01x19 - Write a Lonely Soldier

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x19 - Write a Lonely Soldier

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at birth..."

I'm shaking up the starting line-up. No positions are a lock.

I have done everything for you and this is how you repay me?

I'm sorry things turned out this way.

I guess you're not the friend that I thought you were.

You guys want to see if we can save this team?

Come on.

Let's do this!

And I just wanted to tell you personally that if I don't get this, I'm gonna back out of the lawsuit.

Our case will fall apart without you.

I wanted to give you this.

It's just something to help you out until things turn around.

You're willing to put the trial on the line to help this woman?

Bay, you never told us that Ty enlisted.

I guess I forgot to mention it.

When do you head out?

I leave for Fort Benning on Thursday.

I wanted you to have this. You can hang it up in Iraq or Afghanistan.

This is really awesome.

You knew that I was into Ty when you kissed me.

What does it matter anyway? He's half a world away.

Knock knock! Or... blink blink.

Okay, so you guys left some stuff in the dryer and double-K can't resist a good fluff and fold, so...

Attack on a helicopter by insurgents marks one of the deadliest days

in the w*r on terror...

What's happening?

Helicopter crashed in Afghanistan.

It was carrying part of Bolo Company.

That's Ty's company.

I know.

This is bad.

I think Angelo may have paid off Brizia for her testimony.

I had my investigator keeping tabs on her and apparently she's had a sudden influx of cash, which I'm pretty sure she didn't get playing scratchers.

I figure since Angelo fled, he wired Brizia the money...

Angelo didn't give her the money. I did.

We discussed this.

Craig, welcome to my world.

And you had nothing to do with this?

John didn't know anything about it, it was me, on my own. and the hospital fired her...

Kathryn, Kathryn.

How will this affect our case?

Well, that means Brizia can't testify.

Her credibility as witness is completely compromised, and with the trial date approaching...

But there has to be some way Brizia could still testify.

I could maybe ask my investigator to bury the report.

The chances of the hospital find out about it are minimal.

But if they did?

Well, it would damage our case, obviously, and worst case, I'd get sanctioned by the bar.

But that's a risk I'm willing to take.


No, we have to find another way.

Daphne, it's good to have you back playing for The Mustangs.

I'm not sure everyone feels that way.

What do you mean?

It's nothing.

Did one of the girls say something to you?

No, it's that guy, Travis.

He went off on me for playing with Buckner.

He got all crazy.


I can't say it's the first time that I've heard a complaint like that.

I will talk with him... again.

It's really good to have you back on the team.

I'm so glad that you're here.


What if it's him?

Oh, I'm there already.

One minute I'm trying to get used to the idea that he's gone so that I'll be prepared for it, and then the next...

I didn't even know he had enlisted until a few days before he left, and I still don't understand why he did it.

I know but... but do you get it? Would you do it?

I didn't know that.

Yeah, which I'm not very good at.

Ty usually responds to my emails pretty quickly.

Yeah. He has access to computers over there, but this is the longest that has ever taken him to get back to me.



How is it going on the Carlton team?


I've to go do some stuff.



So just out of curiosity, who's been badmouthing me more, Bay or Daphne?

Bay's snarkier, but A.S.L. probably has some brutal signs for "Bitch."

What are you talking about?

Your sisters.

I know they've been giving you the full court press to dump my ass.

Actually no, they haven't said anything.

I mean I don't speak "Girl" so...


I brought these albums I was telling you about.


And I was thinking that on Saturday we should go to Take Five.

There's this amazing singer/songwriter playing.

Oh yeah? Who?


I got you the 9:00 time slot.

I can't.

I'm not interfering with your image or your sound.

You can wear whatever you want.

No no, it's not that.

Wilke booked Guitar Face to play Annie Barker's party Saturday night.

A kegger? You're passing this up for the red-cup circuit?

Come on. Can't you get out of it?

Hey, dad, I...

Dad, I...

Wow, in stereo.

Can I talk to you...

I just have a question...

Uh, whoa whoa whoa.

Just one at a time.

You go.

Okay, remember when you took that U.S.O. tour with the royals and you met admiral... that general guy... he came to dinner?

General Riken.


Well, they still haven't released any names from Ty's company...

I already called him.

You did?

I'm waiting.

I didn't want to say anything until I'd heard back.

Thank you.

You'll let me know as soon as you find out?


Your turn.

I saw the "Help wanted" sign at the car wash and I know a guy who could really use a job.

Okay. Is he a friend from school?

He goes to Carlton.

His name's Travis. He's a really hard worker.

Is he like you or... more like Emmett?

Do you mean how deaf is he?


No. I...

Tell you what.

If you vouch for him, he's got the job.

Catch you later, man.

Hey, man.


I've been working on a set list for the party Saturday.

Uh, actually something came up and I gotta bail.

Do you have any idea what I had to do to get us that gig?

Yeah, you went up to Annie Barker and said, "Hey, can we play your party?"

That's not the point.

It's Simone, isn't it?


What does she have you doing that night... painting her toenails?

Something like that.

Annie's sister is the social chair at U.M.K.C.'s hot girl sorority.

We do good this Saturday night and we'll be playing college gigs for the rest of the year.

Come on, man. What are you, Axl Rose?

Gonna start blowing off your band?


Let's do it.

Thank you.

All right, see you later.


There were at least a dozen nurses on duty that day.

Brizia can't be the only one they overworked.

I'm sure watching Brizia get fired is just the thing to inspire others to come forward.

We should at least try.

Our other lawyer already did, sweetie.

She depo'd 'em all, and every one of them denied any wrongdoing by the hospital.

So did Brizia until Angelo convinced her to testify.


How did Angelo know to go back to Brizia?

And why did she admit the truth to him?

Other than the obvious reason.

And what is the obvious reason?

Well, he's pretty good-looking, John.

Oh, come on! He's not that good-looking.

Yes, he is.

I'm going to make an appointment to see Angelo's attorney.

He's gotta know something.

Okay, When you go, please take Craig with you.

Maybe he can stop you from poisoning the jury pool.

What is this?

If I had double-Ds bolted to my chest.

It's really cool. Thank you.

Hey, sweetie.

Hey, Emmett.

I just heard from General Riken.

Ty is fine. It wasn't him.

He's okay? He's really okay?

Yes, he is.

Well that's it. In a nutshell. Pretty simple, huh?

What's he saying?

He said that he likes the baseball logo.

I thought that up myself. Pretty cool, huh?

Welcome to the team. If you have any questions, let me know.

I got some work to do. Sweetie, I'll see you later.




Hey, gorgeous.


Travis, this is Wilke.

Oh, sorry, man. What did he say?

He said nice to meet you.

Oh. You too.

What's he saying now?

Nothing. It doesn't matter.

Can we just go?

You got it.


Later, man.

Quick: who won the Crimean w*r?

Uh, the Crimeans?

Like I know the answer to that?

But hey, it sounds good.

So what's up? Your text sounded all serious.

Well look, I appreciate you setting up that gig for me...


But I can't do Take Five.

Wilke dropped the guilt b*mb on me and thinks playing this gig will open up doors for us to play parties at U.M.K.C. and...

I guess I was aiming a little higher than college parties.

I know. I'm sorry.

No, you've gotta do what you gotta do.

Go play with your band.

I'm not Yoko Ono.

Although the idea of a bed-in with you does sound kinda good.

Thanks for being so cool about it.

You don't have to thank me, but you do have to kiss me.

Thank you.

Of course.

Hi there.

We're here to see Conrad Chaplin.

I called before.

Oh yes.

Can you sign in for me please?


So do you have a date set?

June 8th.

You must be so excited.

No, actually. Anxious maybe.

Well then, it's good that you're getting a pre-nup.

No no no.

You must have us confused.

I'm Kathryn Kennish and this is my attorney Craig Tebbe.

Oh my god, the switch. I am so embarrassed.

Does that mean you might be available?

Just got out of a long relationship.


Oh well.

Have a seat and Connie will be right with you.

Wow, I cannot believe that this is the lawyer Angelo hired.

All the magazines are addressed to the nail salon next door.

She thought we were a couple about to be married.

And eventually divorced.

She thought you were cute.

If you play your cards right...

Not really my type.

Apparently she thinks I'm your type.

Well, full disclosure: I have always had a thing for redheads, ever since Mary Jane Watson.

Oh, is that your old girlfriend?

No, Spider-Man's.

Connie'll see you now.

This way.

So we're playing a kegger this Saturday.

You're gonna be there, right?

I'm sorry, all I got was "Saturday" and pulled pork sandwich.

Sorry sorry.

Guitar Face. Party Saturday night.

Me on stage. You in the front row, preferably flashing me.

Mmm, my brother's gonna be on that same stage.

Good point. Guess we should leave the flashing to Simone.

Y'know, if she's still giving you a hard time, I'm happy to accidentally slam her sh**ting hand in her locker.

Just in time for the Springfield Invitational.

I appreciate the thought, but we still have to beat Marshall to qualify.

I don't think that's happening.

Well, maybe with me in the stands as your good luck charm.

No, seriously how come you never invite me to your games?

I don't know.

I guess I just didn't think you'd be interested.

Of course I'm interested. I'm your B.F.


Biggest fan.

What'd you think I meant?


Everything okay?

I don't think so.

Look, I have no idea what you're talk...

Wait wait, hold on.

Sweetie, thank god you're here.

Would you please tell him that he is fired?

What happened?

The guy from anthem rent-a-car came by.

He was totally out of line with him.

He kept insisting to speak with someone who spoke english.

He kept signing to this poor guy who had no idea what he was talking about, except when you showed him your middle finger. He got that one.

This has to be a mistake.


Do you have any idea how much business that guy brings in?

I'm sorry. He's your friend. He has got to go.

I have tried to tell him "You are fired." I wrote it down.

He doesn't understand.

He understands.

Then why is he still here?

What is he saying?

Sweetie, what is he saying?

He said that if you fire him, he'll sue you for discrimination.


And he says his shift is over.

Yeah yeah, go.

So you wanna know how Angelo got Brizia Munoz to turn against the hospital.

Well, when you find out, will you tell me?

I... I don't understand.

From the minute he came in here, Angelo had Brizia all ready to testify.

I'd love to take the credit...

Outside this room I probably will... but it was all Angelo.

Wait, if you weren't the one that tracked her down, how did he even know about Brizia?

His source tipped him off.

What source?

Angelo didn't discuss any of this with you?


Well, I guess we're all on the same team here.

Somebody contacted Angelo.

Somebody with reliable information pointed him in Brizia's direction.

Angelo never gave me a name, and it wasn't from my lack of asking.

But whoever it is, they've got enough information on that hospital to make them pay out like a busted slot machine.

We have to find Angelo.

Unfortunately for us, he's pretty good at going off the grid.

I guess I could talk to Regina, see if she's heard from him.

Let's go talk to her.

I think I'd have a little more luck talking to Regina without a lawyer present.

Besides, I don't want to keep you from your other clients.

Actually... there are no other clients. You're it.

I guess we all have a lot riding on this.

So when your new bike is finished, I thought that we could dress her up in something like this.

Or not.

Maybe we could do something more "American chopper"?

Something with ghost flames?

What is it?

It's nothing.


I promise.

But I'm flattered that you went to the jealousy place.

And now we're at the angry place. Wow.

Okay, it wasn't a secret.

Because it wasn't a big deal.

What?! No!

I would not show your emails to me to anybody else!


Okay, here's the one where he talks about how you have to keep hydrated in the desert.

And here's the one where he talks about M.R.E.s (Meals Ready to Eat).

They come with flameless ration heaters.

It's very scandalous. And... oh!

This one is a bombshell. This is the one where I tell him about the physics paper that I had to write.

We're practically sexting.

No! Let's keep going.

He caught me doing one.

That is not fair, okay?

You know I cannot sign that fast.

Just give me a chance to respond.

I honestly don't remember.

He's fighting a w*r that is half a world away.

I did not think that it was important.

Great news about Ty, huh?

Oh yeah. We're all so relieved.

It was so hard watching Bay not knowing and not being able to do anything to help her.

You were there for her.

And sometimes that's all we can do.

Regina, um, you haven't been in touch with Angelo, have you?



It turns out he had this source that tipped him off that the hospital was overworking its nurses, and I really need to find that source.

And Angelo is the only person who knows who it is.

A couple weeks ago I had a missed call from him.

But when I called the number back, it had been disconnected.

I don't know where he is.

Thanks anyway.

But if you hear from him, you'll let me know right?

Of course.


Yo, T-bow.

You're going to eventually run out of "T" names for me.

The gig at Annie Barker's is a no-go.



Somebody dropped a dime on Annie and told her parents she was gonna throw a rager while they were out of town.

Well, that's completely uncool.

Look on the bright side: your Saturday night's freed up.

Now you can play "Find the tan"

"lines" with Simone or whatever it was you had planned.

Yeah, I guess so.

Uh, you must go to school with Travis.

Yeah, I go to Carlton.

Oh, you talk! Great. C'mon in.

He's in his room playing video games.

All night long.

I'm sorry, you didn't tell me your name.


Your friend Daphne is here to see you.

You should clean this up, if you're gonna have company over.


Good timing, sexy.


So that kegger we were playing went south.


So you could still play Take Five?

Well yeah, but I'm sure they've filled my spot by now.

Well, that's when having an absentminded girlfriend really comes in handy.

I completely forgot to call and cancel.

So I can still play?


Were you the one who narc'd on Annie Barker's party?


Okay. It was me, in the billiard room with the candlestick.

That's not funny.

I know.

And honestly? It's a little scary. I mean, who does that?

The cops were gonna bust that party 10 minutes in, just like they did the last time, and you would have completely missed this opportunity. we talked about this.

When it comes to the music stuff, I want you to stay out of it.

I'm sorry. I care about you.

I want big things for you.

Can you forgive me?

I don't know.

Come in.

Come in!

You want to work here. You want to work here?

I thought you quit.

Two? I don't... I don't...

You want me to pay you double?!

"Can you give me a second chance?"

Okay, I want to tell you something: everybody here gets one screw up, and you already used yours.

You got it?

You were right about the rent-a-car guy.

He's a jerk.

But if I have to be nice to him, you have to be nice to him.

Do you understand?


Welcome back.

You're welcome.


In here.

Any luck finding Angelo's "Deep throat"?

No. The only one who seems to know anything about him is Angelo and god knows where he is.

Oh, so we're right back where we started...

No credible witness.

We had one, just not anymore.

You know, at some point, you're going to have to stop being mad at me.

You think I like being mad at you?

I thought we were in this together as a team, but lately you've been acting like a free agent.

I wanted to be able to see your hands.

So they don't venture into uncharted territory?

No, I want to try communicating in sign language.

No voices.


All right, what's the sign for "Wilke is the greatest bass player"

"since Geddy Lee"?

You know there's not just one sign that covers all of that, right?

Okay, let's start with something simple, like your name sign. Mine is "Happy" with a "D."

It should be "Happy" with an "H-o-t."

And yours is this.

So you make the letter "W" and then you swoosh it back like you're sweeping back your hair.

That's a little vain, isn't it?

You are a little vain.

You got me there.


I think I want a new one. Wouldn't it be cooler if my name sign was this?

Well, you can't pick your own name sign.

A deaf person has to give it to you.

But I could totally talk to Emmett if you think that...

No no. It's okay.

Very nice.

Well, you know how good I am with my hands.

I need you to take this seriously.

It's kind of a big deal.

I know. Okay. I'm sorry.

How do you say, "I want to make out"?

C'mon, it's like spanish class.

The best way to pick it up is to learn phrases you use every day.

I want...


To make out.

I thought you'd never ask.

Oh, are we being audited?

No, it's just lawsuit stuff.


What's going on?

If someone did something that you didn't agree with...


And they lied to you about it, but they were doing it to try to help you out, would you still be mad at them?

It's hard to say without the specifics.

Well, you're not gonna get any.

Well, I'm assuming this isn't about dr*gs, or gambling or getting someone pregnant?

We're good so far.

Thank god.

Well, then I guess I would say I would have to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Okay. Thanks, mom.


You know who Mary Jane Watson is?

Spider-Man's girlfriend?


She's pretty, right?

Yeah, a totally hot redhead.

Kinda ballsy too. Why?

Oh, just wondering.



Bay, can you hear me?


Yeah, it's me.

I'm okay. I got your emails. How are you?

How am I? How are you?

I was so worried.

No, I know, I know, but I'm being really careful over here.

How is everybody?

They're all really glad that you're okay.

What about you?

I'm good.

Hey, you gotta send me another one of those Hammer Girls.

I talked my commander into letting me put it on the top of our Humvee.

I can definitely do that.

When my tour's done, you and me'll go plaster the town in those things.

Never thought I'd miss the smell of wheat paste.

Bay, are you there?

Listen, I know we didn't make any promises to each other, and you probably don't even care, but I started seeing someone... actually.

It's Emmett... Emmett Bledsoe.

Ty, are you there?

Yeah, I'm here.

And hey, that's great. Emmett's a really good guy.

I know.

I... I just thought I should tell you.

It's no problem. Well listen, there's a lotta guys lined up here to use the phone, so I should probably wrap it up.

Okay, um... but I'll talk to you later.

Yeah, definitely.



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