02x07 - Bloodlines

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*

Moderators: Trialia, Trialia

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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02x07 - Bloodlines

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Bird caws ]

Woman: [ Distorted voice ]

k*ll her.

Man: [ Distorted voice ]

k*ll her.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

[ Muffled screaming ]

k*ll her. She's done.

[ Match strikes ]

You're wicked.

[ Muffled screaming ]

Burn her. Burn her.

[ Screaming ]


Egg whites for you, doc, and house special for you, hon.

Thanks... Hon.


Okay. You know what?

At work, make normal pancakes.

I'd love bunny pancakes.

Do not encourage her.

So we're clear, No zoo-animal shapes at work.

Rabbits are not zoo animals.

Well, except for the Washington pygmy, which is being bred in captivity.

Talk about breeding...

I could make bunny pancakes for grandchildren.


[ Utensil clatters ]


You know what that means.

Drop a fork, expect a female visitor.

Are you still menstruating, Mrs. Rizzoli?

Wha- Maura! God. No.

Other kind of visitor- The person kind.

She's very superstitious, my mother.

She believes in all that stuff about cats and umbrellas and ladders.

Had me convinced I was gonna paralyze her if I stepped on a crack.

[ Chuckles ]

Step on a crack, break your mother's back.

[ Laughs ]

You believed that?

I was 5.

Don't you have other customers?

Oh, my God. What is she doing here?

Who's that?

Frankie's ex.

Oh. Looks like your mother likes her.

Uh, no.

That would be her "I can't stand you" hug.

But she way too polite to call her the word that rhymes with "witch."

"Bitch"? Shh!

Angela: - Jane?

Look who I found!

Theresa, how, uh, how you doing?




Long time.

What are you doing here at...

Boston police headquarters?

Just moved back to town.

And you just thought you'd pop by the police department?

Job application.

Ah. You're being fingerprinted?

It's mandatory for everyone applying.

Sure. Sure.

Especially for people who have other people co-sign a car loan and then default on that loan.

Good seeing you, too, Jane.

See you around.

Maura: Wow.

You just gave her your "I can't stand you" hug.

Sheesh. Uncomfortable.

You want uncomfortable?

Try paying off Theresa's car loan while she skips town and leaves you holding the bag.

Well, perhaps you should've had her fingerprinted first.

No. Not me.

Frankie. It's the love of his life.

She's very symmetrical.

Excuse me?

Well, studies have shown that women who have symmetrical facial features are the most attractive to men.

You're not helping.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Okay. I'll be right there.


Theresa's back to get her manipulative claws in Frankie.

Maybe she came by to pay back the car loan.

People change.

Oh, yeah. That's it.

Maybe she added seven years of interest.

[ Chuckles ]

What have we got?

Fire investigators think it was set in the middle of the night.

Did you find an I.D.?

Frost: - No.

He can't even...

[ Clears throat ]

He can't even tell if it's male or female.

Why don't you get a closer look there?


Huh? [ Laughs ]



It's interesting.

Might have to do a full autopsy before I can tell the gender.

I don't know. This is definitely male.

Oh, no.

The less-pronounced supraorbital ridges indicate female.

Yes! Okay.

So our victim's definitely female.

[ Exhales sharply ]

That is not fair.

So an accelerant was used.

Not gasoline. Lighter fluid, maybe?

Variation on pugilistic pose indicates that her wrists and her ankles were bound.

I think she died right here. There's no sign of drag marks.

Think she was alive when she was set on fire?

I know, I know. You need time and endless tests.

One thing's for sure...

We're not gonna get any fingerprints.


[ Bird cawing ]

Pine scent.

It's right where a jacket pocket would be.

Think she was wearing air freshener?

No. I think it might be Amber.

What's the shiny thing?


Fixed-bearing prosthesis.

It's a titanium joint.

It's a knee replacement.

We don't need fingerprints. We got a serial number.

Rizzoli & Isles - s02e07
Original Air Date: August 22, 2011


Manufacturer shipped the knee joint to a Boston orthopedic group.

They're checking patient records.

Should have a name any second.



We're I.D.'ing our victim by her knee replacement.



So, how's everything?


Anything... new today?

Nope. Not a thing.

Was she here to see you?


You know who.

You guys want some privacy? I can...

What, you mean because my sister is butting into my business?

I knew it. You were meeting with Theresa if you guys are gonna fight right now...

She was here getting fingerprinted for a job.

And it's none of your business.

Did she pay you back for that Camry?

Also not your business.

You bought a car for a chick?


Dumb, bro.

Excuse me, bro.

We had to scrape him off the ceiling every time hurricane Theresa blew into his life.

Oh, you want to go there. Fine.

Let's talk about Steve Sanner.

Who's Steve Sanner?

No one.

[ Laughing ]

Oh, she was nuts about him.

She started wearing dresses.

You should've heard her on the phone.

"Hi. Steve?

I'm, like, good. You?"

[ Giggles ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Computer beeps ]

Oop. Hello.

Implant belonged to Helen Downey, 43.

She's got a license but no car.

She lived in Hyde Park.

That's close to where we found her.

Let's go check it out.



[ Groans ]

You need to put your shoulder into it.

Please. Show me.

That's a new guy's job.

I've been the new guy for two years.

I will tell you when you're not the new guy anymore.

There's no sign of struggle, so Helen wasn't taken by force.

What is that smell?

Kitty litter box. Needs changing.

[ High-pitched voice ]


Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!


[ Cat meowing ]


Pretty little kitty-kitty.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, no. I don't like black cats.

It's not a black thing.

It's just... It's your cat baby talk.

Hello... Worthington.

You're a good boy.

[ Normal voice ]

Poor guy.

She painted his nails pink?

Oh, they're nail caps.

Keep you from tearing the furniture.

Hmm. That, to me, says that Worthington was an inside cat.

"Epicurean cat." Pampered, too.

Korsak: Oh, yeah.

Oh, this cat's hungry.

He's been alone for at least 24 hours.

It's walking distance to the clearing where we found her.

So maybe Helen knew her k*ller and met him there.

Not much of a social butterfly, that Helen.

Didn't do much entertaining.

Box of historical records. This goes back to...

Man. Look at this.

1690. Looks original.

She kept everything. Piles of mail, too.

I'll get Crime Scene Response to box it up and bring it in.

Where does this go? It's locked.

Hey, new guy.

If I end up on disability, it's on you.

[ Grunts, groans ]

Jane: Korsak, that looks like disability.

[ Switch clicking ]

Oh, this reminds me of "The Devil's Rejects."

You ever see that one?

Korsak: - I hate horror films.

Haven't you got enough on your mind?

Hm. You're missing out.

Ever see, uh, "Zombies Invade Boston"?

How is it you can't look at a dead body but you can watch zombies chew their own arms off?

Jane: [ Laughs ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hi, Maura.

Crime lab identified the substance in Helen's pocket.

Fossilized tree resin... Amber.

Okay. That's great. But I'm a little busy right now.

Oh, you got to see this.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Can you see what we're looking at?

That table looks like an altar.

That looks like a human skull.

I have Helen's cause of death. What was it?

Did she die by curse?


I found soot lining her airway, edema in her lung tissue.

Maura, is it possible that Helen Downey was burned at the stake?


Because I think Helen Downey was a witch.

Jane: It's blood, right?

Maura: I don't know yet.

Well, why did you rush all the way over here if you're gonna take as long as you take in your lab?

Can you hover somewhere else?

Somebody did get a visitor today.

Korsak: Look at all these weird things.

I had these crazy wiccan neighbors.

Aggressive bunch.

They took all the parking spaces.

Do you think Helen was a wiccan witch?

Wicca is a Neo-pagan religion.

Its practitioners use white magic to bring about good.

This altar doesn't look like it's up to anything good.

I agree.

It suggests a darker, more traditional form of witchcraft.

I don't even want to know how you know that.

Phenolphthalein test indicates it is blood.

Human? This is an altar, not a crime lab.

Korsak: These bones have holes in them.


This is from an articulated skeleton.

Connected... like for a science classroom.

Yes. It's perfectly legal. You can buy it on eBay.

Yeah, but you can't buy bowls of blood on eBay.

Well, those who practice the dark arts give blood to use in spells.

Again, never tell me how you know this.

Black is used to cast an evil spell.

Is that hair and fingernails?

Mm. A love spell.

Helen never heard of online dating?

[ Chuckles ]

What's this for?

Amber. It's used to ward off disease.

That's the same stuff that we found on Helen.

Okay. What is she doing to this guy?

Angelica root.

It's used for protection.

So we've got evil, healing, love, and protection.

Adds up to one weird victim.

Frost: You had to take a witch's cat.

I'm fostering Baretta till he can find a loving home.


Didn't want to go through life as Worthington.

Mm. He tell you that?

What else he tell you?

He eats sautéed chicken livers, likes down pillows?

Leave him alone. He's the sweetest cat in the world.

Helen collected genealogies.

Look at these family trees.

John Proctor. William Hobbs.

This is incredible. Look at the date... 1692.

That's when the Salem witch trials began.

Maybe Helen was descended from witches.

Take any history at Southie High?

Puritans persecuted anybody who was different.

Yeah. Witchcraft was a felony punishable by death.

Oh, okay. This is cool, too. [ Computer beeps ]

It's a deed of trust from the land where we found Helen's body.

It's been modified, but the original date is 1680.

The land where Helen was k*lled belonged to her family for centuries.

Three acres in Hyde park. What's that worth?

Korsak: A lot.

She could've used the money, too.

Letters from her landlord. She was behind in her rent.

Helen was a descendant of William and Mary Warrick.

Wow. Early settlers of Salem.

Land was passed to her through all these generations.

Slaves came with it back in the day.

Good times in colonial Boston.

Hey, women were considered property.

What are you looking at me for?

I don't even have a cleaning lady.

What's with the registered letters? All from the same guy.

Real estate agent. Robert Cranston.


Hi. I'm Robert Cranston. And if you...

Hey, that's the guy that's getting the evil curse in Helen's basement.

He's also a real estate developer who's been buying up all the land around Helen's property.

What for?

He's building a monster mall there.

He offered Helen $3 million for her land.

So he owns all the parcels except Helen's Lone holdout.

Looks like Helen kept him from building his mall.

That cost him.

Do you have her will yet?



She's not married. No will.

Maybe Cranston can't get her land unless he kills her and buys it from the estate.

Well, that would be an offer she couldn't refuse.

Korsak: We appreciate you coming in.

I don't have a lot of time.

We're going to need to know where you were Saturday... day and nighttime.

I was in Worcester, at the grand-opening celebration of my newest gated community.

And then I was asleep at my hotel.

Check. You'll see.

Could you turn that off, please?

It's business.

I do a lot of it.

Did you ever meet with Helen Downey?

Once. That was enough. She's nuts.

'Cause she wouldn't sell her property to you?

I offered her $3 million for that weed patch...

Double what it was worth.

She said it was sacred.

Why did she think it was sacred?

Something to do with her ancestors, witches.

Who knows? Whack job.

We're investigating Helen Downey's m*rder.

Am I under arrest?


Then I know both my rights and my way out.

Too bad we can't hold him for being a sleazebag.

Guy that rich wouldn't dirty his own hands.

Yeah. Probably not. He'd hire somebody.

I'll check out his alibi, run background checks on his employees.

[ Bell chimes ]

The blood in the bowl didn't belong to Helen.

Any chance we'll get a DNA hit?


I'm still waiting on the results from the fingernails and hair from the altar.

Did you find anything to confirm that Helen was crazy?

Korsak said that the real estate developer claims she was a nut bar.

You know, the genetics of mental illnesses are much more complex than the genetics of many of the rare, single-gene diseases.

"Yes" or "no"... Perfectly good answers.


I'm going as fast as I can.

Three sandwiches. Big lunch.

Yeah. I'm meeting some people.

Is that why you're wearing all that cologne?

[ Sighs ] It's quite lovely.

Hints of orange blended with notes of cedar and...


Yeah. Thanks.

Ma, I got to run.


See ya. Bye.

Enjoy! Where's he off to?

A picnic at the public gardens.

Is it with Theresa?

Oh, I hope not.

I mean, how could he not remember how much pain she put me through?


Ma, he was depressed for months when she found a new guy and dumped him on his ass... again.

I remember.

That can be quite serious.

Broken heart syndrome, also known as stress cardiomyopathy.

It can cause rapid and severe heart-muscle weakness.

Oh, my God.

You got to do something.

[ Birds chirping ]

You see him?


It's hot, and I smell like a French fry.

That's because we're in direct sunlight.

I know that, 007. That's why I'm hot.

[ Click, whirring ]

You feel that? Ventilation fan.




Solar panels on the roof of my car.

They automatically generate enough electricity to cool us off.

How green.

Isn't it?

Does it get rid of French-fry smell?

How is it that you can't lie but you can talk me into spying on my brother?

We're not spying.

We're not.

We are gathering data to test a hypothesis, which is the first step of scientific inquiry.

Nice try.

We... you and I... are snooping, meddling.

We are sticking our noses where they do not belong.

Oh, my God.

I just turned into my mother.

Hypothesis confirmed...

I would recognize that cheap dye job anywhere.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

It's Korsak.


And Isles.

Frost: We found Helen Downey's will.

She left her land to three people.

They all live in old Salem.

Sending you the photos now.

Korsak: See the goofball with all the piercings?

Jane: Yeah.

Grayson Bennett, 33.

Who's the beautiful one with the lip stud?

Sage Molette, 29.

And the young one is Sabrina Scott.

Sabrina is a very old Welsh name.

It's also a name of the teenage witch.

All three of them work at the Spellbox.

Oh, that's an occult store.

What, you shop there?

I've bought gifts.

[ Knock on door ]

Got to go.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Hi. What are you doing here?

You followed me.

We did.

But we're just testing a hypothesis.

We are not snooping.

Oh, really? What's your hypothesis?

If I meet Theresa for lunch, it's your business?

No, we were trying to determine whether you're getting back together.

Please stop talking.

Hypotheses require rigorous testing. It's...

You want to know what I'm doing here?



This is my daughter.

Lily, say hi to your Aunt Jane.



[ Paper rustling ]

You want a French fry?

No. My mom says they make you look fat.

[ Chuckles ]

Maura: Lily is adorable.

She looks like Frankie.

Yeah, she's really cute.

And innocent, unlike her mother.

My gut says Theresa's broke and she's using her kid to get Frankie back.

Paternity is very easy to check.

Oh, sure, Maura.

I'll just ask Lily for a little saliva.

We got a lot of work to do. Let's get to Salem.

They call it "city of peace" now.

That's very nice of them, since they put 19 innocent people to death in the witch trials.

What? Salem was my favorite field trip.

I've been there six times.

I can't believe she's gone.

What was your relationship to Helen Downey?

We were members of the same coven.

Make sure to get the names of the other nine.



It's the middle English word for "convent."

It's an assembly of 13 witches.

Are there 13 members of your coven?

Grayson: Only four.

But Helen was working on building our membership.

We're hereditary witches.

That means...

Six field trips.

I got this.


That means you inherited your practices and rituals and magic from ancestors.

That explains all the genealogy stuff we found at Helen's.


Would it surprise you to know that Helen named the three of you in her will?

No. We were her family.

And yet there's only a photo of you on her altar.

Seems she was attempting a love spell.

Were you ever involved with Helen?


But I realized for our coven to function...

Each of our lives had to be equally intertwined.

Did you all intertwine in Helen's basement?

We performed rituals. Yes.


We're gonna need to collect DNA samples from you.

I'm gonna need to swab the inside of your mouths, if that's all right.

Also, do any of you recognize this man?

It's the Reverend William Scott.

Jane: Scott?

That's your last name, isn't it?

Is he your father?

Yes. Were you aware that Helen had cast a protective spell against him?

My father wasn't happy that I had joined.

Did your father ever make any threats against Helen?

He would never hurt anyone. He's a man of God.

Man of God.

Same men who've persecuted us for hundreds of years.

Do you know of anyone that would want Helen dead?

You know what? Why don't we ask Helen?

Because Helen's dead.

I think he means a séance.

We'll have one tonight... at her home.

You're welcome to attend.


What ever happened to the good old-fashioned interrogation?

Come on. It'll be fun.

Like traveling to Borneo.

Investigative work is not supposed to be fun.

That's why they call it "work." Borneo? Really?

Well, my work is fun.

You think Frankie told your mom?

No way.

Did you hear the good news? I'm a grandmother.

Isn't it wonderful?


Ma, slow down, all right?

Isn't she adorable?

She uses a napkin and she chews with her mouth closed.

Unlike her mother.

Listen, Lily can't help it her mother is a bit... a-a bit flaky.

Look, let's let bygones be bygones.

It's very healthy to move past old grievances.

No one asked you.

And I'm not ready to withdraw my grievances against Theresa.

[ Sighs ]

Dr. Isles...

Could I possibly trouble you to host a little family get-together?


Of course.

Thank you.

What was that?


No, Ms. Buttinsky. It was butting in.

Oh, hey.


Got Helen's phone records.


Sabrina's father, the reverend, called her hundreds of times in the last six months.

So he was harassing Helen.

Helen convinced my daughter she had inherited mystical powers.

How'd she do that?

Helen found Sabrina, showed her our family ancestry.

My daughter didn't know we are related to Sarah Good.

The Sarah Good...

Who was put to death for witchcraft in 1692?

You don't believe your ancestor was a witch, do you?

I know that Sarah Good was a devil worshiper.

That's what Helen was, too.

She made my daughter reject her faith and her family.

That must've made you angry.


And it also broke my heart.

In her restraining order, Sabrina said you tried to abduct her.

I hired a deprogrammer.
[ Bird cawing ]

I was trying to get her away from those that were leading her astray.

Can you blame me?

Only if you k*lled Helen Downey.

As God as my witness, I did not.

Well, don't go anywhere.

We may need to speak to you again.

[ Birds chirping ]

Okay. Let's put someone on him 24/7.

Guy gives me the creeps, too.

Ugh. What is she doing?

Maura: A feeding ritual.

In the Hua society of New Guinea, feeding and sexual intercourse are believed to transfer the vital essence, nu.

[ Grayson breathing deeply ]

I'm leaving if sexual intercourse is next.

I'm not. Me either.

We call upon the powers that be to open a doorway to the other side and allow us to conjure, stir, and summon the spirit of Helen Downey.

I don't like this.

It's okay.

If you get scared, you can hold my hand.

Helen...Are you with us?

[ Exhales deeply ]


Ooh. Spooky.

I just had one in your honor, Helen.

She loved figs.

No kidding.

No, Maura. No kidding.

Helen, do you know who k*lled you?


How reliable is that thing?

[ Voice breaking ]

I am your vessel.

Tell me... Who k*lled you, Helen?

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Deep voice ]

My k*ller... is near!

[ Gasps ]

[ Wind whistling ]


Helen said her k*ller was near.

Really? "Helen said"?

Well, you're right.

That sounded a little silly.

A little.

I don't suppose you've heard of the ideomotor effect.

Sure. That's when idiots pretend to talk to the dead.

Unconscious muscular actions in response to a thought or idea.

It could be why the board moved.

Fake. Phony.

Like Theresa, who I now get to watch chew with her mouth open, thanks to you.

Frankie: Ah.

Angela: Okay. It's heavy.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]


Frankie, you get to do the honors.

You sure?




Ma's never let anybody but pop cut the meat before.

Well, now that Frankie's a father.

We don't know that, Maura.

Angela: - So, how'd the job interview go?

Theresa: - Good.

They said they'd let me know by the end of the week.

So, uh, you looking into the food-service industries?

[ Laughs softly ]

I haven't worked in a fast-food restaurant in years.

I'm in medicine now.

Medicine? Really?

I'm a nurse. Oh. Nurse's aide.

Oh, wow. That's great.

So you, like, change sheets and empty bedpans... That sort of stuff?

I'm getting certified.

Maura: That's wonderful.

I'm sure you're a very nurturing person.

Yeah, that's... that's what we've always said about her.

Isn't that right, mom?


We sure did.

Would you like a potato?

So, uh, what brings you back to Boston?

I wanted my daughter to have some stability.

Be around family, you know?

Of course. Family is the...

How are your parents?


Thank you.

Wow. Lily, my goodness. You are so grown-up.

How old are you?




You are almost as old as your mommy's Camry.

Jane, come help me in the kitchen.

I'm not finished.

This will just take a second.

Hey, Frankie, get me some more wine.

Uh, Lily, would... would you like some more milk?

Yes, please.

I'll get it for you, baby.

She is so well-mannered.


That's the mother of my child.

You sure about that?

She's always taken advantage of you, lied to you... cheated on you.

Will you stop?


I can't stand to see this happen again...

Not to you and not to that little girl.

Lily is not some car you can buy with Theresa.

She deserves to know the truth, Frankie, and so do you.

You are really lucky there's company around.

Frankie. Come... come here!

[ Cellphone rings ]

Yeah, Frost. What's up?

What? When?

All right. We'll be right there.

What's the matter?

[ Cellphone beeps ]

We got to go. Another witch got att*cked.

Get your purse.


Get your purse.

Oh, my God. I'm going straight to hell.

I'm stealing the sippy cup.

Go to the car. Go.


We know what happened?

Sabrina was alone, closing out the register, when she was att*cked.

Was it a robbery?

Don't think so. The money's still there.

She was lucky.

Weren't for that sculpture, she'd have been crushed to death.

I want to talk to her.

She's pretty shook up.


Hi, Sabrina.

You remember me? I'm Detective Rizzoli.

I'm a doctor. I can check her out.

Hi, Sabrina.

Can you follow my light with your eyes?

Can you tell us what happened?


I don't know.

Do you remember how the bookcase fell over?

Someone pushed it onto me.

Did you see who that was?


I heard a voice.

Was it a male or a female voice?

What did the voice say?

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."

She needs a cat scan.

This bookcase weighs hundreds of pounds.

Somebody strong must have pushed it on her.

Korsak: Question is, how'd they get in?

Door was locked. Police officers had to break in.

Helen the witch is burned alive.

Sabrina almost gets crushed to death.

Maybe this is a witch-hunt.

I think it's a real estate hunt.

Look what I found by the cash register.

Well, well, well.

Our sleazebag real estate agent stopped by.

Well, you said Helen's will divided her land evenly between the three coven members.

You think Cranston was trying to get all three to sell?

If he was, my money's on Grayson.

Sabrina and Sage don't pee without his permission.

He had the motive, the muscle, and the keys to this place.

Let's go find him.

Frost: Hey. New guy.

Korsak: Boston police!

[ Wood clattering, g*ns cocking ]

Frost: Korsak.

[ Hinges creak, door thuds ]

You're the only other one with a key to the Spellbox.

Where did you go after the séance?

[ Voice breaking ]

No... no, it's not me.

I didn't do this.

I was in Needham teaching a candle-making class.

[ Sobs ]

Sabrina's dead, isn't she?


She's in the hospital.

They're trying to k*ll us.

It's as it was before... Burning, pressing... drowning.

All means of execution for witches.

There aren't any witches.

I'm scared.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

I'm so scared.

Real estate developer has got a solid alibi.

What about the reverend?

Police officer says he never left his house.

We don't have enough to hold her.

Frost: You're free to go.

No. No. Please.

Can I please stay here?

That's a first.

Suspect who wants to spend the night.

I'm so afraid. Please.

Maybe we put her up in a hotel until all this is over.

What about my cats?

[ Chuckles softly ]

Can't leave your cats.

You live in Salem, right?

We'll escort you home.

We'll notify Salem police to increase patrol presence in your neighborhood.

Thank you.

What makes people put all those holes in their heads and in their... Ugh!

Tongue and both nipples?

[ Chuckles ]

It's nothing new, though.

Roman Centurions used to attach their capes to their nipple piercings.

Okay. That's good.

Perimortem bruising around his face, his neck, and his chest.

He was forcibly drowned?


And there's skin and blood under his fingernails.

He's trying to loosen his attacker's grip.

We might have our k*ller's DNA. I'll process it.

Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a solvent [ Cat meows ] that will dissolve the glue on Baretta's plastic claws, huh?

Well, they're designed to fall off eventually, but I can try slicing the caps off with my scalpel.


Well, I won't hurt him.


I don't suppose anybody is gonna adopt him with pink claws.

Frankie: Where is it, Maura?

Where's the princess cup?

I should go. W-well, let me cut the caps off first.

Never mind. Pink's nice.

I know Jane took Lily's cup.

Where is it?

Don't be mad at Jane.

She just did it because she loves you.

What's your excuse?

Well, I have a bigger purse.

And access to superior paternity testing.

Oh, yeah? Well, guess what.

I'm getting my own paternity test.

And if Lily turns out to be mine, I-I'm gonna be the dad that she deserves.

And Janie's just gonna have to accept it.

That's very admirable, Frankie.

Clearly, Theresa needs a good guy like you in her life.

Well, I'm never getting back with Theresa.

It's about Lily now.



Oh, I must've gotten lost.

Uh, what's that behind your back?


Oh, Dr. Isles is working. I'd better come back.

Hey. Oop.

Maura: That's okay.

I can still talk while I analyze stomach contents.

What's this in the bag?

You got to be kidding me.

I'm sorry, Frankie. I have to know for your sake.

I have to talk to Jane.

Just got a breakthrough in this case.

But you're welcome to stay here and finish this argument.

Gee, thanks.

Maura: Jane.

Remember the figs that Sage fed Grayson at the séance?

Yes. Put me off of Fig Newtons for life.

They're still in his stomach.

Signs of mastication, but very little enzymatic or acid activity.

So... he was dead before they had time to digest.

Well, the séance was at 6:00.

The figs were in his stomach for no longer than an hour before he was k*lled.

You're saying Grayson was k*lled before Sabrina was att*cked.

Yes. And you found skin and blood under his fingernails.

DNA back?

Not yet.

Our k*ller will have defensive wounds.

Well, it wasn't Sage. She didn't have a mark on her.

Frost, can you pull up a picture of Sabrina?

Sabrina had abrasions on her face.

Yeah, but I didn't see her arms. She was wearing long sleeves.

I got crime-scene photos from Salem P.D.

Look at Sabrina's hands.

Okay. Could those gouges be from Grayson's fingernails?

It's possible.

So Sabrina... could've k*lled Grayson and then staged her own attack at the Spellbox.

How? Grayson was held underwater.

Yeah, and those bookshelves weighed hundreds of pounds.

Crime-lab results are back from the blood in the bowl at the altar.

All right, Helen's attempt at a healing spell... who was she trying to heal?

Sabrina's blood was in the bowl.

Anything in Sabrina's tox screen?

I mean, dr*gs could explain the superhuman strength.

If she was on PCP, that would explain it.

No. There's no dr*gs in her system.

Well, something was wrong with Sabrina.

Because Helen was trying to heal her.


Jane, I think you're right.

Sabrina's DNA results show that chromosome 8 and 13 are at 8p22-p21 and 13q.

Later that same day...

Many of those accused of witchcraft were suffering from mental disorders.

No! You mean they weren't really witches?

Sabrina Scott was descended from Sarah Good.

Yes, who was one of the first women put to death in Salem.

And Sarah Good was probably suffering from schizophrenia.

Which can be inherited, right?

Yes. And it usually strikes in early adulthood.

It's characterized by hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior.

Oh, God. Like... like thinking you're a witch.

Sabrina does have the genetic markers for the disease.

You know, I've arrested schizophrenics in the middle of a psychotic break.

They are crazy strong and... and out of control, like being on PCP.

Hi. Yeah. This is detective Jane Rizzoli.

I need to put a security detail on Sabrina Scott, please.



Thank you.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Sabrina checked out of the hospital A.M.A.

Against medical advice?

We got to find Sabrina before she gets to Sage.

All right, Korsak. Thanks a lot.

Sabrina's not at her apartment, she's not at the store, and she's not at her father's house.

All right.

That was Salem police. They can't find Sage either.

Well, Sabrina's taken out two members of her coven.

She's not gonna stop until she finds Sage.

Think, guys. Where would she be?

Well, what probably caused her schizophrenic break is this conflict between her adoption of witchcraft and her religious upbringing.

Okay. That's a "why," not a "where."

She heard scripture during her attack at the store.

That's it.

The voices in her head are telling her to go back to her old faith.

[ Match strikes ]

[ Muffled scream ]

[ Sobs ]

[ Indistinct whispering ]

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

[ Sobbing ]

Woman: [ Distorted voice ] k*ll her. Evil shall be punished.

Do it! Evil must be destroyed.

[ Muffled screaming ]

Jane: Sabrina, stop!

Stop. Put the gas can down, okay?

No! Do not try to stop me.

We must die by fire.

Put the torch down, all right? You don't have to do this.

All she perceives is a threat.

She's in the middle of a psychotic break.

I'm not gonna let her k*ll Sage.

Distract her. Talk to her.



[ Echoing ] Death to witches.

Don't think that you need to punish Sage the way that you punished Helen.

Helen was a devil worshiper!

Grayson worshiped Satan.

They were the dark ones... Witches.

She must die.

Man: [ Distorted voice ] Die.

Sage is evil.

A devil worshiper!

She must die.

No. Sabrina...

Yes! She is!

No. You aren't evil.



[ Grunts ]

[ Crying ] Please help me.

I have sinned!

It's okay.

[ Sobbing ]

It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.

Poor Sabrina.

They took her to Bridgewater.

At least doctors there will keep her stabilized, keep her from having psychotic episodes.

It was sad.


Schizophrenia is a terrible illness.

Better than being burned at the stake or drowned in your bathtub.

What the hell happened to you?


Those look like cat scratches.

Baretta got a little uptight when I took the caps off.

Oh, the sweetest cat in the world?

How many stitches, Ace Ventura?



Didn't hurt.

What you eating? Humble pie?

I deserve that.

I'm sorry, okay? I'm a jerk.

Yeah, you are.

Lily's a... she's a nice girl.

And I'm gonna be a great aunt, okay?

I promise.

Nope. You won't be.

Got the paternity test back.

Lily's not my daughter.

I'm sorry, Frankie.

Yeah. You know what?

So am I.

You'll make a really good father someday.

[ Chuckles softly ]

Yeah. Someday.

That's too bad.

I was really looking forward to holidays with Theresa.

[ Laughter ]

What are we gonna do about ma?

She like cats? Oh, don't even think about it.

Baretta is very sweet.

Okay. It's your house.

Come here. Sit down.

Let me buy you a beer.

Love you.
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