02x13 - Seismic Shifts.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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02x13 - Seismic Shifts.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

No, Lisa, you are interfering in my life.

Giving out my e-mail address to some guy I don't even know because my love life is just so pathetic.

Who do you think you are?

I don't know that I have ever been so disappointed in you.

It's Ashley. I swear she calls me like 10 times a day.


Yeah, her mom's still driving her nuts.

Oh, poor baby.

Hey, I like her. She's a good kid.

"Hi, there, stranger.

For whatever reason, I'm thinking about you.

I want fate to make its move.


Carpe diem.

Morning, Gus.

Morning, Lou.

Is that what I think it is?

Yep. Cinnamon buns.

You know what my wife would call these?

Coronaries in a basket.

Don't go giving all the goodies to Gus.

Oh, don't you worry, Norm. You get your very own basket.

Now, would you fellas like to do something today?

Trail ride? Hike?

Nah, we're just going to go fishing again.

Okay, well, if you change your minds, you just let me know.

You did pay for the all-inclusive package after all.

We leaving you at loose ends?

Oh, not at all.

This will give me a chance to catch up on my paperwork.

You checked in three minutes ago.

There you go, Acorn. That's a good boy.


Good boy.


What are you doing to that poor horse?

Shh, Mallory!


It's just that he's supersensitive to noise.

It makes him spooky and dangerous to ride.

So we're building up his resistance.

What do you think? Is he ready for a test-drive?

I don't know. I don't want to rush it.

Whatever, you say, boss.

I like that. The boss thing.

You would like that.

Oh, yes.

Absolutely. Tranquility is our middle name.


Namaste to you, too.



That was someone from the Third Eye Yoga Center in Edmonton.

He wants to book the entire dude ranch for a meditation retreat next week.

And I have these two guests right now who are paying top dollar.

All I have to do is bake them cinnamon buns.

That's great.




Thank you.



Lou was just saying that business at the dude ranch is booming.



[Horse neighs]

Easy, boy.


Easy. Good boy.

What was that?

Good boy.

And at the break of day
You sank into your dream
You dreamer
You dreamer
You dreamer

Must be Bedford Oil.

I heard they're doing some testing around here.

Yeah, but they can't just come on your land without permission.

No, no, they can't.

But that doesn't stop them from getting on neighboring fields or on road allowances that go through your property.

Yeah, but they're supposed to give us some kind of notice.

48 hours.

Well, we definitely did not receive any notice.

Um, actually...

I thought it was junk mail, and I needed a bookmark.


Not great.



Mallory, you have your own room.

Use it.

Why can't Catherine and Heathcliff just see that they're meant for each other?

And why can't you see that I'm going to flunk algebra if I don't study?

[Knock on the door]

Hey, do you have a minute?

Yeah, I got nothing but time.


I need to talk to my sister alone.

You know, I'm practically your sister now that I'm living here.


What is it?

Okay, so, a few weeks back, Lisa tries to set me up with this, like, friend of a friend of a friend, and she gives this virtual stranger my e-mail address.

Wow, that's not cool.

I know! Thank you.

Anyway, so this guy e-mails me, and yada, yada, yada, we've been having these online chats, and whatever, it's been kind of nice.

Wait a second.

Lisa tries to set you up with this guy, and you're mad at her because it's been kind of nice?

Okay, no. There are many reasons I am mad at Lisa.

And that is not the point.

The point is that this guy wants to meet me.

Like face-to-face.

So, what's the problem?

Like, what if he doesn't live up to the expectation I have in my head?

And what if you don't live up to the expectation he has in his head?

What if he's short and hairy?

MALLORY: Or a cold-blooded k*ller?

I read about this girl who met up with her Internet boyfriend.

They found her body a week later, chopped up in bits.

Okay, say you meet this guy.

If you don't like him, you never have to see him again, right?

But, you know, if you don't meet him, maybe you'll always sit around wondering if you missed the opportunity to meet the man of your dreams.

MALLORY: Or an ax m*rder*r.

How about Tuesday?

Maggie's Diner.


I don't know.

Okay, Acorn, you had a little bit of a freak-out yesterday, but we're gonna be okay today, right?

Yes, you're a good boy.

[Pans clang]

[Horse neighs]

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Easy. It's okay. It's not your fault.

That stupid seismic testing has put me back to square one.



Look, you think we could talk?

I'm kind of busy right now.

Just... come on.

Can you just let go of me?

Look, not until I explain.

Yes, Ashley spent the night at my house.

She just came over to talk.

What? Do you think I'm stupid?
'Cause you're treating me like I am.

No, I'm telling you the truth.

Yeah, you and Ashley, alone all night, just talking.


I don't even know why we're talking about this, Caleb.

I mean, there's obviously nothing between us, so, there's nothing to explain.

Hey, there, cowboy.


Thanks for the other night. I really needed someone to listen.

No worries.

I miss my barrel-racing lessons.

Well, anytime you want to start up again.

Hi, Mrs. Stanton.

Mom, you remember Caleb.

Oh, of course.

Nice to see you.

Coffee's getting cold, sweetie. Let's go.

So, I'll see you later.


We were just having a conversation. You didn't have to be so rude.

Rude? How was I rude?

Oh, come on, Mom.

Besides, what kind of a conversation can you have with him anyway?

Excuse me?

Rodeo's over, sweetie. Time to "git along."

He's actually a really nice guy.

Oh, please.

He's the only guy that really gets me, you know?

Yeah? Getting what he wants is probably closer to the truth.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, yes, I do. Guys like him want one thing only.

Believe me. I have lived a lot longer than you have, sweetie.

Yeah, well, you have been around the block a few times.

Excuse me?

Ashley, get back in the car!


This stupid testing had better end soon.

I mean, what's a meditation retreat without explosions?

You better hope they don't find any oil.

It wouldn't matter.

Grandpa would never let them drill on Heartland.

How long were you in New York for?

Four years.

Oh, my God. I got to get you up to speed on oil companies and ranchers' rights.

Mallory, I grew up here.

Okay, say they find signs of oil.

Me and you both know that Jack would never give them permission to drill on his property.


So, the oil company will apply to the provincial government board to get permission, which they'll most likely get.

But it's our land.

On the surface.

But what's underneath is usually owned by the Crown.

How do you know all this?

My mom tried to help a neighbor when he tried to stop an oil company from drilling on his land.

And did they succeed?

No. Now he has a huge, ugly pump 100 meters away from his kitchen window.

Picture this: Them building a pump right there, and there'd be nothing you could do about it.

Oh, yes, there is.

Where are you going?

Be back later. And those outhouses had better be clean.


Don't suppose you could use a roommate?

So, what do you say?

It's not such a good idea, Ash.

Why not?

First off, my place is about the size of your shoe closet.

It smells like a locker room.

Oh, I don't care about that stuff.

Please. Look, I promise I won't cramp your style.

And it's just till I can find a place of my own.

Let me guess. You got in another fight with your mom.

She's driving me crazy.

I just feel so claustrophobic.

Out here, I feel like I can breathe.

Yeah, well, don't breathe too deep.

Right. The locker room.

So, does that mean that I can stay?

I guess so.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

But only for a few days.

You got to do something about your car.

Hide it up the highway or something.

Are you serious?

Yeah. You can't tell anyone you're staying here, okay?

Aw, are you worried you're gonna sully my reputation?

I'm worried you're gonna sully mine.


We can't just sit back and let Bedford Oil do whatever they damn well please.

Well, so, what are we gonna do, then?

We fight back.

We hold a town-hall-style meeting right here.


Yeah, yeah. Here.

And we invite everyone in the community, plus our MLA.

You know, if we get enough people onside, we could form a citizen's coalition.

Let our MLA know that he'd better listen if he wants to be re-elected.

I just spent all day trying to get ahold of someone at Bedford Oil.

It is an automated maze.

"Press one now. Press four now."

I think I left a message.

Yeah, they love to make it unnecessarily complicated.

But, Grandpa, keep trying.

I want one of their people at my meeting.

What meeting?

You two can come up with copy for the flyers.


And you are in charge of communications.

You get a list from the Hudson Ag Association and create a mass e-mail.

Write down what you want to say, then run it by me for approval.

And what's your job?

I delegate.

Look, you should be happy to be a part of this.

It's democracy at work.

Or a dictatorship.

How long have you been standing there?

"Wuthering Heights" has taught me a lot, Amy.

And I think it's stupid to act like you don't have feelings for someone when you obviously do.

And isn't it better to talk about it instead of storing it up?

'Cause if you just store it all up, you end up miserable and dead and haunting houses like Catherine and Heathcliff!

Are you done?



[Computer chimes]

Much better.

[Computer chimes]


Slept like a log.

Glad to hear it.

Why don't I go into town and get us some coffee?

Well, believe it or not, I know how to make coffee.

Even better.

[Cell phone rings]

All right, buddy.

We've got St. John's wort and chamomile to calm your nerves.

Want some?

[Cell phone rings]

Hi, guys.

Hi, Lou.

Listen, I am so sorry about that noise yesterday.

I really hope it didn't disturb you.

No. We were fishing all day.

Okay, great.

You guys going out again today?


Actually, we were wondering if we could stay a few more days.

I'll have to check my bookings, but I'll get back to you ASAP.



Mmm, not only can you make coffee, but you make good coffee.

Get into the house.


You're not here, okay?


You get my messages?

Yes, I did. All 23 of them.

They were very...



I was just about to take Shorty out.

Maybe you want to come for a ride together.

Maybe we could.

[Dishes clatter]

Come on. Let's go.

Oh! Oh, my gosh!

Come on!

Oh, no! I am so sorry!

Oh, I've always been a grade-A klutz.

I'm so sorry.

No. It's okay.

You're kind of just spreading it around now, actually.

You're right. I am just making it worse.

Kind of interesting, actually.

It's sort of Jackson Pollocky or something.

Hey, I can have it dry-cleaned, if you just take it off.

You want me to just take my shirt off right here on the sidewalk?

Yes. No. No. I...

Hi, I'm P.W.

I'm Lou.

Let's just start over.

Actually, you know what?

What do you say we just pretend it never happened?

I kind of got this permanent reminder here, so...

Sorry. Yeah, sorry.

I can't believe Lou would be like that.

Believe it.

It must be so hard for you and Jack.

It does not make things easy, let me tell you.



Maggie, you mind if I throw a few of these flyers on the counter?

By all means.


Oh, you can count me in.

Bedford Oil put a bunch of wells on my land.

Couple of my cows got real sick.

Joe, your cows have been sick from the day you got them.

And, Lou, no offense, but do you honestly think one woman can stop the oil industry in Alberta?

I'm not trying to stop it, I'm trying to change it.

Oh, well, good luck with that.

Ever heard of Norma Rae?

Karen Silkwood?

Hey, how's my girl?

Hey, Dad.

Check it out.

May I?



You're gonna take on Big Oil with a flyer.

And a meeting.

Forget what province you're living in?

Dad, I'm serious about this.

And I want you to be there.

Okay. I'll come.

Mallory Wells, child labor, at your service.

No job too big.

No job too crappy.

It's a beautiful day.


Supposed to be nice tomorrow, too.

Amy, you got to believe me when I tell you that Ashley is just a friend.

I want to, Caleb. I really do.

I know I joke around a lot, but the truth is I like you.

We have a lot of fun together, right?

Yeah, we do.

I'll race you to the river.

You're on.

Where have you been?

I've been talking with the person that you wanted me to talk with.

So I wouldn't wind up dead and miserable and haunting houses.

Really? You took my advice?

Yep. Guess there's a first time for everything.


You know the guys that have been staying at the dude ranch?

The ones that have been telling Lou they've been fishing every day.

Yes, so?

Well, all their fishing gear is still in their cabins.

And I found this in their drawer.

Wait a minute.

You went snooping through their cabins, plus you took something?

Borrowed it. I borrowed it.

You're unbelievable.

They're on our land.

And they've cut the fence.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

That's it. I'm going over there.

Ty, don't! Stop!

I'm serious, okay? I'm not gonna let you.

Not after what happened with the cattle rustlers.

Amy, these guys don't have g*ns.

I don't care. There's other ways of solving this. Let's go.

Good day of fishing, fellas?

Uh, we went hiking instead.

Oh? That's funny.

My sister could have sworn she saw you working with an oil crew.

Well, Lou, we find we don't always get a warm reception when we say we work for Bedford Oil.

Now, why would that be when all you do is cut holes in people's fences and trespass on their land to do your testing?

We never cut any holes in any fence.

Please, my sister saw you.

Then your sister needs a trip to the optometrist.

'Cause any holes in your fences were already there.

And I've got at least 10 men who will say the same.

Well, I checked my books, and it turns out I can't accommodate you for those extra days.

In fact, I can't accommodate you at all.

We're paid up in full until tomorrow, Lou.

You just can't kick us out.

Oh, yes, she can.

Hey, beat up on the wolf today.

How will I know it's you?

"I called this meeting today because I realize that, as ranchers, we all have concerns.

This will give us the chance to discuss those concerns."

LISA: Hello!

Well, hi.

I thought I'd contribute to this evening with a pot of my famous chili.

I already made chili, so...

Well, then, you could put it in the damn freezer.

There's no room in the damn freezer.

Will you two just give it a rest?

I certainly will.

Hi, Lisa.

Hey, Dad, do you mind if I run my speech by you?

Well, that's why I'm here.


What's up?


Well, I'm just thinking if you're really going to tackle this, can I give you some advice?

Okay, Dad.


Well, you know that working on the oil rigs saved my life.

So, you got to remember that a lot of people have made a lot of money from oil, whether they've worked for the big companies or owned their mineral rights for their properties.

Okay. So, what are you saying?

Well, the last four months have been pretty tough for me.

You know, I lost my whole herd.

You'd let them on your property?

Yeah, I sure would.

If they found oil at Big River, we'd never worry about money again.


I'd make sure that you and Amy were looked after.

So, it's all about money for you, huh?

Well, it's not just me, Lou.

What do you think your Grandpa Jack would do if he owned the mineral rights to his property?

Grandpa would never let Big Oil anywhere near Heartland.

And neither would I.

I admire your conviction.

I know you think I'm a hypocrite.

But there's a little bit of hypocrite in all of us.

[Cell phone rings]





Don't talk to me, Caleb.

It's not what it looks like.


Caleb, I'm so sorry.

Don't be. It's not your fault.

It's mine.

Now, I see our MLA has sent a representative.

Thank you for that.

I had also hoped Bedford Oil would send someone, but it seems they didn't accept our invitation.

Oh, hold on there.

I'm here. I'm here.

Hi. P.W. Morris.


WOMAN: They're destroying our land.

No, no, please. Let's hear what he has to say.





Changed my shirt.

How you all doing tonight?

Oh. I'm getting the cold stare here.

That's okay. I understand your anger.

I do.

See, I grew up on a farm just outside of Estevan, and, well, if a stranger so much as drove his truck across one of our fields, my old man was reaching for his shotgun.

So, I get it. I do.

Listen, the truth is the oil industry has a lot of work to do in the P.R. area.

And we got to work with you folks. We got to change.

But I got to tell you, my company may be small, but we are recognized as industry leaders in environmental friendliness.

We're actively researching carbon capture and storage technology, land reclamation.

We are 110% committed to finding a nice balance between environmental protection and development.

Now, I got to be honest with you. I'm pretty darn proud of that.

Let's not forget that on a more practical note, I mean, last year alone, over $5 billion was given back to Albertans in the form of royalties, so...

What about compensation to ranchers when you destroy our land.

First off, Bedford tries pretty darn hard not to destroy anything.

But if we do any damage to your property, we pay full compensation.

You just give us a call.

If you can get through to a human being on your damn phone line.

He's right on that. That's true.

Okay, well, we are working on that.

We are.

Now, look, we want to move forward in a fair and community-minded way here.

And like this lovely lady said, we do want to work together.

And you can't build a great marriage on a bad relationship.

It just ain't gonna work.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking you folks to marry me here.

I just...

But I am looking forward to building that relationship.


Thank you for sharing your point of view.

Well, thanks for having me.

Oh, but I do have to ask. Do we look naive to you?

Excuse me?

We must look naive if you think that you can just feed us lines like "community-minded" and "environmentally friendly" and think that that's enough, that we'll just swallow that happily and go on home.

You talk about progress.

Is it progress when we find our water supplies depleted or worse, contaminated?

Is it progress when entire communities have to be evacuated to escape the fumes from sour gas wells?

Is it progress when we see our forests and grasslands bulldozed before our very eyes?

I'm sorry, but progress does not destroy a community.

It allows it to flourish.

I know how important the oil industry is to a lot of people in this province, in this room.

But we cannot allow ourselves to be bought.

WOMAN 1: No.

WOMAN 2: No way.

Because in this relationship, Bedford Oil thinks we're a real cheap date.

But I don't.

I think that we are ready to make a stand, and that is what we are going to do here tonight.

We demand the right to deny drilling and testing on our property.

We demand strict environmental guidelines and the water rights for our ranchers and farmers.

And I know this is just a start.

And I'm not so naive as to think that we can take on the entire oil industry here.

But I promise you, if we band together, we can make a difference and finally see some real progress.

You guys would not believe the number of signatures I got on this petition last night.

And it looks like we got the ear of our MLA.

His office just called me to schedule an appointment.

Well, that's awesome, Lou.

You may have more support than you bargained for.

What do you mean?

Let's go for a ride.

GUS: You can't do this. Move your trucks now.

TIM: We're not going anywhere.

GUS: Move, or I'll have to call the cops.

TIM: Go ahead.

Like I said, you can't do this.

But we have.

Dad, what is going on here?

Are you responsible for this?

I found out where these guys were drilling.

We've been following them since this morning.

But I thought...

I know, honey.

What you're doing is illegal.

Yeah, well, I guess you'd know, being the expert in law-breaking yourself.

Now, you listen here.

No. No. You listen!

I've had just about enough of your B.S.

You guys are all the same.

I've seen you come and go for 30 years, and it's never any different.

Hi! Hey, there.

Listen, how you doing, folks?

Listen, why don't you guys go ahead and take the day off?

Okay? Go ahead.

That goes for the rest of you, too.

Go on. Take a day off.

Hey, listen, you all can go home, too, folks.

There's not gonna be any more testing here today, okay?

I promise you that. You got my word.

All right, let's pack it in.

Hey, Lou? Grab a word real quick?


Listen, I heard that some of my guys weren't totally up front with you.

Up front? They blatantly lied.

Okay, well, I'll make it up to you.

Listen, I will let you pay for the damage your company made to our fence.

But I'm not a hypocrite, and I don't accept bribery.


Well, now you're besmirching my reputation here, Lou.

Oh, but your reputation is already besmirched.


You know, another time, another place...

Good-bye, Mr. Morris.

All right.

See you around.

Let's go! Come on!

All right, give it to me.

Good boy.

Here you go.

That's a good boy.

Good boy. Nice.

I think he's really getting there.

Yeah, I guess he's ready to go home.

Yep, I guess so.

Hey, what's wrong? Have you gotten too attached?

No, it's not him.

It's Caleb.

Did you know that Ashley was living with him?

Kit might have mentioned it, yeah.

It's just like Acorn, you know?

I thought I was making great progress, and then, boom, everything's gone in an instant.

Well, Acorn's better now. He got through it.



You don't have to go.

Yes, I do.

If it's about me and Amy, it's over, Ash.

I messed that up beyond repair.

How can you be so sure?

Just stay a few more days if you want.

You can leave your car there.

It doesn't matter anymore anyway.

I'm just picking up my empty chili pot.


I interfered. I did.

I really just wanted to help you. And I stepped on your toes.

And you're a perfectly capable young woman.

And I just... I apologize.

Lisa, it wasn't just that, okay?

You tried to set me up with some guy you'd never even met before, like I was totally desperate.

No, no, I'm sorry about that.

I am.

Did he ever get in touch with you?

Yeah, yeah.

He did. Did you write him back?


Anything happen?

I'm kind of going out on a date with him.

Well, so, then, I didn't do too badly.

I guess not.

When is this date?

Oh, my! Is it Tuesday?


It's now.

With everything going on, I completely forgot!

And Ty's got the truck on a supply run.

All right.

And I'm not dressed.

Okay. Well, don't panic. Just go change. I'll take you.



You'll be fashionably late. You'll be fine.


Lisa, thanks.

Lou, if it's just wrong, you call me and I'll come and get ya.


But go get dressed.


Hey, Grandpa.

So, I did good, huh?



You are supposed to be Peter, not...

Let me guess. Peter William.

Peter Walter, actually.


And you're supposed to be Sam.

My full name is Samantha Louise.

I wasn't gonna use my real name.

Why didn't you tell me you worked for Bedford Oil?

We never talked about work.

And, by the way, I don't actually technically work for them.

I own Bedford.

You own Bedford Oil?


And I guess that makes me the big bad wolf, right?


It's crazy.



Why don't I just make this easy for both of us, hey, and...?

Wait, wait, wait. You don't have to go.

I mean, we're both here.

Why don't we stay and have a meal or something?

I... I can't.

I'm sorry.

I just have to say I am so happy you guys worked things out.


No, no, no. Don't thank me.

But if you do want to buy me a little present, I'll happily accept.

Mallory, it's over between us.

Nothing big.

A box of chocolate, a pair of earrings.

What did you just say?

I said it's over between us. I can't be with a liar.

Okay, Ty might not be perfect, but he is not a liar.

I'm talking about Caleb, not Ty.

You mean, this whole time...

Oh, my God! Of course not Caleb!

I've been talking about Ty.

Isn't it obvious, Amy?

Ty is the Heathcliff to your Catherine.

Now I'm back at square one.

Good night.

Good night.

Thanks again for letting me stay.

If you're cold, you can come inside.

I wouldn't mind.



Hey, you're still here.


I'm just waiting for a ride.

Listen, Sam.

Or Samantha Louise. Or whatever your name is.

Lou. My name is Lou.

Okay. Lou.


Our correspondence, I enjoyed it very, very much, and I just kept thinking, "This is too good to be true, right?

She's gonna show up, she's gonna look like a trucker."

You're here, and you're beautiful.

I thought you were gonna be short and hairy.

See, I just... I think that we have a lot in common.

You know, and one very big thing not in common.

Look, Peter, you are a very attractive man, okay?

Very, very attractive.

But this can never work.

I mean, you stand for things that make my blood boil.

So, that would keep things interesting, right?

It could never work.

You have to admit, that was nice, wasn't it?

That is beside the point.

Peter, I can't.

It's okay. It's okay.





Won't you let your red heart show?
Won't you let your red heart show?
Won't you let your red heart show?
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