07x02 - Living the Moment

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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07x02 - Living the Moment

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Heartland:

Lou: Where do you think you're gonna put them?

Tim: Right there, as soon as I get rid of those old wrecks.

Lou: Grandpa's trucks?!

No, dad, no way!

So this dance at school, you going?

Oh, wait, it's a father/daughter dance.

I guess that could be problem seeing as you don't have a father.

I do so have a father. His name is Peter.

Lou: Grandpa, you are back!

You know, you were gone a long time!

(Sheep bleat)

Jack: Lou!

Where are my trucks?!

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: What do you mean you can't get in touch with Stumpy?

You're supposed to track down the junkyard he took my trucks to!

Tim: Now, Jack, take it easy.

Don't get all wound up.

Stumpy's at his fishing camp. He's off the grid.

There's nothing I can do about that, but I'm trying.

Well, you better try harder.

(Cell beeps off)

Do you believe that guy? Paying Stumpy to tow away my trucks. My trucks!

Who does he think he is to make that call?

We're gonna find 'em, Jack, okay?

We're gonna find 'em.

I'm away for a month. A month, that's all.

And everything goes to hell in a hand-basket!

(Truck rumbles)

Lou: Okay, Katie, let's see what we have in the mail right here.

We have... (Gasps)

something mommy's been waiting for.

(Paper rips)

(Sighs emotionally)


It's Georgie's adoption notice.

It's official.

That's great. That's fantastic!

Lou: I can't wait to tel her!

(Crying happily)

(Phoenix's hooves thud in the dirt)

(Phoenix snorts)

Amy: (Clapping)

You cleared those jumps by a mile.

That was an awesome run.

Do you think I'm ready for the show?

Yes, I do.

Good boy, Phoenix!

Hey, Georgie!

I really hope you can come.

See ya.

Georgie: Jennifer chen is having a sleep-over birthday party, and I'm invited!

That's great!

No, that's not great, that's awesome!


sh**t, I forgot my jacket. I'll be right back.


Olivia: So Jennifer invited you to her party!

Georgie: Yes.

Olivia: Well, she invited me too, but I turned it down.

Do want to know why?

Not really.

Only the losers are going, which I guess explains why you got invited.

And watching you at the dance...


Way to make a fool of yourself.

I thought I would die laughing.

I'd actually like to see that.

All the girls were talking about you.

You really shouldn't have been there at all.



It was a "father/daughter" dance, and like I told you, everybody knows he's not your real dad.

That's just one big fat lie.

Speaking of fat, that dress you were wearing?

Now I know why you stick to your baggy jeans.

(Hard punch)



(Telephone rings)

Oh, telephone.

- (Phone beeps on)


Uh, yes, speaking.

Hi, Mrs. Wheaton.

Hold on, I don't understand what you're saying.

No. No, Georgie does not have an anger management problem.

Listen, there are always two sides to these things...

I'm sorry, she did what?

Excuse me? Hello?

(Gasps, phone beeps off)


Jack: I'm lookin' for three Chevy trucks that could've been brought in yesterday.

One's a 1949 kinda faded out rusty gray.

Then there's a '65.

It's blue, like powder blue.

And two-toned gold '72, and that one's in pretty good shape.

I got one matching the description of the powder blue Chevy.

What'd I tell you, Jack.

Mind you, you might be too late.

(Metal crunches, glass shatters)

(Crusher whirs)

Peter: She punched her in the nose?

(Chuckling) I... are you kidding me?

Lou: I know, it's terrible, but you have to understand, Peter.

Olivia Wheaton is a horrible little girl, like the worst.

I can only imagine why Georgie did it.

No, I mean I get it, but that's no excuse to punch a kid, right?

(Spoon clatters on floor)

You punched Caleb.

Peter: You can't begin to compare the two.

I'm just saying.

Peter: Okay, well, we are gonna have to punish her though, right?

You do realize that.

- Lou: We have to hear her...

(Spoon clatters)

But we have to hear her side of things.


Yes, we will hear her side of things, but that does not change the fact that she did it and there are consequences.

(Spoon clatters)


See? All gone.

It's not a game.

Now Georgie, like Katie, is gonna have learn what's acceptable and not acceptable just like Katie...

(Katie starts crying)

I'm sorry, honey.

Katie: (Crying)

Lou: It's okay. (Small kiss)

(Truck rumbles)

(Engine turns off)

Jack: Yeah, we found one of 'em.

Tim: Hey, that's great.

Right out of the crusher, flat as a pancake!


Okay, not so great.

Well, I got a line on one of Stumpy's friends.

He might have told him where he took them.

Well, get on it.

(Phone beeps off)

Ty: We must have taken a wrong turn.

There's supposed to be another dealer right around here.

Well, there isn't.

Ty: We could have passed it. We should turn around.

Jack: Ah, let's just forget about it.

Ty: Hey, come on, Jack, we're close.

We're gonna find 'em. I can feel it.

Find what? Another sardine tin?

God this coffee is awful.

Ty: Hold on a second, all right?

(Car door opens)

Jack: Where you goin'?

(Car door shuts)

Ty: Looks kind of abandoned.

Jack it looks like hell.

It could be fixed up.

Should be torn down. Come on, let's go.

Why the interest?

I don't know, I'm thinkin'...

Amy and me, you know, down the road.

Way down the road, I hope.

You got your head in the clouds, Ty.

You're dreamin' if you think you can afford even a dump like this while you're goin' to school.

That's kinda harsh.

(Door opens)

Lou: (Sighs)

I got a call from Olivia's Wheaton's mother.

Amy: I've got a client coming so I'm gonna run.

Look, I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

Honey, what were you thinking?

I couldn't help myself. It just happened!

Well, it can't just happen, okay?

You're gonna have to learn to stop and think before you act, and you're gonna have a lot of time to do that because you're grounded until further notice.

What?! I can't be grounded!

I have the Spring Classic show to go to!

No. Well, now you don't.

And I have Jennifer Chen's birthday party!

I got invited and this is the first time I've ever been invited to anything!

Peter: I'm sorry, honey, grounded means grounded.

Honey, come on...

(Door bangs shut)

The Spring Classic?

She's been training for months!

I know, I know.

Just let her think about it for a little bit, okay?


(Truck rumbles)

Amy: Hi.

Tricia: Hey.

Dr. Verani, Amy.

Please, call me Tricia.

Okay, well, I understand you're here to see some horses.

I am.

All right, follow me.

We've got a few to choose from.

You know, I'm so excited. This is like... fulfilling a childhood dream.


I bought the acreage and a pickup truck and now I want the horse.

(Telephone rings)

(Phone beeps on) Hello?

Uh, no, I'm sorry, he's not available.

May I take a message?



Yes, I will pass on the message.

Thank you. Thank you.

(Phone beeps off)

Tricia: You know, I always pictured having a two-tone horse, but he's quite something, isn't he?

I think you two are really gonna get along.

Amy, can I ask you something?


Amy: Sorry, this is my sister, Lou. Lou, Dr. Verani.

Tricia: Hi. Tricia.

Hi. Sorry to interrupt.

Um, do you know where grandpa is?

Yeah, he left with Ty to go look for his trucks.

He's supposed to be at a doctor's appointment in Calgary, and he knew about it.

I reminded him yesterday.

- Our grandpa, he...

(Truck rumbles)

He had heart attack a few months ago and he's been missing his follow-ups.

Sometimes seniors can be a bit forgetful.

Yeah, right.

(Truck rumbles)

Can we talk?

About what?

About your doctor's appointment?


I've had enough of doctors, Lou. They're all quacks.

What can I say? Some doctors are.

(Truck rumbles)

He's not so senior, is he?


Lou: Why didn't you go?

And apparently you missed your last appointment too.

You know, the one where you said everything checked out fine.

I've had it up to here with the medical profession.

And you know how much gas it takes to drive all the way to Calgary?

Okay, well, if you don't want to drive all the way to Calgary, at least go see Doctor Gill in Hudson.

I called Dr. Gill and guess what?

He's retired, and I'm not about to go see some 20-something kid who's been a doctor for ten minutes!

That's the best excuse you can come up with?

I'm fine, Lou.

There's nothin' wrong with me!

Do you believe him?

Oh, honey, you gotta let that go.

You know the more you pressure Jack to do something the more he's gonna do the exact opposite.

I think I have an idea.

Peter: Hey, Lou?

(Sighs heavily)

Tricia you were right, you know.

He's super. He's just so responsive.

Amy: You guys were awesome together.

Tricia: (Laughs)

So maybe you could give me some riding lessons before I actually take him home.

Amy you know, I really would love too, but I'm so busy these days, but, you know, I can definitely find someone to do it for you.

That'd be great.

Lou: You were looking good out there.

Tricia: Well, that horse is making me look good.

Lou: (Chuckles)

So, um, you're new in town?

Yeah, just packed it up and moved to the country.

Wow! And what do you do?

I mean, you're a doctor. A medical doctor?

Yeah, I used to work at Toronto General.

Lou: Wow! Great.

Yeah, but I... realized I didn't have much of a life anymore, you know?

Too hectic.

Yeah, I know hectic. I used to work in New York.

Well, this was always my dream, taking over a practice in a small town.

You know, seeing as you're new in town, you should join us for dinner tonight.

Now that's country hospitality!

I... I... I would love to. Great.

Around 7:00.

All right, we'll see you then.

Lou: We'll see you then. Take care.


So that was awfully nice of you to invite Tricia for dinner.


Any particular reason why?

Just country hospitality.

Peter: Hey, there you are.

I've been lookin' all over for ya.

Want to tell me what happened?

Georgie: You're going to be mad.

Well, I promise to listen, how's that?

Look, I know I shouldn't have punched Olivia, but she said some really mean things, like really mean, and it made me crazy.

What did she say?


She, she said that you're not my real father.

You know, in business, when two people can't agree on something, they get together and mediate, they talk it through, get to the root of the problem so they can consolidate and move forward.

You need to talk to Olivia.

Peter, I really don't want to.

I know you don't, but it's the right thing to do.

Tim: I don't understand why Jack's all bent out of shape.

I mean, those trucks, they were dangerous.

They were falling apart.

Dad, I can cut the carrots, okay?

I want them lengthwise, not just chopped.

I'm just trying to help.

Okay, thank you.

Yeah, and the next thing you know one of the kids, Katie or Georgie's gonna fall, they're gonna hurt themselves, they're gonna get blood poisoning or worse.

Lou: I don't want to hear it.

The last thing grandpa needed was something to put his blood pressure through the roof.

(Door opens and shuts)

Jack: What are you doing hanging around here?

Better yet, why aren't you out lookin' for my trucks?

Lou: See?

Tim: Jack...

You understand why I did what I did, right?

To make room for the sheep pen.

Don't talk to me about sheep.

And who's this person comin' for dinner tonight?

I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially someone I've never met.

Grandpa, she's a new client and Lou invited her.

Speaking of which, dad, I was hoping maybe you could help me out with something.

See, Tricia just moved from the city and she needs some riding lessons, and I'm so busy I just thought...

Oh, and I'm not?

(Knocking at door)

I mean, there's enough riding stables around here she can go to.

Jack: Lou...

Amy: Yes, except the horse that she's buying is from me, so I thought she could get lessons on that one.

Well, don't look at me, Amy, I mean, I got enough on my plate.

I can't be bothered teaching some city girl how to sit on a horse.

Lou: Um, everyone, Tricia.

Jack: Uh, hi, again.

Tim: Tricia, is it?

Tricia: Yeah.

Tim: Tim Fleming.

Tricia: Hi.

Tim: I'm the father of the girls. I'll be teaching you to ride.

Come on in.

Actually, I taught the girls probably everything they know about riding.

Tricia: So you're liking vet school?

Ty: Absolutely. It's kind of a rough schedule.

I'm also working at a clinic in Hudson.

Amy: In all his spare time.

Ty: Yeah.

Tricia: You gonna practice here?

Ty: Uh, yeah, um...

Amy and I might start something in the future together, so...

Tricia: That's fantastic!

Ty: Yeah.

How is it moving out here into the country?

So far, I love it.

The outdoors, those crazy mountains.

You're a brave woman for making such a big change.

What brought that about?

Tricia: Well, I guess I needed a change, you know?

It was time for me to move onto something new.

Not new...

I'm still doing what I did, just in a new place.

Jack: So what is that? What do you do?

I'm a doctor.


Took over a practice in Hudson.

You know Dr. Gill? He's retired.

A doctor. You don't say.

So please, feel free to call me if there's anything you need.

I mean, I'm even planning on bringing back the lost art of the house call.

Lou: That's fantastic.

Ty: Cool.

Jack: Lou?

Lou: Mmm-hmm?

Would you mind helping me with the coffee?


(Quietly) You tried to pull one over on me!

(Quietly) No, I didn't, I was...

So what did you do, Lou?

Did ya share my entire medical history with this woman?


I told you, Lou, I don't want a doctor.

I don't need a doctor.

This could be a great arrangement!

Okay, she's smart, you obviously like her, she even does house calls!



Come on, you have to start taking care of yourself.

I mean, you just had a...

Heart attack.

I had a heart attack. Why can you say that?

I'm not dead yet. Stop obsessing about this.

Besides, you got enough problems of your own.

Like what?

Well, like why is Georgie sitting in her room right now staring at the walls instead of coming for dinner with us?

What's going on there?


Ooh, ooh, what is it? What's wrong?


This coffee is what is wrong.

It was horrible this morning and it's horrible tonight.

First I had to dig out my old coffee maker, now you're messin' with the beans.

It's decaf, okay? Caffeine is bad for you.

What is it now? Grandpa? Grandpa?!

Tricia, can you come, please?! Grandpa?!

Tricia: I've got my bag in the truck.

Tim: Here, I'll get it, I'll get it!

Lou: Grandpa, look at me!

Tricia: Let me look at him.

Let's open that up for him.

This is all your fault.

How is this my fault?

Lou: If you hadn't had those trucks towed away, none of this would have happened!

I told you how grandpa would react!

And you driving him all around the countryside looking for them when he should've been at his doctor's appointment!

Relax Lou, I didn't know he had an appointment, okay?

You know, maybe you shouldn't have been treating him like an invalid.

He hates that.


Tricia: Okay, there's nothing to worry about.

It was just an attack of indigestion.

(Relieved sigh)

It can seem like it's heart related, but it wasn't.

His heart is fine.

I've given him an antacid.

Lou: Thank you.

I should go.

Thank you for a lovely dinner.

I'll walk you to the car. Give me your bag.

Tricia: Thanks.

Um, thank you for your help.


(Emotional sighs)

I'm just glad I was here.

Lou: Yeah.

Olivia: Okay. Good night.

Lou: Well, when you think about it, you know, if she hadn't been here...

If she hadn't have been here, it would have been a lot less stressful.

Peter: You okay?

Is he all right?

Peter: Yeah! Oh, yeah, he's fine.

I know you were scared, but don't worry about Jack.

He is as strong as an ox.


Look, I'm really sorry about Olivia.

I really am, and if you want me to, I'll talk, not that it'll do any good.

Peter: You know, I'll tell you something, when I was a kid, I was a real big guy.

I was always the biggest one in my class and I was real strong, and that meant that guys were always trying to get me fight them.

And most of the time I could just walk away, but this one time, this one guy just pushed my buttons and I snapped.

I totally lost it.

What happened?

I ended up breaking his nose and his arm and it scared the heck outta me, it really did.

So now, whenever I'm provoked, I just think about how devastated I was by that and I walk away, or I just try to tell myself a joke or I try to picture the person with carrots stuffed up their nose.

Both: (Chuckle)

Carrots up Olivia's nose? Love it.

Both: (Chuckle)


(Firm kiss)

Good night.

I know I'm grounded and I know I can't go to Jennifer Chen's party, but please, please, please can I be in the Spring Classic?

Let's sleep on it, okay?

Amy: It was completely crushed? Ty, that's horrible!

Fresh out of the compactor, Amy.

You should've seen Jack's face.

He was so ticked off I thought he was gonna pass out.

Yeah, well that explains the heartburn then.

We got a few places to check tomorrow, but...

Yeah, that's if Lou lets him go.

She's gotta stop worrying about him.

He's got to get back on the horse and just live life normally.

Between her and dad, they're driving him crazy.

Well, they're driving me crazy.

Ty: Hey...

You uh... you ever thought about getting away from all this craziness?

Yeah, all the time.

You wanna save some time on your schedule for me tomorrow?

Sure. Why?

I got something to show you.

What do you want to show me?

Ty: (Whispers) I can't tell you.

Amy: Yes, you can! Ty, you can...!

You've gotta tell me!

Oh my God, honey, I thought for sure he was having another heart attack.

But he wasn't.

(Sighing) I know, I know.

You gotta relax.

Why are you so paranoid and worried?

I don't know. I can't explain it, but it won't go away.

Anyways, thank you for dealing with Georgie.

You are so good with her.

When do you think we should tell her about that adoption news?

Well, let's let this blow over a little bit first.

She's gonna go and have a little talk with Olivia tomorrow.

Yeah, and I'm gonna go with her, so, we'll see how that goes.


You know, when you try, you can be pretty amazing.



Like, like how amazing? If you had to put a scale...

(chuckling) Don't push it. Don't do that.

(Laughing and kissing)

(Truck rumbles)

Ty: Okay, I found the old Chevy; that's the good news.

Jack: Yeah. What's the bad news?

(Sighs heavily)

Ty: Okay, there's still hope for old Goldie.

Let's go.

Georgie: (Sighs)

Hey, Olivia, Peter says we should talk.

Who's Peter?

Peter: Hi, Olivia. Yeah, I'm...

I'm Peter Morris, I'm Georgie's father.

I called your mom, actually.

Yes, she said you'd called.

She also said I don't have to talk to you, so I'm not going to.

Peter: Hold on, hold on.

You guys need to clear the air, I think, and we're not gonna leave until you do, so...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I punched you.

I really am, and I didn't mean to.

But you did.

You hit me and I was bleeding.

Georgie: You said some really mean things and they really hurt me.

Why do you hate me?

I don't hate you.

Well, what is it then?

It's just that you're different.

How am I different?

Olivia: You just are.

You're not like the other girls.

Georgie: Well, you're not like the other girls either.

And Jennifer Chen's party, I found out you weren't invited.

I said I was sorry, Olivia, and can't we just...

(Sighs heavily)

can't we just consolidate and move forward from here?

I have to go practice.

Peter: Well, I guess you better get to practice too.

Georgie: What?

Does that mean I'm back in the show?!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I'm still gonna beat her, though.

Peter: What?

Georgie: Not with my fist... at the Spring Classic.


Tim: Come on. (Clicks his teeth)

Okay, want to saddle him up?

Tricia: Of course.

Tim: There you go.

Tricia: Whoa.

(Blanket thumps)

Okay. Whoa. (Grunts)

That's heavy.

Let me get that around here.

(Breathing hard) Okay, I got it.


(Breathing hard) Okay.


You went to horse camp?

Two weeks...


Two summers in a row.



They didn't teach you how to saddle a horse?

Well, it was a co-ed camp and there was this boy...

A boy who put the saddle on for you.

Tricia: Yeah, and many years later in the Dominican Republic...

Tim: There was a boy who saddled your horse for ya.

Well you're not gonna get off so easy this time, 'cause this boy is gonna make sure you know how to saddle a horse or you don't get any riding lessons at all!

Is that right?

Do you know what this is?

Tricia: Very funny. A bridle.

(Truck rumbles)

Hey, Jack. You feeling better?

Top notch.


You know, that's not the right saddle for you.

Tim: Yes, it is.

Jack: No, it isn't.

Jack: There's a smaller one.

It's lighter, but it's just as good.

It's better for a beginner.

Oh, Lisa's saddle. His, his lady friend.

Jack: Anyone can use it, Tim.

(Cell phone chimes)

Can they now? Really.

Oh, sh**t, I gotta go.

One of my patients just fell off a jungle gym.

Mmm, poor kid.

Not so much.

He's a 35-year-old man who should know better.

(Laughs a bit too loudly)

Can we take this up tomorrow?

You bet!

Tricia: Great. Jack.

She's funny.

Speaking of lady friends, you spoken to Lisa since the...

It's none of your business.

Well, she was trying to get a hold of you.

We talked.

Tim: You talked...

Jack: Anyway...

You'll be pleased to know that I found another one of my trucks.


Stripped right to the bone.

It's demolished!

You owe me big.

Tim: Jack?

(Coffee splashes in sink)


I'm uh...

I'm sorry about the trucks.

I am.

I'll help you look for old Goldie.

No way you're helping me.

I know you hate those trucks.

To you they're just an eyesore... or a place to keep your stupid sheep... but not to me.

That gold truck was an anniversary present from lindy.

I know, I know, I know.

I've heard the story a 100 times.

Well, I know it's hard for you to understand, but it had a special place in my heart, and because of you I'll probably never see it again.


Nothing lasts forever, things change.


Just look at me and Miranda.

Think of how I feel.

Sometimes you gotta learn to roll with it.

(Truck rumbles)

(Engine turns off, door opens and closes)

Hey. So?

What is it you wanted to show me?

You need to see this place.

It's abandoned. Not a soul around.

You want to explore?

Yeah. Let's go.

Amy: (Laughing)

I love this! This is so cool!

Ty: (Laughing)

Amy: Come on, let's check out the barn!

Ty: Oh yeah!

Amy: Come on, I'll race ya!


Ty: Honey, I'm home!

Amy: Oh.

Ty: Oh! Geez!

Amy: (Laughs giddily)

Hey, wait!

You can put your office in there.

Or your vet clinic.

Ty: Yeah.

You know, when I was a kid, I wished I had a place just like this.

Amy: Do you think a kid would love this place?

Ty: Yeah, absolutely. What's not to love?

Amy: Do you want kids?

Ty: Do you?

Amy: Yeah.

Ty: Yeah?

Amy: Yeah.

Both: (Chuckling)

Ty: How many do you want?

Amy: Oh, I don't know, two at least.

Ty: (Chuckling) Well, let's start with one.

Amy: Okay. Boy or girl?

Ty: I'll be happy no matter what.

Amy: (Laughing)

Georgie: Guess what, coach?

Amy: What?

Georgie: I'm back in the show.

Amy: I know. Lou texted me.

That's great. You're more than ready.

Ty: (Chuckles)

Ty: I gotta get going.

Amy: You do?

Ty: Mmm-hmm.

Amy: Okay.

Amy: Thank you for a beautiful afternoon.


(Door opens)

Ty: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Ty... I wanted to thank you for driving all over the countryside with me.

No problem. We got a few more places on our list to hit tomorrow.

No. No, we don't.

What are you talkin' about?

Jack: I've decided to give up on trying to find Goldie.

Yes, it had a lot of memories for me... good ones... but...

Well, I'll always have those, they're not goin' anywhere.

Come on, Jack, it could be at the very next yard we look at.

We can't give up now.

(Chuckling) No, it's okay.

There's somethin' else.

(Taps bench)

I uh...

I shouldn't have been so down on you about wanting to buy that property.

Of course you need to dream about the future.

That's important.

Tim said something to me, something reasonable for once.

He said that I have to learn to roll with change, and he's right, I do, though it pains me to say.


You know, I could never say this to Lou, but... that heart issue, it scared me, Ty, but at the same time it gave me a new way to look at things.

You know that song "Live like you were dyin'"?

I know it sounds maudlin, but it ain't so far from the truth.

So you... you got to seize the day.

You go for it.

I'm gonna try, Jack. Thanks.

And, uh, I'm not giving up on that truck either.


Lou: You almost ready?

For what?

Georgie's show!

Oh, of course I am! I'm ready when you are.

Now look at this. You see that?

This, this is the coffee we'll be using from now on.

That other decaf stuff, you can throw it out 'cause life is too short.

It's way too short.

Okay, I'm sorry.

No, you know what?

I didn't mean it quite like that.

You have to stop pretending this didn't happen.

You had a heart attack and you may have no trouble saying the words, but I don't think you're taking in what they mean.

Aw, Lou, please...

Lou: No, no, no, listen to me.

You have to take care of yourself not just for yourself, but for the family...

(Tearfully) and for me.

Do you know that you are the only man I have ever been able to fully depend on.

Now that is not true.

It is true. You're my rock, grandpa.

You are the rock of this whole family

(tearfully) And if we ever lost you...

Just calm down.

Lou, I am fine.

I am fine.

Don't we have a show to get to?

Announcer: Now on the course, number 7, Olivia Wheaton.

Spectators: (Clapping)

(Hooves thud)

Georgie: She's really good.

Amy: Yeah, she is, but you see how wide she went on that last jump there?

You don't have to go that wide.

Cut it closer. You know, save some time.

Georgie: Okay.

Just stay focused.

Breathe and stay nice and calm, okay?

I'm scared out of my mind.

(Hooves thud)

Announcer: Number 7, Olivia Wheaton, 46 seconds!

Spectators: (Clapping)


Listen, you and Phoenix are gonna do great, all right?

And try to have some fun out there too, huh?

Georgie: Okay.

Announcer: And now the last rider in this year's Spring Classic: Number 15, Georgina Crawley.

(Hooves thud)

(Phoenix snorts)

(Hooves thud)

(Phoenix snorts)

(Hooves thud)

Spectators: (Clapping)

Announcer: Number 15, Georgina Crawley, with the best time of the day: Forty-two seconds!

Peter: She won, didn't she?

Lou: Yeah!

Spectators: (Clapping)

Lou: (Whistling) Yeah, Georgie!

Peter: Woo!

Amy: (Laughing)

Great job! You looked awesome.

Georgie: Thanks. Thank you.

Peter: (Laughing) Awesome!

Georgie: (Laughing)

Lou: So good, honey! Oh! (Kiss)

Georgie: Um, I'll be right back.

Lou: Okay.

Georgie: Hey.

Olivia: Hey.

You were a good competitor.

Olivia: You should enjoy that ribbon.

You won't be winning one again because it's all about the horse, and I can always buy a better horse than you could ever dream of affording.

Carrots up her nose, carrots up her nose...

Peter: (Chuckling)

Georgie: Carrots up her nose...

Lou: Carrots up her nose?

Georgie: (Laughing)

Peter: Forget it.

Lou: What's that about? What's that?

Georgie: (Laughing)

I'm so proud of you.


Peter: Come on, get that horse. Let's go.

(Door shuts)

Relax, this is your decaf.

Look, if you want your regular brand, then go for it, okay? I can't stop you.

Hey, Lou...

I get what you are saying, I do, and I want you to know I'm real aware of what happened to me, but you're right; I need to look after my health.

I want to see Amy and Ty get married and Katie and Georgie grow up and... so I've decided I'll start seeing that doctor and not just because you tricked me into it.

Thank you.

Come here.

(Happy exhale)

Peter: There we go. Looks good.

Both: (Chuckle)

You know, I gotta say you handled yourself really well out there and I am pretty darn proud of you.

Not just because you won either, you know, because you were the better person when it came to Olivia.

And, uh, we have some news for you.

The adoption papers arrived.

Signed and sealed.

Lou: You are now officially our daughter.

Georgie: (Emotional exhale)

Peter: (Chuckling) How about that?!


Come here!

Peter and Georgie: (Laughing happily)

(Truck rumbles)

Ty: Damn.

Amy: Yeah.

Ah, there'll be other farms.

Yeah, I guess. (Chuckles)

Amy: Damn. (Laughing)

♪ This room barely alive ♪
♪ from all the ghosts we have ♪
♪ I witness in your eyes you may have nothing left ♪

(Tires screech)

♪ What is the meaning of the lies we tell as truth ♪

(Truck whirs in reverse)

♪ One thing I'm certain of ♪
♪ is that I've little more to lose ♪


♪ I used to feel us so on fire ♪
♪ And now I feel heat for the truth ♪
♪ With every flame of my desire... ♪

Lou: Okay, cheers to Georgie.

Amy: Cheers.

Lou: Cheers. (Glasses clink)

Ty: Cheers.

Jack: All right, it is time for the bartlett family stone ritual.

Now, my great-great grandfather built this fireplace.

Tim: Aw, just pick a stone, honey.

We've all heard this story, Jack.

Georgie's probably heard it too.

Just pick a stone.

Georgie: Where's yours, Jack?

Jack: Uh, this one right there.

And is this one taken?

I think it's all yours.

Then I declare this stone belongs to: Georgina Crawley Fleming Morris!

Lou: Here here!

Tim: Wow, that's a mouthful!

Others: (Chuckle)

Jack: Where's Ty? Why isn't he here?

Amy: Actually, he's just out front and he has something to show you.

Come on.

♪ How love can teeter on the edges of a blade... ♪

See? Told you you'd get it back.

Life's pretty weird.

Jack: Well, that it is.

Ty: If Amy and I hadn't been looking at that old ranch, never would have found the truck.

Is it still for sale?

No, it sold.

Another time.

Thank you.

♪ With every flame of my desire ♪


♪ I'm not giving up on you ♪
♪ I'm not giving up, giving up on you ♪

(Jack laughs, sheep bleats)
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