01x10 - When the g*n Goes Bang, Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*
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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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01x10 - When the g*n Goes Bang, Bang

Post by bunniefuu »







What are you doing?

Caught me.

I was eating into the profits.

I told you to leave the load, pick it up in two hours.

Sorry. I'm on my way.


Boss wants to meet you first.


Come on.

[g*n COCKS]

Get on your knees.


Don't. Please.

I can forget about it.

Put your hands up.

Boss wants to see if you can catch.


Somebody's here.


Maura, you're staring at Chuck's biceps.

I am. Females are wired to be attracted to the strongest, most dominant males.

It's natural selection at work.

You're making me uncomfortable. Stop.

What? I'm just appreciating his sternocleidomastoid.

Excuse me.

You have beautifully developed musculature.

What, am I embarrassing you?

Oh, no, not at all.

Why don't you tell him he's got a nice ass too?

And a wonderfully proportioned gluteus maximus.

I am never working out with you again.


Where are you going? That was only 20 minutes.

Oh. Bass is ill. He won't even eat any organic spinach.

I've gotta check on him.

You brought your turtle to work?


I couldn't get his usual caregiver.



Hey, it's Murray.

Hey, Murray. What's up?

I can't find your parents about the head count.

I figure they must be at church.

Head count for what?

Surprise party.

Surprise party? For who?



What are you talking about?

Oh, I thought you knew.

Sorry, didn't mean to bother you.

Too late, I'm bothered.


Frankie: What?

Jane: Hey.

You know anything about Ma and Pop throwing a surprise party today?

Oh, no.

"Oh, no" is right.


What is this?

Cups. You wanted cups.

Why can't you ever do what I ask?

They were 70 percent off, Ang.

I wanted the toile ones with the blue-and-green pattern.

It's a cup. It's a cup. You put something in it. What is it? It's nothing.

I think they wanted to surprise you.



I couldn't reach you.

What are you doing?

We're gonna have a get-together... and I was gonna call you the minute we were set up.

Really? Pop, you wanna, uh, spit it out?

Uh, ask your mother.

He's coming home?

He's getting out today.

Bus gets in at 2:00.

He's getting out early?

For good behavior.

Oh. Too bad he can't behave unless he's behind bars.

Don't say that about your brother.

He made a mistake. He served his time.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Running a priest down in a crosswalk... on your third DUI conviction is not a mistake.

Father Crowley has forgiven him. Why can't you?

You're throwing him a party in a bar, Mom. Are you crazy?

Technically, we're a bar and grill.

And we're only serving soda pop.

I thought that was just till the cake.


What makes you think he's gonna make it out here?

Easy. Take it easy.

She's right. You have to have a plan.

He comes back, he works for me.

Oh. And he sleeps in his bunk bed, and plays with his toy soldiers.

That ought to straighten him right out.

That's my son and it's your brother.

Look, if you and Frankie don't wanna come, don't.

Fine. Not coming.

Me either.

You're gonna turn your back on family?

Come on.

Ma, Ma, we're both cops. You can't expect us to do this.





No. Okay.

What happened?

We got a cop shot.


Korsak: Danny Clark. Drug Control Unit.

He was in my class at the academy.

Wife, two kids.

Knew his father.

Knew Danny since he was this tall. It's a damn shame.

One shot to the head.

Maura: Looks like a large-caliber firearm.

It's a.45 caliber.

Maura: Abrasions on his sternum.

There's some hairs missing.

There's a piece of tape. Hey, Joe, uh, photograph this, mark it and bag it.

He was wearing a wire.

He was working for us.



Since when?

I sent him under to get information... about the two dead truckers you were working.

My case? Without telling me?

My decision.

Everyone fall in over here.

Let's go.

I want every cop and detective down here working the streets on this.

Get everyone from headquarters. The only cop I want there... is manning the front desk until further notice.

You! You! If you kept us together on this, Danny wouldn't be dead.

Bob, come on. Easy. Get off. Easy.

Wouldn't be dead.

Hey. You better have a good reason for sending him in alone.

Good reason.

Frankie: Bobby.

Look, I need you, Rizzoli.

Yes, sir.

I want you to interview Bobby. He may not even know what he knows.

You're the best at this. Take him to headquarters.

I can interview him here.

Cavanaugh: No, no. Get him out of here.

Yes, sir.


I know. I know.



That's the only thing I found in his pockets.

I'll bag it and get it to Evidence.

AII, right, you wanna? Hey, man. Come on. Come on. Let's go.


Maura: What a Sunday.

Jane: What? No, no, no. Twenty's overkill.

You're only a jerk if you don't leave anything. Here.

God, when was that made? November?

Marino wants a cup of coffee. There's none upstairs.

Guy's a wreck.

I tried everything.

British strawberries, fennel, bok choy.

Are we in the same conversation?

Sorry. I was talking about Bass.

You're obsessing over your turtle again?


He likes salt in his coffee?

Oh. Damn it.

You know, when people lock their keys in their car or sprain an ankle... it indicates that something significant is bothering them.

Yeah, a cop was m*rder*d.

Yeah, but that's not why you're salting your coffee.


It's my brother Tommy.

I've always wondered about him.

Well, Frankie and I became cops... and Tommy went to prison for hitting a priest in a crosswalk.


It's his third strike when driving under the influence.

Your poor parents.

And they keep saying... if the priest that he hit has forgiven him, then why can't we?

This isn't about forgiveness. You know, Tommy is really troubled.

And the more they deny it, the more he screws up.

You really care about him.

I just think that we need to face reality.

Tommy needs help. This isn't like he broke his leg and it'll heal.

I'm really sorry.

Thank you.

Don't worry about it. We got too much to do today to worry about Tommy.

Wish you were out there?


We'll get the sh**t.

I'll call you as soon as I get the results.

All right.

Oh. I gotta log this into evidence.

I gotta take this to Marino.

See you later.



If you wanna talk about your brother or just avoid the subject, I'm here.

I know.

According to Danny's notes, you guys were making inroads... into the trucker homicides.

Why did you stop working the case?

Uh, Cavanaugh pulled me off the murders.

I went back to working dr*gs in Charlestown.

Well, then there's nothing.

Do you know what Danny was doing for Cavanaugh?

Beats me.

Got real secretive all of sudden.

You guys were partners. Why would he shut you out?

We were partners for nine years.

Danny was the best.

I know.


You worked dr*gs. You know what it's like.

All that money, just...

Well, I knew Danny too, Bobby. What are you trying to say?

Hey. Help me out here.

I think Danny was dirty.



Officers brought in a woman arrested outside the warehouse last night.

What? Where Danny was shot?

Yep. They grabbed her for crack.

She says that she can give up the sh**t.

If we broom her case?


She's waiting in the interview room.

Jane: Okay.

Mind if I go talk to her?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'll be right back. Thanks.

Did you see his face?

I'm not saying anything until I know that I'm not doing time.

Withhold information about the m*rder of a Boston cop... and you're going back, no trial, no nothing.

You'll be eating dinner in jail.

He was a cop? I didn't know that he was a cop.

This is bad. This is really bad. This is so bad.

Sit down. You're not going anywhere.

Did you see his face?


I did. Both of them. They're really bad guys.

They're bad guys. They're gonna come here and k*ll me.

Can you pick them out?


But I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to do?

What am I supposed to do?

Okay. Listen to me.

If they were willing to sh**t a cop, they won't think twice about k*lling you.

Okay, thanks. I'll let him know.

What can I do for you?

My vehicle got towed.

How do I get it back?

You have to go over to division.

Get his w*apon.

Set up the cell-phone jammer. k*ll the power.

Go to the roof. Take out the antenna and junction box.

Keep eyes on the streets. Cover the back exit by the morgue.

You come with me. We don't have much time.

Oh, my... They're here.

What? No.

I told you. I told you they were coming.

It's a power failure.

Everybody meet at the loading docks in 10 minutes. Go.

Frankie: Jimmy, the power's out.

Get his w*apon.

Let's go.



Just the power's out, okay?

Okay, buddy? But I still need you to eat something.

All right, sweetie? Here we go. Come on, sweetie.

There. Quick. Quick.

Might be in the evidence locker.

Hit it.

Where is it? I don't see it.

Damn it! It's gotta be here.


It's not here. Let's go.


They know I'm here. I gotta get out of here.


I gotta get out of here. I gotta get out of here right now.


My g*n.

[g*nshots NEARBY]

Go. Go to that door. Go. Go.

I gotta get out of here. Come on.


I gotta get out of here.

Shh. Go up. Go up. Up, up, up. Keep going.

[g*nshots NEARBY]

Right there. Go in the corner. Yeah. Shh.

I saw them.

Don't leave me. Don't leave me.







I gotta go back down there and help them, okay? I will be right back.

You're safer here.

Mia: Don't leave me.

Don't leave me.

[g*nsh*t IN DISTANCE]

Mia: No! No!




Are you okay? You all right?


She's dead.

Got here a second too late.

Not for me. Thank you.

Can you walk?


But we can't get out of here. They're watching all the exits.

Who are they?

I don't know.

I told her I could protect her.

[g*nsh*t NEARBY]

If they were here to k*ll a witness, why aren't they gone?

What did she say?

Yeah. She said she saw Danny's sh**t.

Said she could ID him.

You get a name?

No, nothing.

They ripped apart all the desks in the squad room.

What are they looking for?

I don't know.

Hey, uh, that walkie, is it working?

Only Channel 12.

All of Homicide is out of range.

What do you think?

I gotta find Maura, get her out of here.

Frankie: Jane.





Almost there. Maura.


It's Jane. It's Jane.


Jane. I was hiding.

There are men... There are men sh**ting in here.

Jane: Yeah. Both of them have been shot.

I'm fine. Take care of him.

What happened?

He's been hit twice.

My vest stopped them.

Get him up here.

The table? Already? Really? The dead-person table?


Oh, God. Oh!

Be careful. Careful, careful-.


Keep this, okay? And watch the doors. I'm gonna stay with Frankie.

Maura: Take his shirt off. His shirt.

Jane: Okay.

What is going on? Phones don't work. There are men sh**ting here.

Jane: I know, I know.

I think we're trapped in here.

Maura: What about that?

That's only for homicide cops... and no one's in range.

Maura: They're at the warehouse.

Okay. Lift his shirt up.

Okay. Okay.

I think I got the wind knocked out of me. That's all.


Jane: You sure did.

Hand us that binder. The binder on the desk.

We need to keep his head up.

Jane: Good.

Jane, give me your jacket.


Careful, okay? We're gonna put you down.


Jane: It's okay. It's okay.

Maura: Got it? Okay.

ABCs. Airway, breathing, circulation.

I should've taken an emergency medicine rotation.

All right. Take a deep breath.


I can't.


What are you hearing?




Jane. Janie.

Yeah. Hey. It's all... It's fine. It's fine.

It's bad, isn't it?

Massive blunt force trauma. Caused internal bleeding.

It's worse than bad.


I want nobody near this cab but you.

This is you. I wanna go over it.

Jennifer, any fingerprints come up, I wanna see them.

Jennifer: Yes, sir.

Cavanaugh: Any results, I wanna hear.

Any prints come up, let me know.

Peruvian Flake always looks like mother of pearl.

Why'd they leave the dr*gs?

k*lled a cop. Something must've spooked them.

Was there a drug aspect to your two murders?

No. The investigation showed random sh**t.

Two truckers hauling freight from New York. so I don't want anybody in here who doesn't belong.

I want you to go over this truck from top to bottom.

Obviously, there's a lot more to this case.

Cavanaugh: wheels checked, everything.

Why wouldn't he tell you Danny was undercover?

I don't know.

But what do you wanna bet my two dead truckers were muling coke?

What do you think Cavanaugh had to do with it?

Nothing, I hope.

Let's find out.

Pull up Danny's files on the truckers.

Why does everybody always use their birth date? Here it is.

Got their application for commercial driver's licenses.

When did they join the Interstate Truckers Union?

Both got their ITU cards 18 months ago, on the same day.

Check the union-card prints. See if either one has a criminal record.

Didn't you check their autopsy prints?

I did. They came up clean.

Just run the union-card prints, would you?

They're clean too.


Compare the prints from his union card with the prints we took at the autopsy.

Can't fake your prints when you're dead.

Korsak: Look at those whorl patterns.

There is no way those are from the same guy.

Did Danny keep their files in his personal records?

Frost: Right here.

Okay, open those.

Frost: Look at this.

Our trucker has multiple arrests for possession of Class B cocaine.

He used someone else's prints to get his license.

Somebody pulled their records off the system.

Somehow, Danny got a hold of them.

Call Jane. I wanna talk to Bobby.


Getting voicemail. She's probably still interviewing him.

Let's see what Danny has on our second dead trucker.

I need an MRI or CT scan, an x-ray machine... something to check his internal injuries.


I was afraid of that.


Tension pneumothorax.

He's having trouble breathing. Do something.

I'm a pathologist, I'm not a surgeon, Jane. I could make it worse.

What is it again? Say it again.

Tension pneumothorax. What are you doing?


Tension pneumothorax results in death if not treated immediately.


Jane, I'm just guessing, okay?

I would need to confirm it.

Jane: You don't have time to confirm it!

Your guess is better than most doctors.

I could be wrong.

Aggressively manage with needle decompression to chest.

I've never done it.

Maura, jeez. Get a needle. Do it.

Do it now!

All right.

Get alcohol and a cotton ball and tape.

Okay. I got it. I got it.

Hold on, okay? Okay.




Maura: Okay.


Give me the tape.

Okay, hold this.

Hey, buddy. You okay?

Frankie: It's...

Shh, shh, shh.

Yeah, you're all right. You're all right.

The integrity of his chest wall's been breached by a broken rib.

We gotta get him to a hospital.

There're at least three men inside the building, maybe more outside.

What are they carrying?

I saw two MP5s.


No, no. No, he looks better. He looks better.

Not for long. I think he has a partial tear in one of his lungs.

Maybe other internal organs.

Which means what?

It means that he needs surgery.

How soon?


Hey, Ang, remember when we took the kids to Lake Winnipesaukee?

When we took them all fishing?

Yes, and we had the rowboat that leaked.


Oh, yeah.

And Janie caught that largemouth bass, you know?

She was holding it up, she was so proud.

Oh, God, and Tommy had to throw it back in... because he didn't want that fish to die.

Ha, ha.

I still believe that person is inside of him.

Yeah. Me too, honey.


Is that me?


Hello? Tommy.

Oh, baby. It's so good to hear your voice.

What? Of course you are. We're all here waiting for you.

What's he saying, Ang? Give me the phone.

Tommy, please. Tommy.

We are all so happy that you're coming home.

Give me the phone.


Tommy, listen to me.

Tommy, you come home.

Give me that phone.

Tommy? What? Tommy, no.

No. Listen, don't do this to your mother.

Tommy, please.



Korsak: Danny and Bobby both worked Charlestown for nine years.

Yeah. And both our dead truckers lived in Charlestown.

Any connection to Danny or Bobby?

Nothing I could find.

Cavanaugh worked Charlestown.

I wanna talk to Bobby. Try Jane again.



Try the front desk.

Getting a recording.

I don't like it. Come on, let's go back to headquarters.

It's okay, buddy. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?

There's blood clotting it.


Oh. Turn him on his side.

Jane: What's happening?

[g*nshots IN DISTANCE]

Bobby: It's at least two floors away.

Oh, my God.

His lung's filling up with blood.

Well, how do we stop it?

Maura: We can't.

We need a trauma center. I don't have equipment.

You helped him before.

The problem is in his heart right now.

There's too much pressure from the bleeding, his heart can't pump.

Please don't let him die, Maura. Please.

[g*nf*re IN DISTANCE]

We can't get him out of here. What can you do right now that will help him?

I don't know. I don't know what more I can do with what I have.

He's going to die right here on this table, if you don't do something. Think.

Okay. Okay.

Jane: I'm counting on you.

You're the only one that can save him.

It's all right, bud. It's all right.

Rizzoli's car's still here.


Korsak: Where's it coming from?

On the roof. North and south corners.

Get to the radio.

Why me?

On me. I'm closer to retirement. You ready?


We're taking fire! I got sh**t on the roof of headquarters.

Get me some help down here, now!

This is a hospital procedure.

Okay. Just do it.

I don't have anesthetic.

It's all right, Maura. Just do the best you can. Okay?

Frankie. This is gonna hurt, okay?

I have to drain the blood from your lung so you can breathe.

Oh, Maura, hurry.

Maura: I need you to hold him down.



It's okay, bud. It's all right.

Maura: Okay.

I have to insert the tube to drain the blood.

We trust you.

This is painful.

Okay, all right, listen to me. Hey, look at me.

This is gonna hurt. Okay?

But I want you to squeeze my hand as tight as you can.

Frankie: Do it. Go.




Man: Get down!

sh**t on the roof!

What have we got?

A mess is what we got.

You tell me right now what you had to do with this.

If you're part of it, I'll k*ll you myself.

Who the hell you think you're talking to?

I sent Danny in there by himself.

His m*rder's on me.


We gotta get people out.

We think Rizzoli and Marino are in there.

Dr. Isles and Frankie are probably there.

One sh**t at the rear entry to the morgue.

sn*pers are moving into position.

How many inside?

We've got a visual on one. In the lobby.

Gotta figure out how to communicate.

We're gonna go old school, use Channel 12. Frost, give me a walkie.


Jane never carries hers.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

Jane, you hear me? Jane, can you hear me?

Korsak (over radio): Do you copy?

Korsak? Is that you?

Jane. Where are you?

We're in the autopsy room.

Are you okay?

We got at least two dead, two wounded.

Marino's got a g*nsh*t wound to the thigh. Frankie took two to the chest.

Can you hold them off, Jane?

Not for long. They're looking for something.

Oh, wait. They were looking for something in the evidence lockers.

But they didn't find whatever it was.

Wait, you tell me this now?

I'm sorry. I kind of had my hands full.

Jane, did you log in any evidence from the crime scene?

Uh, only the pack of cigarettes, but I haven't logged them in yet.

Why? What would they want with Danny's cigarettes?

Danny doesn't smoke. His old man died of lung cancer.

There's something in the cigarette pack.

Yeah, like what? Where is it?

Uh, it's right here.

Drop it.

You, drop the radio.

Jane? Jane, what's happening?

Give me the cigarettes.

You got till I count to three or this cop is dead.

One. Two!

All right! They're right there.

Don't you screw with me.

Just stop, all right?

They're in my jacket, under his head.

Get them.

Maura: It's all right.


Give them to Bobby.

Smile. You're on Danny's camera.

Jane: Danny didn't know that you were running the drug ring.

He must've suspected something. This is why he was wearing a wire... and carrying a hidden camera?

He just couldn't stop digging. That was Danny.

I wasn't planning on k*lling him, but he showed up at the warehouse.

He didn't leave me any choice.

You k*lled the other witness too, didn't you?

What's one less crack whore, right?

You son of a bitch.

No. I'm not a son of a bitch. Heh.


I'm a freaking hero.

Now that I got what I need, I'm gonna sit tight and wait to be rescued.

That is, after I sh**t the three of you.

Korsak (over radio): I wouldn't do that, Bobby.

Bobby. It's over.

Man (over radio): sn*per 1, you've got a green light on that shot.

Take it.

Get your team into the morgue.

Man: Team 1, move, move.

Team 3, move, move!

Bobby: Come on.

No, no...

It's fine.

Frankie: Jane?



Don't sh**t. Don't sh**t.

Tell them to hold their fire.

Hold your fire. Hold your fire.

We got a visual, one sh**t, one hostage.

Bobby, let her go. It's over.

Can you make the shot?

He's got her too tight.

Bobby, please. This is over. Please!

Drop the g*n, Bobby. Don't make it worse on yourself. Let her go.

Take out your keys.

Please. Frankie is...

Bobby: Take out your keys!

sh**t him!

Just sh**t him!

Bobby: Put your g*ns down or she's dead!

No, don't! Frankie's bleeding! There's no time!

Your brother's probably dead.


Maura: Jane!
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