10x08 - The Boys of Sudworth Place

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Criminal Minds". Aired: September 2005 to February 2020.*
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The cases of the BAU an elite group of profilers that analyze the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.
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10x08 - The Boys of Sudworth Place

Post by bunniefuu »

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, make no mistake about it. Sean Wallace is a g*ng-affiliated criminal who only cares about himself and his fellow street thugs.

Sure, it's breaking and entering now, but what's it going to be next? First-degree m*rder?

Your Honor, I believe that the pursuit of justice is never a waste of time. But in this case, there's no question, that man is guilty. The prosecution rests.

Do me a favor. Um... Close your eyes for a moment. Go ahead.

Now, I want you to erase the image in your head that you have of my client. Now, imagine an 8-year-old Sean Wallace. He's scared and alone. Starving for love and attention. Now, I know you're thinking, where's his family?

Well, let's start with his mother. A local prost*tute who spends most of her time either in bed with strangers or sh**ting up dr*gs. Then there's his abusive father, currently serving 25 to life. And finally, the aunts and uncles who only saw Sean as a monthly paycheck.

So, with no other place to go... Sean turned to his peers on the streets.

You can open your eyes now.

It's true, Sean fell victim to the g*ng community, but it was not because he wanted to. It was because they were the only family that he'd ever known.

Ladies and gentlemen, instead of pushing this young man further away, let's do what every loving parent would do. Let's help. I urge you to impose probation and community service in lieu of jail time. Let's--let's stretch out our hands, as it were, and help this young man to his feet. Defense rests.

The jurors can retire to the jury room and begin deliberating. Court is adjourned. [Bangs gavel]

So what do you think my chances are?

Well, how many of the jurors smiled at you?

Like...4, maybe.

Then I'd say they're pretty good.

Yeah, I thought I could get out early, but I just got caught up in some paperwork.

So, anyway, I'm heading to the car now.

Be home soon. Love you.

What the hell are you-- that's my car!

What the hell are you doing?!

I'm calling the cops.

911. What's your emergency?

Yeah, there's a guy smashing up my car.

What's your name, sir?

Sir, what's your name?

Uh, Jack Westbrook.

And where are you right now?

I'm outside Marty's near Vernon.

Wait a minute, he's running away.

Sir, stay where you are.


Mr. Westbrook, do not pursue.

Do not follow him.


Sir, are you still there?


Mr. Westbrook?

Yeah, I'm--I'm here.

Officers have been dispatched.

Uhh! Uhh!


Help is on the way.

Oh, there you are.

I'm sorry. The traffic was horrible.

Chris had a double shift.

Megan needed to be dropped at a friend's.

Hotch said we're dealing with an abduction?

Sadly, yes. 12:34 this morning. Boston defense attorney Jack Westbrook was abducted from a convenience store parking lot.

That's precise. Who called it in?

He did. He was on the phone with the 911 operator when he was taken.

Cute shoes.

Hey, thank you.

911 operator: Sir, sir, are you still there?

Hello? Mr. Westbrook?

Yeah, I'm--I'm here.

Officers have been dispatched.


Sir? Did you just hear that?

Garcia, can you enhance the audio at the end?

I think I can. Give me a second.


You got him?

Someone else besides the unsub was there.

He had a partner.

Have there been any ransom demands?

No, nothing yet.

This guy's made a lot of enemies.

He was the lead prosecutor responsible for putting away away key members of the Buccieri family.

It wouldn't be the first time a convict targeted an attorney.

Just last year in Texas Eric Lyle Williams k*lled two prosecutors.

Yeah, according to this, they weren't all high profile.

He prosecuted or defended everyone from drunk drivers to g*ng members.

So basically, half the criminal population of Boston could be holding this guy for ransom.

And the other half could be victims or family members of the criminals he defended.

I hate to be the odd woman out here, but isn't it possible he was just a victim of opportunity?

I mean, he was in a sketchy area after dark.

True. But you heard the recording. The attack on the car was most likely a ruse to isolate him.

It says target to me.

It's been over 12 hours since he disappeared.

If the motivation was revenge, he could already be dead.

Well, unless we have reason to believe otherwise, Jack Westbrook is alive. We need to find him.

Wheels up in 30.




Is anybody there?

I need some help.

I'm down here.


Please, let me out of here.

You ready to come clean?

Come clean? What are you-- you've got the wrong person.

Why are we even listening to this crap?

We should just k*ll him.

No, no, no, no. Please. Not until we get his confession.

I swear, I don't know what you're talking about.

Please! Just let me go.

Can't do that, Mr. Westbrook.

Not after we went through the trouble of getting you here.

Besides, we're just getting started.


♪ Criminal Minds 10x08 ♪
The Boys of Sudworth Place
Original Air Date on November 19,

♪ ♪

Reid: Wayne dyer once said,

"how people treat you is their karma.

How you react is yours."

All right, let's go over victimology.

Jack Westbrook's life reads like a practice guide to being perfect.

Graduated first in his class.

Went on to be the A.D.A. in several rural counties.

His marvelous track record caught the attention of the higher-ups.

Within 6 years he was in the Boston big leagues.

4 years ago he made a 180, went from prosecuting criminals to defending them. I wonder why.

He may have been tired of dealing with all the politics.

Or he wanted better pay. ADA's with his kind of trial experience are in high demand.

Looks like Jack isn't all dollar signs.

It says here he worked with a number of nonprofits and even took on several pro Bono cases every year.

He seems to have checked all the boxes in his personal life, too.

He and his wife Linda have been married for almost 7 years.

They're expecting their first child in January.

Did you think I was joking when I said his life was so pristine?

Mm. Even someone this perfect is bound to have some skeletons in the closet.

It says that he and his wife did a lot of moving around in the area.

They never stayed in the same place more than a couple of years.

Well, that makes sense. Guy seems pretty ambitious.

All the relocating could have been for better job opportunities.

Yeah, or they feared retaliation from the people he put away.

Reid: Last year alone, he won 33 of the 35 cases he defended, giving him a 94% success rate.

We should concentrate on the 6%.

He could have made promises and not delivered.

Agent Hatcher. Thanks for coming out.

Detective. This is Agent Jareau.

Welcome. Right this way.

We've got units posted at both the victim's workplace and residence.

Brought in some extra manpower to work the phones in case these guys try and reach out, like you suggested.

Good. Thank you.

You and your team can set up over there.

Is that Mrs. Westbrook?

Hasn't said a word since she came in.

You know, this type of stress can't be too good for the baby.

Hopefully she has better luck than I did.



I'm Jennifer. I'm with the FBI.


I want to ask you some questions about your husband. Is that all right?



Um, you know what?

Why don't we go somewhere a little more private.

Have a seat, please.

Can I get you something to drink?

No, thank you.

May I ask how far along you are?

7 months.

A boy.

I have a son. He's 6.

Can you tell me about the last time you spoke to Jack?

At lunch yesterday.

I missed his call last night.

He said he'd gotten caught up with paperwork.

Had he always worked long hours?

For the most part.

I read that the two of you moved around the area a lot. Why?

His job used to make him paranoid.

I can't tell you how many times he changed his phone number.

But once he got the new job... things were different.

How so?

Well, for the first time he wasn't looking over his shoulder.

He was defending the underdog.

We--we finally settled down...

And bought a house.

And that's when we decided to start a family. I'm sorry.

Hey, it's ok. I know, this is very hard. Ok?

Your husband's last purchase was from a convenience store.

He bought flowers.

Were the two of you celebrating something?

He won.

Whenever Jack won a case, he brought me flowers.

It was his way of thanking me for dealing with the long hours.

Please, please find my husband.


Look, whatever I did to you in court, I'm sorry.

I know the system isn't fair.

I was just doing my job.

Please, just...

Tell me what you want.

Whatever trouble you're in, you know, I can help.

Let's just talk this through. I can fix this.

You really have no idea, do you?



Just tell me-- tell me what it is you want.

Is it money?

Is that what this is about?

Name your price.

You can't buy your way out of this.

You know, my wife knows I'm missing.

So do the cops.

You let me go, I won't say a word.

We ain't worried about the cops.


Let's get this show on the road.

Take off your clothes.



'Cause I said so!

Get the camera ready.

What are you waiting for?

I said take 'em off.

I'm not taking off my clothes.


You know... maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Oh! Uhh! Uhh!

What are you doing, man?

Showing this punk what's gonna happen if he doesn't follow directions.

Just--just do what he says, all right?


The amount of detail needed to pull off this abduction was pretty sophisticated.

Yeah. Not only did they lure him to the lot, but they managed to dodge most of the security cameras.

Well, at least we know one the unsubs is a football fan.

Him and the 636,479 other people in this city.


Not you, too?

I googled it.


Wow, they definitely did a number on his car.

And saved the real t*rture for him.

That's a lot of rage.

If it were a body, we'd say this was complete overkill.

You think these guys knew Jack personally?

It's sure starting to look that way.

How long has Jack Westbrook worked for your company?

Almost two years.

Had he received any threats recently?

Not to my knowledge.

In fact, his clients love him.

Can you tell us about his current caseload.

Well, they're pretty straightforward.

DUIs, grand larceny.

Nothing that would have had this type of blowback.

What about the cases he lost?

They were both minor.

Family disputes.

One client was sentenced to probation, the other to anger management classes.

His wife mentioned that he'd been working a lot of overtime lately.

What was he working on?

Well, he just wrapped a case yesterday, got the kid off with community service.

Jack didn't work overtime for that.

If fact, he hadn't billed any overtime in months.

Most days, he was off the clock by 6:00.

If Westbrook wasn't at home or in his office, where the hell was he?

That's a good question. I'm starting to think his abduction had nothing to do with a case.

What are you willing to bet that those roses had more to do with guilt than romance?


I am made of cream. Give me your coffee.

Hey, baby girl, listen, you're on speaker.

Reid and I think Westbrook might have been having an affair.

And the plot thickens.

Yeah. I need you to dig deeper into his personal life.

He's definitely hiding something.

Look at hotel invoices, large cash withdrawals, anything that screams mistress.

Oh, if he is sharing his sugar, I will let you know.

Thanks, mama.

So you think this could be a jealous boyfriend or husband and his buddy out for revenge?

Right now we can't rule out anything.

It's probably not the first time this guy flew into a jealous rage.

I'll put together a list of recent domestic disputes.

[Cell phone rings]

You're on speaker, Garcia.

I have searched hither and down for something that will connect Mr. can't-keep-it-in-his-pants with this mystery woman. I came up with zilch until I went back two years ago, and I found an LLC in Jack's name.

Here's where things get super suspect.

That company has been wiring money to cover the rent of an apartment downtown, and the name on the lease is...

Rossi: Westbrook.

Winner, winner, vegetarian dinner.

Sounds like the perfect place to keep a mistress.

Any leads on the mystery woman?

No. There's no texts, there's no emails, phone calls, nothing.

Whoever she is, he's keeping her really well hid.

Kate: Clear.

Clear here.

Wow. Check this place out.

Talk about a man cave.

He spared no expense.

How much did all this cost?

At least 10 grand.

Jack has an odd sense of romance.

I expected more from the guy.

This place wasn't just for romance.

It was his escape.

Aah! Aah! No!

No! Stop!

Stop! Aah!

Ah! Oh!


How does if feel to be on the other side?

I don't know what you're talking about!

What's wrong? You don't like the attention.

[Whimpering, gasping]

Why are you doing this?

Come on.

Smile for the camera.

Now you know how Matt felt.

What did you say?

Stand up.

Stand up!

Remember us?

[Shivering, whimpering]

You think he's in shock?

It doesn't matter.

He'd better start talking soon.

Don't you think you've had enough?

What if he doesn't start talking?

He will.

Trust me.

Yeah, but what if he doesn't?

Then what's the plan?

We bring in reinforcements.

Well, apparently none of the neighbors have seen Jack enter or leave the apartment in the last 6 months.

I don't get it.

Why get married if you're just gonna cheat?

Well, some people think the grass is greener on the other side.

Yeah? What about you?

Oh, my grass is plenty green.



We need to deliver the profile.

[Door opens]

Did you-- did you find him?

Have a seat.

Oh, God.

Is he ok?

In order to help find your husband, I need to share some difficult truths.

Will you please tell me what's going on.

We have reason to believe your husband's a pedophile.

What are you talk-- what are you talking about?

We found evidence that would allow us to charge Jack...

This has to be some sort of mistake.

With multiple counts of both production...

You're wrong! No!

And possession of pornography.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God! [Sobbing] Oh, my God.
Which is why we believe Jack Westbrook used his position of authority to exploit the trust of his young victims. As an attorney, Westbrook had unfettered access to vulnerable victims who were easy to groom. He targeted those who would be afraid to come forward, because they'd been ostracized from society due to their crimes.

Reid: Much like Jerry Sandusky, who hid behind his nonprofit foundation for underprivileged and at-risk youth in order to abuse young boys over several decades.

Rossi: We found hundreds of photographs of Westbrook's victims in his apartment.

Based on the dates on the photos, our unsubs are now in their 20s.

Kate: We think his past came back to haunt him.

The unsubs are either former victims or family members seeking revenge.

And when they were younger, each of the victims had run-ins with the law, which is how they came in contact with Westbrook.

They've been carrying the burden of the victimization around with them for years, and it's affected their ability to find and maintain employment as well as serious relationships.

This mutual trauma would cause them to isolate themselves from others, yet draw them close to one another.

Kate: Their shared revenge motive makes them extremely dangerous and volatile.

Reid: This is a deeply personal mission, and it's been fueled by years of shame, hatred, and anger which has finally exploded to the surface.

Keep I mind the unsubs are also victims.

Make it known that we have every intention of bringing Westbrook to justice for his crimes.

Why go after Westbrook now, after all these years?

It's likely something pushed one if not both of the unsubs over the edge.

It could have been an anniversary or a recent death.

And understanding that trigger will be key to preventing these two from crossing the line between kidnapping and k*lling.

Thank you.

Dude, you should have seen your face.

It wasn't funny, Chad. You guys could have just called.

Why, so you could send our call straight to voicemail again?

And where were you yesterday, huh?

Yeah, bull. I had to work.

Will one of you tell me why the hell I'm here.

Go see for yourself.

You ok?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just get this guy.

How did Linda take it?

Well, at first she defended him, insisted he would have never jeopardized his career.

But by the end, she was asking me if I knew any good divorce lawyers.

What about out here? Anything?

Yeah. We've been able to put together somewhat of a timeline, dating back to early 2000.

This guy literally has hundreds of cases involving young boys.

The list of victims and potential unsubs just keep getting longer.

Moving around wasn't for safety.

It was because he wanted to avoid getting caught.

Westbrook didn't touch these kids.

What are you talking about?

Linda was right.

He wouldn't have jeopardized his career.

He's smart.

These boys are too big of a risk.

Think about it.

Sandusky didn't molest his players.

He kept it separate.

We need to be looking for a place that's completely unconnected, that wouldn't have affected Westbrook's career.

How do you know?

Just trust me, I know.

You know I hate this guy just as much as you do, but this is insane.

You have to let him go.

Let's just get his confession, then go straight to the cops.

And say what, you kidnapped a man and held him prisoner?

We have to at least try.

I mean, we owe it to Matt.

You think any of this will make a difference?

It won't.

I'm out of here.

Hey. Hey, you're not leaving.

How much have you had to drink?

This is payback, for what that perv did.

He ruined our lives.

You're right!

What I did, it was wrong.

But that was in the past.

I swear to you, I've changed.

Say it again to the camera.

Look, I'm married.

I even have a kid on the way.

Please, just let me get back to my family.

What if he's right? What if he has changed?

I can't believe you're falling for these lies.

People like him don't change.

Hey, Chad, take it easy.

The only way you're getting out of here is in a body bag!

What are you doing?

Put the g*n down, Chad, all right?

Stop! What are you doing?!

What are you doing, Chad?

No! Give me the g*n!


No! Aah!

The more we learn about Westbrook, the less I want to save him.

This isn't about him, it's about saving his victims.

According to this, back in 2005, Westbrook worked closely with a volunteer-run facility known as the Sudworth Place. It's a halfway house for troubled kids.

Yeah, he's still pretty active with the organization.

He made a $5,000 donation last year.

Looks like he chaired numerous events and even hosted overnight field trips.

That would give him the isolation he needed to manipulate these boys.

Holy moley.

Last week, a former resident of the Sudworth Place, Matthew Jones, he committed su1c1de.


Uh...Drug overdose.

According to his last social media post, he, quote, "couldn't deal with the injustice of this world."

Hotch: When was the funeral, Garcia?

Yesterday morning.

It's no coincidence that later that night Jack Westbrook went missing.

Matthew's death must have been the unsub's trigger.

Yeah, this is about retribution.

Garcia, see who else spent time at Sudworth Place around the time Matthew was there.

Our unsubs will be on that list.

Come on, Chad, get up, man. This isn't funny.

He's dead.

You k*lled him.

Shut the hell up!

Chad, get up!

What'd you do?

You saw what happened. It was an accident.

I was trying to stop him.

Nobody was supposed to die.

Chad was gonna k*ll him.

Which one of you is gonna be next?

Shut up!

I need to think.

Jack: How far are you gonna take this?

Where are you going?

We all need to get out of here.

I'm not going anywhere until I get what I came here for, and that's his confession on camera.

Andrew, come on!

Look where revenge has gotten you.

Chad is dead.

Keep and eye on him.

Wait, where are you going?

If he doesn't start talking, then we're gonna burn this whole place down with him in it.

I've got more 4-1-1 on Matthew Jones.

He was in and out of the Sudworth Place from 2002 to 2004.

He overlapped with 22 other boys.

Look for guys with spotty work histories, mostly working odd or solitary jobs.

Not enough. Give me more.

Kate: They most likely would have stayed in the area.

Ok. We're getting somewhere, sort of somewhere. I got 6 names.

Garcia, these guys went through a traumatic experience.

They would have stayed in contact with each other.


Bingo. Chad Griffith, Andrew Ford, Brian Stiller.

According to social media, they have kept in contact.

Only Andrew and Chad posted about Matthew's death.

Uh, Andrew recently wrote about, quote,

"bringing the monsters to justice."

Chad, not so much, quote, "I could k*ll him with my bare hands."

Two different motivations.

One wants revenge, the other one justice.

I think we have our two unsubs.

What about the third guy Brian Stiller?

He works as a janitor at the Harold Street Motel.

He has lived and worked there for the last two years.

Kate: You think he has anything to do with this?

Hotch: We should talk to him.

Say your name for the camera.

Come on. This is the only way you're gonna get out of here alive.

Do you have a death wish?

Andrew's gonna be back soon.

If you don't talk, he's gonna burn this place down with you in it.

None of this was my idea.

I know that.

They dragged you into it.

And now you could be facing manslaughter.

You don't understand. Chad was gonna--

Brian, Brian, Brian.

You're a good kid, I know that.


Ohh...I always knew you were different.

I saw what no one else could see.

Not even your parents.

What are you talking about?

You weren't like the others.

Even back then.

Oh, come on.

You knew you were special.

To be honest, you were my favorite.

The pizza and the video games.

I don't want to hear this.

Remember I took you to see "Harry Potter"?

You loved those books.

I said I don't want to hear this.

You'd stay up all night reading--

Stop! Just stop!



There's still time to get out of this.

There's already one dead body down here.

If I die, that makes two.

The cops will make the connection.

And guess who's taking the fall for it.

It won't be Andrew.

He'll pin this whole thing on you.

I mean, after all, you're the one who k*lled Chad.

Brian, look at me.

Hey, Brian.

Brian, look at me!

You have to end this.

Get me out of here... and you and I can both go to the cops and we can explain this whole thing to them.

We'll do it together.

Brian Stiller, FBI!



Aaron, I think you might want to take a look at this.


You all right?

Come on.

[Breathing hard]

You did the right thing.

What's gonna happen to Andrew?

I think you know what needs to be done.

You take care of him, I'll go deal with the cops.

But you said we'd go together.

Just--just let me deal with them.

All right?

Trust me.

You go home and you get rid of those keepsakes.

And make sure there are no loose ends.

What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, come on.

You thought I didn't know?

I've always known you and I were alike.

Even when you were a little boy.

I saw that sparkle in your eye.

It's ok. Shh.

It's ok, hey?

Your secret is safe with me.

Hey, I found this--


What happened?!

He gave me no choice.

Reid: I checked the main office. Brian wasn't there.

According to the schedule, he's supposed to be on duty.

It looks like Brian picked up where Jack left off.

According to the manager, he left in the middle of his shift.

She came to look for him.

Wouldn't want Brian to miss out on the fun.

The question is, are they aware of what Brian's been hiding?

No doubt that would have ruined the friendship.

We can use that.


Hand me the g*n.

Come on, man.

Come on.

You should have stuck to the plan.

Why'd you get him out?

He swore he'd admit to what he did if I pulled him up.

Of course he did, and you fell for it!

I tried, all right?!

Come on.

Let's just burn this place down like you said and pretend this never happened.

Ok. Thanks, Hotch.

They found several photos of underage boys.

He'd been keeping their underwear as souvenirs.

What Brian's done is rare.

Statistically, very few victims of molestation become predators themselves.

We searched Andrew and Chad's apartment. Came up empty.

Spoke to a neighbor, said she hadn't seen them in a few days.

Well, make sure you keep a couple of your guys back to patrol the area just in case they surface.

I'll get on it.

Hey, sweetness, tell me something good.

I did some snooping into Chad and his bank account.

He's been regularly depositing checks from a VBH Construction.

They have a site that got shut down due to permit issues.

Guess where it's located.

Right in the middle of the comfort zone.

Must be where they're holding Jack.

Here's the address.

Thanks, mama.


All right, ready?




That's the last of it.


FBI, don't move!

Don't come any closer! I mean it!

Put the w*apon down.

What the hell are you doing?

Where are Jack and Chad?

They're dead.

N-nobody was supposed to die.

Andrew, put the g*n down.

Can't do that.

Listen to her, Drew.

Shut up, Brian, I got this.

Let us help you.

Help us? Where were you when we needed you?

You have no idea what that man did to us. We were just kids!

Hey, I said back up!

Yes, I do.

Just listen to me. Just listen.

I'm putting this away.

Kid, you don't want to do this. Just give me the g*n. And you have my word that I'll get you a confession.

Who are you talking about? Westbrook is dead.

You just gotta trust me on this, man.

Why would I trust you?

Because the same thing happened to me when I was a kid. What happened to you happened to me. I'm not lying. Think about this. This is the rest of your life, man. You don't want to go out like this.

Come on, look around. Look around. A confession's not gonna mean a damn thing if you're dead. If you put that g*n down, I can help you.

Thank god you're here.

Andrew k*lled Jack and Chad.


Don't worry?

We know it wasn't your idea. But we also know that you like to keep souvenirs.

Hey, what are you talking about?

You're under arrest for possession and distribution of child pornography. Let's go.

Brian Stiller, you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...


I promised you a confession.

I didn't say it would be the one you wanted to hear.

Morgan: "Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it. To channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition." ~ Alvin Toffler.

We've only been gone an hour and two more of Westbrook's victims have come forward.

You know what happened to me, don't you?

Who told you?

You did.

The way you handled this case, body language, all of it.

Look, you can tell me as little or as much as you want to.

But whatever happened...

I'm sorry.

It was a long time ago, Callahan.

I get it.

How do you compartmentalize cases like these?

[Takes deep breath]

Believe it or not, these are the good ones, knowing that these guys are locked up and that they can't hurt any more innocent children.

Even though I know this stuff, I still worry about Meg.

She's got you to look out for her.

She'll be fine.

[Cell phone rings]

Speak of the devil.


Hey, sweet girl. How was your day?

It was great until Mrs. Peterson thought it'd be genius to give us a pop quiz fourth period.

So annoying.

Well, life is not finals.

I know. I know. It's daily pop quizzes.

That's my girl.

Where's Chris?

He's still at work.

Ok. Look, make sure you're home on time.

Otherwise a search party's coming for you.

And make sure you text me when you land or I'll send one for you.

I love you.

Love you, too.

See you in the morning.


[Sighs] I still don't get the point of homework. Right. After 6 hours of school, the last thing I want to do is come home and continue the t*rture. Seriously, I mean, how often is America's Next Top Model going to use geometry?

[Both laugh]

[Computer beeps]

OMG, he messaged us back.

He is so hot.

Could you imagine if he was your boyfriend?

He's asking for a picture.

Well, how's my hair look?

Wait, you're not actually sending him one, are you?

Well, he's a senior. No big deal.

[Sighs] Ok, if you're so worried, then take it with me.

[Cell camera clicks]
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