07x03 - The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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07x03 - The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh! This should be good.

Better be.

What the devil is this?

Some sort of listening device?

We all have them.

Mr. Pendrick certainly seems intent on making a splash.

(musical finale)

Is everything synchronized?

Yes sir.

All is in order. It better be.

Mr. Edison you have my assurance...

I don't give a hang about your assurances.

My assurance that I have utilized none of your patented technology.

Let me be satisfied of that.

Even if I had, your patents don't apply beyond the borders of the United States.

Some of them do.

Now I'd like to look at your sound synchronization system.

Absolutely not.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a show to put on.

Keep an eye on him.

When is this bloody thing gonna get started?

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be amazed!

Bugger always was full of himself.

You are the first to witness a new era in filmed entertainment.

Not only of sight, but sound.

No doubt you've all noticed these.

They're very easy to use. Simply affix them.

Like this.

(background reactions)

Now prepare to be transported to a new world.

A world where all your senses are engaged!


(whispers from the crowd)

(reactions of surprise)

(growl and reactions of surprise)

(car honking, horse neighing and dog barking)


See that?

(crow squawking)

(g*nsh*t and reactions of surprise)


(cheering and applause)

I have to say, that was bloody good.

Indeed sir.

(woman screaming)

Ladies and gentlemen, you've been very patient.

We appreciate that and we'll let you leave as soon as we can.

(background chatter)


The b*llet did not pass through.


The shot had to have come from this direction.

Everyone seated in this section, please come forward.

I'd like a word.

No need to bother. I know who did this.

And I'll fetch him for you.

What are you doing? Pendrick!

This man.

He's tried to destroy me ever since I got into this business!

Could I have your name please sir?

You surely don't think...

Your name!

Thomas Alva Edison.

No need to get excited, Mr. Pendrick.

Many apologies Mr. Edison.

Can I go?

Just bear with me. Murdoch, Murdoch.

There's someone here you might like to meet.

Detective William Murdoch, meet Mr. Thomas Edison.

Hey, it's a pleasure.


Detective Murdoch is something of a tinkerer himself.

He's invented quite a few ingenious devices.


Mr. Edison, if I may, what are you doing here?

I'm in your province to check on my mining interests.

And I do enjoy a moving picture, even when it's of a very low standard.

Oh, dream onward, Edison. You only wish to achieve what I have.

I very much doubt that to be true.

I'm here because I suspect this man of being a thief.

I am not.

We'll see about that.

I believe he is in violation of several of my patents.

I am not.

May I go?

Certainly, Mr. Edison. Certainly.

You're letting a k*ller walk free.

He's Thomas bloody Edison!

Mr. Pendrick, the victim was seated in this reserved section.

Did you know him?

Sadly I did.

His name is George Bailey, and he's my primary investor.

Someone shot him to destroy me and that someone just walked out that door.

I have to leave.

I have another moving picture I have to make and my carriage driver is calling at an ungodly hour tomorrow.

Good evening gentlemen.

Have you finished your questions?

I suppose so.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for your patience. You're all free to go. Thank you.



Let's tear this place apart.

See if we can find any trace of the m*rder w*apon.


Julia, I didn't know you were here.

I wouldn't miss the opportunity.

It was a rather good moving picture, wasn't it?

Yes. Actually, I was watching the audience.

I took the occasion to study how the audience reacted to the images on the screen, how the immersion of the senses can take fantasy to reality.

Hmm. (clearing his throat)

Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary?

Just that people were delighted with the experience.

Excuse us.

It's a pity he missed the ending.

The moving pictures were remarkable, weren't they?

They were indeed George.

When the train was coming for us, I thought I would jump out of my skin.

So did I George. Well, he wasn't shot at close range.

No powder burns at all.

There it is.


38 caliber I believe.

(door opening)

We've yet to recover the m*rder w*apon.



Sorry to interrupt. I was told that I would find you here.

I thought of something that could be of interest to your investigation.

What's that?

While I was observing the audience at the moving picture I noticed a number of things, the most interesting being that at certain times the audience was so convinced what they were seeing was real that they turned their face away or averted their eyes.

(Crabtree): Doctor, I was just saying much the same thing.

So if Mr. Bailey turned his head during the g*nsh*t sequence...

The k*ller may not have been positioned where you'd thought he was.

Dr. Ogden, would you like to accompany me to the theatre?

George, turn your head to the right.

The other right.

Oh right!

I thought you meant your right sir.

Is this the manner in which you observed most of them reacting?

Yes. Some bowed their heads, but most turned their glances away from the screen.


Let's assume that Mr. Bailey reacted in this manner.

(reactions of surprise)

That would mean the shot came from...

(Crabtree): Well, look at that.

A b*llet hole.

Indeed it is.

What is it, William?


Who else was sitting with Mr. Bailey in this reserved section?

These were all people who contributed to the making of the moving picture.

And Mr. Pendrick?

He was sitting in front of Mr. Bailey.

But he did get up and move.

Was that before or after the shot?


Well then, perhaps our Mr. Bailey wasn't the intended target after all.

George, I need you to get me the most powerful torch you can find.


And... now Dr. Ogden!

Did it work William?

Yes, thank you.

It would appear that Mr. Pendrick is very lucky he was not in his seat.

It's a terribly exciting venture, Mr. Pendrick is undertaking, isn't it sir? Sir?

Moving pictures, George?

That's somewhat beneath Pendrick's intellect, don't you think?

(woman screaming) Sir.

I see them.

Oy! You! Stop there!

Toronto Constabulary. Unhand that woman at once.

What's going on?

This isn't in the manuscript.



Oh, I see. (background chatter)

Murdoch, what did you have in mind besides ruining my moving picture?

A question, Mr. Pendrick.

Why were you not in your seat at the time of the sh**ting?

I returned to the projector. I have a witness to that.

Besides the man who was k*lled was my major investor.

Certainly not someone I'd want to see harmed.

Mr. Pendrick...

I had everything to lose and nothing to gain by seeing that man die.

James, I...

Murdoch, why do you always presume me to be guilty? I...

Mr. Pendrick! I don't suspect you of anything.


Oh, that's refreshing.


Develop that film.

See if there's anything we can use that Detective Murdoch didn't ruin.

Right away Mr. Pendrick.

Did you come all this way just to tell me I didn't do it?

No. Um...

Mr. Pendrick, I suspect that someone was trying to sh**t you.

If anyone shot at me, it was that damn Edison!

Thomas Edison is one of the foremost inventors of our time.

I highly doubt that he tried to k*ll you.

That wouldn't be the first time you were wrong.

James, come on, can we go to lunch?

Detective Murdoch are you finished with my sweetheart?

Yes. Do I know you?




Minerva Fairchild.

I go by Charlotte now.

Where are my manners? I'm so sorry.

Charlotte, this is Detective William Murdoch.

So nice to meet my fans.



Uh, Wallace. Please, please don't be a pest.

I told you that we were through.

I'll tell you when we're through.

Unhand her!

(reactions in the background)


You are coming with me.

I'm not finished with you.

Mr. Pendrick, are you alright?

Miss, are you alright?

Yeah, I am. Thank you... for asking.

Uh, Crabtree. George Crabtree.

Such a strong name!

Oh, do you think?



You are an engineer, yes?

So you could have devised this scenario that I described?

Of course. But I didn't do it. I was working late at the University.

Did anyone see you there?

(sighing) This is ridiculous.

Certainly I was upset that Charlotte left me for him.

But she's hardly worth m*rder.

Think of anyone that may have seen you at the University.

I do believe I may have misjudged you James.

You do have some brilliant ideas.

No offense taken, Thomas. And I think you'd be an excellent addition.

Are you sure this is a real police station?

'Course it's a real bloody What do you think it is?


Oh, I see, of course.

And is that Detective Murdoch?

One and the same.

I must talk to him.

Study him. Detective Murdoch. Lincoln Prescott.

I am to be you.

I see.

Sir, what is going on?

I've agreed to let James film parts of his moving picture in Station House Four.

It's a ripping coppers and robbers yarn.

He's found a role in it for me.

Of course.

And the real m*rder I'm to be investigating?

Oh, they'll stay out of your way, Murdoch.

May I help you?

Uh, no. Please, just carry on.

I told Lincoln that you were the inspiration for the detective.

James mentioned Dr. Julia Ogden. I'd like to see her again.

He's hinted at your tortured association with her.

Sir, you're participating in this?

James and I agreed that the moving picture could use a touch of authenticity.

Would you have dinner with us this evening?

Lincoln and I would like to make sure that you're accurately portrayed.

Oh, I don't know...

Oh, do be a sport, Murdoch!

Oh, I'm so sorry.

The, uh, invitation is for Detective Murdoch alone and his mysterious doctor.


(Murdoch clearing his throat)

The inspiration for a moving picture, sir, that's quite something.

As would be finding the man who k*lled Mr. Bailey.

(Murdoch clearing his throat)

Detective Murdoch, how may I be of assistance?

I'm wondering if perhaps you saw this man the night of the sh**ting.


Did you happen to see anyone else?

Anyone who may have gone backstage?

Only Mr. Edison, sir.


Damn man wanted to check out every aspect of this theatre.

Made sure we weren't guilty of any patent violations.

Dreadful pest.

Thank you.

Sir, that's the second mention of Mr. Edison.

It certainly is, George.

(man laughing)

It's just so good to see you again, Doctor.

And you, Minerva.

(classical music)

Pardon me if I'm being indiscrete but... what is Detective Murdoch to you?

We're very good friends.


Is that it? There's nothing... nothing more?

Charlotte, perhaps you're being a little too prying.

I need to know who I am playing... a modern woman or a church mouse.

If you're playing a modern woman perhaps you shouldn't be trying to define her through her relationship with a man.

Besides, Charlotte, the writer and director has some say in how your character acts.


But, uh, my coroner is going to be much more dynamic.

Actually, I'm a psychiatrist now, not a coroner...

I know, it's just...

I'm sorry, it's just very dreary, speaking to morons.

I want to be a woman of action.

But how do you feel?

I'm sorry?

Encountering these dastardly villains.

You must be afraid?

(laughter in the background)

Well, I've never really thought about...

And the human cost? Surrounded by tragedy.

How do you sleep?

Eight hours. Rain or shine.

(Julia laughing) And the cost your work must have on your soul!

William sees crime as an... as an intricate puzzle.

One which can always be solved...

Yes, yes. But how does it affect you?

(soft classical music)

Hmm. I've never really considered how it...

I see.

The man truly is an island. (laughter)

Mr. Pendrick, this latest venture of yours, are you sure it's going to work?

m*rder, crime as entertainment?

We have mystery novels.

I'm simply trying to create a visual narrative.

Yes, I understand that but... filmed depravity is something completely different.

See, I'm willing to bet that you're wrong.

I believe that The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch will play to standing-room-only crowds from coast to coast.

Moving pictures are this century's predominant form of entertainment...

I'm willing to bet on it... for young and old.

I highly doubt that.

(Julia chuckling)

But I wish you luck.

(background chatter)

Are you really going to call it that?

(background chatter)

You there. Can you hold this for me?

Not my department.

Well, my job is the director.

But as you can see, I'm playing a small role too.

And I'm still waiting to be paid, Mr. Pendrick. Director sir.

You there.

Grip this. George.

Have we established Mr. Wallace's alibi yet?

(whispering): ... a bit more atmosphere.


Oh, I'm sorry sir.

It's all quite fascinating, isn't it? And the Inspector, sir.

Having a makeup applied as if he were a lady. (giggling)

George, when you're ready to tear yourself away, perhaps you can find out where Mr. Wallace was at the time of the m*rder.

Sir, will do.

Excellent work, Detective Murdoch.

Thank you sir.

No, no, no.

Excellent work, Murdoch. Excellent work, Murdoch.

Excellent work, Murdoch.

Dr. Grace, I wasn't expecting you.

I thought I'd bring you these lab reports.

I didn't request any lab re...

Oh, the filming. Yes, of course.

Is it true Lincoln Prescott is here?

Yes. He's the chap who's playing Detective Murdoch.

Could you introduce me to him?

Constable Crabtree, could you help practice my lines with me?


Well, yes, I suppose so.

Hello, I'm Emily Grace.

I have to practice my scene. But thank you.



I see that you're play-acting as well as directing.

What have you done to my manuscript?

I made a few amendments.

Amendments? You've ruined it.

I'd hardly say that.

You have!

Murdoch can't be shot. It has to be Constable Tom!

Alphonse, I am the director and what I say goes!

But if you do it like that, it doesn't make any sense.

In the third act, Tom is the one who has to get shot.

The audience won't care about Tom. Murdoch is the star.

But the ending won't make any sense at all.

It doesn't matter. There'll be a terrific chase scene!


Bloody writers!

All they do is set the table.

The actors prepare the feast.

Quiet please!

And, places and... let's act.

I'm sorry, I'm just not comfortable.

Stop filming.

What is it?

I'm not comfortable with how this scene has been rewritten.

I had prepared all evening to do it the other way.


Constable Tom should escort the criminal.

Not me. I am the Detective.

To touch the criminal is beneath me.

You're also the hero.

Mr. Prescott, please, just take the young man to the jail cell... took, took, took.

Detective Murdoch's style of law enforcement is more cerebral.

It's not this, uh, roughhouse.

I could do it.

Thank you, no.

Perhaps George Crabtree could do it.

It'd be nice to have a real policeman in the scene.


No, I couldn't possibly.

You already have a real policeman.

Everybody please just take your places.

And... let's act.

And begin.

Come with me.

(screaming) No!

No! Stop filming.

Fabulous, Mr. Prescott! Excellent!

It was very convincing!

Mr. Prescott? Mr. Prescott?

Mr. Prescott?

(background reactions)

I don't know what happened.

Is he going to be alright?

The wound doesn't appear to be too serious.

How quickly do you think he'll be back on his feet?

I'd like to resume...

He should rest for at least a couple of days.

Sorry, a couple of days? Not hours... days.


Lincoln, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna have to relieve you.

Mr. Pendrick...

Leave your costume at the door.


(Murdoch clearing his throat)

James, sweetie.

I, uh, I just had a bit of an idea.

I could replace him.


(others laughing as well)

A female copper.

(general laughter)

That's a bloody good one.

I just did what Mr. Pendrick told me to do.

Which was?

I was to enter the room and sh**t the man who was escorting my partner in crime.

The g*n wasn't supposed to be loaded.

But it was.

The g*n was loaded with a blank cartridge.

Are you sure?

Of course I'm... are you telling me I don't know my job?

No, but the g*n you assured me was loaded with a blank, instead fired a live round.

When I put it on the table, it was equipped with a blank.

Someone must have switched them.

Isn't it your responsibility to oversee the items used in the filming of this moving picture?

I've only got two hands.

Mr. Pendrick has been working us like a tyrant to get this moving picture finished.

Without pay.


I'm wondering about this writer chap.

He was in the vicinity of the w*apon and he did offer a threat.

Excellent idea, George. Find out where he...

Lives? Already done that, sir.

I did have a love for the stage as a young man.

But the call of duty to Queen and Country denied me the opportunity.

Sir, we're off to question a witness.

Yes, yes, Murdoch. Carry on. Carry on.

Of course, the love of the stage still courses through my veins.

In fact, I was told I was bloody good.


(people talking and dog barking in the distance)

This is where the writer lives?

Sir, as good as.

There he is now.

(background chatter)

Sir, a moment? I'm Detective William Mur...


I know who you are. He made me name my damn manuscript after you.

A near fatal accident has occurred where Mr. Pendrick is filming.

Uh, was Pendrick hurt?

(Crabtree): No.

Oh, that's a shame. What happened?

Someone tampered with a g*n. An actor was shot.

An actor? Well at least that's something. Which one?

The one playing Murdoch.

Ugh. Pendrick's a fool.

Constable Tom was the one who was supposed to be shot.

Pendrick's playing Constable Tom.

And poorly, I'd wager.

This is no laughing matter, sir.

I never tampered with a g*n.

I never fired a g*n and I'm certainly not involved.

When I choose a w*apon...

I use this.

Thank you for your time.

So, according to that chap's original manuscript, the character who is being shot was played by Pendrick.

Oh Murdoch.

Could I have a word?

(background chatter)

You can't be serious.

But who better to play Murdoch than Murdoch?

Mr. Pendrick, need I remind you that I am searching for someone who may be trying to k*ll you?

If that's the case, they may be associated with this venture.

What better place to look?

But you want me to act.

That would compromise my ability to conduct a proper investigation.

On the contrary, you'd be closer to the action.

As an actor.

Not a detective. Balderdash.

Acting is nothing more than standing around all day and reciting a few words.

(Julia laughing)

What's so amusing?



That's so ridiculous?

Well, it's just not something I can imagine you doing.

I've heard that, apparently, there isn't much to it.

Alright Mr. Pendrick.

You're on.

But I am only doing this to aid my investigation.

Of course. Of course.

(background chatter)

I certainly hope your math is up to snuff because your account...


Are you ready to begin?


I have some questions about these words.

Thoughts actually.

Thank you, Murdoch. We'll talk about it later.


Murdoch. What are you doing?

Checking for finger marks.

Is that... is that in the manuscript?

No, no, but it's what a real detective would do.

Just do what's in the manuscript.

And... let's act.

And are you sure that you...

Mr. Pendrick?

What is it, Murdoch?

Why is this constable not wearing a hat?

A Canadian constable would always wear a hat.

Stop filming.

I'm hoping to distribute this moving picture all over the world.

I don't want to confuse the audience.

(church bell ringing) Oh.

Let's act.

Uh, Mr. Pendrick.

(impatiently): Yes Murdoch.

Why would I give the g*n to him?

(mumbling): Idiot.

Because he sh**t somebody later on.

It's in the manuscript.

A trained policeman would never do such a thing.

I don't care.

I'm sorry, I have to stop you.

Uh, a real coroner would simply not handle the body in such a...

Hey, would you just mind your business?

I'm just trying to help.

Did I ask for your...


Mr. Pendrick, a real coroner would simply not handle the body in such a man...

He's been on me all day.

No, no, no, I cannot work under these conditions.

I know, I know.

Sorry about that.


Um, could I have a quick word with you?




He fired me.

I know sir, I know.

Alright. We should get back to the station house.

Begging your pardon, sir. I wonder if I might stay.


Mr. Pendrick needs me on set in 5 minutes.

I'll do your namesake proud, sir. Trust me.

(horse neighing)

It's not personal, Murdoch. It's just business.

No offense taken. I'm very busy.

George Crabtree seems quite the natural.

Mr. Pendrick, you seem to have much less staff today.

Yes, that damn Edison.


He came by this morning offering them jobs at his new film studio... at rates I couldn't afford.

And they took them?

Like fish to water.

But I'll soldier on. William.


We heard the bad news.

Or good news depending on how you look at it.

Perhaps George Crabtree will be our next moving picture star.

Can everyone take your places, please?

Mr. Pendrick is ready to begin.

(background chatter)

Took, took, took.

And places, and... let's act.

Detective, we're gonna have to take him to the morgue.

I'll alert the constables immediately.

And Doctor Ogden, thank you.

I don't think I could have done this without you.

No, no, no.

Thank you Detective Murdoch. Thank you.

Oh my.

Alright. Stop. Stop.

Cut it out. Cut!


That was not in the manuscript.

The manuscript said I was supposed to embrace him.

Well, that was a lot more than an embrace.

Yeah, well perhaps it'll titillate the audience.

It was titillating, yeah.


George Crabtree.

You certainly enjoyed that.

No, no, no, no, no, I had to kiss her back, Emily.

Otherwise it would ruin the moving picture.

Ruin the moving picture. In a pig's eye.

Oh Emily. No, no, no, it's as a professional.

I don't have any feelings when I kiss the pretty woman.

Play back some of the audio recording.

I want to make sure we're getting Mr. Crabtree's voice.

(background chatter)

Do I look like a man with time on my hands?

Mr. Pendrick! Stop! Stop it! Mr. Pendrick!

Mr. Pendrick!

(mic feedback)

Are you alright?


(louder): Are you alright?

(loud): Yes, yes, I think so!

Murdoch, I think someone is trying to k*ll me.

Yes, that's what I've been trying to tell you all along.

You say Edison paid you a visit?


Edison. Edison came by?

How much longer do you plan on detaining me?

Until I get satisfactory answers to my questions.

You were at the moving picture theatre the night of the sh**ting.

Only to make sure Mr. Pendrick was not violating one of my patents.

And I was not at your police station during the other sh**ting you mentioned.

You were at the filming of Mr. Pendrick's moving picture.

Poaching his workers.

I was simply offering them better, more prestigious jobs.

Detective Murdoch, I'm an inventor, plain and simple.

Not a m*rder*r.

That very well may be, but isn't it true that Mr. Pendrick's sound technology has outstripped your own?

I have no interest in sound.

I am on record stating sound will be the death of moving pictures.

Perhaps because you have yet to master it.

I would master it.

If I had an interest. Which I do not.

But Mr. Pendrick has.

And that makes him a threat.

I am the holder of more than 700 patents.

All of them unique inventions.

Mr. Pendrick is hardly a threat.

Either charge me or let me go.



I took the liberty of examining all the motion picture equipment on Mr. Pendrick's movie location.

Really? And?

I found Mr. Edison's finger marks on a number of pieces of equipment.

As I told you, I was there.

There were finger marks on the thing that almost k*lled Mr. Pendrick, sir.

Mr. Edison?

Do you seriously believe that I would m*rder...

I don't know, Mr. Edison.

Detective Murdoch.

If I wanted to Harm Pendrick, I would use weapons far more devastating than any g*n: My attorneys.

Henry, show Mr. Edison our cells.

I can't...

Are you charging me?

Not as yet.

And good work Henry.

Your show of initiative has been noted.


Mr. Edison.

I said put the closer picture first.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Pendrick, a moment of your time.

You have to pay attention, Eleanor.

I have watched this film a million times.

Then watch it a million and one.

His finger marks? On my recording device?


And you're still not convinced?

He is ruthless.

But I find it hard to believe that he would be that careless.

I'll trust your judgment, Murdoch.

I don't know why, but I will.

Mr. Pendrick?

I have a moving picture to finish.

If I don't I'll be ruined.

Yet again. But if you continue you may be k*lled.

Then I'll die for my art.

Mr. Pendrick.

Art is a sculpture, a painting, poetry.

You're making a moving picture starring Constable George Crabtree.

(background chatter)

The exact moment of the g*nsh*t...

Corresponds with the moment the gunfighter raised his w*apon.

Which we determined earlier was aimed directly where James Pendrick was sitting.

So the person behind the screen had an exact knowledge of the images on the screen.

And knew exactly when they would occur.

Mr. Edison?

Mr. Edison saw the moving picture once, maybe twice.

Whoever was sitting behind this screen had to have had an intimate knowledge of the moving picture.

(horse neighing)

(Eleanor's echoing voice): I have watched this film a million times.

Eleanor Grimes.


Emily said they were filming on Queen Street today.

Don't tell me. Is she taken with the moving pictures as well?

(uneasy laugh) I believe she's keeping an eye on George.


You know William, I imagine you would have made a fine film actor.

Thank you.

But I just can't abide all the inaccuracies.

(Julia laughing)

You might be my superior, but I have to say you're the most incompetent police officer I ever...

Watch your mouth Murdoch or I'll...

Or you'll what?

Solve a case without me? I'm William Murdoch and you, you're dirtying my coattails from riding them so hard, so just stand down and let me do my job!

And stop. Excellent work, Mr. Crabtree!

You're a dead man, Crabtree.

But sir, I'm simply reciting what it says in the manuscript.

With just a little too much enthusiasm.

Develop this and have it on my desk.

Yes sir.

Mr. Pendrick, I wonder if I might be able to have a word with your assistant here. Miss Grimes.

Miss Grimes, is it not true that you have made three of your own moving pictures?

I have.

And you presented them to Thomas Edison?

He stole them from me.

I made the mistake of using one of his film cameras.

Ah! So now you're but a lowly assistant.

I am more than that, sir. I am a film editor.

Labouring under a man you consider to be a lesser talent.

I beg your pardon?

Miss Grimes, if you were to k*ll James Pendrick and implicate Mr. Edison in the m*rder, you'd be able to return to your rightful place.

If that were true, I doubt it would work.

No man, except the rare husband, would ever take orders from a woman.

Miss Grimes, Mr. Edison's finger marks were not the only ones found on Mr. Pendrick's sound recording equipment.


Please escort Miss Grimes to the station house and test her finger marks.

Ugh! Agh!

That, my dear, is a woman of action.

Did you manage to film that?



Excellent. Excellent.

Thank you, Dr. Ogden.

I don't think I could have done this without you.

No, no, no.

Thank you Detective Murdoch.

Thank you.

(team reacting in excitement)

(Murdoch): Oh my.

You might be my superior, but I have to say you're the most incompetent police officer I...

Watch your mouth Murdoch or...

Or you'll what? Solve a case without me?

I'm William Murdoch and you, you're dirtying my coattails from riding them so hard, so just stand down and let me do my job!

(team laughing)

(laughter and applause)

Well, I must say, I thought I was bloody excellent.

(all laughing) Excellent indeed, sir.

Mr. Pendrick, in spite of a few inaccuracies you have made a roaring adventure.

Thank you, Murdoch. And if it's a success I'll make more.

Excellent, Mr. Pendrick. I do have a suggestion, though.

I trust it doesn't involve further spooning with my girl.

No, it has to do with the title of your moving picture.

The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch hardly trips off the tongue.

And it would make for a very long marquee. That's true.

What do you suggest?


The Murdoch Mysteries.

(suspense music)

I like it.

It's snappier. (chuckling)

Bravo, Mr. Pendrick.

Get out of here.

We should go into business together.

I very much doubt that.

Come on, son.

With my technology and your artist's vision, we could take the world by storm. My vision.

And my sound equipment, you mean.

We could utilize that. Mr. Pendrick.

I and a group of others are considering going to California to launch the motion picture industry.

You could be a part of it.

The motion picture industry will be here.

In Toronto, Canada.

I have no intention of going into business with a scoundrel such as you.

Well, good luck to you.

I own all the theatres and all patents on all moving picture technology in the United States.

Who will you sell to?

I'll exhibit my moving pictures in the great halls of Europe and France and Italy.


Won't be worth a bucket of spit.

Your Murdoch Mysteries will never see the silver screen south of the border.

Are you sure that was wise, Mr. Pendrick?

I don't need the United States.

Under my leadership Canada will be at the forefront of the motion picture industry.

On that you have my word.

Gentlemen, thank you for your assistance.

Mr. Pendrick.

James, if you ever do decide to make another moving picture sir I'll call you.

The motion picture industry is terribly exciting, isn't it sirs?

I do hope he succeeds.



(Crabtree): You don't?

I'm not entirely sure I can envy a future where everyone wastes their lives staring at a screen watching made-up stories.

Announcer: Next Monday, on the number one Canadian m*rder mystery...

Good day, Mr. Holmes.

Gentlemen, doctor.

I have ascertained the address of the missing woman.

That was bloody quick.

Announcer: All new episode, Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.
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