01x13 - Three Coins in a Fuchsbau

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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01x13 - Three Coins in a Fuchsbau

Post by bunniefuu »

[g*n clicks]

Where are the detonators?

Flynn has them.

I don't have them.

They're your responsibility.

Packed them.

Well, I don't see them.

Well, take your head out of your ass.

Wipe your eyes.

How about I blow a hole in your head and let in some light?

I have an idea.

I k*ll you both and do this alone.

You looked in the wrong bag.

We have a job to do.

Give me the drill.

[Drill whirring]

Damn, I know this place.

Bought my second engagement ring from this guy.

Hey, looks like they came in through the front door just after he closed for the night.

Find a body?

Oh, yeah. Samuel Bertram.

Ah, I was afraid of that.

He's in the vault.

Probably thought he was safe... In the safe.

Surveillance tape?

Thieves found the camera, ripped it out of the wall.

Probably took it with them.

This was a professional job.

Yeah, they knew what they were doing.

Sam was a big-time numismatic.

What is that, some kind of religion?

In a way, yeah.


They are not here.

What are you talking about? They have to be here.

I don't see them.

We didn't get them.

They were in the vault. We got everything in the vault.

Then where the hell are they?

Well, don't look at me.

I am looking at you.

Two years, six countries, I worked this.

I'm saying, "empty your pockets."

Both of you.

Empty yours, you son of a bitch.

How do we know you didn't take them?

sh**t me if you're gonna sh**t me.

There's nothing in my pockets.

Then they still gotta be there.

Where are you going?

I'm going back.

What are you doing? I'm going with him.

You two are not leaving me here alone.

What if he's got them?

How do I know you two aren't working together?

Because he just left and I'm standing here with you, you moron.

You really think he has them?

Well, I don't have them.

Well, maybe that's exactly what you two want me to think.

[Bang on door]

He's coming back.

- Here we go. You got it?


Which one of these stores has a surveillance camera covering the street?

There's a bank on the corner.

Start with that, work your way down.

If we're lucky.

You want the footage at the precinct?


[Car door closes, engine starts]


Damn it, I saw that car.


Yeah, the guy we passed on the street tonight... He was driving that car.

Can we get the plates?

Hold up.

Most of it.

New York plates. Long way from home.

They're probably bogus, but run them anyway.

Yeah, and put out an APB.

[Phone ringing]


We get you out of bed for nothing?

If you did, Nick, I wouldn't be calling.

Don't you wish you hadn't come back?

You k*lled them.

Ironically, they k*lled each other.

It was dark.

I thought I saw you in Lisbon.

Yeah, that was my mistake.

The coins aren't here.

Figured that out.

So where are they?

If I knew, you think I would have come back?

I don't know.

Those coins make people do a lot of strange things.

Face down on the floor.


Why don't we start...

With what the hell are we doing in Portland?

I caught up with Stanislav in Morocco.

The blast didn't k*ll him.

Didn't help him much.

But it's not what did him in. I wasn't sure at first.

I was expecting a pierced lung or a fatal concussion.

But it appears his system just completely shut down.

Heart attack?

Nope, but I started digging.

Guess what I found in his stomach.


If you like to eat money.

I prefer to spend it.

I guess he was really trying to take it with him.

Flip side's kind of interesting.

It's got to be German.


Yeah, it looks older than that.

Must be valuable if he swallowed them.


Is that what k*lled him?

His brain, stomach, and intestines were all inflamed.

But gold doesn't usually get that kind of allergic reaction.

Could it have been a drug reaction?

Tox isn't back yet.

Hey, what are you doing?

Taking them.

But I think I should hold on to those until the toxicology...

It is still evidence.

[Phone ringing]

Could be why they blew the vault.




They found the BMW.

But guys...


What do we got?

Where is it?

BMW's in front. Only house on the block.

Anybody go in or out?


All right, come on. Let's get this done.

All right, you cover the back.

Hey, you okay?

Never better.

Soledad, if the jeweler's got the coins, then where are they?

If I knew that, I wouldn't be here.

That's why I went back.

But the cops were all over the place.



[Dogs barking]

Stop! Police!

Hey! Don't you move!


Hank, come on.

He's got a g*n.


Hey, easy, he's down.

Stay down!

All right, hands above your head, come on.

There was another one.

What happened?

He was fast.

I've never seen anyone run like that.

No, you lost him.

Don't make excuses.


Do I have to do everything myself?

Listen, Hank.

We got a crime scene here.

He's gone, let him go.

All right, Officer Brenner, get a coroner up here.

On your feet.

Let's go.

Dispatch, we need a, uh, coroner at...

Rest in peace!


All right, let's get these coins into evidence.

Hey, don't worry. I got it.

But first, I'm gonna break that guy.

I just got the prelim on the jewelry store.

I want you guys to fill me in in my office.

That's when we got the call on the car.

We ran it down and came on the house they were using as a hideout.

Uh, captain, there were these coins...

Look, I got it, I got it.

So we got to the house, we went right in, and I took him down.

Two bodies on the floor, one guy got away and...

Hank, slow down, I want to hear more about these coins.

I got them.

I'm gonna put them in evidence.

Well, can I see them?

Why? They're safe.

Parker pulled them from the jeweler's stomach.

Uh, apparently he swallowed them...

Coins are not the problem here.

It's about that guy we took down.

Just give me five minutes with him...


I want to see the coins.

They're, uh... German.

Not necessarily.

The swastika dates all the way back to antiquity.

In Buddhism and Hinduism, it's primarily a symbol of good luck.

And for the Chinese, this represents eternity.

What do you know about the coins?

Just that the jeweler was trying to hide them in his stomach.

I'll take them into evidence.

That's all right.

I'll get them there.

Captain, I think I should...

Detective, now I understand that you came on a little strong tonight with our suspect.

We've all had a long day.

I suggest you go home, get yourself a little rest.

Nick will interview the suspect.

Yes, sir.

Hank, let's go.

The hell's wrong with the captain?

I'm the one who should put those coins into evidence.

I'm the primary on this.

Hank, look.

We've all had a long day here.

Why don't you just go home?




Yeah, okay.

[Phone ringing]


[Speaking french]

Farley Kolt.

Imagine my surprise.

I thought you were just a cop.

Right now, that's all you need to worry about.

I'm not worried. Ballistics will prove that Flynn and Hans shot each other.

Flynn and Hans.

Ian Flynn.

Irish by way of Berlin.

Hans Roth, Austrian.

They both worked with a Spaniard, Soledad Marquesa.

Who got away.


Been following them for a long time.

Finally caught up with them tonight, but, uh...

[Mouth clicks]

And why were you following them?

It would be helpful if we could talk off the record.

Is this being recorded?


I want to give you the chance to come clean.

Look, this has nothing to do with you being a cop, you know.

Really, I could care less.

This has to do with who you are and who I am.

You're not the only Grimm I've ever known.

In fact, the reason I'm here is because of a Grimm.

Tell me about the coins.

Well, they're priceless.

A lot of people have died trying to get their hands on them.

Where'd they come from?

That, my friend, is a long, long story.

Tell me.


Eighth century B. C., gold was being mined on the island of Zakynthos in ancient Greece.

Now certain coins that were struck from that mine were stamped with a swastika on one side, signifying good fortune, and a lion's head on the other, symbolizing wealth and power.

Now this particular lion's head was the Nemean lion slain by Heracles, whose fur was impervious to att*cks, because it was made of gold, and whose claws were sharper than mortal swords, and could cut through armor.

And it would seem, those who held the coins possessed a kind of charismatic influence over other men.

As the Greek empire fell, the coins found their way into the Romans' hands.

From Claudius to Caligula to Nero, the coins had a devastating effect on whoever possessed them.

From there, the coins made their way into China and the Han dynasty, and then they just disappeared for several centuries until they resurfaced in the third Reich.

We all know how that story goes.

So after the defeat of the Nazis, the coins disappeared again.

Nobody but a small handful of people knew where the coins were.

Those people were your ancestors.

Grimm are stronger than most and not so easily affected.

And they have taken great care to protect the coins.

And they've been successful at it until 18 years ago, when the Grimm who was protecting the coins was found and m*rder*d.

Once again, the coins were in circulation.

Who was the Grimm who was k*lled?

She was the sister of the woman I was in love with.

When her sister died, she left me in order to raise her sister's son.

Where was this?

Rhine beck, New York.

Don't keep me locked up here.

I can see things you can't.


That's not enough to get you released.

You need my help to find those coins.

Cause once those coins get hold of you, you will fight to the death to keep them.


Officer Brenner never reported back from the crime scene, and he's not responding to calls.

You tell the captain?

Yeah, just did.

Where is he?

On his way to evidence.

I got a positive I.D. On the suspect who got away.

Soledad Marquesa, he's a Spanish national.

I'll run it.

Oh, jeez.


Oh, my God.

You scared me.


This is way past my bedtime, you know.

Well, if I could speak German, I wouldn't have called.

Oh, so we've got a little deutsche Geschwindigkeit, do we?

I think the answer to that is "yes."


Go for it.



Let's see what we got here.

Steinadler and Schakal.

Oh, this is high German.

This is the stuff my grandfather used to speak after a couple of beers.

Auf dem Weg von München nach Augsburg fand ich am Waldrand ein kleines Feuerlein vor.

"On our way from Munich to Augsburg, I came across a small fire a little ways into the woods."

[Muttering in German]

Ooh, these are some pretty bad Schakal this, uh...

Relative of yours is writing about.

Whoa, look out.

They ate a baby.

That's rude.

Okay, okay, here we go.

So he caught up with the Schakal and of course, cut off his head.

Indem er eine axt niedergeschlagen hat.

You guys are really into that, aren't you?

Okay, is there any indication of what I'm up against with these Schakals?

Well, yeah, they're baby-eating badasses, man.

What more do you need to know?

So what about the, um... Steinadlers?

Steinadler, let's see.



Just a second, this is interesting.

Steinadlers seem to be involved with the military.

Like, heroic, noble...

Apparently with very large... sausages?

I don't think I'm translating that correctly.

Um, but anyway, when you're dealing with the Steinadler, it's, um... basically what they're saying is, it's hard to tell whose side he's on.

So they can't be trusted.

No, it's not that exactly.

It's more like a, um...

Like trust your gut.

But the thing that really doesn't add up is a Steinadler with a Schakal.

They're like opposite sides of a coin.

Well, it's funny you should mention that.

There was a jewelry store robbery involving some rare coins, with a swastika on one side, lion's head on the other.

You know anything about that?


You got me on that one.

Coins? Not my thing.

Now, stamps, on the other hand, I'm a whiz...


Dealing with coins here.

Well, I got nothing.

Anything else you want me to translate?

No. Thank you.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Careful now.

Oh, my God.

Is that camera an Akeley?

Be careful.

Where did you get this?

Oh, right. Aunt Marie, of course.

No way.

Dude, that is a Kineclair projector.

How do you know all this?

Okay, my great Uncle on my mother's side, Olaf...

That's my Uncle's name, not my mother's...

He worked as a newsreel cameraman in Berlin in the '20s.

He had a camera shop on the Leitungstraße, so when he died, my mother got all of his old stuff, and... right.

Sorry. It's late.

I should be going.

Look, I appreciate all your help.

Yeah, yeah, no problem.

I... it's just, you got me thinking.

I gotta find those old cameras, man.

I'm gonna be up all night rummaging through the attic. All right.

Bisspater, alligator.

Bis spater.

We arrested a guy tonight, and during the interview, he said something pretty weird.

What did he say?

He said he knew someone from Rhinebeck.

Rhinebeck, New York, where you were born?


He said he was with a woman 18 years ago, but she left him when her sister died in an accident.

And she left him to take care of her sister's kid.

Wait a minute.

Was he talking about your Aunt Marie?

I don't know.

You didn't ask?

Look, I couldn't.

You know, it's a police investigation.

I can't bring my personal life into it.

He could use it against me, and I don't even know if he's telling me the truth.

Well, how do you find out?

I have to do some digging.


How can I help?

All right, so his name is Farley Kolt.

And I want to know if he was living in Rhinebeck when he said he was.

Why did you cut him open?

To determine the cause of death.

What did you find out?

Only tell me if you want to live.

He was poisoned.

The coins.

Oh! Oh!

You found the coins. Where are they?

I... the police took them.


A few hours ago.

What are you gonna do?

[Distant door opening]

[Distant cheering]

[Crowd chanting]

[Cheers and applause]

I swear I don't know what happened.

I promise.


How you feeling?


I don't know what came over me last night.

I go to the edge sometimes, but I almost never go over.


What do we got?

We got an I.D. On the other set of prints from the house.

Soledad Marquesa.

The guy who got away last night.

Yeah. Pretty lengthy criminal career in Europe.

Known to associate with our two dead thieves, Flynn and Hans.

What about Kolt?

Well, ballistics cleared him on the sh**ting.

But we still don't know if he was involved in the heist.

I wanna take a closer look at this guy.

He did have this in his possession.

Hotel deluxe.

Checked in two nights ago.

Well, what are we doing here?

Let's get a warrant.

[Phone keypad beeps]

Yes, sir?

I want you to call a press conference for 2:00 today.

Today, sir?

Here at the precinct.

All officers and personnel are required to attend.

Yes, sir.

Can I say what it's about?

The present state of law enforcement in our city.



If we need anything else, we'll let you know.



I got a suitcase.

You find anything?

Couple of Armani suits, two pair of Mephisto shoes, and a pair of commando boots.

You know, I found some black clothing in the dresser.

You thinking black ops?

I don't know.

But he was pretty cool under the interrogation.

Who wants to bet he's moving dr*gs?

Huh, what do you know?

There's actually film in there.



This letter's in German.

Any idea what streng geheim means?

I imagine "top secret," like this one in English, dated June, 1945.


Office of strategic services.

That's a precursor to the c.I.A.

I knew there was something freaky about this guy.

Who signed that?

W. Donovan.

"This letter will serve as background information "relevant to the discovery of the imperial coins "by the 101st airborne at the Kehlstein Haus.

"April, 1945.

"Ten coins were thought to exist, "three in a lead-lined box were discovered here.

"They are being relocated to allied headquarters "under guard to be placed in a vault.

"Emission spectro chemical analysis has revealed "that the coins contain gold, arsenic, and Mercury.

"Because of their toxicity, under no circumstances are the coins to be handled."

Now they tell me.

You really think those coins could actually physically affect somebody?

You were pretty edgy last night.

It was weird.

I was pumped, posessed.

It was like a... Like a man on fire.

And the captain took the coins.

He said he was going to take them to evidence.

[Phone ringing]

I hope he did.



When did that happen?

Yeah, okay.

Parker was put in the hospital.

She was p*stol whipped last night.

Apparently whoever did it was interested in our dead jeweler.

Soledad Marquesa.

He's going after the coins.

All right.

You wanna finish up here, I'll see about Parker?

Yeah, I'll get the docs translated, and look after the coins.

Sorry, Burkhardt.

Gotta lock up and kick you out.


Captain's giving some kind of speech.

We all gotta be there.

Did you find what you were looking for?


Hey, are you sure the captain didn't bring anything into evidence last night?

If he did, it's not in the log.

Come on, we gotta go.

The w*r against crime and criminal behavior cannot be waged without hating...

What's going on?

I have no idea.

The elements of our society which allow that enemy to exist.

We are confronted with an epidemic of moral degradation and we must fight with the greatest vigor against all those influences which are trying to weaken the very fabric of our society.

We stand here...

You find the coins?

United in our mission to bring every...

They were never recorded as evidence.

No matter how big or small.

Our dedication to this task knows no boundaries.

With the brutal death two nights ago of Sam Bertram, a successful jeweler and business owner here in our city for over 35 years, that line has been crossed, and I for one will not rest until we bring justice to every last citizen who has ever had the misfortune of being terrorized in their streets and in their businesses and in their homes it ends here, and it ends now.

Thank you. Thank you.

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Captain Kolt, is this speech intended to launch a political career?

Well, it's intended to be a warning to anyone who plans on breaking the law in our city.

Sir, the coins.

They're not in the evidence room.

I'm busy.


He's lying. He's got 'em.

We have to get 'em back.

[Phone ringing]


So I found out some interesting stuff about Farley Kolt.

You ready?


According to real estate records and phone books, he spent five years in Rhinebeck...

Same exact time you were there...

And seems to have left around 1994.

The same year my parents died.


You want me to get more?


Thanks, Juliette. You're the best.

I know.

Hey, what's that about your parents dying?

I don't know yet.

Hey, keep an eye on the captain.

I'm gonna go talk to Kolt.

Got it.

What was the name of the woman you knew in Rhinebeck, New York?


So you checked my story.


What was her name?

Marie Kessler. Why?

How well did you know her?

We were engaged.

Can't say either side of the family was too happy.

You know her.

She was my Aunt.

You were the kid she had to raise that I didn't know.

And she's dead, isn't she?

How long ago?

Four months.

I'm sorry.

I wish I could've seen her just one more time.

Yeah, well, me too.

Still trying to figure out if you can trust me?

Something like that.

Look, I can help you.

Soledad will make his move if he hasn't already.

He got the coins at one time.

18 years ago, outside Rhinebeck, highway 9g.

Soledad k*lled my parents?

He was one of the many involved.

My point is, he got the coins.

Or should I say, the coins got him.

[Phone ringing]


They found Officer Brenner's body in a motel room.

Somebody stripped his uniform.

Well, that's something that I can't answer at this point.

Captain's leaving. You better get up here.

Soledad k*lled a police officer and took his uniform.

Then he's here. Get me out.

[Electricity crackling]

And we will make changes, and they will have an effect.

Thank you, that's it for today.

I've got a meeting with the mayor.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

You won't find the coins here.

Where's the captain?

He just left.

What's he doing here?

Ballistics cleared him.

He knows Soledad and he can help us find him.

Let's go.

He's here.

Stay here.



Police! Put down your g*n!




Stay down, stay down.

Are you all right? Are you hit?




Listen to me.

Two people were k*lled in Rhinebeck, New York, 18 years ago, Reed and Kelly Burkhardt.

You were involved.


Tell me what happened.

Please, let me hold the coins one more time.

Tell me.


Tell me!


I'll go check on the captain.

No, no, no.

No, Nick, I can't. No...

You have to help me find them. Nick, I can't find them.

Nick, who took them?

Who took them, Nick?

I was hoping you'd come back for the briefcase.

Put the coins on the bed.

Okay, hold on a second. Look, you don't understand.

I do understand. Put the coins on the bed.


[Grunts, shrieks]


You'll never find them again.

Forget about them.

Oh, I've tried.

Try harder.
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