01x15 - The Scarecrow

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x15 - The Scarecrow

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

(sudden crash)


Fish Mooney's alive.


You've been playing me for a chump.

No! No. No. No! No!

You better stop this machine right now, because if I die,

Don Falcone is gonna send a team up here to skin you alive and slaughter your family.

(muffled yelling)

That man who was thrown from the roof...

The k*ller removed his adrenal glands.

Essentially, it's the fear gland.


Gordon: He's still out there.


(thunder crashing, rumbling)

(siren wailing)

(thunder crashing)


(window thudding, wind whistling)

(glass clinking)


(thunder rumbling)

Who are you?

(door rattling, clattering)

(man yelling in fear)


(man screams)


(man grunting, punches thudding)

(woman yowling in distance)

(indistinct shouting and chatter)

Man: How you doing?

Man 2: Jump! Get up!

(Mooney groans)

(man grunting)

Man: Slug 'er!

Come on!

No, no.

(Mooney sighs)

Woman: No! No!

I'm dreaming, right?

Oh, I hope so, lady.

I sure hope so.

Man: All right...

(chuckles quietly)

Mooney: Oh, hell.

What's up with them?

What are they waiting for?

Man: Ow!

Man 2: Keep doing it.

First man that comes at a new girl nearly always gets jumped by the second man.

Is that right?

Here's a promise, boys.

The first of you to come at me will die like... that.

The second will die slow.

So, boys... who's first?

Thompkins: Thank you. That was wonderful.

Gordon: Yeah. Taxi!

And no case files. And we didn't mention work once.

(laughs) There's hope for us yet.


So, what is this, our third date?

I believe that's correct.

Three dates, and I still haven't been to your apartment.

Well, what particular room in my apartment are you interested in?

Oh, I don't know. How's the kitchen?


Living room?


What about the bedroom?

The bedroom I think you'd like.

Yeah? Taxi!

But not tonight.


I have to get a good night's sleep.

I start a new job in the morning.

A new job? Congratulations. Since when?

I heard this morning. I didn't want to spoil dinner with a whole big discussion about it.

Why would it spoil dinner?

I'm coming to work at the GCPD.

I'm you're new medical examiner.

You're kidding.

Wow. That's great.

Is it?

Of course. I mean, I was the one that suggested you work there.

Yes, but now it's real.

So? Good.

We'll see, won't we?

Good night.

(horns honking, siren blaring)

(camera clicking, indistinct radio communication)


Gennaro Marx, single, 63.

High school English teacher.

Same exact surgical incisions as our last victim.

What are the odds he's got no adrenal glands?

Gordon: So, what's he doing with them?



(wheezing groan)

(panting, grunting)

Woman (echoing): Why?


What's the matter with you?

Help me!

Why won't you help me, Gerald?

(muffled screaming)

(distorted): Help me...

Alfred: Do you have everything you need, Master Bruce?


I can still come with you, if you want me to.


It wouldn't be right.

No. Of course.

(zipping bag)

I'll be fine, Alfred.

You don't have to worry.

Who said I was worried?

I'll be back before dark.

I've been on this hike before, you know.

Not without your father.

Come here.

He would have approved, you know.

Carrying on the tradition like this.

My father and I stayed overnight.

We woke up early to watch the sunrise.

It's not the same.

Well, maybe next year, then.

Well, off you go then.

Oswald: And then, the worst of it...

Maroni had me locked me inside a sedan and tried to crush me alive.

So, well, you can imagine my concern.

Maroni's not a man to let things go, and I fear he will come after me in retaliation.

Were you planning to clean up the place?


Oh, um, I... I can... if you like.

It needs it. Is that blood?


But Don Falcone...

While you're at it... maybe you could do something about the design.

The design?

It reeks of Fish Mooney.

What do you think about the lamps?

(anxious laugh)

Don Falcone, maybe you didn't hear me.

I need your protection.

Maroni will surely try and k*ll me.


The lamps should go.

Don Falcone, please!

Maroni wants my scalp, and you'd have me redecorate.

This nightclub makes a lot of money.

Without money, we lose influence.

Without influence, we lose control.

And without control, Maroni k*lling you is no longer a hypothetical. It's a foregone conclusion.

That's why I want to reopen it.

Under your care.

I can have the club?


It's mine?

You've earned it.

Your days of sneaking around, spying on Maroni, are over.

You're with me now.


Things are gonna be much different.

So spruce up the place, get it open.

As for Maroni, leave him to me.

What do you got?

Bullock: Your book where the victim taught English.

Tell you one thing...

Girls didn't look like this when I was back in high school.


I'm just sayin'.

Hi, Jim.

Lee. You remember Harvey, right?

Hi, Lee.


Lee's our new M.E.

You're joking.


Oh, good.

You've met.

Oh, Detective Gordon and I already know each other.

Oh, right. From Arkham?

Right. Arkham.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you.

Essen: You can fill her in on your cases later.

Dr. Thompkins, will you follow me?

Lots to get you up to speed on.

It was good to see you again, Detective.

It was really good to see you, Doctor.

You have no luck at all, do you, brother?

What do you mean?

You find a fine lady like that, and she comes to work with you in the same building?

It's a damn shame.


Office romance always ends in tears... tears!

It's not gonna be like that.

Trust me. I know.


Holy Mother Mary.

You got him?

Staring right back at me.

That's him. That's him. That's the guy from the pool.

His name is Gerald Crane. He's a biology teacher.

School doesn't let out for hours.

Let's go.

I'm Kelly.



That's what I said: Fish.

(man coughing in distance)

So... where are we?

What is this place?

Some people think it's a prison.

Some think it's Hell.

I just think it's cold, mostly.

(gate creaks open)


No. Uh-uh.


You got to let the boss eat first.

People call him Mace.

He's the one in charge, hmm?

Okay. Okay.

Man: Get up there! Get up there!

Go on! Move!

(birds chirping, water burbling)

Woman: Gerald called in one day and said he wasn't coming in.

That's the last I heard of him.

Let me guess, about three weeks ago?

That's when neighbors said he up and moved out.

Unis searched the place. Nothing.


So what can you tell us about Crane?

He was a good teacher.

Focused. And a good father.

He was very protective of his son Jonathan.

But he could be quiet, too. Somber.

Think it had to do with his wife... she died six or seven years ago.

She died? How?

Uh, car accident.

Did Crane ever talk about fear or phobias?


Is someone targeting phobics?


k*lling them?

Does this mean something to you?

These victims, were they missing their adrenal glands?

How'd you know that?


This was an academic paper that Gerald wrote a few months ago.

He asked me to proof it for him.

See, Gerald had a theory that fear was an evolutionary flaw in humans.

w*r, r*pe, theft, m*rder...

It was all caused by fear.

He was obsessed with it.

Gordon: So Crane k*lled these people and took their glands to test a theory?

No... Gerald wasn't trying to prove he was right about fear.

He was trying to cure himself of it.

Nygma: Crane's idea of curing fear was to inoculate himself against it.

Like a disease?

Exactly. But in order to do so, he needed a condensed source of the hormones that cause fear.


Crane's preying on them?

Spiking their fear by scaring them and then k*lling them in order to harvest the hormones?

Bullock: Damn!

How much of this stuff does he need?

What do you mean?

How many more people is he gonna k*ll?

Oh. Of course. Good question.

Depends on how scared he is, I guess.

What's he scared of?

In Scottie's phobia support group, he said he was afraid of failure.

(Bullock sniffing)

Gordon: Who isn't? It's gotta be something else.

Did you hear?

Hear what?

That we got a new medical examiner.

Much better than the old one.

And she smells nice.


See, Jim? Competition already.

Look at this.

Crane developed protocols for two inoculations, himself and somebody else... Subject B.


I wonder who that is.

(gulls squawking)


(heart beating rapidly)

(heartbeat slowing)

(heartbeat slowing further)

Jonathan: Dad...


You okay?

I'm glorious.

It's working, Jonathan.

I said it would.

And it's almost your turn.

You will be free of fear forever.

You'll be cured.

Are you ready, Jonathan?

Are you ready, son?

Thank you for having me.

My pleasure.

We're friends, right?

Of course.

Then let me talk to you as a friend.

You want to have lunch, take a walk, I'm happy to.

But a sandwich and a stroll ain't gonna keep me from k*lling Penguin.

That little rat is dead.

So be it.

Man: Mr. Cobblepot, will this do?

We will not be serving that.

No, no, no.

I said lose the drapes, not tie them back!

We're opening in ten hours!

Man 2: Sorry.

Hey, boss...

Ah. They're ready.

Still warm from the printer.

Nothing can go wrong tonight, Gabe.

This is more than an opening.

It's my moment.

They're perfect.

Take these to everybody on the list.

But not this one.

This one I want to deliver in person.

(indistinct chatter)

I just want a word.

I mean no harm.

That's close enough.

No harm, huh?

So, you're the boss in here?

I am.

Why you?

I see a lot of tough guys around here.

This is the only blade in the place.

And I'm holding it.

Fair enough.

(men shouting, arguing)

I want to make a deal with you.

A deal?


I think I might have skills that could be useful to you.


What skills, exactly?

All kinds.

You protect me from these animals, and I'll show you.

You think you're worth protecting?

You have no idea.

Can I help you?

I don't think so. Can you?

(quiet laugh)

What do you want?

What I want, the poor have, the rich need, and if you eat it you'll die.

Is this...

Are you asking me a riddle?

Do you like riddles?


So do you give up?

Friend, lookit...


The answer is nothing. The poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it...

Who are you?



I know who you are.

Then you know that you're standing too close.

Did you know that male emperor penguins keep their eggs warm by balancing them on their feet?

Isn't that neat?

Nice to meet you, sir.

Keep moving.

Will do.

Cell phone records?

And credit card statements.

Give me a hand.

Yeah, sure.

Uh, give me a minute.

Take your time.

It's good to see you, old friend.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to invite you to a party I'm hosting.

No, thanks.

I hear you.

Too busy, I suppose.

Are you on a tricky case? Anything I can help you with?

It worked so well the last time.

I don't want your help.

It was a mistake to ask.

I don't want you coming here.

You shouldn't treat me this way, Jim.

One day soon, you'll need my help.

You'll come to me.

And walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

Good luck with your police work.

And... please... reconsider my invitation.

It won't be the same without you.

Do you trust me?

Of course.

I love you, son.

I wouldn't do anything to harm you.

Just go. Go ahead.

(heartbeat racing)


(distorted): You're being a very good boy.

(gasps, yells)

Yes, don't struggle.

Look at me, look in my eyes.


(rock clatters in distance)


(grunting, screaming)




Hey, yourself.

How's your first day going?

Busy. Good.

Good, well, I got to get back, so...

Yeah. Hey.


We can't do that here.

Why? Last time, you kissed me in the middle of the bullpen.

You weren't working here then.

That makes a difference to you?

It's not professional.

Well, I should hope not.



Hey, Bullock.

Sorry to interrupt.

What's up?

Nothing that can't wait on your love life.

Just business.

Falcone: How does a cigar sound? I've got some beautiful Castros I've been waiting to try.

Carmine, talk straight with me.

Why are you doing this?

Granted, Penguin is a money-maker.

How come you're laying all this grease on me to keep him alive?

What's your angle?

He's clever. And I like to have a clever man beside me who knows his place in life. You know how that goes.

Yeah. All day.

He's clever enough to know that a freakish little man like him is never going to be the boss.

True enough.

So I'm supposed to give you a prime asset like that, and you're gonna bring out some nice old cigars?

(wry laugh) Of course I'll show my gratitude to you in a more formal way.

This is not a money thing.

This is personal.

I understand.

Do you know Chief Judge Stanley Turnbull?

Of course.

He's the meanest son of a mother bitch in the courthouse.


A hard and righteous man.

Powerful, too.

Put down some good friends of mine.

You bring me his ugly head and, say, 200 grand, and you got a deal.

(wry laugh)

Oh, I'll give you a better deal than his head.

(distant slapping, man whimpering)


Maroni: On my mother's life.


Judge Turnbull.

Falcone: He was out with a young man.

I had him drugged and brought here.


Now he's all yours.


(muffled sobbing)

I mean, we'll share him... (thump) of course, but, uh, in spirit, he's yours.

Now smile for the camera.

(Turnbull whimpering)

It's beautiful.

Gordon: We must be missing something.

Bullock: What about your pal Penguin?

What about him?

He helped us with Flass.

Maybe he'll help us with Crane.

No. I'm not going back to him.

It's worth a try.

No, it's not.

Then we wait for another body to drop, because we're not gonna find him here.

Yeah, you're right.

We're never gonna be able to track Crane.

We gotta get ahead of him by finding out what's driving him.

We know what's driving him.

He's obsessed with fear.


But why?

What's he afraid of?

What happened to him that made him this way?

His wife was k*lled in a car crash.


Check that out.

Bullock: Got it. Karen Crane.

Gordon: Yeah.

Says here she died in a house fire, not a car accident.

You think the coworker was lying?

Three other people said the same thing.

Crane must've lied about it for some reason.

What happened in the fire?

Article says she was sleeping upstairs when the fire broke out.

Husband Gerald and son Jonathan, eight, were downstairs.

Crane was in the house when his wife died?

And didn't save her. No wonder he lied.

He's ashamed.

His fear is the reason his wife died.

That's why he's doing this.

Address for the old Crane house. Let's go.


(heartbeat slowing)


(door slams in distance)


Stop, Johnny, stop!

Stop there!

We've started the protocol.

It must be completed, it will be harmful for you otherwise.

I can't... I can't do it again.

Think of it Johnny... No more fear.

I'm not-I'm not even afraid like you.

We're all afraid.

Every man and woman on the planet.

We're all standing at the edge of the abyss, paralyzed by fear.

Now, come on, son.

Trust me.

I just want to help you. And mankind.

Mankind, Johnny.

Now you must be brave, hmm?

Come on, son. Are you with me?

Then let's go back to the house.

It'll all be over before you know it, I promise.

(watch ticking)


(gasping in pain)


Ah, come on.

(grunting): Come on.

What's up, Doc?

The name's Mace.

That's cute, but I like to give my friends nicknames.

And yours is Doc...

'cause you have such a wise look in your eyes for such a big man.

A real little firecracker, huh?


A firecracker goes off once and then just lies there.

What you're looking at is the Fourth of July.

Come sit by me.

Does that mean we have a deal?

Sure, baby.

Well, I have a couple of riders I would like to talk to you...

Hush, now, baby.

(weak laugh)

You talk too much and you'll make me mad.

Huh, let's see...

That's rider number one.

Don't call me "baby."



My name is Fish Mooney.

I'm in charge now.

(knocking on door)

Gordon: GCPD!

No, no, no!


Come on, we have to go now.

(knocking on door)


Dad, they are going to arrest you once they come in here. We have to go now!

There's still time. We can complete the protocol.

Coming in.



(panting): What are you doing?

We have to finish the protocol.

It's the only way.

Dad, that's too much.

(whispers): It's the only way.

Look, Dad... there's not enough time.

It'll be fine.

I love you, son.


(grunts, gasps)

(heart beating rapidly)

(Jonathan gasping)


(screaming, sobbing)

(Jonathan screaming in distance)

(screaming stops)

Hands where we can see 'em!

Gordon: Hands in the air or we'll sh**t!

You think I'm afraid of you?

Not another step!

Afraid of your g*ns?


I have no fear!

(Gerald yells, grunts)

You take him. I'll get the kid.

Gordon: Call an ambulance.

(gasping, moaning)

Call an ambulance!

It's all right, son! It's all right!

(panting, grunting)

(owl hoots in distance)




(stops panting)

Hello, there, Master Bruce.

Well, you certainly took your time.

What, did you stop off for a pie and a pint on the way out, did you?

How long have you been there?

Well, I don't know, about... about an hour.

Just when you started climbing up that very nasty hill.

Thanks for your help.

Yeah, I never got you down there, you know.

(owl hoots in distance)

You all right?

Come here.

I'm cold, I'm tired, and my ankle's sprained.

Alfred: Oh.


I just want to go home.

You want to go home?

Or do you want to wait and watch the sunrise?

Like you did with your dad.

Well, Alfred... we can only stay if you think you can handle it.

If I can handle it?

Mate, this place is positively cushy compared to some of the places I've slept at.

Cup of tea, you cheeky monkey?

(quiet laugh)

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore... ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore ♪

♪ No more heroes anymore. ♪


Where you going?

Don Maroni.

It's such a pleasure to see you.

Look at you.

From the trunk of my car to running your own club.

The place looks good, Penguin.

Hell of a turnout.

(henchman chuckles)

Henchman: Yeah.

How 'bout a table?


My compliments, of course.

Expensive stuff.

Let me see.

I had a little chat with Falcone.

I came here to let you know that all is kosher between us.

Long as you don't go giving Falcone any more of my secrets.



Nothing like that.

Of course not.

Grab a glass.

You better hope that old man, Falcone, lives a long life.

'Cause the second he's out the picture, so are you.

(birds chirping)

Master B.

Alfred: Sunrise.


Oh, hey.

How are you? I heard your suspect was k*lled.

Came after Harvey and me with a g*n.

Didn't have a choice.

I'm so sorry.

What about his son?


Paramedics were able to stabilize him.

I'm heading over to the hospital now, to check in on him.

Well, let me know how he is.

I will.

So, settled in here, huh?

Uh, almost.

Think you're gonna like it here?

I do. So far.


Um, I have tickets to the circus.

Do you want to come with me?

The circus?

Yeah. They're good.

No, uh, sad elephants. (chuckles)

The circus. Sure. Why not?

Look, Lee...

Um... no kissing, here, on the job.

Okay? I'm serious.



If your hard-ass reputation is worth that much to you.

This is a place of work.

Cops have feelings, too.

It's not unprofessional to show your feelings.

Yeah, it is. Those kinds of feelings, yeah.

Fine. Be that way.


I'm just joking.

I'll be discreet.

All right, everyone gather round!

Up until now, there's been no order in here.

No... structure.

Things are gonna change.

(gate opens, weapons clicking)

(woman crying)


(gate creaks shut)


She's back.

(woman sobbing)

(sobbing): My eyes.

They took my eyes.

Doctor: The boy received a massive dose of condensed hormones... Cortisol, adrenaline... And another compound we're still trying to identify. The combination nearly k*lled him.

But he's gonna live?


But we ran a CAT scan in order to determine if he suffered any brain damage.

The results... we've never seen anything like them before.

The hormones themselves have long since worn off, but the effects, they seem to be lingering.

What are you saying? That he's still in fear?

Well, not just fear.

Jonathan's brain activity shows he's in a constant state of intense terror.

How long until this goes away?

Well... that's just the thing, Detective.

We can't be certain it ever will.

Imagine the thing you fear most in the world.

Imagine that it's all you see.

Every waking hour.


(heart beating rapidly)

No, no, no!
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