01x17 - Protect Me From What I Want

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x17 - Protect Me From What I Want

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth"...

You never told us that Ty enlisted.

And by putting you on the basketball team, Buckner qualifies for a $20,000 grant.

So the only reason that they wanted me on the team was because I'm deaf?

You're moving out?

I think we both need a break.

Hey, Daphne.

This is Monica.

I know her from...

They told us we could change in here.

Who did?

I didn't steal your watch.

Stop it! Cut it out!

Hey! What the hell is going on?

I think we just set some sort of record for suicides.

Those weren't suicides. That was attempted m*rder.

Listen up! Now despite all the chatter on the court, this practice was not my way of punishing you all for Saturday's loss to Oaks Glen.

It's my way of getting us ready for the playoffs, which means I'm shaking up the starting line-up. No positions are a lock.

We'll be scrimmaging, running drills and facing off in one-on-one contests.

He's making us play each other to see who starts.

This is great, this could be your chance!

Here's the list of match-ups. We'll start Wednesday.


I'm going up against Ava for point guard.

And you are going up against Jenna for small forward.


Nobody's better at posting up than she is.

Hey, we are both going to be in that starting line-up.


I am serious, Daphne. We will practice as much as you need.

You don't know me... I'm like a dog with a bone when I want something.

And you want me to start with you?


You're my girl.

I'm sorry we fought the other day.

It's just that everything with Angelo was exploding and I think I may have Taken it out on you.

It's nice to see you.

Hi, sweetheart.

Oh, to have the metabolism of a 17-year-old boy.

I don't think he's eaten a lot of meals lately.

You know what? Let me make you something good.

How about some rosemary-garlic chicken?

Just takes 15 minutes.

No no no, he's fine. You're fine, right?

You don't want anything.

I saw that.

One rosemary-garlic chicken coming up!

So, Emmett, what's new? How's school?


He has a lot of homework and he has to take a family portrait.

I saw. I get it.

Can't use your family because...

I'm sorry. I didn't know things were that bad.

Me neither.

You know, Emmett, we could use a new family portrait because we don't have one with Daphne and Regina. Do you think maybe...


Use our family for your assignment?

No no no no no.

Huh-uh! No. She's just using this as a way to get to know you.




Fine, there's always "Sound of music" night.

He'd make a great Kurt.

Okay okay okay... family portrait.

Family portrait.

So? What do you think?

Nice. What do you call this? Bedhead?

Whatever it is, I appreciate your vision.

And thank you.

I appreciate you calling it a vision.

When you deal with artists all day it becomes an essential part of your vocabulary.

Artists. What do you do?

I just opened a gallery at the crossroads... medium west.

Oh, fancy.

I'm going for edgy.

Oh, then you should check out the fringe festival.

Last year some guy shaved his head, set the hair on fire and then shellac the ashes back onto his head.

Okay, that's the kind of thing that gives both artists and hair transplants a bad name.

But I'll check it out. I love finding new artists.

Um, I'm sure you get this all the time, but would you be willing to meet with a young artist?

Maybe give some advice or feedback?

Does he show at a gallery here in town?

She is not with anyone right now.

Her name is Bay Kennish. She's my daughter but just so you don't think I'm some proud mom pimping out her daughter...

I mean, I am proud, but she really is talented.

This is a mural she just did.

Wow, kind of a chicano-socialist vibe.

I like it.

I would be happy to check out her studio, see what else she's done.

And you're not just saying that because I'm the one with the scissors?


But people are interested, honey.

Mom, no one is gonna read your book to find out how Toby Kennish is dealing with the switch.

It's about all of us. How one family was turned upside down and still managed to land on its feet.

That's a line from my book proposal.

When do I get to read that?

When it's done.

Not to be a nudge, but you should get that to the publishers sooner than later.

I know, I know, I know. Sarah Lazar is probably writing away but I'm not gonna race just to beat her it has to be right.

Honey, I'm just trying to help. And what happened to all of our food?

Uh, okay.

Toby, what's the biggest change you've experienced since you found out about the switch?

And how has it changed you?

I don't know.

I guess the only thing I can think of is that with all the drama it's kinda allowed me to fly under the radar.

Have we been ignoring you, honey?

It's just you guys have had a lot on your plate.

I didn't want to add to that.

We should do something... just the three of us...

Like go to the science museum or... skeet sh**ting.

You always loved skeet sh**ting, honey.

So we can...

Let me just re-phrase my answer.

When we first found out about the switch, I was questioning everything.

It was like I was living on quicksand, but now, thanks to my very attentive parents, I'm back on solid ground.

You're not getting out of this.

You're welcome.

I think it was Bay who was into skeet sh**ting.

I look like a ho.

What are you talking about? You look awesome!

You have got to stop with the stripes and the orange.

First of all, it's persimmon.

And I like the stripes.

You've got these adorable arms that you hide in cardigans all the time. It's crazy.



Hey, mom.

I'm Simone. I've heard so much about you!

Uh, Regina. Hi.


It's Simone's.

Yeah, I figured.

Doesn't she look amazing? You know what?

You would look amazing in that too.

Your mom has a k*ller bod! I would die for your boobs.

Thank you.

And I love what you've done with the place!

Thank god you got rid of all those squirrels. Yikes, right?

Yeah, it just wasn't me.

Um, do you want to stay for dinner?

I totally would, but I gotta run.

I've got a wax at 5:00. I'll see you tomorrow, right, Daphne?

Okay. It was really nice to meet you, and seriously, keep the dress.

I just wanted to show you a few examples of what we've done in the past.

That was Bay before she figured out how to use a hair dryer.

This is when Toby fell on the playground and cut his face up so we all dressed up like pirates with bloody scars to match.

"You guys are really cute."

Thank you.

But now we are in your hands this time.

I know that you're going to want to do something a little more arty than... and the whole point of the assignment is to say something about family, right?

This family, so...

"Don't worry about my assignment."

"I want to take a good photo..." for me.

Thank you. Okay.

I know I'm going to get in huge trouble if I ask you anything personal, but I...

She's not here, so ask you.

Okay. Have you ever dated... dated a hearing girl before?


And you didn't date Daphne, right?

"Just friends."

I was never very comfortable with Bay's old boyfriend.

Ty... whew. You know Ty?

I feel a little guilty saying this, but I was relieved when he left.

But Bay was just so sad and her heart was broken.

And then you... you came along.

Thank god.

He is coming by to see some of my stuff.

The problem is I can't figure out what I should show him.

Uh... oh, this one...

This one people really like.

But that could mean that it's too obvious.

This one... yeah? I could really talk about this one, but sometimes curators like the piece to speak for itself.

It would be amazing to have something in a real gallery.

You know? With real artists appreciating it.

There'd be an opening and reviews!

Well, hello, buzzkill.

I know that people see my street art, but it's anonymous.

Which I love but... sometimes I would like to be known as something other than the girl who was switched at birth.

Are you okay?

Did my mom say something?

She did. She totally did.

No, what did she say?

Hey, c'mere!

What's up? What's so urgent about this practice?

I hired Lotte Macomb to coach us.

Holy crap.

The one who played for Stanford?

And who coaches at U.M.K.C.

If anyone can teach you how to post-up, it's her.

I... you seriously hired her to coach us?

We have her for three hours.

That is so cool, but I don't think I can help split the cost with you.

Dude, not to worry. I got it covered.

Simone, that's...

Seriously, don't worry about it.

Remember that watch that I thought had been stolen?

I found it in my leather jacket. And my dad had already bought a new one so I sold it and voilà ... private lessons.

Well, do you think we should tell coach Medlock?

I mean, everybody thinks those girls from East Riverside stole it.

We were the ones who got in trouble, not them.

C'mon, we are wasting valuable Lotte Macomb coaching time.

Let's go!



So you know I'm doing the hit-fest for the Flintport animal shelter tomorrow?


And I was thinking maybe you'd like to come with me.

I got a solo gig at this thing called Treads & Threads and, um, I need to practice for that.

C'mon, you can play guitar anytime.

Actually, dad, it's kind of important.

Yeah well, hit-fest is kind of important.

Toby, the puppies of Flintport need you.

C'mon, it'll be fun.

You and me on the baseball diamond... it's been awhile, huh?


So this one was inspired by Miro.

I can see that. Nice work.


And this one, I was kind of playing with the idea of what's text versus what's an image.

See the m-a-n?

Kind of a twist on Jenny Holzer.


I can't believe you even used me in the same sentence. I love her.

I showed a couple of her pieces back in New York.

I'll bring you by a catalog from the show.

Oh my god. That would be amazing.

This is definitely one of my favorite pieces.

Have you ever considered representing artists? You're very good.

Bay's work does not need a rep. It sells itself.


You should probably go before she starts bragging about the doodles on my notebooks.

Those aren't just doodles. Those are abstract sketches.

She's clearly passionate.


And very talented.

That's an impressive body of work for a 16-year-old.

She paints almost every waking moment.

So I'm still trying to figure out where I can find some authentic Kansas City barbecue.

Oh, there are so many!

My favorite is a hole-in-the-wall called Alabama Al's.

There's also Jack Stack. You gotta get the cheesy corn.

And I'm also trying to figure out who I can share it with.

Oh, um...

I... I have to check my work schedule.

Is that code for you're seeing somebody or otherwise entangled?

Nope. No entanglements at all.


I'll consider it a date.

Okay, all right, here we go.
Great job, dad.

Thank you. You're up.


I'm not doing this by myself.

My boy Toby's going to take some swings.

Come on, let's go.



All right.

All right, slow that machine down for him now.

Hi. Sorry, I just have to get my phone. Come on in.

Take your time. Wow, nice place.

Oh yeah, it's not really mine.


Oh, hello.

I left that blue peacoat here and it's starting to get chilly.

Mom, this is Patrick.

Patrick, this is my mom Adrianna.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

I'm sorry I interrupted.

No, mom, you're not.

You're never interrupting.

Patrick is opening a gallery at the crossroads and I wanted him to see Bay's work.

Oh, Bay's so talented. And Regina too.

Did she show you any of her work?

Ma, please.

You're an artist too?


I dabbled back in the day.

She more than dabbled. Look at this.

It's filled with her artwork.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

I'm used to mom's pimping their daughters.

See how the colors change?

And look how it catches the light.

This is a strong piece.

Are these shards of glass?


Anyway I should get that coat.

Mom... um, Patrick, would you mind waiting outside for just a second?

Oh, of course not.

Nice meeting you, Adrianna.

Mom, I'm so sorry.

No, I'm sorry. Maybe I overstepped by calling about Angelo.

Okay, let's just move on.

I lost my temper and I miss you.

Daphne misses you. Would you... move back?

Do you really think I needed that coat?


Damn. Heads up.

Hey, Monica. What's up?

Didn't you hear? We've been banned.

Banned? What do you mean?

We're not allowed to practice here anymore since someone accused us of stealing a watch.


Uh, where are you practicing now?

I don't know. All the private schools are freaked out, thinking we're a bunch of thugs and thieves.

We're just screwed, I guess.

I'm really sorry about all this.

Whatever. Not your problem.

See you around.

We have to tell someone.

Tell someone what?

That you found your watch.

Daphne, don't you remember how pissed coach got when we accused those girls?

He'll just get mad again and take it out on us.

And we're not exactly in a position to be on his bad side. Besides, the damage is done.

But we can undo it. If those girls don't have a place to practice, they can't compete.

They'll find somewhere.


I'm not telling coach.

It was our bad and it's over. Let it go.

If you don't tell him...

If I don't tell him, what?

I'm serious, Daphne. Let it go.


Can I ask you something?

What happened between you and Simone, can you just tell me?

Uh, it's kinda long.


In eighth grade there was this girl, Alisha Jelline.

She wore these weird barrettes by her ears and her uniform was like way longer than her knees.

Simone, uh, convinced me that we should give her a makeover.

This girl let you?

She was desperate to be friends with us.

And then what?

And then we asked her who she liked.

It took awhile to get it out of her, but it was this hockey player Tim Burke.

And we convinced her that she should practice asking him out and film it.

You didn't.

Alisha told the camera how cute she thought he was, how sexy, how she thought about him all the time.

It was humiliating to watch even in private.

And I begged Simone to delete it after Alisha left.


She sent it around anyway.

It jumped from school to school. I think the whole city saw it.

And Alisha left a month later.

I never should've let Simone talk me into doing it.

I still feel sick when I think about it.

And we never really hung out much after that.


Simone Sinclair is not someone you want as an enemy, but she's not really someone you want as a friend either.

I feel like we should go sh**t some shotguns after this, get the whole red-state tour.

I hate g*ns, but I'm actually a pretty good shot.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

Oh, you have a little...

Okay, so what did you really think of Bay's work?

I mean is she on the right track?

She obviously has talent. She's just 16.

I mean, there's only so many things you can paint about at that age.

You think she'll be able to make a go of it as an artist?

Yeah, someday. She just needs more time.

Most curators... or at least myself... I'm looking for artists that have something unique to say...


Like that painting of yours.

It was clearly about something pretty deep.

I'm a recovering alcoholic and I painted that when I was getting sober.

The shards of glass in the painting are from broken liquor bottles.

That's what I'm talking about. You went through something and it was all there on the canvas... the pain, frustration, the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was just trying to find something to do so I didn't drink again.

Do you want more baked beans?

I'm serious.

That painting would go great in a show I'm putting together.

It's all about turning points.

I think it would really fit in well.

I'm serious. Think about it.

Come in.



I'm really glad you're home!

So how'd it go?

What did he say? I'm dying to hear.

Should I call him? Should I email him?

Should I send him... I was thinking like this handmade card and I wanted to thank him for ever...


He thinks that you are really talented.

He hated my stuff.

No no no.

Regina, I can walk across the driveway for platitudes.

He thought it was really impressive...


But you're 16.

What does that mean?

He felt like, you know, maybe you hadn't figured out exactly what your work was trying to say.

That's just 'cause he didn't ask me.

We mostly talked about style...

Honey, your stuff is way more sophisticated than mine was in my 20s.

So you agree with him. For my age, it's good?

No no! Oh god, okay.

It's not coming out right.

He thinks that you have a lot of promise.

Look, this is just one man's opinion.

Right. No, I know.


No! You know what? It's cool.

At the end of the day I appreciate honesty, so... thanks.

So you missed the first few pitches.

You slammed the last, like, five or six.

It's not about my at-bat.

It was watching you.

I forgot how good you are.


I would have k*lled for that kind of talent.

You had that kind of talent.

And I made a career out of it.

Why'd you drop it?

Dad, you pushed and you pushed.

You took all the fun out of it.

Come on.

I wanted you to reach your potential.

No, dad, baseball was always gonna be your thing.

If I was ever any good, it was because I was John Kennish's son.

And if I wasn't, then it would be a blemish on your legacy.

That is ridiculous.

This is not about you.

No, I am trying to talk to you about what you could have done with all that talent.

Seems to me like you threw that away for nothing.

Oh, that's right, dad. That's what I did.

I threw it all away for nothing.

I feel like I should tell you something.

Simone's watch... the one that she thought was stolen... it wasn't. It was just lost and...

And she found it.


Simone already told me. She also told me that you two sold the watch and used the money to pay for a private trainer for yourselves.

I had that same reaction.

That's not what happened.

Really? So you didn't use the money for a private session with the coach from U.M.K.C.?

Well, yes, but...

And she did that, what? Out of the goodness of her heart?

No, but I didn't...

I went out on a limb to put you in this team, and I'm starting to regret that decision.

You put me on the team because I'm deaf and the school gets disability funding.

Y'know what?

You're right. Let's start clean.


With this new round of tryouts, it'll be all about your playing.


I'm ready for Jenna.

Actually, I was thinking you'd be a better point guard.

So I'll be up against...


Is that a problem?

No, not at all.


I'm all done. Thanks again.

Any time.

Bay just told me what happened with your gallery friend.

He's not exactly my friend.

I'm just... I'm not sure what you were you thinking.

Excuse me?

Why did you get her hopes up? I mean, c'mon.

What serious gallery is going to show the work of a high school student?

I just wanted him to take a look at her stuff.

Feedback is good for artists.

I didn't realize that she was hoping he would show her.

Well, she was. And she's devastated.

You should have never invited him over here like that.

What, so we're never supposed to encourage her to show her work to anyone?

Of course not, but we could nurture her, build up her self-esteem.

Kathryn, rejection hurts no matter how good your self-esteem is and, unfortunately, rejection is 99% of being an artist.

So we should just throw her to the wolves now, teach her a lesson?

She took a risk showing her stuff to Patrick and even if he didn't fall in love with it, she put herself out there.

That's hard. And I am proud of her for trying.

Please don't use those dryer sheets!

They ruin the machine.

Hey, you came!

How did you escape your dad and Olivia?

So that art guy?

He thinks that I don't have anything to say, but I do. This is what I have to say... my street art.

So I'm going to put this up across the street from his gallery.

I don't care. I just... I want to show him or I want to show me or something.

I don't know. But that's the thing about street art.

I don't need anybody's approval, I just put it out there and I see what happens.

Okay, what is going on? You're officially being terse.

Ty? Why are you asking me about Ty?

My mom? I'm gonna k*ll her. What did she say?


I don't know. If we were, it was for like a month at the most.

What does it matter anyway? He's half a world away.

We didn't sleep together, which you know because I told you I'm a vegetable.

A virgin.

I met him right as everything happened.

He was somebody for me to talk to.

He was somebody who was outside of my world.

You knew that I was into Ty when you kissed me, but it doesn't matter because I'm over him and I'm into you.

Do you want to come with me and help put this one up?

I heard we're going up against each other for point guard?


How did that happen?

What do you mean? He changed his mind I guess.

Wait, you knew you had trouble posting up so you convinced him to let you go out for guard.

I would never do that.

I have done everything for you and this is how you repay me?

I'm sorry things turned out this way.

What do you want me to do?

Tell him you don't want to go out for guard.

I'm not doing that.

Wow, I guess you're not the friend that I thought you were.

Let me ask you something... where did coach Medlock get the idea that selling the watch for the lesson was my plan?

I never said that. You probably misunderstood him.

He doesn't move his lips very much when he talks.

That's quite a stare you got going on there.

How's the book proposal coming?


I wonder when my security clearance is going to be high enough for me to read that.

Really, who am I kidding? Sarah Lazar is the real writer.


It's probably best if I just have this as my own private way of dealing with everything that's happened.

Like a journal.

Sweetie, Sarah Lazar doesn't know this family the way that you do.

I think dropping it would be a huge mistake.

But you know what? I'm not gonna push you to do something you don't want to do.


Why do you think Toby quit baseball?

Did I push him too hard?

I don't think that's why he stopped playing.

I think he found other interests, like his music.

His music?

What's so wrong about that?

Well, you know, best case he's a rock star wearing leather pants till he's 60.

Worst case, he's playing on street corners collecting change in an empty guitar case.

John, it's his dream.


Ah, the tyranny of the blank canvas.

Oh, hey.

The catalog with the Jenny Holzer in it.


Uh, hey, I think I drove by your gallery.

It's on 17th street, right?

Yeah, 17th and Baltimore.

There was this really cool piece of street art on a wall nearby.

It was this girl... I think she was holding like a hammer.

Yeah, somebody put it up last night.


I was hoping to leave all the banksy wannabes behind in New York, but apparently they're everywhere.

Banksy wannabes?

No, it was cute.

Huh. Well, I thought it was kind of cool.

So I guess Kansas City artists weren't all that you were hoping they'd be.

I've actually been excited by a few.

Patrick? What are you doing here?

I was dropping off a catalog with Bay.

Can I talk to you for a sec?


I became a curator for this exact reason... to stumble upon a piece that stays with you.

This is my first show here, I want to make a splash and I want your piece in my show.

Look, I appreciate your determination here.

Can I ask what the hesitation is?


Well, it's not like it's your piece versus hers.

I'm responding to your painting.

I know that. You're not a mother.

I just don't see how neither of you being in the show makes you a good mom.

All right, thank you, ladies.

Next Sinclair and Vasquez... Sinclair takes the ball out first.

You want me to tell you when he blows the whistle?

That's okay.

He'll blow it again after I score on you.

Ready to post up?

Looks like those Lotte Macomb lessons are really paying off, huh?

Huh. Yes, they are.

Damn it!

Wait, he's putting something of yours in his show?

I'm not sure. I mean I'm thinking about it.

I wanted you to know, but I promise you none of this was planned.

He was at my place and my mom showed it to him...

There goes Adrianna again... sticking her nose in everything.

Hold on. I am sorry for how all this happened, but I really did want to show him your work.

Whatever, Regina.

Everything I said to him about your stuff is true. Honey...

You know what I don't get? Angelo just left.


Am I the only one who cares that he's gone?

I thought you were in love with him or was that an act too?

Hey, watch your tone with me.

You went on a date with this guy?

What happens when Angelo comes back?

That man walked out on us... again.

He could've stayed and fought, but he didn't.

He just took off.

So what are you saying? He's never coming back?

Hey, guys, Emmett's here. It's family photo time.

Come on.

So I got the spot. I'm gonna be starting.

Well, that's great! That's fantastic.

That's fan-tastic.

I guess so. I mean yes, it is.

Yeah, good for you.

Hey hey, Toby.

So your mom got tickets for the Treads & Threads thing.

And I was hoping maybe you could score us some, you know, floor passes for the show?

There aren't any floor passes.

Oh, I didn't know.

Look, I'm... I'm try... I'm trying.

Dad, you let me convert part of the garage into a music studio, I play every day. I just don't get why you don't see how serious I am about this.

I don't know anything about music.

I don't know anybody. I don't have any connections.

I can't help you.

Dad, I don't need you to help me.

I just need you to get it.

Thank you, Emmett. I'm so excited to see them.


What's wrong? Is this still about Ty?

I'm sorry that everyone was so annoying.


Have things really been that bad with your parents?

Did you just say...

I'm sorry. This is about you and your family.

What... just, um... keep going.

Did you just say "Are we going to fall out of love?" meaning we are currently...

Me too.
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