01x09 - The Beast In Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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01x09 - The Beast In Me

Post by bunniefuu »





Frost: Waiting on a warrant. Can't touch the car.

Woman: I've been sitting here for 20 minutes.

Jane: You're in a hurry for your latte.

Man 1: I gotta get to work.

Shut up.

Man 2: What's going on?

Come on, how hard is it to get a warrant signed?

Man 3: Would you move the car, please?

Where's Maura?

Stuck in traffic.

She shouldn't wear heels to a crime scene.

Why not? These are very comfortable.

Yeah, I bet you can run in them too.

Oh, I don't think that's a good idea.

Man 4: Come on!

Man 5: What's the problem?

We can't get inside yet. We're waiting on a warrant.


All right, already. We're trying.

Move the damn car.

Hey, buddy, this is a crime scene.

So move the damn crime scene.

You keep interfering, you can spend your weekend in jail.

That's why. All judges took off early for the holiday weekend.

Oh, I'd like to be a judge someday.

Jane: I'd like to run off and join the circus.

Frost: I ordered a tow. Anybody wanna bet what gets here first?

Tow truck or warrant?

Ice pick, huh?

Jane: Yeah, what do you think?

Haven't seen a k*ll like this since Whitey Bulger and the Winter Hill g*ng.

I'm always sad I missed the Irish crime wars.

Don't be. Bloodbath from Somerville to Charlestown.

I was a rookie, but I saw things I don't ever wanna see again.

Well, one ice pick doesn't make a crime w*r.

Yeah, let's hope not.

Oh, took you long enough.

Good morning. You can be as bitchy as you like.

Yeah, what's the male equivalent for bitchy, huh? Dicky?

Heh-heh. Keep them coming. I'm getting time and a half just listening.

Get the uniforms and move these cars as fast as you can.

No hurry, brother. I go into double time in 20 minutes.

Then I talk to the commander and tell him... to hire a new tow-truck company, if you're not out in 10.

All right, get that to the evidence garage.

Hey, what about him?

Take him too. And don't charge extra.

Yes, Your Highness.

Without the attitude, please.


There's no registration in here. Anybody find an ID?

Nope. Nothing.

Ran the plates.

Registered to a dummy corporation. Guy's a ghost.

So John Doe, 20s. He's in good health.

Except for the ice pick sticking out of his ear.

Jane: Thanks.

There's no fingerprints on the vehicle. Not even on the door handle.

Maura: He had none to leave.


Burn scars. Consistent with acid exposure.


It's deliberate. Excruciatingly painful process.

There are 250 nerve receptors per square centimeter in fingertips.

So it would feel like a bazillion paper cuts.

No. Scoring the skin is the initial process.

The additional pain would feel like... each cut was being pulled apart by a pair of tweezers and doused with acid.

Safe to say, this guy went to great lengths to remain a ghost.

That's conjecture.

I'm gonna conjecture this too.

There's nothing random about drilling through his head.

Whoever k*lled him was making a statement.

Rizzoli, you gotta see this.

What do you got?

Oh, hello, Mr. Bourne Identity.

Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York.

Korsak: Look at all the passports.

Jane: John Woodbury.

Korsak: Adam Smith.

Maybe that's why he was k*lled.

Maybe he stole the wrong ID.

What do you think, ID-theft deal gone bad?

Could be organized crime.

Used to be just about running weapons, dr*gs, money.

Yeah, now it's also Internet fraud.

That would explain all the ATM cards.

Whoa. Check this out. Our victim was an artist.

Look like they've been done by a computer.

Oh. They're by hand.

This may be evidence of a very high IQ.

How much more would you need?

Extensive use of polyhedra.

Geometric signs in three dimensions with flat faces and straight edges.

Yeah. Sure. I like that stuff.

This guy may be a thief, but he sure could draw.

Those are cool.

Maura: Hmm.

Find anything?

Cause of death, massive cerebral hemorrhage... caused by an ice pick penetrating the brain.

I figured the ice pick had something to do with it.

Find anything that helps us know who he is?

Did you run his dental records?

Yes. No match.

But you can't hide your DNA. I'm waiting for the results.

He was clever. I'll give him that.

We found over $200,000 in charges and ATM withdrawals... and we're only halfway through his stolen identities.



It's a shame that they penetrated his temporal lobe.

That would have been an excellent brain to study.

Yeah. Bummer.

You know what doesn't make sense to me?

Why would a big-time identity thief drive around in a crappy car?

Economy car.


Because he didn't wanna flash his cash? What's?

This is Dr. Isles.


That's not possible. I...

Yes, I'm looking at it right now.

What's the matter?

They're saying that there's a problem with the DNA samples of our John Doe.

Yes, no, I see it, but it's not possible.

I don't cross-contaminate my samples.

Maura, come on. You're not perfect. Send another sample.

Okay, I'll call you back.

It's not possible.

Maura, everybody makes mistakes. Okay? Just send it again.

No, it's not a mistake.

This is the victim's DNA profile.

This is my DNA profile.

You see the autosomal markers? They're the same in both samples.

The lab keeps all of our genetic profiles in case we contaminate a sample.

So, obviously, it's been contaminated.

No. There's enough markers in the comparison of the DNA...

...to make a definitive conclusion.

So, what are we concluding?

Maura: Just look.

They match. And how did that happen?

Maura, you must have done something screwy.

No, I didn't. It's a biological match.

Maura, what are you telling me?

That the guy on the table here is somehow related to you?

I'm telling you that the man laying there is my brother.

He was actually my half-brother.

You know this from the DNA?

Yeah, we shared the same father but not the same mother.

It's so odd. You know, I have a blood relative.

I'm so sorry, Maura.

I'm fidgeting. Fidgeting. I never fidget.

Yes, welcome to the human race. Ha.

I always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling.

You know, more than what it would be like to meet my biological parents.

Seems normal.

I don't know anything.

I don't know his name, I...

All I know is that he was a thief.

And a brilliant artist.

It's not enough. I... How did he end up on my table?

You know, why did he do what he did? What if I never know?

What do you know about your biological parents?


My parents told me that my adoption was private with their lawyer.

All they knew was my birthday.

Maybe that's not even right.

You gonna tell them about this?


No, I didn't even tell them when I tried to find my biological mother and father... before I started college.

What'd you find out?

All the files were useless... or sealed by a court order.

I may have wanted to know them, but they didn't wanna know me.

Okay, what can I do?

I need to know who did this to him.

Hey, Pop.


Want a cup of coffee?

No, I had too much already.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine. Yeah.

I wish business was better, but I woke up this morning, right?

So how bad could it be?

Business is down?

Oh, way down.

Man: Hey, Frankie.

Hey, Murray. Murray, this is my dad, Frank Senior.

Hey, nice to meet you.

You too.

Murray was on the force for 25 years.


Twenty-six. Got a little sick of it.


What about you?

Uh... I'm a plumber.

I just paid some joker from Mission Hill 5 grand... to repair the galvanized feed pipe behind the bar. Listen to this.



That's five big ones down the drain.

Guy won't call me back. I don't get it fixed, I'm gonna have to close down.

Hey, he's your man.

I'm pretty good.

You're being modest.

I'm all right.

Come on. He redid all the copper in that pizza place up on Grant.

With a crew.

How long did that take you?

With a crew, it was...

Not long.

Trust me. He's gonna take care of all your problems.

I think you better redo both the cold and hot lines. I want copper too.


And I can go 3 grand all-in.

Three grand?

Take the work.


Yeah. Deal. Yeah. Sure.


All right.

I'll get you a set of keys.

All right.

Murray: Excuse me.

I can't afford to do it for that price without a crew. I can't do it.

So get a crew.

I got a better idea.

Oh, yeah.


Are you kidding?

You got me into this.

No way. I was trying to get you work.

No, look...



Here. Nice to meet you.

Frankie Sr: Good to meet you.

See you, Frank.

See you, Murray.


...Rizzoli and Sons.

Oh, yeah.

We have the same nasal and zygomatic facial structuring.

There are also similar patterns in our supraorbital foramen... and the angle of our jaw line. You see?

I do. I see the resemblance.

I don't know why I'm being so emotional now that I know we're related. I...

I never knew him. I never will. I...

Maura, if this is too much for you...

Here. You should have this.

No, that's evidence. Put that back.

I made copies, and I know where they are if I need them. Keep it for now.


Yeah. Here.

Monet used to paint the same thing over and over.

Sat in the same place day after day, painted the same view.

He's drawing the same view.

Yeah, that's a building, isn't it?

It looks like he's drawing it throughout the day. You see how the light changes?

And he's drawing it day after day... because this is where he lives.

His drawings are precisely to scale, so with a little trigonometry... and some spherical geometry...

We can figure out what it is he's drawing.

That's the financial district.

There. That's State Street.

Jane: Perfect match. That's the building he was drawing.

Frost: So he must have been looking at it from... there.

Been vacant a while.

Looks like it's in probate. Smart.

Jane: Probate takes about a year.

Free rent. Off the radar.

Let's go inside.


It's an alarm.

Come on out with your hands up.

You heard her. On your feet.



Your bag on the desk. Hands behind your head.

You guys got a warrant?

You got a lease?

What are you charging me with?

Trespassing, for starters.

Well, look at your little family business making your ATM cards.

You know him?


Sit down.

You don't know him, but you live together, you do your crafts together.

Frost: Jane.

It's pretty hefty. Might have been competitive 10 years ago... but you're behind the times.

You can't do that. That belongs to me.

Thank you for admitting it's yours. It makes the criminal case go faster.

You wanna tell us what this is?

You said it, man. It's a bad attempt at competing with Steve Jobs.

I have a hunch you're much better at computers than you are at lying.

Frost: Come on, pal.

Drew Beckett, 25, one of the biggest names in computer hacking.

Two years ago, he's indicted by a federal grand jury... for hacking into the mainframe at the Department of Defense.

Know how many firewalls he jumped?

Why, you thinking about trying it?

That's above my pay grade.


Charges were dropped on a technicality.

What's his tie to the vic?



It's an encryption scanner used for network enumeration. It's cutting-edge.

Our software was able to crack its binary and source codes.

Let me guess. We now know where Hoffa's buried.

It's the most advanced piece of criminal technology I've seen.

You got your wallet?

Check this out.

Hey, how'd you do that?

Sixty-two bucks at Dairy Freeze. What the hell did you eat?

It's set up so you can run it near any open Wi-Fi.

It pulls the information off the electronic chips on any card.

Remind me to start using cash.

And it gets crazier. It was built for identity theft.

But it also has the ability to work backwards.

They programmed in a complex math formula to decode encryptions.

Decode what that means for me.

It not only steals identities, it could also reveal them.

So our vic burns his fingerprints off, but this can still tell who he was?

And we think Beckett used it to sell him out. The two built this unit together... then Beckett used it to identify John Doe's real identity.

So who is he?

Here's what's stored.

Colin Doyle. But he's not in the system.

He won't be.

Look up Patrick Doyle.

Why? Who's that?

You heard of Paddy Doyle?

Yeah, of course. The Irish mob. The Enforcer.

Colin was his son.


Doyle was Whitey Bulger's right-hand man.

Disappeared the same time Bulger did. Been in hiding for 20 years.

Oh, my God.

But that's not all.

Looks like our guy Beckett just had $250,000 deposited... into an offshore account.

Somebody paid him.

Yeah, for selling out Colin Doyle.

No one ever knew what happened to the kid.

But why k*ll the son if you want the old man?

Even we knew, if anyone found Colin... they could flush out Paddy Doyle. Blood is thick with that clan.

Cop: Dr. Isles. This man is here to identify his son.

This is Mr...


Your roommate and friend Colin. Colin Doyle.

You got him k*lled.

I didn't know they were gonna k*ll him.

You think they were gonna pay you... to find out where he was, to throw him a party?

I can vouch for you with the DA and help you out.

Doesn't matter.

You're looking at first-degree m*rder.



You understand that?

Tell me who you sold the information to.

I tell you and they'll come after me.

We can protect you.

You can't protect me. Nobody can protect me. Look at Colin.

You understand you're looking at life without parole?

Good. Any life sounds pretty good about now.

I'll take my chances behind bars.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

How was he k*lled?

He died from a cerebral hemorrhage.

I wanna know how.

An ice pick.

He was stabbed with an ice pick.

I'm terribly sorry. We're looking for his k*ller.

What was he like?

He was too much like his old man.

I've seen his drawings. He was brilliant.

I have them if you'd like one to take with you to remember him.


I'm not gonna forget my son.

May I get you some water?


We have some right here. I can get you some...

I'll make it easy for you if that's what you want.

Goodbye, Maura.


I sent his blood samples to the crime lab... but I have no doubt that this man is my father.

Since when do you jump to conclusions?

Since I found out who I am.

Maura... Look at this. Stabbed. Shot, shot. Shot.


Oh, my God. Did you see what I did?

He does that.

He introduced himself as Mr. Selsi.

It's Isles, my adoptive name, spelled backward.

I know. You keep saying that.

He was toying with me from the start.

While staring at his m*rder*d son.

Come on. He came to say a final goodbye to Colin.

He knew you wanted a DNA sample, so he gave you some of his blood.

That's a guy with balls.

You're defending a stone-cold k*ller.

No, I'm n...

Yes, I am.

Uh... And I'm gonna stop now.

Look, I think that whoever k*lled Colin... knew that his m*rder would draw Patrick out.

If it makes you feel better, these were all bad guys.

He said Colin was too much like him.

What about me? Look what I do for a living.

I'm around more death than he is.

But you're not the one doing the k*lling.

Maura, listen to me. You are in danger.

No, I'm not.

As long as Patrick Doyle is out there, yes, you are.

He's not gonna k*ll me.

Whoever k*lled Colin will not hesitate to k*ll you... if they figure out who you are.


We need some help.

There's no way Patrick Doyle got in the medical examiner's office... unless he still has contacts inside.

Which is why we can't trust anyone in this unit or in the DA's office.

Whoever wants Doyle dead wouldn't hesitate to use Dr. Isles.

Jane: Maura's safe for now.

Nobody knows she's related to Doyle except for the four of us and Doyle.

Let's find Colin's k*ller before that changes.

Paddy Doyle has lots of enemies. Given his history... it's hard to say how many.

But these guys are the top of the heap. Mickey O'Donnell.

Donegal family.

Danny "Boy" Flanagan.

Tommy O'R ourke.

All of them had family soldiers m*rder*d by Doyle.

So, what are we waiting for? Can't we drum up some reason to question them?

You just don't get it. They're like the CEOs of Irish crime families.

We could talk to them.

These guys make pit bulls look like Chia Pets.

Well, what are we gonna do?

I'll see if there's anything else I can pull off the encryption scanner.

Maybe there's a connection between one of these guys and our hackers.

You and I should go through the car again.

I'll go over the body again.

Maura, don't.

You've gone over it so many times.

I wanna do it. For Colin.


She shouldn't be alone right now.

Let her go, Jane. Going back to work's the best thing for her... and the best thing we can do to protect her is solve this.

He died here. There's gotta be something.

We have been over it and over it.

Jane: Did you see the dent here on the front of the car?

I didn't have my new car a week before I got sideswiped. That's Boston drivers.

Yeah, here it is.

Patrol officer notes it rolled into the car in front of it.

Some sort of aftermarket kit. Kid was smart.

No, Korsak, don't you get it?

What? He got free road assistance, so?

No. It's activated any time there's an impact.

Okay, our vic's car rolled into another car during the struggle.

Maybe as he was being m*rder*d.


Man (on speaker): This is Road Assist. How may I help you?

Yeah, this is Detective Jane Rizzoli.

I need to know if you have any records of a crash in this vehicle.

Let me check that for you.

Yes. One recording.

Can you play that, please?

I'm sorry, you'll need a court order for that.

It's good news. We'll get one.

Which ADA could expedite a subpoena without alerting the entire department?

Pat Hagen. He's come through for me before. We can trust him.


Guys, we got a problem. I re-ran the computer leads looking for a connection.

Someone hacked into the medical examiner's database.

They got into Colin Doyle's file.

Are Maura's lab results in that file?

Yeah, yeah. Whoever was looking at Doyle's file knows Maura is his sister.


Yeah, and Patrick Doyle's daughter.





I'm sorry. I couldn't go back to see you again. There was no other way... of bringing you to me.

What about a phone?

Let me take that off.

No. Don't touch me.

I assume you already know you're in danger.

Well, there's a lot I don't know.

Let's start with my birth mother.

Who is she? Is she alive?

She is. But it's in both of our interests to leave it at that.

Listen, we don't have much time.

No, you need to listen. You don't get to terrorize me.

And kidnap me and interrogate me.

I wanna know who my mother is.

You have her intensity and intelligence.

And class.

She gave you up to keep you safe. We both did.

I need to keep her safe too. She has a right to lead her own life.

But know she was heartbroken, and never forgave me.

For giving me up.

For who I am.

What about Colin? Who was his mother?

It's not the same thing. She was someone I saw a few times.

But you raised Colin.

Is that what you think?

I gave you up and kept him?

No, he was raised by his mother.

She told him who his father was right before she died.

FBI couldn't find me, my enemies couldn't find me... but my 15-year-old son did.

You've seen what he could do with computers.

Smart enough to do anything... yet, not smart enough to avoid the same path I took.

That has nothing to do with his intelligence.

I'm guessing you weren't much of a father.

I know what you've heard about me.

Most of it's true.

But you should know...

...I've always kept an eye on you.

Take these off, please.

This is the fifth grade.

My high school graduation.

I was at your college and medical school graduations too.


You're my daughter.

I have a father... so I can't be your daughter.

How can you do the things that you do?

Just m*rder people on command.

I never hurt anyone who didn't deserve to be hurt.

I don't understand how you live like that.

That's because you're different.

I did what I was born to do.

You did what you chose to do.


You're in a great deal of danger.

The police can't keep you safe. You know that.

If I can get to you, so can my enemies.

I can take care of myself. I would like to go now.

Maura, I wanna protect you, but I can't do it without your help.

I don't know who k*lled your brother, but I know they'll come after you next.

It's programmed with a number. I'll always answer it.

I know you have people close to you in Homicide.

I need you to tell me who did this to Colin.

We don't know yet.

When you know, as soon as you know.

So you can k*ll him.

So I can keep you alive by sending a message.

My guy in Southie says he's not hearing anything.

I've tried every CI I have. No one's got anything.

We should be out there looking for her.

We don't have a clue where to start.


It's a blocked ID.

Whatever you want, I can get it.



Are you okay?

Uh... No, can you get to my apartment?

I'll be right there. No, she's okay.

She's okay.

He had a gentleness I wasn't expecting.

Well, he's wanted for about a dozen not-so-gentle murders.

He's a charismatic k*ller.

It's not like you haven't seen that animal before. He's dangerous.

I don't believe that. I mean, he risked his life to say goodbye to Colin.

Oh, don't tell me that you're finally letting emotion run that big brain.

I don't know who I am anymore. I...

Come on. You're the same ridiculously smart... amazing, goofy person that you were before.

I mean, knowing that he is the source of the sperm doesn't change that.

Don't be so sure. Technically, you did just say that my father is a k*ller.

Mm-mm. Mm. No, I said the sperm donor was a k*ller.

Patrick Doyle wants me to feed him information.

Yeah, I bet he does. That's why he's back. Revenge.

I don't know.

I don't know. I... I'm supposed to call him... with Colin's k*ller... once we've discovered who it is.

Jane, he had photographs of me... throughout my life.

Well, he wants to protect you. Maybe we should just let him handle it.


No. No. I'm not helping him k*ll another human being.

Even if it keeps you alive?


Frankie Sr: All right, let's see what we got.


All right, hand me that collared J-trap.

Not that one, the metal one. The metal one.

Who could tell? You got everything mixed up here.

Nothing's mixed up, Frankie.

Everything's in the order of the order of things.

What the hell does that even mean? Here.

It means there's a reason for everything.

Okay, Yoda.

You told me we were gonna be done by the time the game started.

Know how much those tickets cost me?

I told you, Frankie, to turn on the TV.

Oh, thanks, Pop.


No, no, no. Look. You gotta re-solder the connection on the hot side here.

I did it just like you said.

No, no, you didn't sweat it right. Okay?

It's gonna leak when the pressure builds up.

I taught you this when you were 10.

I told you we should've started on the other side.

And you also told me you were gonna be here on time, but you weren't.


Whoa! Okay, all right. Whoa, whoa.

Get the valve!


The valve!

It's already secure!

No, not that one! The cold water line!

What have I been teaching you?

No, that's not it!

The other one, Frankie!

No, that's not doing it!

Wait a minute. Here, take this.

Of course it's not doing it.

Frankie Sr: The cold water one.

Hurry up.



The other one! The other!

Look, even if we arrest Colin's k*ller... that'll leave a path for your father's enemies to find you.

So there you go.

There you go. My father hurt a lot of people.

He's not your father.

My brother turned out just like him.

There's no proof Colin k*lled anyone.

And he's not your brother.

So what? So he's the sperm donor's spawn?


And all he did was what?

Steal identities and life savings. k*lling people in other ways.

What does Colin have to do with you?

Empirical data from several sources... provides strong converging lines of evidence... that indicate that there is some degree of genetic predisposition for crime.

Maura, there is not an evil bone in your body.

It's in my DNA.

So what? You want a study that proves you're not your father or your brother?




Janie, open up. Open up. It's Frankie.


I know it's the middle of the night but...

Oh, Maura. Hi.

What are you doing here?


Dad's lost his mind. He's driving me crazy.

Can this wait?

I got him a job at The Dirty Robber.

I thought I was doing him a favor. Then he asked me for help.

I just finished soldering a section when the water main burst.

He tells me it's my fault. Water's coming down...

Stop it. This is not the night for crazy Rizzoli family drama.

Maura: Sure it is.

I could use the distraction... and I happen to know a thing or two about copper flux.

Do you, show-off? Well, so do I. I'm the daughter of a plumber.

Yeah, this'll fit perfectly.

Jane: Okay.

Maura, can you hand me the torch, please?

Can I do it?

Really? You know how to do this?

Of course. I used one of these to sear toro.


Who's Toro?

Oh, Toro's her pet miniature bull, Dad.

Pet bull? What are you talking about?

No. Dad, it's sushi.

Sushi? You know, don't be a wise-ass, all right?

This wouldn't have happened if you'd have listened to me.

Like the time you set the gas pressure too high in the kitchen... and the stove top exploded during my birthday? Like that?


Frankie Jr: Yeah?

I remember it scared Mom so bad that she knocked the cake off the table.

And the candle caught the rug on fire.

She was stomping everything out...


...with her new white shoes.

Which she was wearing after Labor Day.

I didn't know you knew the Labor Day rule.

Come on, everybody knows the Labor Day rule. Here.



Frost: Hey, Jane.

That lead from Road Assist panned out. We got a recording from inside the car.

Okay, thanks.

Looks like we're gonna find out who k*lled Colin Doyle.

Woman (on speaker): This is Road Assist.

We've been alerted to a frontal impact in your vehicle.

Is everything okay?

Man: Huh? Yeah. It's fine. Just tapped the car in front of us.

That was the k*ller's voice.

I loaded every recording on our list of suspects.

FBI wire tapes, interrogation tapes, courtroom testimony.

Tommy O'R ourke. Who's that?

A lot worse than Paddy Doyle.

I get it, Maura. I do. But we're talking about your survival.

Okay? I mean, he said he wanted to send a message.

Those were his words?


That means even if we get Tommy O'R ourke... someone else will be gunning for you.

Doyle is the only one who can stop them all.

I know the consequences if I don't do this. I do.

I've thought about it.

I'll do it, then.

Why is it any different?

This is not who I am. It's not who you are.

Well, give it to me, and I'll take it to the crime lab.

Maybe they can track something.

Korsak: It's Tommy O'R ourke.

Some would say it's a fitting end for a k*ller.

That's me, as a baby.

With Doyle.

Who tipped him off?

Not me. You said not to.

Think the message is pretty clear though.

Don't mess with my family.

You do what you need to do to protect family.

Well, that's it, I guess.

Now I will turn on the main water valve.


Jane: You got this, Pop.

I hope so, sweetie.

Well, here goes nothing.





Very nice. Very nice, Pop. Very nice.

And you, you're a genius.

Heh. Yes. I am.

And a humble one too.

What? It only takes 150 IQ points to be a genius.

What, so you're a dumb genius?

Ouch! Aah! Aah.

Hey! You know what?

No, what? Come on.

Still sorry you didn't grow up with a sibling?

Yeah, I am.

Well, here, we'll cure you of that.


Yeah, aim at the head.

Face, preferably.

Maura: Oh!

Nice. Very nice.

Oh, I missed. Okay.

Just get him right in the face.
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