08x01 - There and Back Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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08x01 - There and Back Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

Ty: We'll be putting an offer on the ranch tomorrow. I just have to talk to my fiancee first.

Jack: You look so beautiful.

(Truck rumbles)

Tim: (Laughs) I knew it! Ahmed offered me a job.

Ty: Yeah, I know. No. Like on his actual team, travelling Europe for the World Equestrian Games.

Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jack, you may kiss the bride.

We'll talk every day.

Ty: Absolutely.

Amy: I'll be back before you know it.

(Helicopter rotors beat)

(Helicopter rotors beat)

(Knock at the door)

Wow. Thank you.

(Low hum of chatter, camera shutters snap)


Hi, it's nice to see you guys.

(Camera shutter snaps)

Ahmed: Amy. There you are.

(Low hum of chatter)

Amy: It was one of those moments where...

This... this is too tough to make. This is...

Why me?! (Laughs)

I used to think that.

(Camera shutters snap)

(Exotic romantic music)

(Loud snap)


♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ you dreamer oh, oh, oh...
♪ You dreamer...
♪ You dreamer

(loud echoing click)

(Horse neighs)

Caleb: Keep up the pace, Georgie. I wanna check out some of these horses before the auction.

Georgie: I found the clip! Look! Okay, watch. They were up against this really amazing team from Brazil, and the last jump on the course was a high oxer. The Brazilian horse completely refused to jump and the rider flew right off.

Ty: Ooh, that must have hurt.

Georgie: Yeah, and Amy's team was up next, and Ahmed totally aced that jump! It was perfect! So they won and the crowd went crazy. It was amazing.

Caleb: How do you know all this stuff?

Ty: Well, she's following these weird blogs.

Georgie: They're not weird. There are a ton of them. Horse crazy people that follow the games and blog about them. There's pictures, videos...

Ty: She obsessed. She's basically stalking Amy.

Georgie: I'm not stalking her.

Ty: Yeah, you are!

Georgie: Hey! I bet I know more about what she's doing than you do.

Ty: Well, I bet you do too.

(Low hum of chatter, horse whinnies nearby)

Ty: Caleb! (Pats Caleb lightly) This is the gelding I was telling you about. Three years old. Great breeding. Good for tie down/team roping, you name it. Cow bred on his dam's side. Huge potential. If you trained him, he'd be worth three times what we could get him for. Okay. So including this guy, we have six prospects.

Caleb: You agree?

Ty: Absolutely.

Man: Hey, Caleb!

Caleb: Hollis.

Hollis: Hey, I hear business is going real good for you guys.

Caleb: We certainly can't complain.

Ty: We had a good start up.

Hollis: Yeah, I should've listened to you before I sold you charger. I'd be a hundred thousand dollars richer. Taught me a real lesson though.

Hollis: You've got a good eye.

Caleb: Thanks.

Tim: You think? If you ask me, Caleb just gets lucky once in a while. I think what you guys really need is... somebody with a real eye and some good connections.

You know what? Uh, thanks for the interest in partnering with us, Tim, but I'm gonna have to go with my gut on this one.

Hollis: Darn right. Look, you guys buy some horses and train 'em well, I'll take the whole lot off your hands.

Caleb: Yeah?

Hollis: Yeah. Stay in touch.

Ty: All right.

Hollis: See ya.

Wait a second, buddy. It's Hollis?

Hollis: Yeah.

Tim: Yeah, here. Take that.

"Hot sh*ts"?

Yeah. Give me a call. I'll talk to you about it.

Hollis: Will do.


Oh. I didn't tell you guys. I started my own stock company. You know, I figured I had to put this talent and experience to use somehow. Trust me, I would've been a lot better partner than a competitor, but...

What can you do?

Get to work, I guess.

(Jack laughs, car door slams)

Boy! Look who's back!

Lisa: (Laughing) Oh, I missed you so much!

Jack: Not half as much as I missed you!


So Florida was good?

Ocala was super.

Uh, I met interesting people, made some really super deals, but the best part of the entire trip: Wearing those 24-7. I really liked that.

You said you didn't want to tell anybody until Amy got back. Now she's coming home, right, so we're going to tell them, right? So I was thinking maybe the best time to announce it to the whole family would be at the homecoming dinner, when everybody's there. What do you think?

That's a good idea.

Lisa: Yeah. But until we do, I'm in Heartland territory... I'll take them off and hide them... in my pocket.

Jack: (Laughing)

Auctioneer:...nice 3-year-old gelding...

Ty: Okay, we got the five we wanted. Let's just focus on those.

Caleb: No. You said it yourself, this guy's the best.

Caleb: Look him move.

Georgie: He's beautiful.

Auctioneer:...Bid five thousand dollars. Now fifty-five hundred. Uh, fifty-five, fifty-five. Mm, fifty-five. Six thousand dollars there. Give me sixty-five hundred. The six is all...

Caleb: C'mon, man. You gotta pull the trigger on him.

Auctioneer: Seven thousand dollars there. Number seventy-five. Uh, seventy-five there, number minus six. There your number six, there your number divide... Six thousand is all, must divide, divide there and five...

Relax, man. Okay?

Hey, we've already got Hollis as a buyer. I'm going for it.

Auctioneer:...That's seventy-five. At seven thousand, almost thirty-five. A thousand a (Unclear). Eight thousand and now we divide, divide there and back. Eighty-five. Uh, now we need some half. Now nine, five, now a nine a bid. Nine there, number nine there, at least nine thousand and made ninety-five hundred now. So up a half there. Ninety-five, now it's up by five. Now it's up by half. And no. Sold him! Ninety-five hundred dollars.

You got him!

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did.

Ty: (Exhales sharply)

Lou: Lisa! Hey!

Lisa: Hi!

Lou: Welcome back.

Lisa: Thank you.

Lou: You're just in time for dinner.

Lisa: Perfect! How can I help?

Oh no, I'm good. But, uh, I heard from Amy and her flight arrives tomorrow at two.

Lisa: Ooh! That's good news, isn't it Jack: It is indeed.

Lisa: Let me make a salad dressing, that's what I can do.

Lou: Oh, no, no, no.

Lisa: Yeah, yeah, look.

I... oh.

So... do you have cold pressed? That's not cold pressed, right?

Lou: You know what, Lisa? I... I can make the salad dressing.

Lou: That's fine.

Lisa: All right. I'll uh...

Lisa: I'll set the table.

Lou: Sure!

Lisa: All right!

(Drawer slides open) Oh... Do you have nice place mats? Where are the ones that I got you in Provence?

Um, in the dining room, in the cabinet.

Lisa: Great. (Gasps)

I need to kiss my gorgeous god-daughter. Where is she?

Lou: Playing in her room.

All alone, by herself, in the room?

She likes playing in her room.

Lisa: Hmm... okay. (Receding footsteps)

Lou: Okay, grandpa, listen. Can you do me a favour? You know I love Lisa, but... keep her out of the kitchen, okay?

What? Why?

Because she's been here less than two minutes and she's already... you know.

Jack: No, I don't.

Lou: She just sort of takes over. And listen, I'm really glad you guys are back together, but... it's just in the past few months, she's been around here a lot. Like... a lot.

Jack: She's been in Florida for three weeks.

Lou: I know. And it's been kind of... relaxing. I'm sorry, but it has. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's just that I was sort of hoping Amy was coming home to just us. You know, just family.

Lisa: Okay! What can I do now?

Tim: Oh! Look at that! Lisa's back!

Lisa: Hi!

Tim: And Amy's coming home tomorrow.

Lisa: Yeah.

Tim: This is gonna be one interesting homecoming with Amy's news and who knows what else, huh?

Tim: Right?

Lisa: Mm-hmm.

Lisa: Oh, let me help with that!

(Birds chirping)

Katie: Giddy up, Orky!

Jack: Oh, I missed you!

Tim: Hey, I hope you know Caleb got robbed today with the price he paid for those horses. You're his business partner, you should have kept him in line.

Ty: Well, why worry about me when you got your own thing going, right?

Tim: Yes, I do. "Hot sh*ts."

Jack: Oh, here we go...

Lou: "Hot sh*ts"? Wha...? Georgie! Dinner!

Ty: It's your dad's new company.

Okay, why would you do that, dad? Go into competition with your future son-in-law.

Ty: There's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. We could've had it all... the business, Caleb, and me.

We've been over this before. Business and family don't really mix.

I think they can be a great mix. Just ask, Lou?

(Laughs) No comment.

Jack: Okay, it's time for dinner now. Let's... let's put your horse in the barn. Come on, sweetie. Oh... you're getting so heavy. Ty, remember we were gonna go surprise Amy at the airport tomorrow?

Ty: Yeah.

Georgie: Well, let's!

Lou: I know she said she was gonna make her own way home, but if we left early enough...

Ty: I gotta head to the clinic first, but I'll meet you there.


Ty: Lou! Yeah, I'm on my way. Yeah, I'll meet you in the baggage area. Bye.

(Truck engine cuts out)

No. Come on!

(Engine sputters)

(Door bangs shut)

(Hood creaks open)

(Birds chirp)

(SUV rumbles)

(Dog barks in the distance)

(Door clicks open)

Amy: (Sighs) Thank you.

(Dog barks)

(Sighs, slams door shut)

(Birds chirp)


(Door opens)

Amy: Hello! I'm home!

(Door closes) Hello? Okay, guys, you can come out now. I know you're hiding. Hello?!

(Remy pants)

Hi, Remy! How are you?

How are you? (Giggles)

Come on, girl.

(Jacket lands lightly)

(Dialling beeps, low ringing)

(Door opens)

Lou: Amy?!

Amy: Lou!

Lou: There you are!

Katie: Amy!

Jack: There she is!

Amy: Hey!

Lou: We went to the airport to pick you up!

Jack: Oh, sweetheart, I can't believe you're home!

Well, I told you I was getting a ride home!

Jack: Well, how did you get home?

There was a car waiting for me.

Amy: Katie, hi!

Katie: Mm. Hug me.

Georgie! Look at... That's beautiful!

Lou: She worked so hard on that. Amy, you look amazing! Look at your hair and those boots, are they from Paris?

Amy: (Laughing) They are. Wait, where's Ty? He didn't come to the airport?

Lou: No, he didn't, but...

(Trucks rumble outside)

Lou: He's here now.

Ty, hey!

Lou: Here you go.

Amy: Whoa, Lou, not that much. Like... like half that, please.

Lou: But you love my mashed potatoes.

Amy: I know. It's just... The servings weren't quite so generous in Europe.

Lisa: That is true. I feel like I put on 10 pounds just sitting down at this table.

Well, no one is force feeding you.

And I didn't say that.

Wow, Amy, nice necklace. Where did you get it?

Amy: Thanks. It was a gift.

A goodbye present from the team.

Ty: Yeah, it's nice.

Lou: Yeah. It's an expensive little gift. Are those real diamonds?

(Laughs) Um...

Georgie: What was it like? Tell us everything!

Amy: It was absolutely amazing. At first, I was worried that I wouldn't fit in; that no one would listen to my training ideas, but the team totally accepted me. It was just an incredible experience. It was beyond what I imagined.

Well, you deserve that kind of respect. You've earned it.

Amy: And we took side trips. We went to Paris, Rome... Just the history, the culture, the beauty. It's so unbelievable. I was flying in today and I remember thinking everything looked so bleak. You know, the suburbs... But it was nice seeing the mountains. Anyway, all in all, the tour was an incredible experience.

Lisa: Speaking of incredible experiences...

(Laughs) Jack?

Jack: Yeah... yup.


Uh, Georgie sure has had some incredible experiences around here. You'd be surprised at the responsibility that she's taken on. Why, she stepped right into your shoes while you were gone.

Amy: Well, that's good to hear. She pretty much had to, you know.

You left on such short notice, everybody had to kinda pitch in.

Lou: Dad...

Well, we were kinda short handed, that's all I'm saying. And honey, I understand. I mean, you shouldn't have missed that opportunity for the world. But, you know, it's just... You were here and then... fshht! Gone.

Amy: It's not like I... I abandoned you guys.

Georgie: Were there any celebrities on the trip? I heard the tour was crawling with them.

(Laughs) You know, I will tell you all about it once I've had a chance to decompress. But right now, I'm just... I'm feeling the jet lag.

(Jack chuckles awkwardly, cutlery clinks)

Lou: So, um, what was Lisa getting at out there?

Um... getting at...?

Yeah, she was about to say something.

Jack: Oh, no, I...

Lisa: Oh no, no, no. You did dinner, miss. You go... take a break.

Lou: Honestly, I'm good.

Lisa: Oh, go... just... just... go and spend some time with your sister.

Lisa: Catch up.

Lou: She's catching up with Ty. The last thing she needs is me butting in.

(Katie chatters)

Lisa: Well, you could put Katie to bed.

Lou: Oh! Okay. Fine.

Lisa: So... I gave you a lead in out there and you didn't take it. What's going on?

Uh, nothing is going on.

Really? 'Cause we're supposed to tell everybody our news tonight, right? If I didn't know any better, it seems like you just don't really wanna tell them.

That is not true. This was Amy's first night back and I just figured... Well, she should have her moment. She did seem a little overwhelmed.

Mm. Are you sure it's not you that's a little overwhelmed?

Amy: You know, I'm kinda glad your truck broke down. Gives you an excuse to stay overnight in the loft.

Ty: Well, do I need an excuse?

Amy: I guess not.

Both: (Laughing) Clearly we are out of practice.

(Sighs) Well, that can be fixed. So, um, how have things been going here? What's new?

Ty: Uh, it's been busy. Really busy. Um, we started that horse prospecting with Caleb.

Amy: Yeah, you were saying...

Ty: Well, you know that, yeah.

So how's... how's that?

Good, except it didn't take long for your dad to go into direct competition with us.

Are you kidding me? My dad?

Would I kid about your dad?

(Annoyed sigh) I... (Chuckles)

So... how's Scott and the clinic?

It's good. It's hectic. Um... I'm fast tracking at school so I can graduate sooner.

You're fast tracking?

Ty: Mm-hmm.

You... you just never mentioned that.

Well, it was... kind of hard to... stay in touch.

Yeah, I know. I was all over the place. And the time difference, too, was...

Amy: Brutal.

Ty: Yeah.

So did you even have time to miss me?

Of course I missed you.

(Awkward giggle)

Look, first thing tomorrow, I gotta pick up some parts for that damn truck.

Yeah, I'll, um... I'd love to come.

There's something I've been dying to see.

(Gate squeaks open, birds chirp)


What do you think?

It's a bit smaller than I remember.

Ty: You still like it though, right?

Amy: Yes, I love it! (Laughs)

Owner: Hey! What the heck do you think you're doing on my land?

(Horse whinnies)

Listen, I don't get it.

You were supposed to phone me if there were any interested buyers or pending offers, and instead, you sold it right out from under us.

No, I did not say I would check in with you.

You were supposed to keep me posted. I think you owe us a damn good explan...

(birds chirp, phone beeps off)

I don't believe this.

Ty, it's nobody's fault.

Yes it is, Amy. The agent was supposed...

Ty, it's just a horrible misunderstanding.

Lou: I'm so sorry.

Tim: I'm not. Honey, I mean I think it's a good thing. The place was a dump. It was great that you had the down payment, but the cost to fix it up, make it livable, and the ongoing expenses, upkeep...

Jack: Well, your dad has a point. It needed a lot of work.

Lou: You were getting in a little over your head. Did any of you ever think that this was a good idea? It was just a bit unrealistic.

Unrealistic?! No, it wasn't!

Why do you think I went to Europe? To make some money!

Georgie: Amy! There's a guy outside with a horse trailer and he's asking for you.

(Horse snorts softly, hooves clop lightly)

Amy: I'm confused. I wasn't expecting a horse.

Well, I had my orders.

Amy: This is unbelievable! (Sighs heavily)

Ahmed, hey. Yes, he arrived, but I just got home. I'm barely settled. I wasn't expecting...

(Frustrated sigh) Don't you have anyone else that cou...

Okay. Okay, okay. Um...

Yeah. I'll work with him, I'll see what I can do.

I'll let you know once I've seen him.

(Sighs) Okay. Bye.

(Phone beeps off, Spartan snorts in his stall)

(Sighs) Spartan... Nothing's easy, is it?

Georgie: Hey, so what's the new horse's name?

Amy: Uh, Gypsy.

Georgie: What's wrong with him?

Ahmed bought him as a Grand Prix jumper and apparently he's inconsistent and uncooperative, and he wants me to fix him.

Georgie: Sounds pretty simple. It's pretty much what you were doing on the tour, right? And you were obviously amazing at it.

Amy: Thanks, Georgie. I just... I wasn't quite ready to get back work yet.

Well, I read somewhere that you had an assistant while you were on the tour to help you with the horses and get them trained.

Yeah, I did.

So, I was thinking... maybe I could be your assistant. I'm a really hard worker.

I can see that. Looks like you've been doing lots of work while I've been gone.

Yeah, it's been fun. It took us a little while to get used to you not being here but it all kind of fell into place.

That's good. (Sighs)
Caleb: Yup! (Cow moos)

Yup! Yah!

(Cow moos) Yah!

Okay, let's see this horse of yours.

Caleb: Yup! (Hooves thud)

Whoa, whoa...

Yup! (Cow moos)


Not bad.

It's got an innate ability.

You see "innate ability." I can see it.

Can you see "innate ability"?

"Hot sh*ts" would have a dozen buyers for that horse, but...

I know you guys wanna go it alone.

Good on you.

Amy: Hey, Georgie? Have you seen the lunge line? Things have been moved around. I can't find a thing.

Georgie: Oh, he's all warmed up and ready to go! And I've set up all the jumps like you asked me to. I hope it's okay.

Canter! (Kissing sounds) Canter!

(Gypsy grunts)

(Gypsy grunts)

(Rail clatters)

(Hooves thud)

(Heavy, slow motion thudding of hooves)

(Rail clatters)

(Tack jingles, Gypsy breathes hard)

(Hooves thud lightly, Amy catches her breath)

You know, it's really weird. He likes going over the tall jumps, but he's not even trying over the little ones. Why don't you try raising up the lower jumps?

Georgie: Okay.

Amy: And we'll see how that goes.

(Hooves thud heavily)

(Hooves thud, rail clatters)

(Gypsy grunts)

Amy: He's got lots of jump, but it's almost like he loses interest.

Georgie: Don't worry, you'll figure him out. You always do. So what time should we start tomorrow? Is there anything I can do to prep?

No. Georgie, you've already done enough.

Lou: Hey, guys. Take a break. I got snacks inside.

I can't. I gotta untack Gypsy.

No, I can do it. It's okay.

No way! I bet you never had to untack a horse while you were on the tour.

You don't have to here either.

Amy: (Sighs heavily)

Lou: She's your number one fan. You know that. Like she idolizes you. Have you seen her bulletin board?

Amy: Yes, I saw it.

Amy: I know I should be flattered, but I just want things to go back to normal. You know... I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old opinionated Georgie who didn't take anything from anyone and... Now, she thinks I have all the answers. It's a lot of pressure.

You were all she wanted to talk about while you were away, Amy. She's just excited to have you home.

Amy: Yeah, I know.

Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? I was thinking maybe we could take a drive, see what's for sale out there.

Ty: (Sighs) Drive around in what?

You know, I've been thinking, Amy, maybe I just give up on fixing it and I use some of the ranch money to buy a new one.

Yeah. You could do that... But you fixed your truck before.

Ty: Well, yeah, but it's full of third-hand parts; that's why it keeps stalling on me.

Amy: So that's it? We're... We're just going to put that money into a new truck?

Well, not all of it.

But we're gonna stop looking for a new place?

No! No, we can still look.

But I'm not sure how long that's gonna take, and in the meantime, I gotta get this truck situation fixed.

Amy, what's wrong?

(Sighs) I love your old truck.

And I guess I can't figure out why you're not more upset about losing this ranch.

Wait a sec. What are you saying?

I know the real estate agent dropped the ball...

Yeah, they did.

But, in a way, you did too. I mean, you never followed up, you never did anything, and you were here and I wasn't!

Exactly! You weren't here, Amy!

What does that matter?

We could've bought the place four months ago.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn't get a solid answer from you, and I sure as hell couldn't get a clear picture of where you stood... on anything!


There is something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I probably should have months ago.

Lou: Okay.

Jack: You see, Lisa and I, we um... Well, we... (Runs water) Well, we kind of fell apart after my... my uh...

Lou: Heart attack?

Jack: Yeah, that. But we managed to patch things up.

I know.

Jack: And I realize that you're not always her biggest fan...

Lou: Okay, that is not true. I really like Lisa. She just...

Amy: You know what Ty wants to do?

Lou: No I don't.

Amy: He wants to buy a new truck! Buy it with part of the money that we were gonna use for the down payment.

Jack: Oh, okay. I... am not getting involved in this.

Lou: Amy... Ty needs a truck that runs. He's got- he's gotta get to school and to the vet clinic. What're you so mad about?

'Cause this wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

How was it supposed to be?

I was supposed to come home and we'd buy the ranch and settle down...

Lou: Why are you guys in such a big rush to move? I don't get why you're so intent on buying a place. You know, you have a perfectly good home here.

Oh, yeah? It doesn't feel like home.

What is that supposed to mean?

(Sighs heavily)

It just feels different.

Lou: Okay. Amy, look. You and Ty having this fight is perfectly normal. It's just re-entry pains. You know, Peter and I go through it all the time. The first night he gets back is awesome. The second day, we usually have a huge fight, and by the time he leaves we're fine again. It's... it's just a cycle. And it happens time after time, but it'll get better, okay? I promise.

(Amy's phone chimes)

(Amy sighs, phone chimes loudly)

It's Ty.

You should talk to him.

(Phone beeps on)

Amy: Hello?

I'm sorry, too.


I know, and I... I understand about the truck. I do. I've just been feeling kind of um... disconnected. Coming home just hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be.

(Birds chirp)

(Gate clicks shut, low hum of chatter)

(Exhales sharply) Let's nail that guy.

Caleb: Hollis!

Man: Okay. See you.

Hollis: Hey.

Caleb: Just the man I wanted to see!

Hollis: How's it going, Caleb?

Caleb: It's great!

So, uh, you can come by and see those horses of mine whenever you want.

Ty: Just name the time. Caleb's done an incredible job with them.

Caleb: I'm sure you'll be very impressed.

Hey, uh, look, guys, um... I went with somebody else.

Caleb: I thought you said that...

Ty: Whoa, hold on a second. I thought we had a deal.

Oh, come on. We didn't have a deal.

All right, somebody gave me a better price for the same quality of horse.

I mean, I can't fight that.

Who gave you a better price?

"Hot sh*ts."

(Door closes)

Oh! What's that?

Lisa: We are making the announcement tonight. It's time.

Jack: Okay.

Lisa: Okay. So I was thinking we would do it at dessert and then... pop a little bubbly.

Jack: (Chuckles) Yeah.

(Bottles and jars rattle)

Tim: Hollis pursued me. I can't help that.

Ty: Oh, really? You went behind our back, Tim!

Yeah, well, that's business, boys, and it's a lesson you two should learn sooner rather than later.

Now, take it from me, the voice of experience, you were overly optimistic. You put all your eggs in one basket. Rookie mistake.

Aw... all right, here's the deal. If you want to join me in "Hot sh*ts," I'll consider it.

Caleb: Yeah, uh... no. We don't need any help.

(Low hum of chatter)

Amy: Grandpa, can I talk to you about the barn?

Jack: Sure! What's to talk about?

Amy: Well, it's too small. I can't run a business out of it the way it is.

Jack: Well, you've done pretty well so far.

Amy: I don't even have room for Ahmed's horse and he cannot stay outside.

Georgie: I can take Harley and Phoenix out. They don't need to be in the barn.

Jack: You see? A solution right there.

Amy: No! That is not a solution, okay? I have to be realistic. We need to build on. I... I made a bit of a name for myself in Europe, and I'm gonna be getting some pretty expensive horses in to train. I have to be prepared, grandpa. What would clients think bringing their high end animal to a four-stall barn.

Jack: Well, it seems to me you've picked up some pretty high flown ideas over there.

Amy: Whoa, whoa, whoa! High flown? Really?

Tim: Hey! You two, it's open for discussion.

Lisa: How about a little dessert? Can I get that going?

Georgie: I'll get Amy's!

Amy: I can get it myself, Georgie!

(Door bangs shut) Lisa: Hi, Ty!

Ty: Amy! Come on outside. I got something to show you.

Ty: Come on! Amy: (Sighs)

Ty: Look at this baby! The guy let me take it for a test drive. What do you think?

Um... if that's what makes you happy then go for it.

Ty: What're you talking about? Just last night you said that uh... What's the problem?

Amy: Your old truck has so many memories for both of us and this... this is just a big, ugly, shiny hunk of metal!

Lou: Amy, you're being...

Amy: You know what, Lou? Just stay out of this, please.

Ty: Okay. Amy, come on, we'll go for a spin. You'll see.

I don't want to.

Ty: Fine. I can't win here, can I?

Lou: Amy... (Truck engine starts)

Lou: What's wrong?

Amy: This! All of this is wrong. I came home to an empty house and now, even with all of you here, it still feels empty. (Truck rumbles away) I just feel like I don't live here anymore.

Jack: Amy, what's really going on here?

Amy: I don't know. You know, I couldn't wait to come home and now that I'm here, I feel like I don't belong. And... and everyone... Has changed.

Maybe so. But I think you've changed too. And I think it scares the heck out of you. Look, the experience you had over there was amazing and it's bound to have changed you. You and I, neither of us likes change.

(Chuckles) If we had to admit it, I'd say we're kind of afraid of it.

(Chuckles) But...

Amy, things don't stay the same.

And you going away, well...

It did change things, yeah.

But that's not a bad thing, it's just...different.

You need to just go with it.


You know, Amy, this place doesn't run without you and we would never want it to.

(Choked up) Okay.


(Crickets chirp outside)

(Light knock)

(Door clicks open)

Can I come in? I wanted to apologize for snapping at you at dinner. It wasn't fair. And... you have been a huge help to me and I really appreciate it.

(Crickets chirp)

What's all that?

Georgie: I know. Ty says I'm like some crazy stalker, but it was fun to follow you on the tour. It was almost like I was there. But I'm glad you're back home. Things can finally go back to normal.

Hey, I am all for normal.

You know, Georgie, just because I went on that tour, doesn't mean you have to treat me differently. I'm still just me.

Not really. I mean, you used to love the barn the way it was. You never used to be ashamed of it before.

Now there's the Georgie I know and love. Not afraid to call a spade a spade.

Well, it was kind of snobby.

Honestly, you do not know snobby. You should've met some of those people on that tour!

So... can I still be your assistant?

No. I don't need an assistant. You can still help me with Gypsy though, but as my partner. All right?

Ty: Yeah, it's a great truck.

(Truck rumbles nearby)

I'll be by later to sign the papers.

(Birds chirp, truck door opens)

Okay. I'll see you then.

(Door bangs shut)

What? Tim been harassing you again?

I think we made a mistake about Tim.

I don't think so, buddy.

I think we really need to take him up on his offer.

What? Why?

We, uh, we actually can't afford to board the horses at the rodeo grounds for more than a few weeks.

Now, because Hollis turned us down, I mean, it could be months. We're over-extended.

How? Are you sure?

Caleb: Take a look at the bills. We need money. I don't think we have any other choice.

Hey, Caleb, wait. Hold on a sec.

We're not going with Tim. There's no way.

I'll top up my investment with a loan.

I don't need to buy this truck right now. Besides, I wouldn't have all this extra money if it wasn't for you, right?

Are you sure?

Yeah. What are business partners for?

All right. (Hard pat)

(Hooves thud softly)

(Rail clatters)

(Hooves thud softly, Amy sighs)

Amy: You know... Georgie, maybe I should just let this go. Everyone, including myself, is making this horse do something that clearly he doesn't wanna do.

Actually... You know what? I want to try one more thing.

(Hard thud) Free jumping.

(Pats Gypsy) All right, Gypsy, let's see what you've got.

(Amy clucks her tongue, Gypsy thunders away)

(Gypsy grunts)

(Hooves thunder)

(Gypsy grunts)

Georgie: Whoa! That is amazing!

Amy: Ahmed, Gypsy is incredible. We need to train him as a puissance horse. He loves to jump, just not the whole course. Just a single high jump. He has no fear. You have to keep him!

Gah... I know.

I know it's not the field you intended him to be in, but...

No. No.

I don't think he should be re-homed. Because what happens if they don't understand him?

No. Ahmed, fine, I'll buy him then.

Yes, I'm serious.

Okay, call me back.

(Phone beeps off)

Georgie: Gypsy is amazing! He must have jumped 7 feet. He completely soared over those jumps.

Jack: Wow... (Chuckling)

Ty: Sorry to barge in here.

Amy: (Sighs) Ty...

Ty: Amy, I'm sorry.

Amy: I'm sorry for being so horrible.

Lou: Hey! Look what I found in the fridge. Whose is it? Amy, did you bring this back from France?

Amy: Uh, no. Uh... I... I, um... we... Well, Lou, that is uh...

Come on, Jack, your wife is chomping at the bit.

Did you just say "wife"?

Lisa: Mm-hmm. He sure did.

So... you two... you guys are married. Like, actually married?

Yeah, we are.

Georgie: That is so cool!

Lou: It is not cool! How could you not... Um... when? When did this happen?

Jack: The day of the futurity race.

That is months ago!

Amy: Really?!

Lou: How could you not tell us?!

Tim: I knew.

Lou: How did he know?

I was his best man.

You were not the best man.

Lou: Wait, wait, wait! There was a wedding without us, but dad was there? Grandpa?!

Lou, it wasn't like that.

Lisa: Lou, you have to understand...

Lou: No, no. I'm sorry, I-I don't understand.

Tim: They wanted to keep it a secret.


Jack: Uh... wha...

Amy: Well, congratulations.

Ty: Yeah.

Lisa: Thank you.

Ty: Wow!

Lou: Mm-hmm. Wow is right!

Jack: Oh... Oh, you are perfect. How could you have done that?

Lisa: Well, I'm glad he did. It was obvious you weren't gonna say anything about it at all.

Jack: Lisa! Just wait! Lisa! (Tapping hood) Wait!

(Jack catches his breath)

Lisa: Do you regret marrying me? Are you ashamed of me?

Jack: No! No nothing like that.

(Door opens and closes)

This was our thing, our moment. This was our secret for just the two of us. And the minute you start involving other people, there's expectations, opinions. You just saw for yourself what happened in there. That would not have happened in there if we'd told everybody sooner! And we should've told everybody right off the bat.

It was wrong not to and that is my fault.

No it's not; We made that decision together. But more importantly, are you glad you even did it? Be honest because... Because, Jack, standing with you in the snow with the lights, saying "I do," was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

I need you to give me the ring.

What do you mean?

(Birds chirp)

(Emotionally charged sigh of relief)

Lisa Stillman, will you marry me?

(Sighs) I don't know... (Laughs)

(Whispers) Yes.

Jack: Now that... is on there for good.

No hiding it.


♪ We have to keep believing
♪ it's gonna be okay
♪ 'cause if we don't, we're lost ♪
♪ maybe we're lost anyway
♪ I want to lift you up
♪ I want to make it great
♪ I want to be the boat
♪ that carries you 'cross the lake ♪

You know... if they can make their crazy long distance relationship work, we should be able to, too.

Ty: Agreed.

Amy: I should've never blamed you for losing the ranch. I've been thinking a lot about what you said and I shouldn't have gone on the tour the way that I did. It wasn't fair. You and I are partners, and if I could do it all over again, I would have never gone. It was a mistake.

Ty: No, Amy, it wasn't a mistake. That was the opportunity of a lifetime. I just wish we could've done it together.

Amy: Yeah, me, too.

(Phone chimes)

♪ We have to keep believing

(Amy chuckles)

♪ It's gonna be okay Ahmed.

Oh my God. He wants me to keep Gypsy... as a gift.

That's pretty generous. Why would he do that?

Lou: How could you keep that from me, dad? Just tell me! How?!

Tim: I made a promise.

Lou: Oh, oh, so...

♪ But you have to let that go
♪ and trust that the sun will rise in the morning ♪

(Light clicks on)

♪ In the mor-or-or-or-orning
♪ woo-hoo-hoo-hoo...
♪ Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo...
♪ Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo...

(In a whisper) Oh my God.

(Laptop snaps shut, Georgie sighs heavily)
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