02x13 - Seventeen Ain't So Sweet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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02x13 - Seventeen Ain't So Sweet

Post by bunniefuu »

Et voilà.

What? Don't make a face. It's cute.

Yeah, if you're playing mahjong.

So, why'd you buy it?

'Cause it was half off.

Donations pile.

No, I want to look sexy but not like I'm trying too hard.

You know, fun but not slutty.

You want Casey guessing what kind of lacy balconette bra you have on.


Donations? No! No, no, no!

Maura, no, I was gonna wear that.

Oh. Okay. Well, let's hope he likes the athletic look.

Did you shave your legs?

Yes. Pits too.

I just -- I hate that I have to go to my high-school reunion to get Casey back here.

You know, there are three reasons that people avoid their high-school reunions.

Yeah, one -- they hated high school.

Two -- they hated everybody in high school.

What's the third one?

Embarrassment over getting fat.

Then there's fear of running into your ex or you're an abject failure.

Why are you avoiding?

Abject failure.

I have no husband, no kids, no south end brownstone.

That was, you know, the thing when I was in high school.

Mm I can see your point.

Okay, if I wanted support like that, I would have called my mother.

[ Chuckling ] Sorry.

What time's Casey's plane landing?

Should be getting in now.


Aren't you a little worried he's gonna be too jet-lagged?

Well, unless he arrives dead, I think he'll be up for some sex, no?

[ Cellphone vibrating ] Oh, oh! Oh! This is him. This is him.

Uh-oh. What?

He's telling me to open up a chat room.

You know what? He better not be standing me up.

[ Beep ] Casey: Jane...

You don't look like you're at Logan.

I'm not. My squad was sent on a mission.

That's okay. It's -- it's no big deal.

Yes, it is. Tell him you miss him.


Who's that?

Uh, that was just Maura.

She said, you know, it's a shame you're gonna miss it.

Jane, I-I really wanted to see you.

I, uh -- they wouldn't even let us contact anyone.

I'm so sorry.

Don't apologize.

Making the world safe for democracy.

Thanks for understanding.

I, uh -- I got to go. Okay? I'll call you soon.

Okay. Bye.


[ Beep ]

[ Sighs ]


I'm sorry.

You know what? Come on.

I am going to be your designated driver so you can go drink with your high-school nemeses.

It's "-sis." Isn't it "Nemesis"?

"-Ses" when it's plural. I'm sure you have several formidable enemies.

Oh, and how are you so "sure"?

Okay, yes, fine.

There was one group of mean girls --

Debbie and Emily and Kate.

Great! So, let's go show Debbie, Emily, and Kate how fabulous you turned out to be.

I knew it. You just want to tag along so you can go all Jane Goodall on me at my high-school reunion because you got imprisoned in an all-girls'

I was hardly "imprisoned." But, yes, I will admit that the co-ed experience interests me.

No. No. It's not gonna happen.

I'm not going. And if I'm not going, you're not going.

[ Up-tempo dance music plays ]

Okay, see? Co-ed high school.

You happy now? Let's go.


Oh, another reason I didn't want you to come.

♪ Keep it moving all up in this place ♪


Rizzoli and Isles - S02E13
Seventeen Ain't So Sweet
Original air date December 12, 2011

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

You two are still, uh...

Together? Yes. Yes, we are still together.

Get off me. Sh-- um, shouldn't you run along?

Isn't there some "barf of the week club" member you should be talking to?

"Barf of the week"?

Won it five times. It's nice you two are still together.

The longest relationship I ever had was 34 days-- well, 35 if you count break-up sex.

We'll count that.

[ Chuckles ]

Hi, "G."

Whoa. Hot, right?

Hi. You know, you look just like Maria Korkman.

But kind of like a hot, skinny version.

Uh, Giovanni... - oh, you remember her. Man, she was fat, all right?

Hey, Maria. Hey, Jane. [ Chuckles ]

I've been working out.

No way. You know, you look so smokin' hot, we're gonna need a garden hose to cool you down. - Oh.

[ Groans ] God...

[ Chuckling ] Oh...

Reason number four that people hate high-school reunions-- mean girl Debbie Nichols.

Mm. Relational aggression typical of adolescent females.

But she's long past that.

Oh, my God. Jane Rizzoli.

Oh, it's probably not "Rizzoli" now.

It's Mrs...

Mrs... Detective Jane Rizzoli.

There's no "Mrs." You?

I'm Mrs. Eddie Tibbet.

You married Eddie Tibbet?


Hey, Jane.

Hey, Eddie.

Look at you -- in a suit! Wow.

Can you believe it? Me and Eddie?

Oh, you mean because you were part of the "mean girls" clique? - Maura.

Hmm? Eddie, and, now, what clique were you a part of?

The computer-geek clique.

Oh, me too. I'm a science geek.

I'm a geek now, too.

Home and garden columnist for the Boston dispatch and a plant activist.

Guess someone has to give a voice to plants.

She dumpster-dives behind nurseries.

Okay, well, you know, we...

We should probably get moving.

Don't want to keep the name-tag line held up.

Nice to meet you. Okay. Bye.


Oh! I've always wanted to go to a high-school reunion with a punch bowl. [ Chuckles ]

There's a jello mold over here. Try not to hyperventilate.

[ Gasps ] Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Come on, come on. I'm getting punch.

[ Sighs ]

Okay, look.

Purple dress. Big boobs.

Is that your bete noir?

If that means former BFF, yes. That would be Emily.

What? Is that the one that dumped you in the 8th grade?

Well, who would need me when you could get any guy on the planet with those things?

Mm, even Steve Sanner.

He was so nice. That's too bad.

A boyfriend?

Mm, I wish.

Uh, no -- one date to see "dumb & dumber" doesn't constitute as a boyfriend.

[ Chuckles ]

Come one. Come on. Let's go.


Hey, Steve and Emily.

It's been too long.

I hear it's detective Rizzoli these days.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it is.

This is my friend, Dr. Maura Isles.

I know, right? Real waste, bro.

Keep walking, Giovanni.

We're just friends.

[ Chuckles ]

Not friends-friends. Just close friends.

Well, not -- not that close.

[ Chuckles ]

Dr. Isles tagged along because she missed out on the whole co-ed high-school experience, so...

Well, we have to go man the hospitality table, but it's really good to see you.

You too.


I'll be there in a sec.


I was, uh...

[ Chuckles ]

Excuse me.

I was hoping I'd run into you.

Uh, I need to talk to you about something.

Is it okay if I call you?


Yeah. Is -- is everything okay?

Well, look who Stevie found -- Roly-poly Rizzoli.

I almost didn't recognize you.

I hear you're a security guard or something.

She's a detective.

Mnh-mnh. Don't bother. This-- this is Rory Graham.

And now my night is complete.

If I had a nickel for every time a girl said that to me.


Yeah. Ha ha!

I'm gonna go help Emily.

Stevie works for me.

I'm sure you've read about how I transformed Graham Biomedical into an industry leader.

No, I only read the big stories.

Big print, I think you mean.

Wait -- you manufacture the Melee Heart Valve.

That valve has transformed the lives of children with heart defects and people with cardiovascular disease.

The advanced bileaflet mechanical design we came up with is pretty brilliant.

[ Gasps ] Jane Rizzoli? Wow.

You came to one of our reunions. I heard you might. - Kate.

This isn't stoli. Where's the lime, babe?

Was she a mean girl, too?

Queen of mean.

Look at that body.

You definitely didn't have any kids, did you?

Well, I... rescued a dog once. Does that count? [ Chuckles ]

Rory and I have three, actually. Two boys and a little girl.

Yeah, Kate was a high-priced corporate lawyer.

But I was doing so well, I said, "babe...

I need a wife not a lawyer."

Needs more lime, babe.

[ Maura clears throat ] Uh, do you miss your work?

You know, every now and then I do, but I -- babe -- babe, I see some of the guys from the team.

Hey! Football. Rory led them to a state championship.

Twice. Later, Rizzoli. Doc.


Rory Graham just dissed me. Again.

I'm done. Let's go.


Bring my punch. I just want to bring my punch.

Go. All right, just move. Go.


Hey. [ Chuckles ]

How did that improve the quality of my life?

I wonder what happened to Clarissa Wyndham.

[ Gasps ] There she is.

She married the Duke of Shernandorne.

What is it with the English and their ridiculous hats?

[ Chuckles ] The Anglican church made women cover their heads.

W-with a pink migrating goose?

[ Chuckles ] [ Cellphone vibrates ]

That's awful.



Oh, my God.

[ Siren chirps ]

[ Crying ]

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

You don't have to do this.

Oh, my God.

[ Siren wailing ]

It really is Steve Sanner.

[ Sobbing ]


[ Sniffles ]

Somebody shot him. Somebody shot Steve.

I know. I know. I know.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Can you take her?

Yeah, of course. She's like family. - Okay.

Come on. Let's go get the kids and bring them back to our house, okay?

This is not the place for you, okay?

And I will be by the house as soon as I can.



Go. Go on.

Sorry. I... I knew him.

I just spoke to him a few hours ago.

Damn. I'm sorry.

Jane, we got this.

How'd he die?

g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Appears to be a medium-caliber entry wound.

Wallet's still here. So we're thinking it wasn't a robbery.

Yeah, sh**ting someone at their high-school reunion doesn't seem real random.

Cellphone's here. I'll check the records.

Lack of soot deposit and tattooing around the entrance wound.

So it doesn't look like a close range?

I'm not sure.

He has a large amount of metallic fiber on his clothing.

Yeah. Looks like steel wool.

Hey. Can you take that?

Frost, can I have an evidence bag. - Yeah.

Found a piece of plastic. Look around. You see any more?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah -- right here.

Could have been a water bottle with some steel wool shoved into it.

You thinking homemade sil*ncer?


This is deliberate. Took some planning.

There's some orange dirt here.

Some over there. Could be clay.

The track is artificial turf.

Baseball diamond is that way.

Maybe the k*ller walked across it.

I'll have CSRU check for footwear impressions and get some clay sample for a comparison. - Okay.

He said he wanted to talk to me.

Maybe this is why.

And Steve wasn't having any issues with anyone at work?

Disagreements with co-workers? People he managed?

No. Nothing. Business was smooth.

Steve was Mr. Nice guy, just like in high school.

Uh, we do need to talk to Emily.

She's upstairs with the children.

Emily: They're asleep.

I'll tell you anything you need to know.

Do you want me to stay?

It'd be better if we spoke to Emily alone.

All right, well...

We'll be in the kitchen if you need us, okay?

I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Was Steve having problems with anyone?

Anyone that he might have run into at the reunion?


He was so excited about the reunion.

Steve loved high school. We all did, right?


What about at work?

You won't understand, but... Jane knows.

Everybody loved Steve.

[ Voice breaking ] Everybody.

How was your marriage?

Were you and Steve having any problems?

We were happy.

We were the couple that everyone wanted to be.

I mean...

It was a perfect life.

[ Cries ]

Oh, Jane...

How am I gonna go on without him?

[ Sobbing ]

Hey, there.

Oh, my --

[ laughs ] What are you doing in my apartment?

You left the web chat on.

Thought I'd say hello, find out how the reunion was.

Oh, Casey. It -- it was awful.

[ Breathes deeply ] Steve Sanner was m*rder*d last night.

What the hell?

I left early, and -- and he was shot on the football field a few hours later.

That's crazy.

Wasn't he married to that cheerleader?

Um, Emily someone-- the one with the, um...

The one with the, um... High A.P. Scores?

No. No. Hmm, that's not it. Let's see.


The one with the soccer scholarship?

No, that's not it, either. Hmm...

Okay, you know what I was gonna say. Wasn't she a friend of yours?

Yeah, she was until she became "the one with the big boobs."

Was Rory Graham there?

He and Steve had a business together.

Yes, Rory was there.

He and his head barely fit in the gym.

Well, maybe they had a falling-out.

I don't think so, but, you know, we're looking into it.

Which, speaking of, I have to go to work.

Like that?

No, I was gonna take both towels off.

It's "naked day" at BDP.

I've been thinking about you... a lot.

Yeah? When you think about me, am I wearing a towel on my head?


Hanging up now.

[ Chuckles ]

Too sweet?

Does it have white sugar?

Oh? Would you prefer brown?

Well, I only do stevia. It's an herb. All-natural.

Oh. I'll get you a fresh glass.

They actually had a jello mold.

Have you ever seen that?

Uh-oh. Incoming.

Wish me luck.


I'm back. Surprise!


You're h-- wow. You're...

You're here.

I'm here.

Uh, Melody is my ex-wife.

Yeah, we -- we've met.

Dr. Maura Isles. Nice to meet you.

Likewise. I'm not just any old ex.

I'm the last and the best.

The other two were just warm-ups, right Vince?

Uh, yeah. Well, then, it's very nice to meet you.

Uh, uh, can I talk to you?

I would love that.

Hey. Melody.



How are you?

You look wonderful.

Uh, so do you.

We can talk over here.

Okay. Uh, later. Right.

What are you doing here?

Angela: Psst.

What do you suppose is going on?

Well, I don't know, ma. Why don't you go follow them?

Why do you have to be so snippy?

Why do you have to be so snoopy?

[ Groans ]

I have not seen that woman in five years.

Why is she back?

No idea.

You know, Korsak raised her son for almost 10 years.

Oh, my God. He never mentions him.

Broke his heart when they divorced.

She moved away and took the son with her.

All right. Um, okay.

Did you start the autopsy on Steve Sanner? - Just about to.

Okay. Well, call me if you get anything.

Of course.

Frost: Checked criminal records for everyone who attended your reunion.

Everybody's pretty clean.

How many of them have alibis?

About half.

So we have 75 suspects. Swell.


How's Melody? I was surprised to see her.

Oh, me too. Don't ask. I won't tell.

Who's Melody?

The ex-wife who got away.

Okay. Got something.

Ohh, God.

[ Chuckles ] Nice eyebrows.

Don't you mean "eyebrow"?

[ Laughs ]

Oh, a senior quote. That's sweet.

No, don't read. Don't. It's dumb.

"Be who you are and say what you feel "because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

What? I like Dr. Seuss.

Look what I found. Korsak the thespian.

What, were you the referee for the "Sonny & Cher" show?

That play was cutting-edge for its time. It got great reviews!

Okay. E-excuse me. Steve Sanner was a friend of mine.

Can we get back on track here, please?


Thank you.

Steve Sanner and Rory Graham the day Graham Biomedical announced production of the Melee Valve.

Nothing I could find on either.

Steve and Rory were like brothers.

In fact, Steve was the only person Rory was ever nice to.

One time, Steve threw a football through a stained-glass window.

And Rory took the blame for it just so Steve could go on a date.

Must have been quite a girl.

I don't know about that.

It was me.

Like I said...

What do you think these numbers mean?

They're in the "notes" section of Steve's phone.

Bank accounts maybe?

Maybe. They're too long to be I.P. Addresses.

Russian phone-sex lines?

Oh, yeah, that was my first thought.

Insight from a case I worked.

"The case of the lonely detective."

[ Laughs ]

Oh, ha ha ha ha.

Steve made a few calls to a local preschool.

His kids are 10 and 12. Why would he be calling a preschool?

And six calls to a Debbie Tibbet.

Yeah, I saw them talking at the reunion.

Damn. She's married to Edward Tibbet.

Guy owns a company that designs software.

He's worth about $50 million.

Dann. I knew I should have been nicer to him.

Just kidding. Good for him.

He was always a sweetheart. Yay. Great.

Just found a few more calls between Debbie and Steve.

Any chance they might have been having an affair?

I don't know. Let's go ask Debbie.

[ Car door closes ]
[ Clanging ]


Hey. What are you doing here?

We just wanted to ask you some questions.

Okay. Would you mind holding these Alba roses?

So awful about Steve Sanner.


Could you, uh, tell us about your relationship with him?

What do you mean?

Come on, Debbie. You know what I mean. We have his phone records.

We... ran into each other.

We had coffee, a few conversations.

Were you having an affair?


[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Of course not.


[ Engine turns over ] Boston police!


Boston P.D. Get out of the car.

Damn it! Do you know how much this is gonna cost?

Keep your hands where we can see them.

Take it easy. I'm a private investigator.

Then you know the drill. Two fingers -- pull some I.D.


I got every right to be here.

You want to lose the attitude?

We're in the middle of a homicide investigation.

You're interfering with a potential witness.

I got nothing to do with a homicide.

Then why the paparazzi camera?

It's okay. He's a... plant activist, as well.

Okay. Great.

Husband thought she might be banging someone.

Hired me to sit on her.

Did you find proof?

Yeah. Two different guys.

Let me see it.

[ Beeping ]

That's our victim. Show me the second guy.

[ Beeping ]

Who is he?

I don't know.

All right. We're gonna need your memory card.

Yeah, yeah, or you'll charge me with obstruction.

[ Camera whirs ]

Thank you.

I have to go get these plants watered and fertilized.

We have a few more questions, Debbie.

I don't know anything, and I called our lawyer.

[ Engine turns over ] And he says I don't have to talk to you.

I'm sorry, Jane.

The whole school knew about it the day she lost her virginity.

Hmm. That mean you think she's hiding something? - Oh, yeah.

It all sounds good.

It's just... A surprise, you know?

He moved away five years ago.

I know.

It's all different now. I'm different.

I don't need much to get it off the ground.

Research is all here for you to look at.

How is he?


[ Sighs ] He's 16.


Tough age.

I'd like to see him.

I'll tell him that.

You and I divorced. I did not divorce him.

It didn't work out the way I'd hoped with his dad.

I'm here for him. I have always been here for him.

Think about whether you could ever be here for me again.

Angela: She's lovely.

Wants to open a yoga studio. She wants me to invest.

[ Chuckles ]

I always wanted to learn yoga.

Did a class with her at lunch. It's harder than it looks. [ Chuckles ]

So you get a nice space with good energy and some tinkly music.

[ Chuckles ] I'd go.

I could get a yoga body like Melody.

[ Sighs ] I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I sort of feel sorry for Emily.

Adolescence is such a volatile time.

It probably wasn't easy for her, either.

Oh, it was easy for her thanks to those boobs you saw that arrived special delivery when she was 12.

Although large breasts can cause back pain and severe sciatica.

Well, turns out they can't protect you from the pain of life.

She said their marriage was perfect. Not anymore.

Oh, I don't think it's been perfect for a while.

Bruxism. Hairline cracks indicating excessive grinding due to stress.

Muehrcke lines on his fingernails-- another stress indicator.

Something was causing him enormous anxiety.

One of the most easygoing guys I've ever met.

Casey called this morning.

Aww. He misses you. How romantic.

Not so much. It's more like Skype-us-interruptus.

Like coitus interruptus. I get it.

Should I knock?

What have you got?

Debbie Tibbet was just found.

She's dead, Jane.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

It appears to be a su1c1de.


She put this noose around neck and leaned forward.

[ Scoffs ] I don't believe this.

We were just helping her rescue rose bushes a few hours ago.

I'm so, so sorry.

I don't understand.

Did your wife seem troubled about anything?


The last few weeks were terrible.

She was like a different person.

We know about the private investigator you hired to follow her.

[ Sighs ]

Debbie was suddenly so secretive.

Did you confront Steve at the reunion?

No, of course not. I didn't know what to do. I...


Didn't want to lose her.

You understand that we'll have to dig into your life to make sure that's true.

That's okay, Jane. I understand.

Do you know who this is?



Do you think Debbie k*lled herself?

I knew her in high school, Eddie.

She didn't.

There's no way.

[ Sobbing ]

Jane: What do you think? Did she k*ll herself?

The bruising and deep-tissue injury around the ligature exceeds the circumference of the noose.

15 words where one would do -- "no."

Not a su1c1de.

She was strangled by the rope and posed in the chair.

Looks like we'll be bringing Eddie in after all.

We still don't have enough on him. Ooh!

Lower back pain, sergeant?

Ah, too much of this downward-doggy thing with Melody.

You know back pain is the second most common ailment in the united States?

What's the most common ailment?

Your fun facts?

[ Chuckles ] Headaches.

So, she's got you doing yoga? This is getting serious.

I've never known her to stick with anything.

Maybe she's changed.

By acknowledging her change, you let go of past anger and focus on the present.

Thank you, Deepak Maura.

Got something. Jared McKay.

He's an investigative reporter for the Boston dispatch.

Just got off the phone with him.

Was he having an affair with Debbie?

No. They went to journalism school together.

Debbie said she had a friend-- someone high up in a big company-- who wanted to blow the whistle on something.

McKay doesn't know what.

Debbie wouldn't give up the name.

Well, that has to be Steve Sanner.

He was gonna blow the whistle, but on what?

And why wouldn't Debbie tell us they were meeting? [ Cellphone vibrates ]

[ Cellphone beeps ] Rizzoli.

Okay, calm down. What --

I'll be right there.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

I got another dead classmate.

[ Sighs ]

Angela: Oh. Here, drink this.

Oh, thanks.

It's warm milk with a shot of whiskey.

Come on, sit.

Ma, you don't have a liquor license.

So arrest me.

I use it for when I make my chicken pot pie.

Thanks, Mrs. Rizzoli.

Oh, great.

So, now that you're half in the bag, can you tell me what happened?

Me and Maria went to Friendly's.

I order mac and cheese.

She gets a salad, with dressing on the side, 'cause she's so fit, like.

Then all of a sudden, she says, "oh, my God, my heart's racing."

So I-I think this chick's really digging me, right?

Then she stops breathing.

Oh, God. How awful.

Yeah, you're telling me.

Waiter calls 911. I start doing CPR.

Oh, I wouldn't even know how.

That's comforting, ma.

Well, me neither, except I kind of learned the basics at Tony Abruzzi's bachelor party when this stripper starts-- um, can you just take me back to Maria, please?

All right, so everybody's yelling. It's crazy.

Paramedics show up.

And she's dead -- right there on Friendly's floor.

[ Gasps ]

Did Maria ever make contact with Debbie Tibbet from our class?

Doubt it. Debbie called her "Porky Korkman."

I mean, Maria hated Debbie.

Boy, that's terrible.

What about Steve Sanner? Did she mention talking to him?

He tried talking to her at the reunion, but what's he need her for, you know?

I mean, Emily's got those friggin' -- hey, you could probably appreciate her tits, now, too, right?

What? Excuse me?

Uh, um...

So Maria didn't get a chance to talk to Steve at the reunion?

Nah. Nah, we left early.

To think I only got two days with the love of my life.

Ohh. Giovanni.

[ Sighs ] Ohh.

Maria had a congenital heart condition.

Cause of death -- heart attack.

Maria Korkman was a preschool teacher.

The same preschool that Steve Sanner was calling?

Yeah. Counted three calls in the last week.

He wanted to talk to her.

Bad. I wonder why.


I hate it when you correct me.

Well, I hate it when you forget about Mr. Adverb.

[ Chuckles ]

It's a Melee Valve.

The one that Steve's company makes?


There's a fracture at the base of the outflow strut and a number of hairline cracks.

You said Maria died of a heart attack because she had a congenital heart condition.

No, I did not. I said she died of a heart attack.

But I didn't know why, and now I do.

She died because the valve failed.

The company is in the process of being buy out by C&S Medical.

Maura: If they come to terms, the partners stand to make tens of millions.

Got the company's list of Melee Valve recipients.

3,200 people received the Melee Valve since Graham Medical received FDA approval to start production.

Look how many of them are kids.

Heart-valve repair is a very common pediatric surgery.

Let's narrow the list. How many recipients have died?

Still looking at over 700 names.

Can you isolate "heart attack" as the cause of death?

[ Keyboard clacking, beep ]

Damn. 118 deaths across the country.

We can't assume that if they died of heart attack it's because they had a defective valve.

I never assume.

Were any of them Boston residents?

Why, you gonna exhume a body?

Charles Gordon, 52, and Rene Watkins, 11.

I'm gonna exhume two.

Maura: This is Charles Gordon's valve.

This is Rene Watkins' valve.

Both have similar fractures along the outflow strut.

So they're both defective?


You think the higher-ups at the company knew their valves were failing?

They've seen the same reports we're looking at.

What are those numbers?

The serial numbers on the valve.

Maura, can you pull up the serial number on the Melee Valve that you removed from Maria?

Of course.

Frost, can you pull up the numbers on the list that you found in Steve's phone?

[ Keyboard clacking ]

It's the same number.

Steve knew they were making defective valves, and he knew one was in Maria.

That's why he was calling her.

To warn her.

So, Steve told Debbie because she was the only journalist he knew.

But Debbie, the guerrilla gardener, wasn't exactly Mike Wallace, so she reached out to her friend Jared, the investigative reporter.

But someone figured out that Steve was about to spill his guts.

And if word of the defective valves got out, no big corporate sale.

Mm-hmm, and bye-bye to Rory Graham's millions.

Crime lab's analysis of the granules found at the crime scene show it's crushed shale, brick, and glass cullet.

It's used on red-clay tennis courts.

And here I thought clay courts were made of clay.

And the crime lab matched the sample to the clay courts at the Maple Leaf Court Country Club.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

Oh, where Rory and Kate Graham are members.

Yeah, but it's not enough to arrest him.

No, but it is enough to bring him in just so I can say hi.

Sorry to take you away from your game.

You didn't. It was a fast match. I won all three sets.

I'm curious why, at the reunion, you didn't mention the fact that you're selling your company to C&S Medical.

I don't comment on business deals until they close.

Does C&S Medical know they're spending tens of millions of dollars for a flawed valve design?

What are you talking about?

We have proof that your Melee Valve is defective.

Steve knew that, and he's dead.

You're trying to bait me.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

I didn't k*ll my friend.

Perfect timing.

Do you want to read your texts on your own time, Rizzoli?

Hey. It's detective Rizzoli.


Next time you want to chat, call my legal team.

You might want to take a cab.

Just got my warrant to search your office and your car.

Korsak: Melody's got me doing a cleanse.

Guys really will do anything to get laid.

How is Josh?

I don't know. Haven't seen him.

I'm sorry.

She's talking about moving back.

What if she's only back for money?

Do you care?

No, not if I get to see Josh.

Been through 10 of these computers we confiscated from Graham biomedical.

Nothing so far.

Hey, I got something.

I'm friggedy Frost, I'm just like ice
I'm always chillin', I'm up on the Mike
you catchin' a cold because I'm always illin'
I'm wiggedy wow with my styl, I got crazy steez

and mad flavor, you should call me Mr. Tastee frez ohh

I could flow.


[ Beep ]

Okay, okay. Now we're talking.

Just found a deleted search on how to make a homemade sil*ncer.

Was that on Rory's computer?

No, this is Steve Sanner's.

Doubt our victim was looking up ways to silently sh**t himself.

People carry around their laptops.

His wife, Emily, could have had access to it.

You think she k*lled him to hang on to their fortune?

Wouldn't be the first time.

You know what this is, don't you, Emily?

A water bottle?

Is that a filter?

It's a homemade sil*ncer, like the one used to sh**t your husband.


We know Steve was about to go public on his company's defective valve.

Would have sent C&S Medical running for the hills.

No buyout. No big bucks.

But with Steve dead, his share of the company reverts to you.

Is that what this is about?

He must have known money never mattered to me.

Money matters to everyone.

[ Scoffs ]

He was so tortured.

I knew it had something to do with his work.

And why didn't you tell us that before?

I found this tucked into the spokes of my son's bike.

Well, I think I know why Debbie didn't come to us earlier.

Your boyfriend is on your desk.




Wow. Twice in two days. A girl could start to feel special.

You are special.

Shh! Come -- I'm at work, all right?

So, tell me how your case is going.

It's bad, Casey.

Debbie Tibbet was found dead.

Someone was threatening Emily Sanner.

We know it's about money, but, you know, whoever's doing this is just a serious, cold-blooded k*ller.

I can't believe it's a classmate.

People do crazy things when they're desperate, you know?

CSRU is processing Rory's car.


I got to go tear apart an insanely expensive ride.

Come to Afghanistan. It's great.

120-degree heat. You can eat dust all day.

You can wear a burka.

Oh, my God. How totally fun.

Too bad -- m*rder calls.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

I'm hearing everything you're saying.


Bye, Jane.

Bye, Casey.

Traces of red clay on the gas pedal and floor mats.

No blood.

Yeah, Rory was smart.

If he was the sh**t, he might have been wearing something to cover his clothes.

Let's check the trunk.


Hey, can you shine a U.V. Light in here?


That's steel wool, isn't it?

Used in the homemade sil*ncer.

There. That's blood.

My office, my car, now you're in my home, Rizzoli?

This is harassment. I'm calling my lawyer.

Make sure you mention the blood we found in your trunk.

Steve Sanner's blood.

Sir, ma'am, I'm gonna ask these two officers to escort you to your living room.

This is my house. I don't need to go sit in my living room.

Honey, they have a warrant.

Babe -- I'd listen to your lawyer wife.

Or we could arrest you for interference with a police officer.

This is bullshit.

I played a set once at Stade Roland Garros --

French open.

I'd love to hear about that...

When we're really old.

Can you check that for blood, please?

No sign of blood.

You know, Debbie's k*ller made it look like she hung herself in a chair.

Maybe that's because she wasn't strong enough to lift the body up.


As in, Mrs. Graham?


No, negative for blood.

But there are some rubber pellets embedded in the heel.

Those are pieces of artificial turf.

Same stuff on the football field where Steve Sanner was shot.

Where's Mrs. Graham?

I let her go to the bathroom.


Kate, open the door.

Kate: In a minute.

No, now.

Since when am I not allowed to go to the bathroom in my own house?

Since you became a m*rder suspect.

I beg your pardon?

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Steve Sanner and Debbie Tibbet.

This is ridiculous.

I want my lawyer.

You threatened Debbie, didn't you?

Just like in high school, and you scared her, too.

She didn't open her mouth when Steve Sanner was m*rder*d.

This is absurd.

I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.

Ow! You're hurting me.

Did you hear a flush?


Check the t*nk.

Frost: The drive's messed up, but the ceramic disc inside will be just fine.

Bet we'll find all of Steve's files on it.

Isn't that fantastic, Kate?

Why'd you do it?

So you could live like this? With Rory Graham?

I don't care how much money he has.

He's always gonna be a dickhead.

You don't have to tell me that.

"Get me a drink, babe. Pick up my socks, babe.

You're putting on weight, babe."

What the hell's going on here?

Why don't you tell him, babe?

Your wife m*rder*d your best friend and Debbie Tibbet.

You what?

You weren't gonna take care of it.

You didn't even bother to look at your stupid football bro's laptop until I showed you.

Oh, boo-hoo. We're making broken valves.

Why don't we all cry about it like little girls and take down the company?

He wasn't gonna talk!

Cuff him.

Wait, what?

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Maria Korkman.

Maria Korkman? The fat chick from high school?

No, the preschool teacher who died from one of your valves, the first of many of your victims, which is second-degree m*rder... babe.

Let's go.

Maura: When you invited me to play, I thought you meant on actual courts.

This is how I used to play when I was a kid.

We can go to my club.

They have fresh mint lemonade.

Free refills?



[ Snickers ]

So, um, Casey called this morning again.


And I got those little butterflies in my stomach like I was 17 again.

Release of epinephrine.

Draws blood away from the stomach and sends it to the muscles.

You are lovesick.


The one who misses it gets it.



It might balance high dopamine and norepinephrine levels present because of your inability to consummate.

Stop. I'll -- I'll get the ball.

I'll race you for it.

[ Both laugh ]
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