maybe I should change.

What happened to not caring about labels?

Well, it's fancier than I thought.

♪ I swim alone ♪
♪ but I'm still alive ♪
♪ waves break ♪
♪ and crash because ♪
♪ I can't erase ♪
♪ what never was ♪
♪ it floods my heart ♪
♪ the rising tide... ♪

What does that even mean?

Hey, so if Bay's not really your sister, you could totally take a run at that.

Uh, no.

Then you mind if I do?


Shouldn't you guys be playing?

Or are these instruments just for show?

Our drummer bailed.

Yeah, his mom found porn on his computer.

He's grounded.

I'm texting every drummer I know.

I know a drummer.

You do?

Yeah. Emmett.

Uh, deaf Emmett?

No... blind Emmett.

Well, honestly that would be better because at least he could hear the songs.

Emmett's a really good drummer.

No offense, but are you really the best judge of that?

( Toby clears throat ) I...

Sound is vibration.

You can feel the rhythm in your body.

But if you guys have another option, feel free.

Uh, call him.


Hey, how about that sister?


Kathryn: No, we had no idea.

We just thought that Bay got her coloring from an italian on my side of the family.

Look, we thought it was nothing, but the genetic test confirmed that Bay wasn't biologically ours.

And that's when we found out that there had been a mix-up at the hospital.

( John laughs ) Definitely.

No, we are suing them big time.

But the important thing is that we're all getting a chance to know each other.

Now have you all visited the silent auction?

Because there is an Aspen ski trip that even I have my eye on.

So you really couldn't tell it wasn't your baby?

Well, obviously if I had known, I would have pointed it out at the time.

Cheers. ( glasses clink )

So they're still trying to figure out who's gonna play me in the tv movie.

There's been talk of Emma Roberts, but personally I'm holding out for Camilla Belle... much more of a built-in audience.

And Zac Efron's gonna play my brother Toby.

Oh my god. I just met Daphne. She's so cool.

But I don't understand.

How come she doesn't look like you?

You do know the difference between switched at birth and separated at birth, right?

Oh hey. Thanks for coming, man.

This is Emmett.


What did he say?

He's just excited to play with a real band.

Hey, can I talk to you?

Yeah, sure.

( clears throat )


Please come, I'm begging you. This party is so lame.

Not exactly a compelling case for me to show up.

I'm serious, okay?

You don't even have to wear a suit. Just come.

Look, I don't think you're really getting the whole I-don't-want-to-be-there thing.

Trust me, nobody wants to be here. You'll fit right in.

Why is it so important for me to go to this?

Never mind. It's not a big deal. I'll talk to you later.

I'm gonna steal a dance with you.

You know that, right?

Look, I know there's been a lot of craziness going on lately, but I want you to know that I really like you.

I like you too.

I feel like this is where we should kiss now.

( laughs )

You thought dancing was a bad idea.

Maybe I should go.

Kiss you later?

Yeah, kiss you later.

Yo, Liam.

Oh hey, Zane. What's up?

Hey, Zane, Dan, Joe, this is Daphne my girlfriend.

Hi. Nice to meet you.


Is the whole freakin' world in love with her?

Um, it's pretty basic...

Four-on-the-floor mid-tempo rocker.

This is gonna be a disaster.

Hey, guys, how's it going?

We are guitar face.

And I promise you this is gonna be interesting.
( applause, cheering )

( rock music playing )

♪ I hear ♪
♪ that little voice inside my head ♪

♪ so sincere ♪

♪ I almost believe just what I said ♪
♪ and if you asked me, I'd agree ♪
♪ 'cause there's more to this than what you see ♪
♪ and if you have to believe ♪
♪ there's a moral to the story ♪
♪ and oh, I'm never sorry ♪
♪ all I want is ♪
♪ all I want is ♪
♪ all I want is ♪
♪ just a little meaning, just a little feeling ♪

♪ just a little bit... ♪

( drum solo )

♪ I feel ♪
♪ something comin' at me straight ahead... ♪


♪ take the wheel... ♪

I don't think I've seen you at one of these fundraisers before.

Mm, that's because it's my first.


Bet you won't make that mistake again.




So you're a... you're a new Buckner parent, huh?

No. Buckner is a few zeroes out of my price range.

Yeah, tuition is ridiculous.

I've got two kids enrolled now.

But hey, you can't put a price on a good education, right?

Really? The brochure listed it at 30 grand.

Well, that's just the sticker price.

Your kid have good grades, good at sports?

Both actually.


You know, there are scholarships.

That's what this night is about.

Well, that and dancing.


What do you say?

Um... Okay.


Oh, Tracy, that was an amazing donation.

Thank you.

I don't buy it.

I mean, I'm sure John had an affair.

He was a baseball player, you know?

And come on, what kind of mother doesn't know her own baby?


Well, this seems to be going well.

Yeah, for some people.

My ex seems to be hitting it off with your Regina.

My Regina?

( no audible dialogue )

I'm sure she's just drumming up business for her salon.


( Mike feedback ) Ah. ( chuckles )

Hello. Hi, everybody.

I hope you're having a wonderful evening.

I just wanted to remind you that the silent auction is open throughout the evening.

And I wanted to thank my husband John for graciously donating two items up for bid: one of his precious jerseys and a year's worth of free detailing at Kennish car wash.

John, take a bow. ( applause )


John? Heh.

You're gonna bid that up, aren't you?

Excuse me, what is that?

Do you know what you're looking at?

That is the jersey I wore when I fought Roger Clemens.

See the spot where he hit me?

That's because there isn't one, because I decked him before he landed a punch.

I hate that guy.

You would not believe how many guys in the league bought me drinks after that, including guys on his own team.


No kidding. Listen to this.

We were in Texas one time and he was pitching and I was batting...

♪ no matter how black a storm can be ♪
♪ she never stops, never stops shining down on me ♪

♪ I don't want another day ♪
♪ in my life, my life ♪
♪ without her sunshine ♪

♪ shine on ♪
♪ shine on ♪
♪ shine on. ♪

( song ends ) ( applause )

Thank you! Whoo!


Dude, how do you say "that was great"?

Damn right, man. Awesome!

So you were really great up there and your band sounded amazing and...

( no audible dialogue )

Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry.

Just never mind.

I'm gonna go.

But really good job up there.

It was good.

♪ got a folder full of fragments ♪
♪ you're losing all acquaintances... ♪


Hi, mom.

I saw you dancing with that hot guy.

Yeah, and I saw you dancing with Liam.

What's one dance?

The whole reason we moved in is so you could have a relationship with these people.

One dance with Liam and I'm putting everything in jeopardy?

I don't know.

But are you willing to risk it?

♪ the less likely you'll survive... ♪

My goodness, this is more than generous.

Thank you so much.


Regina, oh.

I'm so glad that you're having fun.

And, um, I'm glad you brought Melody.

She seems very... very sociable.

Um, you have nothing to worry about.

She's happily married.

Oh, I wasn't implying anything.

I... I wanted to talk to you about Bruce.

I saw you dancing with him.

And between you and me, he's Denise's ex and he comes with a lot of baggage.

It sounds like he got rid of it.

Trust me, Regina, he's bad news.

Bad news for me or for you?

Both of us actually.


Hi. Hey.

All right, take care.

Keep up the bidding.

Where have you been?

I'm guessing whatever answer I give you will be the wrong one?

I think you should be with me and not off with your basketball friend.

What, Melody? Are you kidding me?

John, I never asked you any questions when you were down in spring training or when you were off on the road.

Whoa whoa, where is this coming from?

But I know how women act when they're around you.

So when I see Melody hanging all over you in front of our friends tonight, I have to say I don't like it.

Hi. Kathryn?


Hi. Tina Choi, "Kansas city herald."

John Kennish. Hi.

My husband.


I'm so glad you're here.

I just met Daphne. What an incredible story.

I mean, to go deaf at that age and to overcome so much...

Yeah, we're very very proud of her.

And you... to blend together two families so seamlessly and for everyone to get along so well together...


It's inspiring.

And believe me, by Monday everybody will be talking about it.

I'm guessing Ty couldn't make it?

More like wouldn't.

Imagine wanting to miss all this fun.

Here's to a great party.

Ah ah.

This drink is not gonna make it any better.

It can't possibly make it any worse.

( dance music playing )

I'm an idiot.

You're gonna have to do better than that.

You're getting warmer.

I shouldn't have been hanging out with Melody.

I should have been out here helping you.

It's just that... just looking at my jersey and no one was bidding on it...

Honey, we have been auctioning off your jerseys for five years.

Anyone who wants one already has one.

Forget the jersey.

I have never given you a reason not to trust me and I'm not about to start.

All right.

I'm sorry I snapped at you.

I just can't take all these rumors and stares.

Well, the only reason they're staring is because you're the most beautiful woman here.

And the only rumor I've heard is that you're gonna get lucky tonight.


Yeah, this whole switched-at-birth thing has actually been pretty tough on me.

I mean, I was born in the same hospital.

It could have happened to me.

Oh my god. You poor baby.

♪ everything I knew ♪
♪ is now a question in my mind... ♪

You enjoying yourself?

Yeah, I'm having a great time.

Everyone's been really nice.


I'm afraid with this whole switched-at-birth thing you might feel like an exhibit at a zoo.

Thanks, but I'm deaf.

I'm used to people staring at me.

I know.

They can be really mean.

They're just curious.

They want to know how I deal with it, so I just do my best to make them feel comfortable.


( clears throat ) Hi. Hi, everybody.

I want to thank you all for coming.

It's your generous support that has allowed Buckner hall

to set the benchmark for academics, athletics and the arts.

This school represents... it represent...

Uh, it repres...

You know what?

I forgot to introduce Regina Vasquez, who is the mother of my husband's love child.

( people chuckling, murmuring )

Kidding! ( laughter )

Have you met me? If that were true, I would never let

this beautiful woman set foot in my home.

I... I get it.

It's natural to want to gossip about all this.

And to be honest, if it were another family, I'd be right there with you.

But it's hard, so uh...

I just want to answer the question you've all been asking.

We're doing just fine.

And to quote my very wise husband, we're taking it one day at a time.

So I want to thank you for your support and... oh, the silent auction closes in 10 minutes, so get bidding.

And I promise to answer any other questions you have about our situation after you make a donation.

( laughter ) Bravo.

Thank you.

Having fun?

Not really.

What more could you want?

What do you mean?

It sure looked like you were having an awesome time with Liam.

Can I get a copy of that picture that you took with my family or should I just wait for it to show up above the fireplace?

You act like I'm trying to steal your life.

Are you? 'cause it sure feels that way.

You know, this isn't my fault.

It was done to me as much as it was done to you.

I just have a better attitude about it.

Of course you do. You're perfect.

No, I'm not.

Have you ever been in a bad mood a day in your life?

Do you want me to apologize for being nice?

Have you ever tried it?

The minute you found out you were dating my ex-boyfriend, you should have broken up with him.

I may not be Anne of freakin' Green Gables, but that's what I would have done.

Isn't it amazing?

No matter what the situation is, you always end up the victim.

Liam was right... it always has to be about Bay and her drama.

Just so you know, I may not be good at school or sports or being nice, but I know how to keep a guy interested.

You should think about that the next time you're with Liam.

It was nice to meet you.



So I just won dinner for two at the terrace in the silent auction, but I don't usually enjoy dining alone.

Any interest in joining me?

You know...

I would love to.


No, just that.

I'd love to.


( chuckles )

I've waited all night to do this.

What's wrong?


It doesn't seem like nothing.

You know how you said that you like me because we were into the same stuff?


Well, if you and Bay didn't watch zombie movies, eat fried zucchini or talk about sports together, what did you do all the time?

Honestly, we mostly fought.

Well then, why did you go out?

I don't know.

I mean, our parents were close.

We grew up together.

Look, I don't wanna think about Bay right now.

But I have to.

I don't know what she is to me.

I don't know what to call her.

I don't even know if I like her, but she is the only person in the entire planet who understands what I'm going through.

And if I piss her off...

Hey, so let's figure this out.

There's nothing to figure out.

Us being together upsets her.

I wish that this didn't happen.

I wish that I didn't have to think about her or anyone else, But I did and I do.

I like you so much, Liam, But I have to choose this family.

Are we breaking up?

I think so.

Are you sure that this is what you want?


But it's what I'm doing.

What happened?

My jersey sold... for a lot.

That's great, honey.

And the totals are even better this year than last year.


Why don't we kick the rest of these people out of here early and go celebrate in private?

I'll see what I can do.

You know where to find me.

Toby, would you hide this for me somewhere?

What is it?

You bought dad's jersey? ( laughing )


Okay okay.

♪ I can't take one more step ♪
♪ towards you ♪
♪ 'cause all that's waiting is regret ♪
♪ and don't you know ♪
♪ I'm not your ghost anymore? ♪
♪ you lost the love I loved the most ♪
♪ I learned to live... ♪

And you wore a suit.

Yeah, I do own one, you know?

I'm really glad you came.

Do you, um... you wanna get the hell out of here?


All right.

♪ collecting your jar of hearts ♪
♪ and tearing love apart? ♪
♪ you're gonna catch a cold ♪
♪ from the ice inside your soul ♪
♪ so don't come back for me ♪
♪ who do you think you are ♪
♪ collecting your jar of hearts ♪
♪ and tearing love apart? ♪
♪ who do you think you are? ♪
♪ who do you think you are? ♪
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