05x01 - Bury Your Dead

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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05x01 - Bury Your Dead

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on NCIS: Resume of the previous season.


Black-and-white snapshot of Jenny.

In her office, Jenny is asleep. She dreams of her father and attends his su1c1de. She awoke roughly when her father shot. She closes a drawer which contain a g*n.

In La Grenouille's limo

Jeanne: My father knows everything about you.

La Grenouille: Only what my daughter tells me.

Jeanne: And I tell hil everything.

Tony laught nervously followed by Jeanne most naturally.

Tony: That's great. So here we all are, on aour way to... Where exacty are we headed?

La Grenouille: I dont' know. Breakfast? A chance for us to get know each other.

Jeanne nodds.

La Grenouille: I'm sure you have lot of questions. I know I do.

Jeanne: My apartment first, papa. You wouldn't believe the night we've had.

Tony squirms on the seat and tries to quietly take his phone while Jeanne continues to speak. He can not.

Jeanne: I was very frightening.

Tony: Yes, your daughter is very impressive with a scalpel, Mr Benoit.

La Grenouille: Please, Rene.

Jeanne (to Tony): You never told me you could sh**t.

Tony: Well I can't, clearly. I missed

Jeanne: On purpose.

René Benoit: There was a sh**ting in the hospital?

Tony: It's a long story Rene.

René Benoit: We have all week-end.

Tony: Well, it's really more of Jeanne's long story than mine.

Jeanne: There was this crazy young guy who tried to smuggle heroin into the country and he got hit by a car...

Tony tries to quietly take his phone under the suspicious gaze of René.

Jeanne: .... one of the bags in his stomach burst but we didn't know until it was too late. And then ...

She is interrupted by the ringing of his topper.

Jeanne: I forgot to sign the death certificate to release the body. Sorry Papa.

René Benoit (to his driver): Henry, back to the hospital.

Henry: Yes sir.

Tony: Well, I guess breakfast is gonna have to wait.

René Benoit: And all those intriguing questions.


The elevator doors opened, Ziva is inside. She starts to step out but McGee is before the gates.

Ziva and McGee (in the same times): What're you doing here?

Ziva: I asked first.

McGee: Well, technically, Ziva, I think that if we were to put that to a test, you'd find that it was too close to call. But since my parents raised a gentleman, and yours raised a k*ller, I was deffraging my computers.

Ziva: Liar.

She goes to the office talking.

Ziva: Have you heard from Tony?

McGee: You came into the office on a Saturday morning because you're worried about Tony?

Ziva (Seeing the remains of food on McGee's desk): You have been here all night?

McGee: Is that a question or a statement?

Ziva: Question.

McGee: It sounded more like a statement.

Ziva: Demands a answer.

McGee: Yes, I've been here all night.

Ziva: Fragging the computers?

McGee: "Deffraging". You need to work your inflections when you're asking a question. For example, why are you worried about Tony?

Ziva: He was supposed to meet us at the bar last night. He did not arrive, did not call. He's not answering his home phone or his cell phone. Do you have the number to his second cell phone?

McGee: The one he uses for his private calls?

Ziva: Yes.

McGee: No.

Ziva sees Gibbs' desk with food on it.

Ziva: Gibbs was here all night too. Are we a team McGee?

Gibbs' voice: Morning Ziva.

He arrives.

Gibbs: Nothing better to do on a Saturday morning?

Ziva: Teams do not have secrets Gibbs. And if you do not tell me what you were both doing here last night, McGee know he will...

Ziva smiles.

Ziva: ... eventually.

Hospital's parking

The limo parks. Jeanne goes out followed of Tony.

Jeanne: Won't be long.

Tony: I can come with you if you want

Jeanne: No need. He won't bite.

It starts, Rene out of the limousine from the other side and Tony beeps Jenny on her cell phone.

René Benoit: Coffee?

Tony: Coffee would be great.

René Benoit: Good. While we wait, you can tell me how you stole my daughter's heart.

They move away from the limo.

Abby's lab

The director enters, Abby is asleep on the floor. Jenny sees that the research she had given to Abby has a result. The analysis reveals that the fingerprints taken on glass is one of Jasper Shepard, her father. Jenny erases all the results and Abby wakes with a start.

Abby: I'll get it. I'll get it. Director.

Jenny: I'm sorry for keeping you here all night Abby.

Abby: You know what, that's okay. It's not the first time I've woke up on the floor. And not just his floor. Not that I make it a habit of passing out on floor. And not that this isn't a really comfortable floor. If I had to... I'm awake now.

Jenny's phone rings. It is the cell coverage of Tony, but she did not have time to respond.

Jenny: Thank Abby, you can go now.

Abby (looking at her computer): Did we have a match.

Jenny: No.

She leaves the lab.

Abby: Poor guys. Humming away all night and for nothing.

She taps on his keyboard and context "delete search" appears.

Abby: What search result?

Jasper Shepard's photo appears.

Abby: This is not good.


Ziva: Why would the CIA come after the director?

Gibbs: You tell me.

Ziva: Protecting their asset.

McGee: La Grenouille.

Ziva: Does the director know?

Jenny's voice: Know what?

She comes.

McGee: That it's Saturday, and we are all here on our day off, because we love our jobs.

Ziva: Except for Tony who is missing.

Jenny: McGee, I want you to triangulate a cell number: 202-555-0177.

Gibbs: DiNozzo in trouble?

Ziva: I knew it.

McGee is tapping on his keyboard, Gibbs looks over his shoulder.

Jenny: The woman Tony has been seeing, Jeanne Benoit, is la Grenouille's daughter.

McGee: He's been on assignment?

Gibbs has came himself in front of Jenny.

Gibbs: You did plan to tell us at some point?

Jenny: If it led us to her father, yes

Gibbs: Yeah, did it?

Jenny: I don't know.

Gibbs: You wanna tell us what you do know director?

Jenny: Tony just contacted me unsing his alias's cell. It was a prearranged signal using only in emergency if he thought his cover had been blown.

McGee: Triangulating.

He displays the result on the plasma.

Ziva: Anthony DiNardo, cute.

Jenny: I want this fed to MTAC and I want satellite coverage.

McGee: On its way.

Before hospital

Tony and Rene Benoit take cafes.

René Benoit: So, what did Jeanne tell you about me?

Tony: Oh, everything. World's greatest dad.

René Benoit: Children want to believe the best of their parents. I'm sure you believe your father is a good man?

Tony: He was.

René Benoit: Still, love has a way of blinding us to the imperfections.

They walk.

Tony: It's still live

René Benoit: True. And we both love Jeanne .

Tony: Yes we do.

René Benoit: Are you going to break my daughter's heart?

Tony: No, sir, not if I can help it.

René Benoit: Sometimes we lie to the people we love in order to protect them, true?

Tony: You've lied to Jeanne?

René Benoit: Well, have you?

Jeanne leaves hospital.

Tony: Here she comes.

Tony grabs him by the waist.

Jeanne: Done. Now let's get out of here before they remember something else

Tony: I have to move my car, because...

Jeanne: They'll tow you for sure. They are m*rder around here.

René Benoit: We wouldn't want that. Stay close. Wouldn't want to lose you.

Tony: No chance of that.

Everyone goes to his car.


The street plan of the city is displayed, a diamond marks the position of Tony.

McGee: He's on 22nd Street Northwest outside Monroe University Hospital.

Jenny: He's on the move.

McGee: He must be in car.

Jenny: How long until get satellite coverage?

McGee: At least 15 mins.

Looking annoyed Gibbs sat in a chair, coffee in hand.

McGee: Or we could patch into D.C's traffic-cam system. See if we can locate him on the traffic-cam management.

Gibbs: Do it.

Jenny (to Ziva on the phone): Anything?

Ziva: Still not answering. Shall I try his undercover cell phone?

Jenny: Put it on speaker.

(Tony messaging, music of 20th Century Fox): Hi, you've reached Professor Tony DiNardo. Leave a message and I will get back to you. I promise.

Jenny: His cover is teaching film online at American University.

Ziva (to McGee): Tony, a teacher?

McGee: No wonder he's been compromised. Whose bright idea was that?

Jenny: Mine.

McGee's computer beeps .

McGee: We're in.

Jenny: Bring it up.

Images of the movement appear on the big plasma.

McGee: Got it. Overlaying the cell-phone signal.

Ziva: Tony's car.

McGee: Tony DiNardo's car.

Gibbs: How deep is his cover?

Jenny: Deep enough to withstand the sort of scrutiny la Grenouille can bring to bear.

Gibbs: You better hope so.

McGee: West on M Street.

Jenny: No one else is in the car with him.

She tries to call him.

McGee: He's turning north onto 29th Street.

Ziva: trafic speed. No sign of dureless.

Jenny: His cell phone is still of.

Ziva: No one seems to be tailling him.

Gibbs: Maybe he's the one doing the tailling.

McGee: Still on 29th.

Tony's car exploses. The whole team was surprised.

Jenny: Oh my God!

Black and white snapshot: Gibbs

The staff and the director arrived at the place where Tony's car has explosed. Firefighters deviate to let the team work. We see a charred body bent over the wheel of the car.

Gibbs: McGee.

McGee looks at the car and can not be detached.

Gibbs: McGee!

McGee out of its torpor and takes pictures of the particular w*apon and the phone while Jenny looks at Tony's body and found an object.

Jenny (to McGee): Hey, that some of timer device?

McGee leans over and takes the object photographed.

McGee: Ten bucks in most electrical stores. Probably activated when the ignition turned on.

Ziva took the car photo.

McGee: ... Count down however long you need it to. When it reached zero...

Jenny gets up and walks to Ducky who examined the body, Gibbs by his side.

Ducky: Shock wave would have k*lled him before the fire. Death would have been instantaneous. Small mercies, my dear boy.

Jenny: Identification?

Ducky: The general build, height, weight are about right. Most of the epidermis and dermis on the hands and fingers have been burned off, so no fingerprints. We need to get his dental records for positive identification. And there is any chance that it's not Tony?

Jenny: None that I can think of.

She walks away.

Ducky (to Gibbs): She blames herself.

Gibbs nodded.

Ducky: Should she?

Gibbs: Let me know when you finish, Duck.

He goes in turn. Ziva on his side the badge photograph of Tony. McGee is with her.

McGee: You believe in miracles, Ziva?

Ziva: Not part of my training.

McGee: That might be not Tony.

They both look the car silently.

Abby's lab.

It removes the evidence found at the scene of the accident. Gibbs is also there.

Abby: Tony is not dead Gibbs. Not until Ducky says it's him. Until then, he's just... he's not here. And I don't care what the evidence says. Even if everything here belongs to Tony, it's still not him until Ducky says that it's him. And don't try to tell me anything different, because I'm not gonna believe you.

She freezes.

Abby: Tell me it's not him Gibbs. Tell me it's not him.

She takes Gibbs in his arms.

Gibbs: I wish I could Abby.

She departs from him and goes to his computer.

Abby: I need to be alone right now with the g*ng. I've got work to do.

Gibbs sees the bottle of scotch and glass that gave Jenny the analysis. He takes gloves.

Gibbs: Abby, how did these get here?

Abby: Director Shepard swore me to secrecy when she brought those in and asked me to run them for the prints, so I can't tell you.

He took off the gloves and approached her.

Gibbs: Any other secrets you can't tell me?

Abby: No. It's just that one. Because when director Shepard said that there wasn't an AFIS match, and then tries to hide the results from me, she actually didn't swear me to secrecy, so that is not a secret.

Gibbs: Who was the match?

Abby: Her father.

Gibbs: Her father has been dead for 12 years, Abby.

Abby: No, not according to AFIS.

She taps on his keyboard and displays the results.

Abby: That is a ten-point match, Gibbs. These are new prints. There's no way Director Shepard's father is dead.

Director's Shepard office

Jenny looks out the window. Gibbs is in his office.

Jenny: I burried my father Jethro. I know he's not comming back. But someone is going to great lenghts trying to convince me he's alive.

She turns and faces Gibbs.

Gibbs: We've got a polygraph test Monday.

Jenny: Routine.

Gibbs: They're targeting someone.

Jenny: Me?

Gibbs: So I've been told.

Jenny: I've never failed a polygraph. I'm not abour to start.

Gibbs: And if they asked you about your father?

Jenny: He's dead.

Gibbs: Any doubt, any hesitation will raise a red flag.

Jenny: There is no doubt.

Gibbs: I saw his fingerprints.

Jenny: My father's dead.

Gibbs: Subject displayed emotional instability suggesting delusional belief her father isn't dead. Next question. We just put her on medical leave or we fire her?

Jenny defies Gibbs.

Gibbs: Opération Lodestone, you know it?

Jenny: Should I?

Gibbs: Black op, focused on weapons control and arms proliferation.

Jenny: Not one of ours.

Gibbs: CIA.

Jenny: My father's job at the Pentagon was in a field of arms control. He was under investigation for accepting a bribe when he was k*lled.

Gibbs: Coroner says he took his own life.

Jenny: He was m*rder*d.

Gibbs: Proof?

Jenny: None, but I know who's responsible.

Gibbs: The same guy you sent one of my agents after?

Jenny: One of my agents. A deep undercover operation that I ran on a need-to-know basis.

Gibbs sighed and headed toward the exit.

Jenny: And Jethro if you think I'm obsessed with la Grenouille because of what's happened to my father, you're wrong.

Gibbs: You may wanna skip this polygraph test Monday.

Gibbs leaves.


McGee looks again the images of the expl*si*n of the car. Ziva is at her desk.

Ziva: Must you keep doing that?

McGee: Just checking something Gibbs said. Tony wouldn't have carried it with him, you know. His shield and ID, not if he was undercover. And he would have stashed it in the car, maybe under the seat. Just because we found his ID doesn't mean it's Tony.

Ziva: His car, his ID, his w*apon, both of his cell phones, McGee?

McGee sits on the edge of the office of Gibbs and rewinds the video. Ziva gets up and comes near him.

Ziva: What was is that Gibbs said that you thought needed checking?

McGee: He thought Tony might be talling someone.

They will view the video.

Ziva (outstretched hand to the screen): Stop it there. Take it back.

McGee rewinds. A limousine is displayed.

Ziva: It's a limousine. It was on the previous camera. It's on every camera.

McGee: He was following that limousine.

He goes to his computer.

Ziva: Where is Gibbs?

Ducky's autopsy room

Ducky is currently disequations lung. Palmer is at his side, winning in a small jar that is Ducky.

Ducky: Another shrapnel, lower left lobe.

He puts it in the little jar. A bell rang.

Palmer: Blood test are back.

He take the paper.

Ducky: What type?

Palmer: A+

Ducky: And Tony's?

Palmer looks into the computer.

Palmer: A+

Ducky sighed.

Ducky: Yes, well, 34 percent of the nation's population share the same blood group, let's not go drawing any conclusions. Well, await the dental records before making a positive ID. in the meantime,....

It begins to dictate his report, Palmer is taking notes.

Ducky: ...the lungs: penetratives shrapnel damage, middle and lower left lobes. Otherwise, heathly tissue. Non-smoker, minimal scarring.

Palmer (writing): Minimal scarring.

Ducky: Minimal scarring.

Palmer: I got that doctor.

Ducky: Yes but Mr Palmer, how could he?

Palmer: How could he what, sir?

Ducky: Have minimal scarring in both lung.

He takes a knife and cut the lung.

Palmer: Healthy living?

Ducky: Yersinia pestis, y pestis.

Palmer: The pneumonic plague?

Ducky: Yes, the plague Mr Palmer. This man has never had the plague.

They smile. Ducky starts from.

Ducky: He's never had the plague.

Palmer: No, he has never had the plague.

Ducky: He never had this damn plague.

He took off his gloves and threw them in Palmer. Palmer laughed.


Ziva, McGee and the director are before the plama. Gibbs stands a little further.

Ziva: The limousine is leased to a shell company. The parent company is EuroFreight.

McGee: Head office is in Luxembourg.

Ziva: The principal behind the company is Rene Benoit.

McGee: Tony could been followed la Grenouille.

Ducky arrives and goes to Gibbs.

Ducky: I'm sorry to differ Timothy but he wasn't. (To Gibbs) Look, Tony contracted pneumonic plague, I'm sure everyone can remember.

Ziva: Before my time.

McGee: He almost died.

Ducky (to Ziva): From severe pneumonia. (To everyone) As a result, his lung would have been extensively scarred. Unlike the almost pristine lung of the man currently in autopsy. The body on which I am performing an autopsy is not Tony's.

All smiles.

Jenny: If it's not Tony, then who is it?

Gibbs: And where is DiNozzo?

Black-and-white snapshot of Jenny

Jenny is in front of the plasma, McGee and Ziva to their office. Gibbs looks over the shoulder of McGee.

Jenny: I wanna know everything about this company. Bank statements, telephone records, personnel.

McGee: Hard drive's spinning up now.

Jenny: Everything Tim. If la Grenouille is in D.C, this could lead us to him.

Gibbs: Or DiNozzo.

Jenny: Well, obviously DiNozzo is our first priority.

Gibbs: Ziva, start with the hospital. Find out when DiNozzo left and with whom.

Ziva: And who was driving his car. Got it.

Trent Kort arrives.

Kort: Director Shepard.

Jenny: Mr Kort. An unannounced visit by the CIA usually means someone's in trouble. I trust it isn't you.

Kort watching everyone.

Kort: Where is he?

Jenny: It depend on who "he" is.

Kort: DiNozzo.

McGee rises.

Jenny: I honestly don't know. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you until you explain to me why you're looking for me so urgently.

Kort: Le Grenouille flew to D.C this morning. He didn't arrive at his safe house...

Gibbs rises of his office.

Kort: ... and his satellite phone has stopped transmitting.

Gibbs: Mislaid your arms dealer? That's gonna be embarrassing.

Kort: I don't know what NCIS is up to, but I want a private briefing in your office now.

Jenny: I'll decide what briefing you get and where you get it, Mr Kort, and if we have a problem with that, why don't you have your director give me call.

Kort: You are jeopardising one of the most important long-terme covert operations the agency has ever conducted.

Gibbs: Operation Lodestone.

Kort: You're not read in on Lodestone.

Gibbs: Ok, so read us in.

Jenny: Unless the CIA just believes in one-way trafic.

Kort: This is not going to end well for you.

He heads toward the elevator followed by everyone.

Gibbs: Special agent DiNozzo's car was bombed this morning but I guess you know that.

Kort: He wasn't in it.

Jenny: Thanks for sharing.

Kort: The agency has nothing to do with it.

Gibbs: Is that when you mislaid your frog, in all that confusion?

The elevator doors opened on Tony who laught when he see Kort.

Tony: Hey, my car blew up this morning. Did you do that?

Kort took him by the collar and the plate against the wall.

Kort: Where did you go with la Grenouille?

Tony turns his head and it means the team all weapons out and pointed at Kort. He lets Tony.

Tony: Actually he prefers René. Arms dealers get very touchy about their code names...

The team lowers his arms.

Tony: ... "The Frog" has a kind of slimy overtone to it. Maybe you should keep that in mind for next time. You could use it yourself.

Kort: We will find him, DiNozzo.

Tony: You may wanna take the stairs. I had a little upset tummy this morning.

Kort enters the elevator.

Tony: Happy frog-hunting. (To the team). What, no balloons?
In director's office

Tony, Jenny and Gibbs watches the video of the expl*si*n of the car.

Tony: That was more exciting live.

They all sit around a table. Tony in front of Gibbs.

Jenny: You saw it? You were there?

Tony: Saw it, heard it, felt it.

Jenny: You can start whenever you're ready.

Tony: He was waiting when I left the hospital this morning with Jeanne. She'd arranged it. It was her little surprised, I guess. Meet the parents: Part 2. I hat sequels...

Gibbs smiles.

Tony: ... Figured my cover was blown as soon as saw him. Turned out he'd know for months.

Gibbs: Kort?

Tony: Probably. I tried talking my way out if it.


Tony gets into his car in the garage of the hospital.


Tony: Made it as far as my car.


René Benoit: Tony!

Tony: Crap!

René Benoit: These's no need to take your car. Henri will drive it. You come with Jeanne and me.

Tony: Oh, that's really nice of you. I gotta go, I really ... I need to go home and change...

René Benoit: I will have to insist, agent DiNozzo.

Tony gets out of the car.

Tony (to Henri): Be careful with the second. It tends a stick a little.

Henry: Your cell-phone?

Tony gives it to him.

René Benoit: Both of them.


Jenny: Did la Grenouille tell Jeanne who you were?

Tony: They didn't miss a beat. Pretended everything was fine. That didn't last long. I could see this guy driving my car a few car lenght behind us when...boum.


Back in the limo. Behind her, Tony's car explodes.

René Benoit (to Jeanne): Stay down. (To the driver) Allez!!!


Tony uses a drink of water.

Jenny: What was la Grenouille's first reaction?

Tony: That he was the target.

He drinks, sighs.

Tony: I'm not so sure.

Gibbs: You think it was you, Tony?

Tony: It was my car, boss. And we have certainely pissed off the agency a lot lately. Well, the director and I have pissed off the agency a lot lately. Although, mainly me.

Gibbs: For what it's worth, Kort denied the agency involvement.

Tony: That's because Kort doesn't play by agency rules. The guy's got a hair trigger.

Jenny: Where did la Grenouille take you?

Tony: Well, kind of blew away the breakfast plans. Blew away a lot of things.

Jenny: Jeanne.

Tony: It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

Jenny: You never really thought it could end any other way, did you?

Tony: You mean, other than badly?

Jenny: You're not supposed to fall in love with him.

Tony: Thank you so much for that, director. I am gonna keep that in mind for next time. Wait a second, there's not gonna be a next time.

Jenny: What did Jeanne say?

Tony: Nothing I'm gonna tell you.

Jenny: Agent DiNozzo!

Tony: Nothing you need to know, director.

Furious sight from Jenny but proud from Gibbs.

Jenny: Where is la Grenouille?

Tony: I don't know. He dropped me off at the main gate. Drove west. Probably heading to California. He was driving pretty fast. He could even be there now. Talk about his future.

Gibbs: Yeah? About what?

Tony: Doesn't think he has one.

Jenny: Probably doesn't.

Tony: He wants out.

Gibbs: Kort knows.

Tony: That would explain why he's so desperate to find him. The CIA is about to lose one of its most prized assets.

Jenny: What exactly does he mean by "out"?

Tony: Well, he's gonna call and arrange a meeting. And give himself up. Because he says NCIS is the only agency he trusts.


Ziva is on the phone.

Ziva: What time? Did she say how long she would be gone?

McGee arrives and gives him coffee. He sits on the edge of the desk.

Ziva: No, no, I understand. Thank you.

Tony McGee arrives and slaps on the back of the head, then will move to his office.

McGee: What was that for?

Tony: Believing I was dead.

McGee: Hey, I never believe that you were dead. Ziva was the one that gave up on you.

She gives him a punch on the arm.

Ziva (to Tony): Don't even think about the head slap. Is everything cool with the director and Gibbs?

Tony takes his phone.

Tony (to Ziva): Beyond cool. Almost icy.

Ziva: You seem anxious.

Tony: I'm fine. Anyone call for me?

McGee: No.

Ziva: If you're calling the hospital, she's not there. She called the ER to let them know she was going away for a few days.

Tony hangs up the phone violently.

Tony: Going where?

Ziva: She did not tell them.

Tony: Well...

Ziva: She knows?

Tony: She knows.

Ziva: What are you going to do?

Tony: I am gonna wait until the morning and then talk to her.

Abby comes screaming and runs into the arms of Tony.

Abby: Tony! I knew you were all right. I knew it. Everybody else give up for dead, even Ziva.

Ziva (a paper cup in the hands): Ok, so I may have acted a little hastily.

Tony: That's my letter opener.

Ziva: Excellent balance and weight. The edge is a little dull but I have always admired it.

Tony opens his drawer.

Tony: Where is my American Pie coffee mug?

Abby: Palmer.

Tony: Mighty Mouse stapler?

Abby: Ducky.

Behind Tony, Ducky tries to discreetly put the staples.

Abby: Hey Ducky.

Tony turns.

Ducky: My dear fellow I never believed it for a moment. Welcome home.

He gives the staples to Tony and left. Gibbs arrives.

Gibbs: It's not every day people think you are dead DiNozzo.

Abby (running to Gibbs): Gibbs, I know who blew up Tony's car. Well not Tony's car, but his alias's car. And not exactly who but more like how and why.

McGee: Do you have a motive?

Abby: Me? No. But they do.

Abby's lab

Abby explains his theory to the whole team.

Abby: Every b*mb-maker has a signature: the components, the way it's assembled. Sometimes right down the colored tape they use to bind it all together. In this case, the components are common to at least 9 others bombs that have gone off in the last 4 years.

She goes to his computer and showed pictures of explosions.

Abby: I made a match on Interpol. The bombs have gone off all over the world: Algeria, Indonesia, the Middle-East, Chechnya...

Ziva: Anything linking the victims?

Abby: They were all arms dealers.

McGee: The only problem is Tony's not an arms dealer.

Gibbs: Girlfriend's father is an arms dealer.

Tony: She's been working nights. I pick up her every morning for breakfast.

Ziva: You park the car, they strap on the b*mb set the timer and walk away.

Gibbs: You weren't the target, she was.

Tony: Maybe she still is.

Gibbs: Take Ziva.

Tony et Ziva leaves.

Gibbs (to Abby): Good.

Director Shepard's house

Jenny opens the door of his house, her cell phone rings.

Jenny: Hello?.

René Benoit: Good evening Madam Director.

Jenny: Good evening. I've been told you wanna meet me.

René Benoit: Long overdue. I'm sure.

She turns the lights on and closes the doors.

Jenny: Just tell me where and when.

René Benoit: Now. In you study.

La Grenouille is in front of her in her office.

René Benoit: Hello, Jenny.

Black-and-white snapshot of a boat.

Jeanne's apartment

Tony and Ziva arrives at the apartment of Jeanne. They enter.

Tony: Jeanne?

The cupboards are empty.

Jenny's house

Jenny and la Grenouille are in the office thereof. She stays away from him.

René Benoit: So here we are at last. Face to face.

Jenny: Not quite the way I expected to meet.

René Benoit: Nor I. I must compliment you for your pursuit.

They settled in a chair, Jenny is behind his desk.

René Benoit: I actually like your agent DiNizzo.

Jenny: So does your daughter.

René Benoit: Very much, yes.

Jenny: What do you want from us?

René Benoit: Well, a sanctuary, assylum. Call it what you will. In return of my extensive knewledge of the arms market, I want protection for my daughter.

Jenny: Protection from whom?

Gibbs enters.

Gibbs: Whoever tried to k*ll his daughter this morning.

René Benoit rises.

René Benoit: Agent Gibbs, I believe. Well, it's true. My ennemis come for my daughter. They wanna see me suffer. But she's safe. For the time being.

Gibbs: Which ennemis?

René Benoit: I have many.

Jenny: Why now?

Gibbs: This have something to do with Operation Lodestone?

René Benoit: He's well informed.

Jenny: Read us in.

René Benoit: On what? The arrogance to the CIA to do what? Make me the biggest arms dealer in the world?

Gibbs: You control the illegal arms trade, the CIA controls you.

René Benoit: That was the idea. Until you came along and someone found out. Another arms dealer perhaps. And I'm running out of time. I can no longer trust Kort.

Gibbs: Did you ever?

Jenny rise.

Jenny: This isn't the first time you were in this study.

René Benoit: No. I met your father here on occasion. Many years ago.

Jenny: Tell me about us.

René Benoit: He was a fine man. He had a couscience. One day, it got the better of him.

Jenny: You believe the story that my father took a bribe while overseeing an arms-reduction treaty?

René Benoit: Well, sadly, that's not a story. It's a fact.

Jenny: How do you know?

René Benoit: Because I paid him that bribe.

She pulls out a g*n from his drawer and points to la Grenouille.

Jenny: No. You k*lled him because he wouldn't take it.

René Benoit: Well, I can understand how hard that is to accept. My daughter is... she's facing the same struggle.

Jenny round the office and is placed in front of the trafficker.

Gibbs (to Jenny): It's not loaded. I guess he beat you to it.

René Benoit: I didn't want you to do anything rash before I had a chance to explain myself. I need your protection.

Jenny: You have the b*ll*ts. Take the damn g*n. Protect yourself.

She puts the g*n in his hands.

René Benoit: You're sign my death warrant.

Jenny: Twelve years overdue.

He put a card on the desk.

René Benoit: Here's my number in case you change your mind.

Jenny: You'd better leave before I do.

René Benoit: I hope my daughter is as loyal to her father as you are to yours.

He leaves the house. Jenny is drinking a scotch.

Gibbs: You just let your personal obsession get in away of your professional responsability.

Jenny: That's a lot of crap, and you know it, Jethro. There no deals for men like him. You wanna chase after him right now and arrest him without a warrant, you go right ahead. But we both know that Kort will have him out before breakfast.

Gibbs: Then get your damn warrant.

Jenny: You get a warrant. But you'd better do it fast before his friends get him first.

Gibbs: If the w*apon was loaded, and I wasn't here, would you have pulled the trigger?

Jenny: I guess we'll never know.

He put a charger on her desk and leave.

Jeanne's apartment

Ziva is a letter from Jeanne, she gives it to Tony.

Ziva: On the table.

Tony opens it and reads it, then he turned to Ziva a smile.

Tony: You ever lie to someone you love, Ziva?

Ziva: Yes

Tony: They ever forgive you?

Ziva: They never found out.

Tony: Mine found out.

Ziva: He told her.

Tony: No. I did.


Tony and Jeanne are sitting on a bench in a park. La Grenouille is later.

Jeanne: I don't understand what's happening? Tony, that was your car. Your car that just... It could have been you. It should have been you.

Tony: Tell me you love me. Tell me.

Jeanne: I do. It's just everything that's happened... Happened today. Last night, the way you handled things, the g*n. The g*n firing it the way you did, and now this? It's like you're someone else, Tony. Someone else. Someone I don't know. What is it?

In his corner, la Grenouille yells on a phone.

Jeanne: You are, aren't you? Someone else. Who? Who are you?

Tony: I'm a federal agent. My name isn't Tony DiNardo, it's Anthony DiNozzo and I work for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Jeanne: This is all been a lie. A lie?

Tony: Jeanne, listen to me. Not all of it, not everything. Just some things. Not the importants things.

Jeanne: Why? Just tell me why you did this. What it is I'm supposed to have done. Tell me.

Tony: It's not you.

He looks at la Grenouille.

Jeanne: What?

Tony: You should ask him.

She leaves, Tony is alone.


Tony: Well he said she'd come back after she calmed down. I guess he was wrong.

Ziva: I will put out a BOLO. We will find her.

Tony: She doesn't wanna be found.

Ziva leaves and Tony lot sits against the couch.


McGee is on his computer, Ziva plays on her cell phone.

McGee: No luck?

Ziva: Not at home. And he's not replaced his cell phone yet.

McGee: Maybe he took the day off.

Ziva: Gibbs would have told us.

Gibbs arrives a coffee in his hand.

Gibbs: Gibbs would have told you officer David?

Ziva: If Tony was taking some time off.

Gibbs: Yeah, you're right. There always more work to be done when you're a man down on the shift. McGee?

McGee: I think I've got something here, boss. I found another one of la Grenouille's shell companies. Similar of the one that leased the stretch limo, only this one leases a yacht down at the Gangplank marina called the Mauritania.

Gibbs: How big?

McGee: Eighty feet, three state rooms. Ziva checked with the marina management. Someone's been staying there since Saturday. Older guy with an accent. They think he's French.

Gibbs: And a younger woman?

Ziva: No, he said he was alone.

Gibbs: Warrant?

Ziva: Just arrived from Legal. It is all in order. They could not guarantee it would not stop a concerted legal challenge from the Agency.

Gibbs: Yeah, let them try. Let's go.

The team takes its business.


The team arrived at the marina to the boat. They are armed and boarded. They searched the boat but it is empty.

Ziva: He's gone.

McGee: Maybe he was never here.

Gibbs find la Grenouille's jacket.

Gibbs: He was here.

They descend from the boat.

McGee: We'll catch up with him eventually.

Ziva: Someone will.

Gibbs: One day.

On the boat, we see a silhouette. In the water floats the body of the frog, shot in the head.

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