01x02 - Grace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Homeland". Aired: October 2011 to April 2020.*
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"Homeland" follows Carrie Mathison, a Central Intelligence Agency operations officer with bipolar disorder. Season 5 takes place two years after the previous season and is set in Berlin, Germany, with Carrie no longer an intelligence officer and working for a private security firm.
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01x02 - Grace

Post by bunniefuu »

President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: George Herbert Walker Bush...

George Bush, Sr.: This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait.

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked...

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next song we're gonna play for you is one of the good ol' favorites.

Until something shocks him...

Woman: I'm just making sure we don't get hit again.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Reporter: Running up...

We must, we will be vigilant.

(speaking Arabic)


Carrie: f*ck! I missed something once before.

I won't... I
can't let that happen again.

Saul: It was ten years ago.

Everyone misses something.

Everyone is not me.

Previously on Homeland...

What were his exact words?

"An American prisoner of w*r has been turned."

I'm an American.

Carrie: If he is a t*rror1st, we need eyes and ears on Brody from the minute he steps off that plane.

Out of the question.

How long before you're set up?

The feed will be live by the time Sergeant Brody gets back to his house.

Virgil: Hello, Big Brother.

Ready for you, Sergeant Brody, your debriefing.

I want to call my wife first.

Jessica, it's me.

Pleased to meet you.

Hug him, Chris.

(crowd cheering)

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

I want to say thank you to my family for their strength in my absence.

Three days ago, we were about to tell your kids.

He's my husband, Mike.

Abu Nazir? Was he present during any of your interrogations?


I didn't think that this was any of my business.

Now I'm thinking that it is.

Just tell me I'm not out here risking federal prison on behalf of a crazy person.

You know, maybe it is all in my head, but you're in it now, Virgil, up to your f*cking neck!

You think for one minute you get away with this?

I thought that once I had some proof...

Do you have any?

You've been suggesting that Sergeant Brody's what you think he is.


Then get a lawyer.

I missed something once before, I won't... I can't let that happen again!

It was ten years ago.

Everyone missed something that day.

It's a pattern.

Okay, do you see?

He's making contact, Saul.

He's sending a message to somebody.

A handler, a sleeper cell, somebody.

So am I still going to jail?

Not just yet.

(softly): ♪ From the halls of Montezuma ♪
♪ To the shores of Tripoli ♪


(man speaks Arabic)

(shouts in Arabic)

♪ First to fight for right and country ♪
♪ And to keep our honor clean ♪

(shouts in Arabic)

♪ We are proud to bear the title ♪

(shouts in Arabic)

♪ Of United States Marine. ♪

(Brody shouts, gasps over monitor)



You want some coffee?

Dana, Chris, come on!

We're gonna be late!

Chris: Coming!

First day at work and they're gonna make me late.

You want some eggs before I go?


Hey, slow down.

Chris: Mom, I can't find my socks!

Sausage, I think we have sausage.

Happened again, didn't it?

Look in the dryer!

Dana, can you please help him?


Around 4:00 a.m. this morning.

You were yelling something that sounded like Arabic over and over.

You grabbed my arm really hard.

You wouldn't let go.



Show me.

Chris: Hey, Mom, Dad.

They're still out there.

Do they stay out there all night, even when we're sleeping?

(reporters clamoring)

You forgot to flush again, you little douche.

Dana, language.

(phone rings)

"Douche" is not a bad word.

Don't answer that!


CBS News.

Third time this week.

Tell 'em I'm not here.

He says he's not here.

Hey, I thought you didn't want to be late.

I know, maybe I should take another day off.

Hey, all those years on my own, Jess, I think I can handle one more day.

All right? Go on.

Get out of here.

All right, come on, you guys.

(snaps fingers) Come on, come on, come on, come on.

(door opens, reporters clamoring)

(siren blips, whoops)

Hello? Hello?





(reporters clamoring outside)

Man: There he is!

Brody, how does it feel to be free?

Is it true you're gonna reenlist?

Are you going to reenlist?

Would you ever go back out there, Sergeant?

How does it feel to be home again, sir?

Sir, are you going to reenlist?

(phone rings)


(ringing continues)

I've been going over Brody's finger tapping with the crypto team, and I hate to say it, Saul, but there's little, if any, repeat pattern combination.

Not even a quadratic basis to work with here.

I'll keep trying as long as you need, but there's nothing definitive one way or the other yet.

Keep looking.

I want to leave no stone unturned on this.

We'll talk later.

(wry laugh)

What do you think?

Oh, definitely an original..y one of the preeminent Dutch painters of his time.

Relatively recent acquisition, if I'm not mistaken.

By an artist who, as it turns out, was not only Dutch but also Jewish.

In a club with no Jewish members.

That was your point, wasn't it?

How do you take it?


Your Honor, I'm not asking for anything that hasn't been granted many thousands of times over in the last ten years.

A surveillance warrant on an unspecified subject on American soil-- if this were a standard request, you'd go through standard procedure, Saul.

In this case, I don't have time for a government lawyer to petition the court.

So you're asking me to issue a FISA warrant directly to...

What is it exactly do you do at Langley these days?

Among other things, pay house calls to those I'd prefer not to have to..trong arm?


Are you ever gonna let me off your hook, Saul?


We both know you're far too fine a judge for that, Geoffrey.

Can we at least act like this is about the law rather than a brief moment of weakness in my past?

This is absolutely about the law, Your Honor.




(turns faucet on and off)

Carrie: Hey, Maggie, it's me.

Sorry I haven't called in a while; I been slammed.

Um, thought I'll come see you guys for a night, if that's good with you.

Uh... call me back.

Let me know.

Thanks. Bye.

(footfalls) (gasps)


I've got a doorbell, you know?

Well, you think you still have a right to privacy with all this?

My God, look at this place.

It's broken-- the doorbell.

What's that?

This gives you four weeks.

You got a warrant?

A FISA warrant?

We're legal now?

Legal-ish, but far from official, and certainly not Estes-proof.

Be very careful not to mistake this for a stamp of approval, or sanction from me for you to wage some sort of personal w*r.

Eyes on Brody makes complete sense.

It's exactly what you'd have done in my shoes, Saul.

No, it is not.

You lied to me about it, Carrie.

Then right here in this room, when I called you on it...

I know what I did.

And I know it was wrong..nd insulting.

Insulting..nd barely scratches the surface of what that was.

Four weeks, Carrie.

Not a second longer.

I want to show you something.

He has nightmares.

Where he repeatedly begs someone to k*ll him, in Arabic.

He's too ashamed or scared or both to face the press outside his house or take calls from the TV news, so what does he do?

He finds shelter in the corner of the bedroom, where he hasn't moved in over five hours.

All of which makes complete sense after eight years of captivity.

But what if it's more than that?


If-if Brody had really been turned, as you say, you know what he'd more likely be doing by now?

Talking to the press outside his house, doing TV interviews, playing the hero card for every penny it's worth.

Maybe it's not that simple for him.

Get some sleep, Carrie.

No one said becoming a t*rror1st was easy, Saul.

If you'd been taken prisoner, tortured for God knows how long and somehow, finally been turned, then, one day, you come home, and suddenly it's real, it's on!

Well, that's one interpretation.

But that's all it is at the moment.

Clean your apartment.

And eat some real food.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(sirens wailing in distance)

Lynne: Raised in Colorado Springs, attended BYU, interests, finance, travel, men.

Stacey Moore, this is Latif Bin Walid, Majordomo for his Highness, Prince Farid.

Please continue.

Would you say you're outgoing, or more the quiet type, Stacey?

I'd say more outgoing.

Definitely social.

I like to party, if that's what you mean.

Do you drink?

I'm not a drinker, per se, if that's what you mean.

(sighs) Stacey...

You are interviewing for a job that pays, in two years, more than most people in this country earn in 20.

If you're successful in this interview, you'll be required to appear self-possessed, confident, modest and reticent all at the same time.

So, stop asking what I mean.

Think and answer for yourself.

Do you enjoy a**l sex?

Excuse me?

How about other women?



Have you ever dated any famous men?

That's none of your business.

You need to wax that, sweetie.

Hair down there's not an option for His Highness.

Very nice.

You're through the final interview.

We'll contact you within the next week.

Congratulations, and you can get dressed now.

(phone beeps on)

Who are you calling?

My aesthetician.

I, too, need a wax before the prince gets in.

Feel free to book the appointment for me, if you like.


Mm-hmm. On hold.

Kenny G.

Welcome to America.


Would you mind selecting the next girl to come in, please?

Come on, pick up, pick up.

Hi. This is Lynne Reed.

Two E's.

I was referred by one of her clients, Carrie.

Yes, that's her.

I need to book a Brazilian wax for noon tomorrow.

Right. No-- that's the only time I can do it.

Okay, noon it is.

We'll see you then.

(keypad beeping)

(phone ringing)


Carrie, it's Yvonne Marshall.

I'm the duty officer tonight.

Hi, Yvonne. What is it?

You have an asset in from the cold.

Booked a treatment tomorrow at the Yara Spa in Georgetown.

Lynne Reed?

That's right. She used your first name as a reference and made a noon appointment.


Ar-Are you sure she said noon?

That was the only time she could make it.


Okay. Thanks, Yvonne.

(phone beeps off)

(door opens over monitor)

(door closes)


Mm. How was school?


Is Dad here?

Don't know.

Jessica: If you want to help, you can start unpacking those for me.



How was your day?


Foster: Oh. Hope you don't mind, Mike.

We helped ourselves to some of your hooch.

Thought we would stop by for a..or a situation report on Sergeant Brody.


Situation report on Brody is this: He's been back three days, and it's gonna take a little more time until he's willing to come out of his shell, let alone his house.

The man represents a significant victory in the w*r on terror, thanks to our friends at the CIA.

I'm putting aside for the moment that Sergeant Brody owes them his life.

These are the facts: Bin Laden's dead..nd America thinks, or wants to think, that this w*r is drawing to an end.

Politicians are pushing for a wholesale withdrawal from Afghanistan.

But as we all know, Captain, the t*rrorists are still out there-- after blood.

We need Brody in the public eye, reminding America that this is far from over.

What if he's not up for it..sychologically?

f*ck it.

Drive on.

Isn't that what you Marines say?

In combat, where we also shit in Saran Wrap and sh**t to k*ll.

You want Brody to do that, too?

Don't take that tone with me, Captain.

Career pencil-pusher, with his brown nose in my scotch saying, "f*ck it, drive on."

You're a captain in the United States Marines.

You mean to tell me you can't give a sergeant a direct order?

Is that what you want me to report up the chain?

Look, Mike, I get it.

You and Brody are friends, right?

By the way, how's his wife Jennifer doing?


If not for us, Brody should at least do it for her.

For the kids.

And I'm sure you're more than familiar with their current financial problems.

DOD's offering a very generous reenlistment package, plus a promotion, that could pull his family out of the shitter.

(puts glass down)

Give your friend the correct advice, Captain.

Make it happen.

(puts glass down)

(door opens)

(indistinct conversation)

(video game g*nf*re and expl*si*n sound effects)

Where does Mom keep the pancake mix?

The what...?

You're toast, asswipe.

Brody: Found it.

Hey, Dad...

What's it like to k*ll somebody?


Can I help you?

Yeah, just a couple questions, Sergeant Brody.

Nick. Can I call you Nick?

You got ten seconds to get off my property.

I'm Alan Quick, channel 10, and technically, I'm standing on a public easement.

Five seconds.

Oh, come on, Nick.

Hey, how about we start with an easy one?

Tell me, how are your kids doing with all of the--

(blow lands, Alan groaning)


(Alan gasping over monitor)

(wheezing, gasping)

(Alan coughing)


(Alan coughing)

(Alan groaning and gasping)

(birds chirping)



Max, he's heading through the woods out back.

Uh, less than a minute ago.

I need you to hurry round to Mansfield Road.

It's about 400 yards north.

Okay. Call me back when you find him.



Who left this pan on the stove?

(steam hissing)


Where's Dad?

♪ ♪

(door opens)

You know, the whole reason I left the Company and went freelance was so I could have a life.

You're becoming my wife's least favorite person.

I've got incoming HUMINT I got to go deal with.

Who is it?

Someone I recruited in Bahrain a few years ago.

Professional girlfriend of a Saudi prince.

What's she got?

We'll find out soon enough.


You got anything to eat?

Um... yeah.

There's a yogurt in the fridge.

(water trickling)

Lynne, how are you?

Okay, fine, I guess.

W-What are you doing here in D.C.?

Prescreening more girls for the prince's harem.

He gets in tomorrow.

12:00 noon appointment.

What's the code red?

So, there I am, five days ago, in Cypress on Prince Farid Bin Abbud's yacht... (panting) when the Prince's Majordomo, Latif Bin Walid, announces that the prince has a surprise visitor.

So, this surprise visitor, who was he?

You know that they stone women like me to death if we get caught doing anything that we're not supposed to?


(men speaking Arabic)

Abu Nazir.

I was this far from him.

I really don't want to do this anymore, and I mean it, Carrie.

I feel like I can't even breathe now.

They're gonna suspect something.

Lynne, all you have to do now is keep your eyes and ears open for the remainder of your contract with the prince.

That's what you said when you recruited me in Bahrain, but I never thought that I would get eight feet from the most dangerous t*rror1st in the world.

You are the only agency asset to have had eyes on Nazir in seven years.


I am just some girl from Sandusky, Ohio, who you talked into helping out her country.

And I won't let anything happen to you.

Don't quit on me now, please.

You can't.

Don't think I don't appreciate what it took for you to do this, Lynne.

(over phone): Saul Berenson.

Alert the group, Saul.

Inform Estes.

This is a game-changer.

Can't be more specific?

I don't want to talk on an open line.

Source protection?

It's way past source protection, Saul.

I've got a visual confirm on the Sandman.


Carrie: You heard me.

Actual eyes on.

How far away are you?

20 minutes.

I'll assemble the group.

What are you doing here?

Have to talk to Brody.
Hey, bud.

What's up?

My dad beat the crap out of somebody.

Dana, I asked you to please watch TV with Chris for a while.

She went to her room.

Beat the crap out of who?

Can you please go watch TV for a little while?

I need to talk to Uncle Mike.

Can you do that for me?



Come in.

What's going on?

Why aren't the kids at school?

You don't know? Isn't that why you're here?

No. What?

Are you okay?

Brody hit a reporter and then he took off into the woods.

Chris saw the whole thing.

Take a breath, Jess.

Come here.

Well, hello, Mrs. Brody.

Mike: When was this?

Jessica: About an hour ago, maybe more.

Why didn't you call me right away, Jess?

What the hell is that?

He has nightmares.

Brody did that?

Or flashbacks, whatever you call them.

I have to make it work with Brody. I have to.

This is where he tells you everything's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay, Jess.

Jessica: Is it really?

Do you honestly think so?


That's disgusting, Carrie.

This is the first confirmed sighting of Abu Nazir in seven years.

And very much to your credit.

Nobody's arguing with that.

But it's not enough to authorize a task force.

I'm not asking for that.

All I need is a few more bodies on Sergeant Brody.

(sighs) Look, the circle's small.

We keep it that way till you have more than just a theory linking Brody and Abu Nazir.

So Abu Nazir's resurfacing just as Brody has miraculously returned home means nothing?

It's just a coincidence?

The dots are there, Carrie, but you haven't connected them yet.

Saul, I understand that you're still furious with me, but give me something here, please.


I'm not telling you to stop.

I'm telling you to slow down.

The FISA warrant-- that gives you four weeks.

Use it.

Carefully, methodically.

Look, like it or not, you work for Deputy Director David Estes, who has career stakes in Brody, whom he and his department brought home to great fanfare.

Want to challenge that, better be damn sure you get all your ducks in a row first.


(phone beeps on)

Where is he now?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

He can't have gone far.

Listen to me, if Brody has one 15-second meeting with one contact, that's all it'll take.

I'm not gonna miss that.

Find him and find him fast.

Call me back.

Estes: ...last 14 days of air traffic data from all airports-- commercial, cargo.

And the banks.

All new patterns and numerical transactions of any amounts.

Please. Thank you.

Let me be the first to say, Carrie, outstanding work.

All other files on your desk go on the back burner, as of right now.

I want your girl on this prince Farid like white on rice.


First thing you get her to do is upload the data on his BlackBerry.

She's scared out of her mind.

Thank you.

I need to be able to guarantee her protection.


Would a four-man fire team do it?


For an escort you recruited in Bahrain?

Don't be a prick, David.

You know damn well if we put a Quick Reaction Team on the girl in this short time frame, we have no idea of knowing who's watching.

If Abu Nazir even smells we're onto the prince, he'll vanish.

Into thin air, again.

It's the QRT's job not to be detected.

You're saying you can't trust those guys to protect an asset in danger?

It's my job to make the tough calls, Carrie.

The answer is no.

Your job is to control your asset.

She needs backup, you're it. Get it done.

Yes, sir.

(P.A. beeps)

Woman (over P.A.): Will someone in Lighting please pick up line three?

Lighting, line three, please?

(cell phone ringing)

Please let this be good news.

He's looking at everything.

Lumber, nails, screws, electrical wiring, power tools, you name it.

Is he taking notes or anything?

Whatever he's doing, looks like he's doing it all in his head.

Okay, he's on the move.

I'll, uh, I'll call you back.


Jessica: I guess we might as well eat.

Is Dad still AWOL?

Mike: Oh, he'll be back, don't you worry.



Any new developments?

I'm telling you, this guy's got to be wishing that Brody doesn't come back so he can keep doing the wife.

She thought breaking up was easy.

Any popcorn in there?

Well, as a matter of fact, we have..retzels.

I love-a da pretzels.

Uncle Mike, since you're a captain and Dad's only a sergeant, does that make you the boss of him?

Smells delicious.

Chris: Don't sergeants have to salute to the captain and call him sir?

It's Irish stew!

Dad's favorite.

Right, Mom?

Is Dad in trouble?

Trouble? No, no.

Like I told you earlier, bud, that reporter out there, he's the one who should be in trouble, all right?

Wait, there's no camera in the garage?

Uh, you know, on this budget, I had to prioritize.

And now he's placing a bag containing God knows what in our blind spot?

Jesus Christ, Virgil!

Guys think about playing a couple rounds of cards?



Where's the sound?

Not that you deserve it, but...


Thank you.

Jessica: Where have you been?


I was out walking.

All day?

Didn't know that wasn't allowed.

Please don't do that.

You know, the past eight years haven't exactly been a picnic for me and the kids, either.

One way or another, we've all changed.

We just have to find a way to start over.

You punched a reporter.

Oh, he'll live.

In front of Chris.

He'll live, too.

That's it?

"He'll live?"

Dinner smells good.

Go on.

I lost.

There's no hand.


Hey, guys.

What are you playing?


Hearts? Watch out for this guy, kids.

Back in the day, he used to double his paycheck playing this game.

Hearts, which the Marines call "Hunt the c**t."


Maybe the daughter is the t*rror1st.

Dana: Don't blame me, Mom, blame the Marines.

f*ck you, Virgil.

Right, and good night to you, too.

Mom's Irish stew?

Should we say grace?

We say grace now?

When we have things we're especially thankful for, right, guys?

Can I do it, please?

Jessica: Go ahead, sweetie.

Dear God, thank you for bringing my dad back.

Please make him a captain, too, just like Mike.


What about the food, Chris?

Oh, yeah, and, uh, thanks for the food.

Mike: Amen.



You sure?


You always come over here in uniform?

"Once a Marine, always a Marine."

Does it start something like that?

Look, I'm not gonna bullshit you.

You can't keep doing this, Brody.

Brody: Doing what?

Mike: Come on, you know it's a f*ckin' win-win.

You talk to the press.

You take that call from CBS News, I mean, do an interview--

Whoa, whoa, stop right there, Mike.

There gonna give you a promotion.

I mean, Hollywood's gonna do a f*ckin' movie about you.

In the process, you get to provide for Jess and the kids.

Brody: I said stop!

The brass sent you over here to turn me into some f*ckin' poster boy for their bullshit w*r.

You know what?

You can go right back there and tell 'em the days that I take orders from the United State military or the government, are over.


You know what I really need, Mike?

I need the last eight years back..here I get to take care of my wife and kids..here I don't get asked to go over there and fight their f*cking w*r..r I'm not taken prisoner.

Not left out there to rot.

Never tortured-- none of it.

Can you do that for me?

Or is it too much to ask?

Brody: There's the door.

Uncle Mike.


There are times when you have to stand up for yourself..nd what you believe in.

I wish you hadn't seen what you saw today, but you did, and I'm sorry.

You gonna be okay?

(toothbrush whirrs, sports broadcast on TV, over monitor)

Announcer: That's what happens sometimes when you have some success against a great offensive player.

(broadcast continues indistinctly)

Announcer: Gets the ball, puts up another three...

(crowd cheering on TV)

Announcer: He's gone!

I'll tell you, they are having an amazing season.

Announcer 2: Back up by eight now.

Roberts has got half the points.

He's got 15 of the 32.

He just keeps missing...

Everyone just wants to thank you for your service.

Your sacrifice.

Maybe they want to thank all of us-- you, me and the kids.


One day, you're gonna want to talk about all this.

Broadcast continues, indistinctly)

♪ ♪

Take His Highness upstairs to settle him in.

How long until his next appointment?

Long enough.

Uh, yeah.

No, I read the article in the Journal-- it's fantastic.

No, I'll call you soon, we can--


Oh! Wow! I...

Are you f*cking kidding me?

I am so sorry.

That was an accident.

Don't worry, sir.

Accidents happen.

Here, let me get that.

No need. Please.

May I at least pay for the dry cleaning?

Thank you. No need.

Go wash it off.

You have less than three minutes.

I'll wait here.

You're not gonna believe what happened.

I-I spilled tea on this girl's blouse and it's...


Under the sponge of this compact, there's a plug-in device that'll fit into the prince's Blackberry.

It'll need 45 seconds to upload all his data.

And let's suppose that I get that far...?

You call the spa again and you hand it off to me in person.

What if the device doesn't fit?

It will.

You said before that you would never let anything happen to me.

And I meant it.

There's a team protecting you 24/7.

Where are they?

Aside from the man who spilled tea on you just now, who you won't see again, they're right under your nose.

But if you can see them, or know who they are, that's a problem.

I need your compact.

♪ ♪

Ruby & Josie: Auntie Carrie!


Aw... Oh! Wow!

That is the best welcome I've ever had from anyone.

How are you two?

You forgot Ruby's birthday, silly.

It was really awesome.

This man brought snakes and lizards and turtles and everything.

A snake ate a rat.


I missed that? Damn!

I forgot your birthday.

I'm sorry, Ruby.

Oh, but there..s this.


I told you, Ruby.

You thought I'd forget something as important as that?

I was working last Saturday, honey.

If I could've come, I would've.

I promise.

Mom! Mom! Look what Aunt Carrie got Ruby for her birthday!

Wow, that is so cool!

Did you say thank you?

Thank you.

You're welcome, honey.

Okay, now, you two monkeys.

Come on in and finish your homework.

You can see Aunt Carrie when you're done.

That's impressive!

I beat them.

Don't tell the neighbors.

Come on in.

Staying for dinner?

I can't. I'd--

--love to, but you're slammed as usual.


No, don't.

You don't have to explain.


We worry about you, Dad and I.


How's he doing?

Considering he has the same illness you have...

Well, now he's under my roof, he goes for regular therapy and treatment-- that's the deal.

So, um... he's good.

Are you finished?

Come on, Maggie, ease up a bit.

Just once, give me a break.

Only seven this time?

Raiding my samples cupboard not only enables you, it jeopardizes my license, so, uh... seven pills.

And we talk again in a week, not a month.

Or you could just deal with the problem like any normal person would and go see a psychiatrist.

I keep telling you to work where I work.

You can't disclose your illness or they'll pull your security clearance.

I understand, Carrie.

I'm really good at what I do, Maggie.

And I'm not just a quack.

Dad'll be pissed he missed you.

Where is he?

Bill took the day off.

They went golfing.

You said you were coming tonight.

It's not even 6:00 yet.

Next time.


I'll go say good-bye to the girls.


Please answer.

(door creaks, chains rattle)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(switch clicks)

Shit, Virgil!

♪ ♪

(remote clicks, door rattles)

(men praying quietly in Arabic)

(men praying, chanting in Arabic)

(prayers, chanting continue)

Allahu akbar.

(praying in Arabic)

Allahu akbar.

(praying in Arabic)

Allahu akbar.

(clears throat)

Couldn't sleep?

I was cleaning out the garage.

Oh... hey, I fixed the door.

(door shuts)

(reporters clamoring)


You people ready?

Is it true you're gonna enlist?

Would you ever go back to Iraq?

Saul.. turn on your TV.

It's happening, exactly what you said.

He's out there playing the hero card.
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