03x11 - Buried Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Suits". Aired: June 2011 to September 2019.*
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On the run from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant college-dropout, finds himself a job working with Harvey Specter, one of New York City's best lawyers.
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03x11 - Buried Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't know anyone that has ever made a long-distance relationship work.

But I can't stand that I put you in this position, and the only way I can see out of this is for you to go to Stanford.

Come after me, Tanner. That's what you're here for.

You actually care about her.

You think he didn't say some things in there that got to me too?

Well, I'm not bringing them up, because right now, we need to stick together.

Sticking together means telling the truth.

I can't stand to see them come after you.

You think I can't take it!

Look, you're not listening to me, okay?

I can't take it!

If all you want to do is work with me, I can find a job somewhere else.

Scottie, that's not all I want.

Then say it.

I want you in my life.

I don't want her to go, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I finished my list.


You're staying?

Just try and stop me.

This place has every Harvard law student file ever.

Do not touch any of the files in here.

Mike Ross... he's not here.

What are you thinking about?

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

What are you thinking?

That your furniture's really old.

I think the word you're looking for is "antiquey."

That is not a word, and this sofa is Ikea circa 1994.

Okay, I get it.

So you get up early just so you can do a thorough critiquing of my furniture?

Actually, I got up early, so I could figure out if there's anything around here that I could stand living with.

Ah...I'm sorry--do you want to move in together?

Yeah, I mean, if the offer still stands.

Are you kidding me?


So is that a yes?

Oh, no, this is a yes.

[Upbeat rock music]

I figured out what we can bring.



Panda, right here.

That's my favorite piece of art.

That is not art.

Grammy gave that to me.

Oh, I love it. Panda can come.

And the chair.


That was Grammy's favorite chair.

I don't--I don't--

No, no, no, no, no, I'm telling you, Rachel, she used to sit in that chair every Sunday and drink her hot cup of Hershey's cocoa and tell me all about growing up on the mean streets of Philadelphia.

When you lie, try less details.

Got it.

Looking for me?


The woman I'm looking for is a lot more in my bed.

What can I say? My schedule stops for no man.

Yes, but we've got a little unfinished...


I wouldn't call last night "unfinished."

And I wouldn't call it "business."

I was talking about breakfast.

Harvey Specter makes breakfast?

You never heard of the Specter special?

I think I just had the Specter special.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

The Specter special is... Let me guess.

It's two eggs, over easy, with a side of "Scottie, I want you in my life."


And now I'm reconsidering the "in my life" thing.

Oh, no, I saw your face. You had your serious face on. "Scottie, I want you in my life.

Scottie... I want you in my life."

You know what? You don't deserve my bacon.

Oh, that's fine, 'cause I have to go anyway.

Where could you have to go? You're unemployed.

Well, actually a top-tier law firm offered me a job last night, and I thought it might be best if I negotiate the terms of my agreement with the partner I'm not sleeping with.

There's a slight problem with that plan.

You offered her a job before talking to me?

I didn't offer her a job. I asked her if she wanted one.

I didn't want to waste your time, and for the record, we'd be lucky to have her.

I know that.

But my question isn't why I should want her here, it's why you would want her here.

She's the best lawyer I know, after me.

And you.

Are you sleeping with her?

Excuse me?

You have history with this woman, so I just want to know are you doing this because you feel sorry for her or because you want to pay her back or because you love her or what?

It's none of your business.

It is my business.

It is literally my business.

I want a relationship with her.

Well, I'm happy for you.

I hope you two make a run at it. Thanks.

I'll pretend you meant that.

Your track record isn't great.

You've had three name partners in two years.

Let's talk about your commitment issues.

I'm not asking you to give my commitment issues a corner office.

You don't need to give her a corner office.

Any regular office will do.

Harvey, I get it.

She's a catch, for you and for this firm.

But what happens when you two break up?

Who says we're gonna break up?

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ living in a beehive of your mind ♪
♪ me and missus so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ Suits 3x11 ♪

Buried Secrets

Original Air Date on March 6, 2014

♪ all that time imagine this ♪
♪ the greenback boogie

Foreman versus Heart Med... I want it. "Good morning, Harvey.

What can I do for you today?" I'm serious.

They're pushing for a settlement because they know our client can afford it.

I know they are.

You haven't even looked at the file.

My name is on the door.

You think I don't know our cases?

So why are we settling?

Because regardless of the merits of this case, it's not worth our time.

Harvey, listen--

Heart Med's in-house lawyer negotiated this because the bad PR costs them more than the settlement.

We'd have to get the thing dismissed to make it worth it, and that's not gonna happen.

The lawyer is Nick Rinaldi.

Who the hell is Nick Rinaldi?

You don't remember?

I was 11 years old, a little boy, powerless.

I watched him boil my parents' lives down to a few dollars.


I'm not gonna let that piece of shit get a penny from us.

I said yes.

Thanks, Harvey.

You want to thank me, why don't you go beat the shit out of this guy?

Monday, 2:20 p.m.


This conundrum is burning a hole in my brain.



I mean, Sheila is professional and meticulous and wonderfully a**l, and if she says that nothing gets misplaced in her inner sanctum, then I believe her, which leaves the national security option.

Is Mike Ross CIA?



There's a better chance that Esther's in the KGB.

I mean, I can ask Sheila, if I'm no longer fond of my testicles, which... wait a second, missing testicles, missing file.

It can't be missing if it doesn't exist.

Holy shit.

What if Mike Ross never went to Harvard at all?

What if he just went to some crappy third-tier law school, like Fordham or Arizona State? "Yeah, hey, bro. "Yeah, no, I'll see you at the party. "I'm not going to study for the bar. "Damn straight, that's right, bros before hos.

Oh, yeah, you know--" all right, that's enough.

He's been peeing directly into our pristine pool of eliteness.

He's been--oh, sh**t, it's blinking out.

Norma, really quickly, I need you to get a pack of rechargeable AAA... shit, it's out.

So I guess I'm just talking to myself.

Harvey convinced me, so let's get to it.

I want a relocation fee.


And a 10% increase on my signing bonus. 7%.

You gave Harvey 10%.

Do you think you're worth as much as Harvey?

I'm less of a pain in the ass. 10% it is.

Now, no one ever opens with the big stuff, so why don't you tell me what you're really after?

You know what I'm after.

The name of the firm is Pearson Specter.

It's changed too many times, and it's not going to change again.


I never say never.

That's all I'm looking for.

Of course.

After all, who knows where any of us will be in a few years?

You, me, Harvey.

I think we just changed the subject.

We did.

Now it's time for me to tell you what I'm really after.

You want to know how committed I am to Harvey.

I want to know how committed you are to me.

How serious are you?

About what?


We had this conversation.

We had this conversation before it was going to cost me $500,000.

Jessica's making you pay the buy-in up front?



What did you say?

Well, I said I don't want to have to pay a Harvey-Specter-girlfriend tax.

You're not exactly paying a tax.

You're just buying in early.

Harvey, there's a reason that firms are designed to have a six-month trial period.

Yeah, to see if it's going to work out.


Which you don't think it will.

I'm saying that I need to know what "I want you in my life" really means.

You know what it means.

It means I want to have a relationship.

But it doesn't mean that I'm ready to give you a ring.

You think I'm ready for a ring from you?

Then what are you ready for?

I'm ready for it not to cost me a $1/2 million if it doesn't work out.

So if it doesn't, are you saying you're going to leave?

Would you want me to stay?

I don't even know what you're gonna do to break us up.

Harvey, I'm not kidding. I'm...

I'm scared.

You know, I just got an offer from Latham & Watkins in Chicago, and I don't want to take it, but...

I need to know that you're serious about this.

Scottie, I am.

Yeah, but nobody's asking you to put up $1/2 million.

Maybe we can make it so nobody's asking you to do that either.


You remember me?

James and Nina Ross.

That's good.

Finally know my parents' names.

What you maybe don't know is that I'm a lawyer, I work for Pearson Specter, and we're not going to be settling this Foreman suit.

We had an agreement.

Yeah, maybe, but instead, we're gonna be filing this.

There's no way you're getting this case dismissed.

You know, I actually wanted to believe that whole sob story about being reformed, but--

My client is a widow, not a drunk driver.

Oh, so you don't actually bully the little guy anymore, you just try and capitalize on him.

Do you even know the details of this case, or are you just coming after us because I'm on the other side?

No, I'm coming after you because you're a worthless ambulance chaser, and I'm not gonna let you take my client's money.

This is the second time you've come after me from out of the blue.

I apologized to you once.

I will not apologize to you again.

You don't have to.

And we're not going to court, because I'm gonna prove you're full of shit.

You ready for the deposition?

Yeah, of course I'm ready.

Your fly is unzipped.

No, it's not.


Didn't even flinch.

That means you're ready.

Then why are you still walking with me? 'Cause I'm coming to your deposition.

What? Whoa, whoa, hey, hey.

You said that I could take this case.

You told me I could kick this guy's ass.

It's my deposition, not yours.

I know.

You know?

Why are you babysitting me? I'm not babysitting you.

I want to watch you k*ll this guy.

That's why I brought snacks.

You can't bring peanuts into my deposition.


It's unprofessional.

So is that tie, but I've made my peace with it.

Look, I don't give a shit whether you made your peace with it or not.

You want in my room?

You're not bringing peanuts.

You really are ready.


What's this?

Harvey's interviews the day Mike Ross was hired.

But Mike Ross isn't on it.

Where'd you get this?

Doesn't matter where I got it. The fact is I did.

Are you asking me why Mike Ross isn't on it?

Yeah, Donna, that's precisely what I'm asking.

How exactly did Harvey find him?

We didn't find him, he found us.

What are you talking about?


Mike hadn't signed up for the interview on time, so he pretended to be one of the other associates on the list.

He talked his way past me and impressed the shit out of Harvey, whose main requirement was somebody who had the balls to do something like that in the first place.


What if he had the balls to do something a lot bigger than that?

What are you talking about?

I think Mike Ross went to a subpar law school and has been lying about it the whole time.

Louis, listen to yourself. You're talking about Mike.

You're insane.


Okay, I was in the Harvard file room with Sheila.

Don't ask details.

And I noticed Mike Ross' file was not there.

You specifically looked for his file?

Yes, and I looked for Harvey's too, and his was there.

And by the way, he looked like a major douche.

So you looked at a grand total of two files out of tens of thousands, and this is the conclusion you jump to?

What is wrong with you?

You don't know Sheila.

She's like a surgeon, and the files are her patients.

She doesn't make mistakes.

You told her about this?

Hell no.

She told me not to touch any of those files, and she'd k*ll me if she found out that I did.

I just asked her about it generally.

Well, of course she's gonna say she never loses one, but I can tell you from personal experience, anything can happen to a file.

I don't know.

Well, I do. I know Mike, and I know he's for real.

But if you still doubt it, there's an easy answer.

Just call up Harvard and ask for a copy of his transcript.

And what if it's not there?

Then I will apologize for calling you insane and personally help you escort Mike Ross out of the building.


In 2002, you were sued for the malfunctioning of an earlier model of the heart stent.

Is that correct?

Yes, and we admitted wrongdoing.

The stent that was installed in your patient was a new model developed through three years of extensive trials.

Making it outside the scope, and frankly, not a good argument for establishing pattern.

They saw a problem, and they fixed it.

How horrible, we should sue them.

We're not in court.

Opening statements are made before a judge, or have you never been in court before?

I just wanted to give you a taste, seeing as we're never actually gonna get there.

A dismissal is never gonna happen, son.

Sorry for your loss, son.


I'm saying, don't hope for a dismissal.

Please direct your questions to our client.

That wasn't a question. It was a comment.

Here's a question for you, Mr. Dimond.

What is this really worth to you?

You may think you have a defense.

Your lawyer certainly thinks you do.

But I just want to be clear about the facts.

What is this really worth to you?

There's no question, this was a terrible accident.

But let's be clear about the facts.

His blood alcohol level is an issue here.

If you pursue this in court, there's no guarantee you'll receive anything.

Think about the boy.

Think about what he needs.

[Breathes tremblingly]

Something is better than nothing.

[Pen clicking]

Stop stalling, Mr. Ross.

Um, I--

He's not stalling.

And we're under no obligation to disclose trials from an earlier model.

It's beyond the scope.

Our expert will place that study within the scope.

Um, uh--

If there isn't a trial, your expert won't have any scope to place it in.

And since you insist on asking questions we're under no obligation to answer, this deposition is over.

What the hell happened in there?

You said you wanted to watch, not hijack my case.

You said you were going to kick his ass, not drift into never-never land.

I'm handling it.

Handling it?

I could've eaten that whole bag of peanuts in the pause you took to answer that question.

You got thrown, and I bailed you out.

Harvey, this is my case.

This is not your case. It's the client's case.

And after what happened in there, they're in a worse position than when we started.

Look, I know I got thrown, but I can still recover.

Maybe, but they're gonna call in a half an hour wanting to take the deal, and when they do, I'm gonna buy you one day, and then I'm pulling the plug.

Hey, do you have a minute?

I'm a little busy right now.

We have a problem.

Scottie's not going to be a problem.

I thought it through... Louis might be onto Mike.

He found out that Mike doesn't have a file in the Harvard file room and that he wasn't on your original interview list.

What did you tell him?

Well, I handled the list.

What about the other?

What could I tell him?

I mean, I told him if he was so curious, he could order a copy of Mike's transcript.

Then we don't have a problem.

Well, don't you think maybe we should do something else?

Anything else is just going to make him more suspicious.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.


Oh, wait a second.

Where did you say Louis was again?

Oh, he was in the Harvard file room.

How was he in the Harvard file room?

He has a relationship with Sheila Sazs.


Yeah, never mind. We're good.

Oh, thank you, but I'm sorry, I don't have time.

It's food. It's not going to stop you.

It's going to keep you going.

Yeah, I don't need food.

I need to find something I can take to this dismissal hearing tomorrow.

Mike, it was a pretty decent settlement.

Would it really be so bad to just take it?

[Soft rock music]

My dad was one of those guys who liked to celebrate everything... the half birthdays or first time I struck someone out at Little League.

And the last time I saw them, they were celebrating the anniversary of their first date.

They were so excited, all dressed up, and I was annoyed, because I didn't want to spend the night at my grandmother's house.

So before they left, my dad came upstairs to say good-bye, and I told him that celebrating a first date was stupid.

[Chuckles sadly]

And he just looks at me like, "Michael, you have no idea how important a first date can be."

Theirs must have been a great one.

[Laughing] No, no, no, it was a total disaster.

He spilled wine all over her. He forgot his wallet.

[Both laugh]

And then, for some reason, this woman, you know... this woman who he knew was just perfect... agreed to a second date.

And a third.


And everything after that.

I wish I could have met them.

He tried to hug me good-bye...

But I didn't hug him back.

I didn't even go downstairs to say good-bye to my mom.


And then they were gone.

And then the next morning, Rinaldi shows up at our house, and he offers my grandmother the equivalent of one year's rent.

Rinaldi didn't k*ll my parents, but he did try to tell me what their lives were worth.

And I'm sorry, but I know that my mom and dad were worth...

A lot more than that.

Forget the food.

Give me half the files.

What about a hedge fund guy? It's big money.

Think bigger.


I'm not going to land the president as my first client.

Fine, if you don't think you can.

You're not going to manipulate me into trying to land Obama.

Well, it better be somebody like that, or Jessica won't give up on her early buy-in bullshit.

What if I got myself a sports guy?

The very fact that you call it "a sports guy" means it's a no.

Harvey, just because I don't know sports doesn't mean I don't know you.

What are you talking about?

If I'm going to change Jessica's mind, I can't just land someone, I have to land someone you couldn't.

There's no one I couldn't land.

You think I don't know about Beijing?

That's his word against mine.

Oh, well, um, I guess we can clear that up right now, because look who just walked in.

You knew he was coming here tonight?

You think I like Argentinean food?

I just need you to stop him for a second.

I get it.

You got the idea from Working Girl,

when they crash the wedding to get to Trask radio.

Harvey, I'm not a 14-year-old girl.

I don't get my ideas from movies.



I have no interest in talking to you.

Hi. Dana Scott.

I work with Harvey, and I don't blame you.

I wouldn't want him to represent me either.

But he's not the only lawyer there.

Let me guess.

You've done your research on my record, and you're here to impress me.

That's what every other lawyer would do.

I didn't do that.

Harvey, shut up.

I don't give a shit about how fast you used to swim.

I only care about how fast I can make you money.

How fast is that?

Why don't you sit down, and I'll tell you?

All right.


Harvey, you mind?

Actually, I--


I'll see you tomorrow.
Good to see you, buddy.

So what really happened in Beijing?

Let's get a drink first.


Sounds good.

Doctor, how routine is this procedure?

Sid Foreman should have been dancing at his daughter's wedding a week later.

Instead, he went into heart failure.

Dr. Lombard, on December 7, 2006, did a patient die on your table during a routine angioplasty?

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance?

It speaks to his qualifications as an expert witness, Your Honor.

I'll allow.

Yes, a patient died.

And was a malpractice suit filed against you for physician error?

That case was sealed.

I didn't ask you if it was sealed.

I asked if it was filed.

It was.

And settled?

For almost nothing--

Objection, Your Honor.

Move to strike. The case is sealed.

The witness isn't allowed to testify to the details of that settlement.


Have you practiced medicine since?

Yes, I've been practicing.

I'm sorry, what I meant to say is have you performed surgery, the job you spent seven years training to do?


What, loss of confidence?

They wouldn't let you?

Objection. Speculation.

I want an answer to my question.

I chose to do other things.

Other things that don't involve the chance of you k*lling people?



What's your primary source of income?

I work as an expert witness.

So you testify now to make a living, because you don't trust yourself to do the job that you were trained to do?

I can speak to the facts of this case--

Yes, you can speak to them, but how are we supposed to trust your opinion about them when you clearly don't trust yourself?

You raised some doubts about my expert.

That isn't gonna get this case dismissed.

Maybe not, but if that's the best expert you can come up with, then your client just got a taste of how this trial is gonna go.

My client is not gonna drop this case, and neither am I.

Well, then you are forcing me to use this.

It's a picture of Mr. Foreman at his daughter's wedding.

It's a picture of Mr. Foreman drinking alcohol at his daughter's wedding.

It's a toast. It was one sip.

One sip two hours before his stent supposedly malfunctioned.

Alcohol was strictly forbidden following his surgery, which makes him liable for his own death.

This is a total twisting of the facts.

You can't prove this caused anything.

You can't prove it was only one sip, and it doesn't matter, because I submit this, it's contributory negligence, and your case is gone.

And you say I'm a monster.

Being a monster would be putting your client on the stand and making her testify that her husband's death was his own damn fault.

Hi, Donna.

Hi, Louis.

I'm nothing if not a big man, and I am not ashamed to admit when I am wrong.

You got Mike's transcript.

Arrived this morning.

Imagine that, Mike Ross went to Harvard.

What a shocker. You were right.

Never should have doubted it.

You know, it's just hard to imagine a world in which Sheila made a mistake, though.

Well, it's just good you can put this to bed once and for all.

Yeah, see, that's the thing.

If Sheila's competence is that important to her, I need to tell her about this, so she can fix it.

You know what, Louis?

It occurred to me after we talked that I'm the only one who has the list of associates that interviewed with Harvey that day.

That can't be right, 'cause I got a copy off the general server.

You got a copy by bullying Benjamin into accessing my private files off my hard drive.

That doesn't sound like me.


Okay, I did it, but that was only 'cause I was concerned.

So your concern gives you the right to invade my privacy?

I--what? No, it was just a file.

How dare you?

You pretend to be this gallant man.

You make a big show of how you would never cross into my area without my permission.

I am gallant, and I would never dare.

You wouldn't dare, because you'd have to do it to my face.

But you have no problem breaking my trust behind my back, and that not only pisses me off, but it makes me question...

Whether I want to have a relationship with you at all.

I'm so sorry, Donna.

No, Louis, you know what--

No, no, no, Donna, I'm sorry.

No, I can't.

No, no, no, no.

I can't--I can't even--

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

No, shh! Don't speak.

I cannot even look at you right now.

And I don't even know why I'm gonna tell you this, but if you pissed me off that much, what do you think Sheila's gonna do when you tell her you violated her trust?


You're right.

Thank you, Donna, for putting your anger on hold long enough to help me salvage the single most important non-feline relationship of my life.

Someone's been a bad boy.


You thought I wouldn't find out?

I hoped you wouldn't.

If you wanted a pair of my underwear, you should have just asked.

Oh, that, Sheila.

God, what are you doing here?

Aren't you happy I'm here?

[Laughing nervously]

Of course, absolutely.

You don't seem happy.

I'm overjoyed.

I'm just, you know... I'm just surprised.

But you're all nervous and sweaty.

Come on, you know my sweat ducts get excited when they see you. Good.

Because your sweat ducts are going to be working overtime.


The Chilton, room 305, tonight.

[Both chuckle]



You didn't have to come all the way over here just to drop the case.

I came here to tell you you're doing the wrong thing.

I don't need a lecture from you on right and wrong.

You once asked me how I live with myself.

Well, somewhere along the way, I realized I had a choice not to be on the side that made me feel like shit.

You're on that side now. Yeah, I don't feel like shit.

That's because you're telling yourself you're doing your job.

And I'm telling you that you're bullying someone who deserves your sympathy.

You really want to play the bullying card?

My grandmother lost her only son.

You used her grief against her.

This has nothing to do with that.

Look, I know, you need me to be the villain--

No, no, no, no, no.

You are the villain.

Well, then congratulations, because you just became me.

What are you talking about?

Your father had two drinks on the night he was k*lled.

That was the reason I was able to get your grandmother to settle.

It's not every day I get off the elevator and find someone in my firm that makes me look short.

So you've seen our newest client?

You mean Scottie's newest client.

Michael Phelps may be her client, but we're gonna get Speedo.

And why should that make me change my mind?

Because their fee is worth more than her buy-in.

You still think this is about money.

I told this to Scottie, and now I'm going to tell it to you.

We've had too much turnover.

We can't have any more.

Jessica, I'm telling you she's in.

Then she shouldn't have any problem putting her money where her mouth is.

It's not right.

Harvey, it's time you and I had the talk.

I know where babies come from.

But do you know how couples stay together?

What are you getting at?

When Daniel and I took over the firm, we had a heart-to-heart.

He had a philosophy that I agreed to live by.

Daniel was a piece of shit.

Doesn't mean his philosophy was.

I'm listening.

He told me, for a partnership to work, there has to be trust between number one and number two.

You don't have to agree with me, but you have to trust that I listen to you, that my decisions are reasoned, and that I am doing what I think is right.


You can't have two presidents, Harvey.

Now I chose to trust you when you said you didn't want to be managing partner.

Was that true or not?

It was.

Then I need you to accept this.

What if I had an idea where maybe we can both get what we want?

I'm listening.

That's never happened to me before.

It's okay.

No, it isn't.

Black Hawk Down.

First of all, that's an amazing movie, and you should be proud that you are associated with it.

And second of all, I think I know what the problem is.

You do?

It's about what happened in the file room.

Listen, Sheila, I can't tell you how that's been weighing on my mind.

No, I get it.

Now that we've declared our love, you think of me as a good girl.

And you need me to be bad.


It happens all the time.

We're in a relationship now, and you think that changes the nature of our sexual relationship.

But I am here to assure you...

I can be bad.

Okay, that's not actually what--



Take it easy.

I am being serious right now.

You think I'm not being serious?

I'm deadly serious. Ow.

Say it again.





Well, what do you know?

The Dark Knight Rises.

[Soul music]

She went for it.

She did?

One catch.


You have to sign an ironclad noncompete.

You can't represent any Pearson Specter clients if you leave.

Including Phelps?

Including Phelps.

How is that any different than paying in early?

It's $1/2 million different.


Scottie, this is the best we're gonna do.

Phelps brings in the money.

But if you leave and take him away, what good does that do Jessica?

Jessica or you?

Are you kidding? Are you questioning me?

You've been known to manipulate situations before.

If it were up to me, I'd waive your whole buy-in.

[Laughs] Now I know you're full of shit.

You're right, I am.

So get your check ready, 'cause in six months, you're paying it.


Are we really doing this?

Sign it. Give it to Jessica.

Tomorrow we'll celebrate with dinner at my place.

Where did you get this?


Mike, I know what you're thinking, but your father wasn't legally drunk.

Yeah, but he wasn't sober either.

And how do I know those two drinks aren't the split second that he needed not to...

You don't know that this had anything to do with the accident.

Rachel, do you have any idea how many times I have wished that they hadn't gone out that night or that they had taken a different route home or any one of a thousand other things, but the one thing--the one thing that I never wished is that my father hadn't been drinking the night that he got k*lled by a drunk--


I know he wasn't perfect.

But he was.

He was perfect to me, and...

I don't want to have to wonder if this is all his fault.


[Soft rock music]

He is just trying to get to you.

Well, he's got to me.

I mean, how am I any different than him, Rachel?

Because it's a bullshit claim.

I don't know.

I know I'm gonna win.

But I don't know.

Ah, there you are.

Been looking all over for you. Why?

I just wanted to apologize once again for crossing the threshold of your electronic area.

It's okay, Louis.

No, no, I breached your mainframe.

No excuse.

Why is your face so red?

It's because you gave me the greatest advice in the world.

What are you talking about?

Let's just say that I'm never gonna tell Sheila what I did in that file room that night, ever.


Apology accepted.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put some peas on my face.

Your move didn't work. I didn't go into a tailspin.

I wasn't trying to send you into a tailspin.

I was just trying to get you to understand.

Well, I do understand.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna sell my client out.

Then why are we here?

You want to sue someone, you should sue these people.

They're the ones that make the medicine that stent was coated with.

And you know that medicine has something to do with this case?

I know there's as much evidence against them as there is against my client.

That's why you're pointing me there, because they're not your client.

You know, nothing's gonna bring Mr. Foreman back.

Just like there's nothing that's gonna bring my parents back.

This is the best way I can see to get your client compensation.

If you think you're doing the right thing, you're wrong.

I'm trying to help, but I'm not gonna sell my client out.

It's a half measure.

All right, then here's the other half.

I pointed out your achilles' heel when I found that photo, and I found it on Facebook.

Do your client a favor, and have them take it down before you file that suit.

So you're gonna fly back to London, get your life in order, and move back in two weeks.

Tickets are booked.

Here's to your new partnership.

I just have one question.

Why did Jessica specifically make me agree to something that's a standard part of your contracts?

You checked up on me.

I didn't check up on you. I'm thorough.

What's the difference?

God damn it, Harvey, don't change the subject.

What did you do?

I fronted your buy-in.

I knew it. You bought me.

I didn't buy you, I bought us time.

That is a lawyer's response, and it's bullshit.

How could you do that?

Scottie, you're acting like I k*lled someone.

I didn't.

You paid so that I could sleep with you and be here at the same time!

Do you know what that makes me? Lucky?

That's not funny.

I didn't mean it to be.

I paid because I want you to stay.

I did it as a romantic gesture.

Yeah, well,Pretty Woman

may have been a romantic movie, but Julia Roberts was still a hooker.

Now you come up with a movie reference?

Harvey, can you imagine how that makes me feel to find that out?

Well, what do you want me to say, huh?

I'm not perfect at this, and you don't have to believe that was romantic, but it would be nice if you believed that I thought it was.

Harvey, it would have been romantic if you had begged me to stay when Jessica wouldn't budge, but this, this is not romantic.

This is manipulative.

You were about to take a job somewhere else.

That's what makes it manipulative!

Are you telling me you've never been manipulative with me?

Not since I've been back.

I had to learn the hard way, and I'm afraid that you haven't learned that at all.

So you're saying I'm an assh*le?

Yes, that is what I'm saying, that you are an assh*le, but what I'm really saying is that we need to start being honest with each other.

About everything?


You know that paper you had to redo, because Professor Gunn said he never got it?


He never got it.

Son of a bitch.

How was I supposed to know you didn't save it to your hard drive?

Because I told you that.

You know I don't listen when you say things.

You are an assh*le.

This is good.

Honesty is good.

I told Rebecca Carlin you were gay.

She slept with me anyway.



Why did she only sleep with me once?

Because I also told her that you had crabs.

That's not cool.


This is good.

It is.

I am in this, Scottie.


So am I.

Well, let's see what you got, Michael James Ross.

Magna cum laude.


So Mr. Smarty Pants couldn't even manage summa cum laude?

Yeah, well, so what if I couldn't either?

What? No Law Review?

Well, either you weren't asked, or you didn't serve.

Either way, I win. "A." "A."

B-plus in International Law?

Oh, come on, I aced that class with my eyes closed. "A" in contracts. That's legit.

A-minus in Estate Planning?

Remind me to not die intestate with Mike Ross around.

[Knock on door]

Tape measure, as requested.

You look really excited.

Long day.

I know.

Is there any chance we can punt this, maybe go grab some dinner?

We could, or we could accept that moving in together sometimes means we have to just shake off our crappy days and deal with things like furniture negotiations.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like anything I want to accept at all.

Too bad.

This is your life now.

Rachel, look, I'm trying...

You said that your dad liked to celebrate the little things, and I thought maybe we should start doing that too.

You mean like furniture negotiations?

Mmm, I mean our first date.

So does that mean I'm not gonna be able to eat anything? 'Cause I didn't like anything on the menu that night.

That wasn't our first date.

Our first date was in the law library.



That was my first case.


I know.

Oh, you were so green.


Harvey came in and told us to stop playing footsie.

Oh, I remember that.

I wanted to do a lot more than play footsie with you.

I know.

I caught you staring at me five times.

Oh, so I guess you didn't catch all the other times then.

No I did, just trying to let you off the hook.


This is perfect.

Not yet.


Now it is.

So where's the chair?


[Both laugh]

You wanted to see me?

Professor Gerard's legal ethics class--you take it?

Of course, everyone had to take it.

What'd you get?

k*lled it. I got an A-minus.

Out of curiosity, did you ever hear of anybody ever getting an A-plus?

What? No.

He's famous for never giving higher than an "A."

He doesn't believe in it.

Thank you, Simon. That'll be all.
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