08x21 - Nanny Dearest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy, tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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08x21 - Nanny Dearest

Post by bunniefuu »


["Sunshine Superman" playing]

[Match strikes]

♪ Sunshine came softly ♪
♪ through my, my window today ♪
♪ could have tripped out easy ♪
♪ but I've... ♪


♪ Changed my ways... ♪


[Sobbing and screaming]



[Muffled cries]

Hey, let's keep the water in the tub, ok?

5 more minutes and then mommy's gotta get ready for work.

Why did you always go to work, Mommy?

Well, um, because there's people out there that need my help.

But I will be back soon.

How many days?

I don't know, buddy.

I wish I did.

But I promise I will be back as soon as I can.

And we always keep our promises, right?



Ok, well, then you need to promise that you're gonna be a good boy for daddy while I'm gone.

Give me a high five.


Ha ha ha ha!


We're gonna make a pre-emptive trip to Los Angeles.

This unsub kills on the same date every year.

Go ahead, Garcia.

Ok. I present to you, crime-fighters, an oldie but not such a goodie.

I give you Rachel Hughes, Melissa Martinez, Tara Rios, Diana Brooks, and Gloria Clemente.

You guys know the deets.

This is news to you, Blake.

Over the last 5 years, each of these women have disappeared from a park off the California coast, from as far south as San Diego and far north as San Francisco.

Each of them were nannies who were kidnapped while watching kids.

Thankfully, each of the little ones was returned to a church or hospital totally unharmed within 24 hours.

But the nannies were found dead, posed on park benches and Los Angeles playgrounds.

One a year, always on the same date.

May 13. The actual abduction date varies from case to case, but the unsub goes to great lengths to make sure the bodies are found that exact day.

All except victim number 3, Tara Rios.

Somehow she managed to escape.

Garbage truck driver found her passed out in an alley in Hollywood.

She had no idea who took her or where he held her.

Morgan and I questioned her, I even tried to do cognitive, but she was way too traumatized to remember much of anything at all.

Clearly she dissociated from the event.

We've contacted her several times over the past few years trying to get more info, but she just refuses to talk to us.

Her reluctance isn't surprising.

Each of the victims was sexually assaulted and tortured with burning implements for several days.

And then he drowned them in scalding water when he was done.

But no matter where he grabs them, he always returns them to L. A.

Both the location and that date obviously means something significant, but what?

May 13 is two weeks away.

Garcia, go ahead and alert the press on the West Coast.

When we land in L. A., Morgan and JJ will take the jet to Seattle and make a personal plea to Tara Rios.

Wheels up in 30.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Kids playing, chattering]


Ok, see you guys next week.

Bye, Miss Gina.


Child: I want to go feed the birds.

You hungry for lunch?

We got some mac and cheese.

Maybe you'll actually eat your broccoli today.

You got your hands full, huh?

Cute. What is she, about 2?

Yeah, almost.

What's her name?


Hi, Phoebe.

My daughter's almost 8.

Enjoy your day.

You, too.

[Baby crying]


Excuse me.




[Crying continues]



It's ok.



Just shut your mouth.

Don't make me hurt the baby instead.

[Baby crying]

Hi, Phoebe.


♪ Criminal Minds 8x21 ♪

Nanny Dearest
Original air date on May 8, 2013

Hotch: "Children are educated by what the grownup is and not by his talk."

Carl Jung.

Other than their occupation, there's no connection between these victims.

His a need to commemorate the anniversary is what's behind it and whatever message he's trying to send.

And what exactly is he trying to say?

Well, whatever it is, this anniversary date has to be associated with some kind of long-term stressor.

That date could be anything.

Birthdate, death date, a traumatic event.

His first victim, Rachel Hughes, was the only one be both kidnapped and dumped in Griffith Park.

Well, the first time is usually the most significant.


Newsflash, my family, and how I wish it was the good kind.

Another nanny and a kid just disappeared in Los Angeles.

Her name is Gina Mendes.

She was watching a 2-year-old named Phoebe Payton.

Think that's our guy?

I'd bet on it.

I think he's ahead of schedule.

He's never abducted his victims more than 4 days before the anniversary date.

Phoebe's got asthma.

And she needs regular nebulizer treatments.

Gina always carries some, but it won't last.

How long has Gina worked for you?

Oh, about 4 years.

That's a long time.

The baby is barely 2.

Yeah. We hired her when we got pregnant...

The first time.

Blake: I'm sorry, the first time?

I had a late miscarriage, and then we had a stillbirth.

Gina stayed on.

You know, we were both pretty shook up, and I travel a lot for work.

So, she helped out around the house.

Gina doesn't just work for us, she's like family.

She lost both her parents when she was a teenager, so it's kind of like we adopted her in a way.

It's true, right?

This man, he always-- he always gives the kids back?

Yes, he has.

And they're ok?

He doesn't-- he's returned all of the children unharmed in the first 24 hours, either to a church or to a hospital.

Oh, God.


[Phoebe crying]

Gina: She needs her medicine.

She has asthma.

Please, let me help her.


You all pretend to care, but you just want to save your own skin.

You're all the same.

She'll die!

She'll die if you can't take the pain.

In their statements, two of the other families said the same thing about their nannies.

"She was more than just an employee.

She was almost like family."

Well, it's not uncommon to form that kind of a bond with your child's caregiver.

But what if the connection they have with the children is what sparks the unsub's interest?

Maybe it's not just about them being nannies.

He could be keying in on the relationship itself.

And he would have to stalk them and know their routines well enough to be able to pick up on that.

I'll have Reid and Rossi retrace Gina's steps, and we should interview the victims' families again.

If he sticks to his schedule, Phoebe could turn up soon.

Let's hope so.

I just talked to a bunch of nannies over at the observatory.

They knew Gina and Phoebe.

Said they're here every, uh, Tuesday and Thursday.

A regular schedule or routine gives children a sense of security.

That would make it easy for him to stalk her.

He knew exactly when she would be here.

She never made it back to the car, which means he grabbed her somewhere between here and the observatory.

Broad daylight, public park, LAPD regularly patrolling the area.

This guy's got cojones.

He probably threatens the children as a means to gain the nanny's compliance.

Well, we know he's got his own transport.

It's gotta be a van or an SUV.

And he's patient.

He only kills once a year.

The rest of the time, he's stalking or planning.

One thing's different, though.

He's back in Griffith Park.


Griffith Park spans 4, 310 acres, making it one of the largest urban parks on all of North America.

Given the sheer size, coincidence certainly is a possibility.

But he's never repeated parks before.

No, he hasn't.

[Chatter, [Indistinct song playing]

More iced tea, please.

♪ Listen to what he says ♪

Morgan: Hey, Tara.

It's been a long time.

What are you guys doing here?

We need to talk to you.

Well, you should have called me first.

We did. You never called us back.

You have no right just showing up to my work like this.

We apologize, but this is--

Couldn't you just talk to my doctor?

He knows everything that's going on with me.

The unsub took another nanny today, Tara.

Her name's Gina Mendes--

Stop. Stop it.

I don't want to know her name.

Tara, we really need your help.


I already told you guys everything that I can remember.

Tara, that was 3 years ago.

We're hoping that you'll give it another try.

Your memories aren't lost, they're just locked up.

We know this is a lot...

But we'll be with you the whole time.


JJ: The little girl who was with Gina, her name's Phoebe, and she has asthma and she needs special medication.

And--and Gina, right now she's going through exactly what you went through.

Which means if we don't find her, she's only got two weeks to live.




Help us.


LAPD's got every church and hospital in the city covered.

So far nothing.

Maybe the police presence scared him off.

They're only using plainclothes.

Even so, this guy has evaded arrest for this long.

He's probably got a nose for cops.

I don't know.

He's a creature of habit.

Veering off his schedule would be a big departure in his M. O.

He's already veering from his schedule, though.

I mean, he abducted Gina earlier than expected.

He never keeps the children longer than 24 hours.

He's had Phoebe for 28.

I wonder what that means for Gina.

Will he stick to his schedule with her?

He returned all 5 of the other kids.

Why is he holding Phoebe?

We should consider the implications if he doesn't bring her back.

[Phoebe crying]

Agent Hotchner?


Have you heard anything?

No, nothing yet.

I'm sorry.

So... So what now?

We keep pursuing the investigation.

We leave no stone unturned.

But you said he always gives the kids back within 24 hours.

It's been almost 30.

That's true, that's been his pattern, yes.

So where's Phoebe?

We're trying to figure it out.

Have you checked with all the hospitals?

Yes, we have.

Well, what about the churches?

She could be there.

We're covering the churches, too, I promise you.

So you just don't know a damn thing.

Mrs. Payton-- you should be out there right now.

Even my husband is out there looking, putting up flyers.

How can you be looking for her from in here?

I understand what you're going through.

You don't understand anything.

No, I actually do.

Maybe we can find a place where we can talk.

Agents, I'd like to help, but I can't disclose the details of Tara's therapy.

Frankly, I'm surprised she gave me permission to talk to you.

Dr. Berneman, Tara is the only victim who's seen this man and survived.

There's two lives at stake here.

We're just trying to get some insight.

Well, I can tell you this-- when Tara first came to me, she was suffering from extreme PTSD.

For lack of a better clinical term, she was a hot mess.

She would scratch at the burn scars on her arm till they bled.

She had insomnia, and when she did sleep, she had nightmares.

I noticed that she repeatedly snapped a hair tie around her wrist.

That's a form of aversion therapy.

When negative feelings about the event start to take over, she snaps the rubber band.

It helps her keep control.

Call it a supplement to a pretty strict regimen that helps her keep control.

But she's got a long way to go.

Are you telling us that we shouldn't be trying to question her?

I'm telling you we worked very hard for two years.

Tara's finally approaching normal.

She's got a job.

She paints.

She even had a date last week.

I would hate to put her through anything that might set her back.

All right, Doctor, well, we appreciate you taking time out of your vacation.

Feel free to call if you need anything else.

Thank you, Doctor.

It looks like we may need to give Tara her space.

Yeah, well, it's too bad, because she's the only real lead we've got.

I'm at a dead end.

I spoke to the families of the previous victims and they had nothing to add to their original statements.

Why hasn't he returned Phoebe Payton yet?

There has to be a reason.

I hate to state the obvious, but maybe he k*lled her.

But why take the time, effort, and risk to return all the other kids just to k*ll this one?

You know, she could have succumbed to an asthma attack.

Or we're looking at this wrong.

What if he's finally found the kid he's really been looking for?

But we profiled him as a sexual sadist with rage issues.

The children have no value to him.

It's the nannies he wants.

The first part of that still could be right.

Clearly he's a sadist.

But what if the kids are more valuable to him than the nannies?

Then the nannies are collateral damage in the hunt for what he really wants--a child.

And somehow Phoebe Payton fits the bill.

That explains why he abducted her earlier than expected.

Well, why wouldn't he just grab the children, then?

Because he's attracted to the dynamic between nanny and child.

It could also be a forensic countermeasure.

If he only took the children, he would have left witnesses behind.

But what's so special about Phoebe?

What makes her different from the others?

The asthma.


Hallelujah, this place is dead.

♪ Give me a job, give me a job ♪

Garcia, I need you to check the health records of all 5 kids that the unsub returned.

Any special needs, any medications.

Okey-dokey artichokey.


Everyone healthy as a horse.

That's super healthy.

Clean bill. Nothing.

Thanks, Garcia.

Really? That's all?

But I have so many skills to help. Please?


If his ultimate objective is the kid, then he may abandon his schedule altogether.

Which means Gina may not have until may 13.

We need a targeted media strategy.

I'll go get Hotch.

We believe we're looking for a Caucasian male who's almost certainly a resident of Los Angeles county.

As you know, he operates on a strict yearly schedule, which takes patience and discipline.

Which leads us to believe he's in his late 30s or 40s.

He abducts his victims from public parks in broad daylight, which tells us that he's socially competent, fits in, appears non-threatening.

In other words, he's someone you'd never notice.

Do you think he'll abduct more victims anytime soon?

It's possible, though we find it highly doubtful.

His schedule seems to be very important to him.

Then why hasn't he returned the baby yet?

We think he suffers from a rare psychological disorder called paternal desire.

Like its sister disorder, maternal desire, it stems from a deep-seated need to fill an emotional void left by the loss of a child.

We think that loss may be related to some kind of long-term stressor in his life.

And this explains why he exhibits so much rage and v*olence against the nannies that he abducts.

He's shown little mercy toward his adult victims, but he's been compassionate to the children.

And it's that sense to which we'd like to appeal.

At this point I'd like to introduce Shane and Melody Payton.

These are Phoebe's parents and Gina's employers.

Mr. and Mrs. Payton.


If you're watching this or if you know the man who did this, please contact the authorities.


Phoebe's just...

She's just a baby.

And our nanny, Gina, she is a good person.

She doesn't deserve this.

Just do the right thing and let them go, please.

The baby has severe asthma and she needs this medication.

She can't breathe without it.

Melody: Please let them go.

Give our baby back!

[Phoebe crying]

[Cell phone rings]

We've issued an AMBER Alert and set up a toll-free hotline.

If anyone has any information at all...

Yeah, this is Derek Morgan.


Can you hold on?

Just a second.

Go ahead.


That would be great.

Ok. Thank you.

That was Tara Rios.
What happened?

She wants to help us.

You're kidding.

She saw the press conference.

JJ, good work.

It was your idea to go national.

I'm gonna get them to turn us around.

[Knock on door]

I just wanted to let you know that we've convinced a witness to come forward.

She's a victim who had escaped.

I realize it's not the news you're hoping for, but even the smallest piece of information could help us find Phoebe and Gina.

In the meantime, it would be a good idea if you could go home and get some rest.

It would do you some good.

No, no, we're not going anywhere.

So, what makes you think that it's gonna work this time?

Well, we're gonna try something new.

It's a psychotherapy called EMDR.

It stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.

It's very effective with PTSD and memories that have been buried especially deep.

What if I can't?

What if there's really nothing in there?

There's evidence that suggests we process intellectual material in a different part of the brain than emotional material.

EMDR helps link the two.

Tara, we will be with you the whole time.

And you're gonna help us catch this guy.

I promise you.

How does this... EMDR thing, how does it work?

First we'll start by putting you in a safe place, mentally, by asking you to focus on a particular image, a memory that makes you happy.

And then we'll start asking questions.

And then when you're ready, we'll have you follow a light that moves side to side.

So, can you tell us about Jake?

He was adorable.

Big blue eyes.

He was such a good boy.

When was the last time you saw him?

That day. The day that we got taken.

We went to the park, like we always did.

Jake loved the park.

Morgan: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about that day?

[Kids chattering]


It was chilly.

I forgot my coat.

What can you tell us about the abduction itself?

[Sighs] It all happened so quickly.

That's ok.

Take your time.

A man came up to us.

I think--

I think he had a leash in his hand.

Morgan: Did he have a dog?

Yeah. Yeah, he did.

That's good. You didn't remember that before.

Do you know what kind of dog?

No, but it was big.

I didn't--

I didn't want it near Jake.

He said...

He said Jake reminded him of his baby sister.

...my baby sister.

You said before he was a white guy.

Can you see his face?


But he has a g*n and he's-- he's pointing it at Jake.

Oh, God.

Calm down.

Just concentrate on the light.

What happened next?


He hit me...

In my face, then I fell.


Jake was crying and...

I couldn't help him.

I couldn't do anything.

I... I think I passed out.



The burning...

[Breathing hard]

Woke me up.

He was using cigarettes.

I was tied to a bed.

He kept saying, "Can you take it?"

And he said if I couldn't take it that he was gonna do it to Jake.

Oh, my God.

Ok. You're safe now, Tara.

Jake, he won't stop crying.


Help me. Help me.


He says he needs help.

You actually heard the word "help"?


That can't be Jake, Tara.

He's too little to talk.

Help me! Help me.

No, it was a woman.

A woman?

What woman?

I don't know.

Help me, please!

I don't know!

I need to stop now.

I need to stop.

How you doing?

You need anything?


How could that stuff...

Be hidden in my head all these years?

I feel like I'm going crazy.

You're not.

It's just your brain's way of protecting you.

That's them, isn't it?

That little girl's parents?

Are they ok?

Not so much.

You have kids?

Yeah. Yeah, a little boy, Henry.

How old is he?

He's 4 1/2.

Oh, that's a great age.

Who's--who's with him now?

Uh, well, uh, right now his dad is at work, so...

He's with his nanny.

This is working.

But we've gotta keep going.

The answers are in there.

I know it.

But we're running out of time.

Look, I made you a promise that we would catch this guy.

Please help me keep it.

Morgan: Ok, Tara, I want you to focus on the screams of that woman.

Where were you when you heard them?

Help me!

Help me, please!


It was when he was burning me.

JJ: Did you ever see her?



Oh, my God, the van.

The van-- she was there, too.

Can you describe her?

There's blood in my eyes. Um...

She was--she was wearing a blue shirt.

Was that the only time that you saw her?

I got out. I wanted to search for Jake, but I couldn't hear him crying anymore.

I saw her.

I saw her in the bathroom...

Tied to a sink.


She had blond hair.

And I...

[Dog barking]

Man: Roscoe, shut up!

[Roscoe growling]

I left them there.


I left them both there.

Can you think of anything else about her?

Her name, maybe?

Man: Can you take it, Alison?


Her name was Alison.

That's what he would call her when he was hurting her.

[Breathing hard]

So if this mystery blonde in blue was in the van with Tara, that means the unsub probably grabbed them on the same day.

He's never taken more than one woman at a time, though.

Maybe she wasn't part of the plan.

JJ and Morgan are still working with Tara.

She thinks she might be able to describe the unsub enough

[cell phone rings]

to get a composite sketch.

What have you got, Garcia?

What I've got is a promotion coming, 'cause, damn, I am good.

A very blond Alison Astor was reported missing 3 years ago.

Now, she's from Dallas, but she never returned home from a business trip she took to Los Angeles.

She was single, she worked as a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, she was an avid runner.

She even qualified for the Boston marathon, which is not easy.

All right, call the coroner's office and see if there are any unidentified female remains for the last 3 years.

Um, sir, you're talking to me. That's already done.

It's L. A., so there are 12 unidentified female bodies, but only one with blond hair, wearing a blue shirt, and the coroner is expecting you, and you're welcome.

Sorry about the wait.

She was way in the back and her possessions were up in storage.

Here's the report.

She was scheduled to be buried soon, but every day we I. D.

One of our Jane Does.

You weren't able to determine exact cause of death.


She was too decomposed.

Found in a shallow grave up in a remote part of Griffith Park.

So she was out there at least a year before she was found.

Critters must have got to her, too.

Yeah. They went to town.

You can see bite marks on her tibia, fibula.

They're on her radius, too.

Something weird on this leg.

These bite marks here-- too big for anything out in Griffith Park.

I'd say that's from a very large dog, one pushing 100 pounds or so.

[Phoebe crying]

Let me help her.

The nebulizer is in my bag.

[Crying louder]

The steam won't work.

She needs her medicine!

He puts the nannies on display, but he hides Alison Astor in a remote shallow grave.

Before Alison started in pharmaceuticals, she was a corpsman in the Navy.

She probably witnessed Tara's abduction and tried to intervene.

It makes sense.

She was trained to help people.

He hid her body because Tara escaped.

And the anniversary means too much to him to have Alison's body be the one to be discovered.

Well, we got our composite sketch.

Hey, guys.

Check this out.

He grabbed his first victims from here.

He abducted Gina and Phoebe from here.

He buried Alison Astor up here.

And down here in Hollywood is where Tara Rios was found passed out.

We can give it another try, but she has no idea where she escaped from or how long she was wandering.

I'm actually more intrigued by what lies between these 4 points. Look.

Dog parks.

There's two of them.

She did say he had a dog.

And there were bite marks on Alison Astor's leg.

Dog owners tend to be very regimented.

They follow a strict schedule.

And being out with his dog would allow him to inconspicuously stalk his prey.

Those parks are extremely social.

Someone out there had to see this guy.

[Phoebe crying]

Let me help her!


Shut up.

Don't pretend that you care.


Do whatever you want to me, but, please, she'll die.

[Phoebe crying]


♪ A la nanita Nana ♪
♪ nanita Ella, nanita Ella ♪
♪ mi Nina tiene sueno ♪
♪ bendito sea ♪
♪ bendito sea ♪

Shh. Good girl.

Give her back now.


She's mine!

Give her to me.


Roscoe, up!



I'm not finished with you yet.


Please don't hurt her!

[Phoebe crying, Roscoe barking]

Morgan, you and JJ canvas the north end of the park, we'll take the south.

We should make sure LAPD covers playgrounds and walking trails as well.

I suggest we go as far west as Runyon Canyon.

A lot of real estate.

It'll be nightfall soon.

If this guy is planning on keeping the kid, there's a good chance he won't even stick to his anniversary date.

The FBI has released a composite sketch of the so-called "Nanny k*ller, " who's suspected of abducting and brutally murdering 4 young women up and down the California coast over the past 6 years.

His latest abductees, 23-year old Gina Mendes and 2-year-old Phoebe Payton, both from Los Angeles, still are missing.

If you have any information regarding their whereabouts, please call the AMBER Alert hotline or the LAPD immediately.

[Dogs barking] Yeah, that kind of looks like Jonny.

Do you know him?

Yeah. I mean, not really, just from up here, but...

Hang on.

Hey, baby, come here for a sec?

He's up here more than I am.

What's up?

These guys are with the FBI.

Take a look at this.

That look like Jonny to you?

Kinda. Yeah.

Do you know where we can find him?

No idea. I used to see him up here all the time.

Haven't seen him in a few days, though.

What kind of dog does he have?

A big old Rottweiler.


He plays with Daisy.

Do you know Jonny's last name?

No. Just Jonny.


Is he in some kind of trouble?

Oh, man of my favorite fantasies, what you got?

I need you to do your thing, mama.

Look up every Jonny, John, and Jonathan in Los Angeles with a dog license.

Ok, there are 420.

JJ: Does it specify what breed of dog?

Yes. Unless they're mixed breed.

Are there any Rottweilers on that list?

Oh, hang on.

Not a one.

Hang on. Not everybody bothers to get a license.

JJ: What about vet records?

What about them?

Find all the veterinarian offices within a 10-mile radius of Griffith Park.

This guy's got a Rottweiler.

Ok, there are 14 vet offices, there are a lot of records.

It's gonna take me a sec.

Hold up, I'll hit you back.

That was a good boy.

Come here.

Turn around.

Good boy. Go.

I got a hit.

There's a Jonathan Ray Covey who owns a 110-pound Rottweiler named Roscoe.

I've got a home and a work address.

Well, who's closer to what?

You're closer to home, which is right next to Griffith Park.

You're right there.

Go! Go!

I'll let Hotch know.

["Sunshine Superman" playing]


♪ Sunshine came softly ♪
♪ through my, my window today ♪
♪ could have tripped out easy ♪
♪ but I've, I've changed my ways ♪
♪ it'll take time, I know it ♪
♪ but in a while ♪
♪ you're gonna be mine, I know it ♪
♪ we'll do it in style... ♪

I thought I told you to get to bed!

You're a bad boy.

You don't care about that baby.

Just admit it.

♪ ...beach at sunset, do you remember when? ♪

Just say the word.


Save yourself.

Admit it and it'll stop.


You'll break.

♪ when you've made your mind up... ♪


They all do.

I got the skinny on this Covey dude.

He's 40 years old, he lives in the same house he grew up in, which he inherited from his mother when she died 10 years ago.

That's why he's so connected to Griffith Park.

He probably grew up going there.

How did his mother die, Garcia?

Heart attack.

Same thing with his dad back in '86.

And here's something super sad.

When Covey was 7, his 2-year-old sister Amanda was drowned.


Bathtub. There was a nanny watching, a Griselda Vasquez.

There was a full investigation.

The death was ruled accidental.

She was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Covey must still blame her for his sister's death.

And guess what date she died.

May 13.

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

And here's another piece of interest.

Baby sister had asthma.

So this isn't paternal desire, this is fraternal desire.

Oh, and peep this.

Griselda Vasquez, she lost her battle with breast cancer 6 years ago.

That's when he k*lled his first victim.

That must have been his trigger.

He never got his chance to take revenge.


Just give in.


[Roscoe barking]

Jonathan Ray Covey, it's the FBI!


His sister's room.


Roscoe, attack!



Drop the w*apon!

Let her go!


Drop the w*apon!

[Muffled cries]

Jonathan, let her go.

She's not Griselda!

Griselda? That bitch lied and got away with it!

She didn't care about us.

She just wanted to save her own ass!

But that girl right there is not your nanny.


Don't hurt that dog!

Jonathan, let her go!

He's gone out front!



Stop right there!

[Indistinct chatter]


We've got it.

You all right?


That was a nice shot.

Agent Jareau?

Tara, what are you doing here?

I asked them to bring me.


Come, baby.

Oh... Oh, God.

We got him.

He's dead.

And we saved Phoebe and Gina, too.

You did it.

It's over.

I want to see his body.



That's enough.

I'll be right back. Ok?

Excuse me.

You're Tara?

Thank you.

[Both crying]

♪ Hold your breath and fall apart ♪
♪ you make a simple mistake ♪
♪ and now you're paying for it with your heart ♪
♪ some of us make our beds ♪
♪ but we can't afford to lay in them ♪
♪ remember I always have said ♪
♪ you should leave me alone ♪
♪ so I don't want to crash now, I'm afraid ♪
♪ that I'm going nowhere way too fast ♪


♪ I can't hear what you say ♪

Welcome home.

♪ I'm in a conversation with my past ♪
♪ maybe I wasn't that brave ♪
♪ so much as raising but it got me through ♪

Wow. I missed you, too.

♪ And somehow the path that I paved ♪
♪ just keeps leading me to you ♪
♪ but I don't want to crash now ♪

You're gonna wake up that boy.

♪ Don't want to crash now ♪
♪ mm-mmm... ♪

JJ: "Alone. All alone. Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone."

Maya Angelou.
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