03x14 - The Return

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x14 - The Return

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Arrow"...

Malcolm: You've heard of Votura?

Making the subject extremely susceptible to suggestion, or retaining no memory of their actions.

I will tell Ra's--

He will still k*ll her.

She fired the arrow.

Amanda: The bio w*apon is comprised of two components.

The Omega she has is harmless without its counterpart, Alpha.

I trust my father.

He explained to me that every name on that list has a reason to be there.

A few years ago, I found a message he left me, explaining the list.

How was that possible? You were on a deserted island!

I didn't say that I found it on the island.

Chien Na Wei has left Hong Kong.

We've tracked her here.

Where are we--

Welcome home, Mr. Queen.

Did you learn all this in nine months?

Malcolm's a good teacher.


Did he teach you to cheat?

There's no such thing.

There's only survival and death.

He's not wrong.

This is good.

What is it?

If I told you what it was, you probably wouldn't eat it.

Is it weird?

You know, being back here with me?

Well, I've been back here before.

You know, in a lot of ways, this place reminds me of who I am.

Or, I guess... who I've become.

It's probably why Malcolm suggested we train here.

It's kind of cool that we're here, though.

It's like there's really no more secrets between us anymore.


When you were here...

Did you ever think you were going to see us again?

Get home again?

Chien Na Wei touched ground in Starling 24 hours ago.

We're still trying to determine how she made it into the country, but we believe she's here to auction off the Omega bio w*apon to the highest bidder.

The Omega's inert without its counterpart.

Who's going to pay for a useless super virus?

Rogue nations.

t*rror1st groups who believe they can replicate the Alpha component on their own.

Why did she have to sell it here?

There's a corporate executive in town.

A man on the Triad's payroll.

He's committed several acts of industrial espionage for them over the years.

His name is Peter Kang.

Yeah, I know him.

He works at my family's company.

That guy came to my house for Christmas.

And, that, Mr. Queen, is exactly why you and Mr. Yamashiro are still alive.

Chien Na Wei chose the one place on earth where your continued breathing is still of use to me and my superior.

But have no illusions-- if you thr*aten to compromise the mission by contacting anyone in Starling City, I will remove you and Mr. Yamashiro from the equation, along with anyone who discovers Oliver Queen is still alive.

Tracker's in place.

Now what?

Follow Kang to Chien Na Wei?

No, she's too smart to keep the Omega on her person.

She'll keep it in a secure location till the auction.

We'll need to figure out where that auction's going to be.

Kang's on the move.

[Country music playing]

Laurel. Hey.

What you having, sweetheart?

Next round's on me.

Your desk sergeant called, wondering why you weren't on duty.

Yeah. Ah, well, this is Laurel.

You know, the daughter that lived.

Is there a bartender in the city that doesn't already know that?

Well, excuse me for seeking a sympathetic ear.

Takes more than some fancy corporate law firm job for some of us to get over Sara's death.

I love you, so I'm going to pretend like you didn't say that, and I'm going to drive you home.

Not now, sweetie.

Not now. No, please.

Hit me again, Frank.


[Quentin sighs]

Later, Frank.

I'm sorry for all the trouble.

Kang's headed inside.

Maseo: A.R.G.U.S. has detected bursts of data emanating from Kang's office computer.

But it's protected by SHACAL-4 encryption.

Ok, pretend for a second like I don't know what that is.

It means we can't hack into Kang's computer.

You'll need to get directly on to the Queen consolidated network.

Maseo, Waller was pretty clear what would happen to people if they found out I'm still alive.

So taking a stroll through my family's company is probably not the best plan.

You'll go in at night. I don't have time to familiarize myself with the office floor plans.

Oh, my God.

Who is that?

That's my sister.





[Gasps] Hi.

Are you ok?

Yeah, why?

You kept saying Sara's name.

Oh. Um...

Yeah, well, I was dreaming.

Why didn't you tell me?


That Sara died?

Laurel told me.

Kind of by accident, but...

Well, I didn't want to upset you, and Laurel didn't want anyone to know.


After everything that happened with Slade, Sara went back to the League of Assassins.

She had her own secrets, Thea.



Those weren't my secrets to share.

Was it the League that k*lled her?

Where are you going?

I'm going to...

Take a walk, clear my head.

[Twisting combination lock]


I told myself I wasn't going to come down here.

That I never needed to see you again.

You'll be happy to know I was wrong.

Slade: You think I won't get out of here?

You think I won't k*ll those you care for?

Well, I keep my promises, kid.

I keep my promises!


Season 3 Episode 14
The Return
Original Air Date on February 18, 2015

Thea: Hey!

The fire went out.

Ollie, what is it?

We need to get off the island.

We're in danger.

What are you talking about?

Slade Wilson's here.

Ollie, that is ridiculous.

It's not. You just listen to me.

Slade was--

I was keeping him prisoner here!

What do you mean, "was?"

[Cell phone beeping]

Malcolm: Hello, Oliver.

You let him out!

You told me you lost your duel with Ra's despite your willingness to k*ll him because you hesitated.

For you and Thea and even myself to have any hope of surviving the next encounter, you need to regain that k*ller instinct born of a primal need to survive.

You're sick.


Your SAT phone is going to stop working after this call.


Merlyn set Slade loose as an object lesson.

That's insane!

He thinks it'll help me regain my k*ller instinct.

If he doesn't k*ll us first!

Come on.

The last time I saw her, she was in pigtails.

Where is she going?

Hi, Ollie. Dad.

Stopped by the office today.

Saw mom talking to Walter.

Starting to think that something's happening there.

But I don't know...


Your sister's boyfriend?

I--I don't know.

You got my delivery?

You have some of that inheritance of yours?

Tommy: What the hell is this?

What are you doing here, Tommy?

I was about to ask Jordan the same thing.

Just paying the family my respects.

Yeah, and so you did.

Now you're going to stay away from her permanently.



You should be bringing flowers here, not looking to score dr*gs!

What are you even doing here, Tommy?

I came to thank you for my birthday card.

And to tell you that my party tonight's 21 and over.

Well, I think we both know that that's not true.

Oh, it is. As far as you're concerned.

You shouldn't grow up too fast.

Yeah, well, you're not my brother.

You're right, no, I'm not.

But I think about him every single day.

For the first time, I'm glad he's gone.

'Cause seeing you like this would break his heart.

[Scoffs] It's funny how Ollie seems to care more about me now that he's dead than he did when he was alive.

Every time I spoke to his grave, it always felt so empty.

That's 'cause he was here watching over you.

Why did you bring me here?

To get something we need.

I thought you were better with a bow.

I am. It's for you.

Just in case.

What is it?

He's been here.


Ugghhh (Crashing)!...

Nice to see you again...

Ms. Queen.


You ok?


She's unhurt.

I have no desire to k*ll either of you.

This time tomorrow, two bodies will be found in Starling City, burned beyond any recognition.

With ample evidence that Oliver and Thea Queen have been k*lled in some horrible accident.

I'm going to leave you, kid, the same way you left me.

Alone in Purgatory.

Then you leave me, and you let my sister go.

You're lucky I didn't bury her next to Shado.

Did he tell you about her?


Is the reason why this is all happening.

Why I k*lled your mother.

He doesn't need to.

I figured out you're a sick son of a bitch, all on my own.

Well, of course he didn't tell you.

Your brother likes his secrets.

You'll always have.

That's who you are.

You know, maybe if you told me what really happened with Shado, your mother would still be alive.

That's enough!

I agree!

Welcome home, kid.




Maseo: Are you in position?



The company computers are protected by biometric encryption.

Look for a fingerprint reader.

Ok, but why wouldn't they take me out of the directory?

Why would they?

You're dead.


Yeah. I'm in.

The crawler's programmed to seek out all of Kang's network traffic.

And it's running.

The program should take 90 seconds.

What's that?

Maseo: Oliver, you have to go.

I'm not done.

[Elevator dings]

You have to go.

Someone's coming.

You're cute.

It's too bad you're, you know, dead.

Which is obviously a lot worse for you than it is for me.

[Sighs] I really need to learn to stop talking to myself.

According to the information we took off Kang's computer, the auction is tonight.

In four hours.

Amanda: Where?

They're still working on that.

The crawler program retrieved 2.7 gigabytes of data.

It's taking some time to crawl through.

You have less than four hours, apparently.

Where's Queen?

Probably went to check on our weapons.

♪ You spin my head right round ♪
♪ right round, when you go down, when you go down now ♪
♪ you spin my head right round ♪

Ah. Thanks, Bud.


Yeah, no problem.


Nothing like a rich kid's party to remind me of what I miss about being shot at in Afghanistan.

When I hooked up my big brother with his first stateside job, I somehow expected more gratitude and less complaining.

Oh, less complaining.

You sound like Lyla.

You should have never divorced her.

You big dummy.

Thank you, Andy, I appreciate that.

♪ You spin my head right round, right round ♪
♪ when you go down, when you go down now ♪
♪ you spin my head right round, right round ♪

Tommy: Do you like Sushi?

Have you ever had anyone eat some off of you?

I promise not to use chopsticks.

Laurel: Are you still using that line?

Well, it looks like I scared her off.

Tommy: Oh, that's all right, she's vegan, anyway.

What are you doing here?

I heard you decided to go corporate in San Francisco instead of saving the world in Starling City.

I realized that maybe the world can't be saved.

What is it?

I just don't believe who's here.


I thought I told you this party is 21 and over.

No worries.

I came prepared.

Fake ID.

Laurel, how are you?

I'm handling.

How's school?

Straight "A" student.

I'm going to go grab a drink.

Not alcoholic, I swear.

[Chuckles] Not.


Isn't this past your bedtime?

Maybe I just need a little something to keep me awake.

You holding?

[Toilet flushes]

You stay away from Thea Queen.

Who the hell do you think...

Holy crap.

You're Oliver Queen.

You're supposed to be dead.

People are going to believe--

Stay away from my sister.

How'd you like to be dead again?

[Neck cracks]
[All murmuring]

How many people are in this prison?

Maybe there's somebody we can call for help?

Well, Slade k*lled the guard.

There's one other inmate.

He's not going to be helpful.

Then how are we supposed to get out of here?

This is a Chinese prison retrofitted by eight A.R.G.U.S. technicians.

There is no getting out of here.

So what, we're just supposed to sit here and starve to death?

That's your plan?

I am working on a plan.


What did he mean?



When he said that you were still hiding something.

[Sighs] He's insane.

Yeah, I picked up on that.

I also picked up on how you reacted when he said that you were keeping secrets from me.

Was he telling the truth?

I don't think that this is the right time.

Actually, I think time is something that we have a lot of right now.

Why didn't you tell me about Sara?

Come on, Thea...

No, now that I know about your secret, everything has become a whole lot clearer.

And I can tell when you're hiding something from me.

Like you are doing right now.

So what is it going to take for you to stop treating me like this tiny, fragile, little object?



This prison, these...

Cells, they were made for men.

Fully grown men.

Come here.


I never thought I would wish for longer arms.

There's a way that we can do it.

But it's going to hurt.


Just do it.

All good. On three.

1, 2...




All right.

Come on.

Up, up, up, up, up, up, up.





That's good.

Come here, come here.

All right.

Malcolm would have told Slade about the plane we used to get here.

It's how he plans to get back to Starling.

[Sirens in distance, police radio chatter]

Anybody see who Peter Pan'd him?

Well, a few witnesses saw someone head upstairs a few minutes before it happened.

Male, white or Hispanic, twenties or thirties.

That narrows it down.

Maybe it's a vigilante doing some public service.


Thea, right?


Aren't you a little young to be at a party like this?

I invited her.

Oh, well, you spoiled billionaires sure know how to throw yourselves a party.

You got underaged girls, you got drug dealers, you even have dead drug dealers.

If I had have known he was here, he never would have made it past the front gate.

We had a lot of crashers here tonight.

Yeah, right. I can see that.

What are you doing here?

They asked us to stay and give statements.

No, I mean, at this douchebag's party.

Tommy, I'm sorry--

Wow, you really have a thing for these rich bad boys, don't you?

I mean, you think maybe, just maybe, one of 'em getting your sister k*lled would have gotten you cured of that.


And what about you, sweetheart?

Dressed like that. It's funny; I can't figure out if you're following in your brother's footsteps or my dead daughter.

Dad, you know what--

I'm just observing how one little boat trip can turn everyone's life to crap.

Laurel: That is enough!

We're leaving.

Right now.

Well, thank you for that.

I'm sorry, was I embarrassing you?

No. Yourself.

At least I know who I am.

And I'm not becoming someone I'm not.

Hanging around with billionaire playboys like some kind of gold digger?

Taking on a sell out job in San Francisco.

Is that what this is about?

When Sara died, you said you wanted to go to law school 'cause you wanted to make the world a better place.

Wethersby Posner is one of the most prestigious firms in the country.

You said you wanted to help people.

All you'd be doing there is helping fat cats get fatter.

You know, maybe this sermon would have a little bit more credibility if you weren't so lit right now.

Well, I don't need to be sober to see what you're doing with your life.

I just wish you could, too.

What were you thinking?

Anyone at that party could have seen you!

Yeah, I pulled the hoodie down to cover my face.

That disguise wouldn't work even if you smeared grease paint all over your face.

So, what, you came to chastise me at gunpoint?

We got the auction location from the scraper program.

Kang's using a defunct steel factory owned by your family's company.

I--I don't care.

I'm done with the mission.


No, coming back here, Maseo, has shown me all the wreckage that I have left behind.

And if I go with you tonight and I get k*lled, then I lose any chance I've ever had of fixing all of the things that I broke.

You don't have that chance!

Waller will k*ll you--

My family's resourceful; We have connections in the media.

There has to be a way to shelter us from whatever Waller does.

Look, Oliver, if you want redemption, start with all the lives Chien Na Wei's bio w*apon could end.

Those people are strangers to me.

These people...

They're my friends and my family.

And they will be ashamed of this selfish choice you're making.

They're already ashamed of me.

Good-bye, Maseo.

[Starts engine]

Hey! Wait, I think I found a path.




What the hell was that?

It was a booby trap.

What kind of psycho would put that thing there?

[Groans] Me.

Oh, God.


[Both groaning]

Slade's going to be at the plane.

We need to move.

No, no, no, we need to rest, we need to rest, we need to rest, just a few minutes, ok?

Slade gets to--

He will k*ll us both if you end up passing out, ok?

Ok, ok, ok.

Couple minutes.


Why didn't you tell me about Sara?

Oh, come on.

Every time I bring her up, you end up evading it.

Because this isn't the time.

We just need to focus.

Well, I'm not, ok?

Knowing that you're keeping something from me--again-- it's keeping me everything but focused right now.

So tell me.

Malcolm k*lled Sara.


No, he was in Corto Maltese with me, ok?

He didn't k*ll her directly.

He used someone.

He put them under the influence of a drug...

So she wouldn't know what she was doing.


She who?

You k*lled Sara.


Oh, God.


No, Sara? No, she-- she was my friend!

How could you not tell me?!

Because you weren't you.

Oh, God.

You had no control over your actions.

You cannot blame yourself.

You were right about Malcolm, ok?!

He doesn't love me!

I'm an idiot.

No, you're not.

This whole thing with Lian Yu.

This is ridiculous!

And what the hell are we even doing here?

I ask myself the very same question... over and over.



Oh, yeah.

You've come a long way.

[Both grunting]

I have yet to make good with my promise, kid.

[Thea grunting]


Hello, Oliver.

I told myself I was recording this message in case I died suddenly, but I wonder if it isn't just easier to say what I have to say to a video camera.

I'm not the man you think I am, Oliver.

I didn't save our city, I failed it.

I did something terrible, and in my efforts to make it right, I ignored my conscience and made alliances with terrible people.

There's a book.

A book with a list of all their names.

And with these people, I always told myself that everything I did, I did for my family.

That's a lie.

Because what good is a family without a soul?

You can right my wrongs.


Can be better than I was.

You can save this city.

I love you.

Thank you all for coming.

I promise that for one of you, it'll be well worth your time.

You've read the briefing.

With the proper resources, you can own...


[Camera shutter clicking]

The bidding will begin at $50 million.


Do I hear 60?

I have $60 million.

Going once, going twice...

Man: 90 million.

Anyone care to make it an even hundred?


Just a moment.

I don't like uninvited guests.

[Speaking Chinese]

I'm sorry I'm late.

Actually, you were right on time.

Let's go.

Make the call!

Find me the Yamashiros.

They die tonight.

You have a choice to make.

What choice?

Whether or not you want to keep your hand.

Come on, then.

You've earned it.

Thea, don't!

He k*lled mom!

And he will continue to pay for his crimes, but not like this!

You're not a k*ller!

Yeah, tell that to Sara!

What happened to Sara is not on you!

What happens to him is!

All this is what Malcolm wanted.

He freed Slade to prove that we're K*llers because he wants you to be just like him.

You got to prove to him that you're not.



Slade: A flesh wound.

You're clearly not the k*ller that your brother is, Thea.

Yeah, I wish that were true.

She's lost, your sister.

No, she's not.

You can see it in her eyes.

She's being touched by darkness.

Was it Merlyn?

He's an interesting man to do that to his own daughter.

So now you've lost your father, your mother, and now your little sister.

How's the girl with the glasses?

What's her name?



How many people can Oliver Queen lose before there is no more Oliver Queen?

Thanks for the trip home.

Have a nice flight back to Hong Kong.

I'm afraid it's not that simple, Mr. Queen.

The hell it's not.

You have the Omega.

You have Chien Na Wei.

It's over.

I'm sorry to say, that's not up to either one of us.

This him?

General Matthew Shrieve.

You've done your country quite a service today, Mr. Queen.

That said, I've got some news you're not going to want to hear.

Well, General, I'm used to that by now.

We're going to need to debrief you.

Back in China.

Once that's accomplished and the Omega's secured, I'll make sure you go any place in the world you want to go.

Sound fair?

[Laurel laughs]

Tommy Merlyn.

Are you stalking me?

Just checking on you.

Things with your father seemed, uh, they seemed tense.

Your roommate told me you were taking a job here.

I said that couldn't be true, that you were going to work for a white shoe firm.

Ah, I was.

And then someone reminded me why I became a lawyer in the first place.

You want to tell me about it over dinner?

Hey, hey, hey, it is just dinner.

How many girls have you used those three little words with?

Those are the only three little words I say.


Just dinner.

Let's go.

Maybe drinks.




I didn't know that you were going to be here.

Where else would I be?

Got to think about a way to tell your mom about this.


She already knows.

You weren't worried about her heart giving out, then.

You know, if you were going to drink tonight, you would have done it by now.


Are you going to get your mask and your Billy club and take it away from me, huh?

Black Canary?


When does your shift start, huh? Shouldn't you be running around on rooftops by now?

Hey! Do you remember when I was going to take that corporate job in San Francisco?

Do you remember what you said to me?

You were mad because I wasn't choosing a life where I was going to help people.

It's like you knew.

Already, even then.

You knew that my life was always headed towards that mask.

Do you think that's what I'm all torn up about?

The reason why I want to open up this bottle and want to crawl inside it is because of what you did to us.

I loved your sister, I loved your mom.

So much like each other, and you know, these wild spirits.

But you and I, we had something more, 'cause we were the ones that were alike.

And we had trust and we had a bond, and you broke it.

And I don't know how you could do that to us.

Look, I'm going to survive this.

I mean, I got to, it's my baby girl.

But what you've done, I don't know how I'm going to live through this.

Daddy, I think we should go to a meeting.


I'll go to the one on Broxton.

You go to the one on Fourth.

[Thea inhales and exhales]

I need a shower.

I need ten showers.


I'm fine.

I would be really, really worried if that were true.

What do you want to hear?


And I don't want you to tell anyone about this, especially Laurel.

And why is that?

Because she loves you like a sister, and it would hurt the both of you too much.

Does she know about Malcolm?


No, that would complicate things, and despite everything that he has done...

We still need him.

Malcolm: I agree.

I guess A.R.G.U.S. is looking for a few guards to volunteer for island duty.

You almost got us k*lled.

I simply had more faith in you and my daughter than you obviously have for yourselves.

How could you do that?

To challenge you, to see if you both could work--

How could you make me k*ll a friend?

He should not have told you that.

I trusted you.

I let you into my life.

How could you have done this to me?

Because you are my daughter, Thea, and I care about you.

Oh, God, that's sick.

And not even remotely true!

You do not understand the danger we face from Ra's al Ghul!

Just stop!

Stop using him as an excuse.

The only person that I'm afraid of right now is you.

Please, do not do this...

Oh, just stop.

I will work with you to stop Ra’s.

Because that's what my brother says we need to do.

So I will be your student.

I'll be your partner.

Even if I have to, I will be your soldier.

But never again will I be your daughter.
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