07x15 - The Spy Who Came Up to the Cold

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murdoch Mysteries". Aired: January 2008 to present.*

Moderator: Virginia Rilee

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In the 1890s, William Murdoch uses radical forensic techniques for the time, including fingerprinting and trace evidence, to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
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07x15 - The Spy Who Came Up to the Cold

Post by bunniefuu »

(brass band playing ceremonial music)

I love your flower, Mr. President.


Why, this is my lucky flower.

But you know what?

Now it's your lucky flower.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Oh, come on, George.

I'll get another one. Luck's what we make it.

Did you hurt yourself, son?

Maybe I should have given you my lucky flower. Heh.

(people screaming and shouting)

Bloody awful business, Murdoch.

Still can't quite believe it... the president of the United States.

At least they have a suspect in custody.

Some madman foreigner, I believe.

I doubt he was the only one involved.

Why do you say that?

Well, he's an anarchist... they never act alone.

For once, I couldn't agree with you more, Inspector Brackenreid.

Terrance Meyers.


You know, one day I hope to meet under happy circumstances.

Unfortunately, today is not the day.

Out with it, Meyers.

What are you doing here?

As you know, seven days ago, President McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz American citizen, avowed anarchist, and supposedly a lone gunman.

Is there any question about that? I thought he took full responsibility.

We in the Intelligence Service have received information from our sources that...


Confidential sources... that a group of anarchists crossed the border last night from Buffalo into Canada.

A group that includes our old friend, "Red" Emma.

Emma Goldman?

You suspect she's involved in the assassination attempt?

Of course she's involved, Murdoch. Why else would she be running?

That's what we have to find out. Now, gentlemen, this comes straight from the Prime Minister's office.

We're on dangerous footing. We have to show our support.

Surely there's no question where Canada stands.

There won't be if we can pull together and find these anarchists before they disappear into the night.

So, can I rely on you?

Tell me where the bastards are, and I'll gut them myself, Terrance.



Now, we have to move quickly. There's not much time.


At ease.

These are names and locations of men and women we know to be anarchist sympathizers Some local, some from America.

The people on this list will hopefully be able to tell us where we can find their leader, a Miss Emma Goldman.

Sir, how do we know she's in Toronto?

The answer to that, Constable, is available to those who need to know.

Right, you've got your names. Let's round these shysters up.

And if some skulls get cracked in the process, so be it.

Carry on, gentlemen.

(Men): Right, sir.

(man): Uh, Thompson, you're with me.

(people complaining)

Mr. Garland. A word.


You can't do this!

I can do what I bloody well like!

No, you can't. I'm a student of the law.

And guess what? I am the law.

But I have done nothing wrong!

You're on a list, Mr. Garland, and that's enough.

Evans, get the cuffs on him.

I thought you didn't like getting your hands dirty, Mr. Meyers.

I do what my country needs me to do, Murdoch.

Anton Woycek?

Toronto Constabulary.


Not so fast!


Sarah, I presume?

Sir, the cells are all full. Where shall I put this one?

Find a place, any place.

Your office is empty.

Any other place.

Get out me bloody way.

What am I being charged with?

You're not being charged with anything as of yet, sir.

They why are you taking my fingermarks?

If you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing to fear, sir.

A fingermark collection of every known anarchist sympathizer in the city.

It'll be very useful in the future.

But we have no evidence that these people have committed any crime.

Not yet. But just think: access to one big file with every name of every enemy the government has. You'll thank me later.

Thank you for your cooperation, everybody. If you could just stay here at the station, we shouldn't be too much longer.

What's that?

Oh, this? Nothing much, Henry.

It's just a genuine Regis Skyline n°7, the finest ink pen in all of Europe. Please. How could you afford something like that?

Well, I saved my money, Henry, and now I am the proud owner of a Regis Skyline n°7.

You'll be interested to know that inside the built-in reservoir, there is a very special artisanal blue ink which I chose when I ordered the pen.

Oh, Henry, would you pass me that ink pot?

Oh, never mind...

I don't need one.

And what about your friend, Anton Woycek? Does he know anything about the attempted assassination?

He's not my friend; we just happened to be travelling on the same train and he knew a lodging house where I could stay in the city.

So, two anarchists just happened to be fleeing the country, together, right after the President just happened to be shot?

You must admit, the coincidence is somewhat troubling.

I'm not an anarchist, and I wasn't fleeing anything.

I work on the farms when I can, and I came up for the fall fruit picking.

They don't have fruit where you come from?

Why are you lying to us, Miss Harrison?

Where is Emma Goldman?

I don't know.

I don't know her!

(citizens all shouting)

That's enough! That's enough!

Or I'll give you all something to shout about!

When are you letting us out? When do we even hear the charges?


Madam, I can assure you, our detectives will talk to you... all of you... in due course. Please be patient!

Sir, you smell smoke?

Higgins, get some water! And get the keys!

Ladies, get to that side!

(all shouting)

So you're just here to pick fruit, like your friend Sarah Harrison?

She's hardly a friend; just another labourer I met on the train.

I do wonder, how does a labourer such as yourself come by such smooth, unblemished hands?

Fine eye, Detective. Very fine eye.

Well, I'm more of a labour sympathizer and organizer.

Oh, sounds to me like another word for an anarchist.

I haven't done anything wrong, all right? So either charge me now or release me.

The charge will be conspiracy to assassinate the president of the United States... one I wouldn't be so eager to test, sir.

What? That's just...

I would never agree to commit such a heinous act. Never!

So tell us what you know. Right now!

About what? I left the United States because they're cracking down on all of us.

Was Emma Goldman with you?

We know that Emma Goldman fled into Canada.

I don't know her.

Where could she be?

There was this rumour about a... speakeasy.

That's all I know.

(people complaining)

(Brackenreid): Move it along.

(man): Where are you taking us?

Yes, all right!

Miss Goldman.

In. Well done, Murdoch.

Looks like we've got her.

But we have no evidence she's committed any crime.

(man): All clear.

(Man): Let's go.

Gentlemen. We've just received word.

President McKinley succumbed to his wounds this evening.


Tough old bugger hung on for a week.

We'd best move quickly, or our friends to the south will come up here and take over this investigation for themselves.

The Americans have no authority in this jurisdiction.

(Meyers chuckles.)

Detective, in the service we have a saying that goes: living beside the Unites States is like a mouse living with an elephant.

The mouse is protected, but if the elephant decides to roll over, the mouse better move quickly, else he be squashed.

Like England and Scotland.


Never mind.

Allan Clegg.

Gentlemen. As a representative of the American government, I demand custody of the people who conspired to m*rder my president.


The American government will accept nothing less than your full cooperation.

I want Emma Goldman now.

I don't care if George Washington's ghost is giving the orders.

Emma Goldman is in our custody!

Allen, I should tell you, we have some very exciting things to show you.

Detective, tell Mr. Clegg about the records we've started keeping.

Uh... under Mr. Meyers direction, we've compiled a list of names and fingermarks of known anarchist sympathizers.

An "information base," if you will.

And we'd be very happy to show you how it will greatly help us all in the future.

I'm glad we share a desire to protect our homeland, so you should have no objection to me dealing with these suspects in my own way.

(knocking on door)

Oh. Excuse me.


Prime Minister Laurier directs us to give any and all assistance to our great ally and friend.



Now, where is Miss Goldman?

Neither of you two will gain access to Miss Goldman until I say so.

I don't like being told what to do in my own station, Murdoch, and I don't like having my cells full of people arrested without charge.

Indeed. I thought you were going to crack some skulls, Inspector.

As long as they're the right skulls.

But this feels like we're in the middle of something else.


It's still your case.

You run that interview.

But, sir, the Prime Minister.

I'll deal with the Prime Minister if need be.

Allen? What are you doing here? Are they harassing you too?

No, Emma.

And I should inform you that I am not an anarchist and when we last met, I was working undercover for the American government, specializing in the field of... counter-anarchism.

I should have known.

You were always too unctuous to be a true believer.

Spare me the insults.

Your acolyte shot my president.

I'll see you all hang for it.

Mr. Clegg, if you don't mind.

Miss Goldman, what are you doing here in Canada?

Oh, is that a crime now too?

It's so hard to keep track in this brave new world of yours.

If you're asking "Did I conspire to k*ll President McKinley," the answer is no.

And I didn't know Leon Czolgosz at all.

This photograph was provided to us by the American government.

This is you.

And this is the assassin.

A lot of people go to my rallies.

I'm told I am a compelling speaker.

I have no doubt.

So, you deny and condemn the assassination?

I had nothing to do with it.

But from what I've learned since, Leon Czolgosz was a sad and broken man.

I don't condemn him any more than I condemn anyone trapped in this system, forced to do the immoral or the unthinkable.

Such as the two of you.

When you're done speechifying, let me know.

Someone will talk.

Someone always talks.

Not going so well?

Who's next in this "information base" of yours?

This way. We can interview them together.

No we can't. Just show me the list, Meyers.

What's wrong, George?

My pen is missing.


Did you take my pen?

Why would I do that, George?

I don't know, Henry, why would you?

I don't know, maybe because you borrowed $2 from me last year when we went to the Durham Fair.

Two dollars?

And you never paid it back, but you have the money for some silly pen.

Firstly, you owed me that $2. I had loaned it to you the year before so you could buy your uniform shoes!

And secondly, don't call it "some silly pen."

It is a Regis Skyline n°7.

It's the finest pen in all of Europe. Now, where is it?

You want to be a detective so badly, George... so detect.

George, I'm looking for...

Doctor, I'm afraid the detective is very busy right now.

Well, actually, I'm looking for Leslie Garland. I heard he was brought here.

That he was.

Inspector, can you please tell me why you've arrested my brother-in-law?

He was on a list.

A list? He's a law student, for goodness sake.

Doctor, I know that Mr. Garland is not an anarchist.


Shh, please.

My hands are tied on this.

Mr. Clegg. This is Dr. Julia Ogden.

Her brother-in-law was taken in yesterday and she was wondering when you might be finished with him.

As am I.

Actually, I've completed my interviews.

You can release this young woman, along with the other suspects, including this lovely lady's brother-in-law.


(Higgins): Sir.

Thank you.

Always nice when we can do good and make a pretty lady happy.

So, you are simply here in Canada to avoid the pressure in America?

You have no idea what things are like for us right now.

I thought Canada would be a safer haven.

You're certain that no one travelling with you had anything to do with the assassination?

Absolutely certain.

Do you know this man?

That's Anton Woycek.

You know him?

He's been part of my group for over a year now.

When Allen Clegg left...

I should say, after the American spy left, Anton became like a secretary to me.

Why are you asking?

Anton Woycek told us he didn't know Emma Goldman, yet he was her personal secretary?

I intend to ask him why he lied to us about that.

I'll join you. Where is he?

Um, in the supply closet.

You're keeping a suspect in a presidential assassination in a closet?

Allen, everyone is doing their very best under difficult circumstances.

But thanks to my work, and of course the detective's, we now have a record of every known anarchist sympathizer in the city.

You think about that along...

This is what passes for police work at your station?

Letting your prime suspect just waltz out the front door?!

I'll get every available man out there looking for him.

Don't bother.

Woycek is obviously too much for your men to deal with.

It will apparently take a professional to find him.

Excuse me.

What is it?

Meyers insisted on being present when we arrested Woycek.

And now he doesn't want anyone else searching for him. Why?

You think he has something to do with Woycek's escape?

Don't you find it suspicious?

Sirs, have either of you seen my pen?

There's no time for that now, George.

Bloody pen.

(Murdoch): Don't lose sight of that hat.

Right, sir. You and I are just two ordinary gentlemen out for a stroll having a regular conversation.

Right, George.

By the way, sir, Dr. Ogden dropped by the station for you today.

Did she?

I told her you were busy.

You did?

Sir, I think it's a good idea for you to play "difficult to get."

What's that?

That is called a "dead drop."

It's a technique spies use to communicate secretly.


Right. Let's see where this note takes our Mr. Meyers.

It's getting crowded, sir. We should move in.

Sir, do you see him?

I guess he knew he was being followed.

No Woycek.

And now no Meyers.

Oh, sir.

I know how Woycek escaped.

We found this handcuff key in the supply closet he was in.

This is the inspector's key.

Sir, you don't think... ?

Where did he get a key?

In fact, this is key n°402.

It's the inspector's key.

It came from this office.

What? I had nothing to do with this!

Of course you didn't, sir, of course.

Mr. Clegg here did.

You were the only one who could have taken it.

The inspector was either in this office or it was locked
the rest of the time.

All right, you got me.


Yes, I took the key and let Anton Woycek go.

Why would you do that for an anarchist?

Because Anton Woycek isn't an anarchist, Detective.

He works for me.

He's an American agent?

I suppose I should explain.


There's reports of g*nf*re on Cherry St.

You there! Show yourself!

I walked in, it was very dark.

I saw there was a body lying on the ground, and that is all I remember.

I assume this painful head wound had something to do with that.

When I came to, I saw I was lying beside Woycek's body.

I got up. I didn't even realize this g*n was in my hand until you arrived. And go ahead, Murdoch, laugh like you want to.

I take no pleasure in any of this, Mr. Meyers.

However, I have further questions.

I'll answer what I can.

What were you doing down at the sawmill?

I cannot answer that.

Were you intending to meet Anton Woycek? I can't answer that either.

We found this in a hidden pocket sewn into your waistcoat.

Is it from Woycek?

I most certainly cannot answer that.

I'm sorry, Detective. It's a matter of national security.

It a matter of national security that I solve this man's m*rder.


I can't answer that.

Murdoch, you are the greatest detective in the king's realm.

Just do your job, and all will be revealed.

I am busy trying to solve a m*rder, Mr. Clegg.

When I am ready to speak with you, I will.

Julia. What a nice surprise.

I came to see if you might be free for dinner tonight.

Oh, I actually had arrangements to attend a lecture this evening. But I can cancel.

No, no, I'm fine.

Another time.

Are you all right?

Yes. Yes, of course.

I... I just needed to talk to somebody, and I don't have anyone else to talk to about this.

You haven't told him about the note? Julia, you have to tell him.

Emily, you know that I can't. It's far too dangerous.

Hello, Detective.

Dr. Ogden.



Well, I should be going.

The b*llet entered Mr. Woycek's heart here, severing the aortic arch, then perforated his left lung before exiting through his trapezius muscle.

He likely died within seconds.

Hm. And the b*llet itself?

Yes, matches the g*n in Meyers' hand.

So, a clear-cut case, then?

Not quite.

We found no gunpowder residue on either sleeve of his coat or shirt, which would be expected if he had fired the m*rder w*apon.

And there's this.

The heels are quite scuffed.

And there are traces of sawdust.

From the sawmill.

He was dragged while he was unconscious.

Perhaps your suspect is not so guilty.

Woycek was your agent?

Now, Terrance, let's not overreact.

You don't think that this is something you could have shared with your "great ally and friend?"

I wanted to.

Believe me. It was a matter of national security.

And was helping him escape also part of that matter?

We were hoping to keep him in Goldman's inner circle.

Having him escape made for a good cover story.

Until he wound up dead.

That is a problem.

But not a problem I caused.

Of course not, Terrance. I know that.

Thank you.

I trained Anton Woycek.

You could never have bested him.

Well, I don't know about that.

Mr. Meyers...

Clearly you're being set up by the anarchists.

They must have realized Woycek was an American agent, but also wanted to make sure they weren't blamed for his death.

But how did Woycek know to leave Meyers a note at the dead drop?

Oh, I may have told him that.

What? Why?

Well, I thought he might want to work for us.

You knew Woycek was involved with the anarchists all along?

Yes, of course. We had a file on him.

We knew he had been with Goldman for a couple of years.

We thought he might be a willing asset, so when I arrested him, I let him know that once he got out, there would be a way to contact me.

Same drop when you need to contact me, got it?

If you knew he was part of Goldman's inner circle the entire time, why did you not tell me during our investigation?

He was keeping a secret, like any good spy.

Nice to be appreciated.

Wait, it still doesn't make any sense.

Why would Woycek leave you a note to lure you to his own death?

Woycek must have told somebody else when he got out.

One of the anarchists we released maybe?

Terrance, you have no idea who knocked you out? No.

I walked in, everything went black. That's all I remember.

Well, considering the clumsy setup, they probably left fingermarks. Detective Murdoch, don't you have an information base of those?

Yes, we do.

Do you want to thank me now, or... ?

You know, Higgins, I'm going to find my pen one day, and when I do...

I'll probably hide it again, George.




(Murdoch): Gentlemen!


How goes the investigation? Anything we can use?






Pen pirate.



George, that's not even an insult.

Henry, I've got a match. Sir! Come quick, I have a match!

Are you quite sure, George?


The index and middle finger, right here, without question.

Henry, please fetch Mr. Clegg.


Are you here to let me out?

Possibly. But first we need your help.

Miss Goldman, Do you ever want to see your home again?

Because I can make that happen, or I can make it not happen.

That's Anton's lady friend, Sarah.

But she told me she barely knew Anton Woycek.

They were close.

I met her at a rally, the same one Mr. Czolgosz was at.

She seemed like him, actually... just a lost little girl; not a true believer.

And what about you, Detective Murdoch? What do you believe in?

Besides the unstoppable power of the state?

I believe in the truth, Miss Goldman.

Going on another trip, Miss Harrison?

You can't. That agent already released me.

And I am arresting you again.

On what charge?

Conspiracy to m*rder American federal agent Anton Woycek.

What? What? No, you don't understand. Please, I need to tell you the truth.

Yes. Yes, you do.

Are we really alone here?

Yes. Yes, it's fine.

Please, carry on.

I knew Anton.

I loved him.

Ever since we met in Chicago.

Is that when you joined the anarchists?

Emma Goldman was giving a speech.

I was there.

Anton was there.

He bought me a lemon ice. He was such a gentleman.

It's all right, Miss Harrison.

Please continue.

After the President was shot... we were all so scared. It was Anton's idea to come up to Canada.

He thought it would be safer. But then we all got arrested.

But we had a plan.

If we ever got separated, we were to meet up.



After he escaped, we did.

We must go now.

And I begged him just to leave, don't wait for Emma.

But he said that he was meeting someone. He didn't say who.

He said that he'd left them a note, and...

I don't remember hearing the g*nsh*t.


(She gasps.)

But I will never forget who pulled the trigger.


The man who arrested us.

Mr. Meyers.

No. That makes no sense.

He wanted to turn Anton, not k*ll him.

Are you quite sure, Miss Harrison?

I know what I saw, and I know that Anton didn't need to be turned by Mr. Meyers, because he was already working for him.

What? That... that can't be possible.

Anton told me he was working for the American federal office, and also selling secrets to Canada.

I was the only one that knew.

After the assassination, he thought that Mr. Meyers would protect us both.

Why would Meyers want to k*ll him?

What was he afraid of?

Anton was never a true believer in anything... anarchism, America, Canada.

He believed in money.

One night, he met a man at a rally.

That man wanted a g*n for protection.

Anton sold one to him the night before the assassination.

That man was Leon Czolgosz.

(door closing)


(door opening)

Now, what did she say, exactly?

That Anton Woycek was working for you the whole time.

That you k*lled him in order to cover up his, and your, involvement in the m*rder of my president.

You'll hang for this, Meyers.

No more lies, Mr. Meyers.

Fine. Woycek worked for me.

After the President got shot, I got a message he wanted to see me.

That's how you knew where we could arrest him.

I arranged the whole sweep as a pretext to bring him in.

But you didn't know that he would escape.

No. I didn't want him out there.

He could have sat in custody for days, for all I care.

Time was on my side. His escape was all Clegg.

Did you know that he sold Czolgosz the g*n that k*lled the American president?

Absolutely not.

If I had known that, I would have turned him over to the Americans right away.

Woycek was already dead when I got to the sawmill, Murdoch.

You gotta believe me.

Why should I believe you now?

Come on, Detective. Aren't we friends?

Oh, damn it, man. Come on!

So I turned one of Clegg's precious little agents.

I guarantee you he's done the same to us in the past.

For a man accused of m*rder by an eyewitness, you seem very cavalier.

Because this is going nowhere!

Look, cable Prime Minister Laurier's office.

Let him know exactly what's going on here.

I guarantee you I will be out by day's end.

And where's Clegg right now?

He's cabling the White House while we wait for word from the Prime Minister's office.

Can't even imagine what he's telling them.

According to Clegg's theory, Meyers shot Woycek, and then made the scene look like a careless cover-up in order to take suspicion off of him and put it onto the anarchists.

Sir, we know that Meyers is devious... but that devious?

Bloody spies, Murdoch. Can't trust 'em.

Don't even try to understand 'em.


It's a cable from Ottawa.

I'll take it to him.

(door closing) I can have my hat back now, Murdoch?

You may want to sit, Terrance.

Read this.

"In light of his completely unsanctioned actions,"

"Agent Terrance Meyers is hereby placed in Mr. Clegg's custody... "

"... to be tried in the United States for espionage against our close and great ally.

Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier."


They're cutting me loose, Murdoch.

So it would appear.

If I go down there, they'll hang me.

This, after all I've done for my country.

Enjoy the comfort of the back, Terrance.

What kind of trial can Meyers expect?

There won't be any trial. Both our countries would be very happy to have this swept away and forgotten.

We live in the shadows, and we die in the shadows.

Shouldn't Meyers be given a chance to defend his actions?

Well, he thought he could get away with something.

Personally, I don't blame him for that.

Nor do I blame him for the actions of his agent.

But he committed the one unforgivable sin in our trade: overconfidence.

And now he will pay for it.

Good day, gentlemen. You have my thanks.


Well, Murdoch, Meyers thought he was faster than the elephant, but in the end, he got squashed.

Detective Murdoch.

Ah, George.

I was just thinking about Mr. Clegg.

Something's been bothering me.


Why would Clegg let Anton Woycek escape?

So that he could go back undercover in the anarchist cell.


So why was Anton Woycek's very first action to leave Mr. Meyers a note?

Why did he wish to speak with Mr. Meyers?

What did he know?

Wow, look at that.


The ink, sir. That's a very fine ink. At first it appears black, but if you look closer it's actually dark blue.

Sir, I'll wager that's artisanal blue n°147, the same as in my pen, which Higgins still has God knows where.

Constable Higgins!

Sir, it was just a joke.

Never a funny one to begin with, Henry...

Never mind all of that. Henry, where is the pen? Right now!

What did I tell you, George? Huh? Hmm?

You want to be a detective? It wasn't enough of a clue for you?

S... Sir, I put it in your top desk drawer, I swear.

Who was in my office?

Clegg. He was in here interviewing Miss Harrison.

I... I don't think I can do that.

You have no choice, Sarah.


Clegg wrote the note that led Meyers to the sawmill.

But, sir, how did it get to the dead drop where we saw Meyers pick it up?

I mean, Clegg was here at the station the whole time.

George, we have to get to the border. Now.

Allan Clegg.

Halt! Police.

I'm Detective William Murdoch of the Toronto Constabulary, and these three cannot be permitted to cross the border.

I am taking these two to face justice.

Not before they face justice here.

Sarah Harrison, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Anton Woycek.

As are you, Mr. Clegg.

As a member of the diplomatic corps, I demand to speak with my consulate.

I've already spoken with him.

For now, I'm the law here and you're coming with me.

Enjoy the ride, Allen.


Miss Harrison, we know that Clegg wrote the note.

And we know the note was left at the dead drop to lure Anton Woycek to his death.

There are only three people who knew of the dead drop: Woycek, Meyers, and you.

(She sighs.)

I told him we should have never come up here, but he wouldn't listen.

Mr. Woycek?


He loved me, and he wanted to help me because...

(taking a breath) because...

Because you were the one who sold Czolgosz the g*n that k*lled the president.

Travelling with the anarchists, there's not a lot of money in it.

Sometimes you get tired of being poor.

I met Czolgosz at a rally. He wanted a g*n.

He'd pay me $10 for it.

I could get one for five. That's all it was.

And you told Woycek about this?

Yes. I had to. I was so scared.

And that's when he told me about Clegg, and Meyers, and all of it.

He must have been nervous, being involved in so many plots already.

He said Clegg would throw me to the wolves But Meyers would protect us.

Anton was sure of that.

That's why he came to Toronto. He was seeking Meyers' protection.


But he never got to meet with Meyers.

And I ended up with Clegg.

What about the g*n, Sarah?

Clegg said that he knew about our involvement in the assassination,
and that we would hang for it. I broke. I told him everything.

He didn't know that Anton had been working for the Canadians.

I thought, if I told him the truth, that we'd be in trouble but we wouldn't hang for it.

He said, if I wanted to live, there were three things that I needed to do.

The first was to take a note and put it in the dead drop.

The s... the second...

I... I... I didn't...




(Sarah crying)

A... after that... well, th... the third thing was easy.


The only way you could live was to k*ll the man that you loved.

Yes. But now I wish I had hanged after all!

Allen, Allen, Allen.

Your legal representatives will be arriving momentarily.

I have to say, coming up with the whole plot to k*ll Woycek and then frame me... impressive.

But using Murdoch's pen and paper in his office?

That was just sloppy.

I mean, one might even call it... overconfident, or...

Mr. Clegg, I understand the m*rder of Anton Woycek, as sickening as it may be.

But why go to all of this trouble simply to best Mr. Meyers here?

All right, Clegg, you're free to go with your people.


The Yanks want him back.

He's got diplomatic immunity. And that's straight from Laurier.

(Clegg clears his throat.)

Constable Crabtree's pen.


Until we meet again, Detective.

Excuse me.

Safe travels, Allen.

I fail to see how you can be so chipper, Meyers.

After your "friend and ally" tried to have you framed for m*rder and ex*cuted.

True. But I did turn one of his best agents.

And that calls for a response.

And in the spy game, there's really no greater sign of respect than trying to k*ll your most worthy rival.

So, you know, in his own way...

I think Clegg rather likes me.

What did I tell you, Murdoch? Bloody spies.

Don't even try to understand 'em.

Just like women.

I know what you mean, sir.


This arrived for you.

George, I believe this is yours.

Oh, brilliant. Thank you, sir.


Were you followed?

No, of course not. I did exactly as you said.

Julia, what on earth is going on?

William... James Gillies is alive.


I've been receiving threats from him.

He said that if we were to marry that he would k*ll you.

That's why you refused my proposal.

I have the notes in my office, and a photograph, William. He's been following us.

Julia, why didn't you tell me?

Because he said that if I did that he would k*ll us both.


Life without you, William, is worse than death!

Listen to me.

Together, we are stronger than anyone.
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