01x18 - The Art of Painting

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x18 - The Art of Painting

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth..."

That's great!

Are you Ms. Munoz?

I had a baby here 16 years ago.

I remember putting her in her crib, and I thought it was the right one.

If it was me, I'm sorry.


It's really nice to meet you.

I went out on a limb to put you on this team and I'm starting to regret that decision.

You put me on the team because I'm deaf and the school gets disability funding.

Okay, so what did you really think of Bay's work?

I'm looking for artists that have something unique to say.

That painting of yours would go great in a show I'm putting together.

I think it would really fit in well.

I heard we're going up against each other.

Tell him you don't want to go out for guard.

I'm not doing that.

Wow. I guess you're not the friend that I thought you were.

"Put the towel"

"on the table."

Put. Put.

"Please, may I have some pie?"

"Please may I"...


Olivia let me in.

I'm sorry.

Hey, you sounded really good.

Just keep going. Can I help?

Well, I mean...

You spoke to me before, so I thought...


I was the same way about ice skating...

You know, private about practicing.

Yeah. No, I know.

Ow! That's loud.


Ugh. Not you again.

How is it going? Bothering you?

It gets easier. and that was hard enough.

You know, it's just really important that you stay relaxed.

This'll help.

One shot of that... you're in the zone. I mean, you can't learn if you're too tense, right?


Uh, what is she gonna give you for your S.A.T.s?



Come on, Sinclair, make that pass!

Simone, I'm open!

Watch your point guard, Sinclair.

Vasquez is open.

What are you thinking?

I can't do my job as point guard if you don't give me the ball.

You weren't open. Meghan was all over you.

She was like 10 feet away.

She's really fast.

We don't have all day.

Look, can't we work together on the court?

We're both still on the same team, right?

Absolutely. No worries.

Come on, girls.

You have amazing powers of concentration.

How long have you been standing there?

Hour, hour and a half.

I just... I just know that a minute tilt one way or the other is gonna make all the difference between people loving them or hating them.

I've heard the people of Kansas City are very tilt conscious.

Your work is extraordinary.

It's just I haven't done anything new in 13 years.

I mean, I've sketched but...

I probably shouldn't have told you that.

Oh hey, no judgment.


That's how you get everybody to tell you their secrets, isn't it?

I took a kind of career aptitude test in high school.

It's supposed to tell you what professions you're best suited for.

Let me guess... psychiatrist.


Oh my.

Are your daughters gonna come to the opening?

Oh, that still sounds so strange... "Daughters."

Um, Daphne is coming, but I haven't asked Bay yet. That's a little trickier.

Mmm. Well, I'm glad I get to meet Daphne and I hope Bay comes.

There's some stuff here I think she'll really respond to.


You know, I do think that would actually look better... with a little tilt.


But that's impossible.

The hospital can't fire you.

There are whistle-blower laws to protect you.

And they know that, which is why they're saying it's because I was late twice last month.

They're calling it "Erratic work habits."

That is ridiculous.

That's what's happening.

Well, maybe you can get another job.

There's always a demand for nurses, right?

I've submitted 25 applications to other healthcare facilities.

Most of them won't even give me an interview.

An H.R. person finally told me... off the record, of course... word is out that I'm a troublemaker.

You're not a troublemaker.

You're just holding the hospital accountable for overworking their staff.

That's not how they see it.

I have an interview this afternoon for an ultrasound tech position.

But you're a nurse.

I need a job.

And I just wanted to tell you personally that if I don't get this, I'm gonna back out of the lawsuit.

Our case will fall apart without you.

Maybe you'll... just give me a chance to talk to our lawyer before...

I'm sorry, Mrs. Kennish, but I have to take care of my family.

Maybe if I back out, somebody will be willing to give me a job.

What up, female athlete of the month?


You didn't see the bulletin board outside the locker rooms?

No, I was kinda distracted.

Thinking about me, huh?

Actually, no.

And I am not offended by that, because I too was named athlete of the month... male, of course. Lacrosse.

So what does that mean, athlete of the month?

Do we get a certificate or something?

A certificate is only the beginning, my friend.

We also get a delicious steak dinner...

I'll eat yours, you can have my sides... some Kansas City royals tickets and enough free XS Rush to fill a hot tub.

Excess what?

No, X.S. Rush... the sport drink.

They're like a big corporate sponsor.

All we have to do in exchange for our swag is take one of their guys on a little tour of the school.


You're probably gonna need to muster a little more enthusiasm for the tour.

Simone is making my life miserable.

I'm pretty sure being named athlete of the month isn't gonna help with that.

Whatever. It's Simone.

All I want to do is be a part of a good basketball team.

I just want it to be fun.

Then you should focus on Wilke and swag and possibly reconsider that XS Rush hot tub idea.

Please may I have some pie?

Please may I have some pie?


Bay, what are you doing?

You're gonna damage your hearing.

I just had them on for like a minute.

I was trying to see what it feels like to talk without being able to hear yourself.


It's weird.

It's like your voice isn't part of your body.

Yeah, I used to put my head under the water in the bathtub to see what it was like for Daphne.


So... how's the art show coming along?


You know, I've been thinking a lot about it and I want you to understand...

Seriously, it's fine.

Would you be interested in coming?

"New voices from the prairie." Huh.

Wow. Patrick's idea?

I know you're not a big fan of his right now...

You don't have to defend him. I get it.

It's the real world. Some people are chosen, some are not.

And those chosen few are constantly changing.

So much of this is luck and timing.

And one of the ways to improve your luck is to put yourself out there, get to know the people doing the choosing.

And by "You," you mean me.

Yes, I think this would be a great opportunity for you to get an inside look into the Kansas City art scene.

I'm not inviting a lot of people, and it would mean a lot to me if you were there.

Well, then I'll be there.



Master T, strutting it!

Hey, what's up, man? You wanna jam?

I'm just dropping some stuff off to Daphne. How about tomorrow?


Oh! And awesome news...

I got athlete of the month... hence the swag... which means my dad's super-psyched, which means Guitar Face can practice in my basement again.

G.F. back in action! ♪ whassup!

Oh yeah.

Hey, I heard about you and Simone.

Yeah, we... we've been hanging out.

Yeah, well, let me know if you need any pointers.

She can be pretty demanding, if you know what I mean.

I'm doing all right, but thanks.

All right.

Oh, and I guess she's kinda being hard on Daphne on the team.

So if it comes up, maybe ask her to back off.

Dude, are you really trying to be a referee in a girl fight?

Can I get you a training bra while you're at it?

Hello. Hey, yeah.

Yeah, I can stop.

Regular or diet?

Yes yes, I am writing it down.

Yeah, I'm kind of busy right now. 10:15?

Okay, cool. Thanks.

You didn't really write that down.

Shut up.

Brizia texted me this morning and it doesn't sound like her interview went very well.

Maybe it's a scam and she's looking for a handout.

No, it isn't and she is not.

Did she ask you for money?


But she sounds really desperate. We have to do something.

Honey, we can't pay her anything and the guest house is occupied.

John's right about the money, Kathryn.

It's not illegal, but if the hospital found out, they could try to convince the jury that she's only testifying on our behalf because we're paying her.

But that's not true. She was gonna testify before they fired her.

It would destroy Brizia's credibility and ours. It's too big of a risk.

Well, how are they gonna find out?


It's a legitimate question.

Bank accounts are easily traceable.

A big withdrawal or a series of small ones could raise eyebrows.

For the duration of this case, you have to assume that everything about you is being scrutinized.

They just gave us these?

They do that every month?


Authentic Dwayne Bowe. I'm giving mine to my dad... keep that goodwill coming.

I've looked at these online. They sell for like $200 each.

Yeah, and they frown on us trying to resell them.

Been there, punished for that.

We should probably go over our talking points for the tour.

Oh, I hate talking in groups.

Sometimes I miss it when someone asks a question or I get distracted when they're talking to someone else.

It's a small group and I'll be your wingman.

Stop worrying. Just think "Peppy." They love peppy.

And we're just supposed to be thanking them, right?

And encouraging them to continue contributing.

We're still a few hundred thousand short for the new aquatic center.

The what?

Aquatic center.

Aquatic center?

This is a high school, not the olympics.

I think you should do this bit about how our basketball scores have improved since we got that new sprung floor in the gym.

And I will talk about the scoreboard.

Regina really wants me to go and I wanna support her, but I guess I feel... jealous.

I don't know. It would just be so much easier if you would go with me.

This is amazing!

Yeah, but you miniaturized... you made it smaller.

And you made it sticky.

This is awesome.

What about school?

Haven't you missed a lot of school since you moved here with your dad?


I don't know.

Maybe because that's how you graduate so you can go to college and you can work somewhere other than a minimart while you wait for your photography career to take off.

No, it's just...

I'm surprised.

Me and Melody... that's a laugh.

Hey, mom. Oh, do you need some help?

Uh, no, this is the last box.

I'm doing my part by dropping all this poisonous stuff off at the hazardous waste dump.

Wanna come?

Yeah, as much fun as that sounds...

What's up? What do you wanna talk about?

Uh, I just...

I had a question about Angelo.

Oh, honey, I don't want to get back into all that right now, please.

Relax, mom. I'm not in attack mode, okay?

I just... I'm wondering why you guys didn't call immigration on him.

I guess in the end we decided that what Angelo did or didn't do in Italy was really none of our business.

And mostly we knew how hurt you'd be if we turned him in.


I'm just trying to figure out the DOs and DON'Ts of butting in.

Well, I guess for me, it all depends on if someone's gonna get hurt if I don't interfere.

Okay, got it.

Wait, are you thinking about butting in on something?

Me? Never. Although, now that you mention it, if you really do wanna do your part, you should probably leave the gas-guzzling S.U.V. at the dump too.

I think Emmett might be in trouble.

Can we talk?


He doesn't seem to eat a lot of meals for one thing, and he's missed a lot of school, which you know.

And... he said that he wants to leave school.

Well, not "Leave,"

drop out. I don't know that sign.

Leave forever.

He said he doesn't need school to become a photographer, so...

I know this is weird, but think how bad things would have to be for me to come to you.

Not that I-I-I... I wouldn't want to co...

Emmett is gonna be so mad at me I...

I just really care about him.

I see the stars in the sky.

I see the stars in the sky.


I'm just trying to celebrate your big moment.

Yeah, celebrate me with sparkling water.

And one for me with lime please.

Regina, you look wonderful.

The place looks great.

The place cleans up all right.

Your masks are already getting some interest.

Um, this is my friend Melody.

And you remember Bay.


Cool art.

It's great to see you.

Oh hey, be sure to check out those dresses over there. I thought of you.

This artist, she found a trunk full of old clothes and letters and she attached the letters to the dresses.

Really beautiful.

I drew on my mom's clothes once.

She took my markers away.

It sounds amazing. We'll check it out.

Where's Daphne.

Daphne's got something at school, so she's gonna come by later in the week.

Ah. Well, I'd better get back into the fray.

There's some collectors I'd like for you to meet.

I'm really glad you came.

It's good to meet you.

See? I told you you made an impression.

Right, 'cause there's no way that he's just trying to win points with you.

Sorry. Inside voice.

I'm gonna go hunt down the calamari.

Wow. That's beautiful.

It's really personal.

She's that mom who found out her daughter got switched at birth and and her life was like shattered.

There's all this birth imagery, how bloodlines sort of define who we are. I mean...

He lines it up, he sh**t and... boom... direct hit.

The new XS Rush scoreboard lights up like the 4th of July and the crowd goes wild.

Thank you, Mr. Wilkerson.

No, seriously, that scoreboard is going to be amazing.

Thank you so much for supporting Buckner.


It's support from companies like yours that keep Buckner at the forefront of athletics.

Not to mention awesome boosters. Up high, Mr. J.

See, we love that Buckner hall spirit.

Wait till you see us at state this year.

We're totally gonna dominate.

Daphne's one of our proudest new additions to our girls basketball team.

Go Bulldogs!

Terrific. Now is that... are you on scholarship?

No, I do part-time here.

I do all my academics at Carlton school for the deaf.

Actually, Carlton has a basketball team as well.

Can you help public schools?

'Cause they could totally use your support.

Yeah, uh...

In fact, their basketball team is about to be cut

'cause they don't have enough money.

Yeah, and that's why you're playing for Buckner.

Yeah yeah.

Yeah, Buckner's great, but Carlton totally changed my life.

You talk about teamwork, spirit?

That place has it like nowhere else.

They could really use your help.

Hey, we only have one squash court, so don't tell us about hardship.

Hey, come on. Let's go show you where the new athletic facility is gonna be.

Or should we say XS Rush aquatic center?

Uh, I mean, these are pretty cool.

Other than that... good cheese.

Kind of adult video sh**t meets corporate fundraiser.


You're funny.

Oh look, it's Emmett... and Cameron and Olivia.


So that's it? You're just taking off?

The tour is over.

Man, I don't get you.

I mean, you seem like you got it all together and then you go and like self-destruct like that.

I just said what was on my mind.

So just because you're pissed at Simone, you torpedo the whole school?

It's not because of Simone! I couldn't care less about Simone!

Then what?

Wilke, you're really fun, but you don't get it.

You guys have so much.

This wasn't really the time to occupy Buckner.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you'd be so mad.

I'm not. It's just...

Look, my dad is on the board for this thing and I really needed it to go well.

You should've told me.

I kinda did.

Maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't know what's going on.

What's happening?

And the match hits dry grass.

Diane and d*ck Hara, huge collectors. Let me introduce...

What is this?

What's the matter?

You used my personal life without telling me?

Turned it into some cheesy headline to move your merchandise?

I wouldn't say cheesy.

I am not a commodity.

My story is not a commodity.


I am so sorry to interrupt, but we've got a problem back there.

Who invited Cameron?

Don't look at me.

Can I help?

We got it.

Oh, so happy we're handling this delicately.

What? Is that the sign for "Drop o..."

What just happ... No wait. Emmett.

Just don't.

Sorry, I'm out of coffee. Can I?

Uh, yeah, of course.

Have you heard anything from Melody?

Not since I dropped her off.

I'm guessing Emmett spent the night at his dad's.

I'm guessing.

He's not answering.

You did the right thing.

He'll figure that out.

I must have "Narc" written on my forehead.

Melody told me you came to her.

That took some courage.


She's actually pretty cool when she's not turning your art show into a telenovela for the hard-of-hearing.

I'm so sorry about that.

Let's just say it was fine that it ended early.

I would rather make art than sell it, you know?

That piece that wasn't for sale?


I really liked the wings.

Did you make them out of leaves?

I did.

They were Bay leaves.

I know.

I made that when I first found out where you were and... what your name was.

It was really beautiful.

Thank you.

Well, then take all the baking soda away from him.

I don't know. Hide it. I have to go, baby.

Hi. There weren't any tables, but there's this other place right down here.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

I had to leave the kids at home.

Oh, you should've told me.

No no, it's okay. My oldest is 15. She can manage.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

What is it? No, he can't go next door.

Because I don't know what those kids are up to.

Keep him inside. Come...

Because you're the oldest. I will be home soon.

I'm really sorry.

Usually my mom helps out, but she fell last week.

Oh no.

No no, it's fine.

I probably don't have time for coffee.

Oh, well, I just wanted to see how you're doing and if you heard about that job.

Not yet.

Oh. Well, we spoke to our lawyer and he seems to think you might have a case for wrongful termination.

Okay. Is that why you wanted to meet me?

Well, that and I wanted to give you this.

It's just something to help you out until things turn around.

I can't take that.

You've done so much to help our family and look what it's done to yours.

No, I don't need it. Really.

Would it help if I told you I sold something I didn't need and if I bring it home my husband'll just use it to put a TV in our bathroom?

That's your argument?

That hospital took so much from us.

I don't want it to ruin your life.

Please, from one mother to another.

I will pay you back.

Yes. Yeah, I'm coming home. Yeah, right now.

You had no right.

I understand if you feel like I took advantage.

I don't feel like you took advantage.

You took advantage. Let's start there.

If I had any idea how upset you'd be, I'd have run the catalogue by you.

How could you not think I would be upset?

Would you want the most personal thing about your life to be the only thing people know about you?

I didn't think it was a secret. It was in the newspaper.

Exactly, and I had no control over what that reporter said.

But I did not expect you to pull this crap.

I don't think of it as crap, actually.

I mean god knows there's plenty of hot air in selling art, but telling people stories... that's what makes a bunch of paint and cardboard into a living thing.

That's where it gets its power.

What is this?

I sold the red and the blue after you left.

That's a lot of haircuts.

I was hoping to use my commission to take you out to this new indian place.

What's your commission?

50%, standard for a gallery.

First thing... we tell my story how I wanna tell it.


Second, I hate indian food.

Well, what about barbeque? We agreed on that, right?

Are your arteries up for it?

As long as we branch out after that.

Do not get ahead of yourself.

Hey, what's with the car?

Oh, did you get in an accident?

Oh no, everything's fine.

I bought it. Isn't it pretty?

Yeah, it's pretty. What?

It gets 43 miles to the gallon.

Our old car got 24.

Yeah, baby, where is our old car?

It's got this amazing entune system.

You can listen to music on pandora.

You can buy tickets to the movie theaters.


Yeah, Kathryn, where is...

And you like italian, right?


Well, all you have to do is do this and it finds all the local italian restaurants and makes reservations.


I traded in our S.U.V. and I bought this.

You bought a new car without talking to me?

I sold our car, I bought this and gave the difference to Brizia in cash.

It's not traceable, so we're helping her so she can still help us.

Honey, if you had seen her face...

I don't think we should be talking about this right now.


I mean seriously, Kathryn?

Really? You're willing to put the trial, our family, on the line to help this woman who, by the way, might have been the woman who switched our daughters?

She's a victim of the hospital too.

Come on.

They overworked her and then they fired her
'cause she was gonna help us.

I cannot believe you did this without talking to me.

'Cause I knew what you'd say.

But it's the right thing to do.

Really? Great. So I'm just supposed to accept that?

Well, it's done.

Vasquez, I need a word.

You wanna tell me what happened this weekend?

Were the talking points not clear enough?

No, they... they were clear enough.

When I put you up for something, I don't want boosters calling and telling me that the kid I recommended is out there promoting another school.

I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.

Look, I understand you're in a weird position, but this is your team.

Act like it.

Lacy is our best sh**t.

Okay, so why are we passing the ball to Mia, who's no good. We both know this. We have to be honest.

One... one, two...?

Lacy. Yes, Lacy. Right, that's...

Oh, Heather! That's good.

Hey, sweetie, what's up?

Do you guys wanna see if we can save this team?

What? You're coming back?

Come on.

Let's do this.

Get over here. Mmm.


Fancy finding you here.

I mean actually in school.

Come on, okay? I was worried about you.

What was I supposed to do?

Just watch you drop out of school?

I tried.

You said that I sounded like your mom.

Come on. Okay, what...

Do you think that I'm trying to ruin your party?

Why would I tell your mom, of all people, unless I thought that you were in trouble?

You keep saying that you're happy, but to me you just look miserable.
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