01x10 - Loyalty

All episode transcripts (season 1-4) for the TV show "Revenge". Aired: September 2011 to May 2015.*
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The daughter of a framed executive makes it her mission to infiltrate upper Hamptons society and exact revenge on the people who set her father up.
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01x10 - Loyalty

Post by bunniefuu »

JACK: Previously on Revenge...


EMILY: When I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.

Daddy! Amanda!

You can't stay.

I don't remember asking for your permission.

How much will it cost to get you to stop seeing my daughter?

Oh, my God.


I want to come home, Jack.

NOLAN ON PHONE: Tyler got hold of a shredded speech exposing Conrad and Victoria.

This is Satoshi Takeda.

I fear I'm losing control.

Revenge is a stony path.


You remember well.

One thing you can count on, I never forget.


How does it feel now that your targets are no longer mere ideas, but flesh and bone?



The task in front of you requires absolute focus.



If you let your emotions guide you, you will fail.


Prioritize the obstacles to your end goal.

Eliminate them one at a time.


There are two of them.

Tyler. He's simple, or ought to be.

And then there's Amanda. She's a ticking time b*mb.

Then you must stay clear of the blast.


Engage your ultimate opponent to do the work for you.


Victoria, good morning.

I made a breakfast reservation for us so we could continue our discussion from the other night.

Today is not a good day, and please continue addressing me as Ms. Grayson.

Okay, my apologies. Are you all right?

Conrad filed for divorce.

I've had better mornings.

Well, don't worry. I'm sure you'll come out on top.

What makes you so sure?

Well, you're Victoria Grayson.

You have two children who love you, friends who would do anything for you, an entire community that worships you.

And you have me.

Anything you need, I can take care of it.

Can you bring my son home to me?

I can certainly try.

Thank you.


Victoria's fine.



Tyler, are you decent?

Or more importantly, alone?

Yeah, come on in.

I wasn't sure I'd see you after your freak-out at the investment party.

Freak-out? I let you off easy.

One minute I'm under the impression we might actually have a future together, and the next, I catch you lip-locked with Nolan Ross.

Yeah, well, as unpleasant as that was for you and me, the extra bit of attention I paid Nolan was done with our future in mind.

Nolan's 20 mil is being wired as we speak.

And I'm headed in to collect my commission.

200 large.

You kiss a billionaire once, you make 200 grand.

I have been kissing Victoria's ass all summer, and I'm lucky if she lets me call her by her first name.


So let me share the wealth.

I have a 9:00 reservation at Driftwood tomorrow night.

I don't need to tell you what a hard get that is.

So you're not even bi?


What I am is ambitious.

If you can't handle that, then we part as friends.

But if I were you, I'd strongly consider joining me.

Now that I have a foothold with Grayson, I'm climbing all the way to the top. And this invitation, it won't be open forever.


You in here?

Whoa. Chill, Cujo.

Sammy. Stop. Stop it. Come here.

Sorry. He's got issues with strangers.

Apparently, he doesn't remember that you aren't one.

Well, it's been a while.

Well, yeah, and he's more than a little senile.

I was just bringing breakfast down to the boat.

You still like blueberry pancakes?

(LAUGHS) Who doesn't like pancakes?

I still remember the day I met Sammy.

Same day I met you.

(LAUGHS) On the beach, down in front of your house.

We played tug-of-w*r with him and a piece of driftwood.

Sorry, memory lane isn't exactly a road I like to go down.

No, no, no. Of course. Of course.

I hope you don't mind. I swiped one of your shirts.

Looks better on you than me.

So did you make a decision about sticking around?


But if I'm gonna stay in the Hamptons, I'm gonna need some new clothes.

Want to pick some out with me?

I'd love to, but I haven't figured out how to get the bar to open itself.


I can't tell you how good it feels to have you back.

And I can't tell you how long it's been since someone was this nice to me.

Thanks, Jack.

You make it easy.

NOLAN: So a quick recap, in case you've been too busy knocking boots with the young Grayson to remember what happened on last week's episode of The Tyler Chronicles.

I remember, Nolan. Get to the point.

Well, after Tyler finished apologizing for taking my credit card on a petty theft crime spree, he started Google stalking one David Clarke.

Take a look.

Now, check out my browser history.

Have you wired money over to Grayson Global yet?

Happening as we speak.

$20 million.

Pull it back.

I don't think that's a good idea. What?

If I pull my money and crush Tyler's chances of becoming a Grayson, Ems, who knows what he'll do next?

Well, hopefully, he'll try to blackmail Conrad with what's in that speech.

Oh, really?

I don't know.

I thought you had bigger, badder plans for the Graysons.

I do.

Lydia's speech contains information, not evidence.

And let's not forget, Tyler no longer has it in his possession, we do.

Which you never thanked me for, by the way.

I'll thank you when Tyler's out of the picture.


Unless, of course, you have your own reasons for keeping him around.


I'll call my business manager this afternoon.

How about you call him now?

Nolan Ross for Barry Josslin.

Yeah, it's about money. Why else would I call?


DANIEL: My father filed for divorce?

Why wouldn't he have told me this morning?

Who knows?

But your poor mother is beside herself.

She really needs you right now, Daniel.

In fact, she was hoping you'd join her for lunch.


Perfect timing.

Please join me for lunch today with my mother.

Yeah, of course. Just tell me when and where.

1:00, Dumas' on Main.

I'll modify the reservation for three. Bye.

Thanks, Ash.

Is everything okay?

It sounds like my parents are finally getting a divorce.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, Daniel. They seemed so perfect together.

Yeah, maybe a long time ago.

Well, maybe they'll work it out. I mean, who knows?

It might even strengthen your relationship with both of them.

Yeah, with my mom, perhaps.

You know, I think my dad would rather have Tyler for a son than me.

Well, it's hard to argue considering that my dad's been trying to land Nolan as a client ever since Nolcorp went public.

I guess Ty has just got that magic touch.

I'll say.

What's that supposed to mean?

The only reason that Nolan invested with your father is because Tyler's blackmailing him.

Wait. Blackmailing him with what?


Do you have any idea how much E. Coli you just dumped next to my lunch?

There's a reason I don't carry cash.

And that's why.

Lighten up, Eeyore.

I'm paying you back for all the stuff I bought on your credit card, like I promised.

You do you realize you're paying me back with my own money, right?

I'm trying to say thank you.

You have no idea the doors you opened up for me.

We should celebrate, get out of town for the weekend, on me.

You like South Beach?

Miami's for trolls.

(LAUGHS) Okay, then, you pick the place.

I just want to spend some quality time with you.


Monte-Carlo's pretty nice this time of year.

MAN: Excuse me. Victoria.


I'm Ryan Huntley.

Michael Davis introduced us a couple of years ago at an art auction at Sotheby's.

You outbid me on a spectacular Kandinsky.

I remember. You cost me a fortune.

Forgive me for being indelicate, but your husband asked to retain me as his divorce attorney.

And you just happened to run into me here?

For reasons of my own, I declined his offer.

But believe me when I say, I'd love nothing more than to represent you against your husband.

I'll give it some thought.

Please do.

DANIEL: Hey, Mom.

Daniel, I'm so glad you could come.

Oh. And I see that you brought Emily.

Victoria, I hope you don't mind.

Daniel told me everything, and we just really wanted to come and show our support.

I'm sure you must be devastated.

"Devastated" is not the word I would use.

And quite frankly, my marriage is the last thing I want to talk about right now.

Well, why don't we talk about Tyler?

Don't you think it's weird he's still living in the pool house even though I'm staying at Emily's?

Quite the opposite.

With you gone, I rather like having him there.

Tyler seems almost like family to me.

Okay, but he's not and he never will be.

I'd rather have someone in the house than no one at all.

Unless of course you're telling me that you're planning on moving back home.


Well, then, as far as I'm concerned, he stays.


How's the wonder dog?

Starting to lose it a little, I'm afraid.

How so?

I don't know if I told you, Amanda was his first owner.

But every time he sees her, he goes crazy, and not in a good way.

Well, that's uncomfortable.

Yeah, well, to be fair, I don't think she remembers much about him either.

She's blocked out most of her childhood.

And she really hates talking about it.

Hmm. Is she around?

Clothes shopping.

She decided to stick around and face her demons.

Yeah, she seems to have a lot of those.

Jack, it might not be any of my business, but what happened to her when she lived in my house?

I remember when I was...

When I was a kid, my old man tried to explain to me that her dad had been arrested, and I didn't get it, 'cause Mr. Clarke was always such a nice guy.

But then when I was old enough, I started reading everything about it, about how he was responsible for bringing down a whole plane full of people.

And as for Amanda, it's like she just vanished.

I think my childhood pretty much ended at the same time.

YOUNG AMANDA: Can't I take Sammy with me?

WOMAN: I'm sure your friend will take good care of the dog.

Won't you, Jack?

The best. I swear.

Say good-bye, Amanda.

I'll come back for you.

I promise.

I promise. I'll come back for you.

I'll come back!

It wasn't her fault.

Would you mind giving this to Amanda?

I'm sure she has some warm memories of living there, too.

Maybe spending some time in the house will help her remember them.

You're a really good person, you know that?


You take care of him for me, okay?


You'd think with a 200K commission, you'd have settled somewhere a little flashier by now.

What the hell, Danny? You scared the crap out of me.

You think it's time you found a place of your own?

Already started looking.

Yeah, well, look faster.

Well, it's a matter of time before I fill the void in that corner office right next to your father.

I'm assuming that's where all this hostility is coming from.

My dad's been trying for 10 years to land Nolan Ross, and you do it in one night.

What's your secret?

If I told you, I'd have to k*ll you.

Since when did we start hiding things from each other?

Nothing to hide, Danny.

I just figured out what makes Nolan tick.

It's a gift.

Sure it is.




I'll be right there.

Hi. I'm glad you showed.

I thought maybe you'd gone completely rogue on me.

I didn't mean to tell Jack our secret. It just happened.

I just don't want him to get hurt.

That makes two of us.

Jack's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Besides you.

He mentioned that you have a hard time talking about your childhood memories.

That's only because he remembers more of this stuff than you actually told me.

What's this?

It's a diary from when I was in foster care.

If you're gonna be Amanda Clarke, you need to know absolutely everything, especially the truth about the Graysons.

What truth? DANIEL: Hey, babe.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company.

Daniel, this is Amanda Clarke. Amanda, Daniel.

Nice to meet you.


I was just leaving.

Feel free to come by anytime.

Amanda Clarke?

As in David Clarke's daughter?

As in Jack's new girlfriend.

Wait. You're not talking about that David Clarke?

What, you didn't know? He used to own this place.

Oh, my God.

My realtor conveniently neglected to mention that.

Yeah, well, I didn't really know them, but her father was working for my father when all those people were k*lled.

How horrible for your family.

Well, it was a long time ago. I mean...


How was the rest of your day?

Well, I decided not to tell my father about Tyler.

He'll dig his own grave.

The only way for me to truly beat him should be on merit.

I like that plan.

Great. Then I hope you won't mind joining me tonight for dinner with Mr. Takeda.

I'm gonna need my Japanese translator.

(CHUCKLES) Of course.

You're a gem.

I'm gonna take a shower.


AMANDA: Hey, fancy pants, come here often?

Buy a girl a drink?

Yeah, I don't get it.

You could be nibbling croissants next to the Louvre.

Instead, you're shelling peanuts in some dive bar where, let's face it, nobody wants you.

Well, I think Jack would disagree. Emily, too.

She's really embracing the idea of having me around, even agreed that I'd continue using her name.

Aw. Somebody's jealous.

Yeah. There are two on the lease. It's me and my girlfriend.

No, I'll be 18 by the end of the month, so it's...

Let me call you right back.

What was that about? Um...

Me and Charlotte are getting a place together.

Whoa, what?

Look, think about it, okay?

You and me are crowding each other up here.

And things are moving forward with you and Amanda, so it's...

You need privacy.

Declan, listen to me.

This is a spectacularly bad idea on so many levels.

You don't have the money.

You haven't finished high school. What's the plan?

Gonna be a bar back the rest of your life?

I'm drowning downstairs 'cause you can barely even do that right.

Okay. Hire someone else.

I've got my own money, and Charlotte needs me.

She needs you? Yeah.

Declan, you're just a kid.

What you need is to finish high school, go to college.

You need to make yourself into the kind of man that a girl like Charlotte Grayson deserves.

If she's still around after that, then you guys can talk about having a future.

Otherwise, you're just...

You're just throwing both of yours away.

Your crusade for a future built on sustained, renewable energy is admirable and a cause I proudly stand behind.


He says that he is impressed by your research and respects your business ethics.

Well, it's what he can expect on a daily basis should he choose to trust me with his business.


So he's still on the fence?


What did he say?

He's agreed to invest with you.

$50 million.


NOLAN: What?

No synchronized swim with your secret sharer?

Single white female told me you invited her into the fold.

What, I'm guessing this is a keep your frenemies close type situation?

At least she's under control, Nolan.

That's more than I can say for you and Tyler.

About that.

Well, operation Tyler hit a bit of a speed bump and...

Don't worry about it.

I've got that under control, too.

Bye, Nolan.
CONRAD: While we're buying the upside, we're shorting the poorest performers in that sector.

Simultaneously collecting the best in breed and weeding out the runts.

You catch on fast, son.

Tyler, Dad.

There he is, the man of the hour.

Did I miss something?

Daniel managed to get Mr. Takeda to invest last night.

Fifty million.

How's that corner office looking for you now?

Fifty million. Wow.

Shame you won't be getting commissioned.

CONRAD: Um, yeah.

That commission was a onetime incentive.

Tyler did beat you to the punch.

But you keep taking initiative like that, and I promise, commissions will abound.

TYLER: That's right.

So long as your clients are all Japanese.

Don't forget to cut in your pretty blond translator.

That's okay. You can let him get to you.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.


I don't envy Tyler, Dad.

In fact, there's something you need to know about how he got Nolan Ross to invest with your company.

AMANDA: Good boy, Sammy.

Good boy. Yeah.

Attaboy, Sammy.

Looks like someone's memory is coming back.

Sam's not the only one.

I found this on the beach this morning.

It reminded me of how you and I used to collect that sea glass.

You had a thing for the blue.

We buried jars of that stuff all over the place.

Said it was our secret treasure, remember?

Like it was yesterday.

HUNTLEY: I was very happy to get your call, Victoria.

I'm very aware of the job you did for Michael in his divorce against Lydia.

And I think it would be foolish of me not to consider your counsel.

Thank you.

It seems my reputation precedes me.

I saw Michael earlier this summer, already with a pretty young woman at his arm.

I trust he's doing well?

Engaged. God help him.

Obviously, his heart is faring a little bit better than Lydia's.

Couldn't help but feel badly when I heard that she had jumped from her balcony.

Well, you reap what you sow.

Well, before we discuss my fee, I'll need you to agree to some non-negotiable conditions.

I see.

First condition, no contact whatsoever with your spouse, starting now.

That won't be a problem.

Second, I need absolute financial transparency from you.

Bank accounts, lockboxes, planes, houses, jewelry.

There's no need for the dramatic pauses, Mr. Huntley.

If I disagree with your terms, I'll let you know.

Finally, and most importantly, I need you to be willing to do whatever it takes to win your case, which could mean you end up with a significant amount of Conrad's blood on your hands by the time this is over.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey. We're gonna be late for our apartment meetings.

We're not gonna be late, Charlotte, because I canceled 'em.

You don't want to move in with me?

I've never wanted anything more.

But it can't be like this.

You have a nice life carved out for you here.

Yeah, and you're a part of it now.

Yeah. I want to be a part of it forever.

But if we're gonna last, then I have to finish school.

I don't know, maybe go to college.

You deserve a guy like that.

Well, you don't have to do this just for me.

Well, I'm not.

I'm doing it for us.

Here's your mom's check.

Keep it.

Think of it as my mother's investment in your future.

It's not my style.

I'll find another way.

You wanted to see me, sir?


It's come to my attention you garnered Mr. Ross' support through less-than-honorable circumstances.

So your time here at Grayson Global is over.

With all due respect, who cares how I got him?

$20 million from a guy that you've been trying to land for a decade is hardly...

This company's worth over 200 times that, which is why we try to avoid scandal at all cost.

Blackmailing a potential client into a portfolio falls directly into the scandalous category.


The sex tape you made with Nolan Ross?

Sex tape? What are you talking about?

Save your breath.

You're fired.

Am I?

At least when I do business, people don't die.

I beg your pardon?

You want a scandal?

You fire me, and I tell the world that you and your wife were the real reason all those people died on Flight 197, and that that guy who worked for you, David Clarke, was just a patsy.

I'd think very carefully about the next words that come out of your mouth, Mr. Grayson.


Excuse me.

Can I help you?

I'm looking for something I buried as a little kid.

Yeah, well, I don't think it's cool for you to be here without Emily around.

Well, Emily said it's cool, so...

She didn't mention it to me, so you should probably come back when she's here.

Do you have a problem with me? You don't even know me.


What's going on?

Your boyfriend here is trying to throw me off your property for looking for something that belongs to me.

No, it's okay, Daniel.

Well, maybe you could come back tomorrow morning, and I'll help you search for what you're trying to find.

Told you she was cool.

That girl makes me nervous.

She just seems a little lost to me.

I mean, can you imagine growing up the way she had to?

Just be careful with her.

I will.

What are you doing?

Can you tell me why you're looking for a one-bedroom apartment in Montauk?

You're spying on my laptop?

Don't change the subject.

Declan and I were looking for a place.

Thought we'd put your
$25,000 bribe to good use.

That's right, Mom.

I know you were trying to pay him off, only you couldn't, because he really cares about me.

I'm sure he does.

And I'm sure that you think you feel the same way, too, but believe me, this is an insanely bad idea.

What about school? What about... Relax, Mom.

I'm not moving in with Declan. It wouldn't be fair to him.

Fair to him?

Because all I really want is to get away from you.

I'm 17, Mom, and Dad said it's pretty much up to me who I want to live with.

Well, guess what. I choose Dad.

How are the plans for our Monte-Carlo getaway coming along?

On hold, I'm afraid.

Really? And why is that?

Well, because there's no longer any reason to celebrate.

I'm sorry, Ty.

I'm pulling my investment. I'm having too many second thoughts.

You've been playing me this whole time, setting me up to fail.

Let's not mix business and pleasure.

Funny coming from the guy who videotaped that sickening encounter.

Excuse me?

I have to say, I'm shocked that you would expose yourself to Conrad Grayson just to ruin me.

I underestimated you, but then, you underestimated me, too.

I only made that tape as insurance, because I didn't trust you.

So, Tyler, how much is it gonna cost for me to get it back?


Well, Nolan, you do not want to play games with me.

You know I don't have it, so where is it? Show me!

(SHUSHING) Ty, Ty, stop.


TYLER: I can't believe you really did this.

I didn't give this to Conrad Grayson. I swear.

Yeah, right. Then who did?

You stupid son of a bitch.

Wait, wait. Wait.


We could've been a good team.

Now, you're just as lonely and pathetic as the day I found you.



You did not do all this for me.

Who else?


Something wrong?

I wanted to surprise you, too, so I looked for the sea glass we buried, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I guess my memory sucks after all.

Your memory is perfect.

Where'd you find that?

Right where you left it.

I dug it up the day after Social Services took you away, and I've kept it ever since.

That is so incredible.

And now you've come back for it, just like you said you would.

Among other things.



EMILY: Something's upsetting you.

I hope it's not my swordfish.

No, no, the dinner was perfect. But I...

I think I should go home.


There's something about the way Tyler was acting today.

I just want to make sure he leaves town without torching the place.

But thank you for dinner.

You're welcome.

I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this.

It's all right, as long as I still got you at the end of the day.

You're in love with him.

Of course I'm not.

When you came to me, you were just a little girl.

So much rage, so much betrayal.

I did not want to train you because your emotions destined you to fail.

I'm not that girl anymore.

I've separated myself from my emotions.

Then you are lying.

I would never lie to you.

Then you lie even to yourself.

I can do nothing more to help you.


Don't abandon me.

The decision was yours.

You are on your own.



How does this sound?

The Graysons are incredibly powerful, Your Honor.

I was intimidated into helping them frame David Clarke and then threatened by their head of security if I didn't comply.

The prosecution rests.


You okay?

Charlotte's gone.

She went to go live with your father.

I'm sorry. I...

Listen, you know her.

She'll cool off and come home eventually.

Well, this mausoleum is too cold and empty to be called a home.

I'm afraid I've given everyone in this family a reason to desert me.

Well, I'm still here for you.

Thank you for checking up on me.

Of course.

I also wanted to make sure Tyler had left without a fuss.

Well, you just missed him.

He went to dinner a few minutes ago.

Wait. Tyler's still staying here?

Yes, as far as I know.



Dad, what happened to Tyler when you fired him?

Actually, I didn't have to fire him.

We settled the matter.

What the hell does that mean?

It means I don't have to explain myself to you, Daniel.

This is about business.

Business? What about ethics and integrity?

Well, he promised to resolve the situation with Nolan discreetly.

And you believed him?

This is not your call, Daniel.




Daddy, I can't live with her anymore.

Oh, sweetheart. Come here.

It's okay.

This seat taken?

It's for you.

You made it just under the wire.

Well, I guess it's my lucky night.


Somehow I think it's mine.

He makes it so easy for me to hate him.

How did you stay with him all these years?

That's a complicated question, Daniel.

And I don't want to turn you against your father.

Don't worry. He's doing it all by himself.

I've hired a lawyer, Daniel.

It might get ugly.

And I don't want to cost you your position in the company.

Don't worry. I'm staying with the company.

I'll have access to Dad's business accounts, bank records.

Whatever you need, I'll get it.

As far as I'm concerned, whatever you want in this divorce is yours.


I think I'm gonna stay here tonight, keep an eye on things.

Thank you.

NOLAN: You crossed the line, Emily. How could you do that to me?

If you mean that recording of you and Tyler, you'll thank me one day. I did you a favor.

But I trusted you.

You can't build trust on secrets, Nolan.

You should know that by now.

You're one to talk, holding back on me about Amanda, God knows what else.

You have been trying to derail me since day one.

Toying with Jack's heart, buying his boat and now you sabotaged our alliance because you fell for a hooker.


The difference is, that when I had an opportunity to expose you today, I didn't.

Well, maybe that's because, deep down inside, you know I meant it when I said that I would take you down if you tried to get in my way.

Message received.

I'm done playing your evil games.

I never asked you to be a part of this.


Your father did.

Ems, he didn't want this for you. Remember?

It's good that he's gone.

'Cause at least now, he can't see what you've become.




Hey, did I just see Nolan leaving your place?


He had a pretty scary visit from Tyler.

He thinks Nolan got him fired.

Well, that's just it. My father didn't fire him.


Do you have any idea why?

Who knows? I've just had enough of my father's lies.

Listen, are you okay with me staying with my mom tonight?

If and when Tyler shows up, I don't want her here alone.

Yeah, that's probably a great idea.

I mean, you're welcome to come over, too, if you like.

Got a great view of your porch from up here in case Amanda Clarke comes digging around again.

I can handle Amanda. You just look after your mom.

She'll be all right. She hired a lawyer today.

That's great.

Sleep tight.


Did I hear you say, "Amanda Clarke"?

Yeah, she's back in town after all this time.

Strange, right?

EMILY: My father wrote, "Always question where your loyalties lie.

"The people you trust will expect it, "your greatest enemies will desire it "and those you treasure the most will, without fail, abuse it."

HUNTLEY: "Dear Mr. Clarke, "I am writing to inform you that I will not be moving forward"

"with the appeal of your conviction for the crime of treason."


Ryan Huntley.

Who are you?

Amanda Clarke.

How did you get in here?

That's the least of your problems right now.

I want to know why you dropped my father's appeal.

EMILY: Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope.

And while that may be, there is a catch.

True loyalty takes years to build.

And only seconds to destroy.
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