01x06 - L.D.S.K.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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01x06 - L.D.S.K.

Post by bunniefuu »

Now pull it in, run it back. Let's go.

Come on.

I gotcha.

On swat, we broke sh*ts down into 3 steps.

One-front sight.

Focus on the front sight, not on the target.

2- controlled trigger press.

3- follow through.

After the shot, you come right back to the target.

Now what did you do wrong?

I didn't follow through.

Right. You came off the target to see where you hit.

Hotch, my firearms qualification is tomorrow morning.

I barely passed my last one.

Front sight, trigger press...

Follow through.

You do those 3 things, you'll hit your target every time.

I'm not fallin' for it.

Come on, pop.

Stop playing.

Oh, my god.


Did elle teach you that?

They're gonna take away my g*n.

A profiler is not required to carry.

Yeah? And yet you carry 2 of them.

When I joined the bau, gideon said to me, "you don't have to carry a g*n to k*ll someone."

I don't get it.

You will.

Good luck tomorrow.

Reid failed his qualification.

He can re-test in 2 weeks.

Yeah, but he's gonna be embarrassed about it, so let's not mention it.

Yeah, let's not.

Not a word.


We're all here for you.

I'm serious.

If you ever need anything...

Just blow on that.

Ok, franklin park, des plaines, yesterday afternoon.

3 victims shot at distance.

It's the third such sh**ting in 2 weeks.

A sn*per?

We don't use that word.

Why not?

The public perception is that the fbi doesn't have an exemplary record with sn*pers.

Besides, a sn*per is a professional marksman. These guys aren't sn*pers.

What do we call 'em then?

L. D. S. K.

Long distance serial K*llers.

How many of these guys have we caught using a profile?


2 weeks, 3 sh**ting incidents, 6 victims, all shot in the abdomen.

First and only fatality, henry sachs, married, father of 3, was shot in a shopping center parking lot.

9 days later, doug miller and kevin parks were playing basketball at a community center.

Franklin park, 4 days later, jerry middleton, kate murray, and tim reilly.

Des plaines police have found no link between any of the victims.


He's using frangible rounds, which fragment on impact, making ballistics comparisons impossible.

The good news is that all the park victims are gonna make it.

The bad new is that none of them saw anything.

However, one of the patients does have an intact b*llet lodged in his spine.

What's the prognosis?

There's a disagreement among surgical staff as to whether they can remove the slug without paralyzing the patient.

Well, without a useful witness or a solid piece of forensic evidence...

The profile's all we'll have.

Nietzsche wrote, "the irrationality of a thing "is not an argument against it's existence, rather, a condition of it."

L. D. S. K. S are so rare, we haven't been able to build a standard profile.

Here's what we do know:They're always male, and they frequently have law enforcement or military experience, and they always contact the police or the media.

To take credit or relive the experience?


All serial K*llers attempt to relive the ecstasy they get from their killings.

Some use souvenirs taken from the victims, and others return to the dump site to interact with the body.

Both modes require contact with the victim, contact which, by definition, long distance serial K*llers don't have.

The beltway sh**t left a tarot card at one of their crime scenes.

Later they called a tip hotline, which ultimately led to their capture.

But our unsub hasn't contacted anybody.

He will.

Until he does, what do we have?

Sometimes it's not what the unsub does that reveals the profile.

Sometimes it is what they do not do.

He doesn't k*ll his victims.

Underkill's a unique signature.

The question is, does he sh**t them in the stomach intentionally just to wound them, or is he just aiming at the biggest part of the target?

Specifically, does the unsub lack the skill to make the head shot, or simply the will to take it?

Agent hotchner.

Detective calvin, this is agent morgan, agent reid.

Thanks for comin'. Follow me.

The cones mark the places where the victims were, so we know he fired from somewhere in this area.

Close enough to hit all 3 victims, but far away enough not to be seen.

His wounding his victims intentionally would classify him as a sadistic k*ller.

That would help us?

We know a lot about sadists.

But most want to be close to their victims to watch them suffer.

A powerful scope would allow him to observe it from a safe distance So how do we determine if he's a sadist?

We spend some time in his shoes.

We let him tell us.

Come on, barry, you don't know that!

Good morning, doctors.

Forgive us. We were just reviewing the cases at hand.

This is dr. Neil erstadt, chief of surgery, and our trauma specialist, dr. Barry landman.

These are the fbi profilers, agents gideon, jareau, greenaway.

How are you?

Forgive me. I don't shake.

My hands, you understand?

Of course.

So as psychological profilers, s, what exactly are you looking for?

How the victims were shot.

That could reveal the sh**t's signature behavior.

These separate wound channels blossom from the entrance wounds.

You can see the trauma's extensive.

You performed the surgeries?

On patient miller.

I consulted with dr.

Landman on the others.

The intact slug lodged between the l4-l5 vertebrae.

Any attempt to remove it, would likely leave the patient paralyzed.

In your opinion.

In my opinion.


With the right surgeon, there is no risk.

There's always risk.

What significance does the b*llet have in building a profile?

Well, even if we can't get a ballistics match, we can get a r*fle type, and the specific type of r*fle the suspect uses, that could be very significant to the profile.

You believe you can safely perform the surgery, dr. Landman?

I know I can.

This handicapped spot couldn't be further away from the entrance to the building.


It also has line of sight to all 3 victims and the flagpole.

What are you thinkin'?

At this range, the unsub would have to factor in wind direction and speed as he shot.

To do this, he needed a spot with the widest field of fire and line of sight to the flagpole.

He came here before the sh**ting, decided this was his spot...

And ensured that it would be empty when he came back.

My guess is he's sh**ting from his car.

Well, that would mean he wanted to get away from here quickly, that he didn't stick around to watch his victims suffer.

So he would not be a sadist.

What would he be?

A very smart, very resourceful, very paranoid sociopath.

If I'm the unsub, why do I sh**t my victims between 2:55 and 3:15?

That's when I'd do it. There are fewer cops on the street.

Why is that?

Well, the police overlap shifts so there's always someone minding the store.

Second shift starts at 3:00, first shift walks at 3:30.

Wouldn't there be twice as many cops on the street at that time?

In theory.

The first half-hour of your shift, you're in roll call.

You're not on the street.

And the last half-hour, you're at the station.

You're finishin' reports, you're booking prisoners, so the 25 minutes around the first/second shift, that's a bad guy's golden window.

How many people outside law enforcement would know that?

But the unsub does, and you've already thought of this.

I had considered it.

Hope you find it useful.

Dr. Landman?

How's mr. Middleton.

Patient will make a full recovery...

As I told you he would.

Radiology is set up to take photos and e-mail them out for consults.

Call hotch. We're gettin'

the b*llet to garcia.

Fill him in on the shift change theory.

Give me a second.

Yeah. Morgan.

Isn't this spooky?

Isn't what spooky?

That right now you were thinking about me, and out of the blue, your phone rings?

And it's me. Huh?

How's that for a spiritual connection?

Um... do I know you?

Why do you hurt me?

Garcia, please tell me you've nailed down the geographic profile on our guy.

Ok, I'll give you the good news first, which is not that good, but it's better than the bad.

We think the sh**t has intimate knowledge of law enforcement procedures.

Detective calvin, how far out of your jurisdiction was crime scene number 2?

About a sixth of a mile. Why?

If he knew how difficult it is for local police departments to interact with each other, he may have intentionally crossed jurisdiction lines.

Y'all are sayin' the sh**t's a cop.

We're saying it's a possibility.

He scouted and prepped each crime scene.

He chose and elevated position with excellent enfilade and perfect field of fire.

That's textbook military practice.


Yeah, but maybe he was in the army.

He was probably a marine, ranger or other specialized unit.

Garcia says the b*llet was a.223 fired from the m-4 variant of the m-16.

All the services use an m-4.

It's got a shorter barrel than the m-16.

It's less accurate, and it's a lot harder to fire, especially at these distances.

This level of skill indicates specialized training.

If he has specialized training, he knows exactly what he's doing.

He intended to wound them.

The underkill is deliberate.

Everything he does is deliberate, but it's as if he needs to show us how smart he is.

Since the crime scenes aren't centered around one single location, garcia can't get a geographic profile without additional data.

What kind of data?

More crime scenes.

She's gonna get 'em.

This guy's got something to prove.

How did it play out?

He's been suspended but my guess is that the school board's gonna go after him, and they're gonna try to expel him.

I don't feel very good.

I'm gonna go to the ladies' room, ok?


Honey, you have something on your dress.

3 more victims with nonfatal wounds, and it's only been 48 hours since the last sh**ting.

The media attention and the fbi presence will only escalate his desire to sh**t again.


This is gonna get much worse.

The we need to give the police a profile immediately.

You ready?

State troopers.

This is the second time he's crossed jurisdictions.

Yeah, we're ready. They're not gonna like it.

This initial profile is not ready to be given to the media.

Releasing this profile prematurely can get people k*lled.

We're looking for a 30 to 40-year-old male veteran, driving a car large enough to sh**t from, but not so large it was noticed.

Like the beltway sh**t, it's probably a sedan, customized to conceal the sh**t, his w*apon, and the sound of his shot.

The unsub suffers from both narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders.

He works out obsessively and is never without a w*apon.

He's completely self-centered and cannot empathize with others.

Incapable of admitting fault, he blames his shortcomings on those around him.

He has no friends, and his career history has been marked by frequent job changes.

He's drawn to high-stakes jobs by a need to prove his superiority to a world he perceives has undervalued him, and these sh**t are the ultimate expression of that need.

We believe he changes jurisdictions intentionally and strikes during the first/second shift change, indicating and intimate knowledge of law enforcement.

You're saying he's one of us.

We're saying he once was or is now a police officer.

Is he driving a white van, too?


That'll be all for now.

We can talk in my office.

Thank you.

Sergeant weigart, we would like to reenact the third sh**ting during the shift change.


Well, to better understand his M. O.

How does he get there?How does he leave?

What's the traffic like?

It could help us with witnesses.

Maybe the victims or bystanders saw something, but don't realize the significance of what they saw.

All right, let's do it.

How you holdin' up?

Look at me. Without a g*n on my belt, I look like a teacher's assistant.

You're not worried about how you look.

Hotch told me that when he came to the bau, you told him he didn't need a g*n to k*ll somebody?

Well, the only truly effective w*apon we have is our ability to do the one thing they can't.

Which is what?


They dehumanize their victims. We humanize the K*llers.

You're just saying that to convince me I don't need to carry a g*n.

I don't care you carry a g*n or not.

Deadliest w*apon we have is a thorough and accurate profile.

Of course you believe that.

Footpath k*ller, he had a shotgun in the back of my head.

I'm here, he's not.

Elle, jerry littleton was facing a little further south.

Can you give it to us?

How's that?

Perfect. Hold your camera right there.

It doesn't look like jerry middleton had a clear view of the sn*per's vehicle when he was shot.

The tree branches were in the way.

I do have a clear view of the vehicle from here.

Tim reilly would have seen it if he'd looked down from the kite.

Good. Have the unsub pop the trunk. See if reid can see it.

No, sorry.

Nothing from position one.

Ok, everyone, move to position 2.

And now, we go to john jenkins, reporting live from franklin park with breaking news on the sn*per investigation.

Through anonymous sources we've learned you gotta see this.

The fbi profilers have told the police task force the sn*per is, in fact, a member of the des plaines police department.

Who could have leaked this?

The only people who had the profile were your people.

And the profile implicates them.

Why would a cop leak sensitive information the would not only implicate one of his own, but make every citizen in the county afraid to get pulled over?

What does he get out of it?

Contact with the media.


The cop who leaked this story is a good suspect.

Contacting the media could have been his sick way of keeping this alive.

Vic, why don't you go ahead and call the station and find out what they've got in mind for one of the later shows.

Mr. Jenkins, I'm special agent jennifer jareau with the fbi.

We need you to identify your source.

No way. I know my rights.

Hey, hey, sh**t this. Vic, sh**t this. Get this all on tape.

You should know the fbi considers these sh**t an act of terrorism.

Under the patriot act, we can detain you as long as we need to.

All I know is his cell number.

We have a lead.

Rainmaker. How wet do you want it?

It's hotch. I have a cell phone number, and I need the name on the account.

Yeah. If you call the cell, I can throw in the real time location, no charge.
Are you ready?

I was born ready.

Can't you pull your people out of the park?

If we do and the sh**t is here, he'll sense something is wrong.

He could start sh**ting.

That cell is part of a batch purchased by the des plaines police department.

I need a name, garcia.

It's gonna take a second. I have to pull it from their system.

Then give me the location.

Franklin park, des plaines.

He's here.

The name, garcia.

Mccarty, scott.

Scott mccarty.

Mccarty's the unsub.

But where is he?

Mccarty is playing the unsub.

We need to talk to scott mccarty.

He's the leak.

Mccarty. Why am I not surprised?

I need swat in the lot asap.

It's mccarty. We need to come heavy.

We didn't say he was the sh**t.

We could just call him on the radio and tell him to come to us.

Best case, he leaked the story.

Worst case, I'm not about to let him take down any of my men.

We come heavy, and we take him clean.

This is mccarty. What's goin' on?

Toss your r*fle and your side arm out of the vehicle and show us your hands.

I don't understand.

We know what you did, scotty.

Look, I can explain.

Don't make me give the order!

Ok, all right!All right!

Now open the trunk lid slowly.

Come on.

That's it.

Get him up.

Get down!

How did mccarty end up playing the unsub?

Weigart punished mccarty for mouthing off during the profile briefing by making him the unsub and sticking him in the trunk of the car all afternoon.

Wait. Then how did the unsub find out about the reenactment?

Come on. Cops talk.

Pissed-off cops talk loud-

at home, at the bars, at gyms, and to anyone who'll listen.

What do we know?

Our unsub went from wounding civilians to executing a police officer, so he's escalated.

He's not staying on script.

Sometimes it's what they don't do.

He did not pick mccarty at random.

He didn't take the gut shot.


He wants to send a message.

"Nobody takes credit for my work."

Yes, sir. His ego won't allow it.

He feels underappreciated.

Ok, but we still don't know why he wounds them.

Excuse me.

We know if the k*ller has no contact with his victims, he will contact the media.

But he hasn't contacted the media.

He has contact with his victims.

And there's only one way.

All right, thanks.

Garcia nailed down the geographic profile.

The crime scenes are centered on 2 separate locations.

The hospitals.

I believe it's a case of hero homicide.

What's that?

The best-known case was hospital nurse richard angelo.

He would inject toxins into his victims, then wait for them to crash so that he could run to the rescue and save them.

He k*lled 25 people, and that's just what we know of.

If he att*cked 'em to save 'em, why'd he k*ll 25 people?

Wasn't very good at it.

Yeah, and hospitals don't keep records of people who almost died.

So what's the profile on one of these guys?

Arrogant, conceited, feels superior to everyone around them.

You've just described every surgeon I've ever met.

Uh, forgive me. I don't shake.

My hands, you understand.

Of course.


Let's start with landman.

Call weigart and tell him we need a discreet perimeter around this block.

I'm gonna go check out landman's car.

Ok. Courtesy of garcia.

Landman was army, started out in M. P. School.

Well, there's your law enforcement.

But he was smart, got a degree on uncle sam, and ended up a doctor with special forces and bounced around from hospital to hospital since his discharge in 2001.

Has dr. Landman been Has he had a reprimand?

Has he had any kind of major blow to his ego?

Last month, he was passed over for chief of surgery.

Let's get a warrant for his house. Let's see if we find the w*apon.


What can I do to help?

You can tell me where he is right now.

Where's marston?

She's not coming.

Look, I'm very busy right now. Perhaps you could make an appointment.

Busy with what?


What kind of things?

You're considering me a suspect?


Well, that's disconcerting.

I heard what happened to your last suspect.

Do you wanna know why?

Collective incompetence?

Have you ever heard of hero homicide?

Would I be less suspicious if I let my patients die?


You get anything from his car?

It's a red 2-seat maserati.

Heh. Of course.

If he's the sh**t, he has another vehicle.

This type of k*ller seeks the power over life and death and covets the power of god.

You know anyone like that?

I want you to understand something.

When my patients are in the operating room, they need god, and that's exactly what I give them.

When someone's holding your beating heart in their hands, who do you want holding it, me or god?

Where were you today at 3:00?

I was in my office.


I was in my office with dr. Hannah pate.

I'm not the only one who thinks I'm a god.

She's in the E. R. Right now.

Go on.

Ask her.

Great. Let's take a walk down to the E. R.

My guess, dr. Pate is gonna corroborate landman's alibi.

You don't think landman's the sh**t?

Richard angelo wanted to be a hero because in his everyday life, he was a nobody.

Landman's a surgeon. He has power and recognition.

Yeah, but you know, surgeons are a different breed.

There are stars in the field, and landman is definitely not one of them.

Excuse me.

I'd like to speak with dr. Pate.

Yes, sir. I'll go find her for you.

The motivations for hero homicide are excitement, power, and respect, and even though landman's not a star, he still gets respect.

Racing against the clock to save someone's life is exciting.

But maybe it's not exciting enough.

That's-that's why he sh**t 3 people at a time.

But he can only operate on one at a time.

It wouldn't be any more exciting.

At least, not for landman and not in the O. R.

The policemen and E. R. Personnel are on the exact same 24-hour shift schedule.

The unsub wasn't sh**ting at shift change because there are fewer cops on the street.

He works the second shift in the emergency room.

Contact with the victims.

Sir, you can't use the cell phone in the hospital.

Excuse me, please.

We're fbi agents, and we believe that one of your staff members might be the sn*per.

The man we're looking for works second shift, and he would have transferred from arlington about 2 weeks ago.

We haven't hired any new personnel in 2 months.

Are you sure?


He has the worst narcissistic personality disorder I've ever seen, but it's not likely him.

Look, I've got patients who need me.

He's in his thirties.

He's vain, rude, arrogant. He works out.

He shows up to work late.

He blames others for his mistakes, doesn't take responsibility for his behavior.

All of his coworkers detest him.

It's phillip dowd.

He's-he picks up shifts at arlington.

Is he here today?

Oh, my god.


Ok, your patients need you.

Tell me, is dowd working today?

Do you see him?

Go tell gideon.


Nobody moves, and nobody dies.

Better be a head shot.

I got this on full auto.

Anything less, I go down squeezing the trigger.

Get up!

Get over here!

Double time! Let's go!

You, take your partner's g*n, put it on the counter.

He's not armed.

See for yourself.

Hands on your heads.

Get up, keith.

Put those on 'em.

Now put 'em on yourself.

Now step back.

Back up. Back up. Back up.

Get down on the ground.

Have a seat.

Now, what kind of an fbi agent doesn't carry a g*n?

I'm a profiler.


They sent you to figure me out.

We did. That's how we found you.

Shh. Keep quiet.

No, don't shut up.

Tell me what you think you know about me.

Go ahead, genius. Tell him.

Tell him.

But remember, get it wrong, and he's gonna k*ll you.


You're the boss. You tell me.

Who am I?

What's my plan?

I know you shot 11 people in broad daylight and left us nothing, you ex*cuted a cop in front of the fbi and got away clean, and I know your plan is to go down in a hail of b*ll*ts.

What else do you know?

He joined the army at 18, went to ranger school, did 6 years before being dishonorably discharged in '95 for conduct unbecoming, obviously lied about it, joined the arlington P. D.

You were right. He was a cop.

For 9 months.

When they found out he lied about the discharge, they kicked him out.

Soon thereafter, dowd got his nursing license.

He's been bouncing from hospital to hospital ever since.

I know you're the smartest guy in every room you've ever been in, and no one's ever known it.

People feel threatened by you and try to sabotage you every chance they get.

You're not a bad person.

You help save all of your victims afterwards.

First guy wasn't your fault.

If the emts had been there on time, he would've lived.

Took those guys 13 minutes. 13!

You want to barricade the door.


Let me and the kid do it.

Let 'em see that you've got 2 fbi agents in here doing your bidding.

Right, let you give them a signal.

What signal?They knew you were in here.

They knew you were armed. What can I tell them?

What is this, some sort of profiler trick?

New negotiation tactic?

I think it's a good idea.

Why would you wanna help me?

I don't.

You said they knew I was in here.

I said they know you're in here.

No. That's not what you said.

Why does it matter?

It matters because your partner wants to help me even though he doesn't know it.

Go ahead, boss man.

Tell him why.

If you lie or leave anything out, pop.

They knew he was in here, they knew he was armed and dangerous, and they knew that he was gonna fight till the last round, and they sent me in here with an unarmed kid who can't sh**t his way out of a wet paper bag.

They set you up.

Exactly, and they're probably laughing about it right now.

That's why you wanna help me.

I wouldn't say I want to help you, but when they come in here to get revenge for the cop you k*lled, you're gonna go down fighting, and in the crossfire, a lot of us are gonna die.

They sent me in here. I figure why make it easy for them.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

Please don't send your men in yet.

You have to consider the possibility that your men are dead or at least disarmed.

Agent hotch is a very experienced profiler.

He's gonna do whatever he has to to get dowd to like, trust us.

And once he does...

He'll get dowd to end this peacefully.

I- I just...ask that you give him time.

Dowd's already shot 10 people.

He k*lled a cop.

The cop is dead.

This man is a violent, deranged paranoid.

It's a game.

He's gonna-he's gonna do whatever he has to.

You send in your men, they're just gonna become villains in his little hero fantasy.

You're lettin' him call all the sh*ts.

How are your unarmed men gonna stop him?

They're not unarmed. They have his profile.

They understand him.

3 minutes. Then my men are ready to take the E. R.

Your men...have 3 minutes.

You know why they took away boy genius's g*n?


He failed his qualification.

Twice I year, I gotta listen to him whine about requalifying.

So I tutor him...

And he fails again.

You think you got it rough?

These people done nothing but undermine me since I got here.

Put him next to the barricade.

That way, when they blast their way in here, both of our problems are solved.

That sort of thing can ruin a cop's career.

You are one sick dude.

How do you think I found you?

Time's up.

Ready teams for as*ault.

Can I ask you a favor?

You can ask.

I figure the chances of my getting out of here alive are pretty slim.


I want to kick the snot out of this kid.

He's made my life miserable for 3 lousy years.

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.

How smart are you now, smart guy?!

It's front sight, trigger press, follow through!

That's enough!

It's not that hard!

A dalmatian could do it!

Let go!Let go!

Feel better?

I think he got a messege What's that?

We go in 5...


We go now!

Hold your fire!

It's all clear.

Shakespeare wrote, "nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable."

You all right?

Nice shot.

I was aiming for his leg.

I wouldn't have kept kicking, but I was afraid you didn't get my plans.

I got your plan the minute you moved the hostages out of my line of fire.

Well, I hope I didn't hurt you too badly.

Hotch, I was a 12-year-old child prodigy in a las vegas public high school.

You kick like a 9- year-old girl.

No. Keep it.

As far as I'm concerned, you passed your qualification.

Reid, you all right?

Touche, kid.

How you doin'?

You were right. You don't need a g*n to k*ll somebody.

No, you don't.

But it helps.



I- I know I should feel bad about...what happened.

I mean...

I k*lled a man.

You know, I-I should...feel something.

But I don't.

Well, knowing what you're feelin'...

That's not the same as not feelin'.

This is gonna hurt you...

And when it does...

There's only 3 facts you need to know.

You did what you had to do...

And a lot of good people are alive because of what you did.

What's the third?

I'm proud of you.
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