05x07 - The Livelong Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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05x07 - The Livelong Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Two-nine to Dispatch, ten-double-zero.

Ten-double-zero, requesting backup.

Crossover D.


I didn't see anything, I swear.

I never saw your faces.

Take off, and nothing will happen.

(train whistle blows)

Come on, let's go.


I'm out of here!

(wheels screeching, whistle blaring)

♪ NCIS: LA 5x07 ♪

The Livelong Day
Original air date on November 5, 2013

It's kind of early for you, Deeks.

Well, you can't be too careful.

Mercury's in retrograde.


A few times a year, the planet Mercury appears to be traveling backwards through the Zodiac.

It causes all of our plans to go awry.


I think you're in retrograde.


You're late.


We were supposed to sh**t hoops.

I'm sorry, I had a flat tire.


You couldn't call?

My cell phone battery died.

(coughing): Mercury.

Actually, it's lithium ion.

Apparently, we have a problem with Mercury over here.

What, the messenger of the gods?

The, uh, guy with the winged sandals?

Never liked him.

Always in a hurry.

DEEKS: Mock, mock, mock.

But when Mercury is in retrograde and travelling backwards, everything goes catawampus, so stay flexible and allow for extra travel time.


Hey, Kensi...


What happens when Mercury is in retrograde?

Deeks gets retro-annoying.


Oh, come on.

Problems happen all the time, and three times a year, we have to blame it on Mercury?


Sounds like an urban myth.

It's more like a superstition.

Don't do it; don't taunt Mercury.

Or what, the guy in the chariot's gonna stop pulling the sun around the Earth?

(Kensi chuckles, train whistle blows)

♪ Can't you hear the whistle blowing? ♪

I wish I couldn't.

Oh, hold on...

I should call my mom.

Why? What's going on?

Well, I stepped on a crack this morning, so she's probably in the O. R. by now.



ERIC: Brian Cheng, security guard for the Fillmore and Western Railway.

Now, that had to hurt.

Anything on the bad guys?

Wearing masks, usually avoiding security cameras.

These guys knew what they were doing.

He's not gonna do that, is he?

NELL: Afraid so.

Oh, man.

Two minutes earlier...

Cheng caught them trespassing.

KENSI: Taking photos and measurements.

Casing the joint.

Dead men tell no tales.

Sheriff's Department's on this?

Oh, yeah, but Cheng's walkie was open during the attack.

And as he was thrown under the train...

MAN: Allahu Akbar.

Allahu Akbar.

HETTY: There are rumors of Al Qaeda targeting rail lines in Europe.

Train terrorism?

A soft target with the potential for mass casualties.

We need to be certain that this does not come to pass.

Check all fundamentalist chatter.


Rail yard or security guard?

Uh, trains, I actually have an affinity for...

Rail yard.


This may be personal.

You guys look into the guard.

Got it.

HETTY: Careful out there.

Mercury is in retrograde.


Hetty knows about...

Oh, you're messing.

Damn it.

(indistinct radio communication)



Agent Callen.

Agent Hanna, NCIS.

Jeremy Pernell, Railway Public Relations.

Did the deceased have a military connection?

That's why we're here.

Detective Garcia's in charge.

You had a supervisor on duty last night?

He's home sleeping.

Does he have a name?

Well, I'd have to clear that with management.

This is a federal criminal investigation.

It'd be in your best interest to cooperate.

Absolutely, it's just this whole thing has potential to blow up into some bad press, and the FRA is coming down from Sacramento, so...

The FRA?

Federal Railroad Administration, our regulatory body.

First we have to follow protocol, go through their channels for their investigation, then Monday, tomorrow, maybe the next day, you guys can sit down and do your interviews.

With our legal counsel present, of course.


Are you trying to obstruct justice?

Isn't that a felony?

Up to 20 years.

No, no, no, no.

I am just doing my job.

We'll have a little walk around the yard, if that's all right with you.

Be my guest.

Whatever you guys need.

He's either a big knucklehead, or they've got something to hide.

Either way, it sounds like the FRA holds the keys to the castle.

Let's put Kensi and Deeks on it.

There were two of them.

The first guy ran off that way.

SAM: Could've hopped the fence.

That's what I'm thinking.

Kind of nice to ride the rails, huh?

(scoffs) I don't share your hobo esthetic.

Talking about working on a train.

Bringing people what they need, being connected to history...

The rolling stone gathers no moss.

That's right; you got to keep moving.

Otherwise you'll have moss growing all over you, like a fungus.

That's not what the proverb means.

It's exactly what it means.

No, it isn't. Moss is good.

Moss is a disease.

When you keep moving, you're barren.

You sleep on couches.

When you're sturdy and still...

You put down roots.

Moss has no roots.

You peel it away like a rotten banana.

I think your brain's a rotten banana.


What is it?

It's something with a dial.


It's a long way from Italy.

ERIC: The instrument you found is a trainman's gauge.

It's used to measure pressure in the air brake system.

What about Rome?

I'm sending you a photo of Mitchell Rome.

He's a recently fired brakeman with Fillmore and Western.

Why was he let go?

He was about to be promoted to engineer.

Lost his job after testing positive for marijuana and causing a collision in the yard.

NELL: No one was hurt, damage was minor, but it cost him his career.

Might leave you with some bitter feelings toward your employer.

Any extremist connections?

Not him, but at the same address is one Gil Bellamy, unemployed demolitions expert.


That's not your typical Arabic name.

NELL: He's been a commenter on several b*mb-building Web sites, including one called "Jihadist Raiders Front""

His knowledge of munitions and Rome's knowledge of trains...

This could end badly.

KENSI: Rome's on the second floor.



What? Something from ops?

My horoscope.

You have a horoscope app?

You wouldn't understand; you're a Leo.

That's right, lion, king of the jungle.

Full of fire and aggression, has to be right, even when she isn't.

Actually, especially when she isn't.

And what does that make you?

I'm a Capricorn.

What is that, the unicorn's inbred cousin?

The ram.



You're a goat?

No, no, that's a completely different animal.

I'm the ram.

I see, so scruffy, annoying bleat.

Uh, stable, steady, loyal, connected with the earth.

Also, Leos drive Capricorns crazy.

Yes, well, apparently, vice versa.

Slow down.

You slow down, goat boy.

No, no, no, 210.

DEEKS: Hey, uh, sir?

Hey, did you sign for a package earlier?


No! Federal agents!

Federal agents!


What's the rush?

I thought you were the guys lived up there.

What part of "federal agents" did you not understand?

Hey, I don't hear so good.

Yeah, what do you need this for?

A little Smith & Wesson revolver?

What's up, old school?

I got a concealed weapons carry permit in my wallet.

Name's Anthony Trager.

Private investigator.

He's telling the truth.

This guy's a private eye.


A little help?

Gumshoe, a shamus, a bird dog.

What's wrong with this guy?

He's in retrograde.

P. I.'s aren't supposed to break into apartments.

I knocked; the door was open.

Retired LAPD? You a cop?

I'm a cop.

Lawman, blue knight, hot fuzz. open.

What is he, like, Rain Man or something?

I wish; at least he could count.

So what are you guys?

FBI? Homeland Security?


I guess we're both interested in Mitchell Rome.


How's that, Dragnet?

I was hired by Fillmore and Western.

He's been babbling about dragging them into court for wrongful termination of employment.

I was looking for any skeletons in his closet that might torpedo his case.

Easiest gig I ever had.

They guy's a real pothead.

Stoner, dope fiend, smoke monkey.

You know what I'm talking about.

Midnight toker, see you later.

What the...?


Okay, so manuals, routes, schematics.

He is either a really dedicated employee...

Or a crazy and obsessive k*ller.

Oh, man, is that what I think it is?


Oh, my Godit is.

It's an Airfix HO-scale 262 Prairie t*nk.

Excuse me?

They don't even make these anymore.

And you know this because...

Because I asked Santa for it every single year, and all I got was stupid Thomas.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Thomas is kind, Thomas is dependable, Thomas is not stupid.

Thomas has a face, all right?

Trains shouldn't have a face, and they shouldn't talk.

We should all be so lucky.

Um, you wouldn't happen to have the b*mb squad on speed dial, would you?


Looks like we got several bricks of plastic expl*sives, assorted blasting caps and timers.

Highlighted rail maps through Pasadena, Long Beach and downtown L. A.

I'm gonna call it in.

These guys are getting ready to strike.

I think I can, I think I can.


ERIC: Homeland Security's been briefed and all freight and passenger security personnel are on high alert.

And absolutely nothing suspicious on Cheng, the dead security guard.

And what about Gil Bellamy?

Rome took him in as a roommate after he got fired, probably to help pay the rent.

But I'm still digging through his electronic footprint.

You sure this is the right hospital?

Rome's mother was off duty at 8:00.

Followed by two hours of administrative meetings.

(indistinct chatter)

Here we go.

Jillian Rome?

Federal agents. Can we ask you a couple questions?

I worked a night shift, and I got a train to catch.

A train?

Yeah, I commute from Diamond Bar.

Get a nap in both ways and don't have to deal with the traffic.

If this is about a patient, maybe you could contact the appropriate...?

We'd like to ask you about your son.

You seen him lately?

No, um...

I... you know, be-before he lost his job, I used to talk to him every day on the phone, but now I'm lucky if I get a text.

He's a suspect in a crime at Fillmore and Western.

Mitch is not a criminal.

Do you know his roommate?

What roommate?

Look, m-my son is a straight arrow.

I-I worked nights so I could be with him every day after school.

He knows right from wrong.

According to his former employer, he had a marijuana problem.

No, no, that whole thing was a mistake.

I mean, he doesn't even drink.

Mitch has loved trains since he was in diapers.

He used to beg me to ride in to work on the train.

It was his dream to become an engineer.

There's absolutely no way that he would throw that all away.

There isn't.

If your son is innocent, he may need protection We need your help.

We'd like your permission to access your cell phone in case he calls.


If you see him, let us know?

I will.

Thank you.

That's a good mom.

Sounds like a good kid.


They said the same thing about you.


I see the FRA has arrived.

Yes, we have.

Karen Bibb.

Yolanda Campbell, operations manager.

Nice to meet you.

Matthew Dunkler.

(clears throat)

Matthew doesn't like to shake hands.


I wasn't expecting you until this afternoon.

Ah, well, we made good time.

Lack of freeway congestion translated into an average velocity of 72 miles an hour.

That's great.

Right this way.

Uh, files are necessary for all personnel on duty during the time of the incident.

Training qualifications, hours of service, uh, compliance training, drug and alcohol screening, medical exams.

It's all there.

Do you want to inspect the tracks?

Uh, yes, but after the paperwork.

Uh, interviews should be scheduled for the engineer, the conductor, the yard master security dispatcher, and once disengaged, the event recorder should be queried.

(Deeks clears throat)

Matthew takes his job very seriously.

I see.

Well, make yourselves at home.

My office is right down the hall, if you need anything, and, uh, oh, for lunch, there's a couple...

(clears throat loudly)

Not necessary.

All righty then.

I'll let you get to work.

Thank you.


(quietly): Yeah.

What the hell?

What? I told you about my undercover character.

Yeah, you told me he was a by-the-book guy.

Not a weird and creepy guy.

Hey, it worked, didn't it?

She's leaving us alone.

(men arguing nearby)


MAN: ...the FRA is here...

MAN 2: No, they're not expected till this afternoon.

(men continue arguing indistinctly)


What are you doing?

(clears throat)

You should see this.

MAN: ...if they want to check out the cabin.

They won't, trust me!


I've been shredding on the railroad.

DEEKS: A locked file.


TRAGER: The disk has everything.

Contraband in Rome's apartment...

That's Trager.

Yeah, and photos with the ex-con roommate.

The guy's got a rap sheet longer than a Texas mile.

Pick up the pace.

There is a stairwell around the corner.

TRAGER: Yeah, nobody's gonna touch that kid's case with a ten-foot pole.

So, if you need anything else, keep in touch.


You know where to find me.

Right around here to the left.

To the left.

To the left, to the left...


They were right on our tail in case you didn't notice.

75 cents for a tampon?

Those things used to be a quarter when I was in high school.

KENSI: He's gone.

We'll just wait a few more minutes and...

Oh, crap.

You're a handsome devil-- what's your name?

(Deeks yelling)

Yeah, the twins have a birthday party and soccer on Saturday, so...

Most ladies buy me a couple of drinks first.


Okay, sounds good, Mom.

Yeah, love you too.


Too many feet.



Molly, is that you?

No, it's Karen from the FRA.

CAMPBELL: Love your boots.

Thank you.

So, how long have you been working with your partner?

Um, oh, I...

A couple years.

Well, you seem so normal, but he's seems so...



They ought to be giving you hazard pay.

You have no idea.


(toilet flushes)


CALLEN: Ivy League motel.

SAM: So, Bellamy's been here before?

ERIC: Credit card shows charges for Harvard House Motel twice in the last ten months.

Got it.

NELL: And the stays coincide with restraining orders from two ex-girlfriends after incidents of domestic v*olence.

Sounds like a heck of a guy.


Hey, be careful over there.

We know: armed and dangerous.

Uh, no the motel ranks number two in L. A.

On BedbugScorecard.com.

NELL: So, I'd consider washing your clothes on a fairly hot setting after you leave.

Extra 20 minutes in the dryer.

Have you seen this guy?

NELL: Gil Bellamy.

He checked in three days ago as Frank Babcock.

With a fake I. D.

Expired credit card last time.

I made him pay cash up front.

What room?

21. Need a key?

Rather not kick down the door.

Thank you.

Mr. Babcock, the plumbers are here.

Your shower's leaking through the floor!

You mind if we take a look around?

(door creaking open)


(car alarm blaring)

You all right?

Okay, thanks.

Forensics at the motel found C-4.

Well, that's no surprise.

He's a construction demolition guy.

We got a BOLO out for Bellamy.

And Jillian Rome has been texting with her son.

"I'm okay, Mom, don't believe it.

I'm doing the right thing."

If blowing up two federal agents is doing the right thing.

That was Bellamy's work.

How could Rome be doing the right thing?

Suppose he's got a g*n to his head.

Rome's cooperating.

Bellamy's forcing him to do his dirty work.

Message originated from an industrial area in Pacoima.

Run kaleidoscope facial rec and check security cameras in the area Got it.

I thought it was a very simple request to pull down your pants.

I do not like my trousers to touch the bathroom floor.

I prefer to pull them down to my knees.

Well, you could've done that, shown some wrinkles.

Where do I have wrinkles?

On your pant legs.

A lot more convincing when she was checking out your shoes.

Now she's super suspicious.

Can we just think about the shredder?

Don't you worry your pretty little head 'cause I have a plan.

Those words always scare me.

(clears throat)


Yes, actually.

This is frozen.

Mm-hmm, and it's from the dry ice.

See, regular ice turns to water, and gives you a soggy sandwich.

And what is worse than a soggy sandwich?


(imitating Kensi): Having to listen to you.

I didn't say it, but I certainly thought it.

That anger management class was money well spent.

Or not.

Get ready for a big bang.
KENSI: You sure about this?


It's taking way too long.

I think Mercury's messing with you.

Wait for it.



(clears throat)

(fire alarm ringing)

What the hell was that?

Something blew up!

Everybody out. Let's go.

Come on.

Let's go!

DEEKS: Incident reports.

Confidential employee files.

You ready, Kens?


(fire alarm bell ringing)


We need to leave the building now.

Uh, not safe, definitely, definitely not safe.

Matthew is prone to panic att*cks. (groans)

The fire department is on the way. I think we're good.

Oh, it's not good, it's definitely not good.

Oh, my lips are numb, I can't feel my fingers...

And I think I'm having chest pains.

Just breathe into the bag.

Breathe into the bag!

I'm sorry for all the chaos.

Okay, let's go, come on.

Is it getting dark in here?

Oh, I feel like it's getting dark in here.


I smell toast.

Do you smell toast?

Why do I smell toast?

Am I having a stroke?

There's no toast.

Gil Bellamy and Mitchell Rome, arguing outside a futon warehouse two hours ago.

Can't decide on a king or a queen.

One block from the burn phone text.

CALLEN: Trouble in paradise.

Looks like the partnership's not working out so well.

They couldn't agree on a plan or someone screwed up.

Or Rome just found out about the rebar and bombing part of the plan.

(door opens)

Did you get anything off the hard drive?

They've expunged all e-mails to and from Rome.

Even off the server.

What about the files?

Rendering now.

Well, there was a whole lot of shredding going on.

It's a letter from Rome.

CALLEN: "As I have repeatedly told my supervisors, "I have serious concerns about the transport of hazardous materials through HTUAs"?

"High Threat Urban Areas."

KENSI: "Materials including chlorine gas "anhydrous ammonia and medical nuclear waste "have been passing through residential areas in violation of federal standards."

Why do that?

Why take the risk?

Shortest path from point A to point B is the cheapest.

Complying with indirect routes could mean millions in lost revenue.

So Rome was a whistle blower.

They wanted to shut him up.

They could have rigged his crash.

Tampered with his drug test.

So Rome partnered with Bellamy for revenge.

But Bellamy's taking it too far.

(phone ringing)

I got Jillian Rome calling in.

Put her on speakerphone.


Agent Hanna here.

Uh, hi, it's Jillian Rome.

You, uh, you told me to call.

Have you seen your son?

Not yet.

But, um, a friend of his stopped by the house.

Somebody you know?


What did he look like?

White guy, um, maybe 30.

Uh, he-he told me that Mitch was okay.

And, um, he dropped off a box of his stuff.

You think Bellamy would harm the mom?

How big is the box?

Like for files?

Should I open it?


Get as far away as you can.

We're on our way.

Call the b*mb squad, evacuate the block.

And stay on that shredder-- we need a smoking g*n.

(indistinct chatter)

You guys came a long way for nothing.

Looked like the real thing.

Turns out it's nothing but play putty.

It's orange like RDX.

Wired to an alarm clock?

Like something Wile E. Coyote used to build.

Someone's got a sick sense of humor.

Who would do this?

And why?

You recognize this man?

He brought me the package.


It's been verified.

Calling it in.

(phone ringing)

Go ahead, Eric.

Are you with Mrs. Rome?

We are.

You might want to step away.


Excuse me.

Uh, okay.

SAM: Go ahead, Eric.

A freight train's been h*jacked in Kern Junction.

It's Bakersfield to the north.

NELL: An engine and four tanks of chlorine gas are heading for Los Angeles right now.

Bellamy must've knew we were onto him.

This fake b*mb was a diversion to keep us away.

If those chlorine tankers explode or derail...

At least a 100, 000 deaths.

NELL: I'm sending you a screen grab from surveillance video.

You can make out the engineer.

Mitchell Rome.

Identity has been confirmed.

You still think he's a good kid?

Where are we?

Approaching Mojave.

All traffic's been cleared.

Homeland's searching the tracks.

Any contact with Rome?

Not answering his radio or cell.

All right, what are our options?


Could cause a crash.

How about a barrier?

A barrier's gonna cause a derailment.

We'll have the release of toxic fumes.

Do we need to evacuate the city?

If you want mass casualties due to panic.

We could drop in by helicopter.

We could put an engine in front, match his speed, slow it down.

HETTY: The clock is ticking.

He'll be here in less than an hour.

I can get to Hobart yard, head north on the high rail.


CALLEN: Eric, video conference the boatshed.

Where e Kensi and Deeks?

Following up a facial recognition hit on Bellamy.

MAN (over P. A.): ...is now boarding.

Please have your ticket in hand for the driver.

Thank you.

DEEKS: Gambler's special to Vegas.

A lot of bystanders.

That's Bellamy.

Watch and learn.

Clean and surgical.

Cover my back.

Got it.

Anyone got change for a buck?

Anybody got change? You? Hey, man, you got change for a buck?

I just need change for a dollar.

You got change for a dollar?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Some change for the meter.

Federal agent.

Don't move.



This would be a lot easier if you would've just listened the first time.

No, no, ma'am, that's okay, ma'am!

(Bellamy yelling)

Ma'am, that's okay...

You don't have to...

Wow, that seemed excessive.

Thanks for looking out.

I think your new partner has your back.

Punk ass!

Thank you for your...

For your help.

Have fun in Vegas!

$10, 000 in cash and a one-way bus ticket to Vegas.

So, what's your game, huh-- poker?


No, I take you as more as a Keno guy.

I want a lawyer.

You gave up your right to a lawyer when you blew up your motel room.

What are you talking about?

It's called the Patriot Act.

You almost k*lled two federal agents.

I did express checkout at 7:00 a.m. this morning.

Someone is setting me up.

Do you have witnesses? Video?

We have a video of you k*lling a security guard at a train yard.

You're crazy.

I've never been near a train yard.

But your roommate has.

What were you two arguing about at Pacoima?


The fool wants to raise my rent.

Rome is at the control of a toxic train heading for downtown Los Angeles.

That doesn't surprise me.

He went crazy after they fired him.

Uh-huh. What's his plan?

Why don't you ask him?

ERIC: Callen, we got a fix on Rome.

His phone's with him, but the power's been off.



Enabling video chat.

Mitchell Rome.

My name is Special Agent G. Callen.

I need you to stop the train.

Mitch, don't turn that off.

I've got nothing to say.

How about to your mom?

Look, I-I got, I got her right here with me.



Look, I... No one was supposed to die last night.

That wasn't part of the plan.

I didn't mean to do anything wrong.

Then stop the train, please.

No, no, I-I got fired for telling the truth.

I'm trying to protect the public.

Mitch, we know that and we're gonna help you get your message out, okay?

Now, just let's not do anything stupid here.

I won't.

A lot of people could get hurt.

No, I'm helping a lot of people.

When I'm done here, they'll have to re-route the hazmat runs.

Mitch, are you working with Gil Bellamy?

No, this has nothing to do with Bellamy.

Mitch, you've made your point.

Let's not take a chance with something going wrong here.

Nothing's going wrong.

I'm taking this train to Union Station, and then I'll stop.

Everyone's got to know the truth.

Sam's sweeping the tracks with A*F.

I don't see anything out there but weeds.

It's a back branch line, hardly ever used.

CALLEN: Sam, do you know what you're looking for?

I will when I see it.

Just got word from the occupational lab.

They thawed out Rome's drug test.

DNA is not a match.

It's not his urine.

He was framed.

I told you, my son doesn't do dr*gs.

ERIC: More shredded documents from Fillmore and Western.

Falsified manifests.

They were profiting by sending hazardous materials into populated zones.

My son is telling the truth.

Unlike his roommate.

DEEKS: Mitch Rome says you two are working together.

Well, then he's a liar.

What did you tell him?

To stop being such a wuss.

So you told him to steal the train.


KENSI: Maybe?

See, he says all he wants is for his message to be heard.


Oh, it'll be heard, all right.

All the way to Long Beach.

Update from Sam in Valencia.

SAM: Camera's on, guys.

We've got the image.


Okay, I've got an IED on the tracks.

It has three parallel triggers, including a pressure plate.

Can you render it safe?

Not at the trigger.

It's got a mercury switch, a trembler-- any movement will set it off.

CALLEN: How big of a charge we talking?

I couldn't tell you.

It's wireless.

expl*sives are somewhere under the tracks.

Mitch, listen to me.

Bellamy has placed a b*mb on the tracks in Valencia.

Why would he do that?

Because he's a sociopath.

Now, listen to me.

Mitch, there's 250, 000 people in that area.

If you don't stop this train, you could wipe out the entire Santa Clarita Valley.

You just want me to stop.

Mitch, I saw it for myself.

You got to trust us, Mitch.

You've made your point, okay?

Now, stop this before it turns into a disaster.

Mitch, please.

I'm slowing down.

Eric, Sam, he's stopping.

Um, it doesn't look like he's stopping-- in fact, he's accelerating.


Mitch, talk to me.

You-you said you were slowing down.

I'm trying.

I got no air pressure.

I don't have any brakes!

Bellamy sabotaged the lines.

I'm going 60 miles an hour.

I can't stop.

Oh, my God.

(horn blowing)

What about emergency brakes?

No such thing.

Well, maybe I can uncouple the engine and leave the tanks behind.

Give it a try.






No, no, we're moving too fast-- the coupler's jammed.


M-maybe I can reverse the polarity of the engine's motors.

The b*mb is three miles ahead.

Uh, no, no, it's too dangerous.

There's no way I'm gonna stop in time.

Do we have any other option?

Uh, I guess not.


(strained grunting)

I can't.

I'm braking from the head.

The t*nk cars are bunching up.

They're gonna derail.

Uh, I need at least five miles here.

You don't have five miles.

Okay, then get the b*mb off the track.

Damn it.


You should put on the suit.

What's the point?

If we survive the blast, the toxic fumes will still melt our lungs.


They turned over dirt for 50 yards.

The initiator could be buried anywhere.

How long is it gonna take?

An hour to make a clean sweep; five minutes if we're lucky.

Then get lucky.

ERIC: Callen...

We found your smoking g*n.

An authorization for a $100, 000 cash payment to private eye Anthony Trager.

That's a lot of money to be taking pictures of an apartment.

Trager resigned rather than face corruption charges in the 1998

Rampart scandal.

Those cops were accused of beating suspects, planting evidence, and covering up unprovoked sh**t.

Mr. Callen, if he's playing dirty, then so must you.

If you want answers, turn on the news.

Tony Trager's in custody.


The dirty ex-cop that paid you ten grand-- Fillmore and Western paid him with marked bills, which he passed on to you.

Yeah, I did some carpentry and plumbing at his house.

Trager confessed.

His job was to make Rome disappear.

Your job was to plant the bombs at the apartment and scout out the rail yard.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

They pay you to blow up the motel, too?

And put the bombs on the tracks?

Are you asking me or telling me?

If you have all the answers, why do you need me?

This b*mb goes off you're looking at the death penalty.

What b*mb?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

It sounds like you don't, either.

California doesn't have the death penalty.


No. We're talking about an act of federal terrorism.

KENSI: We'll probably have to put him in Guantanamo, for his own safety.

Save it.

You're not scaring a forced confession out of me.

(whispers): Yeah, he's right.

Leave it to the professionals.

Have the rendition team get him out of here.

I hear those tube feedings are delightful.

DEEKS: Just out of curiosity, how do you say, uh, "bottoms up" in Arabic?

It's 36 ties from the switch.

...34, 35, 36.

(train horn blowing)

Less than a mile.

How's your speed?

I'm down to 30.

It's still too fast.

You can bail, Mitch.

Jump out while you can.

I can't let go of the throttle.

I have to try.


(voice breaking): I'm here.

I'm sorry.

There are people on the track up ahead.

I-Is that where the b*mb is?

You've got about 30 seconds.

Nothing but dirt.

Bellamy's a liar!

Let's go!

Maybe he counted the switch as number one.

MITCH: I can't stop in time.

Why aren't they moving?

You got an eye on the train, Sam?

I see it.


Bricks of C-4 and a receiver.

Get them off the track!

I'm not gonna make it.

Attacking the initiator.

Pray the power dump doesn't set it off.

Don't be a fool!

Get out!


Piece of cake.


(Jillian laughing)

(Jillian laughing)



Well, hey, how are you two doing?

Great. Just finishing up some stuff.


Hey, you know that guy, Rome?


h*jacked a train.

Yeah, I heard, huh?

What a loser.


Well, I guess he won't be suing the railroad now.

(chuckles): Not a chance.

Oh, listen, just out of curiosity, what are you, uh, what are you up to?

Eh, boring stuff.

Preemployment background checks, that sort of thing.

Gotta pay the bills, huh?

Well, 90 grand pays a lot of bills.

What do you got in your, uh, your murse there.

You got fifties... or hundreds?

KENSI: Yeah, that's right.

Bellamy told us everything.

Yeah, well, Bellamy's a lowlife scum.

Who you were dumb enough to hire.

Oh, come on, really?

You're gonna sh**t federal agents?

You already m*rder*d a security guard.

DEEKS: Bellamy couldn't make it, so you filled in.

KENSI: Where'd you learn Arabic?

That "Allahu Akbar"" that was a nice touch.


Very convincing.


Well... innocent until proven guilty.

Gotta go.

Oh, thank you.

(g*ns cocking)

I will take that.

Sing along if you know the words.

DEEKS & KENSI: You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

40-weights all around.

What is this?

KENSI (sighs): Oh, don't even ask.

Why does she need the reports tonight?

'Cause we got about a hundred federal agencies begging for the intel.


Okay, okay, okay.

Where's Deeks?

DEEKS: Oh! I think I just broke a hoof. (groans)

Transformer's looking pretty good.

Here you go.

Ah, thank you, sir.

You're welcome.

Yeah, it was a gift from Mitch Rome.

He's gonna let me babysit it for a few months until he gets out of prison.

You may not want to run this thing tonight.

Yeah, probably not for a couple weeks.

At least not until Mercury's out of retrograde.


You guys can laugh it up all you want, but, uh, did anyone's travel plans go awry today?

Just like every day on the 405.

Come on, you guys, there were signs everywhere.

Mitch Rome.

Mercury's a Roman god.

The name of the bus station.

What about it?

Maximus Lines-- that's the home temple of Mercury, the Circus Maximus.


SAM: Well, you know, in ancient Rome, they spoke Latin.


And on the radio today, Latin music.

He's right.

Okay, you two are pretty cute together.

But the fact is that you couldn't disarm the b*mb because it had a mercury trigger.

I'm just, I'm thinking that's interesting.

CALLEN: Uh-huh.

You going to chisel your report in stone, Mr. Deeks?

Yeah, I was just... putting the last final touches on it.



HETTY: That...

Is an Airfix Prairie t*nk.

DEEKS: Yeah.

HETTY: Oh! That's a classic!

It is, indeed.

Does it work?

Oh, yeah, this is gonna be great.

I mean, Christmas is coming early this year.

I've been dreaming about this, Hetty, since I was, like, five years old.


(Hetty laughs)

(whistle blows)

DEEKS: Hetty, see, I-I haven't fully secured the tracks!

Make it stop, Hetty! No! Aah!

SAM: Mercury's a bitch, ain't it?

(all laugh, Deeks groans)
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