09x08 - The Return

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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09x08 - The Return

Post by bunniefuu »

Just you two tonight?

I promised the birthday girl we'd celebrate with a slice of pie no matter what time my shift ended.

Oh, don't tell me, let me guess.


No, silly, I'm 7.

Oh. Well, I tell you what.

Why don't you do the honors and you pick the place to sit.

Over there.

Good choice.

I personally think these are the best seats in the house.

Now, who wants some pie?

You know what flavor you want?

What shall we get?

Tell you what.

Why don't I give you a minute to decide and I'll come back and take your order.

Great, thanks.

By the way, chocolate cream pie's the best.


Sorry for the wait.

We're light on staff tonight.

That's the number 4- scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and bacon, and this is on the house.

Let me know if you need anything else, hon.

Good evening, Officer.

Hey, Leah.

Oh, I need to run to the back to get more cream and sugar.

The only sugar I want is you.

I told you, I don't date married men.

What if I told you my wife just moved out?

Then I'd tell you to lose the wedding band and then I'll consider.

How we doin'

over here, hon?

Is everything all right?

Can I get you something else?

Ok. Uh...

I'll just leave this here, and whenever you're ready--

Oh, my God!






What are you doing?

Why are you still up?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I woke you up.

The hospital just called.

A 6-car pileup on the east end.

Oh, Rusty will probably need a walk in a few hours.

Do you mind taking him out?

I already filled his bowls, so he should be good for now.


Uh, eggs and juice in the fridge, so feel free to help yourself.

I made a fresh pot of coffee.

Make sure you unplug it when you're done.

Don't forget to lock up when you leave.


Good morning to you, too.

[Text message tone]


This is a joke, right?

And everybody else is practically done with their knitting projects, even Ethel, who's like pushing 90.

And this bathing suit was supposed to be done in July and I keep having to rework it.

But I got this part, see.

Yeah, it's fine.

It looks nice.

You're not really looking at my project.

You always look at my projects, Derek.

What's wrong?

[Sighs] Ah, baby girl, I'm sorry. I mean, I don't know-- me and Savannah, we had like this amazing night.


Then cut to 4 hours later, she's throwing me an air kiss and rushing out the door to work, and I'm stuck at 2:00 in the morning walking her little pug.

Ohh...you got Morganed.

Morganed? What?

What are you talking about?

You are on call 24/7, and when a case comes in, you drop whatever and whoever you are doing and you haul ass back to work.

Well, I guess I never thought about it like that.

And now you're having what Oprah calls an aha moment.

Think about it.

If you would have gotten that call, you would have done the exact same thing to her.

Because your job comes first and so does hers.

And that is why you two work.


She is you in heels.

[Sighs] You're right.

Mm-hmm. I'm always right.

Also, you're secretly in love with me.


Forgive me.

My queen.

Don't let it happen again.

A few hours ago, a lone gunman shot and k*lled 3 people inside a downtown Chicago diner.

Then, he was taken down by a plainclothes off-duty officer who happened to be in the restaurant at the same time of the sh**ting.

Well, it sounds like they got their guy.

Why are they requesting our help?

Because an ATM from across the street captured this image of the sh**t getting out of a late-model sedan just moments before the sh**ting and here's a shot of his driver who then sped off.

Chicago P. D.

I. D.'d the sh**t as 16-year-old Gavin Rossler after getting a composite match from the national center for missing and exploited children.

According to the database, Gavin's been missing for nearly 4 years.

In looks like back in 2009 when the mother filed the police report she insisted Gavin had been abducted.

Mom was not the most credible source.

She was in and out of rehab facilities for drug and alcohol abuse, died 6 months ago of an apparent drug overdose.

It says here Gavin had run away from home several times but always returned within 24 hours.

Which could by why local P. D.

Initially categorized him as a runaway rather than missing.

So where's this kid been all this time, and where did he meet his partner in crime?

Garcia, have you been able to I. D. the driver?


I'm running the image through facial recognition software right now, though.

We can't rule out the possibility that the driver is the person responsible for Gavin's disappearance.

If that's the case, chances are he's out looking for his next victim.

How does a 12-year-old runaway turn into a cold-blooded k*ller?

Wheels up in 30.

Reporter: ... A senseless act of v*olence.

I'm standing here with Sylvia Hoover, who was at the diner with her 7-year-old daughter at the time of the sh**ting.

Sylvia, can you tell us in your own words what happened?

I was sitting at the counter with my daughter when I heard a woman screaming, and that's when I turned around and saw the g*n.

And I don't know, this kid just stood up and started sh**ting.

♪ Criminal Minds 9x08 ♪

The Return
Original air date on November 13, 2013

Morgan: Alfred Hitchcock said, "there is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."

Leah Rollins was the first victim.

She was working her regular overnight shift at the diner.

The second victim was Kyle Workman.

He worked at a local convenience store.

And the third was Violet Hartford.

She was a schoolteacher.

It seems like other than late-night cravings, there was no connection between the victims and Gavin.

It looks as though he was born into a high-risk lifestyle.

Dad's been incarcerated since Gavin was 4.

On two separate occasions he was removed from his mother's custody and placed in foster care.

Well, despite all that, he managed to get good grades.

JJ: So 4 years ago-- why did he choose that day to leave?

Well, that's if he left by choice.

Well, the mom's boyfriend moved in a couple weeks prior.

Maybe he and Gavin were bumping heads.

I mean, things might have even gotten physical between the two of them.

Rossi: Yeah, at one point mom admitted that she and prince charming had been out on a binge for a couple of days.

Which means Gavin would have been left home alone to fend for himself.

And I'm sure that wasn't the first time.

Maybe he just had enough.

This kid's from Garfield Park.

That's prime g*ng territory.

If he was left unsupervised from sunup to sundown, chances are he fell in with the wrong crowd.

Chicago has one of the largest g*ng populations, over 100,000 active members.

Last year 61% of all homicides were found to be g*ng related.

Well, it makes sense.

I mean, the kid runs away from home and finds himself out on the street.

Then some knucklehead gangbangers come along, recruit him, and promise him protection.

Next thing you know, he's got the "family" that he never had.

Garcia, we need a list of active gangs operating in the area.

Copy that.

We need to hit the ground running.

If this is some sort of mass g*ng initiation, it could be the first of a series of att*cks.

Detective Mark Reyes, Chicago P. D.

Thank you both for coming out.

I thought there, uh, I thought there weren't any cameras.

Those are phony.

Cheaper than installing the real thing.

In this neighborhood, you gotta put something to deter would-be robbers.

According to witnesses, the gunman...

Sat right over there.

Then without warning, he just stood up and started firing.

Gavin had no criminal record, enters cool and collected and orders a meal.

Normally it takes time and practice to build up to something like this.

Rarely does anything these punks do make sense.

Which makes me wonder why Gavin chose this diner for his first offense.

I mean, there's a police station just a few blocks away.

Not to mention, aren't g*ng initiations known for inciting v*olence against rival gangs?

True. And typically, these guys like to leave their marks.

There weren't any tags claiming responsibility.

Gangbangers are driven by money and power.

Gavin didn't seem to be driven by either.

What do you mean?

Well, if it really had been about money, Gavin would have entered the diner and immediately gone to the register.

And if it had been about power, he probably would have walked around, flashed his g*n to maximize terror.

So if it wasn't g*ng related, what was it?

That's a good question.

Single g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

He died before paramedics arrived.

Still trying to determine what caused these burns on his temple.

Have you gotten back the toxicology results?

He was clean.

No dr*gs or alcohol.

Excuse me.

Was this everything?

That's all he came with.

Well, how many kids you know these days that don't carry a phone on them?

The first thing a runaway does is pick up a disposable.

Most of the time we get street kids, they'll be somewhat malnourished or have some type of correlating health issues.

He didn't show any signs of either.

It seems like whoever this kid was with at least made sure he was fed properly.

There's multiple spiral fractures on both arms.

When I took the X-rays, it was evident that his fractures hadn't healed properly.

Typically you only see that in cases of abuse with toddlers and young children, not someone Gavin's age.

Well, whoever did this had to have literally twisted his arms until they broke.

Were you able to determine if these injuries occurred before or after he was reported missing?

I'd say somewhere as early as 6 months ago.

That rules out the mom and boyfriend.

If they didn't cause them, who did?

Look, I don't know what good this is gonna do.

Now, I wrote everything up in my report.

Well, uh, sometimes our subconscious picks up details our conscious minds aren't aware of.

Can you close your eyes for me?


Now, I need you to take me back to the diner.

Can you see Gavin?

Sitting on the other side of the diner.

Leah stopped to check on him.

Did you hear anything they said to each other?

They were sitting too far away.

As soon as she put the check down, that's when I heard the first shot.



All hell broke loose.

Ok, now, I need you to focus on Gavin and stay with him.


The guy at the table, he tried to run.

The kid got him in the chest.

Where did he fire his next shot?

This woman, she was sitting at the counter.

She was just looking for a way out.

Is that when you took your shot?

I was next.

I'll never forget the look in that kid's eyes.

It was like he was ready to die.

They say the worst part about being a cop is watching these people die in front of you.

They were right.

A .9 beretta semiautomatic with government markings.


These days you can buy almost anything off the streets.

Which is why I have my guys running serial numbers.

Hopefully we can come up with some type of match.

Even if they come back with a match, chances are this w*apon's made its way through a number of pawn shops.

Then that's where we'll start.

The most important thing to find out now is where Gavin got his hands on that.

Go ahead, mama.

I pulled this video footage from across the street from the diner. I managed to get a partial plate off the car.

I'm running it now.

Garcia, can you pause it?

Rewind it a moment just after Gavin steps out of the car.

You see that? The driver didn't wait around for him to enter the diner before he drove off.

Well, maybe he sensed something was up.

Why not wait to make sure everything went as planned?

I mean, what if something went wrong and the mission had to be aborted?

How would the driver let him know inside?

He couldn't even if he wanted to.

Gavin didn't have a phone on him.

Maybe that's why the driver drove off.

He knew that Gavin wasn't planning on leaving the diner alive.

This was a su1c1de mission.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Tires screeching]

[People screaming]

What the hell's wrong with you?!

You could've k*lled somebody!

Get out of the vehicle right now!

Get the hell out of the car!

Do you hear me?

Get out of the car!

I know that look.

The wheels are turning.

I've seen this before.

Muzzle-flash burns.

We'd occasionally see this on POWs in Vietnam.

So someone held a g*n to his head and repeatedly fired blanks.

That's incredibly risky, especially considering the margin of error when you're holding the barrel of a g*n to someone's temporal bone.

The discharge alone can cause the skull to shatter.

Which means not only did this person want to put the fear of God into Gavin, but he knew exactly how to do it without k*lling him.

This poor kid was tortured.

Or trained.

What if whoever did this wanted to make sure if he got caught he'd never talk?

Keep these people back.

If this punk isn't gonna move on his own, I'll do it myself.

Get back in your car!

Sir, come on, let's go.

Get me a tow truck at the intersection of Ashland and Division.

I have a burgundy Toyota, Illinois plate number 4-Victor-Bravo Hotel-Sierra-2.

Hotch: What have you got, Garcia?

I was finally able to clean up that grainy mess.

Here is our mystery driver.

He can't be much older than Gavin.

Reid: They're dressed exactly the same.

Which is why I ran the image through advanced facial age regression software and then I cross-referenced it with the statewide database.

Our driver is 17-year-old Trevor Madison from Arlington heights.

Another missing kid?

Yeah. This is where it goes from wack to super wack with a side of awful.

Trevor went missing less than 24 hours after Gavin.

And nobody made the connection?

No. The other cases were in different jurisdictions, so there hasn't been any physical evidence linking the cases until now.

These kids aren't runaways.

They were abducted.

We got a hit from the APB.

Trevor filled up at a gas station off the interstate a half hour ago.

Sounds like someone's thinking about skipping town.

It's been hours since the sh**ting.

He could have made it across state lines by now, but he stuck around.


One of my officers has just radioed for a tow truck.

The kid has barricaded himself inside the car.

He's at the intersection--

Evacuate the area.

Evacuate the area.

Man: Dude, what's going on?

Radio: All units on site at Ashland and Division, evacuate immediately.

Repeat--evacuate immediately.

You guys, back up!

Suspect may be armed with...

Back up--

The media's already running with the story.

They're calling it an act of terrorism.

We'll release a statement as soon as we confirm the source of the expl*si*n.

Clayburn says the phones are ringing off the hook.

Got every precinct in town looking for answers.

You should reach out to neighboring jurisdictions, let them know we'll update them as soon as we learn more.

These guys have everybody on edge.

Nobody feels safe when a cop gets k*lled.

Well, until we catch them, we should all be on high alert.

The expl*sive used was highly sophisticated.

It was designed specifically for maximum damage.

That's why he stopped to get gas.

The more fuel, the bigger the boom.

How'd these kids get involved in domestic terrorism?

Whoever abducted Gavin and Trevor spent years programming them as soldiers.

When the time was right, they were released to carry out their captors' mission.

It's more than likely that these two weren't the only ones.

It's possible we're dealing with a t*rror1st organization with one man at the center.

We're basing our profile on his motivation.

We believe these children were abducted by a preferential offender who targets prepubescent boys.

Our unsub is likely a male in his 40s with some military or law enforcement training.

We think he has a secluded location that provides enough privacy to hold his victims c*ptive for several years.

Rossi: In that time he breaks these kids down and rebuilds them to be hardened soldiers.

We believe they're suffering from an extreme case of Stockholm syndrome.

Much like Patty Hearst, who came to view the SLA as her new family and the rest of the world as adversaries, we believe he's attempting to instill this same feeling within his army.

He likely uses military t*rture techniques to get his victims to see his enemies as their own.

Reid: He puts them through a rigorous and punishing military training regimen in order to prepare them mentally and physically for his w*r.

Morgan: Once this happens, the physical threat stop and the reprogramming begins.

And now that he has their trust, he maintains this connection by bolstering them with love and affection.

His connection to them is important.

It ensures once they're released, they will not deviate from their orders.

His ultimate target has yet to be determined, but it could be as broad as American citizens.

These att*cks have been well orchestrated, methodical, and extremely violent in order to maximize destruction and panic.

Hotch: Which is why we need to get ahead of him in order to prevent more bloodshed.

But in order to do that, we need to identify the source of his rage.

Who sent you?

I said...

Who the hell sent you?

How did I do this time?

Guys, I think I know why the unsub targeted Gavin and Trevor.

Garcia, are you still there?

I have now connected 1, 2, 3, 4 missing kids to this unsub.

Walk with me through the darkness if you will.

Brandon Rutherford and Vincent Gamble-- they disappeared within 24 hours of each other 6 months before Gavin and Trevor did, and then their bodies were found two weeks later.

It's possible they were his first victims.

But he k*lled them, so it may not be the same unsub.

The M. E. reports for both Brandon and Vincent were consistent with the type of t*rture Gavin suffered, but theirs was much more severe.

These two probably rebelled against the unsub's programming, so he got rid of them.

Uh, yeah, that brings us to Steven Walker and Daniel Morrison.

They were 12 years old when the were abducted, again, within 24 hours of each other, and this happened two years after Gavin and Trevor disappeared.

Steven Walker's body was found a year ago in a wooded area just outside the city, and his injuries were consistent with the other boys.

Rossi: All of these kids were high-risk targets.

Gavin and Trevor, they lived in g*ng territory.

Brandon and Vincent were street kids.

Steven and Daniel both came from single-parent homes.

His ruse could be as simple as showing them attention, something they may not have received at home.

There's something known as the magical age, between 9 and 12, when a child's psyche is more malleable.

That could be why the unsub changed his victimology.

Like the child soldiers being recruited by the rebels in Sudan, they lack the physical and emotional maturity to resist their captors.

He realized that the younger that he went, the easier they would be to control Brandon was taken at 15. Maybe he was too old to respond to the unsub's conditioning.

And Daniel was 12 when he was abducted.

So there's a possibility he's still alive.

He'd be 15 now.

He's likely proven himself a good and cooperative soldier.

That submission may have earned him a degree of freedom.

What are you thinking?

Even though he's a soldier, he's still a teenager.

So maybe the best way to reach him is through the media.

It's possible Daniel has access to a television, maybe even the Internet.

Once these boys are programmed, they're probably hard to break.

Right now it's all we have.

I don't know if I can do this.

Look at all of them.

I've heard those reporters.

They're wrong.

Danny is the victim here.

All these boys are.

I can't imagine what you're going through.

If there is any chance that my baby is still alive...

Which is why we need your help in getting through to him.

Right now Daniel is probably unaware of how much you love and miss him.

I need you to remind him that you are his family.


They're ready.

Thank you.

There she is!

Ms. Morrison!

Have you heard from Daniel?

You saw Daniel?

Can you tell us anything?

My name is Lauren Morrison.

I'm not very good at this.

But I, uh, would like to get a message to my son Daniel.

I'm...so sorry that I wasn't there to protect you when you needed me the most.

If you're out there...

If you're listening to this...

Please, Danny, I just want you to come home.

I just want you to come home.

Reporter: That was Lauren Morrison, whose missing son Daniel is possibly connected to this recent wave of v*olence.

Residents are still being advised to remain vigilant while a citywide manhunt is in progress.

For further information, dial 1-800-555-0199.

That's 1-8--

[Turns off radio]





Daniel? Baby, is that you?


Give me a second.


He's calling from a disposable cell--

I got it!

I'm sending you the location now.

[Chatter, laughter]

I got him.

Northeast corner.



Hands where I can see them!

Don't do anything stupid.

You don't want to do this.

Danny...focus on me.

Hey. Just look at me.

I know you've been given your orders.

But I want you to think about your mother for a second.

All she wants is for her son to come home.

Daniel, she's been waiting on you for a long time.

Just do this for her.

Don't make her suffer any longer.

Give me the bag.

On your knees.

[Handcuffs lock]

Reyes: Let's go. Up.

My name is Derek Morgan.

I'm with the FBI.

Look, I know you've been through a lot these past couple of years, but I need you to understand that everything that man told you is a lie.

My name is Daniel James Morrison.

I'm a soldier.


Listen to me, kid.

I need your help to find the person who is responsible for all of this.


My name is Daniel James Morrison.

No more innocent people should die I'm a soldier. 53699.

Because of this man's cause.


My name is Daniel James Morrison.

I'm a soldier.


Hotch: It's all part of the training.

Name, rank, and serial number.

I don't know, most serial numbers have at least 9 digits.

He keeps repeating the same 5, which means it has some sort of special meaning to the unsub.

Maybe it's a military code of some sort?

Garcia already checked.

Came up empty.

He chose today for his attack.

And the only person who knows why isn't talking.

Maybe JJ will have more luck.

I know this can't be easy for you, but I need you to keep in mind that Daniel isn't the same kid.


You look so different.

Your hair...

Those big blue eyes.

I miss you so much.

God, I wish your grandmother were here to see you.

She passed away a few months ago.

Your room's still the same.

I didn't change a thing.

I know how you hate for me to touch your stuff.

Max is doing good.

He's gotten older.

I know he misses the walks you used to take him on.

Oh, baby...

I'm so sorry.

This isn't your fault.

If--if I'd have just...

I'm sorry. I don't want to overwhelm you.

Um, I'm gonna be outside with Agent Jareau.

Reporter: With 12 confirmed deaths, police have finally been able to make an arrest in connection with the recent string of deadly att*cks.

Sources close to the investigation believe Daniel Morrison is linked to not only last night's sh**ting m*ssacre at a popular local diner, but also the car expl*si*n that rocked the downtown area earlier this morning.

The questions on everyone's mind: How could children be at the center of such tragedy?

And where do they go from here?

We're going to be speaking to child psychologist Marty Walton--

All right, let's look at victimology again.

First attack, the diner.

Victims across the board.

Second attack, car bombing.

Same goal--take out as many victims as possible.

Third attack, attempted mass sh**ting, but on a much bigger scale.

God knows how many people he would have k*lled.

What if it's not about the attack itself but what happened leading up to them?

Officer Clayburn entered that diner just minutes before the sh**ting.

But the expl*sive was detonated just moments after the traffic cop radioed for help.

And as soon as Daniel saw Reyes...

His whole demeanor changed.

They're targeting Chicago P. D.

They forced our hand.

Now, we're gonna have to teach them a lesson they'll never forget.

How did Gavin know that there would be a cop in the diner at that exact moment?

Chicago has over 13,000 police officers.

That's roughly 60 per square mile.

There are two precincts within a 4-block radius of the diner.

My guess is it was only a matter of time before a cop walked in.

And if it was his mission, he was probably prepared to wait all night if he had to.

It wasn't a coincidence the attack happened shortly after the night shift ended.

They learned the routines, planned ahead.

Well, that brings us back to square one.

The list of people that have problems with law enforcement is a long one.

Blake: We're looking at everyone from organized crime to ex-cons.

Hotch: If it was an ex-con, the target would likely be more specific, like the arresting officer.

Guys, I think the 5-digit number Daniel's reciting is a police badge number.


Talk to me.

Run 53699 against a list of Chicago P. D.

Running it as fast as bytes will carry.

53699... I got a hit!

53699 is the badge number to a former officer Wayne Gulino.

Everything we've worked for all these years, it's come to this moment.

Make me proud.

Garcia: Gulino was an Air Force sergeant.

He served two tours in Iraq.

When he came home he joined the Chicago P. D.

7 years ago today, he and his partner George Scotman had their badges stripped for brutally coercing confessions out of suspects.



A fellow rookie officer filed a report.

That led to an internal affairs investigation.

And that rookie cop who blew the whistle was none other than one Detective Mark Reyes.

Hotch: All right, Garcia, send us everything you've got on Gulino and the partner.

Gulino was defined by his badge, and when he felt wronged by his own kind, the love turned to hate.

Blake, go talk to Reyes, see what you can find out.

The rest of us will go to Gulino's residence.

Detective, can I speak with you for a moment?


Any new leads?

I need you to tell me everything you know about officer Wayne Gulino.

It says here that Gulino's partner Scotman died 4 years ago of cancer.

Brandon and Vincent were abducted 4 weeks after Scotman died.

His death had to be the trigger.

Morgan: And today marks the seventh anniversary of when Gulino was let go from the force.

Hey, has anyone seen Peterson?

Officer: Yeah, I think he's down in evidence.

JJ: Ok, so he chose today to launch his att*cks, make his big statement against the police force.

And by now he knows that we have Daniel, so it's only a matter of time before we find him.

I'm looking for Detective Mark Reyes.

Officer: Attention, eyes up.

We got a code 10.

I'm Detective Reyes.

Officer Gulino has a message for you.

You don't want to do this.

sh**t me and this whole place goes up.

Everybody holster your weapons.

Holster your weapons.

My name's Jennifer.

What's your name?

My name is Stephanie Lawford. I'm a soldier.


JJ: I understand you have your orders, but can we talk just a moment?

It's time for you to hear the words of a true American hero.


Officer Wayne Gulino.

What kind of hero sends children to fight his battles?

This is directed at my former brothers-in-arms, the Chicago police department, who betrayed me, and in doing so, betrayed the very honor code you all swore to uphold....

A hero isn't someone who abuses their power and hurts innocent people.

Because of your reprehensible actions, my late partner, the brave officer George Scotman died...

You're just his patsy.

You mean nothing to him.

As an unsung hero, without Sweetie, you're just a number.

The honor he deserved.

I can assure you, our legacy will live on forever.

This isn't a legacy.

Gulino is a coward.

Everything we worked for in our careers had led me to this moment.

Now that you've had a taste of our righteous vengeance, be warned, this is just the beginning.

Suspect down!

b*mb still active!

Call the b*mb squad!

Stay back. Stay back.

All right, thanks, Garcia.

Apparently Stephanie had been missing for a little over 6 years.

She's been with him the longest.

Maybe he thought having a maternal figure would help condition the boys faster.

That was Hotch. They searched both locations for Gulino. He's gone.

Stephanie was just a distraction to buy him some time.

Well, this isn't over yet.

He said it himself-- this is only the beginning.

Well, if he continues in military fashion, he'll withdraw from the failed mission and regroup.

The question is, where's his foxhole?

"My late partner, the brave officer George Scotman, died as an unsung hero."

This is as much about his partner as it is about Gulino.

Yeah, baby girl, send us the last known address for Gulino's partner, officer Scotman.

Don't move.

Put your hands where I can see them.


Put 'em up.

Are you all right?


Come on.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be use against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided to you by the court.

Do you understand these rights that I've just read you?

Come here.

There you go.

What's your name?

My name is Cameron Patterson.

I'm a soldier.


Is that what he told you to say?

Cameron, you don't have to say that ever again. Ok?

We're gonna take you to your mom and dad.

JJ: "The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse."

Edmund Burke.

I know, Mom.

You're right.

You're right, the least I could have done is call.

It--it won't happen again, I swear.

I love you, too.

[Knock on door]

It's open.

[Romantic music playing]


Huh. Wow. Um...

What's going on?

Hey. We've only been dating a few months, so I know I didn't miss an anniversary.

I just wanted to do something special for you.

How did you know I was going to be home?


Penelope sent me a text when you guys left Chicago.

Oh, she did?


And you did all of this for me?



I made you...



Which is why takeout will be here in 20 minutes.

I hope you like Indian.

Anything is better than whatever that is.

[Both laughing]

I know.

It's kind of bad.


[Both laughing]

How was your day?

Did you save some lives?


We both did.

Yeah, we did.

So, um...

What do you got in mind for the next 20 minutes?

♪ Hold me, sweet thing
♪ in affection
♪ hold me, sweet thing
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