01x03 - The Shunning

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Fresh Off the Boat". Aired February 2015 - February 2020.*
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"Fresh Off the Boat" is mostly told through the eyes of 11-year-old Eddie Huang, with the show initially set in 1995, when Eddie and his Taiwanese family move from Chinatown in Washington, D.C. to suburban Orlando, Florida to realize their 'American dream'. They discover things are very different from expected and hip-hop is used to help deal with the upheaval, struggle and culture clash.
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01x03 - The Shunning

Post by bunniefuu »

Eddie: Orlando, 1995.

Just as glamorous as it sounds.

My dad moved our family there from D.C.

So he could open his own restaurant, but business wasn't going quite the way he planned... he planned to have customers, and he didn't.

Moms was worried, too, about money and about fitting in with the neighborhood women.

So, "Melrose Place" is about prostitutes who are mad at each other.


The one person who never seemed to worry was my younger brother Emery.

He blended in like a chameleon.

My favorite movie's "Gremlins."

And grandma and Evan were just hanging out, squishing bugs.

And that's me, your boy Eddie Huang, still straight struggling to fit in at my new school.


Dude, are those nurse's shoes?

Yeah, they're your mom's.

My mom does happen to be a nurse, and she helps sick people get better.

Can't wait to tell everybody the new Chinese kid wears nurse's shoes.

Walter's not wearing Jordans, either!

He doesn't need to... he's black.

That's like built-in Jordans.

This school's ridiculous.

They were jerks, but remember, this was 1995, before the Internet.

I couldn't just search "Asian kids who like hip-hop."

I had to figure out a way to fit in or be stuck eating lunch with the janitor and his kite.

I'm just saying, don't call it a seasonal fruit salad if it's nothing but melons.

The Shunning

♪ Fresh off the boat ♪
♪ I'm gettin' mine everywhere I go ♪
♪ If you don't know, homey, now you know ♪
♪ Fresh off the boat ♪
♪ Homey, you don't know where I come from ♪
♪ But I know where I'm goin' ♪
♪ I'm fresh off the boat ♪

My famous tuna salad.

All: Mmm!

Mac and cheese with bacon bits.


Stinky tofu.


That's exotic. Hmm.

How is this Fuller than before?

Aren't you gonna try some?

Oh! No.

But I admire you for making it.

It's that enterprising spirit that made Taiwan a world power in little league baseball.

I watched a documentary about China in college.


You guys, I am so excited for this year's block party.

[Giggles] I am so excited about our karaoke number. Oh!

What's the party for?

All: The Daytona 500.

What's the Daytona 500?

We watch cars race around speedways 200 times, stopping only for fuel or engine maintenance, and although the ultimate cup winner is decided by an elaborate points system, individual race winners can still celebrate by getting a grandfather clock or drinking a glass of milk.

Caveat... drinking milk isn't specifically Nascar, but auto racing in general. [Chuckles] Mm.

Do you have any aspirin?

[Louis laughs] Hey, there, neighbor!

Hello, neighbor. [Laughs]

I'm Louis.

I'm Marvin.

Hello. This is Honey.

Hello. [Chuckles]

Hi! [Chuckles]

We just got back from a month in the keys.

Oh, that's wonderful you took your daughter on such a nice vacation!

Your dad is a good man.

Listen to him.

Stay in school.

She's my wife.

Of course she's your wife.

She doesn't look like you at all.


[Chuckles nervously]


Oh, no.

You're reading Stephen King. What's wrong?

I have nothing in common with these neighborhood women.

I miss my friends back in D.C.

We had such pleasant talks.

[All screaming in Chinese]

I guess I'm just lonely.

You'll make new friends. It just take time.

And stop reading that book.

Those stories always give you nightmares.

You know what gives me nightmares?

Our bank account.

Stephen King should publish my checkbook.

Mom, can I get the new Air Jordans?


Why not?

They don't cost that much.

My sneakers aren't fine.

You never let me get anything!



I'm looking forward to when he wants a car.

And there's a point system, and then something happens with a clock, and then the winner drinks milk.

I love it. I love it.

Okay, this block party is a great opportunity for us to network and promote the restaurant.

When is it?

I don't know.

There's a party-planning meeting tonight.

I sent representatives.

Look, Alice, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but why not a petting zoo?

We need to show people that Cattleman's Ranch has great food, you know?

We got to generate a buzz to bring in the customers.

I'll get a meat smoker. We'll give out steak and ribs.

No, are you crazy?

We cannot afford to just give away food!

The restaurant's not making any money.

We can barely pay our bills.

Jessica, it's important to project the image you want people to see.

If you want to be successful, you have to project success.

That's what I needed to do.

I wanted to change the way the kids at school saw me, so I turned to the one person who could guide me through this...

Ol' dirty bastard.

["Shimmy shimmy ya" plays]

♪ Ooh, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Yeah, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Ooh, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Yeah, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Shimmy, shimmy ya, shimmy yam, shimmy yay ♪
♪ Gimme the Mike so I can take it away ♪
♪ Off on a natural charge, bon voyage ♪
♪ Yeah, from the home of the Dodgers, Brooklyn squad ♪
♪ Wu-tang k*ller bees on the swarm ♪

That's it... a hot girl was the ultimate status symbol.

Even if I couldn't have Jordans, if I had a fine shorty on my arm... psss... wouldn't matter.

Thanks, O.D.B.!

[Door closes]

Honey: Be right back! Taking out the trash!

♪ Shimmy, shimmy ya, shimmy yam, shimmy yay ♪
♪ Gimme the Mike so I can take it away ♪
♪ Off on a natural charge, bon voyage ♪
♪ Yeah, from the home of the Dodgers, Brooklyn squad ♪
♪ Wu-tang k*ller bees on the swarm ♪
♪ Rain on ya college disco dorm ♪
♪ For you to even touch my skill ♪
♪ You gotta put the one k*ller bee, and he ain't gonna k*ll ♪
♪ Now chop that down, pass it all around ♪

Jessica: Eddie!

That's very expensive!

If you want to waste something, you waste water!

Do not throw juice!

Mom, get out of my fantasy.

Jessica, water doesn't project success.

Capri Sun does.

As does Cattleman's Ranch ribs... great pork at a fair price.

Come on, fly girls. Try a rib. Tell a friend.

This is not free, okay? Here we go.

I am going to charge you all.

♪ Shimmy, shimmy, ya ♪

Dad saw an opportunity to promote our restaurant at the Nascar party.

He just needed to figure out what the hell Nascar was first.

Hello. Uh, do you have any Nascar videos?

Car or truck, cup series or busch, short track or road race?


Uh, which one is the milk?


All right. Come on.

Eddie: Come on.

Let's go walk past the adult section and try to see inside.

I thought those were the westerns.

Only the sexy ones.

They die and leave their wives their money.

"Dolores Claiborne."

Sometimes, they're driving home from their mistress's apartment, and their brakes suddenly fail.

An accident, Dolores...

An accident, Dolores... can be an unhappy woman's best friend. can be an unhappy woman's best friend.

[Both laugh]

My husband doesn't like it when I watch Stephen King movies.

He thinks I get scared.

That's the best part.

It's my favorite part. [Chuckles]

I'm Honey.

My husband, Marvin, and I are your neighbors.

Oh, I'm Jessica. It's so nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

[Both chuckle]

♪ So you wanna be a gangster, all that... ♪
♪ Smoke any... don't even trip ♪
♪ You be hard as hell, take whatever you want ♪
♪ Punk suckers wanna front ♪

What happened to your leg?

♪ 'Cause you a gangsta, nothin' more, nothin' less ♪

I'm so hungover.


Hey, girl.

How you livin'?

I'm fine.

Uh, hi. [Chuckles] I'm Honey.

Yeah, you are.

Eddie, stop acting weird.

Go to the bathroom. We're leaving soon.

A'ight, mama. A'ight.


He seems nice. [Chuckles]

What was that?

Phase one of my plan.

I need the guys from school to see me with her.

No one's gonna care I'm not wearing Jordans after that.

But she's, like, a woman.


A fine-ass woman like that leaning on me like in rap videos, that'll get me mad respect, son.

And these skittles are compliments of that gentleman over there.

Go on, girl! Taste the rainbow!

Louis: You know who win every race?

The advertising companies.

[Scoffs] Little Debbie.

I knew a Debbie once, but she was not little.

[Chuckles] She went by "big Deb."

I'm going over to Honey's.

I think I found a friend I actually like.

Oh, good. That's great. I told you... it just take time.

Yo, moms, you see Honey, ask her how those skittles treated her.

Why are you giving women candy?

'Cause they so sweet.

Go to your room.

A'ight, papa. A'ight.

[Door opens, closes]

[Speaks Chinese]


[Woman screaming]

I don't know what this wife's problem is.

If my husband had a big house like Jack Nicholson, he could put an axe in any door he wants to.


Because we have 500 other doors and a maze.

[Laughs] Mm-hmm.

Oh, I can't believe you are actually eating my food.

This is delicious.

You know who's gonna love this? Nicole.

Oh, that's Marvin's daughter. She's my stepdaughter.

Oh, that's nice.

She's not even your real daughter, and you love her.
[Banging on door]

Oh. Oh, my God. [Laughs] That scared me.


May I speak to my wife?

Look, Louis, I know you don't like me watching Stephen King movies, but this was on...

No, it's not that.

It's Honey.

All the neighborhood women hate her.

Well, that's not true! Who tell you that?


It's true.

They hate her because she ruined Sarah's life.

Who's Sarah?

Marvin's first wife.

Honey split them up.

Well, how do you know this?

The party-planning meeting.

Evan: "Sarah came home early one day and found them on the kitchen floor."

"The floor that Sarah just cleaned."


"Yes, girl." "Yes."

Then Carol-Joan gave us a preview of the karaoke number.

Not great.

All right, so they hate her. So what?

She is the first person I have met here who I actually like.

Well, if they find out that you're friends with honey, they could turn against you and the restaurant.

They boycotted Rebecca Miller's nail salon because she copied Mary Jo's Jennifer Aniston haircut.

You know, the Rachel.

Oh, my sweet boy, that's a lot of names.

Look, Jessica, you know more than anyone how much we're struggling.

We can't afford to give people any reason to avoid our business.

Okay. [Sighs]

You are right.

It is not worth risking the future of the restaurant for somebody who I have just met.


Pick any other woman to be friends with.

Swing a cat, hit a white woman, be friends with her.

Because our number-one priority should be the restaurant succeeding, and...

[screaming] Aah!

Oh, you know, I thought I saw a ghost in the window, but there was not a ghost.

I am fine.

And no more Stephen King movies!

You know, like our favorite sport, Nascar, why not speed over to Cattleman's Ranch for great tastes at an affordable price?

I-I'm just kidding. Drive the speed limit.

But still, come. [Chuckles]

All right, when I say rib eye, you say steak!

Rib eye!

Woman: Steak!

All right, we're having fun!

Evan: Welcome!

Food goes on the picnic table, which is over there where the petting zoo should have been.

Louis: Why aren't you handing out coupons?

Who you looking for?


I mean, a honey.

A honey woman.

Hand out the coupons, man.

Emery: Hey.

This is Simone and Bianca.

Hey. Hi.

You have two dates?

Oh, it's cool. We're supportive of each other.

You'd think there'd be an issue, but there's not.

Need any help with that?

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope!

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope.

Hey! I just finished getting the house ready for Nicole.

It's our weekend with her. [Chuckles]

Was Louis mad about the Stephen King...

You know, I have to go. A wasp flew into my mouth.

Oh, hey, Trent.

Check this out.

Yo. Coupon for one free hug?

Sorry. [Chuckles] I'm all lotion-y.

You know, I'm all about that.

Trent: Dissed!

Maybe you could borrow some of her lotion for that burn.


She's cutting equally sized pieces because of communism.


Isn't that right, Jessica?

Because of the communism in your country?

Or I'm just cutting cake.

[Laughter] Anyway, we have some exciting news.

We want you to sing the karaoke number with us.

You do?

All: Mm-hmm!

Samantha's out. Her mother died.

Here. Lyrics for you.

Can I interest you in some Cattleman's Ranch ribs?


You know, Tuesday is ladies night.

We have our special...

Melrose plates... of steak.


Here you go. Thank you.

See? This was the right move. [Laughs] It's good.

You know, I bet you it'd be real easy to sabotage one of those cars.

Yeah. Add the hip.

Ooh! Are you guys doing a song together?

We were going to...

Yes, we are.

We'd invite you to join, but it's more of a five-person number.

You understand.

Wow. [Chuckles]

Way to make a girl feel like Carrie at the prom, huh?

[Chuckles softly]

I don't get it. Do you get it?

No, I don't get it.

[Honey chuckles]

I heard she gave Burt Reynolds a tug and tumble when they were down here filming "Cop and a Half."

Care to dance?


You know, I'm not really feeling up to it.

Oh, come on. It'll be fun.



I guess everyone thinks I deserve to be treated like some... home-wrecking stripper.


Emery: Trouble with the ladies?

Dude, why is this so hard?

'Cause real life isn't a rap video, Eddie.

Boys, don't just talk to each other. Network.

Hey, I like what you're doing here, but don't let your mom see.

Look, Eddie, love is tricky.

Who said anything about love?

I'm talking about women.

You're just saying that 'cause you never been in love.

Me? I love love.

It's like everything goes in slow motion and you feel this pain in your heart.

It's a good pain... the pain of cupid's arrow.

Do you know what woman loves us?


Love is for moms.

[Chuckles] You guys are funny.

I know I should wait 30 minutes after I eat before I go in the pool, but hey, then I'd never go in the pool.

Deidre: Hey, everyone!

Thanks for coming out.

As you know, every year, the girls and I like to do a little karaoke number for y'all when there's a lull in the racing action.

And this year, we have chosen a song by a group called En Vogue.

No, it was not a unanimous decision, but I hope the person among us...

She's eating my food.

Realizes their mistake, because pride is such a...

Uh... Oh.

I have something to say.

In Chinese culture, this is a welcome speech, or jianghua .

Shut up, Deidre.

I would like to dedicate this song to my friend, Honey.

[Brakes squealing]

Our friendship might be off to a rocky start, but just like the haunted '58 Plymouth in the classic Stephen King novel "Christine," you can't k*ll it.

♪ If I ♪
♪ should stay ♪
♪ I would only be in ♪
♪ Your wa-a-a-y ♪
♪ So I'll go ♪
♪ But I know ♪

Your wife has a beautiful voice.

Is she a professional?

Uh, no, but she sometimes sings at our restaurant.

Uh, the address is on the back.

♪ And I-I-I-I-I ♪
♪ Will always love yo-o-o-o-o-u ♪
♪ I will always love yo-o-o-o-u ♪

I didn't know asians liked karaoke.

That's my wife. [Chuckles] the voice of an angel. [Chuckles]

She's performing at Cattleman's Ranch.

♪ Oh, oh ♪
♪ And I... ♪

This is not a duet.

Okay, yeah.

♪ Will always love yo-o-o-o-u ♪
♪ I... ♪

So, which kid is it?


Which kid do you want to see us together?

This isn't my first rodeo.

[Boys talking indistinctly]


So, what do you need?

Cheek kiss, hand hold?

Sensual hug?

Full body, three seconds, chest to chest?

[Chuckles] You got it.

You'd do that for me?

Your mom's a friend of mine.

Come on.


Are they watching?


♪ So you wanna be a gangsta ♪

Butt grab.

Oh! Okay. All right.

And we got it. Okay.

["Shimmy shimmy ya" plays]

Eddie: I'd never been happier than at that moment, which is why I didn't see what happened next coming.

♪ Ooh, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Yeah, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Ooh, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Yeah, baby, I like it raw ♪
♪ Shimmy, shimmy, ya shimmy yam, shimmy yay ♪
♪ Gimme the Mike so I can take it away ♪
♪ Off on a natural charge, bon voyage ♪
♪ Yeah, from the home of the Dodgers, Brooklyn squad ♪
♪ Wu-tang k*ller bees on the swarm ♪
♪ Rain on ya college disco dorm ♪
♪ For you to even touch my skill ♪
♪ You gotta put the one k*ller bee, and he ain't gonna k*ll ♪
♪ Now chop that down, pass it all around ♪
♪ Lyrics get hard, quick cement to the ground ♪
♪ For any emcee in any 52 states ♪
♪ I gets psycho ♪

[Gasps] Hi, Nicole!

Hey, slut. Hi, daddy.

Marvin: Hi, sweetheart!

In that instant, I knew what my brother Emery had been talking about... the pain of cupid's arrow.

Watch out!


Or a lawn dart.

It slipped.

Jessica: Eddie!

Eddie, what did you do?!

Eddie: Me?!

I have a dart in my back.

Somebody call an ambulance!

There's a hospital right near Cattleman's Ranch!


The block party turned out to be a great thing for our family.

My dad was happy that we raised interest in the restaurant...

You were awesome today.

Oh, thank you.

And you were... also there. [Chuckles]

My mom made her first friend in Orlando...

And even though I was almost k*lled by a lawn dart, I was happy 'cause I met her.

Yo, I was mad in love.
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