07x14 - Friday the 13th, 1901

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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07x14 - Friday the 13th, 1901

Post by bunniefuu »

Jo has the alcohol.


Is Lavinda carrying anything?

Only one glass for Diane... remember what happened last time.

Oh. Are you excited, Lavinda?

It's gonna be a perfect weekend.


(women laughing)

Enjoy it while you can, Lavinda.

It's your last weekend of freedom.

So you think marriage is enslavement?

Well, ask Julia. She's the only one of us who have made the mistake of doing the deed.


As long as he doesn't expect I'll be coddling him the way his loving older sister has.

I never coddled Cedric.

Oh, not much.

He said you two were inseparable.

We should have asked that ferryman to help us.

We can manage ourselves.

Cedric and I have been carrying our own supplies since the time we could walk.

Well, perhaps we should've brought Cedric to carry our bags, then.

I hope this bickering isn't going to continue all weekend.

Oh, come on now, Julia. This is going to be fun.


Isn't it, Julia?

It's lovely.

Our father purchased it when Cedric and I were still babes.

We spent every summer playing on this island.

Just like the Swiss Family Robinson.

It was the best time of our lives... both mine and Cedric's.

We haven't been here in years.

But... this is a special occasion.

The key should be...

Allow me.

I've been here before.

You've been here?

This is where Cedric proposed.

It should be here.

(door creaking)

Cedric must have forgotten to leave it.

(man breathing)

Well, Murdoch?

Well, it's not quite ready, sir.

The diameter...

Not that thingamajiggy.

Dr. Ogden.

Or should I say...

Mrs. Murdoch?

She said no.

She said what?

I'd rather not talk about it, sir.

Bloody hell, Murdoch. What did you do?

Uh... (sigh)

I'll leave you to it.

What can I do for you, Constable?

Arrest Leslie Garland.

He's committed no infractions, George.

I suppose stealing my sweetheart doesn't count?

George, I'm quite busy.

Well, sir, actually I was wondering if you wanted...


Quite busy.

Something's got his goat.

He asked Dr. Ogden to marry him.

She said no.


Oh, sir, that's terrible.

(women laughing in other room)

Julia, I insist.

This party's my responsibility.

We're welcoming Lavinda into the family.

No, Rose, I insist.

How wonderful it is that we're all here together.

A toast.


To all the happy batcheloresses.


I do prefer it to "hens."

Oh, yes.


And a toast to the Dominion Women's Enfranchisement Association.

Without it, we never would have met. Hear, hear.

And to Lavinda, the future Mrs. Cedric Maxwell.

May she be deserving of him.

I'm thrilled to be gaining a sister.

I must say I was surprised to hear about the engagement.

Cedric was something of a man about town.

Hm, those days are over.

Didn't you at one time step out with him?

Yes, a long time ago.

Ancient history.

I certainly hope it is, for your sake.

But you know what they say: a leopard never changes his spots.

Sour grapes, Diane?

Now, now, ladies, let's not quarrel.

This is supposed to be a party.

It is supposed to be a party, so let's drink.

Oh, all right.

Julia, is everything all right?

Yes, it's fine.


It's fine, Emily.

We should go back and join the "party" before they tear each other's eyes out.

Plenty of fish in the sea, George.

Well, it's a shame I'm not packing Leslie Garland's bait.

He's young, rich, successful.

And too pretty for a man.


You're right about that, Henry.

You're right about that.

Who are these from?

I don't much care, as long as they're free.

Henry, don't touch that.

Why not?

They're from Garland.

Still free.

(insects chirping)

Round two, ladies.

Emily, that is so crackerjack!


That's very impressive, Dr. Grace.

More so if you weren't stinking up the place.


Where ever did you learn such a thing?

There weren't many women at medical school, so I spent a lot of time with the boys.


The fire needs more wood.

I'll help you.



I could have sworn there was an axe on the chopping block when we arrived.

Well, you must be mistaken.

Cedric must have left it somewhere.

We'll find it in the morning.

Cedric wouldn't have misplaced it.

Perhaps you don't know your brother as well as you think.

Cedric is meticulous...

Even as a young boy.

Well, he's not so young anymore. (scoff)

Well, if Cedric didn't misplace it, then I imagine the legend of this place must be true.

What legend?

It's nothing. Just... a story our father would tell us to give us a fright.

Cedric told me the story.

I am now part of the family.

Gather round ladies... and prepare to be terrified.


Would you like another drink, Constables?

We'd like to be left in peace, if you don't mind.

Sorry to disturb you.

Just like to acknowledge our public servants when I can.

We're not your servants.

Constables, I meant no offence.

Whatever my friends want.

Keep their glasses topped.

Well, I, uh, best be getting on.

Mr. Garland, I wouldn't be in here too long with that sweater, to be sure.

My curling team sweater?

What's wrong with it?


It's a fine sport, George. Indeed.

I'm taking a team to the Nordic Games this winter in Sweden.

We've managed to have one of those new artificial ice surfaces put in so we can practice.

I'm a fine curler myself.

Are you now?

Yes, a damn fine curler!

Good for you.

Better than you, I'd wager.

Mr. Crabtree, perhaps you've had a few too many to drink.

Oh, you're scared to play?

We're going to the Nordic Games. I hardly think...

He is, he's scared to play. He's scared he'll be beat by a bunch of coppers.

If you'd like, I'll arrange a match.

I would like.

I'll contact you with the details.

George... you need a team to curl.

That's a minor detail, Henry.

One that's easily remedied.

The family had always summered here.

A respectable father, a doting wife, and their two children, a boy and girl.

They were chums, as close as two friends could be.

Until he arrived.

The young man, just older than they were.

Where did he come from?

The father found him washed up on the shore, half drowned.

They took him in.

And he lived with them as if he were a son.

But both the young boy and the young girl knew a plague had descended upon their happy home.

Is that right, Rose?

That is how our father told it.

The young man became more and more taciturn.

He turned away from his benefactors, disappearing for days on end.

The parents came to hope he would leave for good, but he always came back, each time a little wilder.

When autumn came, the family vowed to contact the authorities, as his behaviour was becoming intolerable.

He didn't bathe; he ate with his hands; his language now little more than grunts.

The boy and girl were very glad to know he was going to leave.

But what the family didn't know was that the young man knew what they had planned.

(loud boom)

Oh, my goodness.

(gasping and laughing)


Gracious, it's nothing.

(man breathing)

Did you see anything out there?

Of course not.

We've had enough of this story.

Our father had a very active imagination.

No, finish it.

On the day the family was to leave, the mother and father went to the boat to pack their belongings.

The children stayed away.

Hours passed, and the children knew something had gone wrong.

They walked down to the boat, all the time feeling someone's eyes were on them.

The older sister wanted to go back.

"Go home, get back to the cabin," she told her brother.

But it was too late.

Both children witnessed their parents' slaughter: their father's head stuck on a pole; their mother's body axed in two.

The sister pushed the brother.

"Get back! Get away! "

But she pushed him right into the madman's arms.

He k*lled her brother right in front of her.

And she dropped down on her knees and she begged to be allowed to join her family.

His axe delivered her wish.

The young man, who the family had opened their hearts to, was never found.

It's said that to this very day he haunts this island, hiding in the shadows, waiting for his next victim.

On this island?

The story is set on this island, but that's all it was... a story.

Oh, I don't know.

Perhaps he is the one who took the axe.

AH! (laughing)

Would you like company?

I'm all right, Emily.

I didn't ask that; I asked if you wanted company.

It is beautiful out here.

Yes, if you don't mind the maniacs.


I'm going for a swim.

Would you care to join?

Uh, is that a wise idea?

Cedric and I swim here all the time, sometimes au naturel.

Lavinda, I'm shocked.

It's nice to know what you're getting.

(laughing) Enjoy the water.

I will.

Lavinda... congratulations.

Thank you, Julia.

William proposed to me.

That's wonderful.

(Julia sighs.)

Isn't it?

I couldn't say yes.

What on earth do you mean?

I can't marry him.


Go home.

I don't know what happened, but Dr. Ogden made one hell of a mistake.

I'm almost finished, sir.

It's a dynamo bicycle lamp.

It uses the kinetic energy of the person peddling it to power it.

It will save constables a great deal of time travelling to and from crime scenes at night.

Sirs! Oh, I'm glad I've caught you.

Sirs, I've entered us into a curling contest.

What are you talking about, Crabtree?

(Whispering): Sir, I had nothing to do with it.

I will not let Leslie Garland best me at this.

Leslie Garland?

Sir, I've just challenged him to a curling contest.

Have you not been listening?

You're drunk as a skunk, Crabtree.

Well, that might be so, sir, but I'm not ashamed.

I think I deserve to be.

That Leslie Garland... well, I think we could beat him with our eyes behind our backs, sir.

I'm a fine curler.

And with you, sir, and you, Detective, and you, Henry.

(Henry chuckles.)

We're the lads! Am I right?

Higgins, take Constable Crabtree home.

Yes, sir.

Well, go on, then.

I knew I could count on you, sirs...

(Brackenreid laughing)

(Higgins laughing): Come on, George, let's get you home.

I enjoy a spot of curling.

What do you say, Murdoch?

I don't think so, sir. It's not a sport I engage in.

It might be a bit of fun.

I'm quite all right, thank you.

Wires and gears are all very good, Murdoch, but they don't provide much in the way of friendship.


You have to tell Detective Murdoch about this.

I can't.

If I do, James Gillies will k*ll him.

You're breaking his heart.

Don't you think I know that? I'm breaking mine as well.

But surely James Gillies can't be...

James Gillies is the devil, Emily... or at least the closest thing to it.

(woman screaming)

Lavinda? Lavinda? Lavinda!


What happened?

She went for a midnight swim.

We heard a scream.

How was she k*lled?

How was she k*lled?

She suffered a significant wound to her back.

What caused the wound?

I can't say yet with certainty.

Was it an axe?

Yes, it could have been.

Well, then why are we taking her back to the cabin?

We should be taking the rowboat and getting off this island!

I... i... it seats two, m... maybe three at the most.

Someone should go to shore.

This is a m*rder.

So who goes first?

I'll stay with the body. I'll stay too.

I wouldn't want to see Diane wet her drawers.

We'll be back as soon as we can find help.

Oh, my God.

Well, I suppose now we're all staying.

Any ideas, Julia?

We have to find a place to put Lavinda.

Put her?

Yes, somewhere cool.

Th... there is an icehouse further down the trail.

All right, Higgins, here we go.

You're to see about spectacles, first thing in the morning!

Jackson, give it another go.

All right.

Watch and learn, Henry.

Jackson, ice!

Oh, mercy. I said delicate!


Oh, Detective. Thank goodness you're here.

Jackson, I'm letting you go.

George, I won't be participating.

Jackson, have another throw; you're improving.

Oh, so it's you, me, and the two clowns?

Oh, don't worry, sir. We'll improve.


No, Henry, don't sweep. You'll make the bloody thing go faster!

Well, you told me you're supposed to run in front of the rock and sweep.

Sir, why am I here?

Truth be told, Murdoch, I wanted to get you away from that damned contraption, all that doom and gloom.

Well, that's very thoughtful of you, sir, but I would really rather just be left alone.

Oh, come on, Murdoch.

I thought curling would be right up your alley.

It's said to be a game of cunning and strategy, like... chess on ice.

... not way back here?

Because if it's going as fast as this gorilla, like he's throwing a coconut...

Whoa, watch out!

Jackson! For Pete's sake...

If you say so.

... could've broken my ankles!

You're sure he's alive?

He's sending me messages.

I gave up the man I love. He's alive.

Why would he k*ll Lavinda?

I don't know.

You two should eat.

And get some rest.

I'll keep watch.

You shouldn't be out here alone.

Rose retired to her room.

This is harder for her than anyone.

Then Josephine.

Josephine and I?


I fear there may be another m*rder.

It's just for the night.

Bloody hell, Crabtree.

Why'd you put the good name of the station on the line when you can't even field a bloody team?

Sir, your language. I have to say, profanity goes against the Curling Code of Conduct.

Oh, sod that. Right.

Let the dogs see the rabbit. Here we go.

Sweep, you buggers! Sweep!

Oh, bloody hell, Higgins! What'd I do?

Sir, your language. Higgins, your broom touched the rock!


So, that makes it a burnt rock.

In an actual game, you'd have to get rid of that now.

Well, it was just a glancing touch.

That's the rules.

Well, that's ridiculous, I say.

Regardless of what you say, the rock's now disqualified!

Working them hard, are you, Mr. Crabtree?

We'll be ready.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

I can hardly wait.

It should be a pleasant way to pass a Sunday, sports amongst gentlemen.

Come on, lads, let's have a go.


Enjoying our ice?

What do you think, sir?

I'm not acquainted with the game enough to give you an opinion, George.

Uh... Mr. Garland, out of sportsmanship I feel I should inform you that you just made an illegal throw.


Well, yes. Your foot left the hack before you let go of the rock.

No, no, no, there's nothing in the rulebook that says anything about not leaving the hack.

Surely there is.

I have been curling like this for years, and have never been called out on it before.

But please, check for yourself.

Excellent throw, Mr. Garland.

Right in the centre of the... target.

We call it the "pot lid."

And thank you.

Pot lid.

Jo! Yes!

Where's Diane?

I don't...

She was sitting right...

I don't know. I... I only closed my eyes a moment.

Wake up the others.


Diane. Diane?

Are you all right?


I only fell asleep for a moment.

Just a moment. I swear.

(women gasping)

Oh, God.

We're all gonna die.

This team you've assembled.


Bit of a bloody mess, isn't it?

Sir, I think with a little bit of practice...

No amount of practice will help Higgins and Jackson.

Well, sir, you and I will overcome their shortcomings!

You'll have to find a replacement.

For which one?

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind replacing Higgins.

For me.

I don't want to be a part of this nonsense.

Sir, no, please. You can't leave. I need you.

Besides, I've been meaning to ask you something.

What's that?

Well, I think what our team is missing is leadership, and I was wondering if you would consider becoming a skip.

Captain in the station, captain on the ice.

Exactly, sir!

You're much more authoritative than I am; not to mention your prowess on the ice.

Even though you're my masonic superior.

All right, then, Crabtree.

I'll see to it that we get the better of that Garland fellow for you.

Oh, well, sir, I was thinking it was more about the station.


We've all had our hearts broken.

Look at Murdoch; he's in bloody knots.

Not that I'd let a fine bit of bubbly go to waste over it.

Oh, no, of course not, sir.

Even I had my heart trampled on once.



A fiery flame-haired wee lassie from Glasgow.

Had some glorious encounters with her, though.

Best to hold on to those and... let everything else go, Crabtree.


Take this.


You and Josephine go back to the cabin.

Lock the doors, fasten the windows.

Do you know how to handle one of those?

Cedric and I used to go sh**ting.

Then don't be afraid to use it.

What are you doing?

Emily and I are going to examine the bodies.

They may yield some clue.

What on earth can you hope to find?

As you know, Newton's first law of motion stipulates that any object travelling at a fixed velocity will continue in a straight line unless acted upon by another external force.

Yes, yes, yes, first law.

Right. And, as you also know, in curling, as the stone slows, it will often deviate from its initial path.



Friction is the only force acting upon the rock.

The question then becomes: why is there greater friction on one side than the other?

The conclusion that I have come to is that this differential is determined by the spin of the rock.

You see, as the rock hurtles down the ice and rotates, the side spinning toward the curler travels at a lower rate of speed than the side travelling away from the curler.

Accordingly, it experiences greater relative friction, thus causing it to deflect from its initial path.

And as the rock slows even more, this effect is magnified.

Hence the curl...

Well, that's all well and good, sir, but how does this help the team?

I don't know yet.

The blood aggregations are quite similar.

No surprise if they were k*lled by the same w*apon.

(Julia sighs.) There's nothing here.

But we have to find something.

The lantern is getting low on oil.

I'll get another from the cabin.

Emily, please be careful. There's someone out there.

I'm just going to close the doors while I'm gone.

This better be good, Murdoch.

Dragging me out of my bed on a Saturday night is not something I take lightly.

Sir, you recall what I said about friction, and how the leading edge of the stone undergoes...

Yes, recalling it was better than counting sheep.

Consider this: the shorter the distance the stone has to travel, the greater control one has over all of these variables.

Now, you also recall Leslie Garland slid out of the hack before releasing the stone.

Now, this shortened the distance the stone had to travel, according him greater control.

I still think it was cheating.

George, a game only requires uniformity of rules.

If Leslie Garland can slide, so can we; we just have to slide better.

And how will we do that?


Sir, we have shoes.

We need shoes that will minimize this friction during the slide.

Now, I've sourced a number of materials, and I've narrowed it down to three that I believe will give us the least amount of friction.

All we have to do now is ascertain which of these will be the slickest while retaining the greatest amount of control.

Sir, I don't know about this.

I also have some ideas about sweeping.

What are you doing?

I need to get some things for Julia.

No, we have to stay here now. It's dark.

Stay, Emily.

No, it's fine.

Well, take the r*fle.

And go and get Julia, and then we'll all leave tomorrow.

You mind yourselves. We'll be all right. Excuse me.

(howling in the distance)



Let me out! Ahhh!

(pounding on door)




Julia, is that you?

(Julia): Help!

Is someone out there?

(pounding on door) (Julia): Emily!

I'm locked in!


(woman): Help!



Oh, sweet mother of...

This is useless, Murdoch.

Try this last one, George.

Hansoldschmidt of Germany has developed a carbon-free chromium.

Bloody Germans.

Now, just... be careful with it.

Yes, it's extremely, extremely smooth, be careful.

Sir, I don't know if this is gonna work.


Just remember: pull the rock back slowly, and then as you swing, move forward with the momentum of the rock, bringing your left leg and your sliding shoe forward, toward the target, and then slowly release the rock.

Ah, release the rock.

Excellent advice, Murdoch.

Looks like we have a winner. Good work, Murdoch.

(Murdoch): Thank you, sir.

I think that deserves a pint, doesn't it?

Oh, uh, no, thank you.

I must be off.

Good luck.


Who's in there?

(woman): Help!


(person grunting with effort)




Right, then, lads. We throw first.

(Leslie): Good luck, Crabtree.

Hey, what's he got on his foot?

Stiff and sturdy, lads! Hurry!

Sweep! Sweep!

I, uh, hate to be a stickler, Mr. Crabtree, but you can't be doing that.

What's that exactly?

Sliding all that way like that on purpose.

Well, there's nothing against it in the rulebook, but... feel free to check for yourself.


Well done, Crabtree.

(woman): Julia?



Emily! Julia?

I'm in here!



You can point that w*apon somewhere else.

Thank God you're ok.

Where's Emily?

She went to join you.

We waited until this morning to come find you.

She never arrived.

Someone locked me in.


I don't know.

She didn't come back?


The ferryman's coming. We have to get down to the dock.

I have to find Emily.

I'll go too.

No, both of you just go back to the cabin.

But, Julia...

All right, sir, nice and easy.

Stay inside yourself.

(Brackenreid chuckling)

Very good, sir.

Well played, sir.

Thank you, Crabtree.

Sturdy legs! Swift!

(man): Oh!

That's it, that's it!

Sweep, sweep, sweep!

Sweep! Sweep!

(man): Oh! (Leslie's team laughing)

Oh, bloody bugger!



(George): Oh, here we go.

For "unbecoming conduct", "profanity, and a lack..."

That's the language of sport!

You are hereby prohibited from continuing this game.


Here, Crabtree.


Are you in there?

You'll need a fourth to continue.


We're waiting, Mr. Crabtree.


I could really use you.

I don't know, George.

Sir, he stole my girl.

(man): You all right there, skip?



Oh, thank God you're all right!

The legend of this island, I think it might be true!

I know. I saw the k*ller last night.


You stay away. You turn around and go!

(Emily): Julia, there was another person.

He seems harmless.


I don't think he's the k*ller.

I believe he was blamed for k*lling the family.

Remember, sir, this is the last shot.

Yes, I'm aware of that, George.



Harder! Hurry! Hurry!


Get up, Higgins!

Come on! Crabtree, sweep! Sweep!

Hurry! Hard!

Hurry! Hard!



(cheering and laughing)

Sir, you've done it!

Brilliant shot!

Good game, Mr. Crabtree.

I can't accept the win, Mr. Garland.

I burned the rock I touched it with my broom.


Lads, I'm honour Bound to admit it.

The heart and soul of the game is its unwritten rule: "obedience to the unenforceable".

Congratulations, Mr. Garland.

Thank you, Mr. Crabtree.

It's George.

(Murdoch): Gentlemen, excellent game.




I don't know for sure.

I think we should get back to the beach and wait for the boat.




It's quiet.

Rose? Josephine?

Let's go.


Let's go back to the boat. Please!

You go!


Oh, my God.

(fly buzzing)

I couldn't stand her sarcastic tongue.

It's her.

The story.

All true.

Except for the part about the k*ller.

I hated them.

They brought in that simple-mind.

They ruined my happy home!

So I created my own.

Until Lavinda appeared.



Oh, I don't know, it's something akin to a... bicycle.

I, uh, have to compliment you, Detective.

Your innovation was impressive.

Ah, thank you, Mr. Garland.

I would very much like to take your shoes to the Nordic Games... put Canada's best foot forward, so to speak.


I would be honoured. Who knows? Perhaps one day the Nordic Games will involve the entire world... sort of a... Winter Olympics.

Congratulations, men.

Great match.

At the very least, George, he is a gentleman.

Sir... that's the worst part.

Sir, I have to say, I'm...

I'm dreadfully sorry for your circumstance.


I never thought that she would say no.

Sir, nor would I, nor would anyone.

From the first time I met her, I've always thought that she was the one for me.



So, it's all true At least the essence of it.

Rose k*lled her entire family, except one. Cedric.

He never came to the cabin.

He was just a baby.

He stayed in Toronto.

The family had money, so she inherited it and she raised Cedric on her own.

They were inseparable.

Until Lavinda.


She couldn't cope.

Her mind snapped when she knew she was going to lose him.

And the man in the woods was the boy they brought in.

She told the police that he had k*lled her whole family.

Who would they believe: a little girl who had lost everything, or a simple-mind?

He was institutionalized and released years later.

And then he came back to the one place he could call home.


Rose was afraid she was going to lose Cedric, the only person she ever loved.

Don't you think...

Emily, I'm not going to go around chopping people up with an axe.

I know, but...

Detective Murdoch has defeated Gillies before.

He can do it again.

Yes, unless Gillies wins.

If you don't tell Detective Murdoch about this, he already has.

Announcer: All new Murdoch.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Announcer: Next Monday...

[loud g*n shot]

President McKinley succumbed to his wounds this evening.

We best move quickly.

You there!

Show yourself!

Announcer: Peter Keleghan guest stars in Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.
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