05x10 - The Frozen Lake

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NCIS: Los Angeles". Aired: September 2009 to present.*

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The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and Sam Hanna, streets kids risen through the ranks.
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05x10 - The Frozen Lake

Post by bunniefuu »

(dog barking)

Good evening, Mr. Hill.

How you doing?

(yells in pain)

(yells, body thuds)

♪ NCIS: LA 5x10 ♪

The Frozen Lake
Original air date on November 26, 2013

CALLEN: What the...?

Anomaly in the room.

Deeks hard at work.

Deeks not talking.



Very interesting.

Interesting? No, no.

I'm, uh, not interesting.

Now that's interesting.

Don't mind us, Deeks.

Won't make eye contact.

Elevated heart rate.

Fidgety-- not from the coffee.

Sweaty-- and it's not the climate.

Come on, guys.


I just... I think that maybe the coffee is just stronger today.

Changing the subject.

And he's got some dark rings under his eyes.


Your partner's acting weird.

My partner is weird.

She has a point.

Oh, he's unresponsive.

CALLEN: Creative avoidance.

What do you think?

Isn't that the same shirt you had on yesterday?


This is a first.

Neither of you have anything to say.

No, no, I...

(Eric whistles)

Case on deck-- quick briefing, and then our day gets tactical.

Go ahead.

No, go ahead. No, go ahead.

KENSI: Sorry.

DEEKS: No, I think you should go first, 'cause we should go to ops...

KENSI: Okay.


(Callen laughs)

No... no...


A penny for your thoughts?

Price has gone up.

There's no discount for shared history?

No; no discount for you, because you're one of the few who understand the cost.

That sounds like a compliment.

Or a curse.

Something else has come up.

You're not gonna like it.

Don't sh**t the messenger.

It was only a matter of time.

24 hours ago, a Pentagon consultant named Ron Hill was m*rder*d at the Naval Central Command in Bahrain.

He created contingencies for Joint Special Operations Command.

The art of gaming unpredictable global events.

And he was about to deliver a plan for seizing Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

If a coup happens, the United States wants to make sure those WMDs don't fall in the wrong hands.

Problem is, contingency plans cut both ways.

For us, it's a solution.

For the other side, it's an opportunity.

The plan to secure Pakistan's nukes could also be exploited as a plan to steal them.

Hill transferred the plan to a thumb drive.

It was the only copy, impossible to duplicate.

Lot of buyers in the black market for intel like that.

Lot of m*rder suspects, too.

KENSI: k*ller knew his blade.

Taking a head with one cut takes skill.

CALLEN: I've been to that base in Bahrain.

Gurkhas pull security there.

Gerka-what? Who?

Commandos recruited from the mountains of Nepal at age 14.

Hand 'em a g*n, and they'll tear up a sh**ting range.

You hand them a knife, they'll wipe out an entire city without making a noise.

They're good with any blade, but they made the kukri famous.

They're legendary.

The average Gurkha's about five, four, 125 pounds, and rumor has it, they stacked more kills in Afghanistan than anyone else, except for America and England.

DEEKS: Well, nothing brings out your inner fangirl like a guy with a knife.

ERIC: Security detail in Bahrain on the night of Hill's m*rder were, in fact, Gurkhas on loan from India's Army.

And they claim they're being framed for Hill's m*rder.

Eric, you said we were going tactical?

Homing beacon planted inside the thumb drive shows that it's now located in this Hollywood hotel.

And what if we're fighting Gurkhas?

Protect your neck.

We're on the second floor.

Room 255.

A GPS beacon's accurate to ten feet.

The thumb drive's either in that room, or the one directly below it.

Approaching room 155.

CALLEN: Ready to breach.

On my count.

(over radio): Three... two...


Federal agents!




(g*nsh*t, Deeks grunts)

(g*nshots, b*ll*ts ricocheting)

You good?

We've got an active sh**t in the north lot.

We're moving.

Split up, cut him off.




Deeks, Kensi, one hostile down in the hallway.



No thumb drive.


Hey, are you okay?


Yeah? What's your name?



All right, look...

Drop your weapons.

(Kensi sighs)

It's okay.

You're gonna be fine, Maddie.


Nice knife.

KENSI: Please let the girl go.

Get out of here.



DEEKS: Kensi?!


Move, and I'll empty her guts all over the pavement.

(engine revving, tires squealing)

Take the shot.

(tires squealing)


Drop it!

KENSI: Take the shot.

MAN: Come on, let's go!

Send it.

MAN: Get in!

(engine revs, tires squeal)

You okay?

I didn't have a shot.


Listen, I didn't have a shot.



I didn't have a shot!

Thumb drive?

GPS beacon's down.

They must have figured out how we tracked them.


They weren't Gurkhas.

SAM: Too big.

Too loud, no finesse.

They were Pakistani.

The sh**t you took down was an Inter-Services Intelligence agent working under non-official cover.

Gurkhas serve in the Indian military.

Pakistan and India are rivals who share a border.

There's a lot of history there.

Lot of hate.

Hill drew up the plan to seize the Pakistan nukes.

They'd love to make sure it never got out.

Well, stealing a thumb drive and framing your worst enemy for m*rder-- it's a pretty bold move.


It's consistent with our profile of the Pakistani spy agency's mindset.


Excuse me.

I'll be right back.

Something we should know?


Two more ISI agents are on the loose, and they have the thumb drive.

Find 'em.


(knife whipping)

24 hours ago, you would have taken that shot.

I didn't have the shot.

Yes, you did.


Okay, yesterday, I would have taken the shot, but it's not yesterday anymore... is it?

Is it?

What happened out there?

Same thing that happens every time we go kinetic.

Variables got in the way, and decisions were made.

SAM: We ran our after-action debrief, and we're moving forward.

But the variables are still out there, Mr. Hanna.

We'll recover the thumb drive.

The thumb drive is not what I'm referring to.

Is your team mission-ready?

I hope so.

Well, hope is not a plan, Mr. Callen.

DEEKS: Okay.

I should have taken the shot, and I let my emotions get in the way, and I'm sorry.

I'm honestly just trying to make this work.

It's not going to work.


I'm standing on my frozen lake.

I don't know what that means.

It's something that I learned in Sayoc.

Your frozen lake is the name for what you want the most in the world, and you want it...

You want it so bad that you'll do anything to get it.

And your heart takes over.

But because of that...

It destroys you in the end.

It's right there, just sitting in the middle of this frozen lake.

And you think you're fast enough to-to go out there and grab it before the ice cracks...

And what you don't realize is...

You're already standing on the ice and it's falling apart around you.

Um, LAPD just found a body.

One of the sh**t from the hotel.


(door closes)

(loads clip into g*n)

SAM: Second-to-last ISI agent.

One cut, one k*ll.

What did LAPD say?

They didn't find the thumb drive.

The last sh**t's in the wind.

KENSI: Well, they were on the run.

Could've had a disagreement that escalated.

DEEKS: But they had g*ns.

If it escalated, why mess around with knives?

Why not just sh**t someone?

Maybe it wasn't a disagreement.

Maybe it was an ambush.

An ambush by someone who doesn't take kindly to being framed for m*rder and espionage.


Maybe he's closer than we think.

(low indistinct conversation and radio chatter)



Watch for the blade.

Bring a knife to a gunfight, he'll see what happens.

(woman gasps)



No shot!



What was that I said about bringing a knife to a gunfight?

No thumb drive.

Who are you?

Jemadar Thapa, 5th Gurkha r*fle Regiment, Frontier Force.

Jai Maa kali, Ayo Gorkhali.

"Victory to the Goddess Kali, the Gurkhas are coming."

It's their w*r cry.

If a man tells you he's not afraid of dying he's either lying or he's a Gurkha.

I take it you've heard that one, huh?

From the man who said it first, the late Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, Indian Army Chief of Staff, my mentor.

SAM: Mm. Would he approve of you committing m*rder?

Not to mention attacking two federal agents on American soil?

India's Ministry of Defense sent me here to clear the Gurkha name.

Then why'd you run?

I did not want to waste time playing diplomat while a Pakistani spy is on the run with sensitive intel.

If we wanted to waste your time, you'd be in a prison right now.

SAM: And for the record, that sensitive intel is U. S. property.

The intel is not my concern.

No, your concern is revenge.

I call it honor.


Is that really the only reason you're here, Thapa?

I carry out my orders.

No more, no less.

Yeah, but that thumb drive's pretty tempting, isn't it?

An operational plan to seize Pakistan's nukes; to make the looming threat against your country disappear forever.

Maybe your command didn't tell you to bring it back...

But you'd get a hero's welcome if you did.

CALLEN: Let's say you got your hands on the thumb drive.

You tell me you're just going to hand it over to us and walk away?

There's no way he's giving up this thumb drive without a fight.

Pentagon says that Thapa checks out, which means he's officially on our side.

He's got a wife and three kids in West Bengal.

A strike by Pakistan would wipe them out.

You really think he's going to give up a shot at keeping them safe?

If he can control his emotions.

A lot easier said than done.

Well, it's never easy when you start to care.

I guess this makes the thumb drive his frozen lake?

Guess it does.

He'll do the right thing.

HETTY: The White Ghost is a dangerous and elusive man.

This is not an easy mission, Owen.

Which is why I'm running it myself.

You're going to need a QRF.

I'll keep my team on standby.

You've got your hands full right here, Henrietta, but I do appreciate the offer.

It seems the years have made you kind.

Have they?

ERIC: Looking for the last sh**t, but given his countersurveillance training, it's a long shot.

Wait, what about the getaway car from the hotel?

It still hasn't shown up.

I've got Kaleidoscope searching sedans of that make and model.

Well, all we can do is wait.

(sighs heavily)

I think...

I don't want to know what you think about Kensi and Deeks.

I didn't say what I was thinking.

But I know what you're thinking.

So, you're thinking it, too?

You think Hetty knows?

Hetty knows everything, I think.

That's what I thought.

Private airstrip.


The last sh**t-- he needs to leave the country but he's trained to avoid major hubs like LAX because he knows that's where we'd be looking.

Okay, but Kaleidoscope already searched private airstrip parking lots.

Search major parking lots around the parking lots.

In a five-mile radius.

(computer chirps, Eric typing)

(computer trills, beeps)

Sedan matching that description two miles from Whiteman Airport in Pacoima.

Yep, makes sense-- it's small, not a major hub.

I'll tell the others.

Get me Agent Callen.

Understood, Hetty.

We got a change of plans.

Thapa's coming with us to the airstrip.

It's a bad idea.

Yeah, probably.

SECNAV wants us to treat him like a member of the team.

She's hoping to bolster relations with India.

SECNAV never had this little dude's knife to her throat.

KENSI: I'll get Thapa a g*n from the armory.

No. Deeks, handle his stuff.

Kensi, you're coming with Sam and me.


You two could use some space.

KENSI: Understood.

You got this?

I got this.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Well, your enthusiasm is overwhelming.

I prefer to work alone.

Hmm, I used to feel the same way.

What changed?

I found somebody worth trusting.

And your team trusts me?

I can't really speak for my team, but, uh...

... I do.


It's a damn good question.

I understand that you want the thumb drive.

And I get that, 'cause if I was you, I'd want it, too.

And for this mission, that makes you a liability.

But you got this.

You believe I can do it?

That my brain will win over my heart?

Brother, I got to believe that, 'cause if you can do it, so can I.
Jemadar Thapa. 5th Gurkha r*fle Regiment, Frontier Force.

Detective Marty Deeks. LAPD.

The Gurkhas have a saying: "Better to die than be a coward."

Wow. I think my regular partner was a Gurkha in a past life.

Then he must be brave.

Well, she...

...she's the bravest.

I will not let you down, sahib.


(small plane flying nearby)

Pakistani's a trained pilot.

All he's goona need is a plane.

You got a good wind?


Got yourself a nice angle?


Still a*t*matic from 1, 500 yards?


Loves to open up about her feelings, doesn't she?

So you've never had a partner?


There's no female Gurkhas?


Well, you should consider yourself lucky then.

I mean, look at me, I'm standing on a frozen lake.

And I'm beginning to sound like her.

The heart needs discipline.

Without discipline there is no honor.

Without honor, we are nothing.

You know what, you're pretty cool, Thapa.

For a second there, I forgot that you chopped off some guy's head this morning.

There is only one way to cross a frozen lake.

ERIC (over radio): The ISI agent has reached the airstrip.

He's alone and on foot.

CALLEN: Stand by, Deeks.

Looks like he's meeting somebody.

He will never make it back to Pakistan.

His passport has been tagged.

He will be caught.

Armenian Mob in Glendale has the best forgery operation in L. A.

Fake passport would've been his first stop for sure.

THAPA: It does not matter.

He is a dead man.

No. No, no.

No dead man, all right, we need to take him alive, tie up any loose ends, you got that?

Got it, sahib.

The moment you see that thumb drive, move in.

Agent just passed an envelope.

I think it was money.

Some sort of keys.

No thumb drive visible.

(silenced g*nshots)

(grunts) No.


Deeks, move.

Federal agents!

Drop it!


Hold overwatch.


(g*nf*re in distance)

(tires screech)

(tires screeching)

Thapa's MIA.


Scanning airstrip cams now.


The Gurkha?

No visual on Thapa.

Damn it.

No, no.

Thumb drive's gone.

(indistinct radio chatter)

Let me guess.

You got bad news and then you got "Fredo at the end of Godfather Part II" bad news.

Awesome. Give me the bad news first.

The news isn't good, but I'm not a messenger, Deeks.

So, what, you're the guy that gives me the pep talk?

I'm the one that reminds you you're not in this alone.

Here's the bad news: What happened was that the Pakistanis found a plane owner online earlier today, offered him cash for a ride.

Owner had no idea what he'd gotten himself into.

Dead the moment he stepped on the tarmac.

Okay. Give me Fredo.

Thapa's in the wind.

No trace of him.


Eric's searching cam footage, statewide APB, FBI K-9 units are en route.

And you think all that's enough to hunt down a Gurkha carrying the holy grail of intel in his pocket?

His credit cards and bank accounts are frozen.

Indian government disavowed him for violating direct orders.

This is an international incident.

Thapa's the most wanted man in L. A.

Yeah, I know. And I'm the one that trusted him.

Maybe you didn't hear me just now.

No, I did.

I'm not alone. I got it.

Listen, uh, just for the record, Kensi told me to take that shot at the hotel.

I've made that shot before.

I've been there, I've done that, I got the T-shirt, I just didn't take it.

So get us back in the game.

I know a way to find Thapa and get the thumb drive back.

Something tells me you know something we don't.

Crazy, right?

Hetty, I can make this right.

You have several problems, Mr. Deeks.

Which one are we talking about?

I'm talking about the Gurkha.

I have a plan for the Gurkha.


I'm sure it's brilliant.

Tell me.

I honestly don't think that this guy's gonna go rogue and sell the thumb drive to the highest bidder.

I mean, think about this.

He's a... he's a patriot, he's a soldier, and if he brings home the information to neutralize Pakistan, there's a good chance India's gonna take him back.


Always better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.


So what's his next step?

He's got to get out of Los Angeles, which means he needs a new passport, he needs a new identity and, given the heat that's on him, it's got to be perfect.

That's a large task, Mr. Deeks.

Thapa's a stranger in this city.

How would he know where to go?

Because I told him.

I, um...

Mentioned the Armenian Mob franchise in Glendale.

It's run by a woman named Talita Pambakian.

You know her location?

I spent two weeks infiltrating her group, working undercover for LAPD.

We established contact.

She thinks I'm a lawyer.

And what happened?

She found out there was another cop working undercover and she shot him in the head.

Obviously, LAPD shut it down and then they pulled me out.

And you want to reestablish contact.

Thapa's on his way to see her right now.

All I got to do is beat him there.

You need a suit.

Hetty brief you?


We assessed the location in Ops and, honestly, I don't like it.

Makes it impossible for us to reach you if something goes wrong.

Not much of a choice.

It's the only way.

Or you mean the only way to redeem yourself for the hotel and Thapa?

Can you do something for me?


Can you, for a second, just pretend that I'm not Deeks and, for a second, pretend that you're not Kensi and that we're not partners and no one's trying to save the planet?

Can we pretend for a second that we're just a boy and a girl who are hanging out?

We can...

Drive around in my pickup truck, go get ice cream, go bowling.

But that's the thing because the possibilities are endless.

We're young.

We have all the time in the world.

My name is Fern. Hi.

You're Fern.


Well, so nice to... so nice to meet you, Fern. I'm Max.

Nice to meet you.

You have any plans for tonight?

I don't know. It's complicated.

Well, not from where I'm standing, it's not.

I have a boyfriend.

So does my girlfriend.

That's a nice suit.


The problem with it is that's it's too-too tight.

It's gonna be hard to conceal a w*apon.

The first thing Talita's guys are gonna do are pat me down.

They're gonna find it anyway.


No, I-I can't take that.

My partner doesn't go unarmed.

Take it.

I've never had a girl give me her, uh... knife before.

Does that mean that we are... official?

Eh, sometimes a knife is just a knife.

CALLEN: All right, take us through it, Eric.

Those walls are concrete.

Thick concrete.

The structural integrity's sound, the only way in is through the front door.

There are the two guards out front and probably more inside that we can't see.

Where's Talita located?

ERIC: Uh, schematics show an office in the back of the building, but you'll have to make it through a narrow hallway to get there.

Fatal funnel.

Strategic nightmare.


DEEKS: Comm's good?

ERIC: Loud and clear.

(Muzak playing)

Here to see Talita.

You got an appointment?

Tell her Marty Finch is here to see her.

Maybe you're a cop, Marty Finch.

Call her lawyer.

Well, that's perfect timing 'cause I am her lawyer.

(quietly): Guy named Marty Finch is here.

TALITA (over radio): Send him back.


He's good.

Let's go.

First door on the right.

You're the guy who made those narco charges go away back in '09?

Hand over any weapons now.

I'm not carrying.

MAN (staticky): Look for a wire, too...

ERIC: Comms deadzone in that sector of the building, guys.

My hands are tied.

Then we wait.

You good?

KENSI: I'm good.

You enjoying yourself?

He's clean.

Back from the dead, counselor?

Not dead, Talita, just incredibly busy.

If you're not working for me, it's all the same.

Let's hear your pitch.

You've come to peddle your wares, right?

Is this the part where I tell you you still look good and your business is thriving?

Only problem is I don't lie to clients.

You're screwed, Talita.

LAPD's coming for you.

They know what happens when undercovers show up at my door.

And, unfortunately for you, they don't forget.

My source says you have another one coming your way right now.

Small guy, maybe five-five, dark skin with an undercover story about needing forged papers to get back to India.

I'm waiting, Finch.

What are you talking about?

Waiting for what?

That was pro bono.

Do I still look good or not?

I lied before.

You still look good.

What do you want?

You got a lot of meatheads carrying g*ns, but you don't have anybody that can restructure your entire organization and make it legit. That, Talita, is what I want.

Still billing the same rate?

No, no. Big boy rules now.

No more retainers.

I need a percentage.

"Big boy rules"?


I like that.

Easy on the suit.

Get up.

You see, I don't like the one-and-done thing that you pulled back in '09.

Make things right.

Show me you're loyal.

What are you talking about?

There's a seat for you at my big boy table.

But you got to take it.

Show him.

Your source was right.

This guy showed up, said he needed clean I. D. fast.

But if he's a cop, how come, when we shook him down, all we found was a thumb drive?

I don't know anything about a thumb drive.

Now that I have it, I don't need him, do I?

Prove your loyalty.

Take it.

Little man here forgot there's no honor among thieves.

(choppy static over comms)

He's been dark for a while.

We knew this building had problems.

Listen, Talita, I don't sh**t people.

Maybe not for a living, but anyone can stand before a beaten man and pull a trigger.

I only put one b*llet in that g*n.

Don't miss.

Now, Finch, or we're going to have two bodies hanging from hooks.


ERIC: The signal's on full boost.

There's nothing we can do.

Lots of g*ns inside that place.

We go in, we're going in big.

Let's let it play out for another 60 seconds, then we breach.

We clear?


SAM: Kensi...!

Damn it. Eric, tell LAPD we're going in hot.

ERIC: Copy that.


(tires screeching)


(bystanders screaming)

Drop it!

Federal agent!


KENSI: Deeks!


Are you crazy?

You almost took my head off.

Who takes that shot?

Took you long enough.

Stay with me, Thapa.

(both grunting)

I owe you guys an apology.

I'm sorry.

Tell me you secured the thumb drive, we're going to forget about it.

I don't have it.

Well, who has it-- Deeks?

Um, no.

I mean, he would have said if he had it, right?

But I...

Okay, there's no way the Gurkha held onto it, so it's got to be here somewhere. I-I will find it.

I'm thinking inside jacket pocket, left side.

I'll go right.



Nice call.

Kensi... apology accepted.

Go be with your partner.


Lot of trouble over this thing.

That's right, so let's put it somewhere safe.

You know what?

That's a good idea.

Watch my back, G.


Here we go.

He lost a lot of blood but he'll live.

Gurkhas-- believe the hype.


I'm gonna go with him to the hospital.

No, hey, whoa, please, let me just--

I just want to say something.


We're gonna figure this out.

All we got to do is talk about it.

Okay, but you don't, you don't really like the talking about it.

Yeah, but I promise I'll be better at talking about this.

What do you, what do you mean by "this"?

This... you know.

This thing?

Yes, our... thing.

I'm sorry, just--

I didn't, I didn't hear you 'cause there were so many people walking by.

If you could just maybe say it louder just for me.

Just once, just say it.

I hate you.

You don't, you don't, you don't hate me.

Our thing.



You have to promise me something, too, though.


Promise you'll be patient with me?

Yo, got to roll.

See you tonight?


You do me a favor, Fern?


Can you burn that shirt for me?

(siren wailing)

You saw good in me when I could not even see it in myself.

I will never forget that, sahib.

You know, you actually started to tell me something back at the airstrip.

You started to tell me the only way to cross a frozen lake.

Do not run.

Walk slowly.

Stop to look at everything.

Take your time.

She will wait for you.


You waiting for Deeks?


Pack your things, Agent Blye.

Excuse me?

There's a C-130 waiting for you.

You've been reassigned.


Uh, Hetty, Assistant Director Granger says I've been reassigned.

That's correct.

You'll be needing a clean shirt, Miss Blye.

Why is he doing that?

He's not. I am.

(Kensi sighs)

When will I be back?

When the job's done.

GRANGER: Let's move, Agent Blye.

(phone buzzes)

What's this about, Hetty?

"Need to know, " gentlemen.

You ever gonna stop moving us around like pieces in a chess game?

I don't move pieces, Mr. Callen.

I move the board.

Good night.

Oh, come on, I break every traffic law on the planet to get here and she already left?

Your partner's been reassigned, Mr. Deeks.

What do you mean?

What do you mean, reassigned?

A classified mission.

A c-classified mission for how long?





(wry laugh)

That looks familiar.

It was her dad's.

Well, that is quite a gift.


Well, sometimes a knife is just a knife.

And now she's entrusted it to you.

Anything else I should know, Hetty?

Button up, Mr. Deeks.

It's cold out there.

(laughs softly)

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