07x13 - Papa's Goods

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 to 7. Aired: September 2008 to December 2014.*
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A man in his early 30s struggles to find a balance in his life between being a new dad and his involvement in a motorcycle club.
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07x13 - Papa's Goods

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: Previously on Sons of Anarchy...

Tig: What do you think he's writing in those little pads?

Chibs: It's a children's book.

Jax: I know you've talked, and you have your recommendation. Before you deliver it, I'd like to say something.

Packer: Of course.

Jax: I was wrong. We found out from Lin it wasn't Jury who told the Chinese about the g*ns. It was Barosky.

Monroe: You know this means a mayhem vote.

Packer: President k*lling a president. Sends a dangerous message.

Jax: I'll make sure they vote the right way.

Wendy: Jax suggested that you take us?

Nero: Yeah. I just told him I was headed to the farm. I guess all the wreckage is catching up with him.

Wendy: As much as I don't want to pull Abel out of school, I think it would be good for him to get out of here for a few days.

Declan: Connor was using your w*r in Oakland to drum up some new customers.

Roarke: Find Connor. Send him home in a box. And when you do, I'll take the proposal about your Mexican brethren and make sure the other Kings at least give it a trial run.

Tyler: So I set this meeting with Connor, you grab him, lock down the g*ns for the Mayans.

Jax: It's gonna have to happen tonight. I need that meeting with Connor tomorrow.

Gemma: The night Tara was k*lled, I got a real good look at that guy that was in the house.

Jax: Chinese k*lled Tara. I need the truth.

Juice: Tara was dead. Your mom was on the floor, covered in blood.

Nero: Gemma. Is it true?

Gemma: Yes.

Nero: You should go.

Wendy: I just got a call from your grandfather's nursing home. I guess Gemma is visiting her dad.

Jax: I didn't know that.

Wendy: Well, I found out where Gemma is.

Nero: That was her on the phone?

Wendy: No, that was Jax.

Nero: Gemma's gone to Oregon, at her dad's. Jax knows where she's at.

Unser: Oh, shit.

Nero: You got to head up there, Wayne.

Unser: I'm arresting her, son. Taking her back to Charming.

Jax: Get out of here, Unser.

Unser: No. Get up. Come on, get up.

Jax: Go home, Wayne.

Unser: This is all I got left.


Gemma: I'd like to go out to the garden, if that's okay. You have to do this. It's who we are, sweetheart. I'm ready.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

(birds chirping)

(birds continue chirping)

♪ riding through this world ♪
♪ all alone ♪
♪ God takes your soul ♪
♪ you're on your own ♪
♪ the crow flies straight ♪
♪ a perfect line ♪
♪ on the devil's bed ♪
♪ until you die ♪
♪ gotta look this life ♪
♪ in the eye ♪

Lyla: Okay, now I want you to lie down. And you're gonna straddle Dom with your back facing the camera. Great. And then roll and grind. Get the butt bouncing. We're pretty tight. Exactly. Perfect. Dom, you can give her some tongue play if you want. Okay. That's great. Let's do rehearsal.

Jax: - You good?

T.O.: - Yeah.

Chibs: We're all set here, Jackie.

Jax: All right. Hang out. We'll let you know how it goes.

T.O.: I'm here, brother.

Tig: Enjoy the rehearsal.

T.O.: Which one is this?

Tig: I believe it's Fat Ass In My Face.

T.O.: Of course it is.

Jax: We're all about the poetry, man. How goes it, Fellini?

Lyla: (chuckles) Good. Just sold three more Fat Asses to our distributor. Humiliation is very hot.

Jax: Tell me about it.

(Lyla giggles) I love you, sweetheart.

Lyla: I love you, too, Jax.

(door closes)

Jax: Where are we at with Tyler?

Chibs: Well, he's left messages for Connor, but hasn't heard anything back.

Happy: Gave him a time and place. Lowry Field, 10:00.

Jax: Let's go early, talk to Tyler. Make sure the Niners are moving on those Chinese blocks.

Happy: I'll let him know.

Tig: Hey, boss. We heard that Hench and Monroe are still in town. We're all kind of wondering why.

Chibs: Yeah. We got to know, Jackie, what went down with this forum.

Jax: I got their recommendation. I'm still thinking about it. Trying to figure out what's best for the club. You'll know soon, all right? Right now, let's vote on something that actually makes sense. T.O. (group muttering) I talked to Packer and the others. I told them, it's a charter by charter choice. They don't have to like it, but I need support from club leaders. This can't cause any kind of exodus. We need this to land. And they agreed.

Chibs: Beautiful. Then I nominate Taddarius Orwell Cross... Jesus Christ. (Tig laughs) ...for the SAMCRO patch.

Tig: I second it.

Jax: All in favor?

All: Yeah! Any discussion or dissent?

Rat Boy: Uh... His name is Taddarius?

Quinn: Call him that and see what happens.

Tig: He should have the top rocker, my brother. T.O. should not be prospecting. I mean, he-he led the b*stards for a decade now.

Chibs: And what he's done for us the past few weeks...

Jax: Agreed. He waits a year before he can hold an office, but he should be a full patch.

Chibs: So? We're all good with that?

All: Yeah!

Jax: Well... go get him.

Rat Boy: Taddarius? Come on in.

T.O.: Unless I came out of your g*dd*mn womb, don't ever call me that. You dig... little indie biker boy?

(door closes)

Jax: What if we called you SAMCRO?


(pounding on table)


Welcome. My brother.

T.O.: Shit. Can't believe it. Thank you, man. I know what a risk this vote is for you guys. The heat that'll come with it.

Jax: Change is good, my friend.

Chibs: Yeah, can't get much hotter than it has been round here.

T.O.: True that.

Tig: - Put it on, b*tch.

T.O.: - Yeah. So happy. I'm so happy. So happy.

Rat Boy: - Congratulations, man. Oh!

Happy: Yeah, my brother.

Montez: Welcome, bro.

T.O.: Thank you, man. Big man.

Quinn: Ah.


Wendy: - Hey, morning.

Nero: - Morning.

Wendy: I think I'm pretty much all set. Abel's got a half-day, so I'll pick him up and we'll head out, okay?

Nero: Yeah, sounds good. Baby asleep?

Wendy: No, he's with Brooke, running errands.

Nero: I didn't see the bike out there, so I'm assuming, uh, Jax ain't here, huh?

Wendy: No, he got in at almost 4:00 last night. Left before I woke up.

Nero: And you don't know where he is, huh?

Wendy: Um, at TM or-or the porn studio, I'd imagine. Why? Everything okay?

Nero: Huh? Yeah. Yeah. No, he just left a message. Uh, wanted to touch base before I split.

Wendy: You heard from Gemma?

Nero: No. Need me to do something?

Wendy: No, I-I think I'm good. Maybe just pick up some snacks for the ride?

Nero: Sure. Stuff with a lot of sugar, right?

Wendy: Yeah. So Abel can run alongside the car.

(chuckles) Thanks.

(door slams)

Tig: You heard from Connor?

Tyler: Yeah. Talked to him right after I spoke to you guys. Said he gonna be here at 10:00. And he got some requests.

Chibs: Oh, yeah? Like what? Couple of first-class tickets to Guatemala?

Tyler: Close. He said that we should double the order. As a sign of good faith. Give some comfort to the Kings about August's arrest.

Jax: Good. Make sure he gets his two bags of nothing.

Tyler: He got a crew with him?

Happy: He should be alone. And scared.

Jax: So what's happening in Ghosttown?

Tyler: We already got Market Street locked down. Purple Set should have everything else under control by the end of the week.

Jax: Nice. You let us know if you need any more help with that, all right?

Tyler: Think we good there. I'm more worried about my former boss. He gets out this afternoon, bro.

Jax: Marks won't be a problem.

Tyler: Says the guy that lives 70 miles away.

Jax: We'll be down by the causeway, two minutes away. Keep one of your guys in the car, have him call us as soon as Connor shows, all right?

Tyler: Yeah. All right.

(car approaching)

Jax: Shit! Go! We got it!

♪ ♪

(tires screeching)

(truck horn blaring)

Connor: Shit! Shit!

Dolls: Mama, mama, mama. Mama, mama.

Dolls: Mama, mama.

(Tig shouting) Don't go!

Chibs: Irish prick! That Connor's gonna dig a deep hole now.

Tig: Yeah, but he still needs to find a way out.

Jax: Call Declan. Tell him I need to talk to Connor's guy Hugh.

Tig: All right.

Jax: Have him meet us at Red Woody. Hap, you set?

Happy: Yeah.

Jax: All right, let's go.

Chibs: Eyes up.

Chuck: He hasn't come back yet. Guess he's still with Gemma.

Nero: Okay.

Chuck: Hey, uh, the sheriffs were here looking for her.

Nero: Why?

Chuck: I don't know. I didn't talk to them. What's going on, Nero? Is Gemma okay? I'm not an idiot. I know something bad happened.

Nero: I know you're not an idiot, Chucky. I... I don't know what happened. That's the truth. I'll poke around in here. Maybe someone's left him a message.

Chuck: Hey, he doesn't have a phone in there.

Nero: I'll figure it out.

(door creaks)

(sighs softly)

Chibs: What's up, brother. What do you need?

Jax: Sit down.

Chibs: Thanks, brother. What's going on?

Jax: I need to tell you some things you're not gonna want to hear. I need you to listen. Trust that what I want is the best thing for me and my family. For our club.

Chibs: Absolutely.

Jax: I told Packer the truth about Jury. Came clean about everything. Their recommendation was a mayhem vote.

Chibs: Mother of Christ, Jack, that-that's just not gonna happen.

Jax: - Listen, Chibs...

Chibs: - No.

Jax: You need to hear me out. All right? Okay. I'm listening.

Tig: Hey. Thanks for doing this.

Declan: Where's Teller?

Tig: I'll go get him. Why don't you guys just go take a seat?

Lyla: Hey, what-what's going on? What happened to that guy?

Tig: Who knows? He's Irish. They're born beaten up. You should call it a day, sweetheart.

Lyla: Well, I still have a few more hours of work.

Tig: - Tomorrow.

Lyla: - Yeah, okay. Hey. Is Jax okay?

Tig: We're all good.

Tig: Jax? Irish are here with Connor's guy.

Jax: How many?

Tig: Declan, one soldier.

Jax: All right, bring them all up.

Tig: Chibby okay?

Jax: Yeah. This is how you learn to be a leader, brother. Doing the shit that hurts the most. Shit you'd rather make someone else do. It's a part of the gig. It's how you earn respect. I need your word you're gonna do as I asked.

Chibs: You have my word.

(Chibs sniffling)

(door opens)

Ah, b*stards.

Tig: Jax?

Jax: You ready for this?

Chibs: Always.

Jax: Appreciate the help.

Declan: I heard your first plan went a bit off the rails.

Chibs: Yeah, well... we underestimated Connor's paranoia.

Jax: That's what we need you for, Hugh.

Hugh: I don't know where the hell he is.

Declan: If we couldn't beat it out of him...

Jax: No more beatdowns. I need you to call Connor. Tell him you got away from the Kings, you found a way out.

Hugh: He knows Roarke grabbed me. He's not gonna walk into a trap.

Tig: - He'll show up.

Hugh: And why would he do that?

(Hugh screams) Mother of Christ!

Jax: Because you're gonna send him a picture of them. Set it up. And when we get a time I'll let Roarke know.

(camera clicks)


(door opens)

Officer: LT, the D.A.'s here.

Althea: District Attorney Patterson, I didn't realize you were coming by.

Patterson: Neither did I. Thank you. Sit. Where are we with the Knowles/Roosevelt case?

Althea: I thought we had a break, but we found out our suspect wasn't in the state the night of the murders.

Patterson: And now one of your witnesses is dead.

Althea: Yes. Ortiz was k*lled in Stockton yesterday. And Gemma Teller seems to be MIA. We've been looking for her all morning.

Patterson: I'm sure she found out her scapegoat was bogus. You think she knows who did it?

Althea: I think she helps get us there. Any idea why Jax Teller wants to see me? He called my office to set a time this afternoon.

Althea: No idea. Maybe something to do with his mother?

Patterson: Maybe. Find the matriarch. Put out an APB.

Althea: Right away.

Patterson: Has Unser been of any use?

Althea: Yeah, he's a good cop. I will bring him up to speed.

Patterson: I know you got dropped in the middle of a blood feud. Your numbers don't reflect the effort you've put in. Policing streets owned by outlaws is a complicated and dangerous dance. Knowing when to bend, when to push back. Getting close, but not too close. You are the right person for the job. I still believe that. Hang in there, Lieutenant.

(door closes)

Hugh: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's just me, Con. It's just me. Come in.

Connor: What the hell happened here? How did you get the drop on Declan?

Hugh: I'll fill you in on it, mate, all right? It's a complicated story.

Connor: "Complicated"? Oh, you...

Hugh: You're gonna want to listen to them, Connor.

Connor: You bloody lundy prick you.

Jax: You're a popular guy, Connor.

Connor: This is between me and the Kings.

Jax: The Kings wouldn't want you dead if you weren't trying to sell our g*ns behind everyone's back.

Connor: That was just business.

Chibs: Aye.

'Cause we were wondering why you were so quiet while we were slamming up against Marks.

Jax: Who are you selling to?

Connor: It was outside of your territory.

Happy: Specifics!

Connor: Salvadorians. Outside of Nevada. Some Chinese and Russians up north. None you know.

Jax: Roarke said you had access to AKs and Glocks. Rogue IRA members or some shit.

Connor: Aye.

Chibs: And what kind of volume were you promising?

Connor: I can get as many AKs as I want. And about half the Glocks. Aw, shit.

Roarke: Good to see you again, Connor.

Connor: It's always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Roarke.

Roarke: Where's Declan?

Jax: He's dead.

Connor: Jesus!

Jax: We have a new plan for you and your rogue g*ns. Alvarez will distribute here in Northern Cali. Mayans will move as much stock as you can get from Dungloe.

Tig: Our Belfast charter is gonna be your boots on the ground in Ireland. They're gonna work with your guys from Armagh. They're up to speed, they're gonna deal with the IRA heat.

Oso: You'll cargo g*ns to Stockton instead of Mendocino. We own the port.

Alvarez: We'll keep you alive, protect you from the IRA blowback.

Chibs: I think the words you're looking for, Con... are "Thank you very much."

Connor: Aye. I get it.

Jax: Don't worry about breaking any IRA culture barriers. You're just an outlaw like the rest of us now.

Hugh: It's our only play, Con. We can't go home again. And we're dead men in Belfast.

Connor: I know. Okay. I'll make this work.

Chibs: And?

Connor: Thank you. Oh, Jackson? You just k*lled an IRA King. There's no coming back from that, lad.

Jax: My old man tried to sever that tie 20 years ago. Better late than never.
(engine rumbling)

(engine shuts off)

Jax: Thanks for coming.

Nero: Yeah, no problem. The hell happened there?

Jax: Oh... I tangled with a truck. Truck won. When you heading out?

Nero: Yeah, I'm waiting for Wendy. I'm gonna take her car.

Jax: Little hard to strap a baby seat into the cholo machine, huh?

Nero: Not too many child safety laws in 1964, man.

Jax: Give us a minute, Chucky.

Chuck: Sure. I put the plates on your dad's bike.

Jax: Thank you.

(file drawer opens, closes)

Nero: What's this?

(Jax sighs)

Jax: I need you to handle some business for me. I had a lawyer start the paperwork already.

Nero: What business?

Jax: It's all in here. I'm giving Wendy the garage and the houses. I want her to sell everything, take that money, set herself and the kids up somewhere else. Maybe in Norco with you. Or... she still has family on the East Coast. Whatever she wants. It just can't be Charming.

Nero: Wh-What are you doing here, Jax?

Jax: What I should have done when my wife was still alive. My piece of Diosa and Red Woody go to the MC and to the dummy corp. They should use the profits to buy Scoops. Set that up as home base. Hale will sell it to us cheap. Apparently, grenades lower property value. I'm gonna put it right here, okay?

Nero: And, uh, why am I doing this? Where the hell you gonna be?

Jax: I'm leaving, Nero.

Nero: Why?

Jax: You know why.

Nero: Gemma.

Jax: Yeah.

(Nero sighs)

Nero: Jesus, Jax.

Jax: I'm sorry. I did what I know how to do. What Gemma knew had to be done. The lies caught up to all of us, man. I tried to hide from it. Make it legit, run away from it. This is who I am. I can't change.

Nero: No.

(exhales sharply)

Jax: I need you to promise that you'll make sure that my boys leave this place. So they don't become what I've become.

(car approaching)


Chuck: - Jax. Wendy and your boys are here.

(Nero sniffles)


Nero: Where you gonna go?

Jax: I'm not sure.

Nero: What am I gonna tell Wendy?

Jax: Everything. When the time comes... she needs to tell my sons who I really am. I'm not a good man. I'm a criminal and a k*ller. I need my sons to grow up... hating the thought of me.

Abel: Daddy!

Jax: Hey, you little monster man!

(Nero sniffles)

Wendy: What's going on?

Jax: Just reminiscing. Hey. You be good for Mommy, okay?

Abel: Wendy?

Jax: Yeah. (Jax sniffles)

(Thomas babbles) It's okay to call her Mommy, you know. She'd probably really like it. She might even give you some more candy if you did. (sniffles) You listen to Nero, okay? He's Daddy's best friend. What he says goes.

Abel: Okay.

Jax: You have fun.

Enjoy all those animals, okay?

(Jax sniffles)

(Thomas crying)

Jax (whispers): I love you, son.

Wendy: Oh, all right.

Abel: Love you, Daddy.

(Jax sniffles)

Jax: I love you, son.

Nero: Come on, monster. Let's strap you up.

Wendy: What's the matter, Jax? What happened?

Jax: Everything's gonna be fine. You're a good mom, Wendy. I love you.

Nero: We should go.


(car door shuts)

Wendy: You gonna tell me what's going on?

Nero: I will. I will. Not now.

(engine starts)

(engine starts)

Jax: Take care, Chucky.

Chuck: Bye.

Rat Boy: She's alone.

Chibs: Okay. I'm good, Rat.

Chibs: What are you doing here?

Althea: You don't pick up your phone anymore.

Chibs: Been a bit busy the last couple days.

Althea: Patterson put out an APB on Gemma this morning. Needs answers on what she saw the night of Tara's m*rder.

Chibs: Think she's up north.

Althea: We need to talk to her.

Chibs: So talk to her. I ain't our mother's keeper. That it?

Althea: No. Whatever this is or was... it's done.

Chibs: You want to play this game again?

Althea: I'm not playing, Filip. I don't want your payoff and I don't want you. From now on, I'm just a cop, you're just an outlaw. We both do what we have to do.

Chibs: I think that's a mistake.

Althea: Why?

'Cause you have feelings for me?

Chibs: No.

'Cause cops who land on the wrong side of us... they tend to go away.

Althea: Are you threatening me?

Chibs: Don't have to. History doesn't lie. Stay safe, Sheriff.

(Althea sighs)

Tig: Okay. I brought Tyler up to speed on the Irish.

Chibs: Okay, good. What about T.O.?

Tig: I sent him to help Alvarez sort out all that shit with Connor. He shouldn't be a part of this vote.

Chibs: I know. Okay. Let's bring 'em to the table. Tell 'em the truth. We need everyone on board.

Tig: Are we... really doing this, brother?

Chibs: We have to. (Tig breathing unsteadily) Hey. I need you, Tiggy. Get right.

(Tig exhales)

Tig: Yeah. I am. I will. I'm here. Anything you need, I'm here for you, brother.

(knock at door)

Assistant: Mr. Teller is here.

Patterson: Thank you.

Jax: I appreciate you taking the time.

Patterson: I was very curious. The last time we sat down, talking wasn't very high on your agenda. And by the level of v*olence escalating in Oakland, I'm guessing... you've been busy.

Jax: I have. That's why I'm here. But first, I want to thank you for trying to help Tara. I know that was more personal than professional.

Patterson: If you're truly grateful, you could cooperate with us. Give us what you know about her m*rder.

Jax: I'll give you everything. You might want to record this; I didn't have time to write it down.

Patterson: This is a statement by Jax Teller, president of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, the Redwood charter.

Jax: Redwood Original. It wasn't the Chinese that k*lled my wife. Tara Knowles. It wasn't anyone outside the club. It was my mother. Gemma Teller k*lled Tara in a fit of rage and then Juice-- Juan Carlos Ortiz-- k*lled Eli Roosevelt to protect Gemma.

Patterson: Good Lord. How do you know that?

Jax: She admitted it. So did Juice.

Patterson: Where is Gemma now?

Jax: In Oregon, with Unser. My grandfather's house. It's Klamath County.

Patterson: What about Henry Lin? And all the other bodies that dropped?

Jax: Turn it off. Gemma and Juice came up with that Chinese fiction that set me on fire. You know I'm not gonna cop to the retaliation, though. Incriminating my club.

Patterson: What happens when the street finds out it all went down because of a lie?

Jax: Everyone it could impact is now either informed or has moved on.

Patterson: What the hell does that mean?

Jax: It means by the end of the day, the v*olence in Oakland and Stockton will be over.

Patterson: Why the end of the day?

(Jax sighs)

Jax: You've been very fair with me. I wanted you to have the truth.

Patterson: Jackson. What happens at the end of the day?

Jax: The bad guys lose.

Chibs: You know it... has to happen. It's what this charter needs to do. We can't allow our hearts to be louder than our reason. All those... All those in favor... All those in favor... of Jackson Teller... meeting Mr. Mayhem...

Quinn: Yea.

Montez: Yea.

Rat Boy: Yea.

Tig: Yea.

Happy: Yea.

Chibs: Yes.

(Chibs sniffs) Jax Teller... meets Mr. Mayhem.

(gavel bangs)

♪ ♪

(indistinct conversations)

Barosky: Well, look who it is. What can I do for you, Handsome Jack?

(woman screams)


(shells clinking on floor)

(indistinct radio transmission)

(indistinct chatter)

(traffic humming nearby)

Jax: Who are you?


August: I want everyone there. I need a full account of where we're at.

Bodyguard: Yes, sir.

August: What time's the city council meeting?

Bodyguard: 6:00.

August: Let's do it after that. I want Ramirez there.

(bodyguard grunts)

(woman screaming)


(door slides shut)



Jax: Good choice. It's your charter now, brother. I'm ready.

(Happy grunting) You okay?

Happy: Yeah.

Chibs: I'll tell Packer you laid down some fire. You got away.

Jax: I would never put this burden on you guys.

Tig: We know that, brother.

Jax: I love all of you.

(cricket trilling)

Tig: I have no words. No words.

Chibs: That'll be it, my brother. I'll make you proud.

Jax: I got this.

(motorcycle engine starts)

(engine humming in distance)

Althea: Okay. Got it. Put out an APB on Jax Teller. Multiple homicide.

Officer: Yes, ma'am.

Officer: Hey, Mike. Got a BOLO to go out immediately. All cars; wire, too. All points be on the lookout for Jax Teller-- Caucasian male...

(engine roaring)

Jax: I think the struggle I understand best... even more than all the things you wanted for SAMCRO and all we eventually became... the one I feel the most is the w*r of the mind. Happens when you try to get right with both family and patch. That fear and guilt crippled me. I realized, as I think you did, a good father and a good outlaw can't settle inside the same man. I'm sorry, JT. It was too late for me. I was already inside it. And Gemma... she had plans. It's not too late for my boys. I promise, they will never know this life of chaos.

Dispatch over radio: Copy, please stand by. I know who you are now. And what you did.

(crow caws) I love you, Dad.

(engine starts)

(siren wails)

Officer: I need you to get off the bike.

(engine revving)


Officer: Requesting backup. sh*ts fired. Requesting backup...

♪ ♪
♪ there's a black bird ♪
♪ perched outside my window ♪
♪ I hear him cawing ♪
♪ I hear him sing ♪
♪ he burns me with ♪
♪ his eyes of gold to embers ♪
♪ he sees all my sins ♪
♪ he reads my soul ♪
♪ one day that bird ♪
♪ he spoke to me ♪
♪ like Martin Luther ♪
♪ like Pericles ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ come fly with black ♪
♪ we'll give you freedom ♪
♪ from the human trap ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ soar on my wings ♪
♪ you'll touch the hand of God ♪
♪ and he'll make you king ♪
♪ he'll make you king ♪
♪ on a blanket ♪
♪ made of woven shadows ♪
♪ I flew up to heaven ♪
♪ on a raven's glide ♪
♪ his angels have ♪
♪ turned my wings to wax now ♪
♪ I fell like Judas ♪
♪ grace denied ♪
♪ and on that day he lied to me ♪
♪ like Martin Luther ♪
♪ like Pericles ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ come fly with black ♪
♪ we'll give you freedom ♪
♪ from the human trap ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ soar on my wings ♪
♪ you'll touch the hand of God ♪
♪ and he'll make you king ♪
♪ he'll make you king ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ I walk among the children ♪
♪ of my fathers ♪
♪ the broken wings ♪
♪ betrayal's cost ♪
♪ they call to me ♪
♪ but never touch my heart now ♪
♪ I'm too far ♪
♪ I'm too lost ♪
♪ all I can hear ♪
♪ is what he spoke to me ♪
♪ like Martin Luther ♪
♪ like Pericles ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪

(crow cawing)

♪ come fly with black ♪
♪ we'll give you freedom ♪
♪ from the human trap ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ soar on my wings ♪
♪ you'll touch the hand of God ♪
♪ and he'll make you king ♪
♪ he'll make you king ♪

(crows cawing)

♪ ♪
♪ so now I curse ♪
♪ that raven's fire ♪

(sirens wailing)

♪ you made me hate ♪
♪ you made me burn ♪
♪ he laughed aloud ♪
♪ as he flew from Eden ♪
♪ you always knew ♪
♪ you never learn ♪
♪ the crow no longer sings to me ♪
♪ like Martin Luther ♪
♪ or Pericles ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ come fly with black ♪
♪ we'll give you freedom ♪

(engine revving)

♪ from the human trap ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ soar on my wings ♪
♪ you'll touch the hand of God ♪
♪ and he'll make you king ♪
♪ come join the m*rder ♪
♪ come fly with black ♪

Milo: Jesus!

♪ we'll give you freedom ♪
♪ from the human trap ♪

(squawking quietly)


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