08x10 - The Heart of a River

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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08x10 - The Heart of a River

Post by bunniefuu »

Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...

Will: I've been feeding these horses for years and never got that close to 'em.

Jack: Well, that's Amy for you.

You-you've got no legal right to stop me from seeing my niece!

But it is our house, and we do have the legal right to tell you to get the hell outta here.

I'm pushing for that cull to happen, and when it does, those damn horses are gonna be the first to go.

Will: Okay, let's get 'em outta here.

Matt: What the hell are you doing?!

I told you not to fight me on this!

(Hooves thunder)

Will: Keep 'em moving!

I'm with the child protection society.

There's been a complaint about Georgie's living conditions and welfare.

Amy: Can you believe what we just did?

Ty: That was completely awesome.

(Kissing, vehicle rumbles)

RCMP officer: Ty Borden, Amy Flemming, you're under arrest for horse theft.

Amy: Horse theft?

Matt: You heard the officer.

Ty: How can you arrest us for horse theft?

You should arrest this guy.

He's the one who stole the herd off Will Vernon.

They're wild horses! They don't belong to will or anybody else.

I'm completely within my rights.

Yeah, but you trespassed on Will's land to get them in the first place.

RCMP officer: Mr. Pincher has a government permit.

He's allowed by law to capture any wild horses in this area.

I'm gonna give you a choice.

Return the horses to his corral or I will have to put you under arrest.

(Birds chirp)

(Door opens, bag thumps)

Peter: I can't believe this.

It's a notice of investigation from the... child protection society. They're...

Lou: Shhh!

They're setting up an appointment with us for tomorrow.

Lou: Oh my God.

Peter: There's a litany of complaints here, Lou. Look!

"Child works on the farm for three hours both before and after school. Could constitute child labour. An alleged... An alleged accident occurred while the child was unsupervised. This could be deemed as possible child abuse and neglect."

Peter, this is all lies.

Every bit of it has been skewed and twisted.

It's Crystal. She's the one who's done this.

It has to be her.

(Horses whinny, hooves thunder)

Ty: Hi-yah!

(Horses whinny, hooves thunder)

Rider 1: Come on! Yah! Hi-yah!

(Hooves thunder, horses grunt and whinny)

Rider 2: That's it, that's all of 'em.

Rider 3: Close the gate.

Matt: All right, you two, you're finished here.

Amy: It doesn't have to be like this, Matt.

But you don't get to decide that.

I don't want you near those horses again.

Same goes for Will Vernon. You tell him that.

Ty: Let's go.

(Hooves thud)

(ATV rumbles, men shout)

Amy: We can't let this happen, Ty. All those beautiful horses.

He's gonna send them to auction. He's gonna let them die.

Ty: Okay. don't worry about it, all right?

We'll figure this out, just one step at a time.

(Horse snorts nervously)

Ty: Amy, look.

(Horse snorts)

At least he's still free.

This isn't over yet. It's just beginning.

"The Heart of a River"

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪

♪ You dreamer

♪ oh, oh, oh...

♪ You dreamer...

♪ You dreamer...

(Rooster crows)

Georgie: It's not fair! Who would do that?

We don't know, honey. (Sighs)

They don't release that information.

Georgie: I bet I know who.

Peter: Hey!

It was aunt Crystal.

She's the only person who would know about this stuff.

Peter: Georgie, listen...

(receding footsteps, Peter sighs)

(Low hum of chatter)

Joanna: Hey, everyone. Thanks for coming.

We thought it might be a good idea since emotions are running a little high to get together and talk about what's happening with the horses.

So, Matt, you're up.

Matt: Thanks, Joanna.

Okay! I'm sorry about the situation this morning.

Nothing would've happened if certain people hadn't interfered in the first place.

Look, guys, I'm taking good care of the herd.

They're being watered and fed in line with the rules of the capture.

They're probably better off than they were when they were wandering in the wild.

Tim: Out of curiosity, how'd you come up with the number you could take in?

Matt: I've got the statistics right here.

Now, they did an aerial study and it shows...

The herd population in this area alone grew by 20 percent in the last two years.

Now, the horses that I captured represent a tiny portion of that 20 percent.

When did you do this count?

(Pages shuffle) Last October.

Tim: Before the flood.

Jack: Yeah.

And before the worst winter in my personal memory.

Will: That's right.

Jack: Now it's just my humble opinion, but I figure there's a natural cull going on here.

She's called mother nature.

(Townsfolk clap and chatter)

You know, your old man, he loved them horses.

He absolutely loved them and you know that.

What is wrong with you?

Right now he's flipped around in that grave of his.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself, boy.

(Door opens and closes)

Amy: Matt, I think something that we can actually agree on is that we need to keep these horses healthy.

Because it's part of your deal as a permit holder.

Matt: Correct.

Amy: So it is in your best interest to make sure the horses are in good shape.

What're you saying?

Amy: I'm just saying that maybe Ty, with his vet experience, should monitor the horses' condition while they're in your care, and I can help.

No. They don't need to be monitored. They're fine.

You don't know that. They're wild, right?

So they could have any number of diseases.

Diseases that could spread to other stock. To healthy stock.

Chad: Come on, Matt. What're you afraid of?

Townsfolk: Yeah!

Chad: Let 'em check out the horses.

Matt: Fine. Monitor the horses.

But that's it, you hear me?

Georgie: She said she loved me, Jeffie, and...

(Sighs) she said I was just like my mom and she gave me all these pictures and stuff and...


Well, can I call you once you're done work?

Okay. I'll let you know what it happens.

Okay. Love you too. Bye. (Phone beeps off)

Lou: Georgie?

(Phone thumps on table)


Georgie: What's gonna happen at the appointment tomorrow?

It'll be fine.

I called Clint and I left a message.

He knows us and he loves you.

Just be totally honest and nothing bad can happen.

That hasn't always worked, even with Clint.

Look. I know that you were disappointed when we asked your aunt Crystal to leave.

And I know that you wish things could've turned out differently.

Georgie: No. I don't. Not anymore.

And I-I was just on the phone with Jeffie and he remembers Crystal.

My mom... She didn't trust her and... she said she was a bad influence on us.

Come here.

Everything's gonna be all right, okay?

(Sighs heavily)

(River flows)

Tim: Amy, honey, I thought you did a great job at that meeting today.

Amy: Well, at least it was a step.

Now that I can get close to Matt's horses, I can start to gentle them.

Jack: Yeah? And how do you plan on doing that?

Hopefully, right under Matt's nose, and then I'll find homes for them.


(Door opens and closes)


(Wood clunks, fire crackles)

Ty: It's really beautiful out there, Amy.

You wanna go for a walk?

Amy: Um... Tim: You should, you should.

I'll-I'll put wood on the fire and keep it going till you get back.

Okay. Sure.

Ty: Thanks.

(Door opens and closes)

Tim: See that? What do you got to say now, huh?

(Approaching footsteps)

Lou: I'm just glad everyone's away during all of this.

(Sighs heavily)

What if she wins?

Peter: She won't.

Lou: What if... You saw that report.

It's claiming you're an absentee parent.

I know, I know.

Lou: It's gonna make it worse if you and I...

If we don't figure things out.

Peter: Yeah, uh... I think, just for now, we have to put our personal issues aside and just create a united front.

You know, for Georgie's sake.

Just for Georgie's sake?

No... for us, too.

(Fire crackles, clock ticks nearby)

(River flows, birds chirp)

Ty: Kind of a weird day.

(Snorts softly) I guess it's becoming a habit for you, this getting arrested thing.

(Water splashes, Ty chuckles)

Come on...

I wasn't arrested after that bar episode.

You and Caleb were such a mess. (Chuckles)

Ty... why didn't you call?

You know, after... I picked you up and everything?

Ty: I wanted to, but I decided to give you some time to figure out what it is that you want.

(Annoyed) What I wanted was to talk, but... you made it pretty clear that you didn't.

You kept giving me the cold shoulder, and then, this morning, you do a complete 180.

You kissed me, Ty.

Did that... Did that mean something or was that just us getting caught up in the moment?

I'm not giving you the cold shoulder, I just don't want us to go right back to where we were.

Then... what do you want me to do?

Amy, I want you to figure out what's important to you.

I have.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but I have.

So what do you want?

You're gonna have to tell me what's important to you.

Say something.

(River flows)

(Fire crackles)

Jack: Just sit down. They'll be fine.

Tim: Yeah, I know. I know.

And who do we have to thank for that?

(Snaps his finger, door opens)

Tim: Hey, honey. (Door shuts)

Amy: Good night.

Jack: Yeah, tell me again. Who do we have to thank?

(Fire crackles)

Yeah, Mel. I-no, no, no!

These are true "hot shot" type horses. No, you have to see them.

Ty: Yeah, I got a client roster in my phone from last month.

Is that still up-to-date?

Okay, good. Thanks for spreading the word, Scott.

Tim: Just, just, just come up. That's it.

If you see them, I guarantee you'll buy a few of them.

Amy: Okay. I've been through all my clients and there's lots of prospects.

(Phone beeps)

Chad: There's something about a group of tree hugging horsey people on a mission.

But have you even thought about what's gonna happen when all these people start showing up?

Matt's gonna know. I mean, they have to deal with him.

Amy: Well, I've got time to talk Matt around.

Chad: Actually, you don't have any time at all.

I just heard. Meat truck's coming... tomorrow.

(Car rumbles, door opens)

Lou: Hi there. (Door slams shut)

Um, nice to see you again.

Will-will Clint be joining us today?

Abby: Actually, my boss is on vacation, so all twelve of your emails were forwarded to me.

Judging by the content of some of them, I'm sure you weren't aware.

(Heels clunk on stairs, Lou sighs heavily)

So how would you like to go about these interviews?

Abby: Well, protocol states that I should start with you and Peter.

Lou: Of course.

Abby: Um, separately.

Lou: Oh. Okay.

Um, who would you like to... interrogate first?

Abby: You.

And Mrs. Morris, this is not an interrogation.

This is for the good of your child.

(Pages flip)

(Gate clanks and creaks open)

(Horses grunt and snort softly)

Amy: It's okay.

(Horse grunts nervously)

There you go.

That doesn't hurt, now, does it?

(Horse snorts, approaching hooves thud)

Matt: You don't think I'd hear about what you're up to?

It's a small town!

You're just supposed to make sure these horses are healthy.

Not break them.

Matt, please listen to me.

No! No, I should've known you'd go behind my back.

Okay, but I have a long list of people seriously considering adopting them.

Matt: I ain't interested!

Amy: Why not?

Matt: Because, quite frankly, I can save time and money sending them to auction.

Amy: Matt, please, I don't believe you!

Look, these horses, they could have great homes.

There are people willing to pay for them.

The end result is the same.

There's still money in your pocket.

Okay, here's the deal. I'm a reasonable man.

Amy: Okay...

Matt: Do whatever you want with them...

But... tomorrow morning, they go to the highest bidder, be it the glue factory or someone who wants to adopt.

So... go ahead and rally your troops, but I'll be the one making the final decision.

All right.

(Truck rumbles, Amy sighs heavily)

(Engine idles and shuts off)

(Hot water pours)

Abby: I understand your husband works in Vancouver.

Um, how often is he home?

Lou: He travels for work, but that doesn't put a strain on the relationship.

A strain? Why do you use that word?

Lou: No, no. I said there isn't... a strain.

(Pages flip)

Abby: Moving on. Um, let's discuss Georgie's recent injury.

Can you take me through how that actually happened?

Georgie takes trick riding lessons and she was practicing in our ring.

You know, I'm surprised someone as young as Georgie's doing such a dangerous sport.

Lou: It's not dangerous.

Hanging upside down from a galloping horse isn't dangerous?

I know, but a lot of girls Georgie's age do it, and the lessons are always highly supervised.

Abby: Mm. But to my understanding, it wasn't highly supervised the day Georgie broke her arm, was it, Mrs. Morris?

Where were you when it happened?

Lou: I was in the house with Katie, but Georgie wasn't alone.

She was with her aunt.

And in fact, I discovered later that her aunt was encouraging her and egging her on, even though Georgie knew it was against house rules; that Peter and I would never have condoned it.

That may be, but the bottom line is...

You weren't there to supervise her, were you?

Lou: Well, I...

Abby: No. You weren't.

If her aunt hadn't challenged Georgie in the first place...

Abby: Mrs. Morris... Lou, this interview is standard protocol.

It's necessary for me to understand why these complaints were made.

I think we both know where these complaints have come from.

So why can't we just be upfront about it?

That's against policy.

(Page flips)

Peter: Yeah, that's right. I uh...

I commute back and forth to Vancouver.

Did you know that while you're gone, Georgie is routinely up at dawn, doing chores in the barn that some would consider hard labour?

I'm sorry, hard labour?

Abby: Some foster children are adopted for reasons other than their well-being.

They're thought of sometimes as unpaid household help.

Peter: Okay. Do you wanna tell me where you're going with this?

That isn't the case here, is it, Mr. Morris?

Or were you even aware it was going on?

Peter: Uh, we live on a ranch, so Georgie does chores.

In fact, we all do chores.

She happens to love being out with the horses before school in the morning.

It's part of her routine and we couldn't stop her if we tried.

So I would hardly call it hard labour. That's insulting.

No one's accusing you of anything, Mr. Morris.

These are standard questions for clarification.

Right, well, I don't think you'd have to ask these questions if you'd done any homework and found out anything about us.

How can you take these complaints at face value like this?

Honestly. It's ridiculous.

I've done everything that's required of me.

Jack: Let's get the next one ready for the sh**t.

(Loud metallic scrape)

Jack: Whoa! Settle down there.

(Horse snorts nervously) Amy: Whoa...

Ty: All right.

Amy: That's it.

Ty: How many is this?

Amy: Five more to go.

Whoa... there.

Thanks for keeping him calm.

You know, this is what I miss the most.

Us working together.

It's what we always wanted, right?

It was a dream.

Maybe we just keep it at that.

(Loud whinny nearby, hooves thud)

Amy: Oh no, he's back. Matt is gonna see him!

Jack: Amy!

Ty: Amy, be careful!

Amy: Go on! Get outta here, you hear me?!

(Horse whinnies and stamps)

Ty: Hey! Whoa! Whoa!

Amy: Go on! (Horse whinnies)

Ty: Now, easy.

Amy: Go! Just go!

Ty: Come on. Come on.

Amy: Please, you have to leave.

(Grunts and snorts)

(Horse whinnies and stamps)

(Hooves thunder)

Abby: You broke your arm, Georgie.

Is it true you did it trick riding?

Or was it broken some other way?

Georgie: You think I'm abused?

Abby: I didn't say that. Why do you say that?

Georgie: Look, I know how the game goes.

You people are always trying to put words in my mouth, trying to make me say things I don't mean.

Abby: Now, that's not true. (Sighs)

I want you to feel you can tell me things.

You're in a safe place...

Georgie: I'm not abused. Okay, I broke my arm when I was doing a trick riding routine for my aunt Crystal.

It was my fault.

I shouldn't have been doing it with her alone.

Lou and Peter don't let me.

Abby: Okay.

Georgie: Was it my aunt Crystal who complained?

Um, Georgie, I can't answer that.

Georgie: I bet it was... because she's mad at Lou and Peter because they didn't let her stay and get to know me.

You know, I haven't seen her since I was two, and I don't even remember her.

But my brother does, and he says that she wasn't very nice, and my mom didn't like her and she was a bad influence on us.

Abby: I don't really need to know the whole history.

You do! You need to know my aunt just as much as you need to know me because she's the one who's accusing my mom and dad of being bad parents, and it's a lie!

You're supposed to be helping us.

You're supposed to be helping me. (Crying)
(Approaching footsteps, door opens)

Lou: Okay, so...

Peter: So what's the next step here?

Abby: Um, I'm afraid I have to review the case further.

I'll be in touch. Please stay in town.

(Receding footsteps)

That's my best offer.

Fair enough.

Jack: Not as many takers as we'd hoped.

Tim: Well, rumour has it that Matt's been telling people the sale was cancelled.

Man: Look at this one.

Woman: No, I'm not sure about him.

Amy: This is a really nice, young colt, okay?

He was easily gentled.

It's gonna some time to gain his confidence, but he's a hundred percent sound.

Good boy.

Now if I can do this in a day, imagine what you can do with more time.

Now if anyone is interested, please go see Matt and place your bid.

(Birds chirp, people chatter)

Lou: Why hasn't she called?

You know, and Clint... (Phone thumps) picked the worst possible time to be on vacation.

Of course, I've left more messages, but they're probably all going to Abby.

Peter: Don't go over Abby's head, okay? It's a bad idea.

It's just gonna alienate her more.

(Dog barks in the distance, knock at the door)

(Door opens)

(Screen door creaks shut)

(Spoon clatters) Crystal: Georgie...

(Screen door opens and snaps shut)

Amy: I'm getting complaints! People are furious!

You're turning down everyone's offer? Why?

They're too low! I told you, they go to the highest bidder.

Amy: My client offered you twelve hundred dollars.

That's way higher than any meat buyer's gonna give you!

What is wrong with you?!

Will said your father loved those horses! How can you just k*ll them?

Those horses k*lled my father.

Crystal: I understand you're under fire from the CPS.

It must be very difficult.

You should know since you're the one who instigated the entire thing!

Peter: I don't see how you can show your face at our door.

Lou: You took the truth and you twisted it into total lies.

I believe I had just cause.

You tried to keep me from seeing my only niece.

I told you, you wouldn't get away with it.

But... I can make this all go away.

For a price.

For a price?

(Shocked laugh) I'm sorry, you're blackmailing us!

It's hardly blackmail.

If you want me out of Georgie's life that much, then I believe I deserve a little compensation.

You have my number.

Lou: Yeah, I have your number all right, Crystal.

(Contemptuous exhale)

You call me when you're ready to discuss this.

I'm in town.

(Screen door creaks open and shut)

Jack: Well, they tried, Will.

Amy and Ty, they did their best.

Will: You know what? I think I'm just getting too old... for all this.

I'm sick and tired of fighting.

Actually, no.

Actually, what I'm sick and tired of is losing.

Losing fights, losing them horses...

There's not much left to lose anymore.

Jack: Nah, that's not true.

Will: Oh no?

Well, what would you know about it?

Look, Sam doesn't come up here to see me no more.

Now Joanna's met this guy and she's taking off with him.

Lost my best friend this last winter.

On top of everything else, my health is totally giving out.

Now it's my lungs and don't be telling Joanna.

Look, you don't wanna lose anything else, then move! Go with her.

It seems pretty simple from where I'm standing.

Will: Oh, it seems pretty simple to Mr. High-and-mighty, does it?

You're telling me to do something you'd never do yourself.

Am I right?

Your wife travels, she moves around, but you're "independent." You don't gotta go nowhere.

It's a fancy way of saying that you're gonna stay put.

People wanna see you, they gotta come where you're at.

You're not gonna move anywhere.

So don't be giving me advice that you wouldn't take yourself, thank you.

Jack: Come on, will...

Will: You know what you can help me do?

You can help me convince Joanna. That would help.

She seems to think that if she leaves me up here by myself, I'm gonna kick the bucket, when it's exactly the reverse that's true.

If I have to sell up and move down there with her, that'll k*ll me sure as sure. It's a death sentence.

Jack: Well, I guess you don't wanna hear this, but that's all on you.

You gotta explain things to Joanna.

Will: It just doesn't go anywhere.

She gets all emotional. Well, you know... and then I get riled up and then... it ends there.

Jack: Well, I may be wrong about some things, but there's one thing I do know.

They're taking those horses away this afternoon.

I know it's just something else that you are losing, but...

It doesn't mean that you can't go over there and say a proper goodbye.

(Light rain patters)

(Meat truck rumbles)

(Gate clanks, engine shuts off)

Matt: Folks, can you move back, please, give us some room.

Thanks. (Truck door squeals open)

Matt, come on, this isn't right.

Will: Just hold on a second, will ya, fellas?

Just... give me a second here.

I got something I wanna say, although I'm pretty sure Matt here doesn't wanna hear it.

Too bad.

Now me and Matt's father, Malcolm Pincher, we were pretty good friends, we were neighbours for years.

And the thing that we mainly shared was our love for these wild horses right here.

As a matter of fact, this is one of Malcolm Pincher's paintings.

I'm sure you seen it... At my daughter's place.

Have you seen this one, Matt?

Look at it. Come on, look at it.

Now, do you not see the passion in there?

The passion your old man had for these herds that have wandered through these fields forever?

These are proud and noble animals, and you know what? They deserve to be able just to run free just as they did.

They have that right because they're part of our history, and part of our heritage too.

It's a heritage I would not wanna see disappear.

What I want is for my grandson and my great grandchildren to be able to watch these horses, as we've done, in their natural habitat.

And they're natural habitat is not a paddock.

They don't deserve to live like this.

They certainly don't deserve to die like this, do they?

Matt: Let's go! Load 'em up!

(Hooves thud)

Matt: Let's go.

Rider: Hi-yah! Come on!

Rider 2: Come on! Yip, yip! (Hooves thud)

Come on, move. Come on. Yah!

That's it. Yah! Yah! Come on!

That's it, come on!

(Horses whinny, hooves thud)

Yip-yip-yip! Yah! Hi-yah!

Hi-yah! Hi-yah! (Hooves thud)

(Men yell out commands)

That's the last one.

Amy: Matt! You can't do this!

I don't know what happened with your father...

Matt: No, you don't.

Amy: But these horses don't deserve to suffer because of it.

What happened, Matt? Please tell me.

Matt: He was out there at dawn every morning last winter, and the winter before that, hauling hay, feeding those damn animals in the bitter cold.

That's what he was doing that morning, and he dropped dead. Just... gone.

He uh... he had years.

Amy: He was doing what he loved, and he loved those horses.

(Meat truck engine starts)

Think of how he would feel watching what's going on today.

(Meat truck rumbles, Matt bangs on the door)

(Meat truck rumbles away)

(Horses grunt, hooves thud)

(Low hum of chatter nearby)

Amy: (Crying)

(Foliage crunches underfoot)

Ty: Hey... come here.


Peter: It's ridiculous. Maybe we should just pay her.

Lou: No! Honey, there- there is no way!

If we pay Crystal one cent, she's gonna be back again and again, and it won't stop.

We have to just call Abby and tell her what's happened.

Tell her everything.

Peter: It's pointless.

It's our word against Crystal's.

Abby doesn't seem to value our word very much anyways, does she?

Lou: Maybe she doesn't have to.

(Painting clunks and rattles against wall)

(Door opens, birds chirp outside)

Joanna: Hey, dad.

Will: Hey.

Joanna: I heard you were pretty amazing this morning, in front of that crowd.

Will: Hardly.

Joanna: (Chuckles)

I'm really proud of you.

Will: Thanks.

Joanna: And dad, I finally get it.

Will: Mm... you get what?

Joanna: The wild horses, it's...

It's kind of about you, too, isn't it?

Will: Oh, here we go.

Joanna: (Laughs)

Will: I think you're kinda reading into things here a little bit.

Joanna: I get it, that... You need to be... free and living on your own and being independent.

Will: Yeah, sure you do.

Joanna: I do, and I respect it.

(Sighs) And if that's what you really want, I totally understand. I mean it.

Well, thank you.

But listen to me now, you know...

I think that you should go.

If that's what you wanna do, you should just do it.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'll be just fine.

Joanna: I know you will.

Will: Okay?

But I've been thinking... I might have been a bit hasty putting everything up for sale.


What if I held on to the hotel and bar, and maybe just kept it open during the summer months, like a resort.

And then I'd be up here a few months of the year, and Sam too.

And the other fella?

Yeah, hopefully.

Curtis, the other fella, he'd be here too.

What do you think?

I think that what you're trying to do is find someway that you can keep an eye on me and I'm trying to tell you, I'm gonna be okay.

Yeah, but if I had a place in Okotoks, I could drag you there on the worst days of winter.

The worst days of winter, I can't go.

That's when those horses need me the most.

(Sighs, realizing) Damn.

Crystal: Well, I was happy to get your call.

I didn't expect it so soon.

So, uh, you've decided to accept my offer?

Peter: Well, we have to uh...

We have to know what it is you're asking for, you understand, before we can... before we can accept.

What's to know? It's very simple.

If you want me to stay away from Georgie, it will cost you.

That's per month. In cash.

I don't think the government needs to know about our little arrangement, do you?

(Screen door snaps shut)

Georgie: What're you doing here?

Lou: Georgie...

Georgie: How could you do this to my mom and dad?

Crystal: Honey, if it wasn't for me, you-you wouldn't know anything about your own family, your real mother and father.

Lou and Peter are my real mother and father!

I thought that you would like to hear the stories and look at the photo albums and...

Georgie: I did, and that was amazing, and I wanted you to be my fairy godmother, (crying) I did.

But you tried to take me away from the only people, other than Jeff, that I've ever loved.

Someone that loved me would never do that.

I hope I never see you again!

Crystal: Honey, please!

Abby: don't worry, Georgie, your aunt won't be bothering you again.

In fact, she's at risk of arrest.

(Chuckles nervously) And who are you?

I'm the social worker on this case, and I have to tell you criminal charges may be laid for malicious and false accusations.

Oh, not to mention soliciting a bribe.

(Snorts) Oh...

Well, well, well... Aren't you two just so clever.

Peter: (Disgusted grunt)

Crystal: Well...

You're the one who's losing out, Georgie.

You just remember that.

(Screen door opens and snaps closed)

(Car rumbles away, screen door opens)

(Screen door snaps shut)

You've been cleared. Obviously, no further action will be taken.

I'm sorry for all this, Lou. Peter.

It's okay, it's over. You... you did your job.

Abby: No, I apologize. I acted...

Well, I'm kind of new, and I was thrilled to get asked to fill in for Clint while he was on holiday.

I guess I was trying to impress him with how thorough I could be on a case.

I wish you all the best.

Georgie, you have a wonderful family.

(Receding footsteps)

Peter: (Sighs, then chuckles)

Amy: I'm sorry, Will.

I know it didn't turn out like you'd hoped.

Will: Don't worry. It couldn't be helped.

It's the way it goes.

(High-pitched whinny) Rider: Yah! Yah! Yah!

(Hooves thunder)

Rider: Yah! Yah! Yah!

(Hooves thunder, horses whinny)

Matt: For my father!

Rider: Hah! Hah!

(Hooves thud, tack jingles)

(Horses whinny)

(High-pitched whinny)

(High-pitched whinny)

(Horse whinnies in the distance)

(Hooves thunder)

(Horse whinnies, hooves thunder)


(Whinnies and stamps)

(Horse whinnies)

(Whinnies and stamps)

(Snorts softly)

(Snorts softly)

(Pants softly)

(Horse whinnies, herd whinnies)

(Hooves thunder)

(Horses whinny)

(Screen door snaps shut)

(Birds chirp)


Well, here's to you dealing with Crystal.

(Glasses clink) We did it together, Peter.

And I hope I never hear her name again.

But, you know, Abby is right.

Georgie has an amazing family...

And we need to keep it that way.


(Birds chirp)

(River flows)

Ty: The river looks different.

Amy: Yeah, it's constantly changing.

Do you remember what I uh... what I said before we... took that break?

That I had changed.

Ty: Yeah.

Amy: And you're right, I had.

I was a nightmare when I came back from that tour and I don't know how anyone put up with me.

You know the other day when... you asked me what I wanted?


Ty: If you were to ask me that back home, I would've said that I needed to know that we still want the same things; that we still share the same dreams and goals.

And now I know that we do.

Because these last few days, I've been...

I've been watching you and... you are the same girl.

You're the same girl that I fell in love with...

And more.

Because you have changed, and in a great way.

And these last few months have been...

They've been good for me too because...

(Sighs) I discovered something.

I discovered that I'm- I'm okay on my own.

I am.

But I know something else too.

I don't wanna do it on my own.

Amy, I wanna do it with you.

Ty: Okay?

Amy: Okay.


You made the right decission. Even without my advice.

Joanna: I know! I'm so proud of myself.

Tim: And good luck with the move, and with your new guy.

You were the one who told me years ago that I need to get myself out there and trust people, meet people, and I did it. (Door opens)

It's your turn.

Thank you. (Light kiss)

Amy: I'm so glad you're not selling.

Ty: Yeah. There's something about this place.

Amy: Yeah, it's pretty magical.

Tim: Magical? Didn't I tell ya?

Amy: Tell him what?

Jack: Are you ready to go?

Tim: Ty? (Keys jingle)

Joanna: Thanks, guys, for everything.

♪ Hey, hey, hey... ♪

♪ I wanna run with you ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, so let them call us fools... ♪

Tim: Hey!

Lou: Hey, grandpa! You're back!

Jack: Hello.

Georgie: Hey, Jack!

Katie: GG!

Jack: Hi, sweetie!

Lou: Dad, I didn't even know you were with them.

Are-are you sure you're ready for this?

Absolutely. Are you?

Amy: Yes.

Ty: Yeah?

Amy: You first.

Ty: No, no, after you.

Amy: No! You first. (Kissing)

Jack: So... how's everything here?

Lou: Well, I don't know where to begin.

(Screen door snaps shut)

Wait-wait a second. Something's changed.

What's going on?

Amy: Everything's...

Ty: We're-we're good.

Amy: Fine.

Ty: Yeah.

You're getting married, aren't you?!

(Gasps) You are, aren't you?! Tell me.

Amy: Yeah. (Laughing)

Ty: We are.

Jack: For real this time?

Ty: Yeah. For real.

Tim: (Chuckling) Huh?

Lou: So, when? When-when are you getting married?

Ty: Three months?

Amy: (Laughs)

Lou: Three months? You guys, how can I plan a wedding in three months!

That's not enough time!

(Hooves thunder)

Forever and ever and ever...

Amy: This is about us getting married, not the scenery.

Announcer: One marriage coming up.

One marriage on the rocks.

Promise me you won't mention it.

Announcer: Now, hatching a plan for marital bliss.

How am I supposed to do that?

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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