01x16 - The Blind Fortune Teller

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x16 - The Blind Fortune Teller

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Gotham...

I start a new job in the morning.

A new job?! Congratulations!

I'm coming to work at the GCPD.

I'm your new medical examiner.

I have some questions I need to ask the members of the board.

What kind of questions?

About Arkham.

It seems very likely those gangsters are actually given their shares in Arkham by Wayne Enterprises.

This nightclub makes a lot of money.

That's why I want to re-open it under your care.

I can have the club?

You're with me now.

What is this place? Where are we?

Kelly:Some people think it's a prison, some think it's Hell.

They took my eyes.

Kelly: People call him Mace.

Mooney: He's the one in charge.

(gasps, groans)


My name is Fish Mooney.

I'm in charge now.

(thunder rumbling)

(off-key intro plays)

Gertrud: Here's that song... (laughs)

♪ When you're smiling... ♪
♪ When you're smiling ♪
♪ The whole world ♪
♪ Smiles with you ♪
♪ When you're laughing... ♪

What's she doing?

♪ When you're laughing ♪
♪ The sun ♪
♪ Comes shining through ♪
♪ But when you're crying ♪
You bring on that rain
So stop your sighing
Be happy again

(man groaning)

Keep on smiling
'Cause when you're smiling
That whole world smiles with you...

(low, indistinct conversation)


(people coughing)


(coughing, groaning, murmuring continue)



Where's Jim?

He dropped off his keys, like, last week.

So screw him anyway, right?

So who are you guys?

(lively music plays, audience applauds)


(quiet laugh)

Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, The Flying Graysons!

Show them your appreciation!

Woman: Thank you from The Flying Graysons!

Ringmaster: Thank you! Thank you!

(horn beeping)

What's he doing?

(horn oogahs)

(lively music playing, clowns hooting and laughing)

Clown: Coming through!

Get back in there! What do you...?

(audience gasps, groans)

Ringmaster: Calm down, now. Calm down! Stop that!

Come on!

Ringmaster: Stop it! Calm down!

Ladies, come on!

I hate you!


Everybody freeze!

♪ The whole world ♪
♪ Smiles with you. ♪

(song ends)



Get off, you old bag.


(bottle shatters, woman gasps)

(siren wails in distance)

Why did you attack Mr. Grayson?

No reason.

I don't like him.

I have no idea why he did it.

Beats me.

Wow, you circus people don't mess around, do you?

Woman: I swear, John Grayson, if you give me that look one more time, I will slap you silly.

You wish.

Don't think I can't.

Whoa, kids.

What's the big problem, anyhow?

The Graysons are a bunch of arrogant buttheads is the problem.

The Lloyds are feckless drunkards, is more like it.

So it's a family feud.

Graysons don't get along with Lloyds.

Been that way for years.

It's sort of a tradition.

You guys fight like this every night?


That was just her idiot uncle doing his thing.

You know damn well it must be Lila's fault.



Gordon: Hey.

Sorry the date went south.

Are you kidding?

Best date ever.

Who gets to see a circus brawl?


None of them will talk, of course.

So I've no idea what those two were fighting over.

I think they're rival lovers.

Their families have been fighting since way back, but this particular fight was apparently over a woman named Lila.

She's a snake dancer in the sideshow.


I know.

How cool is that? A snake dancer.

No, I mean, wow, you're really good.

People talk to doctors.

I guess so.

I should find this woman Lila, make sure she's okay.

Might take a little awhile.

I'll have a patrolman drive you home.

Oh... I could come with you.

Lee, this is police business.

Come on, Jim.

I'm dying to meet Lila.


Well, bringing along medical personnel is a justifiable precaution, I guess.

There you go.

Sir... where's Lila?


The Snake Dancer.

(knocking on door)


We need to speak with Lila.

She's not here.

Why? What's happened?

Where is she?

Uh, I don't know.

She was supposed to be home ages ago.

You a relative?

Uh, I'm her son... Jerome.

Jerome, when did you last see her?

This morning.

She was here when I left for the library.

Relax, Jerome, this gentleman is just here because Owen and Al had a disagreement.

Your mother's fine, gone on a spree, no doubt.

You know how she is.

Jerome: A spree?

Without her hat, her coat or her purse?

And look at Sheba.

She's distraught.

She knows something's wrong.

The snake does seem to be agitated.

Ringmaster: Sir... (chuckles quietly) she's what you call a party girl.

Back in the morning with her knickers in a handbag, sure as eggs.

But she didn't take her handbag, did she?

How fast does an animal like that move?

Oh, fast walking pace.

They rely on surprise, mainly.

Let her out.

I'm sorry?

Let her out.

♪ ♪

Woman (in distance): Oh! Oh...

Oh, my God.

(wailing, sobbing)


You knew.

You knew she was here.


Look at me.

She was like that when we found her.

Let's talk straight.

Those people out there are using us as transplant donors.

We are simply spare parts.

Unless... unless we do something about it.

Man: How?

I have a plan.

But you must do exactly what I say.

You do as I say, and I promise you, I will get some of us out of here alive.

That's right.

No, you heard me correctly.

I said, some... of us.

Because the truth of the matter is some will die.

But we will die with dignity.

We will die for a reason, and we will die next to family, and I tell you what... we are family.

We're all we got.

That's family!

We have one simple choice: we die here alone on our knees or we stand up and we fight with our family!

(cheering, excited chatter)

A couple of riggers found her right here.

We decided to hide her on the truck.

We were going to give her a proper burial as soon as we got back on the road.

Decent of you.

Who's "we"? Who else knew?

Just me and the head of the families.

If an outsider k*lled her, what can you do?

An act of God.

If it was one of us, we always find out.

And we make sure they're punished.


We have our ways.

And we have ours.

Hook him up.

(handcuffs clicking)

Morning, partner.

Gonna need a little help here.

No kidding.

I mean, you're kidding, right?

This isn't an elaborate prank or...?

Tell me about your mother, Jerome.

She's my mother.

What can I say? I love her.

She's perfect.

Not a very good cook.

Except for that...

Did she have any enemies?

Someone with a grudge?





She had lovers.

They're sex partners really, but not boyfriends.

She didn't want the commitment.

Alphonse Grayson?

Yes, he was one of them.

Owen Lloyd?


Any others?

Not that I could put a name to.

How do you feel about your mother's love life?

I feel fine about it.

If not for my mother's love life, I wouldn't be here, would I?

Sex is a healthy human activity.

Yes, it is.

Do you have any other family?

The circus is my family.

One more time. Why did you as*ault Mr. Grayson?

You know why.

Tell me.

He k*lled Lila.

Why would he do that?

She was gonna choose me over him, and he's an arrogant son of a bitch.

Not gonna let a Lloyd humiliate a Grayson that way.

How come your families don't get along?

His great-grandfather falsely accused my mother's uncle Barry of stealing a horse.

When was this?

Before the Great w*r.

World w*r One.


Bullock: For three generations, your families have been feuding over a stolen horse?

Yes. And the Lloyds are still trash.

Blood is blood.

Must be a hell of a horse.

Why did Mr. Lloyd as*ault you?

He k*lled Lila, and fears I'm gonna k*ll him for it.

He says the opposite.

He says you k*lled her.

Yes, I suppose he would have to say that, wouldn't he?

It wasn't uncle Owen.

He could never do such a terrible thing.

Holy crap, Mary!

How can you be so blind?

Quiet, you.

Yeah, quiet, you.

You're the blind one.

My brother is a man of honor.

Your uncle is a violent drunk.

Do the math, little girl.

My uncle is an artist.

Your brother is a conceited muscle-head, like the rest of you flying douche bags.

I can't believe I ever thought I loved you.

Enough. Huh?

(door opens)

They're coming.

Are you ready?

Crowd: Yes!

I said, are you ready?!

Crowd: Yes!

Inmate 57A, raise your hand.


Raise your hand.

Step forward.

One moment, please, sir.

We need to talk.

Back up, inmate.

You're in violation.

57A, step forward!

Excuse me one moment, please.

I'm the new "shot caller" here.

My name is Fish Mooney, and with all due respect, for you and I to have a good working relationship, there's some things that need to change.

Is that right?

What's your name?

None of your damn business what my name is.

Right. Okay, well...

I know you have a job to do.

And I am more than willing to give you 57A, in exchange for 60 crates of water, 30 blankets, 50 pounds of fresh fruit, and a few magazines.

What if I refuse?

What will you do?

Well, I'd be willing to give you 57A, just not alive.

We need them alive.


I'm gonna count to three.

You'll disappear or get a severe beating.

I'm gonna take that as a no.

One... two...


(men panting)

It's simple economics.

Our lives are worth something.

60 crates of water, 30 blankets...

You... you're coming with me.

The manager is gonna be very unhappy with you.


I would think this manager wouldn't be too happy with you either.

So if he wants to talk to me, I'll be right here.

Manager doesn't come down here.

Well, looks like we have a standoff.

I'll tell you what.

I can be flexible.

So I'll go talk to this manager, but while I'm gone, you're going to stay right here, as our guest.

How's that sound?

We'll be back.

Man: Yeah!

(crowd cheering)

Wait, back up a little.

So you set the snake loose?

Yes, ma'am.

To track down the body?

Yes, ma'am.

Snakes have an excellent sense of smell.

Well, now I know.

And your prime suspects are a clown and an acrobat?


Ain't this one a doozy?

Your victim, Lila Valeska, was k*lled by a large knife or hatchet.

Multiple blows to the head and upper torso.

Around 3:00 yesterday afternoon.

From 2:30 to 4:15, both Grayson and Lloyd were in the ring for the matinee.

Well, how precise is that time of death?

Give or take 45 minutes.

Still possible then, but cutting it close.

Hold and press your guys, but keep looking.

Yeah, boss. Forensics is working the crime scene now.

We're going through her phone records.

All right!

We're gonna send the rest of you home now, but the investigation is ongoing.

Nobody leaves town.

And listen up.

No more fighting!

Look where your friends are.

What good is this feud doing you?

I like it when you act all tough.

"Nobody leave town."

Sounds better when you say it.


I feel like we should finish up our date.

Do you want to come over tonight?

I can cook you dinner.

Sure. That sounds good.


Get some rest.

I will try. See you later.

I have to ask.

If you were to guess, who do you think k*lled Lila?

I try not to guess.

I work the suspects and I wait on forensics.
Excuse me.

Am I speaking to Detective James Gordon?


Then this must be Dr. Thompkins, the medical examiner.

I'm sorry, how did you know who we were?

My name is Paul Cicero.

I'm a psychic with the sideshow.

Lila Valeska was an old friend of mine.

A psychic. I see.

How could I help you, Mr. Cicero?

I sense that you don't think Owen or Alphonse are guilty.

You must be psychic.

In which case, perhaps you'd like to hear the message Lila sent me from the other side.

Thanks, Mr. Cicero, we're not quite looking at the other side just yet.

As you wish. I'm merely a messenger.

What's the message?

Thank you, Doctor.

Lila told me that the servant of the Devil lies in the garden of the Iron Sisters.

The Iron Sisters?

What does that mean?

I don't know.

We'll get right on it.

I don't think sarcasm is your métier, James.

Make of the message what you will.

Good day to you both.

(whistles a short tune)

Well, that wasn't very open-minded of you.

Oh, come on, Lee. He's a fraud.

He's gonna go straight to the press and say he's consulting on the case.

He's looking for publicity.


If you were gonna send a message from beyond the grave, don't you think priority number one would be the k*ller's name and not a riddle?

Who knows how it works?

All right. I'm not gonna argue with you.


Later, then.


(footsteps approaching)

They called to confirm your meeting with the board of Wayne Enterprises tomorrow.


I was afraid they'd postpone again.

Well, I'll say it one more time.

I think that, uh, it's an incredibly bad idea, Master Bruce.

I think it's reckless, I think it's premature, and, quite frankly, I think it's bloody dangerous.

And we've already been over this hundred times, Alfred.

My mind is made up.

Can you pass me that file over there?

The file...


I've said my piece.

If we're both found dead in a ditch, don't blame me.

♪ ♪




Jim loves me in this color.

It's too obvious.

You gotta dress like you're not trying, like you're on your way to go meet some other guy.

To go... sailing, or whatever.

Really? Sailing?


♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

You like?

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God!

What's wrong?

No, it's good.

It's my sister's recipe; she's a really, brilliant cook.

I was thinking of my sister, and it came to me: Mm-hmm?

I think I know what the blind man's message means.

The servant of the devil lies in the garden of the Iron Sisters?


It's Arkham Bridge.


The Iron Sisters. Arkham Bridge.

The towers. They're called, uh, Mary and Betty?

Mmm. I remember, as a kid, we used to call them that, but...

Right. And there's a park, um, under the towers on the Gotham side.

A garden? It all fits.

Lee... it fits an impossible story.

He didn't speak with Lila Valeska; she's dead.

So you say!

Come on, you're a doctor. A scientist.

There are plenty of things in this world that can't be explained by rational science.

Yeah, people who enjoy folk dancing, for instance.

Doesn't mean ghosts exist.

You're very arrogant in your certainty.

What if this is a clue to a m*rder?

The poor woman!


Fine. I'll go myself.

Thank you.


I'll come with you.


We'll go together. First thing in the morning.



You want to go now?

It's only a half a mile away.

It's dark.

I have a flashlight.

(fork clatters on plate)

(man coughs)

(cars rattle on bridge)

Gordon: So what are we looking for, exactly, do you think?

Thompkins: I know, I know.

This is probably a complete waste of time.

Thank you for doing this.

No problem.

But, uh, let's not make a habit out of it, okay?

This is no place for a lady.


What do you mean, "ha"?

You're a hypocrite.

You say you want a strong woman to share this crazy life you've chosen, but when push comes to shove, you want me to stay home and bake cookies.

Not cookies, necessarily.

Pie. Any kind of pie.

Ha, ha!

So if someone were to throw something from a car on the bridge, this is where it would land.

(Gordon sighs)

Yeah, I guess you're right.



(gasps quietly)

Thompkins: THFC.

What does that mean?

The Hellfire Club.

It's a Satanist cult.

Committed a string of ritual murders.

But they haven't been active for a decade or more.

I guess they're back.


No, I don't think so.

Hey, Sarge, I'm gonna need a couple of mobile units to pick some people up.

But listen... they need careful handling.

Sir, they're in three and four.

Thanks, Zeke. Neither of them knows the other one's here, right?

Right, like you said.

Ah, good work.

Just bear in mind that you could be wrong about all of this.

I will bear it in mind.

I will, but I'm not wrong.

So go on home now, lady.


We were having a perfectly lovely evening.

I am not the one who wanted to go out searching for Satanist hatchets.

You... know what I wanted to do.

You're right.

Uh-huh. I'm sorry, what?

I tend to get overly enthusiastic about things. It's an issue for me.

My mom always said...

Oh, who gives a crap what my mom said, right?


Have a good night, Jim.

Let me know how it all turns out.

Good night, Lee.


What you said earlier, about hypocrisy, sharing lives...

You're right. Let's go.

I'm what?

(whispering): Right.

(clears throat)

Good evening, Mr. Cicero.

Sorry to bring you down here so late.

Good evening, Detective Gordon; Dr. Thompkins.

How did you...

He smells your perfume.

We solved the message Lila sent you.


Took us to Arkham Bridge Park.

We found a hatchet there with Satanist symbols scratched into it.

Dear lord.

You know what that hatchet means, Mr. Cicero?

Tell me.

It means you're an accessory to m*rder.

Such drama.

I merely passed along a message.

Gordon: A message from the dead.

Didn't happen.

Which means you invented the message... which means you had someone plant the hatchet for us to find.

You wanted us to think Satanist were responsible for Lila's death.


You're protecting somebody.

Lila spoke to me.

That's all.

Gordon: You know, a hatchet is a clumsy ploy.

You wouldn't try it unless you were desperate.

Which suggests you're protecting someone close.

Someone you love.

This fantasia was conjured in your blinkered mind.

If you could only see what I see...

(door opens)

Hi, Jerome.


Take a seat.

You know Mr. Cicero, from the show.

Yes, sir.

Hello, Mr. Cicero.

Good evening, Jerome.

Do you know why you're here?

Did you find out who k*lled my mother?

You k*lled your mother, Jerome.


You k*lled her up on that hill and Mr. Cicero let you clean up in his trailer.

He told you to scratch the Satanist stuff on the hatchet and throw it off the bridge.

Sir, that's... absurd and... and offensive.

But it's the truth.

What I don't know is why this man risked so much to help you.

I think he's your father.

Jerome: You don't know what you're talking about.

My father was a sea captain.

Gordon: Am I wrong, Mr. Cicero?


He was a sea captain.

His name was Sven Karlsen. He died at sea.

What was the name of his ship?

He worked on a lot of different ships.

The one he went down in.

She never said.

We can do a blood test to prove I'm right.

It takes only half an hour to get a foolproof result.

Isn't that right, Dr. Thompkins?


Save yourself a needle.

I do hate needles.

I'm sorry, Jerome.

What are you talking about?

He's right.

I am your father.

No, you're not. Why would you say that?

You must have suspected the truth.

You're not my father. My mother would never...

Your mother was a cruel woman; she was often unkind to me, but she did once love me, in her way.

And she loved you very much.

That's why she gave you a better father.



My mother was a cold-hearted whore who never loved anyone.

And she'd never touch a pathetic old creep like you.

All these years, do you think I was kind to you because I'm such a good man?

If I wasn't your father, would I help you as I have, after what you did?

My father... Hm.

I'll be damned.

Oh, that's very funny.




Looks like the bitch got me with a zinger in the end.

Why did you k*ll your mother, Jerome?

Oh, you know how mothers are.

She just kept pushing.

And I'm like, fine, mom.

Be a whore.

Be a drunken whore, even.

But don't be a nagging drunken whore.

You know?

Don't come yell at me to do the dishes if you've been banging a clown in the next room!

You know?

(hysterical laughter)

Long night, huh?

Guess it got kind of ugly.

Yes, it did.

You okay?

I'm good.



It was ugly, but it was also kind of thrilling.


Thrilling and scary.

Like... Like looking down a deep, dark tunnel.


Thanks for letting me be there.

You are an unusual woman.

You just don't know many women.


Can we go home now?


♪ ♪

Zsasz: Hello, Penguin.


How nice.


Don Falcone thinks you're messing up.

You don't know how to run a club.

Your numbers... stink.

With all due respect...

I didn't come here to talk.

Good manners cost nothing, you know?



(Zsasz laughing)


He's harmless.

Say hi, Butch.


Falcone didn't want to throw him away, so I worked on him in my basement for a couple of weeks.

He's a whole new man.

Right, Butch?

Yes, sir, Mr. Zsasz.

Butch knows the club scene up and down.

He'll help you out.

But he's...

He's Butch Gilzean.

He's loyal to Fish Mooney.

And he'll do... exactly what you say.




Hey, Butch, dance for me.

I do good work.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Bruce.

Welcome to Wayne Enterprises.

So happy to see you.

Thank you for meeting with me.

I have some questions regarding Wayne Enterprises business affairs.

Board member: Of course.

It's your company, after all.

Fire away, young man.

I have two main areas of concern.

Underworld involvement in the Arkham Project.

And chemical weapons manufacture at our Wellzyn affiliate.

That's great.


We wanted to thank you.

If you hadn't figure out who k*lled Lila and talked to sense to us the way you did, our families never would have reconciled, and we could've never gotten together.

Just doing my job.

Hey, if we have a son, we'll name him Gordon.

Well... we'll discuss that, but we're certainly very grateful.


Why so happy?

Happy customers.

That's not it.

It's something else.

You got laid, didn't you?

That's impressive.

You slept somewhere without razors and you smell like ladies' soap.

Easy catch.

I can only conclude that high-level individuals or groups within Wayne Enterprises have colluded in corruption, bribery, racketeering, and unethical medical research.

Thank you for that input, Bruce.

I'm so sorry if you've been alarmed or upset by these shocking stories and rumors you've been exposed to.

These are much more than rumors.

We'll look into them thoroughly and carefully, of course.

Bruce, let's be fair.

You've told us nothing with any substantive proof behind it.

I haven't told you all I know.


What else is there?

I hope you do look closely into these issues.

Because I'll be raising them at the next shareholders' meeting with a view to possible legal action.

Dear me.

Legal action?

These are all very deep waters for such a young man.

My youth is not relevant.

Except that if I were a man, I would be chairing this board.

And I would be sure that Wayne Enterprises was run honestly.

Thank you for your time.

The manager says you have a deal.

You go up and see him, I stay here.

What's your name?


Your first name?


Thomas. Welcome.

Why don't you take off that heavy gear and relax?

My family's gonna show you good time.
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