02x12 - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*
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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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02x12 - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Post by bunniefuu »


Maura, that was an amazing farewell meal.

Well, I had help from the guest of honor.

He's a remarkable sous-chef.

Didn't even know what that was till this afternoon.

Tommy, the vegetables were delicious.

Ma, he sliced a celery stalk.

I cut up the broccoli, too. Okay, so, when do we get to see this fabulous apartment of yours?

Soon as I have the money to get the lights turned on.

Well, I told you I'd be happy to cosign.




But if you need help moving in...

Actually, I moved in today. A buddy of mine helped me.

Look at him. My baby's leaving the nest again.

And this time, he's on the straight and narrow.

Your baby's 32.

Stop it.


You're back.


We really didn't get a chance to talk.

I'm gonna miss our chess games.

Me too.

Anyway, a token of my appreciation.


This is a 1994 Chateau de Gordes.

It's very rare.


Like you.


I should finish these dishes.

Yeah. Okay.

Well, good night.

Wait, Tommy.

No, I got to go anyway.

Um, enjoy the wine.

You've been so great to me.


Everybody on the ground! Facedown! Now! in 30 seconds, you die.

Move it!

Get up! Get up!

Empty the cash in the drawers. You two, don't move!

Come on!

Fill it.

Give me the bag.

Get on the ground. Don't move.

Come on. Come on, come on!

Let's get out of here.


Go! Go! Go!

Rizzoli and Isles - S02E12
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Original air date December 5, 2011

What do we got? Dead bank manager.

Three employees witnessed the robbery and the sh**ting.

FBI's inside talking to them.

What are you doing out here?

The FBI has a pretty high opinion of itself and a pretty low one of local law enforcement.

They let Maura and Korsak in.

To process the body.

Well, come on. The action's inside.

No. I'll wait out here.

It's good. you were here when it started? yeah.

Excuse me. I'm detective Jane Rizzoli, Boston homicide.

Can you direct me to the agent in charge?

You're looking at her.

Special agent Anna Farrell.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay. I'm used to it.

A girl running the task force?

Gee, it never happens to me.


I've allowed your superior and the medical examiner in while we interview the witnesses.

Okay. Well, it may be your bank robbery, but it's our m*rder.

You can never have too many detectives.

Actually, you can.

A neighboring P.D. managed to bungle a similar investigation two weeks ago.

Yeah, I heard about Cambridge.

It's always amateur hour when campus police are involved.

Boston's the real deal. Okay?

So, you think it's the same crew that did the Cambridge robbery.

Appears to be.

They made off with 30 grand in that robbery.

Today's take was almost $100,000.

Why's the window shattered?

They went out that way.

Door in Cambridge had a sensor.

It triggered a time-delayed transmitter hidden in the money.

What was the time delay on the dye pack?

10 seconds.

We figure it went off in the getaway vehicle.

They're smarter this time...

And more lethal.

Witnesses say he didn't resist.

Didn't try to set off an alarm.

So why'd they sh**t him?

Who is he?

Paul Lanford, 34.

Suffered what appears to be a single g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Oh. That's a shame.


Quite a bit of intra-abdominal fat.

It's belly fat - You know, it's linked to high cholesterol, high insulin levels.

I don't think he's worried about his cholesterol level, Maura.

I found a witness who got the first three digits of the van's license - 82e.

I'll put out a BOLO.

I already did.

Detective Frost, this is...

I should go check in with my team.

What was that?

Stared at her like she was a perp.

You think he stared?

Casual fixation with no attention to detail?

I think he scrutinized - Close, attentive examination.

A tad hostile for our friend Barry.

I think they've met before.

Couldn't have been on the job.

Otherwise, I would have met her, too.

Maybe it was when he was in uniform.

It seemed personal.

Did you get the sense that they'd slept together?

I'm not very good at figuring out who's sleeping with whom.

Stick with what you're good at.

What does his body tell you?

The track of the projectile is through the right lung, into the heart...

And through the left lung.

And there it is at the fifth intercostal.

Oh. It's a .40 caliber.

The bank robber shot him at point-blank range.

He was cooperating. Why would he do that?

Perhaps your suspect has a smaller amygdala and prefrontal cortex.

It results in poor impulse control.

Not everyone with a small brain sh**t people.

You sound like my mom making excuses for Tommy.

"His dyslexia made him do it."

Have you heard from him?

Who - Tommy? No.

Just wondering if he got turned on.

The lights.

Got his lights turned on.

B.P.D. unit found the getaway van.

Oh, that's great!

No, it's not.

The FBI is sitting on it.

Why are they running surveillance?

This is bullshit.

I want that thing processed. Let's go out there.

Feds. Always make it that much harder for us to do our jobs.

She dumped your ass, didn't she?

When and where?

Oh, about three years ago at the corner of "none of your business" and "don't ask."


Agent Farrell.

Detective Rizzoli.

Detective Frost.

We're running a surveillance operation.

Why are you here?

You really think they're coming back to ride around in a van they used in a bank robbery?

The plates on the van were stolen from a mall last night.

We've been sitting on it for an hour.

It's been dumped.

And we need to get our people from the crime lab in that van.

No. We're sitting tight.

Great. Well, you sit tight and watch that empty van while our K*llers are out there robbing banks and sh**ting people.

Okay, what happened between you two?

He, uh, wouldn't put the toilet seat down.


Can I take a look?


Thank you.


Wait! What are you doing!?




Liver temp indicates he's been dead about two hours.

CSRU says the van's been wiped down pretty clean.

No prints on the wheel or doors.

Okay. Let's get latent prints out here, see what they can find.

Perhaps this will help.

A hair.

Do you see a root ball?


I'll have it run through CODIS.

Blood spatter indicates he was shot inside this van.

This is strange-looking blood.

Do you see why I will only commit to a reddish-brown stain?

This is not blood.

Well, what is it, then, Dr. Smarty Pants?

Paint. Yeah.

See? I see flecks of avocado green, Tiffany blue...

Enough, Picasso.

Okay. So, this van was used for commercial painting at some point.

Agent Farrell, look.

You see the red spray on the roof?

They tried to wipe it off.

Yeah. That's from the dye pack.

Must be from the Cambridge robbery.

I'm gonna run this van number.

Well, if we're lucky, it'll be registered to the dead guy.

Do you recognize him?

He was on our list of suspects.

John Polk, 31.

Convicted of bank robbery --

Released last spring after serving 10 years.

That's Ricky Dunn, his partner in that robbery --

Also recently paroled.

Huh. I'm thinking they reunited.

Frost, bring up the bank surveillance footage.

How tall was John Polk?


And what about Ricky Dunn?


Got it.

Freeze it.

Well, that looks about right, don't you think?

John Polk, our 6'2" dead guy, is the sh**t.

Ricky Dunn is his 5'7" accomplice.

What do you know about Dunn?

We checked with his parole officer.

He hasn't reported in for the last two weeks.

So, when you told us he was "on your list," he was really your prime suspect.

Do we need to speak privately, detective Frost?

No, I'm good.

Well, that's quite a history.

Ricky Dunn is prone to v*olence.

History of drug use, gambling.

But not John Polk. He came from a middle-class home.

No drug use, no v*olence.

Till he robbed a bank with Dunn.

But this time, Polk kills the bank manager. Why?

Got nervous.

Accidentally pulled the trigger.

Yeah, maybe.

Frost, can you slow it down?

So, Polk turns to go, but then he turns back.

It's like he's making a decision.


To k*ll him.

Frost, try a search with both names --

John Polk and Paul Lanford.

You think they knew each other?


If they did, this is an inside job.

Yeah. Look.

Robber and bank manager played on the same all-star hockey team.

Maybe Paul Lanford got the job at the bank to set the whole thing up.

Detective frost, can you check Lanford's Credit report?

I'm already doing it.

You think Polk double-crossed Lanford?


He was already splitting the money with his partner, Dunn, plus the getaway driver.


So, maxed out on his cards.

Behind on all his payments.

Serious debt.

Lanford need to rob his own bank.

This will be awkward, then.

Paul Lanford's widow is in the conference room.

Be right there.

I'm going.

Frost, you coming?

I'll sit this one out.

Mrs. Lanford?

We're sorry for your loss.

If it's all right with you, we'd like to ask you some questions about your husband.


Can you tell us how long Paul worked at the bank?

Just a few months.

He'd been unemployed for a year.

Things were finally looking up.

Do you know this man?

John Polk.



Your husband did.

They played hockey together.

I'm confused. This was years ago.

But both were in the bank when it was robbed this morning, and now both are dead.

My husband was at his job.

What are you saying?

We have reason to believe that he may have been involved in the robbery.

He was k*lled by the robbers.

We've looked into your financial records.

Paul would never do anything illegal.

You were having some serious troubles.

Please understand that we just need to explore all the possibilities.

I understand.

But I don't understand her.

Let's get these out of here.

Tactful warmth isn't my strong suit.

You're amazing.

Oh. Well, I've just been at it a long time.

A lots of families, a lot of grief.

I don't think Paul Lanford had anything to do with it. You?

I'm not sure.


I hope I didn't screw that up.

Go easy on yourself, all right?

It's okay. You'll get there.

You okay? That doesn't look good.

Just something I have to handle right away.

All right.

Well, let me know if something develops in the case.

Sure thing.

John Polk's parents are on a cruise.

Found a brother - David.

We're gonna have to do a notification.

Okay. I'll go with you.

I like her.

So did frost - a lot.

Look what I found.

They were engaged?

Sign here.

No wonder he's so grumpy.

Man with a lot of secrets.

Come on.

Let's go tell John Polk's brother the bad news.

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round 'round and 'round 'round and 'round Hang on, kids.

Can I help you?

Yeah. Hi. We're looking for a David Polk.

That's me.

Could we speak to you in private, please?

I'll watch Phoebe.

Phoebe, honey, I want you to go with miss Sophie.

Play with Timmy so daddy can talk, okay?

I'm sergeant Korsak. This is detective Rizzoli.

Are you able to reach your parents?

No. They're traveling. What's the matter?

It's about your brother, John.

What'd he do this time?

He's a suspect in a bank robbery that occurred this morning.

He just got out of prison.

If you're looking for him, I don't know where he is.

We're sorry to tell you...

Your brother John was shot and k*lled.


Oh, my god.


Who shot him?

We think it was connected to the bank robbery.

Do you know this man --

Paul Lanford?


I helped coach the hockey team my brother and Paul played on.

I couldn't play 'cause my achilles tendon snapped.

Paul was a manager at the bank.


He was k*lled during the robbery.

Did my brother do that?

Do you know this man?


Ricky Dunn.

I warned my brother to stay away from Ricky.

10 years of hard time they did.

I told John, "stay away from all your ex-con buddies."

Do you know any of the names of those ex-cons?

We believe there was a third person involved in the robbery.


My brother and I lived in two totally different worlds.


I'm sorry. My daughter needs me.

I'll try to find my parents.

Thank you.

Red particulate.

Residue from the exploded dye pack.

It's still moist, which is curious since the first bank robbery was two weeks ago.

Dr. Isles, I'd like you to take a look at the latent-print findings.

On the van? You got a hit?

Three, actually.

You should have the report.


John Polk's prints were on the gas cap.

Ricky Dunn's were on the interior ceiling.

We found a third partial print on the rear-view mirror.

Presumably the van's driver?


It's not here.

I have the only hard copy.

This can't be right.

It's Tommy.

This matter is under investigation by a federal grand jury.

By virtue of title 18, rule 6e, neither you nor any member of your team is to disseminate any information about said individual as it relates to this case under penalty of prosecution.

Okay. There has to be some other explanation.

None of this is to be shared with anyone in Boston P.D.

That includes the suspect's sister, detective Jane Rizzoli.

Prison tats.

We notified his brother at a "mommy and me" class.

Can't believe they're from the same family.

Birth order is a significant factor.

The oldest child is typically highly motivated, like you, while the youngest --

Robs banks?

I was gonna say, uh, they tend to be coddled.

Pick interests diametrically opposite to their older siblings.

Tend to be... Risk-takers.

Oh, I see you've read the Rizzoli family study.

Have you heard from Tommy yet?


And that's the second time you've asked me.

Look who's coddling.

Are you okay? You're acting weird.

Mmm. Stomachache.

You don't have stomachaches.

You have gastro-stomach-opolitis aches.

From what?

Gastralgia... From stress.

So stop staring at whatever's under that microscope.

It's the hair I found in John Polk's coveralls.

We got a DNA match in CODIS.

It belongs to Ricky Dunn.

Well, that's no surprise.

We know that John Polk and Ricky Dunn liked robbing banks together.

The crime lab also found a trace compound on it --

Zinc stearate.

Which is?

It's a chief ingredient in fanning powder.

Fanning powder? Wh--

They use that on decks of cards.

To decrease friction, Yes.

Yeah, the FBI profile on Dunn said he was prone to gambling.

And he's got his share of 100,000 bucks to launder.

Hang on a second. Hey, frost.

I want to know about every underground gambling operation in Boston --

Dice, cards, whatever.

Okay. Thanks.

I got to go.

How bad is this stomachache?


I'm gonna finish up here and go home.

All right. I'll call you later.


Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

What are you doing here?

Look, Maura...

Sometimes I do stupid, crazy things.

I feel -- I feel terrible.

I'm really sorry.

Tommy, you are in serious trouble.

What, did you tell Jane? Does she know?

I can't discuss this with you. I --
FBI! Get your hands up!

Get your hands up!

Whoa. Hey!

Tommy! Stop! You're hurting him!

Get off me! I didn't do anything.

Let him go!

Let's go.

Get off me! I didn't do anything!

Wait! Tommy!

I didn't do anything!


All right.

I'm in.

Let's hit him quick.

Dunn's got a history of v*olence.

Get those hands up!

It's Dunn!

I got him. I got him! I got him!

Let me see your hands.

I'm not going back to prison. Drop your w*apon, Dunn.

Is that Ricky Dunn?


He's dead.

That's two.

Just leaves the getaway driver.

We just took him into custody.

His prints were discovered in the van by the latent team.


Who is he?

Another ex-con --

Tommy Rizzoli.

Does Jane know?

Damn it!

You didn't tell her?!


Second-degree mid-dermal burns from the exploding dye pack.

Yeah, that's what you do -- You hide behind science.

You knew the FBI was about to arrest Tommy.

Check your messages.

I called you the second that I could.

You should have called me before he was arrested.

Look, title 18 forbids me from I don't give a damn about title 18!

There are ways to tell me without telling me.


Well, the justice department could have indicted me for the mere act of disclosing my knowledge of their intent to arrest Tommy.

That is 10 years in a federal prison, plus the loss of my medical license.

You didn't trust me enough to protect you.

And you didn't protect me.


And what is this?

Farrell tells me that you were with him when he was arrested.

I can't wait to hear the explanation for that.

Oh, no. I'm sorry. I forgot. You can't talk to me.

He found me in the parking lot.

He wanted to apologize.

Oh, yeah? "Hi, Maura. I'm sorry I was the getaway driver in a bank robbery. Sorry somebody got gunned down."

I think he wanted to apologize for trying to kiss me.

What, did Tommy make you sign a title 18, too?

We were embarrassed, okay?

I thought it'd be better if we just forgot about it.

Jane, Farrell got to Cavanaugh.

I'm sorry. He made me and Korsak the lead on the two homicides.


You see that, Maura?

That's what friends do.

They tell you.

Excuse me.

I have to go check on something.

Uh, I'm off the case, frost.

My brother is a suspect.

This is all Farrell. You know what? She doesn't even --

What the hell went down between you two?

She married the job instead of me.

This is her fault.

She's just doing her job.

So was Maura.

What, did Farrell make you sign a title 18, too?

No. She made Dr. Isles, didn't she?

I'm going to talk to David Polk.

Jane, you can't.

I'm not going as a cop.

I'm going as Tommy's sister.

Thanks for seeing me, Mr. Polk.

No. Please, call me David.

Sorry about the mess. Phoebe's with her mom today.

We're, uh... Separated.

I'm a really bad housekeeper.

It's fine.

Please don't worry about it.


I was just wondering if you would look at a picture and -- and... Tell me if you recognize this person.


That's one of John's ex-con buddies.

He's my brother.

Was he part of the robbery crew?

It's looking that way.

The FBI thinks that he was possibly the getaway driver.

I'm sorry.

Does it help that I know exactly how you feel?

I just never thought I'd be on this side of this, you know.

If it's any consolation, at least you can still ask your brother why.

I need to talk to you.

Give us a minute.

I told you you couldn't see him.

Let me talk to him, please.

All I can give you is two minutes.


Jane. Thank god.


How could you be a part of this?

That bank manager is dead.

John Polk is dead, too.

God, Tommy...

Jane, are you crying? Don't cry.

I'm not crying.

I didn't do this!

Your fingerprints are all over the rear-view mirror...

In the getaway van.

John let me use his van to move.

John was my friend.

That's why my prints were there.

Then what about Ricky Dunn?

He's John Polk's partner.

They used to rob banks together.

Did you know him, too?

Not all of us ex-cons know each other.

Tell me where you were yesterday morning.

I was in my new place, sleeping.

It's a crap alibi, but it's the truth.

And why did you borrow a van from a convicted bank robber?

John served his time.

He was starting a house-painting business.

He was working his ass off to turn his life around.

He asked me to work a job with him --

A house-painting job.

Jane, I told them all this. They don't believe me.

But I thought you would.

Time's up.

All right, all right!

Tommy, look at me.

Did you do this?


Then I won't let you go back to prison.

I promise.

He said John Polk was painting a house during the time of the robbery.

We found paint in Polk's van.

If John Polk was still alive, I'd be charging him with bank robbery and felony m*rder, just like your brother.

What if he's telling the truth?

That's for a jury to decide.

I'm sorry.

Too bad you can't live in your microscopic world.

Makes more sense than the macro world right now.


My brother's facing a life sentence.

The faint red that you noted in the van is disperse red 9 aerosol.

It was the dye pack.

So, the same paint you found under Polk's nails.

Uh, no. That is an oil-based paint.

A house paint?


I found the same paint particulates in his nostrils.

The moisture levels indicate that he'd been painting within the last 24 hours.

So Tommy was telling the truth.

John was painting yesterday morning.

If he was doing that, he couldn't possibly be robbing a bank.

Unlike electrons, human beings can't be in two places at once.

Physical laws of quantum mechanics.

I kind of love that you know that.

You do? So, you don't hate me?

No. I still hate you.


I'll work on hating you, too.

Wait a minute.

The only one that we know for sure who robbed that bank was Ricky Dunn.

What if Tommy and John had nothing to do with it?

My stomachache would go away.

Yeah, me too. Wh--

Can you isolate the manufacturer of that red paint and find out where it was being used?

If we prove that John was painting, then at least a piece of Tommy's story is true.

There are 285 shades of red.

Multiply 285 by the names that paint companies assign to the shades -- really.



And I'll do my gumshoe thing.

There's only like, you know, 3,000 streets in Boston.

I kind of love that you can do that.


Then I hate you a little bit less.

I think we still have two bank robbers out there.

I got to go. Jane...

Do you know how long you're going to hate me for?

It's too soon to tell.

They got Tommy's fingerprints.

And he's a convicted felon.

Tommy's fingerprints are in the van because he was moving his stuff.

And he called John because he needed to borrow that van.

20 calls? They're friends.

Plus, John was trying to find Tommy some work.

Don't put on mom's rose-colored glasses, Jane.


Just hear me out, all right?

What if Ricky Dunn borrowed John's van, too?

But not to move -- To rob a bank.

Okay. We know the robbery went bad.

Paul Lanford gets k*lled.

Yeah, and Paul was John's old friend from hockey.

You know, John hears about the robbery, hears about Paul's m*rder.

Maybe he confronts Ricky.

Ricky panics, kills John, frames him.

Leaves the body with the mask in the getaway vehicle.

How does any of this prove that Tommy didn't do it?

It doesn't.

It's colonial red.

You I.D.'d the paint on John Polk's body?

Yes. It's very expensive.

Used primarily on doors and trim in historic home renovations.


There are only three neighborhoods with colonial houses still standing.

What do you need us to do?


Patrol's got no houses getting painted red in the north end.

Nothing in Haymarket either.

Keep units going up and down every block of Boston.

Bric. Rizzoli.

Okay. Hang on a second. I'm gonna put you on speaker.

It's Frankie. He says he's got something.

Okay. Go ahead.

We found the house. It's in Dorchester.

Give me the address.

1772 Mayfair drive.

Got a foreman who will testify that John Polk was here painting during the time of the robbery.

Thank you, Frankie.

You were right. John didn't do it.

Yeah, but now we got to prove Tommy didn't either.

But first we got to find two bank robbers who are still out there.

Can you play the bank-robbery tape again?

It gets me every time --

He sh**t an innocent man, but he walks away like he's got all the time in the world.

I still say it looks like they knew each other.

It doesn't make any sense now that we know that that's not John Polk.

Can you rewind it and slow it down?

Why? What are you seeing?

A physical reason for his deliberate pace.


I don't see anything.


That's it.

Watch Lanford's eyes.

He looks down... At Polk's ankle.

Achilles tendon, actually.

It ruptured and atrophied when it healed.

That's what causes his slight limp. You see it?

Yeah. Lanford saw it, too.

Polk must have felt Lanford watching him and realized that Lanford recognized him from his limp.

John Polk and David Polk were the same size, same build.

It's David Polk, the good brother.

The one who stopped playing hockey when his achilles tendon snapped.


David Polk dropped Phoebe off 20 minutes ago and took off.

She said he did the same thing two days ago.

The day of the bank robbery. Mm-hmm.

And I think I know who the driver is --

Carl Parker. The other dad we saw?

Apparently, he left with Polk - both times.

Hey, pull up David Polk and Carl Parker's credit reports.

David Polk declared bankruptcy last year.

He's divorced.

Oh, man.

Both Polk and Carl Parker lost their houses.

First bank they hit foreclosed on Carl Parker's house.

And the second one turned down Polk for a small business loan.

Look at the bank that took Polk's home.

Copley Square Bank.

Call Farrell. Get FBI over there.

Emergency dispatch to Copley Square Bank.

Oh, crap. It's already on.

Come on.

He shot a hostage?

He demanded a helicopter. He didn't get it.

How many hostages?

Half a dozen.

There's a second suspect.

sn*per hit him?


Were we right? Is it Carl Parker?

Matches his description.

The one who shot the hostage is probably David Polk.

Damn it.

All right. Let me talk to them.


That hostage is bleeding out.

Unless you've got a helicopter getting them, I'm going in.

Jane, don't even think about it.

Forget it.

We need a go on that shot.

This is special agent Anna Farrell. Take the shot.

You don't have a shot. He's got a human shield.

Jane, don't!

What the hell is she doing?!

Tell your sn*pers to stand down!

Stand down, stand down.

Stand down. All teams, hold fire.

I'm unarmed. It's all right.

Okay. My name is detective Jane Rizzoli.

I- I am unarmed.

I just want to talk.

Stay back!

Okay, okay.

This woman needs medical treatment.

All right?

Please. You can take me instead of her, okay?

Look. Please don't let her die.

Stay back.


... don't let her die.

Bringing the hostage out now.

It's okay.

I know why you're doing this, okay?

You lost your jobs.

You lost your homes, your pride.

My wife left me.

I was just a name on a spreadsheet to this bank.

So you looked up your brother's old partner, Ricky Dunn, 'cause you knew John wouldn't help you.

Shut up! And you borrowed his van.

But John discovered what you did, so you shot him.

I didn't k*ll him.

He was my brother.

And he wouldn't have talked.

So it was Carl.

He was gonna turn us in.

This was your idea.

You're the one who got me into this.

I think you got yourself into this.

Yeah, well, we're gonna get out.

The only that is protecting you two right now is me.

I'm standing between you and a sn*per's b*llet.

I'm your only chance. Come on.

You guys still got something to live for.

No, I don't. Not anymore.

Yes, you do.

Think of Phoebe.

All right? And Timmy.

Come on, come on.


They don't want to see you die.

It doesn't matter what you've done.

Come on, give me the g*n.

Come on.

Come on, David.

Give me the g*n.

Come on.

Come on.


Get on the floor!

Stay put. Don't move.


I swear to god, Tommy.

If you were involved in this, I was gonna k*ll you myself.

Oh, yeah. That's all we need --

Another Rizzoli charged with m*rder.

Thank you so much, Jane.

You're welcome.

Next time you need help moving, just call me, okay?

All charges have been dropped.

I spoke with your parole officer.

He's waiving your violations.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Come on.

We'll drive you home.

Ma, stop.

Hey, ho. Hey.

You gonna put the job ahead of her?

She did.

I heard that you wouldn't put the toilet seat down.

She told you that?


She said that was the only thing she didn't like about you.


I'm having grilled cheese.

Oh, it goes with anything. It's a 1994 Chateau de Gordes.

Again? I'm so sick of that.

It's sheer perfection.

I've only had it once.

Listen, I don't want to stand in the way of a great romance, okay?

What do you mean?

You and Tommy.

I mean, clearly, opposites attract.

It's an evolutionary strategy to ensure healthy reproduction.

Okay. Why do you got to go straight to breeding?

All right? With my brother?

Look, I like Tommy.

A lot.

But I love you.

And I hate it when you hate me.

So I don't want to do anything to compromise our friendship.

Good, 'cause I hate it when I have to hate you.

Sip it slowly.


How Much was this?


Did you just spit out a '94 Chateau --

De blah-blah? Yes.

My god, some smart shopper Tommy is.

He wasted a month's rent on a bottle of rancid vinegar and old garlic.

No, no.

It just needs to breathe and release its tannins.


Eww! Yeah.

Ew. You might be right.

Mm-hmm. Ew.

What are you doing? I'm gonna pour it back in the bottle so Tommy can take it back.

They're not gonna take it back.

Oh, they'll take it back.
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