03x09 - The Climb

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x09 - The Climb

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Arrow"...

[Clears throat]

I'm sorry, I-- I should go.

The night of the siege, you were at the train station.

I got att*cked by one of those crazy masked things, but he got shot by a cop, I think.

It was Malcolm Merlyn.

He's dead.

Thank you, Dad.

I promised you, Thea.

I will never let anyone hurt you.

Sara Lance is dead?


At Merlyn's hand?

It appears.

Al Sa-Her will face the League's justice.

What of Queen?

He has sworn to protect Merlyn at any cost.

If that is true... then Oliver Queen courts w*r with us.

[Wind blowing]

[Oliver groaning and grunting]


Very nice.

[Indistinct chatter]


Merry Christmas.

Well, I feel bad.

I didn't get you anything.

You keep the city safe.

So do you.

You know, these days, you're the closest thing to a partner I got.

Happy holidays.

Here you go, buddy.


[All grunting]



What is this?

We agreed!

To nothing.

My father merely decided to give you the time to bring Sara's k*ller to justice, and you have failed.

We are doing everything that we can!

You've been distracted protecting the city.

And you've exhausted my father's patience.

In civilizations past, when someone in the village was m*rder*d, the League would come and k*ll 50 people a day until the true criminal was rooted out.

Find and deliver the one who k*lled Ta-er Al-Sahfer.

You have 48 hours, or the citizens of Starling will see what the League of Assassins is capable of.

You're going to slaughter innocent people.

The cleansing of Starling City will fall to Sarab.


Maseo is no longer.

As she said...

I am Sarab.

Deliver Sara's k*ller or blood will flow in your streets.

This isn't what Sara would want!

Sara is dead.

It's time you remember that.

Season 3 Episode 09
The Climb
Original Air Date on December 10, 2014

Laurel: Dad's ok.

Um... working too much.


I never really know what to say when I come here.

I just...

[Inhales and exhales]

I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, and tell you how much I miss you.



What are you doing here?

I was just leaving flowers to my mom.

Who were you talking to?


I just come here...


Even though Sara's still alive?

Laurel, what--what's wrong?

Everything's fine.

Sara's ok.

No, Thea.

Sara's dead.


What are you talking about?

While you were gone...

She was m*rder*d.

By who?

I don't know.

I buried her here.

Why didn't you tell anybody, like at least your father, the police?

No, no.

Thea, no one can ever know.


Sara, she was, uh, she was complicated.

And if my father found out, it would k*ll him.

You have to promise me that you won't tell Oliver.

Of course, I--I promise.

[Both sigh]

I'm so sorry.


Did you know there's a cafeteria in the building?

There's a cold press juice bar, organic salad station.

I know.

I eat there every day, along with 800 of your other employees.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for a meeting.

Wait, Felicity!

Are we ok?

If by "we" you mean you and me as individual entities, then yes, we are fantastic.

This is about the kiss.

This is not about the kiss.

You sure? 'Cause it really feels like it's about the kiss.

Unless it's about how I left after the kiss.

I can explain.


I can explain. It was a moment and you regret it.

It's over. Now can we please pretend like it never happened and go back to being professionals?

[Elevator dings, cell phone vibrates]

I have to go.


But you're at... work.

Felicity: What happened?

Nyssa paid me a visit.

The League wants Sara's k*ller handed over in the next 48 hours.

Why do I sense there's an "or else" at the end of that sentence?

Or else they'll start k*lling innocent civilians.

Oh, my god, two days?

Caitlin has the DNA that we pulled off of the arrows that k*lled Sara, but the STR markers are degraded, so it's taking a little bit longer.


It can't take any longer.

If we can't find Sara's k*ller in time, we're going to need a contingency plan.

I know.

I don't have one.



Oh, I'm not hungry.

The first time I interrogated someone, I lost my appetite for two days.

You need your strength.

I didn't interrogate anyone.

I tortured him.

Question is, did you learn anything about Chien Na Wei's plans?

[Exhales] There's a biotech company in Hong Kong.

They were working on a super-antibiotic.

They got a super-virus instead.

They're calling it Oh-Mei-Gah, which is the Chinese translation for...


Said one vial could wipe out an entire city.

So it's a bio w*apon Chien Na Wei's after.

Did he tell you where it is now?


He didn't want to, but I made him.

You did what was necessary.

One man's agony is not worth the lives of an entire city.

Felicity: But you're all right?

Okay. Yes, it is coming through now.

No, I'm fine. Things are just, um, tense here.

Thank you, Caitlin.

Happy holidays to you, too.

Are those the DNA results?

It's the reassembled genome S.T.A.R. Labs was able to get off of the arrow that k*lled Sara.

I need to run it against potential suspects.

What database are you using?

SCPD maintains a genetic markers database.

Anyone's who committed a felony in the past three years.


No, that-- that can't be right.

Who is it?

It must be a mistake.


Who k*lled Sara?

You did.

This must be a mistake.

I took perspiration off the arrows that k*lled Sara.

Two years ago when the police arrested Oliver because they thought, accurately, that he was the vigilante, they took a DNA sample.

That sample is a match for 12 out of the 13 STRs.

The odds of that...

They're impossible.

Ok, so somehow my DNA is on the arrows.

Someone's setting you up, Oliver.

Well, somebody with a vested interest in pitting me against the League of Assassins.

It's Malcolm Merlyn.

Merlyn was in Corto Maltese with Thea when this was going down.

Unless he wasn't. I mean, Merlyn hid successfully for two years from the police and the League.

He's good at covering his tracks.

So we uncover them.

But it might take some time.

In less than 48 hours, the League is going to m*rder 50 people.

We don't have time.

Move to the lab.

I'll deal with the rest of security.

Stay on comms.

Maseo, are you set?

Just about.

Found Omega.

Be careful with it.

We might have a problem.

What's wrong?

Somebody already took it.

How did she get in here before us?

She didn't need to get in, Oliver.

She already had someone inside.

Yeah, I know, but it's the holidays and I guess I'm feeling charitable.

Is that ok?

Jake, I got to call you right back.



Look who it is.


How was your ride down?

Oh, uneventful.

Chance to grade some papers.

Dad, maybe you can tell me why half your officers are allergic to search warrants?


Hi, sweetheart.

I didn't know that you were coming to town.

Well, I guess that's my fault, 'cause I thought you could do a little Christmas surprise.


Of course I want to spend Christmas with my family.

So where's Sara?

She's not returning my phone calls.

Uh, yeah, that's 'cause she's, uh, she's traveling.

Backpacking through the Andes.

I think.


I found something!

A.R.G.U.S. monitors air traffic in and out of countries of interest.

Corto Maltese is on that list.

This is a list of every commercial airliner, private jet, sea plane, and, I'm not kidding, hot air balloon that took off from Corto Maltese this past year.

Look at this flight path.

Private charter from Corto Maltese to Caracas, then to Cartagena, only to fly back to Caracas, and then to Tijuana.

Whoever was on that plane was working pretty hard to hide where it was going.

The route ends at a private landing strip just outside Starling City.

When did it land?

The night before Sara was m*rder*d.

Please! All I do is fly the plane!


The man in this photo-- did you fly him from Corto Maltese to Starling City?


This time, look at the photo!

He'll k*ll me.

He's not here. We are.

All right, ok, yes, I flew him here.

I've got security footage, you want to see?

Hanukkah present?

Security footage from the airfield where Merlyn landed.

Check for October seventh.


Right there, stop.

I thought you said Merlyn was keeping his distance from Thea, that he hadn't had any contact.

He lied.

And so did she.

Maybe there's something we should consider here.

Maybe it wasn't your DNA, Oliver, maybe it was Thea's.


You two are siblings.

There would be overlap, maybe even enough to--

Diggle, are you listening to yourself?

You're suggesting that Thea k*lled Sara.

Even if--even if she would, even if she could...


Well, Malcolm Merlyn is her father.

I hate to even say this.

Then don't.


I know how much you love your sister, but we have to look at the facts.

The virtual autopsy I did on Sara; I thought Roy might have stabbed her because the trajectory wasn't consistent with that of an archer of average height.

You weren't considering a k*ller of Thea's size.

Enough, both of you!

My sister did not k*ll Sara.

The DNA on the arrows is mine because Malcolm Merlyn put it there.

[Cell phone vibrates]



Ray: Hey, uh, we need to talk, so I came here.

Here where?

Where you are.

I might have pinged your phone... again.

I thought I was pretty clear when I said I didn't want to talk about this.

You were.

But you were also pretty wrong when you said I regretted kissing you.

I can't imagine there's a man on the planet who would ever regret kissing you.

Well, I can think of one.

But I am sorry about the way I reacted.

When I kissed you, I felt guilty.

Oh, my God, you're cheating on someone.


Her name is Anna, and we were engaged.

Last spring, the night those men... took over the city, we ran into a few.

We tried to escape, but we couldn't.

I tried to fight them, but I couldn't.

I wasn't strong enough. I...

They broke my leg, and went after her, but I couldn't save her.

And I watched them...

[Sighs] as they broke her neck.

Ray, I am so sorry.

Anna was supposed to be the last woman I ever kissed.

And she was, until suddenly I was kissing you.


What are you doing home?

I wanted the Christmas tree to be a surprise.

It's a surprise.

I thought since it was just the two of us now, smaller the family, bigger the tree.

What about Malcolm?

Thea, I know you saw him in Corto Maltese.

[Sighs] Ollie, we've lost everyone. I--

Malcolm's the only family I have left besides you.

Thea, I deserve to know what you've been doing with Malcolm Merlyn.

I've just been getting to know him, that's all.

A couple of months ago, did you fly back to Starling City with him?


Ollie, if I was back in Starling City, don't you think I would have called you?

I was in Corto Maltese since May.

Now will you please just...

Come upstairs and help me find some more Christmas stuff?

[Indistinct chatter]

[Speaking Chinese]

[Speaking Chinese]

What's he saying?

He's trying to bribe us.

[Speaking Chinese]

We want the vial of Omega you stole.

I don't know what you're talking about!

I didn't steal anything!

Don't waste your energy on lies.

We will get the truth from you-- one way or the other.

My friend can be very persuasive.

So, how are you?

Mmm. I'm great.

Work's great.

I--I've just been really busy.

Something's happened.


No. No, nothing's happened.

It's Sara.

Isn't it?

When I mentioned her earlier, you seemed so... broken.

Mom, Sara's fine.

She's just being Sara.

There are few things as powerful as a mother's intuition.

You are hiding something.

I know it.

Just like I was the only one who knew that Sara didn't die on that boat.

I have this feeling that I would see her again.

And right now, that feeling... is gone.

She's dead... isn't she?

Mom, listen to me.

Sara, she was involved with some very, very dangerous people.

This has to remain a secret, at least until we figure out exactly what happened.

I don't understand.

Doesn't your father know?

If he knew about Sara...

He couldn't take it.

And I can't lose anyone else.

[All grunting and yelling]


Nyssa: Father.

It's nearly time.

Mr. Queen has not yet presented the guilty?

Perhaps he believes our threats are empty.

We must correct that belief.

Return to Starling City.

Be merciless.

Teach Oliver Queen we only ask but once.

Where you been?

I went to see Thea.

She lied to me again, but she didn't k*ll Sara.


I looked her in the eyes, Felicity.

These are eyes that I have known my entire life.

She could lie to me about Merlyn and spending time with him, but she could never do this.

Oliver, you are one of the smartest men I have ever known, but you have a blind spot when it comes to your family.

Not this time--

First your mother, then your father, and now Thea.

That's enough, Diggle!

You know she lied to you, Oliver!

Both of you, stop!

Oliver, I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, but John is right.

Thea lied.

She lied about Merlyn!

But Sara...

I don't want to believe that she can do something like this.

Which is why you shouldn't be the one asking the questions.

Thea Queen!

Where is Malcolm Merlyn?

I don't know! Please, please don't hurt me!

[Both grunting]

Stay away from me and my father!

[Wind blowing]

Malcolm: It's the strangest thing.

Thea just called and said she was att*cked by the Arrow.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you, Oliver?

This was you.

You know, I figured when I spared the man who m*rder*d my mother, I would never k*ll again.

[Groaning and gasping]

I was wrong.

You might want to reconsider.


For Thea.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Check your phone.

I can wait.


I don't think you want the League to see that.

And if you k*ll me, they will.

This isn't her.

You've heard of a plant called Votura?

It grows in South America.

In fact, it thrives in Corto Maltese, making the subject extremely susceptible to suggestion, or retaining no memory of their actions.

I will tell Ra's this was you, that Thea was under your control.

And he will still k*ll her.

She fired the arrows.

You have given her a death sentence.


What I've done is given you incentive.

To do what?

To tell Ra's that you k*lled Sara Lance.

By right, you will be given a trial by combat-- with Ra's.

His death will erase any blood debt from his reign, including Thea's.

And yours.


I have to be honest-- it was my concern that the whole k*lling thing would have been a dealbreaker for you.

But, uh, I'm gratified to see that Thea is still sufficient motivation.

Don't take too long making up your mind.

Ra's isn't known for his patience.

Thea was always so kind.

Kindest person I've ever known.

My sister wasn't born a k*ller.

Malcolm Merlyn made her one, and I let it happen.

No, you didn't.

When it comes to your family, you always place the blame on yourself, but this is not your fault.

She's right, Oliver.

Throw Malcolm in front of Ra's, let the League sort this out.

Merlyn has a video.

He made contingencies.

Oliver, if you fight Ra's al Ghul, he'll k*ll you.

No, he won't.

During the Undertaking, Merlyn told me that I couldn't win, because I didn't know what I was fighting for.

Now I do.

I'm fighting for Thea.

He should have confessed by now.

We have video evidence of him taking the vials.

He says he doesn't remember.

He's lying! You don't do something like that and not remember it!

There is a way.

I didn't think it a possibility until now.

There's a drug.

It's called Votura.

I've heard it makes people extremely susceptible to suggestion.

Like mind control?

Really, that's a thing?

Those who get dosed often have no memory of what they do while under the influence.

Oh, great. All this was for nothing?

Chien Na Wei has the vial, and we have no way of finding her!

We've taken her inside man.

Finding her may not be the problem at hand.

The problem could be her finding us.

[Speaking Japanese]

Good evening, Mrs. Yamashiro.

Is your husband home?

[Speaking Japanese]


[Speaking Japanese]

Don't you dare talk to my son!

Quaint house... for a spy.

Except for these.

They belong to you, don't they?

Tatsu, isn't it?

Beautiful blade.

[Speaking Japanese]

[Both yelling]

Where is he?

You really think my father, the Demon's head, would travel all the way from Nanda Parbat simply because you wish it?


This way.

Kneel before the Demon's head.

You're just a boy.

Well, Mr. Queen, you failed to protect the city you love.

Now you'll watch it bleed.

Nobody in my city will die tonight.


There was only one way to prevent that.

You were to produce for me the one who k*lled Ta-er Al-Sahfer.

And yet you've come alone.

Because it was me.

I k*lled Sara.

Why would you k*ll a woman you once professed to love?

Because she begged me to.

You lie.

It wasn't the first time Sara chose death over a life in the League.

And meeting you now, I can see why.

I should have Sarab cleave your head from your shoulders.

Not for k*lling my daughter's beloved, but for thinking me a fool.

By League law, I have the right to challenge you to a trial by combat.

It's been 67 years since a man challenged me.

You covet death that much?

Do you accept?

Oh, yes.

[Wind blowing]

I see the years have done little to dull your stubbornness.


My name is Sarab!

You told me once a man cannot live by two names.

And I don't.

Maseo is dead.

I am all that's left, Sarab.

A phantom.

After it happened, you went to Nanda Parbat.

I arrived the same year as Ta-er Al-Sahfer.

She was a great warrior.

You did not k*ll her.

When you face the Demon, it will be my duty to bear witness.

I have no desire to watch you die.

Under our code, you have 12 hours to settle your affairs.

The 13th hour, be at this place.

This location is consecrated ground for the League.

A place for the settlement of blood debts-- if one survives the climb.

If you do.

See you on the mountain.

Do you remember how when the two of you were little, you'd play dress up?

One day I overheard you and Sara.


You were pretending to be grown-up versions of yourselves.

That day, you and your sister, you had your own families.


I was a cop, just like dad.

And Sara...

Was a doctor.

She wanted to heal people.

She deserves more than this.

Mom, can I tell you something?

Whoever did this to Sara, I am going to find them no matter what it takes.

And I am going to make them pay.

Then you make them pay.

And you make them suffer.

Thea: Looks good.

Man: That window should be as good as new.

Thank you.

What happened to the window?

Oh, God, you should have seen it.

This bird went completely Hitchcock on the thing.

I vacuumed up most of the glass, but I'd still watch your step.

I'll be extra careful.

Are you ok?

Last time you had that look on your face, you told me dad committed su1c1de.

You haven't called him dad since you found out about Malcolm.


What's going in with you, Ollie?

You think you know who Malcolm Merlyn is.

But there are things that I've discovered, years ago, recently, that...

He doesn't love you, Thea.

Because he's not capable of it.

Ollie, please.


Don't make me choose between my father and my brother.

I would never make you choose.

You are my family.

There's nothing that I won't do to protect you.

What does that mean?

It means I love you, no matter what.


Akio! What happened here?

Oh, God, no.

No, no, no!

Akio, no!



Akio, where is your mother?

The white-haired woman! She took her!

Guess who just designed a microprocessor with a SPECint score just north of 9,000?

Ray... What are you doing with Queen Consolidated?

Why did you buy it?

Because it was for sale.

My life is a little more complicated than I let on.

Suffice it to say, I have gotten very good at keeping secrets, particularly the kind of secrets someone like you keeps.

Someone in pain.

Wasn't easy for me to tell you about Anna.

You told me about Anna, but you didn't tell me the truth about what it is you're doing.

So tell me, or I walk.

I can't tell you.

I have to show you.

The dawn of the computer age, developers thought the only way a machine could process information as fast as a human brain was to build a mainframe the size of Texas.

But one developer realized that the only way to reduce heat and power consumption was to bring the components closer together.

Which meant making them smaller.

But why stop at computers?

What if it could take other things, like, say, all of the military-grade technology in Applied Sciences, and make it smaller, too? So small that it can fit in the palm of my hand.

I can help a lot of people that way.

I don't understand.

This will help.


What is it?

OMAC is a Queen Consolidated designation.

But I'm kind of partial to A.T.O.M.

Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism.


What are you going to use it for?

To protect the people of this city.

And I want you to help.


Why does this keep happening to me?


John, I have to do this.

I know.

I'd just rather die than let you go it alone.

Not this time.

Take care of Thea.


Felicity: I'm sorry.

Something came up...


Let's give them a minute.

So you're going?


To Nanda Parbat?

No, it's a neutral site.

It'll be fine.

I'll come back.

Thea will be ok.

I wish that sounded more convincing.

And I wish you wouldn't go, but I know you better, so I'm not going to ask you to stay.

I appreciate that.

But there is one thing I need to ask you to do.

And you're not going to want to.

Well, if it's you asking, I'll do it.

k*ll him.

You have to k*ll Ra's al Ghul.

This is a duel...

Oliver, with one of the most dangerous men that has ever walked the earth.

I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think I could win.

I don't doubt that.

I don't doubt that you can beat him.

I am terrified that you won't k*ll him.

Because that's not who you are anymore.

And I am so afraid that Ra's al Ghul is going to use your humanity against you.

Felicity, I honestly don't know if I'm a k*ller anymore.

But I do know two things-- the first is that... whoever I am, I am someone that will do whatever--whatever-- it takes to save my sister.

And the second thing?

I love you.

Remove your shirt.

This is custom.

Ra's al Ghul is not known to be merciful.

But if there was a chance, this will be your final moment for it.

Choose your w*apon.

Ra's al Ghul: I was 11 years old when I k*lled my first man.

I remember the look on his face when the light went out behind his eyes.

Such a sudden change, almost imperceptible, between life and death.

And I felt ashamed.

I had stolen from that man the most precious gift of all-- life.

But I also felt something else-- pride, because I had taken up arms against someone who sought to do ill against my family.

And I realized what I had done was necessary.

You see...

I had replaced evil with death.

And that... is what the League exists to do.

And I have k*lled several thousand more men since then.

And the world is better off for it.

You've taken your last life.


You have lived your last day.

We are ready.

I am envious of you.

You will see her before I do.

Fight me, boy.

You're unnarmed.

I'll take your blades from you once you are through with them.

[Wind blowing]

[Oliver grunting]

[Both grunting]

You should take pride.

You survived longer than most.

[Both grunting]

Don't be afraid, my son.

Death comes for us all.

We can only evade it so long.

Consider this an honorable exit.

[Speaking Arabic]
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