02x14 - Don't Stop Dancing, Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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02x14 - Don't Stop Dancing, Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ This is it, don't have time. I'm saying it's time ♪
♪ to let our inner goddess shine ♪
♪ you're a goddess, you don't have to let go of your pride ♪
♪ this is it, I'm saying it's time ♪
♪ to let your inner goddess shine ♪
♪ shine, shine ♪
♪ let your inner goddess shine ♪
♪ shine, shine ♪
♪ let your inner goddess shine ♪
♪ my heart desires so true ♪
♪ love speaks through me and you ♪
♪ I raise my arms to the sky ♪
♪ allow the cosmic divine inside of me ♪
♪ oh, now let the rain pour ♪
♪ I'm already cool, but I choose much more ♪
♪ I never let the negative close to me ♪
♪ I hold on to the positive... ♪

[ Gasping ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Dancers screaming ]

[ All gasp ]


Mom! Somebody! Help her!


All right. Fighting stance. Nice.

He's coming at me. All right?

Boom! Right in the eyes.

[ Gasps ]

Well, that can do serious damage to the cornea.

This is my thought, yes.

You know, I just -- I'd feel a little better with a j-- a-a jab, jab, hook, like I do in my boxing class.

Yes, uh, you know, but by the time you've said, "jab," the r*pist has you in the guesthouse, okay?

Give it one-two, like, quick. All right, you try.

Good. Good. Good.

Have you talked to your father?

Why, when we're hitting a dummy, do we talk about my pop?

Oh, well, you know, we're just in the middle Frankie thinks he has a girlfriend.

He's still in Florida.

Does your mother know?


[ Telephone rings ]

Here she is. Why don't we tell her?

Hey, ma. Yeah, no, I'm just hanging out here with Maura, and she thinks you should know about dad's new bimbo.

No! What are you doing?!

I'm just kidding. It's operations.

Rizzoli. Yeah.

All right. We'll be right there.

[ Beep ] Harder.

Good. Self-defense training is over, okay?

We got a m*rder.

Rizzoli & Isles - S02E14
Don't Stop Dancing, Girl
Original air date December 19, 2011

[ Horn blows, sea gulls squawking ]

[ Camera shutter clicks, indistinct conversations ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Beep ]

Mother of one of the dancers was stabbed to death.

She made it to the stage, then collapsed.

In front of all these kids?

[ Sighs ] Nobody saw it happen?


[ Sighs ] Have you found the crime scene?

Just following the blood.

I'd like to see the body.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Are you gonna get that?

[ Beep ]

It's not important.

I always wanted to be a competitive dancer, but my mother was a purist.

She only let me study Russian ballet.

[ Groans ] It's like little league with sequins.

Ahh. How long you got to work out to get biceps like that on a 10-year-old?

30 to 40.


And I thought I was doing good job working out two days a week.

That is a very sharp pair of scissors.

Penetrating s*ab wound between the third and fourth intercostal.

Defensive wounds on her hands.

"Sapphire dance studio."

Everyone in the studio has touched those scissors.

Says "crime of opportunity" to me.

Let's follow this blood trail.

Did we have a hurricane this morning?

[ Scoffs ]

You think this is bad, try sharing a bathroom with two brothers.

Needed a Hazmat suit to walk in there.

[ Shakily ] O-kay. This is embarrassing.

It's just a bra, Korsak.

Probably more embarrassing to the 12-year-old who left it there.

Okay, we got a k*ller who entered and exited a dance competition.

What I want to know is, w-why here, why now?

12 dancers and their mothers used this room.

I got all the names.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Who keeps calling? Melody.

She wants me to co-sign a lease to open her dream yoga studio.

What, you don't want to do that?

I don't want to be Melody's bank.

You seen Josh yet?

Melody did a number on him.

He thinks I deserted him.

I'm so sorry, bud.

So you weren't here when your wife was, um...

I, uh, had a meeting in Revere.

I'm a general contractor.

There you go.

Denise always texts me in time to see Dakota dance.

But she, uh...

She didn't this time.

Can I, uh... Can I take my daughter home now?

Yeah. Yeah. We'll need to talk to you again.

All right. Come on, hon.

[ Sniffles ]

Girl's name is Dakota.

She said her mother didn't say anything before she died.

No one saw the husband before or immediately after the m*rder.

Said he had a meeting in Revere.

Check it. Check the GPS on his phone, too.

Make sure he's telling the truth.

This is the head of the Sapphire Dance Studio. Coach Jj?


Detective Rizzoli, sergeant detective Korsak.

Hey, um, how much longer do you think this is gonna take?

I've got a bunch of really upset moms and kids.

Well, how well did you know Denise Ryan?

Saw her almost every day for three years, but actually I felt like I didn't know her at all.

She was just-- she wasn't like the other dance moms.

In what way?

These ladies drive two hours to get to my studio several times a week, 'cause they all think that their kid is good enough to win nationals.

Only Dakota is good enough to win.

She could win it all.

But Denise would only let her compete locally.

She give you a reason?

Yeah, she said they had money problems.

Maybe the dad didn't want her competing?

No, Skip was great.

He'd haul our props around in his truck. He was real friendly.

She was the one who didn't talk to anybody.

Is there a video of the dance competition?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, "rise to the rhythm" will be happy to sell you one in the lobby.

[ Cellphone vibrates, beep ]


Yes, sir.

It's commander Cavanaugh. He wants to talk to you.


You don't answer your damn phone, Vince?

Korsak: I'm sorry. I thought it was Melody.

It was.

She was calling to tell you that we just picked up your stepson, Josh.


Oh, my God.

[ Beep ]


They just arrested Josh for sh**ting Gerry Kincaid.

He shot a cop?

Korsak raised Josh from the time he was 2 until Melody took him away when he was 11.

Damn. Why didn't he fight for him?

He did, but he didn't have any legal rights.

And, then, Josh's deadbeat dad wouldn't give up his parental rights.

He never mentions him.

Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.

You want to see a grown man cry?

The kid shot Gerry Kincaid, Jane.

That guy's like Santa Claus.

I know. I know.

Kincaid's in surgery.

How's it looking?

Not good.

Josh was caught coming out of a sporting-goods store.

Kincaid was walking a foot beat, came up on him, and Josh shot him with his own g*n.

Oh, my God.

Well, can I -- can I see him? Can I see Josh?

He says he doesn't want to talk to anybody.

I'm his father!

Legally, you're not, Vince.

Well, I'm getting him a lawyer.

Rizzoli, Frost.


I'm gonna need you two to keep focused on the dead dance mom. You got that?

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Yes, sir.

So, Vince, you-- you take care of your business.


Why didn't you answer the phone?

Because it was me calling?

I needed you.

You didn't take my calls for five years.

You take him away from me.

You tell him I don't care about him.

And now you need me?

Because it's convenient for you?

Vince, please.

You know, he shot a cop, Melody.

No! It wasn't Josh!

They caught him running from the scene with blood on his clothes and the g*n in his hand.

The officer he shot is fighting for his life.

I know him. He's a friend.

I need you to go home, please.

Will you go see him? Make sure he's okay?

I tried.

He won't talk to me.

Well, he's just scared. H-he's-- he's a minor. He's 16!

Not if Kincaid dies he's not.

They will charge him as an adult with first-degree m*rder.

There are sh*ts to the audience, but it's mostly the girls dancing.

I found the coach in the audience at the time of the m*rder, and some of the mothers, but not all of them.

What about the dad -- Skip?

Not here.

Skip is an odd name for a grown man, you know?

I got a friend that goes by "Swampy."


[ Chuckles ]

Skip and Denise owned a general-contracting company.

But business wasn't too good.

Tax liens, subcontractors that haven't been paid.

What about his phone records?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Hold -- let me check the GPS on Skip's phone.

Yeah, didn't he say he was at a meeting in Revere at the time of the m*rder?

[ Keys clacking ]

But that's not what his phone says.

[ Beeping ]

He was right next to that auditorium when his wife was k*lled.

You lied to us, Skip.

You were in the area when your wife was being stabbed to death.

Don't make me look at her like that.

Why not? That's what she looked like right after you k*lled her.

I would never hurt her. All right?

She was the best wife, the most loving mother.

So, if you didn't k*ll her, why did you tell us you were in Revere at a business meeting?

I was next door at the hotel bar.

Drinking. Because your business is in the toilet?


Right, so, you get lit up, you get in a fight with your wife...


Stabbed her with a pair of scissors.

No, I was at that bar until coach Jj called and told me what happened.

This is too easy to check, Skip.

If all you were doing is having a few beers, why lie?

'Cause I'm not her real dad.

But she loves me like I am, and I-I don't want her to know I-I messed up.

Is her biological father in the picture?

No, he died when Dakota was little.

I-I-I met Denise when Dakota was 3, fell in love with them both.

Been sober since.

I don't want her to ever know about the drinking.

Well, let's hope that's the worst thing there is to know.



How's sergeant Korsak?

[ Groans ]


72% of incarcerated juvenile delinquents grew up in broken homes.

What a fun fact.

You should tell him that next time you see him.

Poor guy.

Any update on officer Kincaid?

He's out of surgery, but it doesn't look good.

He's a month away from retirement, Maura.

The whole department is just so sad that it happened to an old-timer.

And how is sergeant Korsak taking it?

Feels totally responsible.

He shouldn't.

Clinical studies indicate that good parents can raise bad children.



She was a natural blonde.

Not many blondes go brunette.

Well, except for Keira Knightley and Drew Barrymore.

Have we been reading the supermarket tabloids again?

Just s-scanning the headlines.

Oh, please don't repeat that.

Uh, no. I'm a vault.

Serious foot deformities. Look.

Oh, man! Those are ugly-ass feet.

What, was she binding them?!

Wh-- it's from en pointe work, which is a --

"on point." I know. I know.

Four years of forced ballet class, thanks to my mother.

You did? Russian?

Well, if the teacher is a mean, old lady who swats you in the legs with a cane if they're not straight enough, yeah.

Wait. You studied with Svetlana Alexandrov?

Pretty sure her name was Mrs. Peabody.

So, what, she started point early?

Uh, y-yes, before her bones ossified sufficiently.

So the mother was a serious dancer, just like her daughter, Dakota.

Well, Russian en pointe is very different than contemporary-- a combination of ballet, jazz, hip-hop.

"Yes," "no."

"Yes," "no."

Practice with me. "Yes." "No."

Yes. Serious dancer.

Hmm! Well, she's pretty.

Well, in an artificial sort of way.

That's because she's had extensive plastic surgery.

Breast augmentation, rhinoplasty...

Facial implants -- cheek and chin.

Well, come -- that's just vain.

Let's not judge.

[ Cellphone vibrates, beep ]

It's Frost. Kincaid is back in surgery.

Okay. I got to go upstairs.

He says he has something.


I'll call you later.

All right.

[ Door opens ]

Checked with the bartender.

Skip was at the bar the whole time.

[ Sighs ] That's too bad.

He was looking really good as a suspect.

Yeah. I got us two new suspects.

BPD responded to a disturbance call two weeks ago at Sapphire Dance Studio.

For what?

Crazy dance moms Yvonne and Kim.

[ Beep ] Both of them have daughters who compete against Dakota --

Summer and Mackenzie.

And Dakota beats little Summer and Mackenzie, doesn't she?

Every time.

Here's the vandalism report.

Uniforms broke up a fight between the two mothers after one of them damaged the ether's car.

Yeah. Denise's minivan was keyed.

Yeah, all because Dakota has a better, uh-- what do you call this one?

A plié.

[ Chuckles ]


[ Chuckles ]


I-I took dance classes, too.




[ Chuckling ]



I don't know. I just -- I don't get this world.

I mean, it's just a beauty pageant with rhythm.

No. No, it isn't. Come on.

Dancers are athletes in costumes, you know, like... Like ice skaters.

Skaters are not athletes.

Really? And golfers are?

Mm. Yeah.



NASCAR drivers?


And a girl with six-pack abs who can do a side leap higher than Kobe can jump is not an athlete?


Okay. Okay.

[ Keys clacking ]

Oh, man.

[ Beep ]

Pay dirt.

Yvonne and Kim were the only mothers from Sapphire Dance who were not in the audience video.

Look what I just found. It was posted by another dance mom.

That's our victim, Denise, with Yvonne and Kim.

I said I need to talk to you, you [Bleep] Bitch.

Mackenzie and Summer could beat Dakota if they cheated like you do.

You're gonna make my daughter cry. Please stop.

You know how many times Dakota has made Summer cry?

Yeah, because Dakota beats her?!

Maybe you should teach her how to lose!

You [Bleep] Bitch!

You know what, you bitch?!

My daughter is gonna beat your daughter in nationals!

Ouch! God! Let's go get these two before they k*ll somebody else.

[ Mid-tempo piano music plays ]

Coach JJ: Nice. Pull up. Pull up.

What's with the arm? Come on. Let's see some arms.

Mackenzie, what's with this leg? Pull up.

Pull up!

This is not summer camp.

[ Sighs ]

Hey! You're late!

And how many times have I said, "no booty shorts"?!

Get out of my studio until you've changed. Go.

I am so sorry, coach. It won't happen again. I promise.

Booty shorts are the gateway outfit.

You got to be firm with them, or they go all Britney Spears on you.

Uh, what about the security guard?

Got to be firm with the mothers, too.

Any word on Denise?

We have a few more questions for you.

Oh. Okay.

Just let me get my dancers warmed up.

Start stretching the legs, or I'll break them!

Okay. sh**t.

Uh, y-you didn't mention that some of the dance moms hated Denise Ryan.

If you were gonna investigate every dance mom at my studio that got into a screaming match, you'd be here 24/7.

You're open 24 hours?

Almost. We go seven days a week.

If you want to be a champion, you put in the time.

Tell us about Yvonne and Kim.

You said it. They hated Denise.

Why? Because they were jealous of Dakota winning everything?

Sure. But I tell you what.

If they were gonna k*ll anybody to stop Dakota, they'd have to k*ll me.

That girl's a hard worker, and she doesn't give me any trouble, not like some of these other ones. Hey!

Excuse me.

You two just lost your duet high-golds.

I want those trophies tomorrow. Now, warm up!


Girl: Oh, Dakota's here.

How's she holding up?

She wanted to dance.

Well, that's good. You know, keep her in her routine.

I'm putting work on hold.

I'm not letting her out of my sight.

You don't think someone here did it, do you?

Frost: We're looking at everybody.

I think we should bring those two in for a little chat.

I'm not gonna lie. Denise was poison.

And her kid was mean, too.

You know, Dakota dropped Summer in a lift at the Sparkles competition.

And you think it was deliberate?

Hell, yes.

Was it deliberate when Tonya Harding tried to take out Nancy Kerrigan?

I think so. That cost Summer an elite spot.

Where were you yesterday at 3:00 P.M.?

Uh, well, I wasn't in the dressing room, stabbing Denise, if that's what you're asking.

I was in the audience.

We checked the video. Didn't see you.

I bought a pass to tape Summer from the video platform.

I get sick of seeing the other kids in the group's numbers, so...

The competition runs a recording from the platform.

Parents pay the 30 bucks.

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's Yvonne. Right there.

So she was telling the truth.

Oh, hey.

Oh, come on, man.

Damn, that's cold.

Korsak, don't worry about it.

I haven't even seen Josh in five years.

But I don't blame them for looking at me like it's my fault.

[ Telephone rings ]

I wish there was something we could do for Korsak.

Yeah, me too.

There was a time when I could have gone either way, when my dad wasn't around.

I just think that Josh should know that Korsak wanted him.

I know.

Come on.

Let's go shake up dance mom Kim.

Where was she when Denise was bleeding out?

Yeah. I keyed Denise's car.

Only on the passenger door.

Look, I'm pretty sure that Dakota took one of Mackenzie's jazz shoes.

I'm surprised you didn't go after the driver's door, too.

That's not why I lost my temper.

We're listening.

Denise lied about Dakota's age. I'm sure of it.

I'm the team mom, so I'm in charge of the girls' registration materials.

Denise never gave me the original birth certificate for Dakota.

So, you think Denise doctored this so Dakota could compete against younger girls?

Yeah. I sure do.

Look, if you want to win at all costs, you'll do anything.

Keep that. That's what you should be investigating.

We have video footage of the audience. You're not in it.

Oh, I was buying dance videos for the team.

It's time-stamped. Wow.

You -- you came with your own case file.

Well, I didn't think you asked me to come here for coffee.

Did you k*ll Denise Ryan?

No. I didn't like her. But I didn't k*ll her.

[ Telephone ringing ]

[ Door closes ]

You okay?

Do I look okay?

What, you come in here to get your licks in, too?


Why are you here?

I told my mom I didn't want to talk to you.

Your mother and I divorced, but I never stopped being your father.

Oh, yeah. "Dad."

It was -- it was a blast hanging out with you the last couple years-- on the weekends, the summer vacations...

Field trips, ballgames.

H-how did you find all that time?

I called. I wrote. I sent birthday presents.

You're a liar, Vince.

Cut the tough-guy bullshit.

I know you're hurt.

And I know you're angry.

I wasn't there for you.

Not because I didn't want to be.

But I'm here now.

I don't need you now.

I'm fine.

The hell you are.

You're accused of sh**ting a cop.

I want to know, did you?

Did you do that, Josh?

Because the boy I knew and loved couldn't.

I want this guy out of here, and I want a lawyer.

I got a great lawyer, someone who can help you.

No, I want a public defender.

You don't owe me anything, Vince.


[ Door opens ]
Jane: So, who wanted Denise Ryan dead?

I'm coming up empty. I mean, she had no friends, no job.

All she did was take Dakota to school and to dance.

And home with Skippy, who has an alibi.

I dug around in Denise's life to see if we missed somebody.

Guess what. Denise Ryan didn't have a single credit card.

Well, they were having money problems.

No, I mean, like, no credit history...

At all.

That is weird.

Who makes it to age 35 with no credit?

Did you run her social?

Yeah. It's good. Found a passport, driver's license.

What's Korsak doing in crib?

Cavanaugh said he talked to Josh.

How'd it go?

Afraid to ask.

Nobody blames you.

Josh does.

Oh, that was on castle island. The blues were running.

Oh. He loved the boat.

Why did she take him away, Korsak?

I was working a lot.

I didn't realize how needy she was until it was over.

I think she was drinking. She was lonely.

She reached out to Josh's bio dad.

He led her on, encouraged her to move to Florida.

That's crap.

She thought it would be good for Josh to get to know his real father.

What? You were his real father.

Cavanaugh slip you this?

Josh's prints are all over the g*n.

Crime lab matched the blood on his clothes to Gerry Kincaid.

Between the prints and the blood, it's open-and-shut.

No, Vince, it's not.

There's a second set of prints on the g*n.



[ Keys clacking ]

Gavin Thompson, 17.

Josh had a friend with that name. I never liked that kid.

Well, yeah, look at his record --

B&E, robbery, as*ault.

I want to bring this Gavin Thompson in.

I already assigned a team to pick him up, but I'll keep you in the loop.

[ Beep ]

Okay, look, if you need me, I'll be in the building, all right?

Maura's found something new on our dance mom.



What do you got?

Her plastic surgery is much more extensive than I initially realized.

She get a boob job on her wrist?

I mean, I don't have an M.D. Or anything, but I'm fairly confident those are fingers.

I x-rayed her skeleton to make sure I hadn't missed any surgeries.

And I found evidence of repetitive spiral fractures to both of her wrists-- at least three.

So she's a battered spouse.


But spiral fractures are also a common skiing injury in the lower leg due to the inflexibility of a boot in a fall.

Maura, I don't think she's doing handstands in her ski boots.

Probably not.

So, how old are these fractures?

Well, uh, they are at least a decade old.

Well, so that means it wasn't Skip.

Maybe it was Dakota's biological father.

I'm starting to think that Denise Ryan wasn't just a suburban dance mom.

[ Siren wails in distance ]


Did a nationwide search, all 50 States.

Well, Denise fractured both her wrists three times.

And Maura's certain that the bones were set each time by a doctor.

W-- there has to be medical records.

I checked her full name -- Denise Burke Ryan.

Didn't come up on any hospital records.

What about when Dakota was born?

Birth certificate lists Florida General.

[ Keys clacking ]

[ Beep ]

This is weird.

There's no record of a Dakota Ryan's birth.

Okay. The father's deceased.

There's a name here. Xavier R. White.

Check NCIC, also look for domestic-abuse reports or restraining orders against him.

[ Beep ]

No hits.


[ Keys clacking ]

There's no death certificate.

Well, the lack of information is telling me something.

Like what?

Well, think about it.

Denise had extensive plastic surgery.

This is way beyond vain.

She didn't waanyone to recognize her.

And we can't find anything that says she existed before 10 years ago.

Yeah. That says she might be in Witsec, right?

Witness protection program. Yeah.

Yeah. Pieces all fit.

I'll call the U.S. Marshals office.

They're not gonna tell you anything. I've been through this before.

[ Receiver hangs up ]

So, what do we do?

Come on.

Perfect baseball stitch.

[ Door opens ]

Uniform length.

Knots on the inside.

[ Door closes ]

Sorry to interrupt your little crafts project, but we need your help with something.

You think you can help us re-create what she looked like before surgery?

Sure. Sure. Can you hand me that scalpel?


Uh, what are you doing?

Peeling off her face.

She -- she did not just say that.

We were hoping that you could do it on the computer.


Well, I suppose we could do that, but it's certainly not as hands-on.

They picked up Gavin Thompson. Punk was riding a skateboard stolen from the sporting-goods store.

Cavanaugh's getting ready to interrogate him. I'm gonna watch it.

I'm gonna go with you.


To keep you out of handcuffs.

I'm not going away for k*lling a cop.

I had nothing to do with it.

Bullshit, kid.

We got your prints on the g*n, and we got your buddy Josh in there telling us the whole story.

What did Josh say?


Cavanaugh's got to try to play them one off against the other.

How do you explain having your prints on a cop's g*n?

I did the break-in.

As for all that other mess that went down...

What did Josh say?


You know how this works. First up, best dressed.

You talk...

And I might be able to help you out.

God, don't.

Josh got the same chance as this kid. He didn't take it.

I was behind Josh when we came out of the back of the store.

That cop came from out of nowhere.

He was an old guy, so Josh got the g*n away from him.

Then how'd your prints get on it?

The cop was on the ground. Josh pointed the g*n at him.

I grabbed the g*n, tried to stop him.

But he just pulled the trigger.

Shot him.

He hates cops.

This guy who married his mom was a cop.

Korsak: Damn it.

Josh is gonna tell me what the hell happened!

Not now, all right? Not while you're this angry.

Anger's the only thing I got anymore.

[ Door opens ]

I can do this alone.

I know you can. I just don't want you to.

[ Sighs ]

Leave him cuffed.


You see this man?

He's fighting for his life right now.

And his four kids and his wife are crying their eyes out.

Don't look away from me.

Your buddy Gavin just gave you up.

Nice try, Vince.

Gavin's been my friend longer than you pretended to be my dad.

You might want to see this.

[ Beep ]

The cop was on the ground. Josh pointed the g*n at him.

I grabbed the g*n, tried to stop him.

But he just pulled the trigger. Shot him.

What do you have to say about that, Josh?

Go to hell.

[ Sighs ] What the hell is wrong with you?

Do you understand that if this officer dies, you're going to prison for the rest of your life?

Say something.

Damn it. Say something.

Vince! Vince! No! Vince!

Stop it! Stop it.

[ Horn honks ]


I found this stevia in the health-food store.

Thank you. Just how you like it.

I have a son who's, uh...

Been in some trouble.

You do?

I mean, he didn't sh**t anybody or anything.

But he ran over a priest.

Oh, my God.

Father Crowley's been really good about it, and Tommy feels terrible.

He did time. It was three years.

So I know exactly what you're feeling.

I feel like living the last five years of my life over again.

I took Josh away from the only man who ever gave a damn about him.

I better go. I'm gonna soak some pots.

I could say "I'm sorry" every day for the rest of my life.

But it still wouldn't be enough.

I don't know who that kid is.

When we left you, he-- when I left you...

Josh asked about you every day.

"Where's dad?"

"Why didn't dad come with us?"

What'd you say?

That you were in love with your job, not us.

That you weren't ever coming for us.

He loves you, Vince.

No matter what he tells you, he loves you.

Jane: Is that what Denise would have looked like without all that plastic surgery?

Yes. I'm focusing on federal criminal trials in 2000.

Detective Frost is looking at 2001.

Frost: It's a big search. She wanted to help.

We're hoping to get a hit on facial recognition.

On any database we might be able to find a photograph of a woman who testified in a high-profile trial.

Listen to you, Columbo.

[ Keys clacking ]

Oh, my goodness!

Detective Frost, did I do it?

I think you did.

[ Keys clacking ]

Denise's real name was Debbie Brown.

Her husband was a Miami drug trafficker.

Roberto Gusano. Mexican national.

Typical fed tactic-- they charged Denise with conspiracy to violate drug laws to get her to testify against her husband.

Gusano got a 10-year sentence, and he still fought for custody.

That's why Denise wouldn't give up Dakota's real birth certificate to dance mom Kim.

Yeah, I bet she doctored it-- birth date and father's name-- so Dakota would be harder to find.

Witsec won't forge documents, right?

That's right.

You can change your name, but not your birth date.

Ah. Poor Denise.

She had to leave everything behind, her friends, her family.

Hide from Gusano for the rest of her life.

Where's Gusano being held?

Super-max penitentiary in Colorado.

He looks very mean.

I'm calling the U.S. Marshals.

I thought you said they wouldn't help.

They don't have a choice now that we have a name.

I was assigned to oversee Denise Ryan's relocation from Florida to Boston.

I check in with her once a month.

Well, how come we didn't hear from you when she was m*rder*d?

There was nothing we could do.

Your agency was already investigating.

We think Roberto Gusano may have called a hit on Denise from prison.

I am not at liberty to tell you how I know, but I know that didn't happen.

Jane: That's Gusano's daughter, isn't it?

I'm sorry. There really isn't much I can tell you.

Why are you protecting Gusano?

Again, I am not at liberty to say.

Prison records say Gusano's in super-max in Colorado.

Jane: But you guys at the justice department control federal prison records.

Gusano's a government witness, isn't he?

Damn. You think he's in Witsec?

Yeah, I do.

That's right, isn't it?

Where's Gusano now?

I honestly don't know, detective.

Are those photos of Denise?

Yes. Denise grew up in Florida.

Danced with several professional companies.

She met Gusano when she was visiting her sister.

They look close.

Whitmore: Inseparable, according to Denise.

What's her sister's name?

Her name was Gabrielle Radford.

"Was"? I'm assuming she's not dead, so, wh-- she's in Witsec, too?

You wouldn't tell me where Gabrielle was even if you knew.

Well, the rules of Witsec are hard, but it's the only way we know how to keep people safe.

[ Cellphone rings, beep ]

Please let me know when you find her k*ller.


The rules of Witsec-- never speak to friends or family from the past ever.

What are you thinking?

Well, no one can do that.

I'm gonna say something, even if you don't want to hear it.

You're my son, and I love you.

And even if you did this, I won't abandon you.

Do you hear me?


You really tried to call?


You sent letters?

Almost every day, for a long time, Josh.

Dad... I didn't do it.

What? Talk to me, Josh. Tell me everything.

Gavin's lying.

H-he's the one who shot the cop.

I tried to wrestle the g*n away from him.

Why didn't you tell me?

I thought he was my friend.

I-I c-couldn't believe that you thought that I would do that.

Lawyer told me not to talk to anyone.

How did you get officer Kincaid's blood all over you?

I tried to help him.

I tried to give him CPR, just like you taught me when I was a kid.

When I heard the sirens...

I knew I was in big trouble...

So I took off.

I'm gonna get you out of here, Josh.

It's Gavin's word against Josh, and Gavin talked first.

E.M.S. Report says Kincaid was breathing on his own when they arrived.

Well, they have to note it if CPR was administered.

You see that box? The paramedic checked "no."

[ Computer beeps ]

That should be officer Kincaid's chest x-rays from the E.R.

You see these lines, where the rib 1 and 2 connect to the sternum?


They're fractures.

The force exerted to the chest during CPR sometimes can result in broken ribs.

It's the only explanation for Gerry Kincaid's injured ribs.

It's not enough.

The only one who can confirm that Josh tried to help is Kincaid, and he's still not conscious.

Well, I think you need to be prepared.

He may never regain consciousness.

But the forensic proof may be right here.

On Josh's clothes?

There's a higher concentration of blood at the knee...

And here on the toes of Josh's sneakers.

So you're saying the clothes prove that Josh was kneeling over Kincaid's body.

Giving him CPR. But I'm not saying anything.

The clothes are. The evidence is.

My son is telling the truth.

Denise and Gabrielle were both dancers but ...

M-maybe they tried to talk to each other in chat rooms.

How many dance websites are there?

Here's Denise's e-mail address.

What's "a bunhead"?

A ballerina.


Well [Sighs]

Denise wouldn't want to get kicked out of Witsec, you know?

I mean, she'd be almost as afraid of the government as she'd be of Gusano.

t*rrorists figured out a pretty smart way to get around government monitoring.

They write the e-mail but don't send it.

I'm not following you.

[ Beep ]

Yep. Here it is.

Denise has a bunch of unsent mail.

Basically, you give your password to someone.

They access the account remotely and read the unsent mail.

Gabrielle and Denise were in touch.

"Gabs, Dakota is on fire. You have to see my baby dance.

"Saturday at the Tourraine hotel and convention center.

Please? It has to be safe now."

[ Keys clacking ]

Here's the I.P. Address that accessed the account remotely.

Belongs to Gabrielle Bronson.

Westboro, Mass.

Sisters lived 30 minutes from each other.

Come on. Let's go talk to Gabrielle.

[ Door hinges creak ]

Jane: She's been tortured.

Well, I think we know how Gusano found Denise.

U.S. Marshals! Freeze! Oh! Boston police!

Stand down.

Maybe you want to tell me again how you think Gusano had nothing to do with this?

Honest to God, I didn't think he did.

Wait a minute. I-I'm curious.

What are you doing here if you didn't know where she was?

I didn't know she left Witsec.

After talking to you, I talked to my superior.

I thought we should look in on her.

And you still think Gusano had nothing to do with this?

I want to know where he is.

We put him in Rapid City.

His case officer thought he was there, but he slipped away somehow.

They gave him early release after he agreed to testify against the Diaz cartel.

He's not gonna testify.

He's going back to Mexico, and he's taking Dakota with him.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Where's Dakota?

She's about to perform. Why? What's wrong?

[ Dance music plays ]

♪ My heart lifts off the ground ♪

Okay, where's Dakota? She's supposed to be in this.

You take stage right, I got stage left.

♪ Never knowing which way we're going ♪
♪ baby, get me from the cold, I'm frozen ♪

Where's Dakota? Where's Dakota? Have you seen her?

Woman: I don't know. I haven't seen her.

Dakota: Please! Let me go!

[ Screams ]

Dancer: What's going on?

[ Dancers screaming ]

[ g*n cocks ] [ Gasps ]

Jane: Gusano, let her go!

Dakota: Please!

It's okay, honey. Come on. Everything's gonna be fine.

It's over, Gusano. Let Dakota go.

She's my daughter!

Back off, all of you...

And she won't get hurt.

I just want what's mine!

Skip, stay back!

Jane: No, Skip! Let go of her!

[ g*n clatters ]

Whitmore: We need an ambulance.

We're at the Tourraine, sir. Push it!

Oh, please don't let him die, too!

[ Groans ]

Jane: Okay, baby, let me help him, okay?

Just let me help him. Put your hand there.

It's all right.

It's okay, sweetheart.

Just put your hand there.

It's okay.

[ Siren wailing ]

You're gonna be all right.

Just hang on, okay? It's okay.

[ Soft rock music plays ]


[ Door opens ]


You really should limit your red-meat consumption.

I'm gonna eat whatever I want, whenever I want from now on.

Life is too short.

I thought the girl's father was okay.

Mm. He is. He got lucky.

He'll be out of the hospital in a few days.

I, however, am still recovering.

It looks delicious. Maybe just a bite.

[ Utensils clink, door opens ]

No, Maura, come on!

That's not a bite. That's half my burger!

Good news. I've just come from the hospital.

Gerry Kincaid regained consciousness. He's gonna make it.

That's not good news. That's excellent news.

And how's Josh?

Cavanaugh's charging him with B&E, like he should.

Oh, I believe the parenting books call that "tough love," dad.

Yeah, I didn't tell him the D.A. Is not gonna prosecute because he's testifying against his scumbag friend Gavin.

Well, I hope a former friend.

Maura's eating all of my burger.

I'm gonna order another one. You want one?

No, thanks. I'm, uh...

Meeting Melody.


[ Maura laughs ]

[ Door opens ]

Oh, uh, do you think that maybe later you can help me work on my jab?

Yeah, I promise to teach you self-defense if you promise not to punch like a girl.

Wh-- I don't punch like a girl.

Yeah, you do.


I'm gonna get some fries. You want an order?


Yes, I -- I'll just have one or two.

You're getting your own order.

Are you gonna order some dessert, too?

You eat like a bottomless pit.

Yes, we'll get dessert, too.
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