02x13 - Face Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grimm". Aired: October 2011 to March 2017.*
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"Grimm" follows a homicide detective who learns that he is a descendant of a group of hunters known as "Grimms", who fight to keep humanity safe from the supernatural creatures of the world.
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02x13 - Face Off

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Grimm.

I am having feelings for another man, and I don't know why.

Well, you're not gonna believe who stopped by last night to see me... Adalind.

I think Adalind had something to do with you getting beat up.

I have something that she wants.

This gets you out of the way.

You have 48 hours to get the key from Nick.

And why am I not refusing?

Because if you don't, the Grimm will be told of your real identity.

Aunt Marie's trailer. Do you know where it is now?

In a storage yard.

Now that you've moved out, I think you have a right to know.

Know what?

Who it was who came into the spice shop with Juliette.

[Ominous music]

If anyone has any information in regards to the symbol or the k*lling of Mr. Zayne, please contact the Portland police bureau.

So you know him.

Yeah, I know him.

I'm under his command.

Your girlfriend and your boss?

That's about as gnarly as it gets.

Hey, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going?

You're not going where I think you're going, because if it were me, I would be going there.

But you can't. Nick, hold on.

This is one of those "pause", "take a deep breath" situations when you can't be going off half, full, or any other degree of cocked.

Monroe, move out of the way.

Nick... now, please.

No, let me go with you.

We'll talk in the car, okay?

Nick, don't do this. Don't throw your life away for...

[cell phone rings]

That's your cell phone.

And I'm thinking you should answer, you know?

Could be some good news.



On my way.

What is it?

It's a quadruple homicide.

See? Your life's not so bad.

In the parking lot near the deluxe hotel.

Oh, that quadruple homicide.

[Grunting and snarling]


Well, at least you know who did it.

Pretty good shape for a '63 trotter.


I assume you don't want anyone to know you've been here.

That's why I called you.

[Keys jingling]

That should do it.

Anything else I can do for you?

Yeah. Forget you were ever here.

I can do that.

[Cell phone rings]


No b*llet wounds, no shell casings, no weapons in evidence.

Looks like it was hand-to-hand.

Very old school.

Any witnesses?

Not that we know of.


[Police chatter on radio]

[Grunts] Surveillance cameras?

No, not covering this area.

Somebody picked it well.

Nothing on 'em. No I.D.s?

Checked 'em all. Think it's a robbery?

It's a hell of a mess.

Yeah. It sure is.

[Tense music]

Where's C.S.U.?

En route.

Looks like her throat ripped open, and these three look like they were all beat to death.

Pockets are empty. Not even car keys.

I think somebody didn't want us to I.D. the vics.

Or the vics weren't carrying any I.D.s.

Why is that?

Well, maybe whoever they went up against was supposed to be the victim.

So much for safety in numbers.

I think there's probably a lot more to this.

You know, we could be staring it in the face right now and not even know it.

See what you can get off the prints.

Uh, there's something here.

Yeah? What is it?

Some kind of tattoo.

Looks like interlocking swords.

This guy's got it too.

That mean anything to you?



Remember that body we found in the park eight months ago?

His name was waltz. He had one just like it.

Yeah, I remember.

If these dead guys are all members of the same lodge, it's not one I want to belong to.

[Cell phone rings]

Excuse me.


Nick moved out.



Look, I can't talk right now.

No, please, I-I need you to come over.


I'm having a really hard time.

I don't understand what's going on.

All right, you know what? I'll call you as soon as I can.

How do you want to handle this?

Well, until we get the prints back and I.D. these guys, we don't have a lot of places to go.

I'll have the guys check surveillance in the area, see if we get lucky.

They must have underestimated whoever they went up against.

[Cell phone rings]


[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

[Knock at door]


Got surveillance footage from the deluxe hotel.

Want to see it?

Yeah, bring it in.

Covers the entry on 15th ave.

This was taken at 10:37 tonight.

Watch this guy.

[Keyboard clicking]

He may or may not be involved, but...

He seems to be in a pretty big hurry.

You have an I.D. on this guy?


But I think I know him.

Just can't place him.

Probably arrested him once, anyway.

Watch what happens next.

Don't pay any attention to the couple.

But right after them come our walking soon-to-be dead.

Looks like they're going after the guy I can't remember.

Do we really think that guy took down these four?

Maybe he had help.

And maybe he had nothing to do with it.

Weird thing is none of the hotel staff recognized any of them as guests.

You okay, sir?

Yeah, just a headache.

Why don't you get out of here, Captain?

There's nothing more we can do tonight.

All right, keep me posted.

Yes, sir.

[Door closes]

[Phone rings]

Oh, my God, Nick, don't do it!

Monroe, it's me.

Oh, Rosalee.

Are you all right? You sound a little stressed.

A little. I'm sort of stuck in the middle of a "Juliette, Nick, and another man" thing.

Not Nick with another man. It...

Juliette is seeing someone else?

Oh, yeah, yeah. And it gets better.

It's Nick's Captain.

Oh, my God.


He was the one who came in with the obsessive romantic compulsion.

And remember how you told me that I should have them both come in?

Well, they did, and it turns out the woman was Juliette. What?

Okay? And I saw them kissing, and then she saw me seeing them kissing, and... oh, Monroe, wai... wait a minute. I think I know what this means.

Yeah, it means Nick's not in a very good place right now.

In fact, he's moved in with me.

Not that that's not a good place.

I mean, I got a nice room for him and everything... no, that's not what I'm talking about.

I think Nick's Captain must have been the one that woke Juliette up.

What, from her coma?

He has to have been the one that broke her spell.

And that would explain their obsessive behavior.

Then she really does have no idea what she's doing.

Oh, no, no, she knows exactly what she's doing.

She just might not have any choice.

Oh, man, how am I supposed to deal with this without you?

Well, you're not.

My aunt's doing a lot better, so I'm coming home.

My bus gets in at 8:20 in the morning, and I was wondering...

I am picking you up.

I can't wait to see you.

Oh, you have no idea.

Well, the cab's here. I gotta run.

I'll see you in the morning.

[Ominous music]

[Dog barking]

What happens if I let you in?

I don't know.

[Cell phone rings]

[Quietly] I can't talk.

Nick, you gotta get back here.

I just talked to Rosalee about what's going on.

Monroe, not now.

Nick, Rosalee is coming home tomorrow.

She thinks the Captain is the one who woke Juliette up, okay?

Which means he's the one who saved her life.

How would she know that?

Because it explains their behavior... their obsessive-compulsive, overwhelming sexual attraction to each other.

I didn't mean to say that last part out loud.

Look, the point is, if they have no control over what's going on, if it's all about this spell, then there's no reason to do anything crazy, you know?

You know what? I'm probably wrong.

I'm probably blowing this whole thing out of proportion, and more than likely, you're just sitting at your desk at the precinct doing your job.

So I apologize.

You are at the precinct, right? Yeah.

Good, 'cause for a second there, I thought I had something to worry about.

[Dramatic music]


I have been thinking about this a lot.

Too much.

Your Captain came to the shop because he wanted to get rid of these feelings.

And Juliette must have wanted the same thing because she came with him.

If she hadn't known who I was, I might've just been able to treat them, and this whole thing wouldn't have gotten quite so screwed up.

You don't have to make me feel better.

I know.

But I remember asking your Captain when he first came into the shop if he thought his problem was some kind of potion-y, dark-arts related, maleficium-type of situation.

And he said it was possible.

So it's not like they just fell in love out of the blue.

And you remember the other hexenbiest who came into the shop after Juliette went into her coma?

She gave Rosalee a list of ingredients for, like, a purification process that was really similar to the ingredients that Adalind used with her cat.

What if there's a connection between the purification potion, the hexenbiest who asked for it, and what happened with Juliette and the Captain and their obsessive-compulsive hellhole?

And if there is a connection, we might be able to find it in the list of ingredients that the hexenbiest gave Rosalee.

I just think we should get down to the shop and see if we can't stop this before really it spins, like, totally out of control.

No! Leave me alone.

I can't.

Me neither.


You want this to end, you're gonna have to try harder than that.

I don't want it to stop.


[Grunting loudly]

You bit me! Agh!

Get out of here!


It has to stop.




I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

No. No, no!


[Glass shatters]

[Yelling indistinctly]


This is insane.



[Siren wailing in the distance]

[Sirens approaching]

Okay, she keeps all the handwritten receipts in these boxes, and this...

[Sighs] These are the lists the customers bring in.

So it should be in one of these.

How do I even know what I'm looking for?

It's got the hexenbiest's phone number on it.

What, do they have some kind of special area code?

No, it's the one we gave you after she came into the shop.

You said you got her address off it or something.

Oh, that's Catherine Schade.

Adalind's mother.

Adalind's mother, as in Adalind?


Adalind's mother gave your Captain the stuff he needed to break Adalind's spell on Juliette?

Who else?

Well, it's just that it had a secret kicker.

If Juliette woke up, she and the guy who kissed her would have these insanely intense feelings for one another, and all hell would break loose.

Keep looking.

I got it.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


I say we find Adalind's mother, and we do whatever it... That's not gonna work.

Why not? It makes perfect sense.

She's dead.

Dead? What?

Who k*lled her? My mother.


Because she was trying to find out where Adalind was, and... it didn't go so well.



My head hurts.

I need a... a shot of tussilago farfara.

This'll help.

[Cell phone rings]


Where are you?

The pearl, why?


Just really happy to know you had nothing to do with what I'm seeing.

Where are you?

I'm at your house, Nick.

Juliette's all right, but, uh, something went on in here, and she's not talking.

We responded to a call of sh*ts fired.

At my house?

We got at least five b*llet holes in your wall.

No blood, no w*apon.

So you're coming here, right?

Yeah, I'm coming. I'm on my way.

Something happened at your house?

Somebody fired a g*n.


Juliette's fine.

But if this had anything to do with the Captain...

I gotta go.

Remember, he may have no idea what he's...


[Door shuts]
[Door unlocks, opens]

[Keys jingle]

What are you doing?

You've been released.

What? Why?

Most people are happy to get out.

What if I don't want to leave?

This is not a hotel.

Who authorized this?

I don't have that information. Let's go.


[Exhales sharply]

[Breathing heavily]

Where is she?

Over here.

She hasn't moved.

b*llet holes over there...

And there.

Tried asking her about them.

I'm hoping she'll talk to you.



You okay?

You want to talk about this?

I really don't.

Who shot the g*n?

I did.


I thought I saw an intruder.

Where's the g*n?

He took it with him.

Nick, I really don't understand why any of this is happening.

You're hurt.

I'm fine.

Is there anything you want me to do?


I know who it is.

Check upstairs and downstairs.

If you find any more b*llet holes...

[Continues indistinctly]

Report each... hold on.

[Sighs shakily]

She wouldn't talk to me either.


How do you want to handle this?

We don't have a w*apon, and there's no one to file charges against.


She said it was an intruder.

Maybe write it up as self-defense.

I can make that work.

Well, do me a favor.


Make sure someone's on the house.

Yeah. It'll be done.

[Ominous music]

[Breathing shakily]


If anything happens to me... yeah, I know, I'll be hearing from your lawyer.

Last thing I'm worried about right now.

We need to talk.


Get in.

I could scream.

Or you could die.

That's the kind of mood I'm in.

Now get in.

Did you get the key?

I found the trailer.


Was it Captain Renard?

She wouldn't say.

But I know it was him.

She tried to sh**t him?

She's a better shot than that.

If she wanted to sh**t him, she would've hit him.

Did you see him?

I'm afraid of what I might do if I did.

[Sighs] Look.

It's late. I'm tired. You're tired.

Why don't I make us a little warm milk... really?

Yeah, you know.

Just like your mom...

Never made. I'm sorry. Bad idea.

I'm shutting up. I'm going to bed.

Good night.

Where's the trailer?

I'm not showing you anything until you fix what's wrong with me.

I can't fix you.

Somebody took those powers away from me.

Well, you better come up with something because I'm losing my sense of humor.

I can't fix you.

But I can make it better.


It's all right!

It's all right.

You're all pent up.

That's no good for anybody.

You're just gonna have to trust me.

Hasn't worked out so well in the past.

Quit living in the past.

[Both moaning]


I want you.

The real you.

I want what you would never show to her.

[Sighs] Now we're talking.

[Both moaning]

The flowers are too much, aren't they?

Maybe you should give them to her.

Okay. Okay, no. You're right.

You're right. It's just...

I shouldn't have gotten roses, you know?

That's, like, presumptuous.

[Huffing and inhaling]

[Indistinct chatter]

I, um... it's... ooh.

I missed you.

I missed you too.


And I brought you some, uh... oh, they're beautiful.

And Nick's here.

[Laughs] Hi, Nick.

Hey, Rosalee. Welcome back.

Oh, thank you.

So... We need to get to the spice shop now.

I think I know what the problem is.

Have you given any thought to what happens to me if my brother gets the key?

Have you thought about what might happen to me if he doesn't?

There's still time to choose sides, you know.

I chose your side a long time ago.

You turned your back on me.

Well, I underestimated you once.

I won't do that again.

But I wouldn't count on my brother for any such consideration.

Make yourself at home.

If that hexenbiest who came into the shop was Adalind's mother, and she told your mom there was a royal here in Portland, then he must have been the one she made the purification process for.

Ergo and hence, your Captain is the royal here in Portland.

The Captain?

If he went through this purification process, which by the way, is an excruciating ordeal, it would explain why he and Juliette are so drawn to each other, Nick.

That would be the part of the spell that nobody talked about.

Okay, so how do we stop this?

That's what we have to find out here, and fast, because if this spell is allowed to progress much further, one of them is going to k*ll the other.

Does anything not end in death?

Not really.

Um, not that I know of.

Okay, what am I looking for?

Anything with these ingredients.


I think maybe I got it.



I don't know, uh... Monroe.

That's it. It is, really?

Because, I mean, that's what I thought.


It says there is a cure, possibly.

But... oh. It's not gonna be easy.

Well, why?

'Cause it involves getting Juliette and your Captain to take it together.

I'll make that happen.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

"Oh, boy," what?

It says we need the instrument of original infection.

Okay, the instrument of original infection would've been the cat's claws.


Well, let's get the cat.


What happened to it?

[Cat growls]

[Cat yowling]




And it's out on the street now?

I didn't have a lot of choice.

[Tires screech, horn blares, cat yowls]


So what do we do now?


Oh, dude.

[Indistinct chatter, phone ringing]

[Ominous music]


Hank. Hey. How you feeling?

I've been better.

And I've been worse.

Look, you don't have to be here.

You should be at home, getting some rest.

I've had all the rest I want.

You seen Nick?

No, uh, in fact, I was just looking for the file on Adalind Schade.

He told me that you... you were involved with her?

Yeah, that's one of the bigger mistakes I've made in a while.

He seems to think she had something to do with what happened to you.

Considering she was there just before I got beat up... why would she do that?

If I could explain the motives of women, I'd still be married.

Listen, Hank, we had Adalind in custody up until last night.

I had to let her go for lack of evidence.

So if she has any problems with you, you make sure to watch your back.

I'll be looking in all directions, Captain.


And this is what the Captain drank?

It's the purification process, the same one on the list Adalind's mom brought in.

How bad is this gonna be?

I don't know.

You're just gonna have to... have to drink it, and it's gonna do what it's gonna do.


This is gonna help Juliette remember me?

I don't know, but it's the first step of what you're gonna have to go through to break the spell between Juliette and the Captain.

How many steps are there?


And what's the second one?

It involves all three of you.


Can't wait to write the invitations to that party.

You're just gonna have to survive that.

[Cell phone rings]


This is Hank. I've gotta take it.


Hank, how you feeling, man?

I'm better. I'm out. And I'm pissed.

Where are you?

At the precinct.

Weird thing happened.

Just saw the Captain looking through your desk drawer.

Said he was looking for the file on Adalind.

That make any sense?

No. I'm on my way.

Do not let the Captain leave.

I gotta go.

Nick, you have to drink this.

Yeah, later.

The Captain took something that belongs to me.

[Paper shredder running]

Captain, you got a minute?

I was just leaving. Can this wait?

Better if it didn't.

I just want to clear the air on this Adalind thing.

There's, uh, nothing to clear.

Well, I just don't want you thinking I took advantage of my badge.

I don't. Don't worry about it.

Well, I know how it must look.

Hank, I try not to get involved in a cop's personal life.

So excuse me.

Well, I wouldn't even bring it up if I wasn't trying to protect Adalind... Detective, please.

It's okay. Just let it go.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Cell phone rings]


Nick knows it's you.

You told him?

No. He told me last night.

And you're only telling me this now?

I didn't have to tell you at all.

I just convinced myself that I should.

Did you get it?


It wasn't in the trailer?

Not that I could find. And I searched everywhere.

Well, maybe you need some help.

What I need is more time.

Your brother's very impatient.

There's a car waiting for me downstairs right now.

I'll be sure to tell him that you tried so awfully hard.

Unfortunately for you, he won't give a damn.

Ciao, bello.


Thanks for last night.

You just missed him.

I tried to stop him, but he definitely wanted to get the hell out of here.


How did he know it was here?

What's going on, Nick?

He took a key my aunt gave me.

What's it for?

I don't really know, but a lot of people want it, including Adalind.

But we arrested her. She's in a holding cell.

No, not anymore.

Captain told me she was released last night.


Yeah, lack of evidence.

I gotta stop him, Hank.

What's the Captain got to do with this?


You wanna tell me what you mean by that?

Not now.

Listen, you do something to the Captain, that's a serious move... one you won't come back from.

I don't have any choice after what he's done.

How is he involved, Nick?

If he is who I think he is, he's been playing me for a long time.

All right, then I gotta go with you.

This is between me and him.

Nick... stay out of it.

You need to find Adalind.

[Cell phone rings]


Nick, I think we should talk.


Somewhere we won't be disturbed.

Name it.

[Suspenseful music]

[g*nshots, growls]


Where is she?


This is an interesting choice.

There's a reason for that.

We have a lot to talk about.

Let's start with this.

[Both grunting]

Nick, we don't have to do it this way!

Yeah, we do.


Just listen to me.

How long have you known about me?

Ever since your aunt came to see you.

You tried to k*ll her.

It was never about her.

It was always about the key.

You took the key.

You don't understand how important this is.

I have a pretty good idea.


I brought the key. Here.

I'm giving it back to you.

It's why I called you here.

I've known about that key far longer than you have.

And you can k*ll me, and this won't end.

Or I could k*ll you, but this still won't end.

There's a reason I asked you to come here.

I know how you found that kidnapped girl that was brought here, and I know what that postman was.

I knew what Adalind did to Juliette, and I knew I was the only one who could wake her up.

If Adalind gets that key, we're both dead.

So unless you and I can figure out a way to resolve our differences, they will win, Nick.

The royal families.

It's a lot bigger than you and me.

And we're gonna have to deal with this one way or another.

And what about Juliette?

Believe me, nobody wants this thing between Juliette to end more than I do.

Yeah, well, I guess you're gonna have to prove that.

Yeah, well, if I knew how, I would.

I know how.

[Knock at door]

Now what?


That was it?



That's it.



[Gagging, groaning]

This is crazy. What have you done?


We have to do something.



What is happening?


Nick, please. Please hold on, please.

[Gasping, wheezing]

Come on.
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