01x09 - Ghost From The Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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01x09 - Ghost From The Past

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 'Heartland':

...fennel seed to help with milk production.

Ah, this is great, Mrs. Bell.

Such a nice boy.

Trail rides can be pretty romantic. Why don't you take him?

Okay. Shut up. I don't want him to see I'm afraid of horses.

How many people go through their whole lives... without telling their special someone that they love them?

And when they finally take the leap, it's too late. I've never met anyone like you before.

I just don't want things to change between us.


Pony boy, pony boy Won't you be my pony boy Don't say no Here we go Off across the plains Oh...

Oh, goodness.

Oh, boys, oh boys.

Ah, Sugarfoot. My little Appaloosy...

...I think I'm gonna need a little lie down.

Don't go so fast. Don't go fast. Not so fast.

Pony boy, pony boy Won't you be my pony boy Giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up, whoa...

...I never knew shopping for old people could be so complicated.

I mean, Caramel Corn Rice Cakes?

Those aren't for Mrs. Bell.

They're for her pony. He's allergic to gluten.

Lactaid Partially Skimmed Milk?

Sugarfoot again. He's lactose intolerant.

Organic Senna Leaf Tea?

Yeah, well, when you keep a pony in your house, you want him to be regular.

Oats. Okay, now this I can believe is for a pony.

Actually, no. That's for Mrs. Bell. She takes baths in it.

Why are you knocking? She's deaf. I'm just being polite.

How can she tell you're being polite if she can't hear you?

Hello? Mrs. Bell.

Shut up and stay here.

What happened to being polite?

Here. Take the pony, okay?

What's going on?

Just do what I say.

I need an ambulance.

♪ And at the break of day♪
♪ You sank into your dream♪
♪ You dreamer♪
♪ You dreamer♪
♪ You dreamer♪

[ Music plays ]

He asked me to groom for him at the show in Nanton next week.

A boy asks you to clean up after his horse, and you think that's a good thing?

You don't understand. I'm going.

Yeah. I ask you to clean the counter, you act as if it's the end of the world.

Ben Stillman could have asked anyone, and he asked me.

Never mind.

I don't even know why I bother.

Hi. I'm here to pick up an package for Briar Ridge.

Briar Ridge? I haven't seen you...

...in here before, dear. I'm new. I just got a job...

...working in the kitchen.

Well, I'll check if your order's ready, and if you'd like anything else, Soraya will take care of it for you.

How about a bottle of water?


So, ah, if you're at Briar Ridge, you must know Ashley, right?

Yeah, she doesn't spend much time in the kitchen.

What a shocker.

That'll be 2.25.

You know what? I don't have a quarter. I'm sorry.

No problem.

Hey, have you heard of a place around here called Heartland?

Are you kidding? My best friend Amy lives at Heartland.

Get out. How cool is that.

You know, I hate the roads around here.

They're really hard on my suspension.

You know what?

I have a quarter right here. I'll save you the trouble.

Uh, great.

And this Heartland, if I wanted to go and check it out, I'd go back along the highway that way?

Um, yeah. lt's just right after the bridge.

So, it's like the turnoff near Big Rock?

Um... I think so.

You forgot to give me my 20 back.

Oh... Right. Sorry.

Well, I'll tell your friend Amy that you said hi.

What's your name again?


Soraya. ls that, like, Japanese?

Um, it's actually, sort of Spanish.

Muchas gracias, Soraya.

Thank God you were here.

Paramedics think she had a heart attack.

I was worried something like this might happen.

All alone out here with her pony.

Sugarfoot was there the whole time, and he stayed right by her side.

Mallory. I didn't even see you there.

Are you all right?

Where's that pony?

He didn't want to ride in the trailer.

Come on there, Sugarfoot, out you come.

He's lived with Mrs. Bell for so long, he's forgotten he's a horse.

Can I see your mouth? Let me see. Let me see.

He's gotta be about 25-30 years old. ln all the time Mrs. Bell's had him, I'm betting he's never seen a vet.

Hmph. Mrs. Bell was extremely alternative...

...when it came to modern medicine.

Ah, his teeth have never been floated.

He's never seen a blacksmith, and he's probably never been vaccinated.

So are you saying there's something wrong with him?

Mmm, not at all.

As far as I can tell, for an old pony, he's as healthy as a horse.

Perfect. So I'm sure there are a lot of little kids out there...

...who would love to baby sit a slobbery little pony like this.

Great, so he just got here and you're planning on getting rid of him?

I just think we should find someone else...

...to take care of him until Mrs. Bell gets out of the hospital.

Come on, Lou. Nobody can look after him as well as Mrs. Bell could.

That's my point.

He takes way too much attention, and we've got all these other horses.

Besides, Amy, you know what's gonna happen if he stays here, you're gonna get all attached.

He's gonna stay here, Lou. And nobody's getting attached, okay?

Famous last words.

[ Pony cries ]...

...I knew this was going to happen.

You're planning to spend the night in here, aren't you?

Just until he settles.

I don't think he's ever spent a night alone in a stall before.

He seems okay now.

Mrs. Bell spoil you rotten?

He seems to really like you.

I think he just likes the smell of my soap.

And really, Amy, go back to bed. lf he cries again, just ignore him.

You're gonna make a great mom someday.

He's a horse, Amy. And it's time somebody treated him like one.

[ Pony cries ]


What are you doing?

Well, Mallory, round about mid-morning, a man likes to pour himself a cup of coffee...

...and just take a moment to relax.

Relax? Coffee? Now, there's a contradiction in terms.

When did you have your last checkup?

Do you have any idea what caffeine does to your nervous system?

I have a feeling I'm about to find out.

Hypertension. Memory loss. Even delirium.

How many cups do you drink a day, Jack?

You might as well admit it, you're a caffeine addict. lf I were you, I would see a doctor. Or a hypnotist.

My mom went to a hypnotist once and found out about her past lives.

Do you believe in past lives, Jack?

Can't hardly believe the one I'm living now.

I don't see what you're so worried about.

Clint Riley, my probation officer, he's a real hardass.

I shouldn't have shown this to you.

Well, it looks like it's just a routine visit.

He's gonna come, see how well you're doing, and everything will be fine.

You've never been on probation.

Well, my grade three teacher, she called it probation.

You had to sit in this little red chair...

Come on. What could possibly go wrong?

[ Music plays ]

Can I help you? I'm looking for Ty Borden.

You...? You know Ty?

Totally. I'm his girlfriend.

No way.



What are you doing here?

Kissing you, for starters.

Last time I saw you, you were taking off with some dude from L.A.

We broke up before we made it to the border.

One of your longer hook-ups, eh?

I got what I wanted. I got to keep the car.

So what are you and the car doing here?

I got this totally sweet gig in the kitchen...

...at this monster place just the other side of Hudson.

Briar Ridge? With Val Stanton?

Vile Stanton. That's what I like to call her. lmagine my surprise...

...when her equally vile daughter starts talking about Ty Borden, how her mom fired him, and now he's over at some 'random dump' called Heartland.

Doesn't look half bad to me, man.

I could do worse.

So, listen. lt's my day off. We could, ah, hang out, catch up.

That'd be cool, but it's not my day off.

I gotta get back to work.

Okay. I'll just hang here and wait for you.

Forget it. lt's not a good idea. I've never had much luck with cars.

Ty never told you he had a girlfriend?

I don't want to talk about it, Mallory. I'll just add that to the other million things...

...your family doesn't want to talk about.

But if I had a major crush on Ty--

Who says I have a crush on Ty?

Okay, so if 'a person' has a crush on Ty, and they found out he had a girlfriend--

They might not want to talk about it.

So you do have a crush on Ty.

You're the one with the crush on Ty, and if you don't shut up, I'm gonna tell him.

My lips are sealed. Why? Did he say anything?

Did you tell him? You told him, didn't you? I'm never talking to you again.


Okay, try it again.

Nothing. Maybe it's the battery.

No, battery's fine. There's something wrong with your fuel line.

And I think you need a new starter.

Great. What am I going to use for wheels in the meantime? I'll give you a ride back to Briar Ridge.

Oh? The last time you gave me a ride home, it lasted three days.

Jack told me to tell you it's dinner time, and it'd only be decent to invite your girlfriend, even though I told him...

...she wasn't your girlfriend and she was just leaving.

Which Olsen twin are you?

Wow. You people do not know how lucky you are.

I mean, a real 'sit down' family dinner.

I feel like I've stepped into a time warp or something.

This is good, Lou. What's it called?

Chicken Cordon Bleu.

At least, that's what it said on the box, right?

Home cooking at its finest.

So, Amy, I can't believe...

...after everything that Ty's told me about this Heartland place, he's never even mentioned you.

Yeah. He never mentioned you, either.

Did he mention me?

So, Kerry-Anne, how did you and Ty meet?

We used to live together. ln a group home. With twelve other kids.

Come on, it wasn't that bad. At least after curfew.

All the girls had a thing for Ty, but, um, I got him.

Well, you should've seen the other girls.

How does somebody get into a group home?

You know, the real question is, how do you get out of one?

I guess Ty's the expert in that department, though.

I mean, look where he wound up, right?

You didn't do so bad for yourself, I hear, working at Briar Ridge.

Yeah, well, at least, I've already dealt... with my substance abuse problems, though, 'cause, whoa.

The wine cellar's bigger than your entire house.
So, Amy, how's our little pony?

Um... You know, I should probably go check on him.

You know, I love ponies.

Yeah. They probably have a couple of cute ones at Briar Ridge.

But I want to see yours.

Well, thank you. That was the nicest dinner I've had in a really long time.

And it was great meeting you all.

Well, seemed like a nice enough girl.

Yeah, until she opened her mouth.

What did you do? Put a normal sized horse in the dryer?

Wow, never heard that one before.

Do you have a problem with me, Amy?

'Cause if you do, let's just be straight about it.

No problem here.

Good. And while we're being straight with each other... Ty Borden.

Not exactly the kind of guy that sticks around.


You know what, Kerry-Anne? lt's late. Time to leave. I'll be right with you.

I just wanted to give you a heads up.

You know, in case you were waiting for him...

...to ask you to the prom or something.

That is one sweet set up you got yourself.

I mean, these country hicks, they're just so trusting and hospitable.

Not to mention stupid. Like Vile and Ashley.

They've got all this, like, incredibly expensive bling...

...that they just leave lying around.

[ Sarcastically ] Yeah, that is stupid.

Their own stuff, lying around in their own house.

You know that store in Hudson?

I scammed the girl behind the counter out of 20 bucks, and she didn't even blink. She had like this weird name...


Her name's Soraya. That's Amy's best friend.

And her mom counts the cash.

Wow. lt's like you've become one of them.

Everybody knows everybody around here, okay? lt's like a built-in security system, works better than any alarm. I'll give you a call when your car is done.

Do you ever think that it's destiny?

That we ended up practically neighbors?

No. You just found out...

...where I was and got yourself a job down the street. lt doesn't matter how it happened. lt just matters that it happened.

Look, I miss you, Ty. Do you ever miss me?

We could start over.

I gotta get back.

Oh. lt's okay. I get it. I totally get it.

You and your little farm girl, back at the ranch.

I just work there. lt's pathetic. I mean, what even happened to you?

You're, like, totally not fun. ls that Ty Borden?

I thought you were kidding when you said you knew him.

Well, he's my boyfriend, so...



I might have to dump him, though.

'Cause he's got, like, these crazy plans, and when I told him I wasn't interested, he totally freaked.

I mean, it was scary.


My mom said he was a menace to society.

But I just figured she was full of it. Guess she was right.

I could, um, I could tell you things about Ty. I've got a key to the bar upstairs. lt's where I hang out.

With all my friends.

Hey there.

Hey there, buddy.


You're sad, aren't you, boy?

Miss your mom?

One minute she was there, and the next...

...I know how you feel.

Don't you worry, your mom's coming back, okay?

Pony boy, pony boy Won't you be my pony boy Don't say no Here we go Off across the plains Marry me, carry me Amy. How long have you been there?

Just a little while.

He does seem to really like you.

Yeah, he does, doesn't he?

Despite the singing.

You know, Mrs. Bell used to sing him that song.

I know.

She taught it to me when I was little, before you were even born.

You never told me.

You know, ever since dad's accident, I've managed to convince myself I was afraid of horses, but I used to love them, just like you.

I learned to ride on Sugarfoot.

Oh, man, after mom took me up there the first time, I used to beg her to take me up every single day.

Oh, God, Amy, I miss mom so much.

[ Music plays loudly ]

LOU: Won't you be my pony boy Don't say no Hello. Just a minute.

Boy, won't you...?

LOU: I'm in here.

Don't say no Here we go Off across the plains Marry me Hey.

Hold up there, Jack. What about your sunscreen?

Well, I've got my sunscreen, Mallory. lt's called a hat.

You may think that hat is protecting you, but it's not fooling all the UV rays... that are bouncing around in every direction.

Well, thank you, Mallory. I appreciate the thought.

Wait. I've got something else for you too. lt's a caffeine-free alternative for coffee.

I gave it to my dad, it worked really good. He's totally chill now.

That's not bad. What do you call your magic brew? I'm not really sure.

Amy said Mrs. Bell uses it on Sugarfoot when he's stressed.

Keeps him regular, too.



Okay, I'll get this ready for you in a sec.

As soon as I've finished with them.

My grandmother got it for me.

Sort of a consolation prize, for doing so well at last week's show... after that judge screwed me out of the ribbons. lt's no hurry. I gotta pick up a part at the garage. So I'll be back.

Nice necklace.

All this time, I thought the horseshoe was up your butt.

You wouldn't believe what I heard about him.

This girl who works in our kitchen used to know him when he was in jail.

He was in jail?

What did he do?

For starters, he's a total klepto.


He steals things.


And those pathetic losers at Bleeding Heartland are so naive, they don't even lock their doors.

Because they don't have anything worth stealing.

According to Kerry-Anne, he wanted her to help him break into our place, for, like, payback, after my mom fired him.

Which I now realize he totally deserved.

You want more?

You're such a pig.


I want to give Sugarfoot a Coggins test, now that he's been around other horses.

Oh, yeah?

He's definitely got an appetite.

Pfft. Yeah, he loves his caramel corn rice cakes.

As long as I hand-feed them to him.

But I can't spend all day with a pony slobbering all over my laptop.

Sugarfoot is a horse. Never met one that was housebroken.

Yeah, me neither.

[ Phone rings ]


Hey, Soraya.

Guess what I just heard.

From Soraya.

About you.

You think you could reconnect the battery for me?

I wanna try something.

Uh, the cable with the red clamp thing on the end.

And don't touch the metal part.

Okay. Got it.


Agh. What were you saying? lt turns out your girlfriend's a big talker.

She told Ashley that you tried to get her to 'case the joint', like a couple of real life 'gangstas'.

And you believe that? lt doesn't matter what I believe.

Well, it does to me.

You sure have a weird way of showing it.

You know, it's like you said, right?

I mean, things change.

Just not the way I thought they would.


The one true thing Kerry-Anne ever said was...

...that we were in the same group home.

But that's because her parents kicked her out, not because she was charged with a crime or anything.

Which is kinda of messed up, because besides having a sketchy relationship with the truth, she was -- is -- a serious rip-off artist.

Which took me awhile to figure out.

And she was your girlfriend?

Like I said, it took me awhile.

She talked me into taking off with her and uh... things didn't go as planned.

I ended up in a locked unit, and she never looked back until now.

But she's not your girlfriend anymore?

Things change.

Why can't you be a useful pony? Pull a cart? Or carry stuff for me?

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I insult your pony sensibilities? I was only kidding.

I don't believe it.

You've actually become one of those crazy people who talk to horses.

Oh, my God. I need to go to Bloomingdales.

What's all the stuff for?

Oh. Yeah. I meant to tell you.

I was thinking about moving into mom's office.

Looks like you're doing a lot more than thinking.

Well, it just makes more sense for me to run the ranch from the barn, the way mom did, you know?

Mom was only down here because she actually worked with the horses.

Excuse me? Hello?

Can I help you?

Hi. Oh, sorry. I should've called first.

Hey. lt's Sugarfoot.

Hi. Boys, oh boys, you are a cute one, aren't you?

You must be Amy.

Yes. Hi.

Hi, I'm Vanessa Bell. I'm so thankful that you found my aunt before anything...

How is she?

Well, she's not out of the woods yet.

But, well, she doesn't want to be a burden to anybody, so she asked me to take this little fella.


She knows my children love him, and it's perfect, we just bought an acreage.

I have my trailer parked outside, so if there's any paperwork to deal with...

...l'm sorry that you came all this way for nothing, but it's our policy not to let any horse go...

...without a clean bill of health.

Oh. Are you saying the pony's sick?

Well, he's never seen a blacksmith. He's never had his teeth floated.

He's never, you know, even had a Coggins test.

Our vet is very concerned, so Sugarfoot's not going anywhere until I say so.

But he seems perfectly fine to me.

My sister runs this ranch.

She'll let you know when the pony's ready to go.

So, uh, tomorrow.

I was wondering if you were planning on sticking around.

Well, what's the occasion?

Uh, well, my probation officer is coming by for one of those visits.

And, uh, I was wondering if you could put in a good word.

What word would that be?

Uh, that I'm hard working, clean living, good with animals. ln other words, a saint?

Well, I wouldn't go that far, but uh, saint-like might do the trick.

What do I say when he asks me...

...what kind of company you've been keeping?

There's nothing going on with me and Kerry-Anne. I'm just fixing her car.

Well, with a girl like that, it's never just fixing her car.

What are you doing?

What does it look like, Ty? I need my car. I'm leaving.

I got a new job.

Yeah, but you can't just come in here and take it. I'm not finished with it.

I need the car to get out of here.

What about the Stantons?

Screw the Stantons. I was clearly over-qualified.

I mean, yeah, of course, they were bummed to see me go.

Yeah, right.

Okay. I met this dude, he's got a place just outside Revelstoke.

And he made me a way better offer.


Hm-mmm. I'm not sure this rust bucket will make it through the Rockies, but you're welcome to try.

See? Third time's a charm. I've still got work to do on the fuel line.

Well, then, come with me. You can be my personal mechanic.

Not this time.

Well, let me know if you change your mind.

Hey there, Mallory.

You didn't happened to see my reading glasses, did you?

I forgot where I put them.

Have you been forgetting a lot of things lately, Jack?

Mmm. Funny you should say that. I had a lot on my mind.

What with the uh... the... and the uh...

Normal aging shouldn't lead to dramatic memory loss.

Dramatic, well, let's not go that far.

I don't even want to mention what it could be a symptom of. lf I where you, I would get a CAT-scan immediately.

Okay, Mallory.

Now, I know from where you're sitting, old is old, but Mrs. Bell, she is really old.

Yeah, but she got plenty of exercise.

She stayed out of the sun, she never drank coffee, and she still had a heart attack.

I take pretty good care of myself too, you know.

And if you don't believe me, just ask my doctor.

You have a doctor?

Just a precautionary measure.

But I'm not about to live my whole life...

...worrying about what's gonna k*ll me.

I thought it might be you, but that hasn't happened yet.

As for Mrs. Bell, before she got sick, she lived every day to the fullest, doing what she loved doing.

And now, I'd thank you to quit pestering me, and let me do the same.

I knew they were there.

Where is he? Where is Ty?

What? Do you need a new stable-hand?

Oh, shut up, Amy. You know why I'm here.

No, actually, I don't.

Neither do l.

Where's your girlfriend?

She's not my girlfriend.

How about your psychotic bipolar partner in crime?

What did she do?

Oh, come on. You know what she did.

I wore that necklace at the diner, and don't pretend like you didn't notice it, because we both know you did.

That horseshoe thing? lt's gone. And so is Kerry-Anne. My mom's gonna k*ll me. I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, you'll be sorry, all right. Because she's gonna call the cops.

And I know you had something to do with it, Ty.

So you better get it back before she does.

Unless there's something about jail that you like.

What's going on? Do you know about Ashley's necklace?

You believe everything Ashley says?

No. But I saw you. This morning. Early. With Kerry-Anne.

She came to get her car. End of story.

Not gonna look too good, Ty not being here when his probation officer shows up.

There you are. Hey, look what I found.

That's me when I was little.

And there's you when you were little too.

You were such a sweetheart.

Really? You think so?

For a second there I thought you were talking about me.

Worse. I was talking to Sugarfoot.

I got the results of the Coggins test. lt's all good.

Oh, great.

You don't look too happy about it.

Mrs. Bell's niece is gonna come by and take him to her place.

Good thing, uh, Amy didn't get too attached to him.

Funny. Whatever.

What do I care? He's just a stupid pony. lt's not like I care.

Come here, Lou.

You were right. You don't have much luck with cars.

You came all this way to tell me that? lt'll take me a few minutes to get it in, but it's going to cost you.

How much?

Ashley's necklace.

That's a fair trade.

Afternoon, Clint. Punctual as usual.

Well, you know, Jack, job like this, you're on a slippery slope.

You fall behind five minutes, before you know it, you've got a backlog like you would not believe.

So, if you'll just point me in the direction of young Mr. Borden...

Uh, well, you see, unfortunately...

...I sent him on an errand. I'm sure he'll be back any second. ln the meantime, why don't I show you around?

Okay. Well, I've got half an hour.

I have to fill the time, one way or the other. ln ranching, feed and manure are pretty well the key concepts, eh.

What if Ty doesn't get back in time, and they send him back to jail?

Maybe he'll end up in the same jail as Kerry-Anne.

Oh, my God, do they have co-ed jails?

We've gotta stop him.

And how are we supposed to do that? I'll get my dad's gopher g*n. We can sh**t out at his tires.

I think I've got a better idea.

All right, try it now.

[ Engine starts ]

That should last you for a few more thousand miles.

That's great. Thanks.

I said it was going to cost you.

You don't seriously think...

...I stole that little skank's necklace, do you?

What the hell. Easy come, easy go, right?

Wow. lt's nice, eh?

We could get pretty far on this.

Like I said, not this time. lt's funny, ever since I got here, I told everyone that you were my boyfriend.

And nobody blinked.
'Cause they could see it.

You and me, we're the same.

Get in the car, Ty.

You're never gonna hook up with that farm chick.

Things like that just don't happen to people like us.

Look, you seem like a nice bunch of people, but I gotta tell you, it's not gonna look good on my report, the kid I come to interview being a no-show.

Ah, sounds like a dead battery.

Uh, did you forget to turn off your lights?

Have you been forgetting a lot of things lately?

You know, a man in my line of work, you can't afford to be forgetful.

Or late.

You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say somebody's been tampering with my car.

A stunt like that slows a man like me down for about five seconds.

Now, hold on there, Clint.

Jack, I know you mean well, but, believe me, this young man, he's had plenty of chances.

Look. There he is.

Better late than never.

That's a matter of opinion.

Sorry. I had to stop to help a young lady who had some car trouble.


'Cause that's the kind of amazing guy he is.

Yeah. Duly noted.

You know, I never really liked this thing.

Too flashy?

Too small.

And just 'cause you gave it back...

...doesn't mean you never stole it in the first place.

Well, the good thing is, I don't have to prove anything to you.

Hey, Sugarfoot. I'll help you put him in the trailer.

CHlLD: Sugarfoot, you're coming home with us.

CHlLD: Sugarfoot, we missed you.

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