04x03 - Two in the Knees

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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04x03 - Two in the Knees

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Suits...

You're good with me working on the takeover with Logan.

As long as we don't let that affect this.

We won't.

I do always get what I want, and what I want to do with this company is strip it down, flip it over, and then--

That's enough. We're done.

You're right.

We are.

When I told you that our relationship was now purely professional, I was serious.

What's not purely professional about lunch?

Unless you mean the sex that'll be following lunch.

Phillip, your son, you lost him, and that's what this company is to you now, your family.

I lost both my parents when I was 11 years old, so I know a little something about needing family.

Since when does the S.E.C. go around intimidating law firms by going after their clients?

They don't, but they will when Eric Woodall starts there next week.



Another all-nighter?


Work or school?


What were you working on?

You know what I was working on.

I am so sorry, but I'm so tired.

I have to go get some sleep before I go back to the office.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

I haven't seen you in two days.

Give me five minutes.

Okay, but I can't be responsible for anything that I say.

Well, okay, in that case, is Logan going after another board member?

Nice try.

Mm, is he running out of cash?

I can't tell you that.

Did you love him?

How long have you been waiting to ask me that?

You know, just when you were at your weakest and most vulnerable.

I did love him, but I don't love him now.

I love you.

Who ended it?

Does that matter?

It does to me.

I ended it.

Now, do you have any other burning questions, or can I go to sleep, please?

Um, let me see.

What's the most expensive thing you ever shoplifted?

Were you a mean girl?

Are you interested in taking a pole dancing class?

You know what? We'll get into that later.

Sweet dreams.

God, enough about you.

I want to talk about me.

We were just talking about you.

Not enough.

All right, fine. Let's talk about Harvey.


So guess what he's been up to.


He found the master tapes for his father's solo album.

He's working on buying them.

He's been trying to find them ever since he lost his father.

Oh, I see why you're telling me this.

You're trying to humanize Harvey, because you're afraid of what this fight is gonna do to us.

I'm afraid because of what it's already doing to you.

I'm talking Ali-Frazier.

Come on, Donna.

Listen to me.

They started out like brothers.

Then they went toe-to-toe three times, and Joe Frazier went to his grave hating Muhammad Ali.

I didn't know you were a boxing fan.

I'm a Harvey fan.

So am I, and that's why I'm giving him my best.

Thanks for the coffee. You're welcome.


You're in late.

I was up late.

Working on my stuff?

Working on a lot of stuff.

What can I help you with?

I wanted to talk to you.


Well, when I told you before that I'm not the same guy that I used to be, what I meant was, I got caught up in emotion back then.

I'm not caught up in emotion anymore.


And that means that I'm gonna have to do some calculated things, and I needed to know that you're okay with that.

Why wouldn't I be?

You know why.

Logan, you don't have to come and have these little check-in talks with me.

I am a big girl, and I know how these things work.

So just do what you have to do, and stop worrying about me.


Harvey, what the hell's going on?

At the moment, I'm 18 minutes away from owning Steve McQueen's Shelby Cobra.

You know what I'm talking about.

Last time I saw you, you told me you were gonna get me this company.

I just found out Walter Gillis funded his pension.

Did you think they wouldn't fight back?

I expected them to fight.

Right now, we're getting our ass kicked.

Well, what scorecard are you looking at, because we just got them to give up half their w*r chest just to stay in the fight.

I don't give a shit what the scorecard says.

I want a knockout.

Well, it doesn't work that way.

It can if you hit them below the belt.


Save it.

When my father went up against Carl Icahn, he said that you waited till he wasn't looking, you walked up behind him, and you shot him in the back.

Walter Gillis isn't Carl Icahn.

I'm not talking about Walter Gillis.

I'm talking about Mike Ross.

I don't care who you're talking about.

That Icahn deal was completely different.

The only difference I see is that this deal is against your surrogate son.

So are you willing to do this or not?

You want below the belt?

I'll give you below the belt.

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ Suits 4x03 ♪

Two in the Knees

Original Air Date on June 25, 2014

♪ all right

♪ all that time imagine this ♪
♪ the greenback boogie

Louis, we talked about this.

It's just so weird to see him in my old office, you know?

It's like when you drive by the house you grew up in, and there's another family in there, and all you want to do is break in and make yourself soup.

You know that feeling?

Well, it depends on the soup.

[Scoffs] Mushroom barley.

Then no.

Hey, did you get him that apology gift I told you to get him?

Except instead of scotch, I got us two front-row tickets to the ballet.


Well, it's the thought that counts.

Louis, can I help you with something?


You and me, we got off on the wrong foot.

Words were said, hurtful caricatures were drawn, and I did some bad things too.

Water under the bridge, Louis.

Well, no, not to me.

See, um, I once was told that actions have consequences, and I want to turn things around by inviting you... to the American Ballet Company's production of Giselle.

The ballet?

Yeah, you and me tonight.


Louis, I would love to go to the ballet with you.

I really would, but I have Knicks tickets tonight, man, and I never miss a game.

All right, I'm gonna let it go that you're choosing basketball over Giselle, but I really need to make this up to you, Jeff.

I can't be in the red.

I am always, always in the black, and I don't mean that in a racial sense.

Well, now that you mention it, I could really use some advice.

About a case?

About Jessica.

I just pulled Adam Grieves as opposing counsel.

And long story short, he hates me, and I could really use Jessica's help to run some interference, but I'm the new guy, it's only my second case, and I don't know what to do.

Well, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna get you front-row tickets to Jessica Pearson's help.

Okay, Harvey, you didn't bring me here to make me choke down these brussels sprouts.

No, I didn't, but you are going to have to choke down something else.

Let me guess. This is about Walter Gillis.

No, it's not about Walter.

It's about the line of credit that you're about to stop giving him.

And why on earth would I do that?

Because if you don't, I have a feeling that every Pearson Specter client that you currently do business with, suddenly gonna move their accounts to Chase.

You really want to cr*pple his company that badly?

His company's already dead.

He just doesn't know it yet.

That doesn't give you the right to thr*aten me.

If I were threatening you, I'd come right out and say it.

If you don't do this, tomorrow morning, you lose $2 billion worth of deposits.

You son of a bitch.

That he is.

What are you doing here, Mike?

What do you mean?

I just came for the brussels sprouts.

You know how I know how good they are?


Because this is where Harvey brings bankers to strong-arm them into doing some bullshit.

Don't listen to him.

No, he should listen to me.

I'm Walter Gillis' partner, and if he cuts off our funding at any point in the next two months following this lunch, then the next time you're talking about these brussels sprouts will be in front of a grand jury.

Oh, Vernon, don't take it personally.

He did the same thing to the guy from Leeds at the exact same table seven months ago.

Louis, I got your memo, and if you want to get an antique diving bell for your new office, it's on your dime.

Okay, that's bullshit, but whatever.

I'm here about Jeff Malone.

I am not the principal.

You two are gonna have to work your shit out on the playground.

But you see, that's just it.

We already did.

Something's not right.

Why are you here?

I'm here because you need to run interference.

I thought you just said you worked it out.

No, not with me, with Adam Grieves at the S.E.C.

He has it in for Malone.

Louis, I'm glad you two are going to be walking to school together from now on, but I hired Jeff Malone to handle the S.E.C., not to get me to handle them for him.

You know, you're always telling me not to make enemies, and for the first time since Harvey, I have just made a new friend, so I'm asking you...

Please do it for my friend.

Louis... if you won't do it for him, please do it for me.

I just had a very interesting chat with Louis Litt.

Louis is a very interesting guy.

Did you know he's never eaten an olive?

I did not, but I do know you fed him some bullshit.

That doesn't sound like me.

Really? 'Cause he thinks we need to work together because there's bad blood between you and Adam Grieves.

I don't like to talk about it.

Of course not, because you and Adam Grieves play basketball every Wednesday.

What happens on the court, Jessica, stays on the court.

And I thought I was clear about boundaries.

Well, listen, if that's really how you feel, why don't you just tell Louis that you want to bow out because you don't trust yourself around me?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

See you tomorrow.

What happened to going below the belt?

I went below the belt.

The referee stepped in and threw a grand jury at my face.

Well, I wasn't asking you to go below the belt with the company.

I was asking you to go below the belt with Ross.

What are you talking about?

I'm saying you hire a private investigator to find every skeleton in his closet.

He wakes up in the morning, and it's all over the front page.

Logan, that's not going below the belt.

That's just nuts.

You're full of shit.

You don't want to do this, because you don't have the stomach to do it to your boy.

No, I don't want to do it, because we're on a path to win this thing, and I let you bait me into doing what I already did because I thought you were just a little impatient.

But now I'm starting to realize what it really is.

What is that?

Who's full of shit now?

This has nothing to do with Rachel.

You got there pretty damn fast.

Hey, I asked you to put Mike Ross down with one punch.

You said you would, and you didn't.

So either do what I'm asking, or I'll do it myself.

You can't do it, Harvey.

Yes, I can.

Logan's gonna do it anyway.

At least this way it'll be me.

What's the difference if you hire somebody to look into Mike or Logan does?

You know damn well they're gonna uncover his secret.

I don't know that, and you don't either.

Yeah, I do.

No one's ever found it before.

Because you were hiding it from people who weren't looking for it, not from people who are.

What do you want from me, Donna?

I want you to get Mike to give up.

Well, I'm not gonna do that, because I know he's not gonna give up.

How do you know that?

Because I know.

This is Mike we're talking about.

If it were anyone other than Mike, I'd have an article in the Journal tomorrow.

That's not what you told Logan.

Because I g*dd*mn lied to Logan, and it didn't work.

Now I'm gonna do what I have to do.

Well, the least you can do is warn him.

He's on the other side.

I'm not gonna warn him.

That's not how it works.

Well, maybe you should think of something that won't ruin his g*dd*mn life.


You ready to get down to business?

Yes, I am.


I was thinking that maybe we could do all this over lunch.

It's 10:30.

There's a lot to discuss, Jessica.

No, there isn't.

We need to bury them in paperwork.

No, we don't.

We just need to come up with a legitimate reason why Brooks made that trade.

There is no legitimate reason.

I didn't say there needs to be one, Jessica.

I said we need to find one.

You are taking to defense like a fish to water.

Well, you didn't bring me in here just for my genetically superior bone structure, did you?

Mm, no, that's what I brought him in for.

Hey, sorry I'm late. I was just getting up to speed.

You brought Louis in.

Of course.

Three heads are better than two, unless you have an objection?


Are you kidding me?

I would never turn down a threesome, right, buddy?

I hear you.

Good, because Jessica and I were just having a little difference of opinion about what to do next.

Yes, and I'm sure Louis, the man that I hired, the man who owes his very career to me, will see things my way.

Well, I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

No, Louis, you're not stepping on anyone's toes here, and to be fair, I think you're an amazing attorney who doesn't owe anyone anything.

Ooh, do you work out?

Oh, I-I try to stay fit.


Mission accomplished.


Can we get to the point?

Lou? Louis?

Jeff and I have two different approaches to this case.

Exactly, go for the knockout punch or bore them to death.

Oh, well, when you frame it that way--

I can't believe you're using that old debate team trick.

Farm boy strong.

That's what you are.

Jessica, what debate team trick?

Calling my approach "Bore them to death" and yours "A knockout punch."

Man, you're really good at this.

Are you... have you done this before?

Sure have.

Look, Jessica, you can make assumptions about how this farm boy's gonna come down on this all you want to, but I think we all pretty much know he's playing on my team.

Jeff, you're right.

You are right, and in fact, I think that, because you and Louis see eye to eye on this case, that you should work together, and I should bow out.

You actually think that bothers me?

Because now I've this farm boy all to myself, Jess.

Just you and me, cowboy.

It's like Ernie and Bert.

Jeff Malone is in love with me.


I was just in a meeting with him, and he started off by patting my shoulder.

He's a jock, Louis.

That's just how they are.

No, he was then rubbing my shoulders.

Then he touched my arm.

He's all over me.

Wow. What was that meeting about?

It doesn't matter.

Donna, his arguments are loaded with double meaning.

Who invokes the penal code in an S.E.C. case?

He said "penal"?

Three times.

The third time, we were just talking about the Glass-Steagall act, which is purely civil, and it--

God damn it, woman, do I have to draw you a map?

I mean, come to think of it, athletes coming out is all the rage now.

And guess what his favorite sport is: Basket...Ball.

Oh, my God.

Shut the front door.

No, I want to shut the back door.

Okay, Louis, now that we've firmly established his gayness, why would he think you're gay?

I mean, you're...


Straight as an arrow.

I may have said that I eat cock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


It was a different kind of cock, Donna.

Okay, Louis, what exactly do you want from me?

I want you to tell me what I should do about it.

I'm gonna tell you exactly what you're gonna do about it:


What do you mean, "nothing"?

I mean don't give him anything back.

He'll get the message. It'll pass.


Donna, I don't think you understand the power of my sexuality.

What are you doing?

Oh, you know, it's just a little something for your file.

I have a file?

That information is classified.

Wait, why?

It's in your file.

Oh, shit.
[Alternative music]

Harvey Specter.

If you'd be more comfortable, I have a couple rocks you could crawl out from under.

Most people would go with some tall weeds I could hide behind.

Most people don't take these fights personally.

I do. That's exactly why I'm here.


I came here to tell you something man-to-man, because I know what this company means to you.

If you knew what this company meant to me, you wouldn't be trying to steal it.

Walter, I know how your son died.

Get the hell out of my office.

Not before I tell you that Mike Ross was a drug dealer.

Bullshit he was, and I'm calling security, and if you're not gone by the time they get here, their job's going to be getting me off you.

Fine, I'll go, but ask him.

Ask him if he ever dealt dr*gs.

Ask him if he ever refused to take a drug test.

Ask him if he was ever high at work.

I said, "get out."

And ask him if on the very day he came to me looking for a job he had a briefcase filled with marijuana.

This is how you do this, come here "man-to-man" and use my son's death to take my company from me?

Well, you are nothing but a piece of shit.

You're right. I am a piece of shit.

But that doesn't make what I'm telling you any less true.

Walter, what are you doing here?

I'm having second thoughts.

About the takeover.

About you.

I'm sorry. I don't understan--

Have you ever been involved in a drug deal?


Walter, look, I'm trying to save your company here.

And I'm here to find out what kind of man I'm in business with, so I'm going to ask you again.

Have you ever been involved in a drug deal?

What did Harvey tell you?

Looks like he told me the truth.

The truth is that Harvey can't beat us, so he's trying to divide us, and he's using your son to do it.

Just like you used his memory to make you my partner.

To save your life's work.

Another lie from another liar.

You two deserve each other.

We're done.

Mike, are you okay?

I don't care who you find.

I want you to hire someone to get every piece of dirt there is on Logan Sanders.


Just do it.

Where are you going?

To take care of something else.

Couple things. It's Porter birthday.

I got him that weird zucchini cake he likes from the Bronx.

What cake?

Somebody returned Stutman's chair.

It was missing?

And the "no questions asked" memo in the kitchen worked.

What did it stop?

Mm, it's not important.

None of these things are important.

Oh, and one more thing.

Louis thinks Malone is in love with him.

Your secret's safe.

And you're welcome.

Hey, Louis, do you have a minute?

Well, it's about all I have, 'cause I'm super, super busy.

Yeah, well, listen, I just wanted to check in and see if you're ready to pull an all-nighter.

I just got all the brokerage tapes in, and I figure we could just grind it out.


Tonight, unless you want to go right now and just pound it out all at once.

Okay, that's it.

I mean, you have got this all wrong.

Jeff, I like you...as a friend.

Right, Louis.

I like you too.

I think I've made that perfectly clear.

Too clear, man, too clear.

I mean, enough with the come-ons, already.


Yeah, I mean, I get it.

You know, we're a perfect match, you know, if you go that way, ebony and ivory.

But I play a different instrument, so...

Oh, Louis, no--

Look, I... look, it's just that--

I just don't... I don't want there to be, you know, just awkwardness, especially since Jessica just bowed out, and it's just me and you now.



Well, now that you've seen right through me, Louis, I...I am disappointed.

Are you gonna be okay?

To be honest, I'm feeling a little raw right now.

Oh, shit.


I'm sorry.

Maybe it's best if you just told Jessica that she needs to step back in.



Can do, yeah.

Get up.

You here to fight me?

Oh, should I wait for you to turn your back?

That seems to be more your speed.

I'm sorry, were you expecting me to give you a call?

No, I was expecting you to be a human being.

From where I'm sitting, I was a g*dd*mn saint.

Oh, yeah? How's that?

If I didn't do what I did, Logan was gonna hire a private investigator to smear you up and down the block.

So what?

You know what.

I shot you in the knees, so he wouldn't sh**t you in the face.

You're welcome. You know what, Harvey?

I'm gonna take pass on the thank-you and instead skip right to the part where I call you a piece of shit.

You know what?

I'm getting a little tired of hearing that.

And what does that make you for threatening to bring criminal charges in that restaurant?

You deserved criminal charges for what you were doing in that restaurant.

You didn't have a problem when we did it seven months ago to the guy from Leeds.

Seven months ago, you weren't lying to somebody about me.

I didn't lie, and seven months ago, you were g*dd*mn here.

So that's what this is about.

You can't stand that I got out of here and that I'm succeeding without you.

Without me?

I made you.

Without me, you're nothing.

Right there.

That's who you are, and that's why I left.

Bullshit. Don't lay that on me.

You left because you needed to feed that huge ego.

Ego? Ego?

If I stayed here, you know what would have been hanging over my head for the rest of my life.

Which is why I told you to move somewhere nobody ever knew you.

But you stayed here, so that thing is still over your g*dd*mn head, and I stopped it.

I don't care what you think you stopped.

You're gonna go to Walter Gillis, and you're gonna make this thing right.

It is right.

It's over. You lost.

Nothing's over.

And you're the one who lost something today.

What are you talking about?

You went personal. I went personal.

Your father's master tapes... I've got 'em.

Those tapes have nothing to do with this deal.

They do now.


I did this.


The tapes.

Mike found out about them from me.

I've been meeting him for coffee just because I wanted to make sure that everything was okay between the two of you, and I never, ever thought that he would do something like this.

I'm so, so sorry.

It's not your fault, Donna.

What are you gonna do?


The tapes have nothing to do with this deal.

The second I believe they do, I'm done.

Ugh, perfect timing.

Do you want me to get rid of him?

I'll handle it.

What part of "drag Mike Ross through the mud" did you not understand?

The part where you come off looking like a rich, vindictive douche bag.

That's not your call to make.

Based on your years of experience in takeovers?

Here's something they didn't teach you in snowboarding school or wherever the hell you went before you decided to be a grown-up.

Never destroy anyone in public when you can accomplish the same result in private.


I severed Mike's ties with Walter Gillis.

It's over.

You know, you told me that Mike Ross wasn't a threat, and then he handcuffed us with a T.R.O.

You said that you'd take him down with one blow, and then he got back up.

So here's something that I did learn in snowboarding school.

When someone talks shit, I demand proof.

Proof of what?

Logan, we won. You don't need--

Need to what?

Come off like a rich, vindictive douche bag?

I want proof that he's giving up his bid, and if I don't get it by the morning, I'm gonna call my private investigators, and I'm gonna finish what I started.

Where are you going?

Where do you think I'm going?

To get Mike to sign an agreement to give up his bid.

You can't.

Why not?

Because you were right.

He's never gonna listen to you.

Donna, I know you're feeling bad about the tapes, but--

That has nothing to do with it.

Then what are you saying?

I feel guilty that I told him, but what he did, that's on you.

And the reason he's not gonna listen to you is because you acted like an assh*le.

Excuse me?

He came in here wanting an explanation for why you did what you did, and you threw gas on the fire.

I gave him an explanation.

Yeah, you told him he was nothing.

You know what?

About a half an hour ago, you told me this was all your fault.

A half an hour ago, I was thinking about what I did.

I wasn't thinking about what you said to him.

It doesn't matter what I said to him.

I saved him.

Harvey, you said before if it had been anybody other than Mike, you would have done what Logan wanted without blinking an eye.

Well, if anybody other than Mike had walked in here the way he did, you would have shown him the tiniest bit of compassion.

He bought those tapes before he ever walked in here.

Those tapes were not the first thing that he told you about, but he made damn sure they were the last.

So you just flagged me down to call me an assh*le?

No, I flagged you down to tell you that he's not gonna listen to you, but he might listen to somebody else.

Just heard from Louis.

He has the stomach flu, so I'm gonna have to step in tonight.

Oh, that's too bad.

This wouldn't have anything to do with him thinking you're in love with him, would it?

No idea.

Feel like Sushi?

Jeff, you can play all the games that you want, but an all-night review of the evidence is a waste of my time.

So why don't you get a couple of associates?

And I will see you in the morning.

Listen, if you don't want to be here, that's fine.

But I am gonna do this by myself, because I don't have associates do my work.

And why is that?

Do you really want to know why?

Dalton Foster was a con man who somehow convinced terminally ill people to sign over their insurance policies.

Anyway, he was my first big case, so I decided that I would get some help going through the evidence, just like this.

The help screwed up.

Dalton Foster walked.

Six months later, he pulled the exact same scam.

Only this time, the problem was, one of his dying clients had a miraculous recovery.

So one day, Dalton came up from behind her...

And he beat her to death with an aluminum bat.

So am I glad you're here, Jessica?


Did I take advantage of Louis?


I may play games to get us together, but I never play games with a case.


You have a minute?

This must be serious.

Why is that?

Because you usually just tell me what to do.

Remember when you said if I want you to deliver a message to Mike, I should come to you directly?

You want me to get him to give up.

If Mike doesn't give up tonight, Logan is gonna hire someone to dig up everything they can on him.

That's why you went to Gillis.

You had no choice.

That's not the way Mike saw it.

You know, you could have come to me before you did that.

I'm coming to you now.

How do I bill it?

The same way we bill everything.

Say it took twice as long as it did.


Okay, I take it back.

My strategy?

My strategy isn't "knockout punch."

We should've called it "needle in a haystack."

Getting frustrated?

This guy? This guy does not shut up.

I now know about his bronchitis, his problems with his dry cleaner, but absolutely no explanation whatsoever about why he cashed out.

Oh, you mean besides being tipped that he invested in a giant Ponzi scheme.



It's a call with an analyst predicting a downturn in small-cap stocks in the next quarter.


The Ponzi fund was made up of small-cap stocks.

That's a legit reason for him to have cashed out.

Exactly what we need to get the charges dropped.

And exactly the kind of call a junior attorney might have missed.

So do you see why we needed to do this together?

Yes, I see.


What is it?


I have responsibilities that you just don't want to understand.

No, I don't.

I am the only woman partner at this level in the city.

If word got out that I hired a partner that I was in a relationship with--

What, you'd be disbarred?

You think this is a joke.

I think you're making excuses for keeping me out of your life, Jessica, and I'm calling you on it.

Oh, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

It means that I'm making you a promise, all right, that no one--no one will ever find out about us, so if that's what you're really afraid of, if that's what's truly holding you back, then it is off the table.

I'm sorry.

Hey, so I know we said we're not supposed to talk about the deal--

Why did you lie to me?

What are you talking about?

When I asked you about you and Logan, you said that you ended it.

According to this, you swore it was him.

This is my deposition from his divorce.

You read this? Why--why would--

He looked into me. I looked into him.

This is looking into me.

You still haven't answered the question.

Mike, I told you the truth.

Logan was trying to patch things up with his wife, and he asked me to back his story, so I did.

You lied for him.

You loved him that much.

I told you that I loved him.

Yeah, but you didn't tell me that.

And I've been sitting here all night wondering why you wouldn't...

Why wouldn't you tell me that?

I'm gonna tell you now.

We had an affair.

We fell in love, and he wanted to marry me, and I said no, and then three months later, he had a change of heart, and he wanted to get back with his wife during his divorce proceedings, so he asked me to help him, and I did.

But when he wanted to marry me, I said no, because he wasn't the man I want to spend my life with.

You are.

I love you.

I love you too.


What? What? You have to go.

What are you talking about?

She's here.

Logan, is there somebody at the door?


I am, um... I'm from Pearson Hardman, and I--I had a few files to bring your husband.

Where are they?

They're--they're right here.


Get out.

Allison, what the hell?

It is 7:30 in the morning.

You think I'm an idiot?

What are you talking about?

I know that that's her.

God, I told you I'm not--

Stop lying to me.

At least be a man and admit that that's her.

I don't even know that girl, okay?

And you think that if I was having an affair that I would have it with a paralegal from my father's firm?


I want you to stop the personal att*cks on Mike.

I know. It sounds terrible, but--

And it's how the game is played.

I don't care.

I want you to stop.

Look, can we talk about this inside, please?

I understand that you--

No, look, you say you're a changed man, but what you're doing now, it's not a change for the better.

It's for the worse.

You told me this wasn't gonna be a problem.

And you stood right here and told me that you didn't love your wife.

And then three months later, you asked me to lie for you, so you could get her back.


You don't have to stop this because you're some changed man.

You have to stop this, Logan, because you owe me.




Listen, I was up late, I haven't had my coffee, so can we talk about whatever this is in, like, an hour?

I'll be quick.

I ran into your enemy this morning.

You remember Adam Grieves?

He asked me to tell you that you guys are still on for ball on Wednesday.

Listen, Louis--

Everything you told me, it was bullshit.

You're not trying to get into my pants.

You're trying to get into Jessica's.

You thought you could move your way up the ladder, and you used my friendship to cozy up to her.

Louis, that's just not true.


Well, then, what is it?

Why did you lie to me to get me off this case?

Tell me what I'm missing here, Jeff.

That's what I thought.

Louis, please--

For once I let my guard down and believed that someone genuinely liked me without a hidden agenda.

I will not make that mistake again.

I'm here to see Mike Ross.

What the hell are you doing here?

I came to see you.

I have a meeting.

I came to apologize.

For what?

For trying to win dirty.

I can't undo what I've already done, but I can stop doing it.

I don't want to win that way.

That sounds like something your publicist would tell Forbes.

Why don't you tell me why you're really here?

You want the truth?

I don't want to hurt Rachel.


I have nothing to say to you.

Walter, please.

You have 30 seconds.

Okay, look, I get it.

I tried to tell you there's more to the story.

You didn't want to hear it then, and you don't want to hear it now.

But you need to hear this.

Whether you like me or not, I am the only one in your corner, and you know it.

I started this company with no one to trust but myself.

That's how I go out, so be it. We're done.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that, because I'm gonna be in your corner anyway.

I just bought another 2%

of your stock, which means I'm saving your company with or without you.

Time's up. I don't want to see you again.

Jeff, it's late.

It's not about us.


It started.

How many?

Seven clients, seven subpoenas, all coming tomorrow.


It's time for you to start earning your money.

[Soft rock music]

You get me a present?

It's from Mike.

It's my dad's tapes.

He said they're yours.

You got him to back down.

No, but I got Logan to back off.

How'd you manage that?

It's between me and my client.

You know, you could have come to me first.

I'm coming to you now.

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