05x02 - Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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05x02 - Family

Post by bunniefuu »

It got ugly.

Didn't think I was going to get out of there.

No, he still hasn't checked in.

I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Tell me you have it.

How much time have you had?

Dude, it's a keg!

You go to the liquor store, pick it up.

Here's the thing about surprise parties, okay?

They're supposed tobe a surp...

Dude, what was that?

Chris, man, talk to me.

What's up, dude, are you there?

Are you okay?

I got into an accident.

- Accident?

I'll call you back.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

NCIS Season 5 Episode 2 Family

It was a simple question, McGee.

Yeah, one I would expect from Tony, not you.

I'm just being curious.

About when I lost my virginity?

No, you misunderstood.

I'm not asking when you lost your virginity but if... you lost it.

What's wrong with this picture?

You mean, aside from Tony being here before us?

And actually working?

I can hear you, you know?

I am here if you would like to talk.

About what?

I know how much you cared about her.

I'm fine, Ziva.

All right, but I thought maybe you need a little cheering up?

If needed to be cheered up, I would've put superglue on McGee's keyboard.

You put superglue on my keyboard.

You got me.

Come on.

I was sort of saving it for a rainy day.

Did it help?

Didn't hurt.

You know...

Boss, Tony...

I know.

Are you ever going to learn, McGee?

Grab your gear, we got a petty officer in a hit-and-run.


Little help, please.

Hit-and-run. it's a felony now, but in DiNozzo's Guide to Women, a way of life.

In this case, death.

How did he end up over here?

Good question, DiNozzo.

At least he went out looking sharp.

But when he dressed this morning, I doubt he was aware that the end was nigh.

When people choose not to wear their seat belts, they rarely consider their own mortality.

If they did, they would definitely wear their seat belts.

You know, I would've thought with that kind of damage he would be all the way down there.

Did you move my body, Jethro?

Someone did.

Well, the state police said they didn't touch the body after they ID'd him.

Report indicated he blew that stop sign over there.

Swerved to avoid another car.

Then he went through the windshield when he hit the bridge?


This just keeps getting better.

I'm going with stripper.

This is not an uncommon way for young servicemen to... complement their incomes.

In fact, when I was young, I used to...

Used to what?

Oh, my...

Shotgun, close range.

Our hit-and-run just became sh**t-and-scoot.

But there's no visible damage to the head.

I do not believe that this gentleman... made that hole.

And if he didn't make it, who did?

The more I think about it, the more I can't believe we fell for it.

Tony with a girlfriend?

I believe he had real feelings for her, McGee.

I don't doubt that... see what she looks like?

Sounds like you wish you had the assignment.

Yeah, I don't know why the director didn't give it to me to begin with.

Still talking about the little probie losing his virginity?

Down here!


This is more like it.

She has a smashed cranium, lacerations and possible multiple fractures.

I think we've found our human cannonball.

I think the state police definitely had it wrong, boss.

Petty Officer Munoz didn't blow off that stop sign.

Nah, he was in the other car.

He got run off the road by the guy who did.

Then got shot for his trouble.

No footprints.

Her companion took off in Munoz's vehicle and left her here to die.

Who does that?

Clearly, someone in a terrible rush.

Rush to where?

Well, we know where Petty Officer Munoz was in a rush to.

We spoke to his roommate. Munoz was throwing a surprise party for one of his friends who just arrived from Iraq.

But he was late coming back from... the Chelsea Girls School Class of '57 50 year reunion.

And I got the pictures to prove it.

My God.

It's like Cocoon meets Dirty Dancing.

I wonder if Ducky has dreams like this.

Gibbs probably isn't too far behind.

He's standing right behind me, sorry about that, boss?

Going to be your dreams one day, too, DiNozzo.

Well, maybe Petty Officer Munoz danced with the wrong woman.

And was run off the road by a jealous husband.

What, in his motorized wheelchair?

Come on, guys, this is pretty simple.

We're looking for a bad guy who got into an accident, and then he carjacked Munoz cause he wanted to get the hell out of Dodge.

Put out a BOLO on Munoz's truck.

We got a few more leads to follow, but... my gut tells me that Munoz had a terminal case of wrong place, wrong time.

Unless your gut... told you something else, boss.

The girl.

Yeah, we got a hit on the prints.

Heidi Campisano, 25. Though this picture's three years old.

Pyramid schemes, Internet fraud, bogus rare coins.

She is a con artist.


Dropped off the radar three years ago.

I'm guessing since she's laying in our morgue it wasn't to go legit.

The car hers?

No. Car is registered to Nicholas Barnes.




Get your ass out here!

Run in the bathroom like a little girl when he saw you guys pull up.

This is about Tiffany, right?


Yeah, his girl.


The name's not Tiffany.

Oh, really.

You don't say.

I told him that girl was no good.

He didn't listen to me.

Well, there's some Navy cops here want to ask you a few questions.

Now, you remember what I told you about telling lies.

Something wrong?


Just had to pee all of a sudden?

Figured you want to ask me about Tiff, didn't really want to talk about her.

Is that a crime?


But m*rder is.

Oh, m*rder! Perfect!

You know this guy?


He was shot and k*lled today.

Your car was found at the scene wrapped around a bridge.

Not my car.

I gave it to Tiff.

She said hers was stolen.

Oh, tell 'em what else you gave her.

A thousand bucks.

Tell 'em why.

Oh, for an operation.

What kind? He didn't even ask.

You also didn't ask how she was.

Car wrapped around a tree and all.

I hope she's dead.

She is.

If you'd like us to arrest you now, Nicky, that can be arranged.

Hey, now, wait a second.

Just hold on right there.

My boy ain't guilty of anything except for being an idiot.

Now, that girl Tiffany, or whoever she was, she was playing him and a couple of other guys.

He spoke up to her about it, and she run off, that was about a week ago.

She said she loved me.

You don't lie to somebody you love.

Do you know how wonderful it is to be with someone who doesn't even lie about the little things?

How can I ever trust you again? Why? Why? Why?


Sorry, boss.

I ain't seen her since she left.

Anybody seen you this morning?

Oh, he was here with me, all day.

I got about a half a dozen customers who can vouch for that.



Like I said, my boy's an idiot, but he ain't a k*ller.

Now, a girl like that, playing with people's hearts, you track down some of them jilted lovers.

I guarantee you'll find out who done her in.

I can't wait to make those calls.

The demise of someone as young as you is always a tragedy, but someone in your chosen... profession, it's to be expected.

Yeah, for example, did you know that the... infamous confidence man, Victor Lustig, sold the Eiffel Tower, almost twice, but then he convinced Al Capone to buy $50, 000 of bogus shares.

What do we have here?

You're late.

We have an appointment, Duck?

No, we have a crisis.

I apologize for not seeing it sooner.

You know how I feel about apologies.

Yes, well, you may want to make an exception in this case.

I now know why the driver of the Chevy didn't bother to check on his companion.

She was dead... before she was put in the car.

All her vehicular injuries are postmortem.


Extensive blunt force trauma.

She had a subdermal hematoma that would almost certainly have proved fatal.

Poor girl was beaten to death.

Thanks, Duck.

Well, I knew all that an hour ago.

What I just learned was that she had been pregnant.

She gave birth?


Right before she was m*rder*d.

Hey, Abs, hope you don't mind, but I need to use one of your computers.

Hard to concentrate while Tony's calling Heidi's former victims.

He's become very sensitive to the word "liar" these days.

Thought you quit.

McGee, there is a baby missing that might need medical attention.

I need to be at the top of my game.

Going to spend most of your game in the bathroom.

I already thought of that.

I'm upping my salt intake to increase my body's water retentions.

Of course you are.

So what do you have for Gibbs?


Why, is he on his way down here?

No, he's here.

And he's talking about himself in the third person.

I like it.

Ducky said you had something.

Don't you want to see what McGee has first?

I came down to see you.

Abby was able to recover amniotic fluid from the dead woman's clothing.

You got the baby's DNA?

Abby's running it now.

You can't use it to find the father, but when you have a suspect, Abby can test it and see if he is the father.

Nicholas Barnes.

Abby already ruled him out.

Not the same blood type.

Good work, Abby.

McGee is going through Heidi's records now.

Problem is, because she had so many fake identities, there's about ten times the amount of normal data.

Plus, most of the activity is over three years old.

But luckily, a snooper program I was running did find one, two, three, four sizable deposits made to her account recently from a man named... Adrian Nelson.

Maybe that's another boyfriend she conned.

We'll let you know when we get back.

Abby has to pee.

Heidi Campisano.

No, I'm sorry, I don't recognize the name.

Well, she's got a lot of them, Mr. Nelson.


I travel a lot.

Travel where?

Trade shows. My husband's a computer programmer.

Well, I work in domotics.

It's home automation.

The application of...

Automated techniques for the comfort and security of the home resident.

I can control the entire house.

Lights... media... fireplace... even turn on the lawn sprinklers if someone isn't supposed to be here.

Who is she?

Who was she.

She's dead, m*rder*d.

And her newborn is missing.

Why are you telling us this?

We've traced several recent deposits made to her account from your husband.

From me?

Well, there's... there's got to be some mistake.

You said that she uses a lot of names, right?

Maybe she's stolen my identity.

Like I said, I travel a lot. It wouldn't be hard to do.

I can settle this.

Feel free to look around.

But if my husband says he doesn't know her, he doesn't know her.


That's right, honey.

Well, that isn't supposed to happen.

I'm going to have to reset the breaker.

Excuse me.

Here, I'll give you some help.

Reset switch is just in here.

How long you been seeing Heidi?

I told you, I don't know anything...

No, you told your wife.

And I let you.

But now I get the truth.

Just a few months.

Till I found out she was stealing money from me.

She was forging my signature on my checks.

We barely saw each other and we never slept together.

Baby's not yours.

No, it's not.

I need your DNA to verify that.

Forget it. I'm not going on record that I was ever involved with that woman.

You need DNA, you're going to have to talk to my lawyer.

Maybe I'll just talk to your wife.

Is your evidence that flimsy that you have to resort to threats?

I had nothing to do with Heidi's m*rder, okay?

But if you got something that says I did, you should go get a warrant.

Far enough?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I guess it'll have to be.


Everything's fine, honey. They're going to show themselves out.

Everything's not fine.

Got it?

Fingernails clippings, toothbrush swabs and Q-tips.

He lied to us.

This is a check to Heidi Campisano from Adrian Nelson's account.

This is a known sample of his handwriting.

The signature's real.

Four checks.

$10, 000 total.

Heidi didn't steal anything.

Adrian sent her the money himself.

Did more than that, McGee.

Tried to hide it from us.


Abby's still working on it.

Come on, that's not what I'm saying.

Boss, since we got a pretty strong lead here, can Tony stop calling Heidi's other marks looking for suspects?

Listen, I am simply saying just because she was lying to you, doesn't mean that she didn't really love you.



Let him call a few more.

We have two theories to explain the dishonesty.

Theory number one:

Heidi Campisano seduced Adrian Nelson.

Then blackmailed him threatening to tell his wife.

She had done it before plus, it would explain the payments.

And the fact she is now dead.

Theory two: Adrian found out that Heidi was pregnant with his baby.

Also explain the payments.

And the fact she is now dead.

With those options, I would've lied, too.

But no doubt, more effectively.

But thinking more optimistically, I took the liberty of going out and getting this for when you find our missing newborn.

Any word?

Yeah, I checked all the hospitals in the area and beyond.

No babies on any doorsteps.

But you weren't expecting any, were you?

k*ller's got the baby, Ducky.

Only way we're going to find that kid is to find the k*ller.

Okay, I'm on my way.

You got something, DiNozzo?

Yeah, dentist appointment.


This is for real, guys.

I... remember I chipped my tooth and I got the...

I'd sent you an e-mail for a leave request, like, two days ago... about this.

You don't check your e-mail.

Never mind.

Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, Boy Who Cried Wolf And Who Must Now Suffer Periodontal Disease For It. How may I help you?

I've got something.

Get down here.

Okay. It's Abby. She's got something.

Hi, Gibbs.

Abby, I think you might need to lay off the caffeine again.

Maybe I need a little more, McGee, you ever think of that?

Baby missing.

You said you had something.

I do. That's what I'm so excited about.

Actually, everything's really exciting to me today.

I was able to get the Nelsons'DNA off the toothbrushes that McGee swabbed.

I compared the husband's DNA to the fetal DNA from the missing child.

Adrian Nelson?

Definitely the father.

There's no shocker there.

Well, I'm not done.

Heidi Campisano?

Definitely not the mother.

She gave birth to a child who is not hers?

It's called gestational surrogacy, where the sperm and the egg come from third parties and then the surrogate acts as a host.

Abs, did you check...?

Sara Nelson's DNA?

Sara Nelson is definitely the mother.

That's what the payments were for.

The Nelsons hired Heidi Campisano as their surrogate.

Perhaps she changed her mind about giving up the baby.

That's not the question.

Did the Nelsons k*ll her for it?




Looks like they left in a hurry.

Place is a mess.

Not all of it.

I do not understand what the Nelsons' plan was.

To have a baby.

That part I understand.

That is why they hired Heidi Campisano as a surrogate.

But if she refused to turn over the baby, I'm sure the Nelsons would've had other options besides k*lling her.

I mean, after all, they were the biological parents.

I'm not a lawyer.

But you were a parent.

You want to have children, Ziva?


It's a simple question.

I do not have a simple answer.

Once you have kids, you'll understand.

If the Nelsons were really willing to do anything for their child, they would be getting it medical attention.

Yeah, well, maybe they are. Safe was cleaned out.

Plus, I found the box to an infant car seat in the garage.

There going somewhere with the kid.

You go for a swim, DiNozzo?

Oh, yeah.

Sprinklers went off when I was digging through the trash outside.

Nice timing.

Actually, it's part of their security system.

Forgot to warn you about that. Boss, found something on their computer.

Thanks for the heads up, probie. I owe you one.

I love you.

Now you need to figure out if you feel the same way.

I don't want to hurt you. I can't live a lie.

Tony, I...

Adrian Nelson is covering his tracks.

He erased his entire hard drive.

So we can't see what he's been doing.

I thought you said you found something.

Yeah, the root directory's still intact.

There's no personal data, but I did find an API he had written to interface his home automation system to his car's onboard navigation computer.

Pretend you're talking to someone who actually has sex with other humans.

All I have to do is hack the API and I can use it to get the GPS coordinates on his car.

Yeah, do it, do it.

This is great. It means I can stop calling Heidi's marks.

I mean, of course, I will look for those other guys, but...

Sorry. Sorry.

They haven't moved in the last 20 minutes.

Might have dumped the car.

Gibbs and the state police will know soon enough.

What are you still typing?

I'm refreshing the tracker.

Forget it I don't want to know. It's good to have a geek on the team but I prefer good old-fashioned police work.

Well, it's not an old-fashioned world, Tony.

Tell that to Gibbs.

What was it like?

Sex? Losing your virginity?

It's good.

Pretending to be someone else.

I don't know, Elf Lord.

You were really in love with her, weren't you?

Don't you have some more typing to do or something?

Yeah, he does.

Car wasn't there.

What? What...

I double-checked the...

All right, I think I know what happened here.

20 bucks says McGee's about to say something nobody understands again.

The GPS coordinates came bundled in a proprietary packet.

Since it was a beta...

I'm starting to think you can't help yourself, McGee.

The code must have alerted Adrian Nelson that I was tracking him.

He reprogrammed his car to send us back false coordinates.

Can you deprogram it, McGee?

I can try.

Well, while he tries, I'm going to resort to some good old-fashioned police work.


What's that?

Who are you calling?


Hey. DiNozzo.

Hey, man.

Yeah, man, what's going on?

Listen, I got an update on a BOLO. Missing kid.

Give it to me.

Dead Head sticker.

Excellent. Where?

Left rear window.

Nice. Remember Saturday night

I know, man... That was good times.

I got another call, I really got to go.

Hang tough, Donny.

Old-fashion police work deserves an old-fashion reward.

Interrogation got a little out of hand. I had to...

I can't explain that.



You know, I saw this on... Cinemax once.

So, what happens now?

They play some funky music, and then you say

"I have been watching you from afar."

Well, I've been watching you from afar, which is why I know how much you cared for Jeanne.

Your timing is impeccable.

And how much it hurt when she left.

So, what happens now?

I said I'm fine.

You are not fine.

You are still deeply troubled.

Even if I was, this bothers you because...?

Because you are my partner.

And because you made a grave error in judgment falling in love with that girl.

If this is a pep talk, I give you a D-minus.

And right now, it is very clear you are still hanging on to her.

I see the confusion.

These are called feelings, Ziva.

Feelings you need to let go.

That easy?

Even if by some miracle Jeanne did forgive you, would you be willing to be Tony DiNardo full-time?

To leave your entire life behind for her?

You did not think this through.

Didn't you tell me the heart wants what it wants.


Actually, I didn't.

Well, it does.

Well, it shouldn't.


This coming from the woman who fell in love with the dead man walking.

You crossed the line, Tony.

I crossed the line?

Don't ask.

Wasn't going to.

BOLO just came in, they found the car.

Jelly Donut, one.

Inspector Gadget, zero.

Not the BOLO on the Nelsons' car.

The BOLO on the dead petty officer's.

Nothing here. The truck's been wiped clean.

And someone's stolen our petty officer's blood stain.

It was also cleaned.

Or we're wrong about where Munoz was shot.


No witnesses.

Local LEOs found the truck abandoned near a forest preserve.

It couldn't have been there long.

How would you know that?

Wait. I forgot... you know everything about everybody.

Sap. Ziva there'd be more sap on the roof.

Except for the fact it rained last night.

Do I need to send you two back to the men's room?

She followed me in there!

Only because you wouldn't talk to me.

Shutting up, boss.


So much for being wrong about where Petty Officer Munoz was shot.

We got footprints.

Yeah, question is, whose?

Petty Officer Munoz was a size 13.

Those look like a size 13 to you?

Send them up to Abby.

The prints were made by a residue of polysaccharide dust derived from beta-glucose.

What makes it interesting is the backbone of D-xylopyranose, linked with eight xylose units. Panda poop.



Which is why it fluoresces, like all other poop does.

What makes it really, really, interesting... is the sodium hypochlorite.

Aka Chlorine bleach.

I lost you at poop?

Paper, Gibbs.

A while ago, a group of Chinese researchers decided to try to recycle panda poop into high-quality paper.

They contracted several U.S. paper mills to develop the research.

k*ller must have gone to one after he shot Munoz.

The dust from the mill would've been impossible to avoid.

There's one within a hundred miles.

Closed down six months ago.

I love my job!

You're telling me I'm the only who has a problem with the panda poop paper?

Actually, animal dung's used for a variety of things: paper, fuel, mud bricks.

It's very useful.

Not for them, it wasn't.

This place is abandoned.

Not quiet, Ziva.

Honey, let me get it.


In position, boss.

Federal agents!

NCIS! Hands in the air!

Agent Gibbs, please, you have to leave!

My God, you'll ruin everything!

You've got to stop him.

My baby!

They've got my baby!

It's okay. Honey.

At least probie has an idea for his next book.

Baby kidnapped, cops screw up ransom drop.

Let me know asap if the situation changes.

The Nelsons hid the kidnapping from us, Agent DiNozzo, the mistake was theirs.

Well, you should point that out to Gibbs, Officer David.

I'll be in the next zip code.

Agents are still out canvassing.

No one saw the Honda, much less who was driving.

Keep looking. DiNozzo.

Taps on the Nelsons' phones, I'm on it, boss, right now.

And I still have a... a few more of Heidi's marks that I have to track down.

That's next. That's right after...

I'm on it.

Coordinate with state police, see if we can widen the search.

Hi, this is Special Agent...

You think the kidnappers will call to arrange another ransom?

What's the option, McGee?

I'll see about getting more agents on the canvass.

We already have the entire department.

All I know is, we got a call saying that Heidi was dead, and that if we ever want to see our baby, we needed to come up with $50, 000.

Which we did, until you ruined it.

How much longer do we have to sit here?

That depends.

On what?

Whether or not I get the truth this time.

Don't you have something you could be doing?

Like... finding my child?

My wife had a partial hysterectomy four years ago.

We tried to adopt and...

Went all the way to Southeast Asia and back.

And then we met Heidi.

My exact opposite.

She had a womb but no eggs.

She was a life-saver, it was almost...

Too good to be true?

Then it usually is.

We already knew her background, Agent Gibbs.

You still think she was trying to con us?

You paid her.

Paid surrogacy's illegal in Virginia.

That why you didn't go to the police?

Look, I got all day. Your kid is missing.

We didn't go to the police because we knew they'd screw things up.

And you've still got it wrong.

Heidi was our friend.

We were happy to pay.

And she needed the money.

Then she decided she wanted more.

This may have been her, but not anymore.

She was trying to start over.

Someone wouldn't let her. Who?!

I have no idea! I don't know who has my child!

But as far as I'm concerned, if anything happens to my child, you're the one who better run for cover.

No satellite coverage of the paper mill.

Nothing on the traffic cams.

All right, send it over.

Careful over there. Wouldn't want to break a finger.

Gibbs does not accept apologies, but I do.

I'm sorry, Ziva. I know you were trying to help.

Did I?

I'll get back to you after I shame McGee.

Did you find something?

I've been compiling a list of Heidi's former marks.

We've noticed.

Any one of them could have a score to settle.

The problem is they all have solid alibis for the day that Heidi was k*lled, except this guy.

Scott Berks.

Filed a complaint over a pyramid scheme Heidi was running.

Where does he say he was?

Well, he doesn't.

I haven't found him yet.

Does not exactly look like a score settler to me.

No. How about now?

A buddy at Baltimore PD just sent this over.

Turns out this guy also filed a complaint against Heidi.

It is the same person.

It's called a shill.

They're part of the con, but they pose as a customer to try to convince the other marks to jump in.

If the con goes bad, they'll often file a complaint so it builds credibility with the other marks.

Then they can move in for a secondary con.

I used to date this guy once...

He was Heidi's partner.

Yeah, might still be.

High five for the traditional police work.

Tony, he's dead.

k*lled a year ago by one of his marks.

You might want to brush up on the traditional police work.

Do you know where my k*ller is?!

I don't know where the k*ller is, but I know what he was planning on doing with Heidi's body.

Since the Chevy didn't leave any skid marks at the site of the accident the first thing I did was check the brakes.

The line were intact and the fluids were topped off.

The pads were bad. They needed to be replaced.

I know, but here's the thing.

This is so good, I can hardly take it.

The brakes were replaced about two weeks ago.

I found metallic shavings in the brake drum and the caliper.

It only could have come from new pads and shoes.

Brakes were replaced and then the old ones were put back on?

Yes, the accident was not an accident.

Well, actually, it was, it just happened too soon.

It was the perfect cover-up.

The k*ller probably planned on putting Heidi's body behind the wheel of the car and sending it over a cliff.

It'd have covered up the m*rder.

It'd have been blamed on worn brakes.

The only problem is the k*ller cut it too close.

The brakes went out and ka-bam.

So who would rely on the mechanical failure of a break pad compressed against a disc rotor to hide a body?

What did my loser son do now?

He k*lled Heidi Campisano.

Then tried to ransom her baby back to the biological parents.

My boy ain't that clever.

Guess that's why he needed your help.

Look, I told you he was here with me all day.

Yeah, and your customers confirmed that.

But nobody we spoke to saw you.

A witness did see you in this Honda near the Stern Paper Mill this afternoon.

Seems you two are more than just father-and-son mechanics.

Nice shotgun.

sh**t any naval petty officers lately?

Where's the baby?

I don't know what you're talking about. I was at a paper mill.

What's that, some kind of a crime?


The baby's with Nicky.

And Nicky?

I told him to wait here for me to call, but my moron son never does what he's told!

BOLO on it, boss.

That girl of his was never going to give up that baby.

I was doing those parents a favor!

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Heidi Campisano.

Come on! That was an accident!

Petty Officer Munoz, that an accident, too?

Because his m*rder is also in our warrant.

Look, when my brakes gave out...

You mean when you rigged them to go out.

You replaced Heidi's brakes with a set that were about to fail, and make it look like she died in a crash.

That little son of a bitch!

I'm going to k*ll him!

After all I've done for that little bastard!

He didn't know the brakes were rigged?

No, he didn't. Cancel that BOLO, DiNozzo.

London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair baby.

You got my pa?

He k*lled Heidi, made me lie to you about her.

I know.

She didn't cheat on me.

She wasn't bad no more.

We were even going to start a family together.

Except Heidi couldn't have no kids of her own.

She was smart, though.

Figured out a way to get one.

Guess that part was bad.

Wish I could tell you it wasn't.

I would have raised my own boy right.

When the baby was born, we were planning to run away, but my pa wanted the rest of the money we were going to get.

Heidi and him fought, then she had the baby...

My pa took it, she was screaming.

And you didn't do a thing.

I did.

It was just too late to matter.

The brakes.

Am I in trouble?

Prosecution's going to call it "attempted m*rder".

Your lawyer's going to call it "self-defense".

What do you call it?


Is everything okay?

It's the sprinkler again.

Parents are waiting outside.

You think I'm crazy?

Here's your baby.

Oh, my God!

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's a boy.

Here you go, Tony.

Look at him.

Tony, I'm not coming back. You need to choose, Jeanne.
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