01x04 - Duplicity

All episode transcripts (season 1-4) for the TV show "Revenge". Aired: September 2011 to May 2015.*
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The daughter of a framed executive makes it her mission to infiltrate upper Hamptons society and exact revenge on the people who set her father up.
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01x04 - Duplicity

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "revenge"...


(Emily) When I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.

Daddy! Amanda!

Amanda Clarke no longer exists.

Before he died, he left a roadmap for revenge that led me to the people who destroyed our lives.

(Camera shutter clicking)

I want to make this right.

Then you never should've slept with my best friend.

The "Amanda"?

Sammy named her.

Looking over dad's will.

The Stowaway is all ours now.

Tyler barrol, Daniel's roommate at Harvard.

You're perfectly welcome to make yourself at home at the pool house.

Thank you, Mrs. Grayson.

Only thing missing is you.

Call me sometime.


No matter what happens between us, I'll always be honest with you.

(Lightning crackles)

(Thunder rumbling)

(Emily) Most of the memories I have from childhood are happy ones... warm summer days filled with love and light and the certainty that even the darkest storm would eventually pass.

(Thunder rumbling)

And for a while, at least, they always did.

(Woman) And then?

And then...

My parents' car...

Went off a cliff and...

They were both k*lled.

But you were not.


I survived.

Clearly it's...

This early exposure to impermanence.

That makes it so difficult for you to trust in your adult relationships.

But how do I get past that?

I mean, I-I really want to...

Move forward with this guy that I was telling you about, but...

I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid.

Emily, we've been circling this theme for a year now.

It's time for you to stop playing the victim.

Time for you to start taking an active role in your own happiness.

Until you do that, t o only thing you can expect from this new relationship or any other is that it will end badly.

Okay. Think about that for next week.

Thank you, dr Banks.

Every time I leave here, I feel...

More and more determined to take control.

Good. Then it sounds like I'm doing my job. (Chuckles)


(Door opens)

(Door closes)




After over a year of treatment, I remain skeptical that Emily will ever conquer her trust issues.

The past continues to define her present, and she's given me no reason to believe that it won't define her future as well.

(Conrad) So you're flat-out denying it?

That I somehow h*jacked your computer and used it to blackmail tom kingsly?

Yes, Conrad, I am denying it.

It's no secret how much you despise the senator.

And it's no secret how many people despise you.

You're hardly one to be throwing around these kinds of accusations.

Besides, anyone could've gotten to your laptop.

You leave it all over the place.

Now speaking of which...


Do you plan on letting me know where you're headed?

San Francisco.

Ah. Business or pleasure?

Sorry to interrupt the good times.

Daddy, your car's here.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Mm. Have a safe trip.


I'll be back before you know it.


I hate it when you're gone.

Not so fast, young lady.

You and I have our dress fittings for the mother-daughter tea this morning.

That's not happening. I'm meeting my friends.

You're always meeting your friends.

This charity is important to me.

My friends are important to me.

Maybe if you were nicer to yours, you'd still have some.

Oh, watch it, Charlotte.

Hey, do me a favor, honey, be there for your mother on this.

When I get back, we can go sailing.

You can tell me about how horrible it was.

Ugh. Fine.

Love you.

Thanks for the support.

(Sighs) (Man grunts)







Whoo! Next stop Wimbledon.

Uh, pretty sure the ball was out.

I'm pretty sure you're lying.

Ah, accept defeat, Tyler.

Never. Good game. All right.

Well, what's say we all order lunch from the grill and, uh, hit the pool, huh?

If only.

Some of us have to work for a living.

There's still heaps to prepare for Victoria's charity tea.

Cucumber sandwiches and scones. There.

You're done.

Tell that to your mother.

She has me in charge of everything.

I really want to wow her.

Well, then how about we all hit a club tonight, huh?

Yeah, not me.

Uhi'I'm trying to stay off the club circuit this summer.

And we have plans. Remember?

I'm cooking you dinner.

Yes. Of course.

I'm looking forward to it.

But you should go, ash.

Well, it just so happens, I'm free.


Call you later?

Sooner's better.


(Emily) Bye.


Well, well, well.

Look who's whipped.


Contents of dad's safe deposit box.

I thought those things were supposed to be for valuables.

Where's the cash?

Right here.


"First dollar ever made at the Stowaway.


Yeah, it's mom's wedding ring.

She must have given it back before she took off on him.

All right. That could be worth something.

Well, I say we hang on to the family heirlooms.

Yeah? Does that include the bar?

Yeah, we should talk about that.

What's there to talk about? Sell it.

I'll be 18 in a few months, and I could use that money to get a place in town, finish school, and you... you could finally sail off to Haiti.

You don't want to come with me?

Ah, I kinda got another adventure in mind.

What are you talking about, that rich girl?

All right. I'll tell you what.

I'll run the numbers.

We'll see what we can get for the place once the loan's paid off.


I mean, it could mean a whole new future for us.

I know.

The future depresses me.

Why is that?

Because I can't see things improving.

One minute Conrad's wanting to repair the damage, and the next moment he's inflicting it.

How so?

By accusing me of ridiculous things that aren't even worth mentioning.



He knows better than to try that one after his recent track record.


(Agnes obel's "riverside" playing)

What are you thinking about?

The past.

(Clicks keyboard key)


If I promise to be good, will you please let me see my dad?

No, because you'd only be pretending to be good...

Just like your dad pretended to be a good father.

He was a good father.

You know the truth.

Please don't leave me in here.

I promise, I'll be a good girl.

You'd just be pretending.

People who aren't who they claim to be, Amanda, are very, very dangerous.

You would be wise to remember that.

♪ Oh, ooh ♪

(Crying) No. No!

Please don't leave me in here. Please.

Please don't leave me.

Help! Get me out!

Get me out!

(Clicks keyboard key)

♪ ...Riverside ♪
♪ down by ♪
♪ the riverside ♪

(Dr. Banks) Today we celebrate the ongoing efforts of mothers and daughters united for "peace of mind"...

(Woman) Right this way, miss.

A unique charity benefiting mental health care...

Still have your nose to the grindstone, I see.

How's it coming?

It's not Ken Burns, but it tugs the heartstrings.

Nice. Connect those heartstrings to the purse strings.


I didn't know you were helping Ashley on this.

Oh, no. This is all Ash. I came to see Daniel.

Of course you did.

Though I did purchase a ticket to your tea, in memory of my mother.

Well, that's touching.

And when I heard that Dr. Banks was speaking, I knew that I just... I had to have a front-row seat.


And how do you know Michelle?

I've been seeing her for a year or so.

She's helping me work through a few things.

Mm. Well, you're in good hands.

So I imagine I'll be seeing you at the tea, then?

I wouldn't miss it.

(Shower running)

Hey, handsome.

(Shower continues running)

Oops. Thought you were Daniel.

Ah. I'm sorry to disappoint.

I was just on my way to the fish market.

Thought I'd see how Daniel felt about rock shrimp.

Ooh. Danny's allergic to shellfish.

Good thing I was here.

You coulda k*lled the guy.

You sure know a lot about him.

Yeah, well, best friends are like that.

Right. Harvard boys.


So where are you from exactly?


Nowhere anymore.

(Clears throat) My family has estates all over the map.


(Shower continues running)

Oh... Danny tells me you're an orphan.

That sucks.

Money can buy a lot of things, but family isn't one of them.

Well, family can be overrated.

(Shower continues running)

So, uh, what time do you want him?

7:00, 8:00?

You know what? I'll just give him a call.

(Shower continues running)

See ya.

(Shower continues running)

(Shower turns off)

Did I just hear Emily?

Yeah. She just took off.

She said that something's come up and she had to cancel dinner.

Seriously? Did she say why?



(Cell phone buzzes)



Okay, so even after the estate tax, my dad's life insurance leaves us with a decent chunk of change.



Oh, hey.

It's the dog-napper.

Hi. What are you two doing here?

I'm getting a little financial advice.

I'm... I'm thinking about selling the bar.

(Indistinct conversations)

What do you think?

I think it's none of our business, Nolan.

I think he should do what he wants.

Well, what he wants is to use his father's insurance money buy a boat, sail to Haiti, and never come back.

Well, like I said, it's his choice.

And he already has a boat.

He sold the boat.

He being me.


Nolan owns the "Amanda" now.

Mm. Funny story, actually.

(Indistinct conversations continue)

Well, I'm sure you'll do what's best for you and Sammy.




(Bell dinging)

(Indistinct conversations continue)

Jack and Emily sitting in a tree.


(Train whistle blows)


(Bell continues dinging)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Cell phone chimes)


(Declan) Uh-oh.

It worked.

You smiled.

(Laughs) Are you always in a good mood?

Yeah, when I, uh, when I see you.

Your ring's pretty girlie, don't you think?

Uh, this? Yeah. Uh...

This was my mother's, and I'm gonna go see how much it's worth.

You'd sell your mom's wedding ring?


Uh, oops. Well...

Trust me, there's really no sentimental value.


The seamstress is ready.



Hi, Mrs. Grayson.

I'm, uh, I'm Declan Porter.

Sorry to interrupt, but she has a fitting right now.

Oh, yeah? Okay, that's cool, 'cause, uh, me, too, you know.

It's a big day of fittings.


See you around, Charlotte.

The things you'll do to t*rture me.

It's not always about you, mom.

Hey, you've reached Daniel.

Leave a message and I'll call you back.

(Voice mail beeps)

Hey, it's almost 9:30, and I'm officially worried.

Where are you? Call me.

(Cell phone beeps)

(Knock on door)


It's about time.


That's funny.

That's what I was thinking on the way over here.


These are from Sammy, as a way of saying thank you for bringing him home last week...
(Sammy whines)


Well, that's very nice of Sammy, but... oh. I should've called first.

You're in the middle of something.

Yes, I am in the middle of something, and that happens to be an exceptionally good bottle of Pinot.

Do you drink wine?

Well, when it's exceptional, sure.


So have you made any decisions?

About the bar, I mean.

Actually, I'm, uh, I'm gonna hold on to it for now.

Postpone any major decisions till the end of the season.

Oh, wow.

Why is that?

Well, I guess I'm...

Just hoping to find a really good reason to stick around.

A better reason than the Stowaway?

If I'm lucky.

(Playing classical music)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Music continues)

(Indistinct conversations continue)


Oh. Everything is exquisite.

But I've come to expect nothing less from you.

Oh, thank you. Well, it takes a village, right?

The narration you did for the video presentation is perfect.

Oh, I'm happy to do my part for the cause.

Oh, Michelle, you know Miriam and everly.

Oh, she ought to. I'm in her office once a week.

(All laugh)

Oh, excuse me.


(Keypad beeps)

Charlotte, the presentation is about to begin, and I need you here by my side right now.

Please do not disappoint me today, I beg of you.

Do you understand?

Wouldn't dream of it.



Thank you.

(Music continues)





Hey, Ash.

Is everything okay?

No, everything is definitely not okay.

I'm as hungover as a French sailor, and now I've lost the bloody DVD.

Okay. Well, don't worry. I'll help you.

It was right here.

Did you check the DVD player?


Found it.

Oh, thank you. I am never drinking again.

I take it that you and Tyler had a good time?

Mm. Too much. He is a madman.

How was dinner with Daniel?

It wasn't. I got stood up.

And now he's not answering his phone.

You're kidding. Prince charming?

Something must have happened.

I'm sure, but we can talk about that later because you have some dazzling to do.

Excuse me.

Oh, great. Now I'm hallucinating.

I'll handle him.

(Motor whirring)

(Tires squeal)


I'm getting pretty sick of you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, Nolan.

I know you've been whispering in Jack Porter's ear.


Don't involve him in this.

I heard you two had a perfectly lovely evening and...

Nice to know you can let your guard down once in a while.

Who knew you could cook?


(Victoria, voice amplified)
Good afternoon, ladies, and welcome to the 15th annual mother-daughter tea.

Show's starting.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I... smell the distinct aroma of retribution in the air.

As you know, today's event... Ah.

Mothers and daughters only.

Oh, well...

...All across America.

Oh, there you are.

Have you seen my cell phone anywhere?

Oh, I have seen many a thing the last 24 hours, my friend.

Your phone is not among them.

You and Ashley party it up?

Oh, yes.

But she had that tea thing this morning, so I cashed her out early, and somehow ended up in the back of a limo with half a dozen real housewives.

(Laughs) By the time I sobered up, I was in friggin' Newark.

You were definitely missed.

Sounds like you did just fine without me.

Mm. You, uh...

Did you ever connect with Emily?


Uh, no, I did not.

After you left I went over to find out why she cancelled, and get this... she's over there with some other guy.

Yeah, not the first time I've seen him hanging around, either.


What a bitch.


If it helps, I smelled that one coming a mile away.

Doesn't help.


Well, maybe this will.

Oh, come on. The Daniel Grayson I know drinks this kind of thing off and moves on to the next in line.

I-I don't think so.

Let me ask you something.

When's the last time you woke up craving a drink?

Uh, never.

That's because, despite what mommy and daddy say, you're not an alcoholic.

You're just a guy that likes to have a good time.

And now you're unattached again.


Bottoms up.



(Drums on bar)
There we go.

(Sets glass down)


(Doorbell rings)

Hello, Conrad.

May I come in?

Of course.

Well, well, well.

I see you've set yourself up nicely.

Thanks to you.

Can I get you a drink?

I have a plane to catch.

Then what are you doing here?

I take it you heard about senator Kingsly's fund-raiser.

Who didn't?

He seems a little young for retirement.

Yeah, well, his retirement wasn't exactly voluntary.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

All I know is that Victoria thought to include my ex-husband on the guest list.

Was that to get back at you or me?

I don't know. Both, perhaps.


Truth is, things have become so ugly between us, she seems capable of just about anything.

What is clear is that she's still very suspicious of you.

And after the way you came at me for that check, I guess I was, too.

I should've never backed you into a corner like that.

Hey, Victoria backed you into a corner.

I don't blame you for showing your claws.

(Michelle, voice amplified)
Thanks to the dedicated efforts of founding mother Victoria Grayson, your generous donations today ensure that low-income special needs children are provided...
(Plastic rustles)

Top-notch mental health care close to home.

And now please enjoy this very special video presentation, which illustrates just how vital an effort this is.


(Michelle) Today we celebrate the ongoing efforts of mothers and daughters united for "peace of mind," a unique charity benefiting mental health care facilities and...

(static crackles)

(Michelle) And have you hit bottom?

(Voice breaking) Close.

I drove my children to summer camp loaded on painkillers and vodka.

(Guests murmuring indistinctly)

(Whooshing sound)

(Man) Hamptons exposed... (Glass shatters)

How can I explain to my husband that I slept with his sister?

(Women) Oh!

He could never understand it.

He... he's never gonna forgive me.

Turn it off.

(Guests speaking indistinctly)


(Glass shatters)

It takes a lot for me to get physical with anybody.

Oh, my God.

I just wish I knew for sure that I could trust him.

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)


(Glass shatters)

How's your relationship with your daughter?

Tense... Distant.

The truth is, I've never really felt close to Charlotte.

Sometimes I wonder if having a second child was a mistake.


(Feedback whines)

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

Charlotte, wait.

No. I'm done dressing up and pretending to be someone I'm not.

You wish I was never born?

That makes two of us.


(Michelle) Victoria, I...

I didn't... you recorded my private sessions?

For my own use.

I am going to destroy you.

Someone must have... I...

I am going to ruin you!

Victoria, I... I don't...

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

Did she just thr*aten her?

(Woman) Did you hear it, too?

(Guests continue speaking indistinctly)

Collect those recordings and get them to me by the end of the day, or I swear to God, Michelle, I will not only sue you, I will make you suffer every single day for the rest of your miserable life!


You gotta think clearly, Victoria.

It's not in your best interest to leave threatening voice mails.

That woman can expose far worse than my troubled relationship with Charlotte.

Like what?

What does she know?

Too much.

Okay, Victoria.

Don't go anywhere. Don't speak to anyone.

I'll be back in an hour.

(Victoria) I've known Amanda Clarke's family for quite some time, and...

With her father's arrest for that horrible crime, I think it's best for everyone involved that Amanda be institutionalized.

Well, I'll be the one to make that determination.

Of course, doctor.

I imagine how difficult it must be for you to handle cases like this.

They're... they're heartbreaking.

It's the job.

What if you had a different kind of job?

What if I offered you a private practice with a steady stream of the right kind of clients?

I could be your first patient.

In return, you see to it that Amanda gets the care she needs in a proper institution.

But more importantly, that she and her father remain separated for good.

(Cell phone dings)


What's your best price?

I already told you.

What's going on?

Sweet, huh?

I was just thinking, for when I get my share of the bar, I could, uh...

I'm sorry to put you out, man.

We're not buying. Come here.

Hold on.

What are you doing? What's the big deal?

The big deal, Declan, is you're not even 18 yet, so you're not even legally able to drive that thing, and secondly, and more importantly, I'm putting a pin in the plans to sell the bar.

Since when is that your decision?

What, I-I don't get a say?

I'm the adult here, Declan.

And I'm your guardian, so, no, you don't.

We'll talk about it again at the end of the summer when I get my boat back.

That's forever.

You'll be fine.


(Tyler) Oh, what the hell are we doing in this dump, huh?

You're Emily's friend, right?


You lookin' for Emily?

We're just looking for a good time, Jack.

I take it there's no cover tonight.

Come on, Danny.

(Daniel laughs)

(Tyler) Excuse me. Bartender, could we get a drink?


You have really outdone yourself.

Your Hamptons exposed link is a work of art.

And sliding your own therapy session into the mix to throw suspicion...


I mirrored the site and posted a few clones just to make sure it never dies.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

Now go before someone sees you.

Victoria watches this place like a hawk.

I also did some, uh, research into your collateral damage.

Seems Dr. Banks wasn't always the go-to shrink for the rich and demented.

She began her road to infamy as a court-appointed child psychologist.

Random coincidence?

Nothing's random, Nolan.


You can be satisfied the good doctor will...

Never practice again.

Count on it.

(Door closes)

(Charlotte) Charlotte's phone. Leave a message.

(Voice mail beeps)

Charlotte, darling, what you heard today was taken completely out of context by someone who has a vicious agenda against me.


Come home the instant you hear this message.

(Knock on door)

Southampton police.

Are you Victoria Grayson?


I'm detective Robert Gunther, Southampton police department.

This is my associate here, officer Gibbs.

M-my God. Is it my daughter?

This is about Michelle Banks.

What happened?

That's what we'd like to find out.

We need to ask you a few questions.

May we come in?


Several witnesses confirmed that you publicly threatened Dr. Banks.

Hours later, she placed a call to 911 from her office, which we found ransacked.

I threatened to ruin her, not inflict bodily harm.

Do I look like a kidnapper to you?

Well, you look like a woman with unlimited resources.

Frank, thank God.

Would you please talk to these men?

Detective, could we have a word?


(Lowered voice)
Look, I can vouch for Mrs. Grayson's whereabouts all afternoon.

We were together, if you get my meaning.

Ah, so you're Mr. Grayson? No.

I work for him.

I worked for the bureau before that.

Are you charging her?

We're just asking questions.

It sounds like she's answered 'em.


Let's go, Gibbs.

Mrs. Grayson, I suggest you stay put.

(Door opens)

(Lowered voice) I can't believe this is happening.

Where have you been?

(Lowered voice) I went to Dr. Banks' office. (Door closes)

The police were all over it.

Okay, her computer and external hard drives are missing.

So it's out there? It's everywhere?

It's okay. This is why we're gonna get to her before the police do.

I want you to call your assistant.

Have her put together a list of anyone who had access to that video.

Thank you, Frank.


I wouldn't know what to do without you.

Then call your husband.

He needs to know what's going on.

(Keypad beeps)

(Telephone auto dials)




I'll get us some more wine.

All right, you miss this, we lose...

To two chicks.

No pressure.

Thanks. I got it.

Doesn't count unless you call it.

8-ball, side pocket.

You mean...

This pocket?

(Sets glass down)

(Indistinct conversations)

Oh, my God.


Looks like your luck just ran out.

You played dirty.

Oh, I can get a lot dirtier.

What are frick and frack doing here?

Getting loaded.

Mm. And laid by the looks of things.

Yo, bartender!

Another round of sh*ts on Danny's tab, okay?

("Riverside" resumes playing)

♪ Down by the river ♪
♪ by the boats ♪
♪ where everybody goes to be alone ♪
♪ where you won't see ♪
♪ any rising sun ♪

(Michelle) Amanda.

I asked you to draw something different today.

This is another picture of you and your father.

Take me to see him, and then I'll draw anything you want.

You know you will never see that man again.

Tell me why.

Because they took him away.

Because he hurt people.

Because he k*lled people.

That's a lie.

They did it.

There is no "they,"

If you don't stop challenging me on this, you might wind up spending the rest of your childhood in this place.

Is that what you want?

I want to see my daddy.

♪ Down by ♪
♪ the riverside ♪

(Door opens)

(Door slams)



♪ By the riverside ♪


(Cell phone chimes)

Evening, Ems.

Thought you'd be amused to know that your fake boyfriend is busy making a drunken ass of himself at your other boyfriend's bar.

(Jack) I'm gonna have to cut you guys off. (Daniel) What?

What are you talking about? You can't do that.

Boys will be boys.

Come on down. Testosterone's on the house.

I have a confession to make.

Sometime shortly before we started, the DVD...

Went missing.


I thought that I had misplaced it, but, um, we found it in the DVD player, and I chalked it up to a moment of absentmindedness.


Emily and I.

She thought to check the tray in the player and saved the day.

Or not, as it turns out.

Why isn't her name on your list?

You can't possibly think that Emily had anything to do with this.

Besides, she was a victim, too.

(Daniel and Tyler)
♪ and we'll roll ♪
♪ roll that crimson ♪

(Both singing indistinctly)


What happened?

Captain Jack happened.

And that is all the time I have for questions tonight.

Good night, sports fans.

(Door opens and closes)

I'm so sorry, Mrs. Grayson. I tried to stop him, but... well, you know how he gets.

I, uh, I thought it was better to stay with him, keep him from doing anything stupid.

You know, like last summer.

Well, suddenly last summer's beginning to look like a cake walk.

See to it he falls asleep face down.

(Slaps leg)

I'll start on these.

What's going on here?

A very long story.

Suffice to say, we both spent our nights neck deep in Grayson drama.


You really are sober, aren't you?

As a judge.

Police now believe the same person is behind both the Hamptons exposed web site and the break-in at Dr. Banks' office.

When asked about suspects in her disappearance, detectives said they had a list as long as Dr. Banks' patient roster.

If you have any information...

Where's Daniel?

I'd say, uh, the more pressing mystery is the whereabouts of Dr. Banks.

If you have any information that could help authorities on her whereabouts, please call the action news crime line.

(Jack) Hey.


You just missed your friends.

(Laughs) I heard.

I'm sorry.

It's fine. It's a bar.

It's no big deal.

I mean, I can't offer you a gourmet meal, but we do carry several not-so-pricey wines.


Not tonight, but thank you.


Man, she's a... she's a tough one to figure out.

She's got issues.

Got nothing but...

Nice things to say about you, though.

What are you talking about?

(Indistinct conversations)

See for yourself.

Please listen to me.

It was never my intention to hurt anyone today.

So, whoever you are, please, I am begging you, just let me out of here so that we can talk.

Can you hear me?


Is there anybody out there?!

Can you hear me?!

(Continues banging)

Please let me out of here!

Who the hell are you?!

(Continues banging)

(Woman) In a surprise twist in an already incredible story, an anonymous tip to the action news crime line led Southampton police right to the missing Dr. Michelle Banks, who was pulled from this storage facility just moments ago.

Cops have been on the scene, combing this area for hours, trying to gather up evidence and looking for suspects.

We do know that Dr. Banks is okay.

We have not yet been able to...

(turns tv off)

She's been by s side the whole night.

And what can you tell me about where that tip came from?

Well, thank you for your time, detective.

They're saying Michelle never got a look at her attacker, but they're gonna want to follow up with you.


Because the storage unit that she was found in was registered to Grayson global.

What the hell is going on here, Frank?

I don't know.

But I'm gonna get to the bottom of it, I promise.


Would you spend the night here?

I don't want to be alone in this house.

I mean, I always knew things were weird between us, but I never thought...

(Exhales deeply)
She actually hated me.

Nah, hey, come on. That's not what she said.

Yeah, right.

She said she wished I had never been born, which is worse.

I always knew Daniel was her favorite.

Yeah, all right, trust me, I-I have an older brother, too, so I know the feeling.

Only now mine's my guardian.


So what happened to your mom?

She left.

Yeah, when I was, like, 2.

I don't even remember her.

Jack does, but he doesn't talk about her.

I don't know.

Maybe that's what kept me from hocking her ring.

Like some stupid part of me thinks she's gonna come back for it.

Can I see?

Well, if it matters, you wouldn't have gteten much for it.

It's fake.


Oh, it figures.

But you know what? It's priceless to you, and that's so much more important.

(Cell phone rings)




Hey, uh, you should go home and work it out with your mom.

At least you have one, right?

(Woman) Dr. Banks, you must be relieved.

I'll be relieved when the sick person who knocked me unconscious and locked me up is apprehended.

(Woman) Until then, it seems Dr. Banks will be looking over her shoulder wondering not if, but when her attacker might strike again.
(Ambulance doors close)

We'll stay...

(turns tv off)

("Riverside" resumes playing)

(Clicks touchscreen buttons)


(Auto dials)

♪ Down by the river ♪

(Phone rings)

♪ By the boats, erere everybody goes ♪

(Cell phone buzzing)

♪ To be alone ♪

(Emily) The greatest w*apon anyone can use against us is our own mind...



(Cell phone beeps)

By preying on the doubts and uncertainties that already lurk there.

♪ Look at the stones on the riverbed ♪

Are we true to ourselves?

Or do we live for the expectations of others?

♪ The riverside ♪
♪ down by the water, the riverbed ♪
♪ somebody calls you, somebody says ♪
♪ swim with the current ♪

And if we are open and honest...

♪ Down by the river ♪

Can we ever truly be loved?

(Emily on video)Owow I've met this guy, and...

Even though I don't know him very well, i-I have this strange feeling that... he could be the one.

It's just a feeling that I-I get.

Can we find the courage to release our deepest secrets?

Sleep tight, buddy.

Or in the end...

Are we all unknowable...

(Michelle) What are you thinking about?

The past.

(Emily) Even to ourselves?

It reminds me how much I...

Once loved him.



Not Conrad.

♪ I walk to the borders on my own ♪

(Thunder rumbling)

♪ Just like a stone ♪
♪ chilled to the marrow ♪
♪ in them bones ♪
♪ why do I go here all alone? ♪
♪ oh ♪


What are you doing here?

♪ How everything ♪

I had to see you.

You're soaking wet.

I-I told Conrad I was leaving him.

But I thought you said...

I can't live this way anymore and...

I want for us to be together.

♪ Down by ♪
♪ the riverside ♪

(Victoria cries)

(Thunder rumbling)

♪ down by ♪
♪ the riverside ♪
♪ down by ♪
♪ the riverside ♪
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