10x05 - Boxed In

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy, tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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10x05 - Boxed In

Post by bunniefuu »

[Music, chatter]

Hey, this one's good. What do you think, honey?

Ty? Tyler. Tyler? Tyler?

[Kids laughing]

Tyler! [Kids screaming] Tyler!

Oh, my God. Tyler! My God!

Don't ever do that. Ok? You can't just walk off. You have to tell me where you're going.

Look, mom. I found a guy taking a nap.

Did you find him here like that? You see any grownups?


Hello. Are you ok?

Oh, my God.

Aah! Let me out! Let me out! Aah!


We need the details of the Cronenberg case uploaded to ViCAP asap, and Cruz is expecting our assessments for his presentation to JCS and DOJ.

Consider it d-o-n-e.

And, Garcia, I owe you another one.

No, you don't. Get out of here.

All right, call me if you need me.

I will. And have a happy Halloween.

Happy Halloween.

Eek. See ya.



[Doorbell chimes]

We're closed!

I'm Aaron Hotchner. I'm a friend of Penelope's.

You're friends with Penelope?

We work together, yes.

Honey, I thought you was a bill collector.

Come on in and get out of that rain.

[Door buzzes]

Thank you.

[Blues plays softly]

Madame Bouvier, I presume?


The one and only.

I just put on some tea. You want a cup?

No, thank you.

Suit yourself. Wait here.

I got what you came for.

♪ A woman's love is never done ♪
♪ for even when her man is gone ♪
♪ her love goes on and on ♪
♪ my friend, a woman loves a man no end... ♪

Ooh! Penelope called just in time.

I've been looking for one for weeks. Where did you find it?

I suppose miss Garcia didn't tell you.

Madame Bouvier never reveals her secrets.

No, she didn't mention that. I'm sorry.

Child, I'm playin'.

My cousin runs a prop house in Hollywood.

He FedEx'd it.

Well, you and your cousin are gonna make one boy's Halloween very special.

How much do I owe you?

You know what? It's on the house.

Any friend of Penelope is a friend of Madame Bouvier.

No, I insist.

No, no, no. I insist.

Any man that will come out in this mess for his son deserves a break.

The world could use more good fathers.

Thank you.

Shall I return it Monday?

When you come back, you should let me read your palm.

Now, that I'll charge you for.

Thank you.

Happy Halloween.






[Door opens]

Hey, you.


I come bearing gifts!

What is it?

Wait for it...

[Darth Vader voice] Lord Vader...

You got it?! Yes!

Oh, my gosh, how did you find it the night before Halloween?

I never real my secrets. Check it out. Totally authentic.

[Darth Vader breathing sound]

[As Darth Vader] Jack, I am your father.

And, look. Everything lights up.

Get the belt out.

Can I go try it on?

Did you do your homework?

I'll go do it now.

Did you have a good dinner?

Yeah! Thanks, Dad. Bye, aunt Jessica.

He's been talking about trick-or-treating nonstop.

[Cell phone rings]

Yes, Garcia.

All right.

I'll be right there.

Don't worry. Go.

I can stay.


I'll go tell Jack.


Oh, my fighters of crime, I hate to call us all in on this Eve of all Hallows Eves, but there are wicked things afoot.

Last Halloween, 11-year-old Joshua Parker disappeared in San Diego.



Generator should kick in.

[Generator powering up]

That was spooky. Joshua Parker-- that name isn't in any of our missing children case files.

What do we know about him?

Chronic runaway and disciplinary problems.

San Diego P.D. never classified it as an abduction.

This morning, Joshua turned up in a pumpkin patch 10 miles from where he was last seen.

I know this case. Same thing happened in L.A. last year.

Yeah, that would be Tommy Wilcox, 10 years old.

He was found at Venice Beach on October 30.

He went missing the previous Halloween, too.

Yeah. And he died a few hours after they got him to the hospital.

I thought they caught that guy.

He had a bunch of stalker pics of the boy, didn't he?

Yeah, he confessed and pled guilty.

Yes and yes. That would be Rodney Tanner, pedophile sex offender, all-around icky person, currently residing at Chino state prison.

So what do we have, a copycat or a coincidence?

We also need to consider the possibility of there being a partner.

How's the Parker kid doing?

He's physically stable, but he's vacillating between catatonic and completely freaked out.

So I'm guessing he's not talking much.

If the pattern holds, another boy will go missing tomorrow night.

And we're headed to San Diego to prevent that from happening.

Weather permitting, wheels up in 30.

♪ Criminal Minds 10x05 ♪
Boxed In
Original Air Date on October 29, 2014

♪ ♪

Hotch: "There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects rather an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world."

Jean Baudrillard.

Both victims were found exactly 364 days after their disappearance, which suggests they were actually released.

And someone wanted them found.

Well, they were each Caucasian boys about the same age.

Both grabbed on Halloween night.

So the victimology is consistent, and clearly Halloween is significant. But why?

Reeks of a childhood tragedy.

The question is, what did he do with them for 364 days?

What are they doing with them?

Can't rule out a partner until we talk to this Tanner creep.

There was no evidence of sexual as*ault.

At least not the traditional kind.

The first victim Tommy Wilcox died from malnutrition, and his muscles were severely atrophied, which means his physical activity must have been extremely limited.

It's possible he spent the duration of his captivity restrained.

He also had puncture wounds, bruises, and was covered in splinters.

What did he do, restrain the boy for a year while he stabbed him and beat him with a two-by-four?

Too bad we can't do the same thing to that unsub.

Or unsubs.

Whatever. I'm down.

JJ, I want you and Reid at the hospital with Joshua Parker, and, Dave, you're with me at San Diego P.D.

And Morgan and Kate, go to Chino state prison, find out of Rodney Tanner has a partner.

[Indistinct P.A. Announcement]

Thank you for waiting.

Well, his physical prognosis is actually quite good.

He's exhausted and slightly dehydrated, but somebody made sure he ate, maybe even gave him vitamin supplements.

Were his muscles atrophied by any chance?

Yes. Badly.

He's going to need physical therapy, but in time he should make a full recovery.

What about splinters and puncture wounds? Any sign of those?

Yes. Both.

When do you think he might be able to talk to us?

Uh, no time soon, I'm afraid.

It's his mental state that concerns me.

He's sedated now, but when he first came in, he was unable to communicate and extremely agitated.

How so?

He was violent, tried to escape several times, kept screaming, "let me out, let me out."

We restrained him and that only made things worse.

I can't even imagine what he's been through.

Excuse me for a moment?

"Let me out."

What was he in?

A box.

A wooden one, and I'm guessing it wasn't very big.

Makes sense.

Splinters, no physical activity.

What about the puncture wounds?

Nails. The box was probably homemade.

You know, Josh Parker may never be able to tell us what really happened to him.

Solitary confinement makes grown men crazy.

Imagine what those conditions would do to a child.

There's definitely an evolution between the two victims.

Someone made sure that Joshua Parker was kept fed and alive, not like the first victim.

Tommy Wilcox wasn't supposed to die either.

k*lling's not part of the plan.

Holding them is all that matters.

Here's everything.

Digital copies were sent to your tech analyst.

Thank you, Detective.

Can I ask you guys a question?


Honestly, what do you think? This guy Tanner, he have a partner, or is this some sort of copycat?

Well, there's another possibility.

What if Tanner had nothing to do with it at all?

M.O. that specific, that usually belongs to a single unsub acting alone.

Come on. They found pictures of the Wilcox kid in his apartment.

Surveillance photos only. And there were pictures of other boys and they're all alive and well.

But he confessed.

What he's saying is that psychos say the darnedest things.

Everything that comes out of their mouth has to be taken with a grain of salt, even if it's a confession.

We'll know more after we talk to him.

And that was it.

I was done with him.

So I let him go.

You weren't concerned that he'd be able to identify you?


I knew he'd never live long enough.

I made sure of it.

All right, listen, Rodney, I'm gonna get right to it.

I hate prisons.

I don't want to be here longer than I have to be.

Ooh. Amen to that.

See, the truth us, we don't think you did it.

I guess it doesn't matter what you think, now, does it?

You know that boy?




We're gonna take that as a no, and you should consider decaf.

We're done here.

Wait. What?

We also watched your taped confession, and that nervous knee thing you're doing-- you never stopped doing it then.

It's called a tell, Rodney, and the reason you were doing it is you were under stress and making up a lie.

But today you give the exact same confession, but that knee, it's not moving at all.

Not until we showed you that picture.

No, I had pictures.

I took pictures of him.

Yeah, well, that just makes you a garden variety whack job.

No way that you abducted anyone.

Rodney, we're gonna recommend that you be resentenced, but in the meantime, they're probably gonna take you out of protective custody and put you into general population.

[Door buzzes]

You're gonna be a big out out there on that yard.

Enjoy your day.

Tanner: I did it.

It was me.


Just got off the phone with Morgan.

Tanner didn't take either of those boys and he doesn't have a partner. He was attention seeking.

So it's a single unsub.

Wow. A pedophile willing to go to prison just for some spotlight. Talk about desperate.

The glory of stolen thunder.

The ego's a powerful motivator.

What's the status on Joshua Parker?

He's still sedated.

Even if he weren't, he's in pretty bad shape mentally.

I doubt he'd be able to give us much.

Excuse me, agents.

We got our street patrols doubled and the press is ready for a statement.

Good. Time to get the word out.

It's gonna be dark soon.

And stay tuned for an upcoming statement from local authorities and the FBI...

Put the phone down, please.

I just have to send this one text.

Oh, just this one.

That was delicious. I'm gonna go return some emails before more trick-or-treaters come.

Hunter, those green beans aren't gonna eat themselves.

Why do you even make these things? I hate them.

Because I'm your mother, and your suffering is very important to me.

Mom, can I go to Katie's?

Homework done?


Then I guess you mostly can't go.

Walk Caesar, finish your homework, and then you can go.

Dad: Babe, what's the Amazon password?

It's my birthday.

Shouldn't use your birthday as your password, you know.

It's easy to hack.

Dad: It's not working!

Finish up and load the dishwasher.

You said I could go meet my friends.

Then you'd better hurry.

I'm coming!

Dad: Hon?

[Indistinct commercial on TV]

[Newscast returns]

Welcome back.

Representatives from the FBI are warning parents to stay with their kids at all times and to trick-or-treat in groups.

Extreme vigilance is the best w*apon against these types of crimes.

We're advising all families with children, especially those with boys between the ages of 10 and 12, that if possible the children are out with their parents or at least an adult over the age of 18.

Thank you.

[Newscast continues indistinct]

Mom: Home by 9:00, young man.

Yes, ma'am!

[Kids laughing and chattering]


[Excited chatter]

Sorry, guys.

What took you so long?

My stupid mom.

Guys, let's just go.


Let's go!

Let's do some more, guys!

Whoo! Let's go!

Whoo! Whoo!

[Shouting and whooping]



Check this out, guys.

Let's go! Last one!

Let's do this!


Ready? Ready? Last one.


[Laughing and shouting]

Man: Hey!

Let's get out of here! Let's go!

That's my house!

Get over here!

[Breathing hard]

[Dog barking]

Damn kids.

[Mechanical laughter]


No, no, Jess, let him have fun.

Just tell him congratulations, I'm sorry I missed it, and, uh, I'll see him as soon as I can.

Ok, thanks. Bye.

Jack won best costume in school.

Nice. What was he?

Yes. Darth Vader. Henry?

Oh, all Spider-Man all day.

He told me we should be using web sh**t at the FBI.

We absolutely should.

You know, all these years and I never missed a Halloween.

A couple of Easters and a Christmas and half of a birthday, but never a Halloween.

Yes, sir. Agent Hotchner.

A 12-year-old boy's gone missing.

You said on the news that one boy died?

Yes. Unfortunately the first victim didn't survive the ordeal.

But the boy who was found yesterday is expected to be all right.

All right?

What happened to him?

We're not exactly sure.

But we do believe that his intention is to keep his victims alive.

Those boys were missing for a year.

What is he doing to them?

Honey. No!

You go find my son!

You get out and you find Hunter.

Get out! Ann.

Ma'am, I understand that this is a lot.

Your son is missing as well?

What a coincidence.

Do you even have kids?


Oh, baby.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Come here.

Mrs. Olson, Agent Callahan and I are both parents, and we understand how incredibly hard and terrifying this is.

Rest assured we're doing everything we can to find Hunter.

I'm going to need your help.

What do you need us to do?

I need the names of the boys who Hunter was with tonight.

Ok, uh, Jake McCauley, that's his best friend.

Billy Hawkins, Nolan Alvarado, uh...

[Muffled cries]


I'm gonna cut you loose.

But if you run, I'm gonna hit you again.

Got it?

Mm...Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I'm gonna take this off.

And you're gonna stay quiet.


I said quiet!

Get in.

What? No, please.

Get in.



The bottle's for pee, the bucket's for poop.

Spend some time down there and you might learn your lesson.

Wait, no! Please, no! Please! Let me out! Please!

[Latches locking]

Please, let me out! Please! Let me out! [Muffled] Let me out! Please, let me out!

[Engine starts]

Please let me out! I promise I won't tell anybody, ok?! Please...

Shut up.

Somebody help me!
Is all this really necessary? I told you, I didn't see anything, except for those damn kids egging my house. I gotta go to work in the morning.

Well, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, sir, but I'm sure the parents of the missing child don't really care, and frankly, neither do I. You didn't see anybody else at all?

No. Just that guy.

Ok. We're canvassing the entire area. Hopefully he doesn't get far.

All right, keep us posted.

Nobody saw anything. Even if they did, it's Halloween. He could be in costume. We could be looking for Sponge Bob for all we know.

[JJ whistles]

Hello over there. Share, please.

Hey, kid, speak your mind.

The transcripts. Sorry, the transcripts of the police interview with the first victim's mother, Charlotte Wilcox, I read them.


Mrs. Wilcox, do you remember anything unusual about the night Tommy disappeared?

No, nothing.

Are you absolutely sure?

There's nothing.

Anything might help.

I don't know. Toilet paper maybe.

Sorry, ma'am?

I went to the store to buy toilet paper and when I got back I couldn't find it.

But what could that have to do with anything?

Oh, god, I can't believe this is happening.

Tommy took the toilet paper.

He was out Tping houses.

Hunter Olson was egging houses.

Joshua Parker had disciplinary problems.

Bad boys all around.

We should deliver the profile.

Based on the details of the abduction, we believe we're looking for a white male in his mid-20s to early 30s.

He's fixated on Halloween, and we think it's probably related to a traumatic event from his childhood.

You really think he's doing all this just to punish these kids for egging houses?

It's his version of punishment, but yes.

Apparently that aspect of Halloween agitates him.

We're classifying him as something called a fundamentalist vigilante.

Because Halloween traditions are rooted in Christianity, there's a chance he may be some kind of religious zealot.

He releases his victims on a consistent timeline.

That says that he's mission oriented.

Let me out!


Aah! [Groans]

Kate: For him it's all about the punishment itself.

Rossi: Which is why he releases them.

What's the point of punishment if they're not gonna be around to learn their lesson?

He may be from a broken home, and we wouldn't be surprised if there were v*olence or abuse.

And we're fairly certain that his home life was exceedingly strict.

JJ: As a kid, it's a pretty good bet he had disciplinary issues.

Hotch: And interpersonal relationships would still be a problem for him.

JJ: He's the kind of guy that would snap when rejected.

This guy needs space to do what he does.

But less than you might think.

Ariel Castro held 3 women hostage in the middle of a residential area for years.

But he has to work to eat and to subsidize that space, so he most likely has a job.

It would be a blue collar one he can do alone.

Truck driver or night watchman, plumber, maybe even electrician.

If anyone you know fits this description, or if you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Hunter Olson, please call the FBI hotline number at the--

Hey. Garcia's going through the hotline calls. So far no leads.

Agent Hotchner, there's a lady here who's insisting she talk to the FBI agent she saw on TV.

Our guys tried to talk to her, but she's not taking no for an answer.

Excuse me.

I'm Agent Hotchner.

How can I help you?

I called the hotline,but I figured I should just come in.

I saw the news and...

I think the one who kidnapped those boys...

I'm pretty sure it's my brother.

Are you and your brother close?

We're like 5 years apart, so not so much.

And plus he's always been kind of...

I don't know, a freak.

How so?

He used to lock me in closets.

Or sometimes smother me.

Once when I was 10, my mom smelled something out by the garbage.

And she found like 10 cats and dogs stuffed into boxes in the dumpster.

And you think your brother k*lled them?

He admitted it.

And laughed.

What makes you so sure that your brother is the one we should be looking for?

Because the night my dad left, it was Halloween, and on the news you guys said that that was important.

What happened?

My mom was working.

But my dad, he wouldn't let us trick-or-treat.

He said all that candy would rot our teeth and make us fat.

He was kind of scary, my dad.

In what way?

He hit my mom.

Us, too.

And he was super strict, yelled all the time.

And did that whole church-every-Sunday hypocrite thing.

We were always getting punished for something.

Johnny really caught it that night.

You stay away from him.

You, you come here right now.

You, right now!

Get over here!

You bring police to my door?

I can't believe it!

Yeah, you're gonna be sorry.

You stay right there.

I'll be good. I'm sorry!

Shut up!

You weren't so sorry when you were egging that house.

You go to your room!

Get in the trunk!

Get down in that trunk!

He kept yelling he would keep him there till next Halloween to teach him a lesson.

My mom got home and lost it.

They had this huge fight.

I hid under my bed.

I woke up the next day and my dad was gone.

Mom kicked him out.

Sandra, do you know where Johnny is now?

I haven't seen him in like 3 years.

My mom might.

Go ahead, Garcia.

All right, John David Bidwell.

Rebellious student, rebellious kid.

Got picked up for vandalism.

Got picked up for joyriding in a stolen car.

Wow. His mom called the cops on him a couple of times, even.

For what?

Uh, police report says she wanted him removed from the premises.

But she dropped the charges both times.

Do have have a current address for him?

Last one was a P.O. Box.

The IRS must be after him, too.

He hasn't filed taxes in 3 years.

3 years. That's the last time he saw his sister.

So what happened 3 years ago?

Yeah, I'm looking. For the last year he's worked as a driver for a courier company.

Nothing there. Hold yourself.

Huh. He applied for a marriage license 3 years ago.

He was engaged to a one Charlene Taylor, who--

Oh, this is awkward. Her name's now Charlene Baker because she married someone else.

That could have been the trigger.

The rejection and rage that made him feel alone, worthless, same way as dad used to make him feel.

So why not punish father figures instead?

Maybe he's trying to regain a sense of power and control by reenacting what his father did to him.

I guess we all become our parents at some point.

He's also making good on his dad's threat to keep him locked up till next Halloween.

That was 12 years ago. What was it about that night that made such a lasting imprint?

It was the night his parents split.

Garcia, have you found his dad yet?

Sam Bidwell? Negative.

They were never officially divorced, by the by.

And he's completely off the grid.

All right. Keep looking.

Gotcha. On it.


[Knock on door]

Mary Bidwell?


I'm Agent Rossi.

These are agents Hotchner and Jareau.

We're with the FBI.

We'd like to ask you a few questions about your son John David.

Well, I haven't seen him.

We'd still like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind.

Yeah, come on in.

No, he couldn't have done those things.

He's a good boy.

That's not what Sandra told me.

Well, she's dramatic. Always has been.

And she's no Saint, either, by the way.

When was the last time you saw him?

Uh, well, it's been a few years.

How many years?

Well, last time was his engagement party, so, I guess about 3.

So right before Charlene left him.

That little bitch broke his heart.

And her rich daddy thought they were too good for him.

He's a good boy.

I know my son.

He didn't do this.

Mrs. Bidwell, we know the truth about Johnny.

We know about the dead animals.

We know you had to call the police to get him out of your own house.

He's always been different, hasn't he?

Isolated, not many friends.

And it got really bad when he hit puberty.

Look, if it were my son, I would try to protect him, too.

I would.

But this isn't the way to keep him safe.

[Metal music playing]

[Engine revving]


Let me out of here!


Let me out of here!

[Music blasting]

[Turns up volume]

Could you just keep your eyes closed?

It'll help put you in the moment.

Ok. Now, do you remember anything particular about that drive home?

A lot of traffic?

No, nothing.

Ok. So, you drive straight home.

Then what?

Then I--I go inside and I see that Sam has Johnny stuffed in a trunk.

And what did you do?

What do I do? I get him out!

This is ridiculous.

Listen, Mary. It's of vital importance that we look at every detail from that night.

The key to saving Hunter Olson's life may be locked away in your memories.

But it only works if you allow it to.

Well, I--I'm trying.

No, you're not. You're hiding something.

Mrs. Bidwell, we can't seem to find your ex-husband Sam anywhere.

You have any idea where he might be?


You need to tell us exactly what happened that night.

[Takes deep breath]



Just close your eyes for me again.


Now, what's the first thing you remember happening that night?

I could hear the screaming before I even got in the door.

And I come in and Sam is yelling at this old trunk of his.

You're gonna stay in this trunk till next Halloween!

You hear me?!

Sam, what are you doing?

I'm talking to my son.

Mom! Mom!


I'm talking to my son!



I tried to get him out, but Sam hit me.

But this time... this time, I fought back.

What happened then, Mary?

He had his back to me.

And I picked up a fire poker...




I couldn't take it anymore.

Mom! Mommy!

And then I got Johnny out of that damn trunk.

And he saw his dad lying on the floor.

You ok?

Ohh, my baby.

And then we dragged him out.

There was so much blood.

He helped me.

He's the way he is because of me.

What did you do with his body, Mary?

JJ: Mary?

Mary, listen to me.

It was self-defense.

Yes, you were just protecting yourself and your kids.

But we need to know.

[Mary crying]

He's at Sam's dad's old place out by Harbison Canyon.

I buried him there.


[Hip hop music playing]

Hunter: I can hear you!


Let me out of here!

I'm so, so sorry.

[Turns off music]


I'm sorry.

Young Johnny: Sorry!

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Shut up!

I'm sorry!

You weren't so sorry when you were egging that house.

Get in there right now, you hear me?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Shut up! Shut...

Let me out of here!

[Engine starts]

I want to go home!

I promise I won't tell anybody!

Somebody help me!


Somebody, help!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry!


You weren't so sorry when you were egging that house!


Shut up!

Rossi: John David Bidwell, FBI!

Show me your hands!


Where is he?

You're not gonna find him.

Tear this place apart.

Officer: You 3, on it.



Hunter Olson!


All right...

[Muffled voices above]


Rossi: You know we're gonna find him, don't you?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Look, if you cooperate, we can put in a good word and the court may be lenient, but if you don't, we're going to do everything we can to make sure you go away for a very, very long time.

Rossi: Have you ever seen the inside of a prison cell, John?

It's a box.

Probably not too different from the kind your dad put you in.

Your father was right about you.

You don't know a damn thing about my father.

Actually I do.

God-fearing, short-tempered, alcoholic.

You could never make him proud, could you?

Everything you did was always wrong.

Even this pathetic attempt.

He'd probably laugh at you.

Shut up.

Because you're such a waste.

Shut the hell up.

And obviously not very smart.

Yeah? I'm smart enough to know where that kid is at.

He should have left you in that box.

You're not worth my time.


Hi, baby.

What are you doing here?

Baby, you need to tell them where that little boy is.


You tell them.

You know this is wrong.

That little boy doesn't deserve this, any more than you did.

He's just like you were, Johnny.


I'm so sorry I couldn't stop it.

I know I should have left him.

But I was too scared and I couldn't.

And I am so sorry.

What I did to your dad...

I wish I could take it back.

But I need you to be brave now and save this little boy.

I made it bad enough, Johnny. don't make it any worse.

Get a paramedic over here. Send the ambulance!

Get a paramedic!

Go! Find the car!

You guys, come to this side.

Back up, Dave.

[Engine starts]

I got a pulse!


I got him.

Oh, my God!


Oh, buddy.

Oh, honey.


♪ I still remember ♪

Can I say good-bye to him?

Off course. JJ.

♪ I still remember ♪
♪ trying to figure this all out ♪

Ok, Mary.

♪ My body bruised ♪
♪ you slamming down the door ♪
♪ so many questions running through my head ♪

You can't blame yourself.

You can't.

♪ What have I, what have I done? ♪


♪ will you stay ♪
♪ here with me ♪


♪ 'Cause I don't want to be alone ♪
♪ be alone, I don't want to be alone ♪
♪ no, no, don't leave me here on my own ♪
♪ I don't want to be alone ♪
♪ I still remember crying all the time ♪
♪ I still remember so many sleepless nights ♪
♪ trapped in the stalking ground ♪
♪ don't turn out all the lights ♪
♪ my mind won't go to sleep ♪
♪ it keeps crying out, what have I ♪
♪ what have I done? ♪

How'd it go?

Uh, good. Where's Jack? He's not in his room.

You didn't see him on the couch? He tried waiting up for you and he fell asleep. I just left him there because he wanted to make sure you saw him in his costume.

♪ I don't want to be alone ♪

JJ: "Always kiss your children good night, even if they're already asleep." ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

♪ don't want to be alone ♪
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