10x06 - If the Shoe Fits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*

Moderators: tay2417, GemW, scoopy

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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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10x06 - If the Shoe Fits

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: [Whistles] Boy, come on! Let's go. Good boy. Come here. Come on. Yeah. Yeah.

Enough with the dog already. You haven't heard a single word I've said.

I don't have time for this now.

Ok, fine. Then make time for this. I'm telling your wife about us.

No, you won't.

Try and stop me.

[Dog vocalizing]

Come here. [Grunts] Go fetch! Huh. You're seriously threatening me? You just made a big mistake.

Jeff? Let's talk about this. [Dog barks] Jeff?


Stay there. Don't come any closer.

[Cell phone ringing]



[Ringing continues]


Hmm, pizza is ready.

I just don't get this.

What's a cloud?

Uh, you know, it's hard to explain.

It's a wireless upload to a server.

There's actually data centers called cloud farms.

Oh. Terrific.

It took me a year to learn how to scan these onto CDs and now I'm in a cloud farm.

Don't worry about it. I'll help you.

I'll grab the pizza.

Then it's off the bed, Henry, ok?


Who's that?

Well, that's your mama, and that's your Aunt Rosalind, honey.

You don't know who she is?


Good night, buddy. Sleep tight.

Good night, mommy.

Um, did you and Henry talk about Rosalind this evening?

Yeah, a little bit.

He saw a picture of her and he asked.

Uh-huh, and you told him she was dead?

No. No.

I explained to him that she was gone, that she went to a better place.

Ok, well, Henry just asked if we could go visit her in this better place.

Mom, I can't believe you told him without even discussing it with me.

I didn't go into detail.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

Will and I have discussed this, at length, ok?

We decided that we would wait until Henry was old enough to broach the subject.

We don't need to talk in code.

Roz k*lled herself, and now I see you making the same mistakes your father and I made.

What are you talking about?

For years we kept our heads in the sand about Rosalind, ignored the warning signs.

Maybe, maybe if we had just dealt with her problems head-on, she'd still be with us.

You're an adult. Henry is a child.

There's a big difference.

I don't see how the truth harms anyone, adults or children.

Ok, so what am I supposed to tell him if he asks how she--

[cell phone rings]


I gotta go. It's work.

Go. We're fine here.


Do not say anything more to Henry about Roz.


I won't. Don't worry.

Avoidance is what this family does best, anyhow.


Garcia: Good evening.

Ok. University of Montana student Douglas Clark was found this afternoon next to his car, stabbed at least a dozen times, and the k*ller left us a calling card.

Morgan: Oh, that's a distinctive signature.

Have there been similar murders reported in the area?

Thankfully, no.

So then why are we being called in?

Last month a local shopkeeper was k*lled in a hit-and-run.

The driver was a student who's very rich and well connected.

Daddy got him off with a slap on the wrist.

Which I imagine didn't sit well with the locals.

Oh, you could say that.

A random fraternity was firebombed in retaliation.

And there's concern that the m*rder might escalate the friction between the student community and the permanent residents.

Town versus gown. It happens.

All the way back to the battle of Saint Scholastica day.

Ok, I'll take the bait.

What is the--whatever it is that you just said?

The battle of Saint Scholastica day? I'm glad you asked.

Oxford university, 1335, citizens att*cked students and professors with bows and arrows. Fighting went on for two days and nearly 100 people were k*lled.

You know, it's probably just my easygoing nature, but if I stabbed someone a dozen times, it'd pretty much be out of my system.

Why smash a car window?

Well, a car k*lled the shopkeeper. Maybe it's a message.

Or just plain anger, and a lot of it.

Whatever the reason, we have to assume there's more where that came from.

Wheels up in 30.


[Muffled cries]

♪ Criminal Minds 10x06 ♪
If the Shoe Fits
Original Air Date on November 5, 2014

♪ ♪

JJ: "Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence."

Vittorio Alfieri.

The coroner's report puts the time of death between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. the previous night.

This doesn't feel like payback for the hit-and-run driver.

Clark was stabbed 12 times. That's personal.

He was quiet. Kept to himself.

No problems with the locals.

Clark did come from the same privileged gene pool as the other kid. Money, education, influence.

There's not much blood on the scene given the extent of the injuries.

Clark must have been k*lled somewhere else and then dragged into the woods and abandoned.

Ok, thing one: A search on Douglas Clark's cell phone turned up a cache of pornography.

The non-heterosexual kind.

Well, that changes the equation.

If the victim was gay, we could be looking at a hate crime.

And I wouldn't have said "thing one" if there wasn't a thing two.

A new body was just discovered a mile away from the first victim.

No details yet.

So much for a cooling-off period.

All right, when we land, Dave, you and Reid go directly to the new crime scene.

Morgan and JJ, talk to the M.E., and Kate and I will coordinate with local law enforcement and find out what we can about Douglas Clark.

5:30 in the morning east coast time.

You don't seem tired at all.

What can I tell you? I'm a night person.

Speaking of that, you might want to consider revamping your circadian clock to a more traditional chronotype.

Yeah, I'll put that on my to-do list.

Seriously, studies have found that night owls show reduced integrity of white matter in the brain compared to early risers.

While I appreciate your concern, I'm very happy with my brain just like it is.

There's a lot more damage to this car.

Look, the tires are punctured and all the windows are broken.

Our k*ller's getting bolder.

The car's in plain sight.

And given the proximity to the earlier crime scene, he had to know there'd be a police presence in this area.

Oh. Bite marks.

Douglas Clark's cell didn't have that.

The phone was put into Clark's mouth postmortem.

This victim must have still been alive.

Well, let's see if this baby holds any surprises.

It's an honor to be working with the BAU.

We're glad to be of help.

This is the latest victim?

Kevin Brubaker. Senior here at the university.

Oh, wow. The k*ller and I have the same type.

Dark-haired handsome guys in their 20s.

Both had money, too.

Drove nice cars, rented high-end condos.

A hair fiber that wasn't Brubaker's as found at the scene.

We're checking for DNA.

Do we know Brubaker's sexual orientation?

No, but your agent sent back a cell phone with one of our officers.

We're looking through it now.

We need to speak to someone who knew Douglas Clark.

Terence Reynolds. He came 3 hours ago on his own.

Said she's the victim's partner.

He was ashamed.

That's why I ended our relationship.

Who else knew Douglas was gay?


He was scared to death people would find out.

So he didn't have a social life?

He did. A phony one.

He avoided gay hangouts, he only went to straight bars.

And he dated women to keep people from suspecting.

Do you know a Kevin Brubaker?



[Knock on door]

Excuse me.

What is it?

We found something on Brubaker's cell phone.

Ok, this is for mature viewing audiences only.

Viewer discretion is advised.

[Music playing]

That's just about right.

All right, let's get this party started.

Spoiler alert.

There's another minute or so of that tender, nuanced foreplay and then Brubaker seals the deal.

And she had no idea he was filming her.

We found 3 other videos like this with 3 different women.

He circulated them to a few of his buddies.

And they say chivalry is dead.

Anything on the phone to indicate a gay or bisexual lifestyle?

No. If Brubaker wasn't straight, he did an enthusiastic job of faking it.

We're trying to identify the 3 women now, in case we're dealing with an angry boyfriend or a relative.

Angry boyfriend doesn't explain Douglas Clark's m*rder.

The unsub's victim selection criteria might not be as simple as gay versus straight. It could be more generalized.

In what way?

He could be targeting any sexual behavior that he perceives as deviant or unwholesome.

Kate: A closeted gay man. A jerk like Brubaker who violates his partner's trust.

Hotch: We need to find out how he learns the details of his victims' lives.

And how he finds them in the first place.

Morgan: Have you determined a C.O.D. yet?

Sometimes what you see is what you get.

Both victims died from being stabbed a lot.

Mr. Clark's was pretty savage, actually.

Lots of defensive wounds.


More like a two-bladed instrument.

Heavy-duty scissors, gardening shears.

Flesh tears were jagged and deep. Messy.

What about Brubaker?

The same m*rder w*apon, but a couple significant differences.

The lacerations were deliberate and precise, ligature marks on the wrists and ankles, and no defensive wounds at all.

Like he'd been held down and tortured.

Yes, except the bindings were mild in terms of severity of force and duration of application.

Not enough to seriously restrain the victim.


So how did the unsub control Brubaker if he was still alive?

Well, there's no dr*gs in his tox screen.

g*n, maybe.

Some of the s*ab wounds could maybe have come from earlier, weakening him.

There was one anomaly consistent with both victims.

Right here... and here.

Puncture wounds.

Wide at the surface, tapering to a narrow point deep in the tissue.

Any idea what it could be?

Not now.

Frankly, I've never one quite like it before.

Excuse me.

I think you dropped something.

The unsub took a big risk going back to this location.

It must have special meaning.

Or it's convenient.

What do you mean?

No second set of tread marks find at either crime scene.

Means the k*ller probably left on foot.

There is a residential area about a half mile away if he cut southeast of the woods.

Thank you.

You were right.

The other alarm was set.

Rossi: Alarm?

Police report said that Douglas Clark's cell phone alarm was going off when the couple with the dog found him.

It had been set for 12:00 the previous evening, so I had forensics check to see if Brubaker's alarm had also been set.

It had. Also for midnight.

Hey, guys. Take a look at this.

I had the tech department here construct a 3-D image of the shape of the w*apon used to make the mystery punctures on Clark and Brubaker.

At first I thought it might be some kind of funnel you'd use in the yard.

The M.E. did say the m*rder w*apon could have been gardening shears.

Mm-hmm. But then another thought hit me.

So I went browsing through the latest Jimmy Choo catalog.

Virtually... The same size and shape.

Ok, now, it's not necessarily this particular label.

But the puncture could have been caused by a stiletto heel.

If Douglas Clark was gay and the unsub was wearing these, we could be looking for a male cross-dresser.

JJ: But the puncture wound was also on Kevin Brubaker, and we know Douglas dated women as a cover.

I think the unsub might be a woman.


So, let's get the awkward questions out of the way.

Are you married?



Live-in, otherwise?


Good. Then how about some Thai?

I mean, it's almost lunchtime.

And I'll be the perfect gentleman. Promise.

We don't even know each other.

Yeah, but I mean, that's how it works, right?

You meet some one and...

[Snaps fingers] magic.

Shane, you received via email 3 videos from Kevin Brubaker of him having sex with 3 different female college students.

Can't control what I'm emailed.

He also sent you these two days before the videos, sort of like a preview of the coming attraction.

My buddy just died.

Is this going anywhere?


Did your buddy have another woman lined up?

Kevin always had women lined up.

I mean like a specific woman, maybe in the last couple of days.

Look, it is in your best interest to cooperate with us, Shane.

I mean, you did receive videos taken of these women without their permission.

Montana may be a two-party consent state, but you probably noticed Kevin turned the audio off.

Consent isn't required without the audio component.

Therefore, I wasn't involved in anything illegal.

I'm pre-law.

Aww. And I'm sure you are gonna have a wonderful career sometime in 2035.

Consent issues don't apply to child porn.


Well, let's just say one of these girls was, I don't know, two months shy of her 18th birthday.

That's child porn, video or audio, whatever, it doesn't really matter.

And child porn carries a mandatory minimum of 20 years in prison.

But I am sure that you knew that, what with your pre-law background.

I did not--didn't know-- I never would have...

I'm gonna be sick.

Ok, so let's try it again.

Did Kevin Brubaker talk about another woman that he was planning on videotaping?


Did he describe her or give a name?

No. Uh, she was a townie, impressed by his car.

All Kevin said was that... she was weird.

Weird how?

I don't know. Old-fashioned.

Didn't even have a cell phone.

Her dress had a tag still hanging off of it.


Really, I'm gonna puke.

None of the girls Brubaker filmed were underage.

Oh, gosh. Do you think I gave Shane the wrong impression?

I kind of like your style, Callahan.

Somebody should get a barf bag for our legal eagle in there.


I thought I'd blown it.

In the car after lunch, I came on kind of strong and you got weird there for a second.

But I get it. You shot me down when I tried to sample the goods, then come back home and start getting freaky.

Slow it down, huh?

We got all afternoon.

This really your room?

Yes. Why?

It's just different, that's all.

The planets and stuff on your ceiling.

I like that they're the last things I see at night.

Don't you ever wish upon a star?

No, but after today, I'm gonna start.

[Door creaks]

It won't do any good.

Whoa! What the hell's going on here?

You think you can make a mockery of this.

Uh...What are you talking about?

You take love and beauty and enchantment and you turn it into something ugly!

Hey, you're starting to freak me out. Ok?

Untie me, now!

What are you doing?!


[Police radio, indistinct chatter]

Wouldn't mind having the window replacement franchise in this town.


No phone, but there's something in his mouth.

And the alarm is set to midnight.

Rossi, look at that.

He was clearly restrained.

What's that on his arm?

Don't quote me, but I think that's ash.

The unsub we're looking for is a woman we refer to as a female annihilator, a black widow who lures men in most likely with the promise of sex and then kills them.

We don't yet know what triggered these murders, but it's most likely connected to a specific person or event.

The trauma is profound.

JJ: She's probably in her early 20s and attractive, which is how she's able to draw in her preferred targets off affluent, handsome young men.

Rossi: But she herself may live humbly, without much money.

One of her victims characterized her as a townie impressed by his luxury vehicle.

The k*ller inserts a cell phone or wristwatch into her victims' mouths, sets the alarm for midnight.

It's he way of saying time's up, or, a new day dawns but not for you.

Reid: Putting objects in mouths is also a symbolic way to silence or gag victims.

This could also indicate the unsub feels her own voice has not been heard.

Morgan: If the triggering event was an as*ault suffered by the unsub herself, she might feel that she was denied the justice that she deserved.

So she's appointed herself judge, jury, and executioner, k*lling surrogates for her own attacker.

Look closely at recent victims of sexual as*ault where charges weren't filed because the accused was either wealthy or connected.

With the most recent victim, for the first time we found ash residue in the car and on the body.

Reid: This ritual aspect could symbolize the unsub's rebirth, like the Phoenix rising from its ashes to live again.

Hotch: And with this sense of resurrection she experiences with each of the kills, we expect her to become more emboldened and more dangerous.

Thank you.

5 times you been late this month.

I deducted 20 bucks from your salary.

Maybe that'll help you learn.

Sorry, Mr. Jensen. It won't happen again.

Yeah, I've heard that before.

Next time you show up late, turn your ass around and go back out the door.

[Bell on door jingles]

Find another job.

Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Hey, how you doing? I'm picking up some dry cleaning.

Yeah, sure, no problem.

I dropped it off this morning.

All right, it'll just take a second.

I'm sorry. My dad shouldn't talk to you like that.

There you go, sir.

That'll be $42.

It's ok.

And I'll make sure you get the money he took.

Listen, I was thinking about catching a movie tonight.

I thought maybe you'd like to go.

Oh. Sorry. I already have plans. It's a date.



Maybe another time.

[Carousel turning]

The price tags were still on the dress.

Maybe the unsub stole it.

I'll have Garcia look into local vintage and second-hand shops.

Maybe an employee or customer fits our profile?

Also have her check police records for young women recently arrested for shoplifting.

What if the stealing of clothing isn't about finances, just part of her overall psychosis?

A kleptomaniac?

Maybe. It's an impulse control disorder 3 times more prominent in women than in men.

Researchers believe that compulsive thefts could be a response to early childhood trauma. They're trying to symbolically repossess what was lost in childhood.

But a true kleptomaniac doesn't steal for financial gain or personal use, and she's wearing what she's stealing.

JJ: Huh.

What is it, Jennifer?

Young, handsome men with money and status.

A high-heeled shoe one might wear to a dance.

Luxury transportation that at the stroke of midnight reverts to junk, and what's another name for soot?


It's a fairy tale gone horribly wrong.

Fairy tale? You mean like...

Our unsub sees herself as an avenging Cinderella.


Where do I even start?

Our unsub obviously feels her life mirrors that of Cinderella, so start there.

All right, go back 15 years, see if law enforcement or child services were called in to deal with a stepparent/ stepchild situation.

You know what, Garcia? Also check the foster care system, particularly instances where girls were put into homes where favored biological daughters we're already in place.

Per usual, your suggestions have made the impossibleness of this endeavor seem possible.

I will hit you back when I have more Intel.

So if she's Cinderella, who are the victims?

Prince charmings who didn't live up to her fantasy.
Dad, what's the matter?

Mrs. Jordan came in to pick up her daughter's dress.

It isn't here and she needs it for a wedding this weekend.

That's it. Claire's fired.

Fired? What for?

This is the third dress gone missing since she's been here.

She's not just fired. I'm having her arrested.

Wait. don't do that.

Why not? She's a thief.

Let me go to her house.

I'll--I'll bring the dress back and tell her she doesn't have a job here anymore.

She's not a bad person.

You want to take care of it?

Go ahead.

But I better not see her face around here ever again.

I'll do it the first thing tomorrow.

[Country Western music playing]

I had to dig deep in the storage shed for this.

We don't get much call for champagne.

Thank you.

Poor girl looks lonely.

Think I'll go introduce myself.

Proceed with caution, bro.

What for?

Some serious crazy going on up in there.

One man's crazy is another man's kink.

I wouldn't do it.

Love your dress.

Thank you.

The name's John.

And I mean it, you are really decked out tonight.


I, um, I thought this was a place where you could dance.

[Laughs] This place?

Not hardly.


Do you feel like dancing?

Then let's do it.

Be sure to take pictures.

Ok. Bye.

Got anything new?

Yeah. All 3 cars had the driver's seat adjusted as far forward as possible, which means the unsub's probably short.

I'm assuming under 5'4".

Everything ok?

Yeah. Yeah, that was my mom.

She's up visiting for a couple days.


Yeah, yeah. She and Henry are gonna go to the zoo.

Sounds like fun.

Or not.


She and I got into an argument a couple nights ago and it's still a little tense.

So--it's just not a big deal.

What was it about?

If you don't mind me asking.


Well, my mother believes that children shouldn't be shielded from the realities of the world. I do.

I mean, isn't that why we read them fairy tales in the first place?

No, actually, most fairy tales in their original form were gruesome to the extreme.

In Cinderella, the stepsisters had their feet mutilated to fit into the shoe, and their eyes were eventually pecked out by doves.

Sleeping beauty was r*ped while she was unconscious by the king.

Hansel and Gretel were held c*ptive by a half-blind cannibal.

Soldiers were instructed to cut out Snow White's liver and lungs so the queen could feast upon them.

Thanks for that, Spence.

My point is, one could argue that the sanitized versions we have today are actually counterproductive to the original purpose of fairy tales.

So that children could safely confront their darkest fears.

Maybe my mom was right.

The unsub believed in the fairy tale, not in reality.

This is the result.


It's been a wonderful evening.

Almost magical.

Are you from Missoula?

Because I haven't seen you around before.

You date much?




Well, you can't say never.

This is sort of like a date.

That's true.

I hadn't gone out with a man, ever, until last week.

You serious?


Why not?

It's important to wait for the right person.

The only person.


So what happened with the guy from last week?

He didn't pan out?

I thought he was a good man, honest and true, but he wasn't.


You have a funny way of saying things sometimes.

Honest and true.


But I like it.

Don't do that.

What's the matter?


I thought you liked it.

I said no!

What the hell's the matter with you?

Oh! Let me out of this car!

Psycho bitch!




John Franklin. Garcia said he used his credit card at a nightclub downtown last night.

If that's where he met the k*ller, maybe someone can give a description.

Vehicle undamaged.

Blunt force trauma instead of stabbing.

Was there anything in his mouth?

No. The unsub is devolving. This k*ll was much more disorganized.

We're a good 15 miles away from the other crime scenes.

At least this time she was gracious enough to leave behind the m*rder w*apon.

Can I see this?

This was found impaled in his neck.



What are you doing here?

I thought I'd swing by.

I actually need to talk to you about something.

Work stuff.

Oh, I can't today.

The bus will be here in just a few minutes.


These are for my father.

This is the day I go to the cemetery.


Then, um...

Let me take you.


Why not?

I'm here. I've got my pickup.

The bus is a hassle.

I remember her. Hard person to forget.

She was overdressed, like a bridesmaid or something.

And the dress, it didn't fit her.

It was at least a size too big.

Did she come with anybody?

No. Another customer came over to her and the two of them did this sort of slow dance.

And then they left.

You could tell the guy was just doing it as a goof, but she was totally into it.

I noticed that you have surveillance at the front entrance.

Oh, yeah. Those don't work.

It's just there to scare off underage students.

Well, listen, if you think of anything else that might be helpful, please, give us a call.

I will. I hope nothing bad happened to her.

Maybe she was a little bit off, but she seemed like a really sweet girl.

Garcia came up empty-handed.

No one working at a clothing store fits our profile.

Same thing with arrest records for female shoplifters.

All right. Let's back up and look at the change in M.O. sequentially.

Douglas Clark had defensive wounds, no ligature marks, the k*ll was sloppy and probably not planned.

But the next two victims felt premeditated.

Both Brubaker and Colin Baylor were tied up willingly and k*lled with minimal resistance.

It was as if the unsub anticipated the possibility of m*rder and was prepared.

She assumed the role of the Black Widow.

Except the latest victim didn't fit the pattern.

With John Franklin, the rock was a w*apon of opportunity.

Exactly. The k*ll was spontaneous, like Douglas Clark. Probably not planned.

It's like she circled back to her mindset prior to the first m*rder.

The profile is slightly off.

She's not a Black Widow luring men in.

Her delusion is hopeful and optimistic.

You're right. Despite the blood and guts, she's still hoping for a happily ever after ending.

I never even knew this cemetery was here.

He's buried over there under that big tree.

It's peaceful, isn't it?

They don't sell flowers anywhere near here, so, I just bring them myself.

Kate: Obviously the unsub disassociates when she kills, but from what?

Morgan: If she's in her early 20s, that is the right age for sublimated trauma to manifest as psychosis.

What's curious is the competing coexisting psychopathologies going on inside of her: Belief in the existence of the perfect man.

Yeah, and murderous rage at anyone who falls short of that perfection.

It's the kind of profound ambivalence found in abuse and incest survivors.

And that fact that she's living this perfect fantasy means the stressor existed when she was a child.

Oh! You ok?

Oh, that's so typical.

My mother used to say if clumsiness were a virtue, I would be anointed Katherine the first.

What is it?

Uh, the dress that the unsub wore, the bartender said it didn't fit, right?

She said it was too big.

Which is strange, because the details of her fantasies mean so much to her.

You're right. If she was stealing the dresses, why not steal a dress that fits?

So, where else might clothes get tagged?

The dry cleaners.

Got it. Claire Dunbar.

She works at vic's cleaners.

Does she fit the profile?

As snugly as I fit into the chiseled arms of Derek Morgan.

Her mother was institutionalized shortly after her birth.

The father raised her on his own until he flaked.

Flaked how?

Looks like he couldn't handle it.

Lost his job, ran out of money.

Left her at the mall with an apology note pinned to her blouse.

Rossi: And that put her in the foster system.

With a foster mom and 3 biological daughters.

That rings the Cinderella bell for me.

You got an address, Garcia?

I don't have one yet, but I do have the address to the dry cleaners. I'm sending that now.

I'll check it out.

Hey, what are you thinking?

What we were talking about earlier, sublimated trauma.

Penelope, Claire Dunbar's father, the one who abandoned her, did he ever surface again?

Not that I can see, no.

All right, listen. Run the DNA from the hair fiber through the national database, see if there's any near matches.

97% or above, all right?

On it. Love you.

Do you remember much about your dad?


They're the best memories I have.

My father is the one who gave me the love of books.

He'd read to me every single night before bed.

Fairy tales mostly.

My favorite was Cinderella.

Are you sure this is your father's grave?

Of course I'm sure.

I come here every week.

I think a woman's buried here.

And she died like almost 100 years ago.

No. You're wrong.


Talk to me, baby girl. You got an address coming my way?

I'm almost there.

The trouble is, sometimes she uses her mother's maiden name, which is--yes! Claire Rawley, aka Dunbar. 2569-A Sagebrush Court.

I'll get Hotch.

Oh, oh, oh.

What? What is it?

That DNA thing you asked me to do.

I got a near match. 99.5% near.

Edward Rawley Banner of twin falls, Idaho.


That's Claire Dunbar's mother's maiden name.

Well, that has to be Claire's father.

He just moved a state over and stole the name.

Is he still alive?

Uh, negative. He died of a heart attack in 2005.

And I'll lay odds that his DNA is on record 'cause he was incarcerated.

You'll collect on that bet.

He was arrested in 2002 and convicted-- pedophilia.

And I know who one of his victims was.

Please don't touch that.

I'm just making sure.

I really think your father is somewhere else.

He's not somewhere else. He's right there, and I want to go home now.

Let's find someone who works here and ask them where he's buried.

He's buried right there.

And I want to go home now!

But, look, it says right here, "Dorothy Carter"--





Hey, Hotch, in here.

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, Dave.

Good. Send the number to Garcia.

Claire Dunbar's not at her residence or her workplace.

But the owner of the dry cleaners said his son was supposed to meet her this morning.

Dave has sent you the son's cell phone number.

I need you to triangulate and get me a location.

Yeah, yeah, I'm already doing it, sir.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, the--

Oh, he's at a cemetery.

Oh, that can't be good.

I'm sending the location now.

JJ: Hey, Hotch, what do you have?

We think Claire Dunbar is at Cypress Memorial cemetery.

That's out near Bonner mountain.

You're closer to the location than we are.

JJ: All right, we're on our way.

Wait, Reid. There's something I want you to take with you.

This is him, and somebody changed it.

Who changed it?

Who changed it?!

This all your fault.

I never should have brought you here.

Stop. Please.

What did you do to my father's grave?

Tell me now!

Claire, you don't need to do this.

I'm not the one who ruined it.

You did.

Excuse me.

May I approach?

Who are you? Go away!

Please, just give me the chance to speak.

I've looked for so long.

What? What are you talking about?

I've searched this entire city trying to find the right person.

Are you the right person?

The dance, the other evening.

Do you remember?

The dance?

I met the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life.

We danced the whole night, and then...

She was gone.

But she left this behind.

May I?

I brought the carriage.

You did?

It's waiting for us.

Reid: "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract positive thinking."

Albert Einstein.

Yeah, she left about an hour ago.

Oh, uh, so apparently Henry's favorite zoo animals were the pigeons.

I know, right?


Anyway, you know, my mom, she drives me crazy, but she means well.

You know, I was thinking about it.

I lost a sister, but my mom and dad, they lost a child.


So, um, how much longer do you think you're gonna be?

Oh. Ok, good, well, I will stretch out this glass of wine and wait up for you.

Ok. Drive safe.


Hi. Hey, buddy, I didn't hear you. You can't sleep?


Can you read me a story?

Um...Hey. How about I tell you a story tonight? A brand-new one? Ok.

Mmm. Come here.


Come here, buddy. This story is about two sisters who loved each other very much. They lived together on a farm out in the countryside with lots of animals.


Um, especially pigeons. How did you know that?

In the winter, when it snowed, the two sisters would pretend that they lived in a huge castle. They would spend long, wonderful days talking about what they were going to do in the future. They made a vow that if ever they were apart, they would go outside at night when the moon was full and look up into the sky...

And they knew that they would both be looking at the same thing....

And that they would never be apart.
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