02x07 - The Bottle Imp

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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02x07 - The Bottle Imp

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, the fireworks were at the dairy.

Right? Your dad used to take you there when you were a little girl.

I told you about that?

Yeah. Yeah, come on.

You... your dad had this whistle he wore around his neck, right?

And he would make birdcalls with it, and you'd get very embarrassed.

Nick, I remember telling you that.

[Laughs] I remember that.


We were here.

We were cooking dinner just like we are now, and...


I remember you.

I do. I remember you.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry.

Everything I put you through.



Now it's all coming back to me.

Wait, wait.

Wait, what's the last thing that you remember?


Um, you were...

You were telling me about your ancestors who could see things, and you... you could see them too.

I didn't believe you.

Do you believe me now?

Yes, yes, everything.

All the terrible stuff that happened, it totally makes sense.

Of course I believe you.

[Cell phone buzzing]



[Cell phone buzzing]

Isn't that your alarm?

Don't you have to wake up?

[Cell phone buzzing]



[Buzzing stops]

Hi, dad.

Hey, there.

How are you? - [Giggles]

[Cell phone ringing]


Hey, Rosalee.

How's your aunt doing? Oh, the same.

Question is, how are you?

I'm good, you know?

Getting the hang of it, yeah.

I meant Angelina. Are you okay?

Oh, um, you know.

Getting there, yeah.

Yeah, it was... it was pretty awful.

I'm so sorry, Monroe.

Well, I got a call this morning for a special order.

Customer is going to come in and pick it up.

His name is Leroy. Inner ear problem.

You're going to have to mix it and give it to him with the assourdissant.

What's that?

It's hanging on a hook on the side of that big shelf.

It looks like antique earbuds with kind of a crown on top.

It looks sturdy, but be gentle.

It is the only one I have.

Got it.


Can you get a pen and paper and write this down?

Ready when you are.

The first ingredient is dunkelkatzenpisson.

Excuse me? I mean, is that what I think it is?

Are you hungry?


The GPS is not a toy, all right?

You got another card? This got denied.

Run it again.

I did, okay?

Another card or cash.

I don't have all day dealing just with you.

Just run it again!

Look. Are we gonna have a problem?

I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to.

No. No problem.

Oh, you got a low tire there in the front.

[Engine starts]

Air is free.

This one doesn't work either.

You're kidding me.

Can we try some cash now?

It's in the truck.

Yeah, right.

[Cell phone rings]

Hi, you busy?

Ride your bike over.

I'll change your oil.

[Clatter] - [Giggles]

Hold on. Something fell.





[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Oh I miss the good old times, when people just shot, stabbed, or strangled each other.

Why, what happened here?

None of the above.

Victim's name is Leo Stiles.

Who found him?

His girlfriend.

He told her to stop by, and he'd change her oil.

She rode her bike, so that's open to interpretation.

Any cameras?

Two. One covering the pumps, and this one here was smashed.

We might get something off it.

Where do you want the download?


And let's get the info off that credit card machine.


You gotta see the restroom.

Whoever k*lled him took the time to clean up.



It's gonna be okay, daddy.


Look at me.

April, look at me.

If the police see my truck, they're gonna stop us.

You understand?

"These are the times that try men's souls."

You remembered that.

We're not "summer soldiers" who just sit on our butts and worry.

I think we can get rid of a worry right now.

There were two cameras... one on the pumps and one on the register in the office.

This one's from the register.

This call came from the victim's girlfriend.

She was the one who found the body.

We ran the credit card data.

Turns out the last two cards swiped were denied.

They were registered to a William Robert Granger, 1624 salal creek road.

And now, on camera number two, which he didn't smash...

Here, he's driving away.

But let me show you this.

The license plate off his truck.

449bhc, registered to the same Robert Granger.

Go back. Who's that in the car with him?

He's got a little girl in there.

We think it's his daughter.

There was a second vehicle at Granger's address.

A prius, registered to a lilly Anne Granger.

We think it's his wife.

Get out to Granger's house.

If this guy's a rage k*ller, let's hope he's not headed home.

Hi. I wonder if you could help us out.

My truck broke down, and we're stranded here.

We're trying to get a ride out to the 6.

Sorry, I don't give rides.

Is this the man who's gonna give us a ride?

Please, can you give us a ride?

Viscum, viscum, viscum, viscum.

Aha! Viscum coloratum.

[Door opens]

Whoa! Hey, hey! Careful there.

Please, don't get the wrong idea.

No, no.

I'm not drunk.

It's, uh... oh, uh... - easy.

I'm sorry.


It's, um, an ear thing.

Uh, it's my balance. Is Rosalee here?

She's, uh... Rosalee is supposed to be here.

She's gonna mix some medicine.

I really need it.



I'm having a really hard time getting around here.

Who are you?

I'm just taking over for Rosalee while she's out of town, okay?

Not to worry.

I know all about your order, and we'll have it ready for you in just a moment.

Do you... do you have the "a-sore-diss-ant"?

I-I-I don't have an "a-sore-diss-ant."

She said that she would have... you mean the "ah-sore-Dee-sahn"?

We got one right there. Good, okay.

Just mixing the last ingredient now.


2 teaspoons.

You all right? Okay.


2 teaspoons viscum coloratum.

Okay, that'll be all. Assourdissant.

Et voila. Here you go.

[Sighs] [Groans]

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy.

You know what? Let me help you out.

Thank you.

You take the back, we'll take the front.


Mrs. Granger, the Portland P.D.


Oh, man.

She's alive.

It's Detective Griffin.

We need paramedics at our location.

Where is she?

Mrs. Granger?

Where's my daughter?

Just calm down, okay?

[Pants] Who are you?

I'm a Detective, and you're badly injured.



We lose her?

No, she's breathing, but she's Wesen.

That means the husband is too?


Whatever he is, he sure beat the crap out of her.

Granger's wife's in pretty bad shape.

Broken hand, cracked ribs.

We had to sedate her at the scene, so we didn't get much out of her.

He and his wife were separated.

Granger takes the kid. Where'd he go?

Well, we got an address on him, but we doubt he'd take her there after k*lling the attendant.

Wu is at Granger's now, taking a look.

Bank account's dry.

His credit cards are maxed out.

Could have been what set him off.

What else do we know about him?

Taught high school history, coached football for a few years.

Guess that didn't work out 'cause he started working construction after that.

Put in a call to his current employer.

Said Granger was fired last week.

The reason why?

Missed work a lot. He was pretty volatile.

Had a few run-ins with the co-workers.

Beating up his ex and taking his daughter with him, that's personal, but k*lling a gas station attendant means this guy's gone off.

We're hoping we get a hit off the Amber alert before somebody else sets him off again.

Well, my guess is he's gonna dump the truck.

He knows we'll be looking for it.

This guy's got nothing to lose right now.

♪ I don't want to get older ♪
♪ I don't want to get older ♪

Don't make country like that anymore.

Saw him once at the cow palace in San Francisco.

It was kick-ass.

You're listening to outlaw radio all afternoon.

We got Willie, Hank, and Taylor on the way, so don't go anywhere.

Now to Trisha with a special report.

Oregon police have issued a statewide Amber alert for April Stacey Granger, nine years old, last seen with her father driving... they said my name on the radio.

You try anything, and I'll drive this truck straight into the ditch.


[Tires squealing]

Got some stuffs at Grangers, except no Granger.

He had a laptop, and it was on.

I think he thought he was coming back.

Password protected, but that won't stop me.

Also, some receipts and a dog-eared copy of Thomas Paine's the rights of man, so at least he's literate.

He's buying a lot of building supplies, it looks like.

Concrete mix, lumber, nails.

40 feet of extra-wide furnace duct.

This receipt's dated two days ago.

Huh. Wonder what he's building.

Not a better life.


[Grunts] - [Gasps]

I told you to stay in the truck. Come on.

What did you do to him?

We gotta go.

g*ns, more g*ns, camo clothing.

Here's a good one... how to build a self-composting latrine.

That always comes in handy.

Here's one for knives, kevlar, and, of course, more g*ns.

All sorts of fun and games for a nine-year-old girl.

Wonder what this guy's afraid of.

Nuclear w*r, plague, alien invasion. Need I go on?

Ah, here's something different... shipping containers.

Looks like he downloaded a PDF from this site.

How to turn a shipping container into a backyard garden shed.

You don't need g*ns or kevlar for gardening.

Unless you have really dangerous fauna.

Hey, they can't all be winners.

Speaking of winners, look who's here.


I hope this is okay.

I was having lunch around the corner, and I suddenly thought I would drop by.

You're probably pretty busy, but... no, I'm glad you came.

I was thinking maybe if I saw you at work, it might help me remember.

Hey. Hey, Wu. Good to see you.



How are you?

So good to see you.



Are you feeling any better?

Yeah, what? Yeah. Quite a bit.

That's good to hear.

We were all very worried about you, especially this guy.

Well, I should probably let you guys get back to work.

I have to, myself.

It's good seeing you again.

Well, thanks for coming by.

I'll see you tonight?


Got some really interesting photos.

Looks like he found himself some high ground.

Where is that?

Give me a little time.

I'll see if there's a GPS embedded in one of these JPEGs.

There's another place we can check.

Doesn't look like all that from the outside.

That's the point.

What are you worried about?

Someone followed me here once.

It didn't end well.

Valuable stuff in there?

To certain people, yeah.

Books, diaries, journals, anatomy charts...

Potions, poisons, weapons.

All kinds of fun stuff.


This is not the kind my family ever went camping in.

This is where we start looking.



I don't know what kind of Wesen it is, but hopefully we'll find it in one of the books.


This one's yours.

You've seen all these in Portland?

Some of 'em.

I gotta say, man, you've been living one weird life.

Tell me about it.

I guess maybe I am too now.
[Phone rings]


Who k*lled my mother?


Good to hear your voice. Where are you?

Someplace you'll never find me.

That takes all the fun out of it.

Who k*lled my mother?

Well, we may never know.

Whoever did didn't like her very much.

I'm surprised you care.

I'm not surprised you don't.

That was quite the trick you pulled on Nick.

Well, Nick took something away from me, so I took something away from him.

Did Nick k*ll my mother?

Why don't you come back here, so we can talk all this out?

I'm sure talking isn't what you have in mind.

Juliette's awake, you know.

Well, then, I assume you had something to do with it.

You're the only one who could.

What did you give her?

Why don't you ask my cat?

You'll be having some fun...

And so will I.

This is like what you drew.

That's it. Drang-zorn.

Thank God this one's in English.

A lot of times they're in Spanish, German, Latin, Italian... even had one in Japanese.

"Nasty. Short-tempered. Prone to violent outbursts."

Sounds like what we've been dealing with.


"As I approached, the Drang-zorn vanished.

"I discovered, when threatened, they take refuge in underground dens."

Right. Substitute containers for dens.

Easy to move, easy to hide.

Oh, the photo on his computer was of the mountains.

If he thinks that's his safe house... then that's where he's taking April.

Hey, what's that, a crossbow?

Yeah, crossbows are used to subdue all kinds of Wesen.


Well, looks like, in this case, so they'd have time to tie them up before they burned them at the stake.

Nice, but can't we just sh**t him?

We can, but I've got one of those if you want to see it.

Seriously, you've got a crossbow?

Among other things.

Are you kidding me?

I was just cleaning that.

What's this, Nick?


Elephant g*n, triple barrel.

Made in england. Very rare.

My aunt... my aunt had it.

This is a .600 caliber nitro express a*mo.


This is the g*n that k*lled stark.



How do you know?

Because they pulled the same b*llet out of Stark's body after he tried to k*ll me.

Captain had 'em.

Stark was a Siegbarste.

That's kind of like an ogre.

You weren't gonna stop him, so I had to do something.

You couldn't have shot him. You were in the hospital.

So who did?

Oh. [Sighs]

Look, you can't ever say...

I owe him my life, Nick.


It was Monroe.

And he's saved my life a couple times too.

All this has been going on for a while, hasn't it?

Seems like.

I didn't expect us to be here yet.

We still need a few things, so I'm gonna have to go into town and get 'em, okay?

Don't leave. Please?

Oh, no, no. In the morning.

Can you get some cereal?

[Laughs] Yeah, I will.

But none of that sugary stuff.


And some milk too. I'll make a list.

All right.

When I get back, we'll do some hunting for some meat?

Does that sound like fun?


All right.

You go to sleep now, okay? Okay.

I'm gonna be in my bed, right through there, remember?


All right. Good night.

Good night.

You want this one left on?



[Phone rings]

Rosalee's spice shop.


Oh, I like the sound of that.


Hey, how's it going?

Don't you worry. I got you covered.

I mean, I've cleared over $1,000 so far.


So is everything okay?

Um, no, it's not, but I'm glad you're there.

How did it go with Leroy? Oh, it was great.

And it's really good he came in because, whew!

He was having some serious balance issues.

No problem mixing it up?

Nope, I know it by heart.

Okay, 8 drops of dunkelkatzenpisson, 2 grams of myristica, a pinch of phaseolus lunatus, and 2 teaspoons of...

Monroe? Viscum coloratum, right?

Let me pose a hypothetical.

What if someone were to substitute, say, nepeta agrestis for viscum coloratum?

That would be terrible.

Terrible, huh?



Like, just wondering, on the scale of terrible, you know, like, 1 to 10? - 11.

Oh, okay.

I should probably check on him, just to make sure.

It'll take two hours to hike down to the store, a half hour in the store, and two hours back.

All right, here.

You can keep track on this watch, okay?

What happens if you don't come back?


Well, I promise you I will.


Now, what are you supposed to do while I'm gone?

Don't leave, and stay inside.

That's right.

I love you.

I love you.

Don't cry.

I'll read you a story.

When did this happen?

And what's he saying?

Yeah, okay, thanks. That was highway patrol.

They said Granger beat a guy up and stole his pickup.

They put an apb out on it.

His daughter still with him?

So far, she's okay.

What do you got?

So this is Mt. Talapus.

First photo was taken somewhere in this area.

And you've narrowed it down to what?

2 square Miles.

GPS on the second photo takes us right to here.

They lose the scent?

Maybe. Unless he stopped here.

[Dog barking]

They buried the container.

I got it!

Sir, this thing could be booby-trapped.

With a nine-year-old girl?

We'll take the lead.


This guy's ready for the apocalypse.

William Granger, we're coming in!


Think about your daughter!



April, we're here to help!

We're police officers! We're gonna help you!


Hey, everything's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna be okay.

We're police.

No one's gonna hurt you.

Not anymore.




Do you know where your daddy is?

[Exhales] All right.

[Objects crashing]







I tried calling but...

[whimpering] Get it off!

Oh, boy.

[Crashing continues]

Mr. estes?

Okay, okay.

It's your friend Monroe from the spice shop.


Um, I think I may have made a slight mistake with the medication.

[Laughing and babbling]

[Chain saw buzzing]

Hey, no, wait!


You can't... oh, my God.





Uh, sorry, I didn't quite... ah! Oh! Ah!

Uh, yeah, well, um, it's... it's kind of a, uh, antidote.


Okay, no, I... okay, I'll come back a little...


Oh, okay. I know what that means!



Well, on the good side...

Looks like you got your balance back.

A lot of people have been looking for you.

I wasn't lost. I was with my dad.

Did you go to a gas station yesterday morning?

Daddy got mad at the man.

Did he do something to him?

I don't know.

When your daddy picked you up from your mom's, did he talk to your mom?

I want to see my mom.

Where is she?

Your mom is hurt.

Do you know what happened?

I want to see her.

Child services just got here.

You ready?


Don't tell these guys where you got that.

They might want some.

Hello, April. I'm Ms. Kidler.

I'm gonna help you.

[Cell phone rings]

Where's my dad?

He's not available right now.


You're gonna stay with some very nice people for a few days until your mom's better.


Okay, honey?

Time to go.

It's going to be just fine, April.

Granger's neighbor just reported that Granger went to his wife's house.

She told him his wife was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, said he left, and he was mad.

Well, we better check the hospital.

[Indistinct chatter]

He's in there.

William Granger, put your hands behind your head.

You don't understand.

Do as he says.

You don't understand!

I understand better than you think I do.

Now, get down.

He hasn't done anything.


Bill, they have to know the truth.

What are you talking about?

Our daughter, April.

It's all my fault.

If I'd come in the house, I could have helped you.

You didn't know that I was hurt.

He was coming to get her.

I couldn't control her.

Ma'am, your husband brutally m*rder*d a gas station attendant.

What? You let her out of your sight?

I didn't even know she was out of the truck.

It happened so fast.

You can't turn your back on her!

Are you saying your daughter was responsible?

April, no!


[Shattering glass]

She's a nine-year-old girl.

Yeah, who's a Drang-zorn.

You know what we are?

Yeah, we do.

Now, why don't you tell us about your daughter?

It's not her fault. She can't control it.

She's going through the change earlier than she should.

She's just a baby, man.

We weren't ready.

It usually doesn't happen till they're 13.

She's just a little girl.

She doesn't know what she's doing.

April did this to you?

Bill came to protect me.

He just didn't get there in time.

I can't handle her.

No one can.

Everybody, this is April.

April, this is Patty and Dave.

Hi, April. We're so glad to have you.

She looks like a dork.


How about you all go in the backyard and play?

We've got swings, April.

Okay, it's my turn.

You had a turn. It's my turn.



You pinched me. You pinched me!

What's the problem?

He hurt me.

Did not.

Yes, you did.


We don't push, and we don't hit in this family.

We use our words. Okay, what's the problem?

He's a moron.

I'm not a moron. You're an idiot.

All right, that's a timeout for both of you.

It's not my fault! It's his fault.

I'm not gonna have a timeout.

Oh, yes, you will, young lady.

We do not hit, we do not use bad language, and we do not talk back.

Now, you are going to sit here until I tell you it is okay to get up.

Do you understand?




Aah! Aah! Aah!

[Indistinct screaming]

Get out of here! Get out of here now!

She bit him! She bit him!

She tried to k*ll him!

We need an ambulance.


I remember you.

You're the one who was nice to me.

I like you.

Detective Burkhardt? I'm Jess Reilly.

I'm a guard over in juvie.

Uh, Monroe asked me to stop by, see you.

He really thinks a lot of you.

Well, thanks for coming down.

Oh, that's her, huh?

Yeah, girls like her start early.

She can't help it.

It's all the hormones in the meat, they say.

She gonna plead out?

Yeah, she's gonna be locked up till she's 18.

What concerns me is, she might hurt someone else.

Well, it's a possibility.

Danger's there for about another year or so.

I'll make sure she's on my block.

You think you can handle her?

More than likely.

I'll go introduce myself.


[Cell phone rings]


I just got home from work, and I was going to make dinner, and I was wondering if I should make it for two.

Yeah, definitely make it for two.


That sounds great.

See you soon.

♪ Lie down on your pillow ♪
♪ in the shadows ♪


Welland I don't want you to take this the wrong way... but...

You know, sometimes on a night like tonight, we used to, uh...

Used to what?


[Laughs] We dance?

Sometimes, yeah.


That seems like something I should make the effort to remember.

[Volume increases]

♪ Start over again ♪
♪ ♪


♪ ♪



Well, okay.

♪ As it lingers ♪
♪ falls to rest ♪
♪ see you in my dreams, love ♪
♪ let the long day ♪
♪ turn to dust ♪
♪ you are another day older ♪

This is nice.

Yeah, it is.

♪ Soon you'll be through the dark ♪
♪ tomorrow is a chance ♪
♪ to start over ♪
♪ ♪
♪ start over again ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

What's wrong?


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