01x23 - This Is the Color of My Dreams

All episode transcripts for the TV show "Switched at Birth". Aired: June 2011 to April 2017.*
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Tells the story of two teen girls who discover that they were accidentally switched at birth. Bay Kennish grew up in a wealthy family with two parents and a brother, while Daphne Vasquez, who lost her hearing as a child due to a case of meningitis, grew up with a single mother in a poor neighborhood. Things come to a dramatic head when both families meet and struggle to learn how to live together for the sake of the girls.
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01x23 - This Is the Color of My Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I'm gonna need an immigration lawyer.

Even if I get you a lawyer and you get out, you can't come back.

I'm still the girl's father.

You can't come back with me. We're done.

I have a 3:00.

No. Come on. Blow off work.

We'll take a nap together.

( Both chuckling )

What exactly do you need?

Interviews? Notes?

For what?

Your book.


Why didn't you tell me?

Because I don't want to get involved.

This concerns my brother, my best friend and Bay.

You didn't think I should know?

Well, he might be able to stay if...


-... if Angelo marries a U.S. citizen.

( Classical music playing )

( Music stops ) - Why are you doing this?

( Alarm beeping )

( Deep sigh )



You okay?

Yeah. I, uh, just had a weird dream.

You wanna grab some breakfast?

I can't.

I promised Kathryn I would help set up.

Bay's coming home today.

( Upbeat guitar music playing )

Oh! Ha ha ha!


( Whooping )

Kennish beats Vasquez again!

I think that Kennish is conveniently forgetting about Vasquez's nine-day winning streak of mid-July.

Toby: I beat you! Fair and square!

What up, sibbies?

Daphne: Welcome home!

Thank you.

How was the galapagos?

Or how were the galapagos?

Muy bien, gracias.

I brought back galapagifts.

Tob sweet. - Ooh.

So, uh, did you get bit by a blue-footed booby?

What's going on with your hair?

Uh, I went island.

And nothing you say is gonna make me...

Take it out.

I'm sorry. My A.S.L. has gotten rusty.

I'm supposed to invite you guys in.

Uh, the welcome home party got bumped up a couple hours.

Yeah, I thought that John and Kathryn were picking you up at 4:00.

Our plane landed early, so we just grabbed a cab.


So we bonded over our hatred for the sun, the ocean and sand.

Well, I'm so glad we spent four grand sending her.

It was an enrichment program.

I'm sure you learned other things.

Didn't you, Alex?

( Door opens ) Kathryn: Come on.

( Laughing )

Hey! We heard you got back early.

Kathryn: Yeah.

Hi, uh, I'm Regina.



I'm Bay's grandmother.

Oh cool. You live here too?


And you're her...



Not exactly.

( Nervous chuckle )

Hey! I see you met everyone.

Ah, so this is Toby and Daphne, my brother and sistery- type person.

And this is everyone!

So, everyone, this is Alex...

My boyfriend.


Alex: Hi.

John: Wow.

All: Hi.

Adriana: Hi. - Kathryn: Huh.

( Whispering ) Maybe we should give it more than

14 minutes before we judge.

Another boy? Is that really what she needs?

First this Liam, the kid who enlisted, then Emmett, now this guy?

I mean, come on, she should take a break at some point. Don't you think?

And you're saying this purely from a point of female empowerment, not as an overprotective dad?

Okay. But the feathers and the hair are just bad.

( Sighs ) True.


( Normal voice ) Hey, you guys, set the table.


Come on.

So where does he go?

St. Joseph's...

Catholic, all boys, dangerous.

( Chuckles ) Well, he seems really nice.

We had the greatest time out there.

We just laughed our way through everything.

So I hope this isn't awkward, but I promised Emmett I'd give you a letter.

I left it in your room.

Thank you.

He and I...

I mean, I wasn't happy about what happened, but we talked about it a lot and...

It's fine.


He was your friend first.

I don't want to get involved, but you should know that he is really...


I come bearing chips.

Lots and lots o' chips.

♪ Excellent.

It's so great having you home.

And it seems... ooh.

It seems like you had a lot of fun.

( Laughs )

So honey, I invited Alex to the book party.

I hope that's okay.

Right. Yeah the book party.

No, that's cool.

Kathryn: Did you like the cover art?

When we had the photo sh**t with the babies, they gave me photo approval.

Hon', you never told me...

You never told me if you like the book galleys.

I know you were trying not to be too connected when you were out there, so I didn't want to push it...

Oh! No, sorry, I really really liked it.

It was... it was honest.

It's insightful. It was funny even.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

So are you still in contact with Emmett?

I never really got a clear story about what happened with you two.

( Knocks on door )


Oh hi, Regina.

Here's the stuff for your bites.

And I can pick you up some aloe when I go out, 'cause that's really the best.

Thanks. I heard about your wrist.

That sucks!


Combination of signing and cutting hair...

Sort of a perfect storm for inflamed tendons.

The doctor says I just have to rest it for a while.

Uh, Regina?


What's going on with Angelo?

His hearing is in a week and he will present everything to the court...

Your letter, my letter, Daphne's letter.

We wrote one too.

Regina: Yes. Right. Thank you.

His lawyer thinks that leaving suddenly would put undue hardship on both you and Daphne.

So he'll probably get to stay.

I don't want to jinx anything, but things look good.

Daphne: I've been cooking for my mom and my grandma since I was nine.

I do this thing where I'll take an ingredient and I'll make like seven dishes with it, just to really get to know it.

I see you're in high school.

Yeah, it's not a problem.

I took classes over the summer, so I'll get out at 2:00 every day this year.

They're totally supportive of it.

I actually applied for a bunch of jobs at the beginning of the summer, but I didn't get anything, so I figured I'd have a better chance once all the college kids went back to school.

Well, you're right about that.

We are looking.

Can I ask what your accent is?

It's so unusual.

It's not Russian, is it?




I'm actually deaf. It's a deaf accent.

Oh! I'm so sorry.

It's really not a big deal.

My dog is deaf.

I promise you I can do anything...

You poor thing.

( Loudly ) Thank you so much for coming in.

It... it's so nice to meet you.

It was nice to meet you too.

John: I just think the whole thing is fantastic.

I mean, come on!


No ghostwriter! Can you believe that?

Every word, all her.

I mean, I couldn't do that.


So I heard you have a new lady friend.

I do.

The lovely Jenna has been keeping me company.

You sure bounced back fast.

Well, it's not like Simone and I were written in the stars or anything.

Those would be some pretty messed up stars.

I'm actually surprised that you're in a relationship so soon.

I guess it just goes to show you: Can't keep a good Kennish down.

No, sir.



( Both chuckling )

So, nobody's tarred and feathered you yet.

I know. I guess I thought people would be more judgmental.

I think Kathryn did a really good job explaining your side of the story.

She did.

He seems like a good guy.

He is.

It's been interesting for me living with such a solid couple.

It certainly wasn't my model.

( Chuckles ) Me neither.

My parents stayed together for me and my brother and shouldn't have.

In fact, most marriages I know are terrible.

I don't know about all of them.

I prefer to be in a relationship because both people choose to, not because getting out of it would be a pain in the ass.

So you don't believe in it at all?

Like, on principle?

I just have never understood the obsession with marriage as an endgame, you know?

It's a piece of paper.

I'm glad we had this conversation.

Me too.

"Oh, you're too pretty to be deaf."

Oh no way!

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

I wish I could just keep it from them until I'm hired, but...

I don't know. I don't feel like that's very honest.


How many interviews have you had?


Once they find out I'm deaf, it's basically over.

Why don't you just ask my mom?

I mean, she's got connections everywhere.


Oh, that's a great idea.

She got your mother a job at Geraldo's.

I want to get this on my own, not from someone begging them to take me on like some charity case.

Yeah, but, you're qualified, right? I mean, once you get in the door, you'll prove that.

Gee dee, think you'd kept a little something from me out there? well, the good news is is my mom wrote a whole book about it, so you can get caught up.

"As a toddler, Bay was feisty, funny and fearless."


"It's true, she looked different than the rest of us... "

You know what? You don't have to read it out loud.

Just to yourself is... is fine.

It says you wet your bed until you were 12.

It says what?

Oh. You're hilarious.

You know what? I am gonna go get more hummus. Enjoy.

Who's Emmett?


Excuse me?

"He rode up on his motorcycle looking like a deaf James Dean."

Sounds pretty hot. Can I meet him?

Could I see that?

Uh, could you just excuse me for like half a second?

There's more if you need it.

All right.

You wrote about Emmett?

Honey, the motorcycle was the first thing that Regina and I argued about.

Plus, he's Daphne's best friend.

I didn't write anything about the two of you, 'cause I knew you'd be touchy about it, so...

Did you even read the book?


Why didn't you read it?

You know how hard I worked on it.

I... I was busy.

I had homework. They made us do assignments.

I'm sorry.

And why in the world wouldn't you tell Alex anything?

Mom, do you know how nice it was to not be the girl who was switched at birth just for a few weeks?

It was a lie, but it was still pretty awesome.

Well, that's fine. But if you couldn't be bothered to read the book, then you can't complain about it.

I didn't realize that you were going to be writing about him.

Honey, Emmett's a part of our story.

I'm sorry, but I can't erase that.

John: Yeah. Big smile.

All: Cheese.

I think we got it.

Jaw's hurting.


Oh, I think...

That's a nice picture!

That's fantastic.

It sure is.

You will thank me for taking these pictures.

They're not even listening to me.


Anything yet?

Just one review in "The Daily."

Bay: And?

They love it.

( Gasps )

( All cheering )

Come on!

Listen listen listen!

"This memoir could have taken a tabloid turn, but instead, Kennish manages to make her personal nightmare compelling, universal...

And full of hope."

Four and half stars!


( Cheering )

That's what I'm talking about.

Nice going, mom.

Thank you.

Congratulations, sweetie.

Maybe I'll read it now?

( Chuckles )



Thank you.

You guys have a great first day!

See you!

Kathryn: Yay.

( Exhales )

( Door closes )

That really is great news, Kathryn.

Oh thanks so much.

Can I ask you something?

Go ahead.

I don't know if this is weird for you at all...

And please tell me if it is, but I've been trying to get a job at a kitchen at a really good restaurant, and...


I haven't been able to find anything yet.

I was thinking that maybe you might know someone?

Why do you think it would be weird for me?

Honey, I would do

anything to help you.

I wish that you felt more comfortable...

It was nothing to do with you. I swear.

I hate asking for help from anyone, ever since I was little.

You know...

"The deaf kid needs help."

Everyone needs help sometimes.

I know, and I really want this, so I'm breaking my rule.

How you feeling?


Your lawyer said we have a really good shot.

And I'll be there, both the girls...

John and Kathryn if you want them.

No. It's bad enough the girls have to see me like this.

Not them too.


But we're all on your side.

Talk to me.

Everything comes down to one judge in one moment who knows nothing about me, except that I lost my temper three years ago.

That's what the letters are for...

I've messed up everything in my life.

That's not true.

It is true!

It's my fault, and I know that.

Listen to me...

When I read that article about you and the girls and the switch, I knew this was what I was supposed to do...

Find you and them and make it right.

Listen to me.

I have a really good feeling about this, and you know I'm never wrong about these things.

Guard: No touching.

( Door opens )



Thought I'd grab some of that duck salad you made last night.

Mm. Sorry.

I just finished it.

( Chuckles ) That's okay.

I'll get something else.

So, what are you working on?

Thought you were done.

I have a meeting with the head of digital marketing.

My editor says we have to "beef up our online presence," so she want me to start a blog.


Look at you, the blogger.

I have to come up with some ideas for topics.


Let me get some brussels sprouts.

Oh, that'd be great.

Yeah. After that, I have to get out of here, honey.

I have to meet them in 45 minutes, so...

Honey, the cable guy's coming.

He is?

Yeah, from 11:00 to 7:00. Remember, you told me?

Only reason I remember is 'cause there's a game on tonight.

Right. Well, I'm sorry. I can't do it.

Um... can you do it?

I have a 2:00 tee time.

Can't you change your golf time?

It's with the head of a dealership, but I've already canceled on him twice this summer...

Both for book-related events, I might add.

First was that trip to New York, and the...

Well, I don't know what to say.

I can't do it, you can't do it.

We'll just have to live without cable for a while.

There's a game tonight.

I'm sorry about the mess.

( Sighs )

( Bell ringing )

Hey, good to see you.

Bay. Bay.

Bay, please. Please. Wait.

Can we talk for like a second?

I'm really extremely sorry about everything.

And I just wanted you to know that I think that you and Emmett were a great couple.


I don't think that one mistake should ruin that, you know?

Okay. I get it. You're gonna ignore me, and that's fine, but we go to a small school, we can't really avoid each other.

Then maybe you should switch schools.

I can't do that.

Why not?

Because I can't.

Why not?

Because I go here.

Then don't.

Don't go here anymore.


Look, you're a smart girl.

You can figure this out. Just go home, tell your parents you want to transfer or something... I really don't care.

You want to do something to make this better?

Don't be in my world anymore.

( Bell rings )

You're Jeff Reycraft.

Chef. You call me chef.

Chef. Right.

I didn't think the interview would be with you.

I love your menu. I've... I've never actually eaten here, but I've studied it and, of course, I've read about you...

Get a jacket, find a knife, ask someone where we keep the vegetables.

Dice 30 onions in one centimeter cubes...

Not half a centimeter, not two centimeters, one centimeter cubes.

Yes? No? You don't speak English?

Sorry. I just thought this would be an interview.

Oh yeah, usually it is, but your mom apparently knows someone really important, so you're hired.

"Thank you, chef."

Thank you, chef.

( Acoustic guitar music playing )


♪ When the words are out of reach ♪
♪ on the top shelf...

( Exhales )

♪ When you slam the door ♪
♪ get locked outside

♪ from yourself

♪ I still have the spare key ♪
♪ that you gave me

♪ I will find a way to get through to you... ♪

Bay? Honey?

Um, I'm gonna be right back.

♪ You can take these things ♪
♪ to heart

♪ doesn't matter about the mess ♪
♪ you're goin' through

♪ no one's ever gonna love you ♪
♪ like I do, like I do ♪
♪ like I do

♪ you can take these things ♪
♪ to heart

♪ you can take these things ♪
♪ to heart

♪ when the b*ll*ts fly

♪ I am on your side

♪ yeah, you can take these things ♪
♪ to heart

♪ when the b*ll*ts fly

♪ I am on your side

♪ you can take these things ♪
♪ to heart

♪ you can take these things ♪
♪ to heart.

And they make this meal for the whole staff called family meal, where we get to eat "scraps."


But it's incredible!

Last night we had ricotta cheese with whip creme fraiche topped with toasted hazelnuts.

Oh my God. I'm so happy it worked out.

And it's all because of you.

Uh, I better go. Chef is very punctual.

Must not be late.

( Both chuckle )

Go go go!

( Clucks like a chicken )

Go away!

Don't you want to feel my slippery, slimy, rubbery skin?

You cannot gross me out because I am a professional.

How can you be a chef if you're vegetarian?

There's meat everywhere.

( Scoffs ) I don't want to make out with it, or anything, but I don't mind being around it.

It's just a personal choice.

Well, whatever you do, don't tell chef.

He's got no love for vegetarians.

Hey, uh, what is he making with artichokes?

I didn't see that on the menu tonight.

I don't know, but I hope we get some.

( Chuckles )


What are you doing?

Trimming artichokes. Like you asked.

I said haricots verts.

Not artichokes. You do know what haricots verts are, don't you? - I'm sorry.

I'm must have misunderstood...

She'll fix it.

We'll fix it.

Uh, Daphne. They're in the refrigerator.

Cook: Behind you.

Behind you.


Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry.

I didn't know you were there. I'm sorry.

Just get out of here. Out!

It's trash. Throw it away.

Hey, what's for dinner tonight?

I was hoping for some of that baked ziti.

I thought we'd just fend for ourselves tonight.

I have to answer a bunch of emails, and I didn't have time to stop at the store, so...




Say it.

I like that we have dinner together.


And I don't know, Kathryn. You know?

I love our traditions, okay.

I love that we take pictures of the kids on their first day of school, and make peanut butter pancakes for their birthdays.

And that I take care of everything.

Now wait a second.

I'm not just some caveman.

Not at all. It's nice having someone take care of things.

I would like it too.

I take care of things.

I mean, I did this summer.

( Chuckles )

I did! I mean, you know, more than normal.

Look, I...

The book took a lot of time and commitment from you, from me, from the kids, and I'm very proud of what you did.

But I thought that when the book was done...

Things would go back to the way they were.


Honey, I got a lot of stuff coming up in the next few months.

I have book signings and publicity and...

When the book's over, I'm gonna do something else.

This isn't the end, it's the beginning.


Is it?

I'll get there.

I hope so.


I finished with the haricots verts.

I need turnips, carrots and kale.

Turnips need to be scrubbed and peeled...

Could you...

I'm sorry I had to interrupt, but could you please look at me when you're talking, so I could read your lips?

No, I cannot.


This is a kitchen.

Not just a kitchen... It's my kitchen.

I am responsible, not just for the food that comes out of it, but for all the human beings who work in it.

There are very large knives in here.

Boiling pots of water. If you can't hear someone behind you, and you bump into a guy holding a vat...

I'm really sorry about that.


I'm sure you grew up being told you could do anything you wanted, right?


Well, that's good.

You had good parents.

But now I'm going to tell you the truth.

You can't do everything.

I can't be a jockey because I'm 6'4".

My sister can't be a Broadway star because she don't sing so good.

We weren't meant to do everything.

That's why God created each of us different.

I heard you were deaf, I didn't know what to expect.

I said, "let's give it a try," but now you're in my kitchen.

And the fact is, it's a problem.

The law says that I have to accommodate you to the best of my ability, so if you want to stay...

Go wash dishes.

Can't do much damage there.

Okay. So he's getting out in a couple of days.


...And you call him "Angelo"?

Well, that's his name.

But he's your dad.

Yeah. But, uh, my dad is...

My dad.

And you looked for his car in a junkyard, but all you found was a guitar pick that belonged to a gay dj named.

Angelo Sorrento.

No no. The guitar pick belonged to my Angelo and the gay Angelo...

Sorrento was, ah...

I'm... I'm sorry, I...

Oh no. ( Chuckles )

No, it's fine. It's just, I...

It's hard for me to follow sometimes.

It's just... I kind of wish you already... knew.

'Cause, uh, then you would have lived it with me, but, uh...

That's impossible 'cause you didn't live...

Let's just go back to talking about sea turtles some more.


( Car approaching )

Hey, honey! How'd it go?

What did you make tonight?

Did you boss make those mussels again?

'Cause I'm dying to try them.


Is everything okay?

Did something happen?

I'm just tired. I'm gonna go in.


If something happened, you can tell me.

( Curtly ) Nothing happened.


Hey, remember that lecture when, like, 9,000 mosquitoes were attacking us?

( Weak chuckle ) Yeah.

That sucked.


So what do you want to do this weekend?

( Motorcycle revving )

You all right?


Not really.

Alex, it's...

"It's not you."

That's what you're gonna say.

"It's not you, it's me."

I am so sorry.

I... I just think that I'm...

Hung up on someone else.

Yeah, I could tell...

( Sighs ) From your reaction at the book party.

I don't want to be hung up on him.

( Water splashing )

Wow! Night-time practice.

You're really taking this competition thing with me seriously.

Hey. You okay?

( Sighs )

I got demoted to dishwasher.

He thinks that having me in the kitchen is unsafe.

That's ridiculous.

He's not right, is he?

How can you ask that?

( Softly) I don't know.

He's not.

Okay, so good.

But it doesn't matter if he's right.

That's what he thinks. That's what everyone thinks.

Deaf person... burden.

You just have to prove to him...

Because the kitchen would collapse if you turned your head half an inch while you're talking to me.

World chaos if you learned, I don't know, three signs! Chicken, ribs, crab.

It's not that hard. That's it!

That's all he has to do!


( Deep sigh )

I'm gonna be stuck as a dishwasher, or a truck driver for the rest of my life.

I really don't think that you're gonna end up a truck driver.

You're wrong.

I've seen it. We get...


Well, I don't know about other people, but I know about you.

You're different.

Everyone thinks they're different.

Man, I am really failing at this pep talk.

Don't worry about it.

Kathryn, what are you doing here?

I heard you got fired or moved to the back.

How did you hear that?

I called my friend.

Honey, they can't demote you just because you're deaf.

First of all, it's not legal.

Yes, it is.

He thinks I'm unsafe. He's allowed to find a different place for me in the kitchen.

That's just absurd.

Look, we'll get you an interpreter...


It's too crowded in there, they'll get in the way.

I don't want an interpreter.

That's fine. Then he's just gonna have to

give you some time to work out a system.

I'm gonna talk to him.

No no no! You can't talk to him!

Someone has to.

Kathryn, no!

Is there a problem here?

Well, actually...

No, chef. No problem.

You sure?

We're fine.

Kathryn, if you say anything, I swear I will never forgive you.


I mean it. Go home, please!

( Laughs )

I am 42 years old and I am still a little embarrassed by the lady at the pharmacy.

Try to hide these behind like, you know, five packs of gum.

( Chuckles )

Wow. You're sure hurrying things along, aren't you?

I told Daphne I'd be home by

10:00 to read over her papers.

Well, chop-chop.

You know, in a couple years I won't have Daphne at home anymore, and we'll have more time...

You know, if we're still together by then.

I certainly hope we are.

You do?

Yeah. I may not believe in marriage, but when I think about my future, you're always in it.

I am?

( Giggles )

Me too.

The cast is coming off.

It's time for business.

( Laughs )

( Piano music playing ) - ♪ tell me where to now

♪ 'cause the lights are out

♪ and your covers and the cloths ♪
♪ are off

♪ there's no win or lose

♪ so go ahead, make your move ♪
♪ let's just pray that it's good enough ♪
♪ there's a w*r in the heart ♪
♪ getting tired of fighting ♪
♪ when you say that you love me ♪
♪ it hurts like lightning

♪ where to now?

You ruined everything.

No. You don't know. You ruined us.

You ruined every other relationship I'm ever gonna have!

How am I supposed to fall for someone else when you do things like that?

But I need to, because I can't be with you.

No no. You don't...

You don't just get to sleep with someone else and then pull the we're- meant-to-be card.

Yeah. I'd say sleeping with my brother's girlfriend and my childhood enemy while I was off talking to your parents about how to help you is not "handling things right"!

I do know.

But you ripped the fabric apart.

You can't just tape it back together with words.

♪ Where to now?

♪ Where to now? ( Engine starts )

♪ Where to now?

Honey, I...

I just wanted to...

Hi, I was gonna find you...

You first.

I've been through this kind of thing my whole life...

People saying stupid things, being uncomfortable around me, telling me what I can and can't do.

I cry, pout and feel sorry for myself.

And then I handle it on my own.

( Crying ) Okay.

No, say it.

I have only been your mother for a few months, and I just...

I wanted to protect you.

That's okay.

I should have talked with Regina.

My mom only knows where the landmines are because she stepped on them all.

( Chuckles ) Really?

I think it's different for Regina.

I mean I heard how she told off that little league coach when you were 10.

What she didn't tell you is I banned her from going to games for the rest of the season.

( Laughing )

What are you gonna do?

( Deep sigh )

I guess go back and try to get a system like you said, make him realize I'm worth the extra effort.

You are.

You are.

I put up a mirror.

I can see that.

Is it okay?

It's okay.

( Footsteps approach )

( Knocks on door )

Can I come in?


We haven't really had a chance to talk since you've been back.

I missed you around here.


Daphne finally told me what happened with Emmett.

I figured.

I love that kid, but what the hell was he thinking?

And I wish that there was something I could do to make you feel better.

But sometimes you just gotta live through it.

I know.

But thank you for everything you've done to help Angelo get out.

It's like a bright star in the sea of crap of being home.

No problem.

You are entitled to get to know your father.

Judge: I've considered your papers, counselors.

Do you have anything to add before I make my ruling on Mr. Sorrento's removability?

Government lawyer: Only that Mr. Sorrento came to this country to avoid prosecution for an aggravated as*ault...

That's in your papers.

Mr. Mullavey, anything new?

I would only stress that removing my client would unfairly separate him from the daughter he only recently discovered...

That's in your papers.

I got it. Mr. Sorrento.

The criminal charges against you in Italy were reduced and you paid a fine. Yes?

Yes, your honor.

So you are no longer a wanted man.

That's good.

And the unique circumstances of your daughters...

Uh, should I say both your daughters...

Are compelling, to say the least.

But while compelling,
those circumstances don't rise to the level of hardship if you were to be removed.

You haven't been a presence in the girls' lives until now and they have three other parents.

Moreover, this court is troubled

by your overstaying the initial visa by several years before your latest attempt to enter the country.

Mullavey: During which time he was a model, law-abiding citizen, your honor.

Yes, law-abiding, except for the initial law he broke by overstaying his visa.

And while the Italian court reduced his charges, it didn't absolve him completely.

This court can't ignore the pattern of law-breaking.

For this reason, I grant the government's petition for removal and order Mr. Sorrento return to Italy.

( Gavel bangs )

What just happened?

I'm so sorry, Bay.

The detainee will be taken back into custody

and he'll be placed on a plane back to his country of origin within 48 hours.

I'm sorry.

( Sobbing )

I'll go.

Bay, stop!

There has to be some kind of appeal.

I'm sorry. There's not.

It's not fair.

I just met him and now they're taking him away from me.

He's never gonna be at my graduation.

He's never gonna be at my wedding.

I feel like I'm never gonna see him again.

You can... you can text and Skype, ( stammers )

And you can visit him.

I will take you.

I just thought that we had some kind of future together...

You and me and him.

It's so childish.

I'm so sorry.

I know it's not your fault.

I know everyone did everything they could.

I'm gonna go.

( Sniffles )

( Piano music playing )


♪ Sometimes love's... - Mom!

♪ That haunts you

♪ in your bed...

Will you, Angelo Giovanni Sorrento, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I will.

And will you, Regina Teresa Vasquez, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I will.

Do you have the rings for us?

That's fine.

And so by the powers vested in me by the State of Missouri, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

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